Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1902, p. 4

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Skptember 4, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCii: k â- y ^•;n'. , â- V I F, T. HILL & CO I wmm mm RKDUCED IN PI^ICES. For the next ten days we shall offer the most remarkable values in all lines of sum- mer goods. We must have the space they now occupy for Fall Goods which are. arriving daily. These prices with scores of other lines should make buying brisk for the next ten days. 20 Dozen Seamless Cotton Hose (hermsdorf Hya) the regular 18 cent <]uality. Special until all are sold 2 [wir for 25 500 Yards Fancy Colored Muslins, also white. None of those aro worth less than 20 cents, while moat of them Rre worth 25c. pur yard. Extra special until all .'ire suld at per yard 10 48 Ladies' Colored Shirt Waists, self collars and fast colors. Mo.st of these have been in stock but n few days and are regularly sold at 50 cents. Clear- now at, each only 25 3 Dozen Ladies' Velret BeUs, ( now sfyle. ) Clearins? at, each 15 <!f/kSliiS!li^SlkSltt. I New.. ! I Goods NOW PLACED IN STOCK 1^ New Import Dress Goods. Men's New Suitings Mon'8 Ready-to-wear Suits. Boys' Ready-to-wear Suits. New Shirtings. New Flannelettes. New Shoes New Rubbers. These Goods are now in stock and ready for selling and represent the best values you'll find. In anticipation of an unusually large Fall Trade, we are paring down profits to the lowest point. HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE S PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ^^m^ihiÂ¥Mm^^m^ F. T. HILL& CO ^•*^?^iS^-f^^^t^^ I Tliat Fierce Plastcriiis Tu {he Editor vf The Advance : Mil. EuiTOK,â€" In last week's issue a •itateniutit was published regarding a piece of work done by .las. aud .lohn rat loll as being exceptionally fast and a ro()Ue.st that they would like to hear of any one who can do as fast work. Well tiiKt nf all it is knojvn that they took a lather from this village to hiilp ihem with the liitliiiig, then aa to there being .")00 yards of iilaslering in the lit tlo 20 x"i!t3 st(,iy and a iiulf house,two of our cciiitraclorj here tendered on the sirae jrib and estimated it at 400 yards instead iif 500. but what surplices ua most is '-hat M.ey would call it fast work. Why they couldn't do it much slower and keep awake. 1 could give the addresses of ploiily of mechanics who will boat this any day. Mr. Ji>s. Gibson near Mark- dale and .las. Ktlstead of this place h-ive i lathed and plastered a house conlainiiig I 8.")0 yards in oix day.s and a half, but look I upon il as only (irdinary weirk. I biive j known a ni.iHon to plaster 540 yards in two days. Mr. John Wright of this r)laco. j nitli his mate, has plastered 400 yards ai day on a building In fact, men who are ex|)ert in these lines would.fool like pr;is- j ecutiiig for libel anyone who would pub- i liah a statement thiit they were so long ', doing so little. It looks us though "Jiiiiniy , was tiyiug to imitate the little ln)% which did the gelf-nifialioii act. But really there is no need for another frot'gie ex- plosion. A Meoha.n'ii!. . .â€"-.•* â€" • We are Pleased to Know it. Tu tlu Editor of The Advance, Deau Sir,â€" 1 notice in your last week's issue some roferonco to the reeve of Eu- phrasia township re Valley lload. 1 want loinformyoutha' Euphrasia's port ion uf that roa.l is in a much Lietter state for travel than Artemesia'it and wo hope to bo able In keep it in as good condition as ,(V.itBmosia. notwithstanding any prefer- ence Mr. Davis may have for any partic- ular market or town. I think I can s.ifely Hiiy that the farmers of Euphrasia aro no re.spoctor of persona or towns, and I am sure that the fanners in the Valley both in Artemesia and EuphraBia do very much appreciate the action which the council of Artemesia haa taken in that mit'er. altho we ihiiik they should have dune the work Komo years ago. Botttr late than never. Yonre Dravku Valley Ratkpayer. Valuable Advice to Mothers \ If your child comes in from play cough- iug or .showing evidoncea of an approach- ing attack of grippe, sore throat, or .sick-i nesa of any kind, lirst thing get out your' buttle of Nerviline. Uul) the o'lest and j neck with Nerviline, and give internal! doses of ten drops of Nerviline in sweet- ened water every two hours. This will prevent any Hcrious trouble. No lini- ment or pain reliever e(\uals Poison's Nerviline, which is a necessity in every houeohiild. Largo bottlos cost only 25o. W. HOCKLEY Proton - I>r»oton Great Reductions Ccylota. From Our Own Correspondent. Monday being T;abor Day the school children held a picnic in MoKenzie'a grove mid a very pleasant time was spent. IN READY-MADE CLOTHING Men's all-wool tweed suits, gO.OO, reduc- ed to (i 75 ftlen's Fancy Hveed suita, $7.50, reduced to 5 00 Boys' 3 piece suils.'SCi.To, reduced to £ i»5 Boys' 2 piece suits, f 3. 130, reduced to 2 25 Dress Goods. 200 yds. fancy dics.s gcjods, regular seliing ^ price 30o. to 40c., reduced to 10 Qnita a number left on Tuesday iiTorn- j ^"y^' Mouses, regular prices 60o reduced iiiu from hoio to take in the Toronto ox- / *" ^ ; ^"^ hibitiun. I tireat snaps in flannelette shirts. Mr. .1. D. Morgan and staff of Duudalk 1 6tJ Mun's Haniieletle shirts, regular 50 have been busy loading poles here the pint week. Mr. and Mis. .1. B. Egau spent Sunday with friends in Dundalk. Miss Morgan, who has been visiting her sister, Airs. Egan, lu'i-e for the past week, returned to Dundalk on Saturday. Mrs, Egan, sr., who has been visiting friends around here i.lie past three months, left for her home in Uaiuilton on Satur day. Miss Janio O'Melia of Toronto is spend- ing a few works wiih her parents here. Mr. J. Dyce and men arrived on Monday to start the stonework on Mr. T. CoUinson'H new house. Mrs. Brown and two children, who have been visiting here for smne time .left on Saturday for their humo in Toronto. Miss Jennie Phillips of Totoiito was the guest of Miss Millie Cook the past week. Mr. Legate of Owen Sound spent a few days with his cousin, Mr. U. P. Legate, lait week. The Father Consumptlcn Had coughs, eoUla and catarih aro re n, onsibU: for moiu cxnnumptiou than is tiHceable even to horedily. Catnrrhozoiie cures more (|uickly than ordinary rem- edies because it i* the only antisoplie yet disc'Vend ihat is violate enough to reach the root uf l.he troulile in remote puts uf the lungs and bicmchial tubes, and ini pi'ogtia'e every particle of the air breath ed vith its healing, uerin-killii g va)H)r. Colds can't last ten minutes, ur roughs more than thirty luinuteB when Catarih- uKoiio is inhaled It elenrit note, the. at and air {lassau'cs at onue, stops droppini;, tieadnche, sod ei radicate* catarrh ircmi any purt of the syst-MU. Ti»o months' trealmoni ll.OO ; trial size 25o. Drug^'ists or N. C. PoUon A Co., Kingston. Our. Twenty head uf hionchou were s dd by HUition at Oreem^ire i.ii Satunlay week. The Bverags price paid was 81)2. This waa A big priod consideiiog the treacher- <jus naiure of the cf'.ttera. The Critical Time of Life Is between the years of lify-seven and sixty-two. Nature's power slows.down, vitality becomes lesn, and the projress of decay seta in. A means of extending old aL'o and renewing deCrousini; vigor is to take Kerrozone after meals. Fotrozooo keeps up the afipetite, and in the f^ir- niation of red, vitalizing blond, iinimrts clearness to the tiling brain, foroe,energy and spirits just when they aro needed most. To take Fern.zone repularly means adding from ten or twenty years to life. Ijargo boxes oOo., or six boxes foi 82.50, at Dniugists, or Poison & Co.. King.tuii, Ont. au!d by W. E. Richard- son. PALL FAIPvS. Flksiikkton Sept. SO-Oct. 1 Durham Sejit. 23-24 T..r,.nto Sept. 1 â€" IH Chcsloy Sept. 15â€"10 ()»on Sound Sept. 1«â€" 18 I'alniurston Sept. 18â€" 1!) Orillia Sept. 18â€"20 CollingwotKl Sept. 2:1â€"20 Meafoid Sept. 25â€" 2«| Wallers PalU Sept. S0--Oct. 1 ' IlanoviT Sept. 30 â€" C)ot. 1 1 Fevorphani Oct. 2 â€" 3 Piioovillo Oct. 9â€" 10 Markdale Oct. 0â€" 10 Cent, clearing out at 35 Tailor-made Suits A cuap for ynung men, regular $1G and J17 suits for 13 abd 14 Every suit guaranteed to Ht, or no sale. STRAW HATS. Men's fine straw hats 25 to 30c for 20 Ladies sailor hats, regular 50 and COo for 40 24 Men's Sweaters, clearing out at. . . .d8 12 Boys sweaters, clearing out at 45 A large assortment of Ladies kid gloves, re^nilar $1.25 and $1.15 goods for 90 A Large Assortment of Fancy Ulassware l$idbc$t price p^id for Butter and €dflS Saltior Sale W. HOCKLEY. TO CURB A COLD INONB DAY Take Laxative llronio Qiiiuiue Tablnts AH ilniuKists roliiud the wonov it It faiN lo cure W I'.'.Orovo's Kignatnie is on oaoti box UiJo Eye Strain Belies Ciiaracter. Defective sight produces unnatural expres- sion. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belN character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial dbtortions unnecessary. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN FLSSHEBTON. Bovd,liicklltig ^ Co. Justcompletedour semi-annual stock taking; â€" as a result we offer at clearing prices==witliout regard to first costâ€" a score of seasonable and desirable lines Come and see them===-theyVe prominently displayed! Cleario .is Sale of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing During August we shall materi- ally reduce tlie prices of Keady Made Clothing--we have placed sonic large orders for fall and odd patterns - Avant all odd sizes incomplete lines- odd garments and so on, cleared out. All linis are up- to-date, perfect in every respect,good patterns, reliable cloths, well trimmed and tailored and made up in first class style. The prices we mention speak for themselves, the reductions are gen- uine and you can save money on every Clothing purchase during August. THESE LINES DESERVE SPECIAL riENTION. For rien. $5.00 Tweed Suits selling for $3.25. $5.25 " " $3.35. $t).00 " " $3.75. $0.25 " " $3.95. $0.50 " " $4.00. For Boys, so Boys' Two-piece Suitsâ€" some pleated back â€" some with belt â€" some plain â€" all maile from good all wool tweedâ€" light medium and dark colorsâ€" neat patterns. Sizes 25 to 30. Regular price $3.00 and $3.50 â€" we'll sell them during August to clear at $2«30« August Reductions in Ladies' Whitewear Ladies' Underwear Cambric Embroideries Valenciennes Liices Summer Hosiery. Specials for Preserving Time! ! I 25 Pdurid^. $:an€lard XXX Grcinulat d Suyar for • • $1^0 Gem Jars â€" all size.<«. Granite Preserving Kettles â€" all sizes. Boy(i,f>lcli1lng&0o«

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