T ft £ t' L E S K E R T O N A D V A .V C E October 1902 (lletbddist = Churchy i'* V-? :: 1 4 -Ute. !s. Cvlaon'Wllsoii Soi-vic:c-*S\anclay 11 Pi in ie ~ p. ni Siibjfrts •orncit 3»Lbub â€" Xiiv . iJ If'olKvi.ud will pruic'i Morning Viciiilty Chips J''s:ir ».{"terlstics of the Past IVfck €iirer«Uy Culled for else FrcsU liiiis Hlwsyj on hatiLl. J. H. Dackctt, Eugeuiii. Mouey •:<) loan .it lo weat rates. A. S. VanDusen, Floshiuton. Girl wanted to do general Lousevvork on farm. For particuhis apply at this affice. Ml.« Badjeroff imd MiM Robiiison of 13 lyeiiiii spent Siiturday with \ird. T). ^t^Tavish Di»d â€" At Kimberley, on Monday, Oct. 3, the infant Hon uT Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walter, agi'd 2 iiiunths. Two tcrtchors are *>»iit9d fur tlio Kim- btrlcy public scUod. See advtrtisBnieut iii;in>iilicr column. Mrs. M. Richardam rttumed home on Muoday afcer nn extended visit in TiiroH 111, Olio v.-eek from to-day we will be giving thanks for a bountiful harvest and good time-s in tjeneral. Miss McKochi.ie of Collinfiwood has taken the position of deputy in the post- office here, receiitly vacated by Miss KavaiMVgh. Mr. J. Boyd and family are now en- sconced in their I'andsome new resideuc?, erected this summer on Toionto street. Mrs. ^Rev.) PTilson is this we«k in Toronto attending the annual convention • of Toronto conference IFbmen's Mission- ary society. Mr, Deagle is stringing his olec'ric light wires this week, but it will probably be mciro than a fortnight yet before the light chines. Lost â€" About July 21, one white ew« and two black-faced lambs, ewe and weather. Finder please communicate wiili Ills. E. Paul, Eugenia. Apples for sakiâ€" Any person wanting to buy some tirstclass fall apples can do so by callini; on J^3^ph Wober, lot 25, con. 13, Artemesia. Price in the orchard 40c. per bag. Joseph Weber, Eugenia P. O. The teachers convention will be held here Friday and Saturday of next week, with a concert Friday evening, tor which occasion Miss Tessa McCallum has been â- engaged. Mosey TO Loan â€" At 4i to 4 J per cen- Expenses low. .^Iso a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for aile cheap. .Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or DundalK office Saturday aftcr- nion. The regular monthly song service was held in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Owing to inclement weather the audience was latlier small. Mr. M. K. Richardson conducted the service. Farm to rent â€" llih con. Proton. 100 acres, 90 cleared, ten acres hardwood ; in a good 9t,Ato if fer.ili'y, well watered goijd liuildins-? For further (Mrticulars ^i\^^y t > Mrs. -M. Egan, or .J.Rausta.ltler Fltsherton. Mr. Jo?. Parks'"of Dundalb is about t>-> lo.Tiove to Portflge la Prai:ie, wl-.ero he has secured a good position. He will re- ceive a .salary all told (rf something better than ^lOOtl, including the leadership of the Poitage bind. Ho will leava in about throt wecl.s. U. will bo a heavy blow to the Duiidalk tuoul. We have not advanced the price of our tolMCCOs. Aml)iT snu>kii g tobacco, Bobs, Currency ajid Fi«ir Play chewing tobaccos are the sanio sizi) and piicj to the c»n- sutner as formerly. We have also ex- (einU'd the time fur the redemption of Snowshoe tap.s to January 1st, 1904. The Empire ToIkicco Co., Limited. Artemetia prohibitionists will meet in ouiventioii, in the Metlioilist church, Eu- gmiia, oil Tucstlay next Oct. 14. The object of the conventiiin is to peilect township orjianiration for the referendum oimpaign. There will bo a fewtiou at 2 p. m. {it the diseussuia of plans and n'.etlual.s aud a ma.s8 meeting at night when addrosf es wdl be delivered by prom- inent local speakers. Every prohibitionist m the township is invited to attend this convention. The Eogi-nia friends will tptertftiu dolexKtes fruni a distance. Mr. Adam Uenoe,Eu:{eiiia, sua of Tlios Genoe,whiO went cut wiih tlie second last .African contiugeiit, ^iied hoims Ij.^t evcnii);/. He enlisted at London and wag only two uioiitha in Africa. Boyd, Hick ling & li , are nutking a npUndid dl.^play of LaditV Fur 5Ianllei<, Cfil«ji iiieu and Rutls. They are all new this ne-ison and s<ime very pretty novel ctiec's are included Prices and quality a'o right too Yoa should see thetn ! •Sugar advanced 5 point, la^t week, lut you'll slill g<t25 pounda Standard XXX Granulii>e<.1 for a dtdlar at Boyd. Hicklint* iCo. Mr. Griffin, who has wnikcd as miller in the Ft vert-ham conpany uill for some- y-al-s past, has severed his connection therewith, having purchased a mill of his own. The people of Fevemlian) are very surry to lose .\Jr. Griltin as he has always Kiveu the best of aaiisfaction in his busi- nos.'S and soaally he anl hi.s family will be much missed. Private telophoce lines seem to bo booming just now. The people of Sing hanipton. Glen Huron, Mclntyre and Badj roa are foroiing a cnni(.any for the erection of a line to Coilingwood. Arm- strong Bros , of Rockva.'e sawmills are also about to erect a private line to M.irk- dale, as will be seen by council minutes elsewhete. F. T Cart of Eugenia hands us a letter from his son Ed. of Assiiiaboia, in which he is advised that the C P. R. Co. have recently surveyed an extension of thoir Areola branch to Regina, and the survey crosses the corner of F. Cart's homestead with the town site surveyed just a mile away, and conveying to Mr. Carr an offer of 81000 for his claim. How is this for western speculation and a trip to the wheat fields in the Territories. New season's arrivals this week at Boyd, Hickliiig & Co , New Crop Rais- ins, Hew Crop Currants, 1902 • Pack Salmon, 1912 Candied Peels, Osprey Fail Fair Osprey fill fair, which was held at Feversham_on Thursday and Friday of last week, was certainly fiivoricd by the elements. A bright, warm sun and good roads drew forth the largest crowd of people which has yet patronized the show, and the energetic secretary and directors were correspoudiuely happy. The Otprey exhibition is now ctsrtainly i>n its foot as one of the most successful societies in this county. We believe the total receipts were in the vicinity of ^275, although the exact figures are not to hand. The ex- hibits taken all round; were fully up to any former year and in some instances superior. As usual, the exhibit of horses was good, some very fine animals being shown. Cattle were somewhat slack, but piifs and sheep wrre plentiful. Mr. S. Colquett showed a fine Yorkshire piit which he has recently purchased, and Mr. Miller a 'J-nionth Durbaui heifer Gilf whi-;h he has just sold to a Texas stock- raiser for a sum in the neighborhood of S200. Duiulalk band supplied choice music during the afiern;ion. Thf Iwutl.s did a rushing basiiiess. The i rize list will be printed in next week's issue. 'I'd the Editor of The Aihatu-c. De.-vk Sirâ€" In Patton Bros, reply last week they stated that there w;is only one thing worth replying to. It i.s the first time I over knew it was con.^iidered in any way sligh'iiig to any jwrsoii or persons, iiiale or feiu.;lt', to refer to the fact that they worked. The majority of us have to do so or starve. But I am glad to knii.y that the lady, whom in my ignortmce I referred to, has t'vo kui,:ht errants so reaily ill her behalf Lo run a tilt with an iniisinary bogie. You say you are glid of the, advoitisint, you are uet'ing, but remember it is not your ivork that is being advertised. There is not one of u» but is willing to give you credit for being able to do good p!astoiiiiL',it is your statement in regard to the Talbot job and your c'aim t'l be yxc> ptioiially fast tl.at is dis- puted, your stat.-mt-ut as to amount of work done and 'inie spent in doing it its being false and your claim for speed on that acoount ridiculous. It is not a Unestion of other men's wwk or my character either but a false statement aboiit your own work wliich is disputed and unless you can clear yoiH.solf don't attempt to iuHiaiiate anything aga'nst anyone else. Mei-hanic. John O'Doiinell, the nun convicted of stealing s'ock, and his hired man. Cum- mi-.gs. alias Bert Ryder, were brouijht bef«-e Juiljie Cliadwick on Monday to recrivt) seiiteuce on the cliaigea ou which ih-.-y ha I convict*!', .somi y<i:iri age. O'Donnul a-as sen* enced 'o five years m Kiii:;s'on Peaiten''i:iry and Cumiiiii>.jS in two years, ie-ss three d<ys, in the Central Prison, I'ur nis share in the irantactious. Tile H'iarton Canadian ssys : â€" A flock of tivo wild geese ivere dLscovered on Mr. TFara's faim tjy Mr. M. McNeill and a friend. They suci;eedfd in CJipturiiig one alive, havuiy dL'tabfed it with a grain of shot through the neck, and Mr.MeNeill is gi'ini to tame it. Th.i birds belong to the species known as the snow goose, and are very pretty â€" all while with black tips on wind's and tail. i EACHERS WANTtD For S. S. So. 3, Eapbrasia, principal sad assistant. Apply stating salary and quaiifica^ tiou to the uudersiguel. Duties »o commence January 5 lb, ISOS. .-Application be in on or bL~ fore October 33, 19i». J.AS. B. FAWCETT, Sec. Treaa. S S. N't . 3, Kimberley. \ Tiesberton Furniture We are carrying the newest styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, iconsisiing of : Parlor aud bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre table.", chair>>, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertaking in all its branches. Satisfaction guaraiiteect. W. M. Bunt, - - Prop. ^ Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord IHintOt 2906$. The andersignecl has a fine a(;ed Dorb&m Bull for service on lot 141, T. Jt S. K'. Termsâ€" $1 for grade cows, .$3 for thoroufih- breds Fedigree on application JACOB LBVER Fleshertou P.O. Xaniwortln Boar for iScrvice. Alvin ( No. 728 ) The undersigned has a thorouahbred T;uuworth. Boar bred by John Bell, of Amber, Ont., for service on Int 170, con. 2 E. T, & S. R. Terms SI. 00. ISep.lyr. Richard Allen, Fleshertou TOeSSIIBE B^ie FOS SEITICE Tbo undersigned has a fine tliorouRhbrcii Yorkshire boar tor service on lot *1, aftb cou cession, ArtJjiesia. Terms $1. W R.DYSOX. Cbe Fksberton Ha rness emporium ? ? THE PLACE TO IS BUY YOUR HARNES5 Permanent Cure for Neuralgia Exj>erienc«> sufferers state no remedy relieves neumlg a so quickly as a hot ap. pliciilioii of Poison's N«tvilin»,' the strongest liniment made. Nervilino is ceitainly lery V'^nelrating an J has a powerful influence tver neuralgia pains, which It destroys almost at ouco. Nervi- line is highly rvcommended for theuma lism, lumbago, sciatica, and tix)th->ch». Bettor try » 2dc. bottle, it's all right. All kinds und prices Whips and la.shi-s frunks aud Valiccs coiulis ami brush->s. Sweatpads and collar pads, .-Vxle Ciea.-Jc, Hoof Ointment and Gall Cure, Bitts and .Snaps, Buggy Dusters and all styles and puces. Rubber Rul's. Woollen Rugs llaraoss Polish and Metal Poli?h and Everything in our line. lU. nioore = Flesb^rton H» Olilson = Tlcsbcrton « « « Fleshertons' Tonsorial Parlor Wanted-Barber Apprentice gcxxl chance to learn for the right young man. Bring along Ya Laundry. /?. N.KINNFARdSONS .W.iXWELL Wiph to thank their many customers for their liberal patronage during the past year and solicit a continuance -of the same. If fairdealiut; counts for anything we ttiil have your support. In our liiiH of Groceries you will 6nd everything nf lirs* quality for we will buy nothing else. We Have Raw and Med Oils. Turpentine, Castor Oil. Olive and Sweet Oil in bottle or bulk. Machine Oil in any quantity. We have reix'ived another shipment of the Famous Ahren Bcois and Shoes which once to try is always to buy. Como and sec them. We take all kinds of Farm Produce in exchange for goods. Ovzr Terms are Cash or Trade. We do not sell below cost but sell as cheap as those who say ihey do. Gleuhuruu Flour always on hand at mill price. We will have in a day or two F*ea,cht>s and Greipes right frum the fruit "jrower, so secure a basket while they last. Picklinsr Season is at hand, XXX vinegar, we have it. Xhn spice of all kind.-;, so 3>ou can be supplied at h'jme, which is far belti-r than a jour- ney on a cold or hot day. Highest market price paid for Al butter and fresh egJS. IJ. N. KIIS:>sEAI? & SON'S Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Dooi-s, Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks,Hand li^iling, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Si(l- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones fox* chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walkei Sloan PROPRIETOR FARM FOR SALE Only $1800. $500, baUnce easy terms interest 5%. 100 acres, 75 cleared and under cultivation, 'nulance ha'f c<idar ."iwamp and half mixed hardwoi'd. Com- fori.ible frame dwelling, frame p< st bam half mile fiom good schoid and 3 mdes from villag'! of Eugenia. Apply to B. J. Sprou)e, b'ieaherton. ^ The Markets. Carefully t'orrev cd EneU TlVek Oati 2(5 <> 20 Peas 05 o 6.5 Barley 45 to 48 Butter 15 o 15 Ek'gs fresh H :<' U Pork 7 25 to 7 25 Hay 5 00 to 5 00 Potatoes bag 75 '-o 75 FALTlm Fleshbbtos Sept. .'JOâ€" (Xt.l Durham Sept. 23â€" 24 Chesley Sept.15â€" Iti Owen Sound Sept. 16â€"18 Coilingwood Sept. 23â€" 2(i Meaford Sept. 25â€"26 Walters Falls Sept. oO--Oct. x Feversham Oct. 2â€"3 Markdale Oct. 9â€"10 Chataworth Sept. 23-24 Meaford Sept. 25-26 Artemesia, Priceville Oct. 14-15 Euphrasia Oct. mCllING BROS. â€" FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, - ^ . ^ , Flooring .' We have just placed in i^sition a new planer aud matcher and are prepared to furnish builuiog mat^jrial in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. Hickling Bros. Sth cim., Artemesiaâ€" Maxwell P. 0. 10 July, 02 i> (♦> 1^ i> i> ^n il/ \U 1) i\ fax Hi ft? 1! 1> «\ 1^. y^-^-^--,af^-^-^-00-^-^-^-^^. '•^â- ^ mf^-0fm>-00-^'^.S^ We have decided to hold Our Fall nniinery Opening -Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 31 and Oct. i A more brilliant gathering than ever greets yon this season, the millinery for 1902-3 is incomparable, every section of our business has somethingofinterest to you, when you come don't confine yourself to millinery but look through all departments ; our entire stati" is at your service and you'll be cordially received. Furs. We have two shipments of Furs in already which we have ready for inspection and think them the best values we have ever shown. With a good jissortment to pick from we would ask you to see the value we are showing in Caperines. The Fall season now opened. We are receiving large stocks of new Fall Goods in all lines and are able to show you a large assortment in all of the following staples antl ftincy dry goods, Boots and Shoes, rubbers, Keady-to-wear clothing. Groceries and Crockery. All wo ask is an inspection when we will make the prices right. We have received our new stock of Fall Caps for Men aud boys' They are the new shapes and are good value. We will show you extra value in all kimls of Men's antl Boys underwear in all-wool and Heece lined. See them before buying. We will give every lady a Butterick fashion sheet free antl can get any pattern you want without ext'':'' chai-ge. KLESHEKTON AND EUQKJs'IA H.mnson » Tksb^rton T. J. SHEPPARD \^ xh y^ i^ Vli' in w \» \i» vl/ mt ib \^ Ui v^ i^ \if \lit ib \A a \4i Oi Oi \b Hi â- ''^^VMlSWKtt''' -..i»»J|l|i««**W55IH'.V>