wmm n> LADIES AS MATCH MAKERS SOME OF THE MOST STJCCESS- FUL ON SECOEE. Queen Louise's Three Charming Daughters â€" Empress Cathar- ine's Way. rerhapa the most brilliant anil niccessful match-maker amongst royal ladies wiis the lulc Qiaen Louise of Denmark. No niother e\er made more brilliunl umtchcs for her own ilau(jhters than did the consort of the aged King of Denmark, and, It must be udtieil, no uiolher ever had three more charming daughters lor whom to liiid husband.'*, says London Tlt-Biti*. As everybody knows, the flower of the family, Prince.ss Alexandra, is now Queen of these realms; her sis- ter, Prince.ss Dagmar, was united to the late Kinperor Alexander lU. of Russiia; and another sis-ter, Princess Thyra, fouijd a husband in H.Ii.H. the Duke of Cumberland. But the late Queen of Denmark did not confine her match-nmking to members of lier own family, for she loved nothing better than to scheme to bring together any young couple whom she considered suited to eaeli other. In tliese matters her sound common sense, great experience, and singularly keen perception of char- acter proved of the utmost service. Indeed, it is common knowledge in the Danish capital that many of the happiest and most successful mar- riages in the country â€" not only among the higher classc*â€" were brought about by the tactful Queen Louise. Tlie present Queen of Portugal's maiiiftge was brought about by the pretty scheming of her mother, the late Comtesse de Paris, and Mnie. de la Fcrronayes. When the Crown Prince, as the King then was, re- fused to marry an Austrian Princess the Comtesfse determined to bring about a union between him and licr daughter, Princess Amclie. To this Bnd she sent to her accomplice at Lisibon, who was often visited by the Crown Prince, a large framed por- trait of THE BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS, which was placed in a conspicuous |K)Siition in the drawing-room, where it wouJd be certain to attract the ittention of the royal visitor. It liad not been there long before he wanted to know whose portrait it tvas, and, needless to say, his host- ;ss gladly enlightened him. In due lourse she /lad the satisfaction of seeing the artful match-making scheme of the ComtessNi become an iccomplis'hed fact. When the shrewd Empress Cathar- ine of Kussia undertook tlie delicate ta.slk of selecting a wife for her sou Paul from among several German PrincesscS; slie proceeded on some- what original lines. On the occasion of a trio of them pa.ving her a visit, Bhe carefully observed their general rteportmont and the manner in which they alighted from their travelling coach. The eldest of the three Prln- ce.sses was careless and slipped, the yoimgest showed nuch a lack of dig- nity as to bounce out of the car- riage without making use of the stops, while the last to alight alone stepped gracefully to the ground. The Kmpre-vs at once decided that only the last mentioned Princess wos eligible for her son's hand and heart and in due cour.se she became his wife, for no other reason than that she knew how to tear herself with grace and dignity. In regard to the late Queen Vic- toria, it may be mentioned that no royal lady had a hfUid in bringing about her marriage to the very amiable and popular Prince Consort who predecoustd her by more than thirty-nine years. That was one of the happiest achievcnunls of King LeoiMjld I. of HelKiuni, who mutt have been a match-maker of no mean abilities, considering the number of otlier eligible suitors who were as- pirants for BKli MAJESTY'S HAND. liespecting the late tiueen herself, she was known to be an ardcnt- miitch-maker, and did not conline her operations in this character ex- clusively to royal ciicles. A very amusing story is told of the way in which she found a wife for the rath- er eccentric Lord i'almerston, who Can scarcely be described as a ladies', man. The then Premier, Lord Melbourne, cvas a widower, and. Lord Palmers- lon occupying the post of l''oreign Minister, dilliculties scen.ed in store regarding tho lecepilon of the wives Df the various Ambassadors. This prompted Her Majesty to a.sk Lord I'alnicr.ston why he refrained from UiUing to himself a wife, and the Kore4gn lUinisler pleaded that he- did not know anyone who wouhl Save him. Queen Victoria replied that there need be no diliiculty about that, and calmly undertook to pro- duce a lady who was ready nnd willing to become his wife. His lord.sihip could do nothing under the circumstances but ac(|ui(sce. and Lady Cowpcr was accordingly In'Oiight l>omc from Hone to become Lady ralmersion. Her husband would have been the lirst to ac- knowledge that never was there a happier match, and It was a'so a good example of the late liueen's line judgment. In the .vcars when the present CJcrmnn Kmieior «ns" a swmewhat Impetuous yiniiig I'rince. it was do- sired by his KioLher that he should marry and settle down. .Accordingly an ailiujn full of portraits of Koyul Prince:-.sc;s who were open to ( n- â- gogenient wn» put in his wa.v. and cVvT^ odorl Diudu to induce him to Worn thin ? Nol Washed thin 1 That's so FOU ENGLISH VISITORS. Some of the leading men of Ply- mouth Church, Brooklyn, New York, '^^-^^â€" . have raised a fund to set apart for when common soap is used, j nve years the best pew in the church for the English visitors wlio, Sun- day by Sunday, find their way to the scene of Hciry Warti Beechcr's historic ministry. An English flag has been placed under a glass cover, and a plate bearing the words, "Re- served [or English visitors," has been attached to the pew. A.s is well known, a pew in St. Mai-garet's WcstmiiiKtoi'. is thus reserved for American visitors. Soap RCOVCES EXPKNSK A*K for One Octacon Bar. •3) indicate his choice. Indeed, it was .suid tiiat the Prince was not allow- ed a moment's peace ; and in a fit of desperation one day he dashed into his mother's boudoir and thus delivered himself : "Look here, mother, for Heaven's sake select out of that album any woman you con- .sider lit to be your future daughter- in-law. and I'll marry straight oil, for with all the eternal nagging I have had for the past three months I am almost iiisane." The Empress Frederick was surprised as well us pleased, and the present Empress was suggested there and then. ADVICE TO BACHELOES.â€" Failing to get the girl you want you might as well be wedded to HARD ON THE MAJOR. Among tlie assembled officers at a recent supper in South Africa was a very pompous, self-opinionated ma- jor, whose rank comnumded for him a respectful hearing, but whose hab- it of instructing his brethren in matters military both in and out of season made him rather unpopulai-. Captain W and the major sat side b.y side at the table, and the martial potentate voiced his opin- ions in his usual manner. The cup- tain bore the infliction humbly for a season; then, taking advantage of a pause, when the major wanted to take bi-<mth, he said, very complac- ently and irrelevantly: "Do you know, major, I met a man this morning who would gladly forfeit two hundred and fifty dol- lars for tho plea.saire of kicliing you." "Kicking me, sir!" roared the angry major: "kicking me! I must ask you to mention his name im- mediately." "But the fact is, major, I am not sure that I ought to tell .vou," re- plied the captain, with well-assumed caution. "But I in.sist on knowing his name at once, sir!" shouted the truculent olBcer, now red with rage. "Well, sir, I suppose I must tell you. It was a poor fellow in the hospital, who has lost both his legs by the bursting of a shell." BENDING BOTTLES. A glass that will not break, that can be moulded into any desired form, that can Ije hammered without catastrophe â€" in short, a glass that will be as malleable as lead or any other metal is the extraordinary claim that Louis KaulVeld, glass- worker, makes for a asw kind of glass he has just discovered. With an ordinary goblet made of the new material he can hammer a nail through a tough board. He can bore a hole into a glass pane, and then patch it with another i iece of the same kind of glass. ColTee-pots and tea-kettles can 1/e made of the new substance, and will no more crack, even under the most in- ten.se heat, than would steel. While KaulTeld's process is unknown to anybody e.xcejit himself, he recently volunteered the information that the lime and leud that are used in tho manufacture of ordinary glass do not enter into the composition of this. "The .secret lies," he said, "in the chemicals that are used in mak- iig of this glas-s, and the proportiors iu which these chemicals are put into it." There are many legends concerning malleable glass. There is a story that a gUv.ssworker in an- cient Venice centuries ago discovered tlie secret. Ho made glass bottles and jars that he could hanuner into llaltened strips without breaking them, and rolled the glass into balls, which he could throw against th« Walls of the town without in- juring them. DAK'S ARtlUMBNT. "Dan," said a contractor to one of his trusted employes, "when you ai-e seeing about the lime this morn- ing, 1 wish you to mention to Deiui)- .se.v thot I would like to have that bill paid. You needn't press it. you know; but just UK.-ntion it to Inm iu an olT-hnnd manner." "Yes, sorr." "I got the money from Dempsey." suid Tan on his return. "I'm very glad. You merely al- luded to it in an oft-hand way, 1 suppose?" "Yes. sorr. I handed him the bill and told him it ho didn't pay it I would let oil my han<l and give him a black eye that he wouldn't forget for a month, and he paid it at wunst." "Just a Little" Vain neglected, may produce chronic Hheumnlism or tJout. .Just a little Backache may create Lumbago. .lust a little .Sprain sometimes makes a Crip4)le. .lust a little Bruise nuiy do a lot of <lamagt> Just a little Headache nray be the foi-erunncr of Ne4irnlgia. Just a little St. Jacobs Dil, applied in time cures promptly and permanently Aches and Pains, .lust a little ruution ; ju.st a little cost. Years of "Ploaaure aigainst years of Pain. LOVE'S MESSENGER A DOG. A charming Parisienne, who pos- sesses a dainty pet dog, was lunch- ing the other day at a fashionable resitaurant. The dog was making the roimd of the various tables in .search of dainty morsels, when he was seized by one of the lady's re- jected admirers, who chalked a brief declaration of love on tlie dogs back. Tho lady relented. CEYLON TEA. It can't refuse you and may be had at all Gro- cers. Lead Packets.. AT SMITH'S FALLS WHOLESALE Staple Clothing Also PANTS, KNI0KER8, OVERALLS, SMO0K8. Jke. Ask your dealer for these goods* BEST EVER. WYLD- DARLING OOMPANV, LIMITID, TORONTO. A WOlTOERr'aL CURE BEIGHT'S DISEASE. FOR So Weak He Couldn't Standâ€" Ter- ribly Broken TJp and Unable to Find a Cure â€" Dodd's Kidney Pills Made Him Well. Smith's Falls, Sept. 15. â€" (Spec- ial.) â€" The cure of Mr. Theodore Young of this place is a wonderful example of the progress that medi- cal science has made in the last few years. Up till a short time ago the doc- tors claimed that Bright's Disease was absolutely incurable, and in fact there are a few who still adhere to this theory. But Bright's Disease is not Incura- ble. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure this terrible malady and have done so ir thousands of cases. Those who aim skeptical need not go farther than this town to find proof. Mr. Young mokes this state- ment: "1 was aflUcted for about two years wijh Kidney Trouble and chronic Bright's Dis'ease. My urine was very ^lark and 1 lost consider- able blood, makirg me so weak 1 could scarcely stand. "After ub'ing tho first box oi Dodd's Kidney Pills, I was much better, and when I had used four boxes I was able to resume work which 1 had not done for some time previous. "I can conscientiously recommend Dodd's Kidney Piils to any one afflicted as I was." Mr. Young's case is only one of a great many where Dodd's Kidney Pills came to the rescue after every- thing had failed. They have con- quered Bright's Disease and restored to life and health men and women who had not expected to ever again enjoy this great blessing. Dodd's Kidrey Pills haviiig demon- strated their ability to grapple with Kidney IMseuse in its very worsl. form â€" Bright's Di.sea.'^c â€" can certain- ly be deixmded on to cure ary of the lesser forms. Dodd's Kidney Pills are i,he onl;' medicine that has ever cured Bright's Disease. SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. "Spontaneousâ€"combustion" was the medical \erdict upon the ca.se of Charles Page, a workman, who was found in flames at two o'clock in the morning in the sti-ects of Genc- \a. He Was known as a heavy drinker, and tlierc were no traces of pipe, tobacco, or matches among the debris of charred clothing. The Dawson Commission Co., ^'S TORONTO. Can handle your APPLES, PEACHES. PEARS, PLUMS, ONIONS, POULTRY (dead or alive] BUTTER, EGGS, HONEY, to e^ood advantage. Let us have your consignments, 11 will pay you. Stamps anq pads on applloatlon. Barnes â€" "1 hear your house was broken into t' otlier night and lots of silver piate and jewelry stolen." Sliedd â€" "Yes; but the rascals entire- ly overlooked the ten tons of coal in the cellar." MESSRS. C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Gentlemen,â€" In June '98 I had my hand and wrist bitten and badly mangled by a vicious horse. I suffer- ed greatly for several days and the tooth cuts refused to heal, until ,Vour agent gave mo a bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I be- gan using, and the effect was magi- cal. In five hours the prin had ceased, and in two weeks the wounds had completely heaied and my hand and arm wei'e as well as ever. Yours trulv, A. E. ROY. Carriage maker, St. Antoine, P. Q. .Stockings were first worn in Italy about 1100 A. D. StnpA III*, coufth and norks oS the Cold L«x»tiTe Bromo-guinino TubleU cute k colli in on* Uj. No Cure, No Pay. Prit« 25 cent!. The microbe of consumption has been known to remain alive on a book for 103 days. For Oitr SIsir Y«an. i.,^"*, ""-? t?" „ WellTmed RlMEDT. - Mr. Winslow 9 toothln« .Syrup hsts bs« lued for o»er elxir years by niitliinis of molhers for their cbildrao wbi'l tcethnif, with perfect luccow. It Kjothej ibe ohiW softei.s the Buni», •ll»y»»ll r»io, cure» wind colic, wd isthe beitrecnedy for Diarrhaa. Is p'.CMane- to the ;!is c. Sold li/ dr\iggi.tj in Mery pMt of tbe wor d. rneiily-livecoi.ts.i bottle. Its value i» incalculable •fo sure and osli for Mr*. Wln«low â- Soothing Syrup' ;ind take uo olfaor kind. Suturn'.s- largest moon is 2,092 miles in diajueter, or only a little smaller than our own. Of 478 ancient and modern trans- lations of the Bible. dSti have been made by missionaries. Ask for Minard's and take no other, Marine insurance is first mentioned in 43 A. D. Tho Roman Emperor Claudius insured one of his ships. Minard's Liniment Luinberman's Frlenil Paris has 2,fi00 periodicals, lfj8 of which are political journals. There are not more than 500 newspapers in London. When washing greasy dishes oi pots and pans. Lever's bry Soap (« powder) will remove the grease with the greatest ease. The longest funeral procession ever .seen was that which followed the [great Duke of Wellington in 1S52. lit was between three and four mileg 'onS- . irxTK OP Onio, City of Toledo. > lucAsCoiNTv. f â- '•'' FUANK .]. CHKNKV makes oath that he is senior partner of iliu firm of F. J. ClllONH;v &. CO., doing husiiicii.s in tho City of Toledo, Counlv iind .state iifoiesaiil, and that .suit! liim will li.-iy tliu sum of USi: HUNl>lli:u l)i)J^- LAU!S for encii and every cu.se of C.\- I'AUUH that cannot be euj-ed bv tlie use of HALL'S CATAUUH IJUKK. KKANK .1. CHKNKV. Sjwoni to before lue and sub.scribed in «iy iireseiico, this CUi day of Ueceniber, A.t). Ib.iO, A. W. GbKASON, : BEAL : Aotary jfuhlic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, mid nets directly on the blood and iiiiicouH surfnecs of the sy.steiu. Send for le.stimoniuis, free. 1'. .). CUKM'JY & CO.. 'J'oledo, O. â- •-iold by all Jtnurgisls. 7")C. Hall's Kuiuily I'llTs uio the best. TO 4'IJKK A <'OLD 151 U.1E DAY. Twk ' Laiative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All drur- ri-t.H relund the money if it fail* to cure, K. W. G CT»i «icuature is on each box. 25o. In 1.S77 there were forty employes in the German Patent Oflice; to-<iay tlieie are 72li. Keep Minafd's Liniment in the House. Sir William Gomm. who died in 187.-), at Uic age of 91, had been 81 years in the Army. Count von Urangel joined the German Army in 1802, and was 91 ycais in its ser- vice. THE MANY ADVANTAGES olTered pa.ssengers bound for Buffalo and New York by the Grand Trunk's fast "New York iL'xpress," leaving 'I'ortmto 0.15 p.m. daily, are seen al a glance when the splendid ciiuip mcnt is considered. A full dininf. car Service until Niagara Falls i; reached, a cafe parlor car running through to BulTolo, and one of Full man's finest sleeping cars from To roll to to New York guarantees pa- trons comfort and luxury as well n j speed. The cafe and dining cars art i acknowledged to be tlie handsomesl 1 in America. I>eing electric lighted and 0(|uipped with electric fans. Cit,\ oflice, northwest coiner King one Yongc sUoets. THE MOST POPULAR OBNTIPRIOE. CALVERT'S CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER. PrtMrva* th« teeth. Sweatena the bnni.1i. Strengthens the guma ira$$ Band InstrumentSt Drums, UniflormB. Etc. EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowcpt prices ever nuotoil. Fine catnlogruc^ SOOillnstratlanB, m.tilca free. Write us for fvnjJ thing in niiHtc nr Hii^tcnl Iii<tlriiiiieiit<. WHiLEY ROYOB & CO., Limited, Toronto, Onl. and Winnipeg, Man While a cow's hitle gives 35 lbs. of leather, that of a horse yields only about 'JO lbs. 533.00 TO Till:' i'ACIFlC COAST from Chicago via the Chicago & North-Westcrn U'y every doy dining .Septcmher and October. One-way second-class tickets at very low rales from Chicago to points in Colorado. Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Ore- gon, Washington, California and various other points. Also special round-trip Homeseekers" tickets on first and third Tuesdays, August, September and October to Pacific Coast and the Wesit. Fxt]! particu- lars from nearest ticket agent or addrc.<« U. 11. Uennett, 2 East King St., Toronto, Ont. Jupiter in e(|ual Ui one and a half times all the rest of the planets put together. Minafd's Liniment isused by Ptipclans are Mrs. Hunterâ€" "Well. Nornh you a. good plain cook?" Applicantâ€" "Oi'in as good ns anny w-an. mum; but Oi'll liov yez know thei-e iiie some nsi don't considher niu so terrible plain, mum." A FIVK IIUNDIUCD DOLLAR TICKET. Mr. Holmes, the ticket agent . at the New York Central Station, has sold a ticket from Pokeepsie to Yokohama and return. This is a very unusual sale. Tho purchaser V !is Mr. Puul McCormac of thi-- city who proposes to go to China and Japan on a pleasure trip. The route is by the way of San Krun- ci.-jco and the Pacific. As it takes about three weeks to cross the Paci- fic, the round trip cannot lie made in much le.ss time than three months and if Mr. McCormac takes in all of the interesting .sights in the t)rient he will prolong his slay much long- er than that even, 'fhe .s»ile of this ticket calls attention to the fact that travellers Can be acconmioduted in purchasing transportation to an,v part of the world by applying to the station agents of the greatest Ameiican railroad. The ticket cost nearly live hundred dollars. â€" From the Poiighkei'i s e (N.Y.) Evening Knterprise, BY USING Standard American Wicks AND Sarnia Lamp Oil. Whnlmalc OniT. MUEEN crFFOBLHa < ^*fc •"^BAWUEi. roGERSpres.TORONTO.-, iWflll I Bb^ and Women. 3fi per MONTH unj e2.r,0 p«r DAY EXPENSK8 to itroiluce oor good? ami uick up mive rtia iig matter in wnB uml country STKADY ALL TUK YBAH. vUry or comniipwan. Kipcri«ncR imnrcidsary, /rite for parLiculKra. InlcrriHtiou^l Mtiiliciuc t;o., .'indon, OnU •XI 1.IUU!M I Dominion Lino Steamshlpi Mnntre*! to I.trvrpool. RoMk^n •.> Lhrr- pool. Portlanil to LiTeriH>ol. Via i^ueiiid- town. Larve »ud Vniit StAamahipt. Superior nc-onmioilaltntt (or all claRSM of pa^rengeriL Safoonit -Mid HtAter')onk« are aiaid^it«- Special itlteutton han barnctTen to iJ^ Srcond Salnun uiid Third-Olars acyiunuiodation. Fof ral*raof paaeagr and all parliuulare, fkt>|>l> to auy ageak of the Oonipany, or Rtobardri, MlUa k Co, D. Torrance *Oo, n Stalest BofttoB. Monirvalatil Portland Gents' Suits Gleaned or Dyed ; aim lAdip*' Wear of ail kindt. and ilouM Hangin.-^ of ^rery doi^:hpli9u. GOLD MKDALl.-iV DYKRS. MUTISB AMBRICAN DTBIING CO'T, MoDtrral, Toronto. Ottawa ft Viicl<«^ Wood « rt !oto. Ewcravi^g, iP-J.l..;. i/^^tNCC^^:^ â- "lOttBAv Mweerâ€" loRONio" U r t iu»