Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Sep 1902, p. 8

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Sewember 16. 1902 THE BLESHEKTON ADVANCE I** â- *•» §UiSiiue!$iSi €^xi\$ lyr'cur.houdH a youno ^U H&nkera, Markilals Dn • go u uml l>aiikine Outiiiusa . Mou«y loaned â- t a ruiiiouable rato. U^ll ou us. A 8 VANUC:iKN,.J P Clojk 5th DIv Court, Co Oroy laaaat ot Uai-rl»ge Mood9c», (5onveyaucet Nirt^ry i iollc Auotioiicor. Mouoy to loau at 4J pur ce.t. CUaa-« "^"j^^^^'Jj'^btoN P O a J BPROUIiB I'04tiua8ter, Con Ijeuder Flealionon vX)iuinij(-:uuiir ill II. O.J.. Auctionoor ray.vnojr, AppiaiBin- and .Mouoy :toal KU&to aui! Iiisuriucc Agimt. Pecxia luortgaju^ 104903 ani wilU carafiiUy drawn anl valuations mado on ?liortoBt notice. "lionsy t J 'O'li^aTiowoat vitna of interest. Uol loctiofii utf-.nrloa to w.tl. p>,o";pf°'^«^ CSiart-a^ low. Agant lor Oc.'.an Dominion St>aui9liii) Company. A call solloitea. ,:$acictiC!S a o U W moots oi- tlio last Monday A ",u own moutU, in their lodge room. a l;l)o!i. FUisiiorton.at Hp.ui. John I LrJ W .\I • J \ 'â- '•'I*' »<!' • -Kocorder; W. l-iaanoior. Viaitlng brotbren Icvitoa IJol.amy, pi S33, A. .MuusUaw, Socrotary. MCiflltr i^LKSHERTON, I. O. T. moots in (J (â-  ),i8to/?. Block tl.o last Friday cveulne eaVh month. Visiting Forosters heart. ly *oloomc. U.U..K. Waller; K,'.,.,W. A. Aim- MronK. â- 0U O.VUTWp.^ ^ ^_^^ I'hyslcian Surgeon, «tc Oalco an.! ,usirtouee-l>otor sC . b-^asbertou Proposed Legislation re so-called Woollen Qood5. With IhJH objoct in view, the Hon. C. H. Gro.'«Teiior, at tlio rc(iue8t of the National Livo Slock AHSociation, recently intrinlucci into the Hotisu of Repruseiit- ativcs of Iho United .Stute.s, a bill to prov de for federal inHpoctlon of mixed good.) and the properniarking of tlioaame, which is known iis H. H. tioUi'i. The purpose of this bill is to make it poH-silda for the coiisuiiier to know wimt he ispur- oliusiiig by liiivinf{ the goods Ktiiiuped v> as to indicate whether it is nil wool, or if uot then tlio percentage of ihoddy or w!u<ite. There is no objection iiiadu to the use of cotton waste, uiuiigo, sh<)ddy,etc., in the manufacture of textile fabrics,when the fact is made known to the consumer, and where fraud is not perpetrated by aelliiig these ini.t tares a.s all wool fabric;!. As an epitome of the niea.Murp, the fol- lowing is extracted : "All manufacturers of t;ouds or fabrics of any kind whatsoever niudo in in>italion of woolloii yoods err fuhrics, or goods which when so made are calculated or intended to be sold as woollens or woollen goodj, not made wholly ot new or unused sheep's wool, shiill so mark, label, or lag such goods, as ibat Ihey may lie readily distinuuished from genuine wools or wojllens, as de- fined in the tirst section of this Act. That such mark, label or tag shall be at- tached to such goods or fabric so that it cannot be detached except by design, and such label shall (vccurately state in printed letters or tigures the coiistitui!nl fibres or other materials or substances of wluch it is composed, or the roliitive proportion per cent, of each." The ponalty fi,r iiaii- compliance with the provisicjiis of the pro poaed law are thus set forth : â€" "That A Fine Horse A shrewd old Yankee horse Ir.idrr, af- ! ter yeais of success of a kii'd to make Uiivid IfariiM) look small, goc badly iitnn Ic ou a nag so feeble aiid spiriilc^H tliat ^g}@^^ D. JVIcTAVISH â€" kR V X. nibtoy,-Pliysician, 6urg60n MJ ' vxc. Kljshertou, Ont OiBco and liobidonoo.ColUoRWOort Street, one 1,1^ ;,r«t I'rosbvtoriau church. May bo found U,rro day andXbt. Coroner for 6o«uty of Grey. disease!. o?oyo%»''. nose and throat spooiall, treaXed. H. SOFTLY, FeversLiaui JOHN A. SCOTT, azwell C'luld to retrieve. He invited a deacon of the village church for a ride, and him- self riido I he new horse. Seeing a rabVit, he jabljed iho horse with his heels and the animal promptly fquatted. When the deacon inquired the cause the trader ex- [ilained that the liorse had the faculties <if a selter,and sot whenever ho saw game. A rise of partiidgos brought forth another inanifestat on throu'.di the trader's heels ; and then the tlcHCon insisted on trading his own hor.so and S50 for the sporting e(|uiiio. On the way home the deacon rode liis new jurchaao. Ford inu a stream, he raised his feet to keep them dry and accidentally jabbed the horse iu the ribs, whereupon the animal sab down in the water, wotting the liderfroui feet lochest. "What's the matter Zeke?" calli-d the deacon, "He can't see no birds nnv nib- bits now 1" "Fish, deacon," explained Zeke, sol- oniiily. "That critter's a sport thru' and thru' !" â€" New Orleans Item. gisiigiisi; ilBt ffllJIil MiiKf BiM8 ^,» Ki.r Fust (Jla.sa liuggio-*, Carts, Pleasnie and Luni'i-er ^\ agon.'i, nuj Cutiois, Sleighs. ^"• e keep a stock on hand ti choose from. ALSO HORSE SHO}]lNaANDGENt:R.'.L BLACKSMITHING w. and u'liiraiitee lii'sr ol.iss work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repiiiif, ami Harris and Nnxon rep.-iirs for biti'iers, iloweis, nia. liiniity, alvo IJinder Twine i^n h.ainl ^W^Wi^;/^WW^'Wi^Wd^flW/i^VW?WV^Wi^W^W%, ♦♦ riiei <>â- # c>i.v Tp CTTEWKLIi Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary rosidoiico - 8-!0Oiid door BoutU Mary strout,. This stroot run. south Presbyterian Church. College, west on Votoduary rtmgjon and nentist. Ma well, graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. omiia't.id with Toronto University. Visits buaaii ill Wodiiosdayfroinll a, lu. to i p. !"•. »n Poyursham Thursday from atoS p.m. lSvj, ^rgal llarri:itoi' o(a.ie-Noxt FU-.h.irton, N H-Owan . W. KKOST, L L. U. , Holioitor Conveyancer. to i)OBtoaice, Kproulo's ovory Thurado and 8uuud oltico. etc block court days Frost'' block Pjul«tt Btreoti oast WlllGlIT & islerH Solici Offlcea-Owan Sound, Ont and Markdale Ont I If «;i,i,mr- MuiKOI-B 1 1> l-.l-'CAt LUCAH, WlllOlIT te McAUDLE iianisuru Solicitors Convuyaucors. c-t W 11 Wuionr, Muiaoi-B S B-r'iushciton offloo, Mitclioll's every Hatiiriity. pU'IlvEU ct PA'PTEKSON I ll.irriKt,.ir'), Soil Molson's : h.iHKY TUUKKU OKO W I'ATTEUSON ll.irriKt,.ir'), Solioitors, rtc Molttou's Hiiiik, OwiMi Sound MACXAV&SAMPSON .Harristers, Boll.itors. i)f''l''lC'.-'.H :â€" DwoM Scniid, Movilmut s lUnk llljok, N'. ot I'.itturioii Ilouao. Ijundalk, aiii Bt-oct.ovury Shturday. Monov to loe,n at 41 por cnnt, A. O. MaCKAY.M A., H.E. SAMPSON. I..t-.I) Alwavp ia attendance at Flcihoitou and Duudttli: DiviBioii Courts. â-  JJ- ^cntijitvii DTI. B C. Ki-'ivRAY, U, D. S. der.tal Biirpeon liomr griiclnatu i)f Toronto ITiiIvHrHity and Jloval C.iilo't.T of Udiital S.iriicnna of Ontaiio. Olrt'ieâ€" Oi>i)i>sitn ArinHtroiiK*ri JowolKiry Ktoro. Will viiic Maxwell the last Wednesday of each lUuiiM'., aud Dundalk 1 and :i Thursday in each uiouth. FASMI FOR S.iLB Gilt oluod farm for pair, ion aorci, i»Jiro, S'-OO cash, balance oaiy t'iriiii'; B.> acri'S cleaiid ami ill tiood eta'.o of cultivation; lii acres most lin.b- or off, hriliiripo woll tlnilvjied, lianiwoftd arid hoiuloultignoi frron.i barn, btable niKlcr; gooil l.'am) dw>'lli»^; wi'll funoud. wntuiod bud In Kool »t>tdnf cuU'Vatioii; 1 Jniilcs from Ma^wr.ll niij S mil J from revurfcliain, wlirro nro niilU, storoii. etii., i luiln rroiu chuenu factory. Apply IJ U.J. Hr<{>>UL,K, nonherton. eOMâ€" 3 Eugenia Planing: Mills . . . Oct yt)ur Sash, Door.'^, Flooring', .Sheeting, New- ell Pi),sts, liallu.sters, Cor- ner IMock.s.IIand Uiiilinfj;, the l)cst of Spi-uce Latli, No 1 anil Xo. 2 Sliinj,'le.s, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, otc. Turning of all kind.s done to order. New run of stones for chop- j'ins:. Snti.sfaction in all fMir linos ifiiaraiiteed. WaiUei Sloan Pi^OpRIETOR my manufKcturer, morchant, importer,<ir other person who shall wilfully, reckless- ly, or carelessly mark incorrectly any cloths, goods or fabiics, or any article manufactured, or in the process <f manu- facture therefrom, re(]Uired by this Act to be labelled or marked, so as to sho.v it larger per cent, of wool or a sniallttr per cent, of slioddy or cheaper tibro or ma- terial, in any manner thiiii will, or is cal- culated tfc ." 'iceivo or mi.sload the pur- chaser tiier^.;, gliall bo guilty of a mis- demeanor,and shall be lined not less than $5000, and not more than $iOOO for each offence." The National Live Stock Association points out that "There are several classes of shoddy. The best is inudu from the sweepings of tailor shops, and iheempty- inga of ragbags in civilized countries. The worst, which constitutes the greater part I used in America, is from the rotten east "- off rags of hcggars.and the Inzar and peat houses of Europe,imviiit;iii them all kinds and amounts of filth and disease. Those are gathci-ed by rag-pickers from tbosUuus and alleys and sent to America in ship- loads, wiiero they nro purchased by « cer- tain class of manufacturers, who, in order tn take the curse off the name, term the stuff "ro used wool tibro." It must be remembered however, that in must iii- Btances,whon tearing this shoddy to pieces preparntory to again woaiing into cloUi, it is fouiid'io be so rotten and dead that nothing is produced but dust, and in order to got two ends, so that it can be spun, a ininiiMum portion of wool or cotton is mixed with it, i.i order that it may be held together. The next step after weaving tarries it to unscruplous dealers, who sell this production to the luboriiii; men, ami in fact t-i all cbis.scs of society, for "jiure wmil", thus goiting for a suit woith three or fwur dollar.', more than three times this amount. To en- courage such a fraud is simply putting the lousy raus lif Ruriipeaii paupeis in eoiii- petiliou with the sheep and wool growers of America and elsewhere, and robbing the C'liisuniers who wonr woollen uarineiits by selling tin in llie stulf under a niisiep- resentatiou." If the fi regning statemonts are fmt*, iiid it is .scarcely likely the Livo Stock Ass â- ciiiliim w luld publicly state thtm unless tliey were truo--Tt can be readily seen Ihat.apart from the fraud and niisrepresi ntatiuu in the niiilter. there is ooiisidorablii source of danger to the pu'ulio lieilili tlirou^h iiifeeti.Mi. It will, I believe, be readily lulmitt.d that aonie slimldy is bitter than many low grade wools, ami when made imo cUifli, would nniku a beticr article than the short staple low iirade wiol, but this is one of the aU'iuKliet one has t> contend with, and shi'uld not be a siumbling block to legis'aiioti ii'i the ipK'sli n. .Sirei.uoiis efforts will iii.dnubt be miule in all uoUMiries where lo-.-ishition is pro- posed to prevent ibo coii>i 'oration of the subject, but the diiricultiea in the way of foimnb'ting a woikshlo onaitniont cannot be unsurniiiunl.ib'e, itnd I sincerely hoi'U that this piipi'r may do smnetliing to hacten the ul jeet v.e have in vijv. Au-nEi) Manseu,. Shrewsbury Kiigland. Wily Sniffle and Sneeze Don't suffer auy more with a cold in the head, just c^rry a Catarrhozone In hiilet in your vest pocket, use it now and aL'aiii and you wi il't have colds. Catarrh oKoiie knock.") out a cidd in ten minutes, kills a headache in five minutes, and hard rackii'g cougli.i in half h h>iur. Inhale the pleasant Catjirrhnzone vapor five miiiutea four times dailysnd it will cure bronchitis, lung trouble, deafness, Asthma and Cat arrli iu any part of ihe system. Catarrh- ozone is the most direct, modern and scientitic method, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Complete two mon ths' treatment costs SI 00, trial size 25c. Druggists or N.C.Polson &Co.,King8to:i, Out. If you want alMist ChinS IIcuul- ' ^ made sett of hfirnc:.-! i^r, to ^ HEARD'S CARRIAGE I WORKS |. FOR THEM. ** Few Months SPENT AT THE AH Dank The Western railroads have lefused to grant special rate clergymen's privileges to the followers of Bowie, the founder o* the Zion sect in Illimiis. Clerirymen's pannits are usually issued at about half rates, and all classes of missionary and philanthropic workers have sought to be included in this privilege. The Salvation Army people were sdmitted to the "clergymen" class two or three years aio. Edward Dunbar, ,who wrote the (dd Sunday school sonii, "There's a Liuht in the Window for Tliee, Brother," sloejis in a pauper's grave at Ooffeyville, K insas, where he died a tramp iu the town jail ten years ago. One night in the spring of 1890 Dunbar called at the Coffeyville jail for lodging. He was ill and the authori- ties took him in. He died the next d>iy. Papers in his pocket levealed his identity and showed that be had tramped all over ihe country. Some church people have lately ereoted a marble slab over hia grave on which these words are inscribed, "Here Lies E^lward Dunbir, Who Wrote 'There's a Liji'it in the Wind nv f. ir Thee, Brother.' " The drink did it. Owen Sound, Ont. Will lit a young man or woman for business. The best course in Canada and reason- able fees and expenses. College circuliir frie to any addres", C. A.FLEMINQ. PRIN. Owen Sound, Ont. f'toud the Outisii and works oil' t!iu Cold Laxative BrcnoQuinlue Tabloti; ouiea col u oini 'lay. No I'uie, No Piiv. Price '2."»eoiit H* Wilson = Tleshcrton « « « Fleshertons' Tonsoria! Parlor Wanted- -Barber Appri;ntice good cha^nce to leara for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry. « « « . «:cr7/'mr*'^:,;v-<-e.« . .'^Wf-t (â- â€¢'i.';?v"^«>:^'T:vr7i.^«*:*rvi» ^ K 6. W Ki-yK K&rx K ^ K K &K Wy'^cK NiervoiK.Weak Men. Thousands ofronng nff and mlddla-amd «nen are annually swept to a prematare vn throneh BArLy INDISCRETION, BXCBHSBS, AND BLOOD- >I«BA»BB. - - DOlat*. A . _^ ^ . ,, . •}re* with dark circles under tliem, weak back, >idaeys irritable, palpitation of tl: heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack WTO grave throneh EA DISEASES. Uyonhaveany of thefoUowinifBrmptoms cousult us bcfure it ia too late. Are you nervons and weak, despondent 'and gloomy, specks before the g| eneriry and stren? tb, tired mornings, restless nlgrhts, changeable moods, weak man hoo^Tstunted organs, prematura decay. l>ono paiua ' ' â- "" "â-  "'"^ I Otur n»w Alatbod Treatment wlU cure you. Mr. .lohH Liking drove to Prioevillu yesterday with four \\\ ose heads belong- ing to \5r. J, D. liriiwn. Mr. Hiowii is naturally pmnd of lhe^u heads which no doult bring back In his mind many ( x- cilin'; scenes in the hunt f>r this noble game in thu far northern part of Ontario â- nd Quebec. It ii a suooessiim of diffienl- lies to got within shooting range of this gntn', then comes the ta~k of moving the iinni-nse carcaascs out of the wilds ti tran'portaii.>n imints. Mr. Cnevn has Iwien a ancceiwful moose liuntir and ihcso four hi-aiU which he letuins are t!<u very fiii'St »|'ceini. ns being w»-ll mounted anj of t;ru»Ml >iri'poi liens. Tliey with iluir widu «pre«ding htms iniKl,> a c-od sia-d |.)nd for .Shavp's loiiit coiiuneieitl wa- on and would I.e lalued at about 5000.00.â€" Oaudiilk Herald, An occur-oice in the town.sliipof Ijnd- say, oil Tuesday of last week, brought back memories of the early tbiys and the [lerils encountered by the lit*' seltler-i in luaiiy ijua<-ter-) of the glooo. Fortunately the Brucu IVuinsu'a, tlmui^lf lalllesnaktw are roponod to be fairly plentiful in the two northern townships, has been re- miiikably free from accidi-ntM of a seiinus nature from llie pro^enco of these reptiles, .ind tl set tiers have bee-. me a little care- less about tl)e>n. On the day rtated a year idd son of Mi.ll.ibt. Barclay, playiiiL' about his iiome b.ro f"ot,d and bare legged to I ho knees, was »'i unftntunate as to step on a Ihree fool sn iku which wai lying liiisk'.iig in the sun. The lude awakening an'Usvd all the bud in the ro|)- till), aud in a twiiiklin:^ its bmgs werj buiied \\\ the child's lea. .\n angry snake si likes ri'iickly, and before the child got beyond reach the bua-t stiuck him 111 five difl'erent phicea. Hiss/reiiiH brouuhi his mother to the seme, and luikli/.inu thu iroulile and the danger, in- stiial of faiiiling or going in hysterics, "he bravely siickt)^ the wounds, tied a ligature ti^lnly loutidthe limb to *top the circu lation of the blood, thou lii;ehel a hose and ctHrted on a fiiteen mile drive wiih the buy to Lion's Head B-foie loaehii g nudical Hid ar the village the child was nearly crmiy with the pain caused by the ligature Ht'ipping the ciiculaliou in the limb, and his cnos could be heard for a long distance, but the h'-roic w..man held cin, and furtuna'ely found I'l. Slii.m at his home. The wounds were cauleriz- d. and dr'-fwfd by him, and »• the Utist le po:l8 <7i';! ilille lad wasd'-inu fiis>iatu,and oiii few ill fff. cts of his ternbln wx|i!i- iei'oe. Tlnre it, no doubt Mrs riarcia>'s brave auj energetio actions saved hrr Ixiy'n life. It is mothers like her that made Canada famous "ti the South Afri. can velJta.â€" Wiattuu C.in;:.lian. Men's Blood Kothinfr can be more detnofalUinjr to youn^ and middle-aged men than emissions at nlirbt or secret drains through the urine. They unfit a man ior business, mar- ried life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil b.-»bits in youtih, nsturalweakneas, or sexual excesses, our New Uetbod TroBtiacat will posi- Uvely care yon. CURBS aUARANTBBO. NO CURB, NO PAY. pS''So Names Used Wltbout Written Cona«2tit. W. A. Muir, of Lima, C, says:â€" "I was one of the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of age. The drains ou my system were weakening my brain as well as my sexual aud nervous sys- tem. For ten years I tried scores of doctors, electric belts aud patent modicines. Some helped me, none cured. I was giving up iu despair, iu fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad- vised me as a last resort to give tho N«w Mettaod Treatment of Drs. K. •& K. a fair trial. Without confidence I consented aud ia three months I was a cured man. I was cured •even years agoâ€" am married and happy. I heartily recommend Drs. K, ik K. to my afflicted BefoieTnatment fellow men.'* After Treatment M^'We treat and cute Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Svphilis, Unnatural iJischarges, Self Abuse, Kidney aud Bladder Diseases, aud all diseases of Men and Women. a9*NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No | medicine sent C. O. D. No names on boxes or eavclopea. £Terytblug coufideuUal. Qaeation lUt and cost of treatment, FKE B. 148 8HCI.BY 8TRKET. DETROIT. MWN. Drs: Kennedy & Kerganp Tlioroti<;lib.-8d Durham Bull fi Servicj Cord niinto, 20Oea. The nndorsi^iuid lias a tine seed Dinliuin I II tor service on lot 141, T. it- S. U. Termsâ€" 111 for urade cows, ^^.I for tlioront;h- reds l*cdit;reo on applicati u .l.tCOB IiKVEU Klcsberton T.O. Tani worth Boar for iService. Alvin ( No. 728 ) The undeisigiiod hus a thoroiufhbrcd Taraw.iilh. Hoar bred by .loloi IWU, ot Amber, Ont., for service on l"l 170, coil. 2 E. T. \ S R. Turma 81 <K». ISep.tyr. liichard .Men, Ii'leshermn. Advance To the end tif the year for 20 cents. ^ fksherton Furniture UJarerootnSe We are earryini; 'he newest styles of seasonable gixals in all lines of Puniiture, cniisisilnK of : P-iilor ami Kedio<iiii wiit."*, loungesy sidebinivl.", extcnsbn nod centre laiile.", el.aa.s, nindoiv sbadi-s snd our:a'ii polrs, piciuro"", ea-els, etc , VVhxli we offer at LOWEST PRICES 5 Picture Flaming aid Genernl Ue \ pairing. l"ndortaking in .ill its T lir.inches. Satisfaction gunrHiHi.ea. % W. rt. Bunf, - - Fr »p. \^

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