TdE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^•h»u PA-BI-OKâ€" JKev.J.a. tnJiioiiW Servicer^SviiKioy 11 a tii & 7 p. tn BuhjtieW lor next Sabbathâ€" Morningâ€" .Ti'hu VKh- J ireh. Bveniiig â€" "I'lif aliiiii;!ity dolKr" the first in a serieH rm "Riilinjj furcos of ihn pii'SfUt age." Baptist Ctiurcli, Flest)eftori Preacl^er, Rev. fl.CooKe. Scrvico Suiid:iy nidrning at U o'ckick S'jiijeot for next Sal)t)atli: Rev. John Stafford, M. A., U. D., will take the 3<jrvice on Sunday, 17th and 24 th. Vicinity Chips CJjaracteristics of the Past Week i'.irefully Culled for the €Hi"i«as «â- Fresh lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. See our bargain table of l\oofs at 50c. T. J. Sheppard. Rtiv. J. S. I. Wilson vi..ite<l Mi)nticell.> !i n'l'ek ago Sunday and coi.dui:tud p.iini- . veisriry services at that pUice. Fawaott iufMrins us tha''. mir ^•chool re openis here iin M'nuiay n^it, August 18. Ho specially requests a. full ;>ttetidaiice. Rev. lle-A-itt, Brookholiii, took the Ep- worth League topic on Monday evening of List week and gave a very prai>lioal and interesting talk on the subject. Dr. Murray has improved the appear- luce of his residence by a coat; of paint. The doctor has also been ulilizini^ his spare moments by putting in a new fjstem. Mr. Lsaac Sinclair's new addition to his house is n"arly completed. Dr. Cnrter is • also havina a tine brick addition erected on the south west side of his house. Last Wedne.sday the Baptist Sunday 6cho.>l were to picnic at Eugenia but i^n account of the rain which came on that day were forced to postpone the day. The committee of the county council ajipointed to select a site fur the county house of refuge have chosen a property within the coi poration of the town of <J>n'ii Sound. The Presbyterian Sabbath Kchnol pie- niokwl at ihe bwaveriueadow on Tuesday. The U. P. B. A. society also held a, picnic in Fltsher's gruve on the same afternoon. Fridaj (to morrow) will be observed as civic holiday in Flesherton, when all places of busiriess will bo closed. Shop, pers will govern themselves accorclingly. McvKV TO LoAS â€" -At ih lo 4:| per cent Expenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms fer sale cheap, .'\pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or DiuidaU office Saturday after- noon. Farm to rent â€" 11th con. Proton. 100 acres, 90 cleared, ten acres hardwood ; in » good state of fertility, well watered, ood buildings For further parlicular.-s apply ii Mrs. M, Egan, or J.Runstadtler Flesherton. Rev. John Staiford tilled ibeMethodint pulpit on Sutfday," August 3, in the ab- sence ol the past(jr. Hi* serojons were highly appreciated. His text in the niurning was taken from 2 Cor. 3: 18, and iiud in thoevenii'ij was from Koui. 1: IC. The garden paity of the sea.son will bo liuld on the parsonage lawn, Tuesday, Augu.i*- 19, under the auspices of the VV. M. S. 4 giiod pkograni is under courfo of preparation;the ministers of the ueiiih- boring circuits arc expected to be present Come and spend an onjuy.iblj .-ukI prolit- â- lilile evonini;. Refreshments served from 7 to 8 u'ch)ck . Admission 10 and 15 c;s. Mr. .lames Sullivan, while out driving wi'h a tiaveller going to Owen Sound, nitt with a .serious accident recently. The h"ise ran away, rcsnbin,^ ;u I he lig beuig smashed in many places, and Mr. Sullivan was thrown out and rhreo ribs broken, and neck and juv also badly bruised. We are ylaJ to hear Mr. SuUi- y»n is progrosjiing favorably antl willso.ui be around again. Berry piokiag is the order of the day and of cour.'ie many are the wondeiful pailfuils picked in short time. Wq in'jj'it mejition that one of our small bays, Willie Croasley, picked ten qunrts of hetriui in less than a day. Cun.sidering that \Viliie is only about 11 years oM »lid what hard work it is for a small boy Otvon !!inuii«i lacroaHu ti>an) lost £o Dur- KriUylast Score 5 to 2. Han- oi .t nitrt iiropjjod out of the lenijue. A It ge number of FIe»lifrrtoniana pur- pose •ioin..; U> Owen Sound on Friday by the special train. Harvesters goin2 to the West, call at Clayton 'sand get well shod betore leaving, also a large stock of urunk-s and telescopet on hand. We purpose giving next week a shirt account of our trip through the ishmda of the north shore. There has not been time to get it in sh*pe foi this week's issue. The cittlens of Valley celebrat- ed Coronation day by the presentafciDii of Trooper Carleton of the second con- tingent. South Africa, with a gold watch and chant. Trooper Carletou is now liv- ing in Toronto. Avery sucee.sssful garden party was held at the Maxwell Methodist pars'onaao on We<lncsd«y evening, .Aug. 6th. The gross receipts amounted ty fifty dollars, A football match was played between Poet Law and Maxwell resulting in one score to the latter. Maxwell, the winning team was presented with a new balL After all partaken of an excellent tea a good musical program -was provided. Hanililin of Einsdale h.s aoconpanist comributed Kev-ml instrumental solos im tlio piano wliitsli wereliighly ap- pie'jiated. The Ariio<t ftmiily of Ware- ham treateil us to a foA- selcctioii8,instru- menlal and vocal. Miss Eva Gla.ssford of Calcdnn East, a graduate of Toronto College of music, delighted ns with her singing. Her voice is both strong and sweet and well under control. She was heartily e.icoi-ed and rendered her seventh selection with aa mnch elegance and clearness as her first. Maxwell will gladly l)ear her again. PERSONAL â- * District Meeting;. Mr. Frank Bamhonse of Toi-onto is the guest of his parents here. Mi.sB Amy Kerr spent last week the guest of friends in town. Air. and Mrs. George Burriit of this place visited friends in Kiniberley Sun- day and Monday of last week. Miiud Richardson was the guest of her parents here the pa.9t week. Mrs. E. White of Markdalo is the guest of her sister, Mrs. D. McTavish Messrs. Chas. Richardson and Willianr' English of this place are taking a pleasure trip up the lakes. Hope they enjoy themselves. Mrs. Mark Wilson spent a couple of days last week visiting frieads in Dur- ham. Mrs. Fred Hickliiig returned home re- cently after spending three weeks visiting friend-s in Toronto. Miss Annie Joy spent a week or so re- cently with tiiends in Toronto. Misij Ila Orane returned homo to Owen Sound after a few weeks' vi.'iit with friends in this village. Mr. Waiter and Miss Stella Loucks spent last week visiting friends near Meaford. Mrs. McCallum of Markdale is the guest of Mis. D. McTavish. Ml*. .John Duncan, of Toronto, was the guest of Mr.SV.P.Crossley the past iveek. .Mr. Alfred Duinan of Toronto is llic gueat of Mr. W. P. Croasley the past week. Blanche Hamilton, who has been cashier fur Boyd, Hickling & Co., left for Toronto last week. Mr. Arthur Wardrobe spent a week or so holidaying in Toronto, Mies Annie Wilcox lias taken the place vacated by Miss B.Hamilton with Boyd, HickUng & Co. Ur. and ttlrs. Murray of Toronto visited friends in tuwu over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J.Bellamy and child- ren spent a week with the latters' parents at Nuttawa. Rev Mr. Cook and family leave this week for a fortnight's holiday on the shores of the Georgian Bay. Mrs. Guile of iMichignn is the guest of D.-. Christoe. Mrs. Guile ia the doctor's youngest sister. Ye Editor roturn9tl Monday morning from a ten-day trip on the north shore of the Georgian Bay. The trip was made among the islands as far north as the Moon river. Mr. Fred Artn.strong, sr., of Toronto, is visiting with relatives here. Misij Millie Croasley, formerly of this |)lace, but now of Toronto, working for I The Fiimiieial M^;elnig of the Owen I Sound di.striet wis lield in the Moihodist ; cliurcli hereon Tue-day, August 5th. In tho absence of the cbuirnian. Rev. Dr. Langfi.rd, who recci.tly was suiHmoned to rhe bedside of his son. Rev. Fred Lang- ford, B. D., of Calgary, the meeting elected Rev. N. Wrllwood of Dundalk to preside for the day. Most •£ the tninis- ters on the di.striet and SHveral of the lay- men wore prjstnit. A very important dincnsaion was htid touching a muoh- nei'ded re-arrHnguMiient of the work in the the district. A strong committee was ap- pointed tocoHMidur the matter and report at the May meeting In the meantime the official board of the Euphrasia circuit is requested to defer building the new parsonage. A resolution of sympathy for the absent chaitiaan was carried by a standing vote.. The heartfelt sympathy of the members presen t waa also expressed for Rbv. W.lSr.Chantler'and his esteemed wife, who have recently been bereft of their eldest boy. The ineetin_g adjournod shortly after 12 o'clock noon , Caiiipbeltou Hero to the Front That famous Clyde^dide stallion the Maxwell Jompany have will stand for mares at Mii.\ well hotel for season 1902 at $10 GO. Isone of the greiiiest stock getters in the county, which is proven by his stock. G. R. GL \SSFORD. 29a. Horse Breeders, Attention ! Having purchased the famous young Clydesdale sttiUioD, Honour Bound, from Mr Wm. McOlune, Euphrasia, I give notice to putties having marea to breed that he will s* and at my stable, lot No. 21, con. 10, Artemesia, for service the balance of this summer. His color is dark bay with one white hind and one fore foot, with star on forehead. He has proven to be a veiy sure foal getter, and the 10 or 12 spring colts from him aro of superior quality and all will be about the same color as himself. He was 'i years old last 23rd May. Terms: â€" To insure, $8()0, with reduotlDii enough to pay paities time coming a distance. Inspection invited. Pedigree on application. JOSEPH BUCHANAN. Roekvale. From Ohv Own, Correspondent Haying, which has been much delayed, owing ro the unfavorable weather is nearly completed. Fall wheat is (juite genenilly h.irve.'sted and barley is rapidly ripeninj?. Mr. Will. Ru.-jseil is spending a couple of mouths with i-elativ^es near Duntroou. Mr. Jos. Sherwood is unable to Work at present on account of an attack of rheumatism. Tn'onew ori»-ans have recently been pnchased for homos in this neight-^^rhood â€" one by Mr. .Jas. Ckard and tho other by Mr. .Jas. Russell. "The man who hath no music in his soul, and is not mov- ed with concord of sweet sou r.d«, i-^ tit for treasons, stiiit.<i;enis and spoils. Let no such mon be trusted." The Kiut; was crowned at Westinin.ster on Saturday last. This a lit of minds who wen^ fearful the event would never come (ff. No doubt his majesty fools as much relief a'^ juiybody. Twenty thousand farm labors are re- quired in Manitoba and tho west to har- vest the abundant crops, and theCan.idian Pacific is offviring traiispi.rtai ion to that province at the low rate of 810.>le Farm In the To>vnship of Arteme.sia FOR SALE BY TENDER r. Elton & Co , hai; been home visiting pick and resist the the temptation of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. P.Ciosaley i »g the beirits in le wrong recep- for a short time, but retting ,>4 to hor jtbia ia nrcliy^ooa picking. jlutiw on Monday. Seaiotl teniicrs will bo receivect by tho execu- tors of th«? last will and teatament of.MexatKlfr iVIcPheiBon, ditcoa.'iod, up tothe hour of twrtlvc o'clock 110011,011 Friday, -August "iyiid, .\.D. l'.)t';i. for tno porchiiae of lots sixteen (10), .^GvontHtsn (17) auil eiglilocn i,l^)i itt t*ie third couceritiian north of thy Dio liain Koad in the tocviiRhip of .â- \rtoi;;csia in tlio couuty of Grey, coiitaiiiiug one luintlroil inii fifty (u;rcs ijioro or Itssi. Tills propurty is 14:<s faa-in owned by tbc Into AU'.xaililer McPborsoii. fJe(:',»a.sod. and is situato ill ai. excellent locality nbcut 1^ uii'es ftotu FiwHhorton Station aiid"24 uiiltja li-viui the vjllajjo oT Pricevillo. Upon the proniisoR aro n frame houHC 20 .\ O'l with stoiTe cwitar; also a frauiobarn IjxTO with &toiiu loundatto.. u.cfl stableB benoath. There are two yood *oHs on tho prtiiniso.s. .\bout sevc'ity-flvc acros ai'o oJt:arcfl, a-Kl of tho balance fliteou acres arcii wood hai-dwood bush. Thevo iw&lso a cou.siderable iiuautity of ceOar iii thtj bush on tho premi-iea. rONDITIO.SS OP S.\I.E. I Tho Voijdojn will vroiluco a KoKistrar's Ab- | s'tr.ict only, and sncn deeds or ilocnnieutfl nf ' title as arc in tbeir poBseaeion. No tender uocessarily acccpt«d. j TF.UMS OF SaXA',. ': Ten per centL o£ tho pi-rohndo money is to bo i p lid upon tlK' aeceptaiictj of the tender and tho i UaIkijco iD thirty days thereafter without iu- ' ter«t<t. ; Thy fcouderaare to bo a'idri'bSGd to Neil Mc^ Cau Del, P>iceviJlo. r.o.. or Duuoaa iVIuir, Cey- lon , P.O., ^o.ti'cntoi'^ of the will of .Mcxftiulpr McPheJBOii, flect'a»od) from whoDi fuilher par- ticulars may lnobt^ined. Date 1 July i'lth, 1W2. ! LUCaS, WBIGHT * McARDLB, Vond^riSoMoitorF, Owen Sound. The Markets. CarefuilY Correr ed Each We«k Out* 38 -o 38 Pe'w 77 o 77 Barley 45 to 48 Butter 16 60 16 Eags fresh Vi :« 13 Poik 7 25 to 7 25 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Potatoes bag 45 00 50 For Sale or Rent. For said or to root for a term of yeftrsâ€" two lo ta on tho oorner of Peter and Eliraboth atreet, Flesherton on which are erected a Rood brick dwelliim U<jiiBa,frauio barn and stables, together with other out buildings; also good orchard of apples, peara,chorrie8 and small fruit* ; occupi- ed for the laat Ave years as a Presbyterian manse. .4pply to Mas. Syxes, FleshsrtouP. O. Flesherton, July 31, 190S5. ' "0 AUGUST 14 1909 FARM FOR SALE Only 91800, $500, balance easy terma inter«»t 5%, 100 acres, 75 cleared and under cultivation, balance half cadar swamp and half mixed hardwood. Com- fortable frame dwelling, frame pest barn half mile fioin good school and 3 miles from village of Eugenia. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Kieshertun. Municipality o€ the Township of Osprey, County of Grey. NOTICE IS hereby given tat I have .'trans- mitted or delivered tojthe persons inen- tioued in Sections « and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act, the copies roiiuiied by said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the lists, made pursuant to said Act, of all pei^ sous appearing by the iast revised Assessment Boll of the said Muuioipality, to be outitlud to vote ill the said Muuioipalitv at Elections for members of tho Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was tlrst postoii up at my office, iu Mclntyre, the 9th day of Aug., 1932, and remains there for in- siJection. Klectors arc called upon to examine the said List, and, if any omissions or other errors aro found therij, to talto immediate proceedings to have tho baid errors oorruotud according 10 Itw THO.S. SCOTT, Clerk of tho township of OSPKET. Dated this 13th day of August, iyo2. FALL TERM Xt the Owcu Sound, Out. Commences Monday Sept. i, 1902 In a few months, at this institu- tion, you can obtain the very best training in Business Subjets or Shorthand and Typewriting that can be had. .Announcement 1903-1903 sent on application. Address Z* JR« Tletiiitig» XX Prill. In tho matter of tho estate of Alexander MoPhorson, late of tho Township of Artemesia in thr County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to tho '-Ke- vlsud Statutes of Ontario," 1897, cliaptov 1U». that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Mc- Phersou. who died on or about tho sixth day of April, A.D., 1902, are required on or before the fourth day of August. 1902 to send by post, pre- paid or deliver, to Neil MoCanuell, I'riceville P. O.. or Duncan Mnir, PricovilleP. o., oxecntora of the lut will and Testament of the said de- ceased, their Christian and surnames;a(idroBsos and descriptions, and full particulars of their claims, the statement of thoir accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, hold by them. Aiid further talte notice that after such mentioned date the said e.xecntors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amons the parties entitled thereto, haviQ^repard onlv to th 3 claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not no liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 30th day of Jimo, A. D., 1002. X/UCaS, WUIGHT & McABDLE, Solicitors for the Executors, Owen Bound, Ont. IIKIIIG BROS. l''(JR Lumber, Lath, <• Shingles, Flooring. We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher nnd are prepared to furnish building material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. Mickling Bros. 8th con., Artemesiaâ€" Maxwell P. O. 10 July, '02 '•^. Z. % Sbepp ard Eugfenia Flestierton « .;;'..,;"?â- ''-â- â- ;-::,. is giving jj Opeciai Values Uhi:^ 7I/onth . . . ^ perettes, canton flannels and deny being very well ., shipped. ^^ We are giving some special values in men'.s and boys' clothing, we want you to bring your boys liere to our clothing department and let us show you how com- pletely yet how economically we can fit them out not only with .suits but with every article of haberda.sliery from hats to hosiery includin in all lines of summer goods. Our prints, muslins, delaines, Summer Dry Goods all being cut in price. We have received alreatly some of our fall goods. Our stock of shirtings, cottonades, flannelettes, wrap- being .ig shoes. (g ^n Our Tifen's £)epartment. m ff) ff^ f^\ f^y We want you to see the superb selections we have zuade to .sell at popular prices. include every liLshiouable fabric and are cut after the latest design.'* of the swellest tailorti. You will fiiul iu our store the latest styles of hats and everything that is worthy iu haberdashery but at price.s considerably below what others charge for identically the same (jualities. 2300irS i5.NO SMOES Our Boot and Shoe Department ia complete in all lines of Men',s heavy and light shoes, women'.s wearing and line .shoes, also girls' and boys' in all prices. We buy direct from the manufacturers thereby .saving you the middle man's profit. Our stock of Ciroceries i.s always kept fre.sli. Our '2oc. Japan and Black Teas being somewhat extra in value, we would ask ytui to give them a trial. A full lino of crockery always kept on hand. price for all kinds ot produce. \if \u \>/ Vti- \u \»/ ih [^ \li i^t \l/ \6 i^ \li 0/ il^ i^ \^ U/ \<» Xltf \^ iHif iif itf \kf Hi \k T. J. SHEPPARD * ^^^^€^^^^^^^^^ €^^ •*