Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1902, p. 4

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â- November 20, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE tA fiÂ¥^^m^ I R T.HILL & CO SPECIALS IN HARDWARE From time to time oi)i)ortunitios coipo our way by which we get B'afioiiablu lines nf nociJs rauch below their reguliir value. And j'jst as Huro as we aoo'jre guoclK at a low price, jiuit to certain .iie our customerii of pirtici- pating in the beiiefitH. This week wo place on Halnpiirt of a traveller's set of siimplu kiiivuH among which are: 25 Finest Steel butcher knivoH, 6 to K inuh bliidcN, nnuHt tempered steel. Thei>e nru splendid goodsâ€" worth in the usual way up to 50 cents each and aro clearing at one price, your choice on\y 9,o 37 trays, heavy, beautiful patterns, nickln-plated Kood.i. Thia is a paiticularly nice assortment of up to date goods â€" goods that with reasonable care will last a life time â€" and all to be sulj ut hulf their value. Our dollar trays for 50 cents, half-dollar trays for 25 STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. Our stock of these is now at its bestâ€" both as regards nasortment and values. Think of this â€" NinHteen different kinds of Cook Stoves and Heaters, each a gem and without an equal at its price. Several new lines of Stoves added to our stock within the past few days. You'll be interested in the prices we are in a posltton to quote you. X CUT SAWS AND .\XES Bushmen and others interested in the purchase of good saws and axes wo invite to examine our mag- nificiont collectiun. We've gone to a lot of trouble both by test and inquiry in selecting these and have secured a mammoth stock that we know is rijjht. Our aim is to have the best no matter what the price, but as it happens the prices are not any higher than common goods are usually sold ut. Special in Dry Doods These lines ate all on sale aow. Some are in sufficient • quantities to last ten or twelve days, others probably only throe or four days. In view of this its important that you mike your selection as soon as possible. Come as early in the day as you canâ€" say 8 o'clock. EverythifiK then Is in perfect readiness for business and the store comfortably heated. We give a prompt service and careful attendance on customers at all times, but our very host attention is given those who shop in the forenoon â€" as a rule we're not so rushed then. SWEATERS 29o. 10 dozen Men's extra heavy Sweaters, perfect goods, full sizes in cardinal, bright uiivy, and heather mixtures. This is the biggest snap in such goods that hns ever o ime our way or yours. Genuine and thoroughly dependable sweaters, worth in the regular way 50o. and VB.each. Your choice noH only 29 BOYS' SUITS 81.50 24 small boys' suits, in navy worsted and Te" vet cord- uroy, prutiily made and thoroughly well tiim ned. In the regulai way these goods are worth 92 25 per suit â€" Kood value too at that price â€" but having bought at a piirticularly low price we pass them on to you at a proportinate saving. Your choics of the tot, fwr suit only 1.50 BOYS' LONG BOOTS 98c. 34 pairs Boys' long boots, all thoroughly seasoned and j(i8t the correct article for present wear. We expect to clear these out in a very few days â€" thty're goods that will give ab.solute satisfaction in wear and will keep the boj's' feet dry in any kind of weather. Sizes run as high aa 5, values 1.50 to 2.25, your choice now only 98 TABLE LINEN 75c. 68 yards of finest satin-tinished 'Table Linen. The cloth is the newest design and of the finest quality linen we have ever handled. Full 65 inch wide, reg- ular value 1,25 pnr yard, clearing at only per yard 75 ALL WOOL HOMESPUNS 56c. 125 yards, 54 in., beautiful all-wool homespuns in grey and fawn. Those who know anything of homespuns will admit that for serviceability and comfort they have few equals and no superiors among present dress fabrics. This cloth is worth in the regular way 90c. per yard, clearing now at only 55 Please Shop in the Forenoon it yon Can. F. T.HILL & CO THE COUNTRY PRESS AND PROHIBITION. I at all . The Scott Act was practically j inoperative because it did not contain the macbinery for its enforcement. The country presss, with extremely Tlio machinery for the operation of rare e.xceptions, are advocating the Ulje present act ig complete, and the passage of the prohibition measure. I govornment guarantee its euforoeraeut Among Its most ardent advocates the if 212,723 votes are polled on Deo.4th Clarksburg Reflector probably stands up head. The following quotation is from last week's issue and shows very clearly bow Bro. Marshall looks on the matter : "The question now is what do you want done with the bar room? Supposing the law could not bo en- forced and the saloon should go on forever and men should die in it like flies and lioll grow fat on its victims, your business is to wash your hands of your own responsibility on Dec. 4th by voting against the legalizing of the open bar. This is the duty that is upon the lieads and hands and hearts and conscience of tiic christian voters of Ontario now to do. And you are' "witnesses against yourselves" if you do not do your duty for your home, your country and the merciful Provid- ence that lias perhaps so far spared your homo the cursed hot-iron brand of the heartless traffic in rum." Again ho says : "It is of no use to rail at the hquor Heller. His business ^record of sales, that ia there was no may be bad and quo you would not like to ,iuake your living of. You might not care to eat bread bought with the sorrows of a ruined home or a b'asted, blighted life, but yonr respon- sibility does not end there. How did the liquor dealer got his right to en- gage in this business? Tiio public virtue <vaB for sate, ho bought it at its own price and paid for it in hard cash, money wrung from the livelihood of helpless women and little childrcn,aud the voting church must refuse to rat- ify the sale if her hands are to be kept clean from complicity in the liquor trunic, the meanest thing thai ever fouled a home or dragged the Union Jack at tho chariot wheels of shame." next. Under the Scott Act liquor might be kept anywhere and iu order to convict it was necessary to prove that it hai been sold or exposed for sale. Moreover it might be given av/ay, and sales wore frequently made under pretext of gifts. Tho following is the exact wording cf the Ontario Liquor Act, paragraphs 151 and 152. 151. No person Hliall. wlthiu the Proviiico of Ontario, by hiiuHulf, his clerk, Borvant or a^oDt, expoBO or keop for sale, directly or iii- dr ectly, or upon any pretence, sell or liart<'r, or I u cuusideratiou of tho purchase or transfer of unv property nr thinf;. Rive tn any other person any liquor without havin^'first obtained a dniKKiHt's wholoHalo license or a druwHist's retail license under this Act authorizing biui HO to do, and tlien only as authoriEed by hucIi lioenHu and as prcHcrlbod by ihiH Act. 1.53. No person within the Province of On- tario, by hiuiBclf, hia clerk, servant or af^ent, shall liave, or keoo, orgivo liqnoi in any placu wlvatsoever, otlior tliau in a luivate dwelling honso in which he veaiduH, withouthavioR flr^t ot>tained a drupMiflt'i) wboleHnlo licence or a druKKlHt'B retail license under tills Act aatbor- izing iilui BO to do.and then ouly as autborizoJ by Bucb license. Under the Scott Act, the licensed vendors were not compelled to keep a which it is proposed to use as unfit for the purpose. It is said to coiitain too much mineral of some kind to be useful. The Durham people are be- coming less enthusiastic over their investment. When the work was first promoted from 76 to 150 men were to be engaged and the town was destined to buzz with life. Now it is claimed with labor 'saving machinery only eight or ten lAnds' will be re- quired to run the wh'61e concern. We hope, however, that these pessimistic aud disturbing rumors will prove to be exaggerated and that the town will realize all that it anticipated from its investment, , It is feared that the Hon. Wilfrid Laurier is a sick man. This statement was pooh-poohed by the government prsss upon his return from Europe, but ho has again found it necessary to relinquish business and go south to visit tho hot springs of Virginia. THE ONTARIO LIQUOR ACT 1902 VS. 8C0TT ACT. penalty iucurrod if they neglected to do so. Under the present act all brewers and wholesale and retailed liceiipcd dnipgista who neglect to keep a record of sales aro subject to a heavy fine. Any ton ratepayers may prevent a license being given to a druggist if he is not a proper person to be thus privileged. Under the Soott Act tho penalties were, for the first ofTenoe,a fine of SSO, for the srcoiid afine of $100, for the third not more than two months in jail. Under tha Liqor Act tlio penalty for the first nOfeiico is a fino of $200 to $1000, for the second and each subse- quent offenco from six to twelve months m jail, without the option of a fine. Tho cry that tho Ontariu Liquor Act is the Scott Act over again is only made by thc^e wlio are either ignorant of or wilfully raisreprtBonli'ig the Rev, Irl R. Hicks 1903 Almanac T. â-  1 • • 1 , • I 1 • i facts of ihf ciise. It IS bein >' indiistriouBly and persist- > â- :. e'ltly asseripd in certain quarters that j â€" - -"^ - the Ontario Liquor Act is simply the; Iheie is j.ist a •possibility tliat the Soott Aol ovfli'tisviii. This is a mis- big cement wnika, which wpre'a whole reprcscntaiinn and an ftb.surdily. ^ inenngoric lor Dmlmm dnriii;,' the past Tho Kcotl Act only embr.icpd one year, will inovo to be only a big white county, tiin Ontario Lnpior Act' elephant nflir all, Experts, we aro crab acts ,1 whole province or nothing informed, have prononncc.l the clay To say that this splendid work of soicnco and art is finer and lietter than over, is Hlatmr! it mildly. The demand for it is far beyond all previous years. Tu say that such results, reaching through thiry years, aro not based upcm sound aotma and usefulness, is an insult to the intellifjonco of thomillions. Prof.Hioks, ihrou'.'h this great AWiianao, and his tnmoiis family and sciei.titie journal, Word niid Wiirks.is doini; a work for the whole people not approached by any other man ^or publiuiition. A fair test will prove this to any re.i.soimblo person. Added to tho most luminous course in astronomy for 190;i, forecasts of storms and weather are given, as never before, for every day ill the year, all charmingly illustrated with noarly two hundred engravings. The price of Ri(ii;l« Almanac, including jio.'itHgB and mailing, i* thirty cents. Word and Works with the Aliuaimc is 91.00 a year. Write to Word and Works Publishing Co., 2201 Locust street, St. Li'uis, Mo., and prove to yourself their Kroitt value. They Take Weeks (^rdirary remedies sometimes take wpoks to oven relieve casus that Civtiirrh- U7.'>iie cures at once. Inhale Catarrhuzono five niiiutes hmW and at'ain and it cure* a ooH. '( Inhale Cstarihozone fivo miiiuti's four times a day nni] it cures stubborn cr.Uijhs. Inhal.u 0,<tArrluizoi)o live tuiiiutos every lii'iiraiid we Bu.wiin'ee it will ciiVu any onsn of OH'arrh, brono'iiiiH, ustliins, lung or Ihroiit trouble, deafness. It !.•( very pleasant and convpnient to nso, quick lo rilkn-c, and et'rlHiii as the hen-utter to cure. Jjuffe sine, conipleto, pricn Sl.fH) ; I RinsU ni7.e,2f>c. Druggists, oj pulsou Oo . ' Kingston, Out. FURS I FURS I FURS ! ! You'll find we've prepared can elegant collection for your choice this sea.sor â€" we've tried to eclipse any former showing and we think we've succeeded. Our Far stock holds nothing but thorough[y reliable qualities and the newest designs in stylish combina- tions of the most popular Yuvs. We mention a few lines picked at I'atidoin jiist to give an idea of some of our value.s, Caperines Black Conev Caperines $3.75 and $4.75 ....i-Asti-achan Caperines .... 5.50 " â-  Coney and Astrachan Caperines 6.75 Electric Seal and 0[>posuin Caperines 8.00 Black Opposuni Caperines . . D.OO Black Coney and Lamb Caperines (5.75 Coney and Bear Capi^rines . . 9.00 Electric Seal and Wolf Caperines 15.00 Coney and Chinchilla Caperines 13.50 Grey Lamb Caperines . . 13.50 Electric Seal and Salile Caperines 13.50 All these are beautifully finished and lined, trimmed with four to eight tails. }Ru:ff S Electric Seal Eufts, large size, six Uiils, $3.50. Black Opposum Riifis.large size.six tails $3.75 Capes Astrachan Capes, fine glossy curl,heavy Ok quilted Italian lining, all sizes from 36-4-4 §15.01) Jackets In Astrachan Jackets we have a bigger range than ever. We have been particular to secure gar- mets showing a bright, glossy, jet black curl and and guarantee satisfaction with every one of them, whether you buy the high or the low priced garments. They are without exception, all beautifidly finished and lined with a reliable and durable Italian or satin quilted lining. We have in stock all sizes from 34 to 44 bust measure. Our prices range from $2S to $40*00 ^iid our values are unsurpassed. See Our Fur Jackets before buying anywhere. Men's fur Coats Natural Dog, Black Dojr, Wombat, Goat, Bulirarian Lamb Corsican Lamb, Kangaroo. vVallaby, Coon. ALL SIZES. PRICES FROM 815.00 TO §45.00. Fur Caps Opposum, Coney, Beaver, Astrachan. Persian Lamb, Grey Lamb, Otter, Eleotiio Seal. All our caps are full shaped, well finished, liiie(l~with best inateriiils in neat and takiiiK colorsâ€" the shapes include Dominion, We.lge.Havelock, Driver and Jockey Stylos. ALL SIZES. PRICES FROM $1.50 to §8.50 Hardware Department. Special November Sae of Wall Papers. During November we shall make Special Sale of Wall Papers â€" we've sold thousands of* Rolls this season and now have lots . of patterns with only a few llolls left of each â€" in most you'll find enough to paper a hall, bedroom or small parlor. We include many new designs in gilts and glimmer effectsâ€" none sold "less than 10c. , and many of them at 15c. and 20c. a double roll, While they last we'll sell them at 5c. the double roll. Cooking Stoves £«.xidL f^$ating Steves Stove Boards* Stove Pipes and Elbows. Boydtl^ickling&eo.

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