December 4, 1902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE SPECIALS IN HARDWARE I'roiii lime to tiiiii' opporluiiitieH cun'e our way by which wo get ai^iisoimblo lines of ijoods much below their regultir v.tlue And j'jst 113 suru as wb secjro giiodH at a low price, just so certiiin aio our cuatumerH of partici- piitiii'4 ill the beiietits. This week wo place on s^ile puit of it travollei's set of hhiiiIii kiiivua a iiioiig which are : 25 Finest Steel butcher knives, 6 to 8 inch blades, tinest tempered steel. These re spljud d goods â€"worth ii> the usual way up to .00 cents each .iiul are clearing at one price, your choice only % I 37 trays, heavy, bjautiful paltcrns, riickh*-plated goods. This is a paiticularly nice assortmoiit of up to date goodiâ€" goods iliat with nasonable care will last a life time â€" and all to bo Bold at half their value. Our dollar trays for oO cents, half dollar trays for 25 STOVES, KANGE.S, HEATERS. Our Ftock of those is now at its bestâ€" both as regards assortment and values. Tliiiik of thisâ€" Niiieieen did'erenl kinds of Cook Stoves and Heaters, each a gum and without an equal at its price. Several new linos of Stoves added to our stock within the past few days. You'll bo interested in the prices we are in a pisitiou to <|Ucito you. X CUT SAWS AND AXES Bushmen and tithers interested in the purchase of good saws and axes we invito to examine our inag- nificiont collection. We've gone to a lot of trouble both by test and inrpiiry in selecting these and have secured a inanimoth stock that we know is ripht. Our aim is to have the best no matter what the price, but as it happens the prices are not any higher than common goods are usually scdd at. Special In Dry Doods These linos are all on sale bow. Some are in sufficient (luaiitities to last ton or twelve days, others probably only three or feur days. In view of this its important that you inako your selection as .somi as possible. Come as early in the day as you canâ€" say 8 o'clock. Everytriiiii! then is in perfeol readiness for business and the store comfortably heated. We give a prompt service and careful attendance o.. customers at all times, but our very best attention is given those who shop in the forenoonâ€" as a, rule we're nut so rushed then. SWEATERS 29c. 10 dozen Men's extra heavy Sweaters, perfect goods, full sizes in cardinal, bright navy, and heather Miixtu;us. This is the biggest snap in such goods that has ever c .me our way or your.s. Genuine and thoroughly dependable sweaters, worth in the regular way 60c. and fo.each. Your choice now only 29 BOYS' SUITS §1.50 24 small boys' suits, in navy worsted and \» vet cord- uroy, prettily mido and thoroughly well tiim lod. In the regulai way these goods are worth 82 26 per suit â€"good value too at that priceâ€" but having bought at a p.irticularly low price wo pass them on to you at a proportinale saving. Your choice of t.he lot, per suit f>"ly 1.50 BOYS' LONG BOOTS 98c. 34 pairs Boys' long boots, all tliorouuhly seasoned and just the correct article for present wear. We expect to clear these out in a very few daysâ€" thty're goods that will give ab.soIute satisfaction in wear iind will keep the boys' feet dry in any kind of weather. Sizes run as high as 5, values 1.50 to 2 25, your choice now only . 98 TABLE LINEN 75c. 68 yards of fine.'it satin-finished Table Linen. The cloth is the newest design and of the finest ((uality linen wo have ever handled. Full 65 inch wide, reg- ular value 1,25 per yard, clearins at only per yard 75 ALL WOOL HOMESPUNS 56c. 125yards,54 in., beautiful all-wool houiespuns in grey and fawn. Those who know anything of homespuns will admit that for serviceability and comfort they have few equals and no superiors among present dross fabrics. This cloth is worth in the regular way 90c per yard, clearing now at only 56 Please Shop in the Forenoon it yon Can. /K ^ 5^ '1^ ^i^ *• * ' "^ â- ''â- F. T. HILL& CO ^N^^efrf^^^H^^ Cast your vote t3-day to do away with tbe baroom and save the boys. The city uowspapdrs are subsidized Ly tbe liquor party aud their very Bileuce otight to speak eloquonlly to all citizens who have the wellaic ot this country at heart. There is au upheaval of feeling abroad in this laud which will surprise the world. Treatiuo has been acceded by all to be the bane of the liquor business. The Act of 1902 will do away with the bar and kill the treating system. Mark your ballot directly uudcr the word "Yes" and your conscience will bo clear. Any guilt attatched to the licensing busiuess will then henceforth hi none of yours. Your hands will be clean. If you think that doing away with the bar is a good thing doii'l be a Judas and vote for license for a linau- cial consideration or because you have friends among hotelkeepers. It is not the individual that this battle is against, but the system. The last meeting of the campaign ^ Does Your Baby Cry at Night? for Artemesia township was held in; If .so, it is well to Icm.w (he groat value the town hall ou Monday evening andjof Poison's Nerviliiie,a household remedy was probably the most enthusiastic ofj [,'l,f T'""'' ^f!u' '"â- •"'.'t«''<'"""iche,8ick '^ â- ' 1 headache, and the manifold ills peculiar to children. A few drops of Nervilino in sweetened water inak.s a pleasant drink and never fails to quickly relievo. Nervi- Iincna as good as the doctor in emer.'en- ^03 and costs only 25c. a bottle. Get Nerviline from your druggist to day. •the whole series. The hall was crowd ed to the doors to hear Prof.Clark Brad- en of Illinois and others. Rev. Ivison Wilson occupied the chair and also gave a short address. This meeting was a fitting close to the campaign and augured well for an overwiielmiug vole iu favor of prohibition to-dny. It is not this district aloiio which is A gentleman from' this part who was up in Now Ontario looking after land to pur- chase, asked a settler iii a certain section: "How does the land lie out this way." awakening to the importance of the 1 With a sorrowful look the settler replied hour, but news comes from all over the "It's not tlio land that lies in this section province that a phenomenal activity I h's the land a«ent, and he lies awfully." is apparent among the temperance Godeiich carried a bylaw to take chment even in the large cities. \Vorkl*''."'""° ^^"-'"^ '" t''^' H., G. & B. electric ° i railway. is being done such as was never douei_ bifor Our Club6insr Xiat e, even in a political contest. The possibility of abolishing the bar has aroused thousands to activity whoi t) , , ,,,.,, , I ^ "I"''"* '""rked with a * give balance of were here toloie lukewai 111, and every ] this year free. hour adds strength to the good cause. 1 'i""*' Advanob and â€" If every man but does his duty to the good cause the Act will bo carried fly- ing. A few bouts now will decide the question for many years to come. We had thought that the Manitoba school question was settled forever, bnt of course might have known better. V.x . Laurier, wo were told, had settl- ed it and it would not be heard from again, A disagreeable awakening is vonclieafcd U8 in a despatch from Ikomu which states that the I'ope made a complaint to Mr.Laurier when he recently visited the valiuaii and Mr, Laurier "promised the L'ope that he would give tlio question his " greatest personal thought." This means that tiie subject i3 to be revived and tlie ground again fought over. Would it not bo wise for all ilio other prominent religious bodies in Canada to b'.'ing forward their grie/anccs l (Tliey can surely find some) and liavo ^ the lUiittcr of religious education, 'â- rights, privileges and duties defined j cu bloc once md for all, aud thus save ', this periodical and everlasting cropp^ iug up of, ccclesiaulical difficulties ? Legislating to strengtlioa the band of any cliurcli should be fro.vnod down in tliis land of free tjiought and un- til .yW.'d churches. I'udersiich (OD- diliunb cliurch and stale should be us •vide apart as the polls, or biltenieBa und hatred will bo mgendered to (he dekimeiit of ohristiuiiiiy. "Lit eveiy lull Hiaiid ou itsowii biltoiii" is a ^oUo as applicable to the ohurches as t^, fW]\ thi:)}} e'ic. His Plea. Willi a tauu ull tuiulor, Hwoot, BitBa ji.'uther, with hor luveti uiiu, tileepiiig iu itu cruille uuut. - l>ut the inother'H gazois auxiouu, Habv's Hieep is iiotuf ht^altU, Liku a fnujilu llowoi- ib liutU, Precious, abuvu ull wouUb. Hi'sh I thu littlt) ouuiH luuaiii Jg, Mutttor cla8i)!i it iu Itorana^; Dim hui' uyu ^I'uWb as a)ialuiiUaA tipi'uadti u'ur ull itu baby uliaiiui; Fulling buuuiH Uio fair, frail llowrut Aud tlie luotliar crios iti frigltt, "c>. iiiy hinbiA'nl, i waul biiu I WUat is kuupi.ig liitu lu-iugbtV" III tho uioiii tliat ruuin ibd.ii'kcued; ]laby'8 lying Xfoaouful ddw; Cold lliu liity, waxtiu Uiig.i'h; Oalui audould tUu baby biuw. \\\ tiiai aiigol furiti the (atlior RuBuU ill uiuruhil duup duMpair; "Cioit, U (lod, loigivo uiu, hulp iiio I" I'lLUdB iiu iUut*u, Iu brukjd piayui*, "0 that I'd tiotluft uiy baby And iriy wil'u alont last iiii^litl lUit ihu otliuru wore iu driukiug Aud uiy liii'uat Buuuitjd patoUoJ quite; i Tiioio I fl'Hu had luarueil to drink it I And its powor Houiuud woufid tttvoug, | W'iioii L ktiuw that luui waH tluwiuij i^'or which thirtity lips did long; I Bo I nuiant to go houid to thum AflorJuUnni) drink I'd got, Hnt tht) utliur l)oyH wuru treating, I Aud luy da/.ud braiu forgo, j That uiy TVift) at liouie w&h waiting, j And ourdurling la\ Ui'>itii)t; Tot, I dreauiotl not, that to take lior From us.Kathsr, was Thy will. j Kot for nio wor« her cat-nsfitia, And that long, luHt look of tovo, I Ah (Iiu ang> 1h oaui) t>t take her i To that happy liouiu abovo. 1 s'lnll iniHiio ir little darling; . Hhi> ts wliuru tho augitls aru: ^ I^olp uiu. f)onif!tiiiiti, thuii to joinhor, K^op mu, Kather»,fruju. the bat; j I,haro tried before- ti»> oouqtier, i Yo& I'll Btrlvuoaif I cun, | l)ul thote o|)un duot'v ta«vo dowued luo, U;.lp lUJ.God, to bu a a«u." *\Voekly Miiil and Empire with pre- mium g -^ ^5 ^We^kly Globe ...... .', . 1 80 Family Homld uiul Weekly Star uiul pronuum . , ^ go Diiily NewH \ 2 30 T(tr(»nto Dfiily Star V/ '. .", 2 30 Toronto Wnrkl \\ 3 OO G unrJiiin \ ^(\ 1.80 The Markets. CarcliiUv C'orrer ed Each We«,k Oat* Pen.s Whnit .' I.". " Hiirlry Outtur \\ Kir>,'s fresh .... I'oik ;.â- Oliickoiis per pair. Diuks per |mir Tuckoya per Ib Oeeso pur Ib Hny â- . I'otatoea baar 30 -o 72 o t65 tu 45 to 18 o 17 -,.. 7 00 to 25 to 40 to » to 7 to 5 00 to 50 â- .<) \ TU$l)erton Furniture Olarerooms, Wo arc cHrryiny tlio nowcst glyk's of KensouubUi goods in nil lines of Furniture, ouiiHiHiiii); of : P'lrlor mid bcdruoiii sjitH, lounges, sidel)o,iiiia, u.xttoision und contie litliltw, cliair.s, niiidow HimdeN und ouriii n iHili-K, piuturo<, einols, etc , Wliicli we offer at ». LOWEST PRICES Pieturo FraiiiioK m.d Gvnerid Re pairing. I'lulei tnkini{ in all its iirHiU'huij. SntiKfiictioii gunrnnleca. W t1. Bunt, - - Prop. December Milliner Many ladies defer selection of their more elab- orate headwear until somewhat late in the season- contenting themselves earlier with Eeady-to-wear hats. We keep the interest well sustained in this Department right along by constant additions of late arriving novelties, and can promise as good a selec- tion now as earlier in the season. Specialties iu Children's Headwear Novelties in Ladies' Neckwear New Keady-to-wear Skirts .- â- |X -'"\ •â- " ' • Ladies' Waterproof Coats Ladies' Winter Underwear ...J' -^/a-^.' Ladies' Cloth Coats. Our Ladies'Coats in Oxford Grey Cheviots in lialf, three quarter and ftiU lenj^ths are deservedly popular â€" those who appreciate genuine taih^r nuide gar- ments car't fail to become interested in them â€" in cut, style and finish they're absolutely correct. LLilf Length Coats from $S»60 Three Quarter l.ength Coats from $0,^0 Full Length Coats from $0.50 C4. 1 i^ Underpriced Coats. A Speci Offer! ngl Fifteen Ladies' , Coats â€" some tight â€" semi-fitting â€" in Beaver, Kersey, Frieze and Ciu'l Cloths â€" all pop- ular and serviceable colors â€" black, grey, fawn, brown, myrtle and navy. Sizes 32 to 40, Breast. These sold at $5.00 to $8.00 iu the regular way and were good sterling value at that. Our Special Price for any Coat in the lot is $3.75 They're all prominently displayed don't miss seeing theml Rubber Footwear. We're handling the Granby liubbers again this season because we can find none better â€" they're the most reliable and satisfactory in every respect. Specialties in Snag Proof Rubbers. Men's and Women's Fine Rubbers to fit any and all the new Lasts. Overshoes â€" Men's, Women's and Children's, all sizes. Women's and Children's Combinations. Goodyear Glove liubbers â€" Special. Overshoes Underpriced. ' 48 pairs Men's Overshoes, perfect goods, NOT seconds, waterproof jersey uppers, red fleece linetl, full fitting last, medium toe. Sizes 6 to 10. Regular $1.65 goods, o'u.x* px*ice $1.SS. Chenille Table Covers. We've all sizes in these popular Covers, in Pea- cock, Blue, Fawn, Cardinal, Terra Cotta and Green â€" all with heavy knotted fringe in handsome new de- signs. Prices 65c., $L25, $2.25 and $3.2iS. Specialties iu Damask Tablings, Linen Table Cloths, Table Napkins, Sideboard Scarfs and Tray Cloths â€" just the things for Presents for any occasion. Hardware Department. Kmast madding and Birtbday Presents* Specialties in Table (hitlery, Silverware, Fancy China, Dinner Setts, Fancy Glassware, Tea Setts, Fancy Lamps. We're placing all our New Xmas Goods in stock this week and will totiilly eclipse any former showing in tins I)epartu)ent. Some Handsome New Parlor Heaters just arrrived. See tbem and ^get our pHccs* Boydtliieklind^^Co. ^1 "^r*.