Dkcemhkr 18. 1902 â- •m -j i . , â- ._ M m THE VLESnKtlfOif AbVAl^CE )^mmS'$ ^HxAfi â-º,I'(;uLL.()uan & youno ^ lUiikorn, Murkclale Hot K'^'ioi'itl buiiklriK buninins. Money loaned Ik reftHouttblo rule Ct>ll ou us. AH VANDUSKN,.! 1' Clerk 5tli Div Court, Co Oroy tiiiiiur of .Marrmg-J l.lceuttoH, Coiiveyaucei Notary rubllo .\ucllouoor. Moiioy to loau *t l'«r cout. CUargoK luoduratc, „ „ „ RJ SPaOULB I'ojtiuastor, Kleshorton ..oniiaiiniouiir In H.C. .J., Auctionoor Con royiui'ir, Apiiraiscr au<l Monoy Lender Uual Kstato aU'l Insurance ARunt. Deeits iaort;(«KO«, Ia.»««a aul wllla carefully drawn up and valuations inadu on Bhortosl nctii:o. monoy to lo in at l.iwu.^t rates i.f intorot. Col • ctionj attondul to with iiroiuptneiii' har„'o8 low. Auont for Ocean Dominion taaiunliiii Company. A call aolioited. British Columbia HorscA for the East. ,^0d?tic* AO U \V ii-.eot« oi. lliH last Monday lu eucn inontli, In tlioir Ij.iRe room. •s block. I'Moalicrlon. at B p in. Joliu W. M. ; .' .t (''â- •l-.t adt , Kecorder; W'iy.Kiuaa'cijr. ViaithiR brothroD Invited PKIN-CK AUTHrlt l.OUOK.No. .m A \ "I -ncots in tlio .Maaonic ball, btrain » bloc',-.' I'lo'divrtou, every Kriilay on or befor. tlie full u.ocu. |.- a W Hickhng W M. Cba». Munahaw, .Scc.etn.ry. OOUItr I'TiKSHKUTON, I. O. P. meets in Cbnstoo's mock the lant frida) evening oaoh month. VisitinK Foresters heartily Tolcome. C.U.,H. Waller; It.S.,W. A. Arm- strong. D' ' >I C 1' & S Otit, Physlciau, Snrgeon, tie 0:lk'j au.l rojidoncoâ€" I'otar at., Kloshcrton T^H. 1'-. T. 131bby,â€" Physician, BnJgeon MJ ' etc. Flu.^horton, Ont Ofllco BiirtUesidenco, CoiliuRwood Btreet, ene bloi-k Pri'Hbytorian cluirch. May b» found thfto day aud uight. Coroner for County of Grey. SCOTT, AND SliKTLY Members College Phyaio. 4 Surgeonti Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, hVllowship Diploma , Post (.radu- atj e Ileal School and Hoapital, CbioaRO. disoino'i of eye, ear, noae aud throat specially "" TsOFTLY. JOHN A. SCOTT, Feveraham. aiwall. â- T P t I'TKWRliIi â- ' Voturinary HurKOOn Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" s-cond door south west on Marv street. This street runs toolb Presbyterian Church. r, -AT. .VI .K.D c v: b ud Dentist, Max- 'J v'lauiiuary riiirjiaon ana ueniisi, mai- well, graduate of Ontario Vuterinary CoUtKe, cflilia'teil with fo.oiitu) (Juivorsily. Visits hUi(eu iu Wedncsduvfrom U a. in. to 3 p. m., %a Foversluniilliurbday from 2 to 5 p.m. ^fgal J. W. FROST. L L. B. Harristor, Solicitor Conveyancer, etc cjTlMâ€" Next to postoOice, Sproule's block K; -Vi iitou, every Tbursda aud, court dayn N "i!_Owou Sound oltioe, Frost " blo«k Poiilott Btroot oast. LI,'<;AS, WRIGHT & MeAKDLB llarrUtors 8o.licdrtois Conveyonoerj, etc Olllcosâ€" Owun Sound, Ont and MarkdaleOnt. W II Wkiuht, McAllIlLE I II LCCAS N It -I'luahurton olllce, MitcbeU's bask <r»er'/ Saturday. TU'IKKU & PATTEISKON llarrlsteri). Solicitors, etc Molson's ll:Lnk, Owen Sooud KAHllY Q TUCKER OKO W PATTERSON MACKAY&SAMPSON .DarrlBters, solicitors. OFL'"ICi;s ;-Owen Sound, Merchant's Ba'iU Hlook, N. -.if Pattnaon House. Londalk alii Street, every Saturday. Monoy to loan at IJ uer cent. A. (1. M ICKAY.M A., II. E. SAMPSON, L.L.D Ai^va^'H in utttunlancn at Flebhorton and Oun lalk DiviHion Courts. ^CMti^ttil OR. n C. IMIJRRAY, r., D, 8. rloctal nnrgeoii honor graduate of Toronto University and KovftI <'olle«ii of DiMitttI S.UKi "lis of Ontario. Oltlii'â€" Opposite Anilstron^'s .lowollory Starr. Will visit Maxwell tlio last Wednesday ot eiich iiioiitl-., aud Uundalk 1 aud i Tbnreday in each month. '<nruTn nniw a niVM inruwu;ii;iivvinnnx Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Flesherton Photograph Gallery aru duiio in firn-clnaH Rtyio and «t I.iWMUt rafo:i Special nitention I uivKii to copyinc. Bnliios' pliotos Ij MRS BULHER [| iKnTOi^uut/OQiIruLnlnlnlr VrUXiiJXtiTtni k ILESHERTON TONSORIAL jg I PARLOR. & Do.v't YOU WANT YOUR HAIU CUT? if I-', yiMi <;in (.Mt it rtoiiB in tn« lati'Ht Ntylii Hiul ill tliti c|Uicl(iMt oritur. AIh-> Shave, Sliaiii|i<M,Hingo K c tliino ill tliu most ap-to-d.ite MMJ. A^WILSON : FLESHIER TON Thorccont Hhipiiiunt of iiritinh Colum- liii liorsuH to Oiitnriu imlurully aiiguuttH three iinporhtnt |K)iiilH, viz :--(!) What (loi-H (hu i'it!.turn iiiaikcl, (Inii.niid 'I, {2) Uliiit can tho West supply I, (3) What slops should l)j takuii by Wfft'rii brt'oilcrs to iiifut (iio doiuand '(. WHAT TIIK KA.STKK.N MAKKEl' ItKtjinHKa Tliu ci'W^iitioii of broi'diiin openitioii.s in Oiitiiri'i Notiirt nine or ten vfc'HK aao ciiiis- cl II riso in prices, iind the rf(|uiron)oiits of llio army in Soutli Afrioi inciuiiKiul the ilcniaiid. (iononil bu.sine8.s protipi'rity lias liid to an active cii<i;iiry for drivtrs and farm horrei in th« country, and for all kin la of li.inu'.s.s lior.ifS, lu'iivy dian^ht, cxjiri'.SH IpiiHfs, and ordinary HlroeUr.s in Ihu iiuiiibur of heavy IpTsea aio ref|uired in thf mnnerous liiL'tiing camps'. Heavy (Ir.ifts are easily worili §400 a team ; these imist be from 1500 lli.s. up, and are watitoil us heavy a.s po.saible. Express horses are generally used single, lllU^t be active and able to trot with a t<ood load. They i-liould from 1200 to l.WO lbs., and are worth about 8150. Ordin:iry Btreeters for delivery wa^mis, liaeks, and etc., vary in size, s'yie, act ion, \veii;lit find age. Driver.i, carriage Ip.rses and .saddle hor.-scs sell lari|ely accordinj; to style, act ion and iiiiinners and will run from 8225 to !<'M0. WHAT THK WEST CAN .St'PPLV. In Maidti'bii and (he farming' eectimis of the Ncd'tli West Toiritories there h.'is been mid will be iiexl spiimy a good dt^- inand for horses, medium and heavy, for farm worl: and lailway coiiBtruction, also driver.s for liverymen and farmers. There li.'is also been a good trade in Indian pontes, used for herding, driving or for children to ride to school. Of nil the various classes, the West, viz : the West- ern portion of the Territoiies, .ind the in- terior of Biitish Columbia â€" can supply comparatively few over the 1000 Ib.hmii, the few horses over that weight being not nuicli more than will siipijly local de- maiid.s But of horses idjout that weinht there are large numbers of useful, hardy with excellent bone, hIhcIi at pro- .sent prices it will pay to ship but the market must not bu overdone at any one time. To Ontario and Jlanitoba a largo num- ber of western ponies of a very poor class have been shipped. Thrse shipments have injured the reputation of VVesterii horses and have led the Ont irio man in particular to believe that tlieie is nothing iietrer in the West than the untauieable bronclio stocky ruid at the present time he will not bid on everything branded, be- yimd what he considers a b irgiiii, be- cause he thinks his purchase is bound to give him more tnmble than local stock. (iraded heavy horses are no uiorediflicult to break than eastern horses and the brand is seldom coii-piciAiuM enough to lie called a blemish. It is a matter of sur- (jrise to a western man to hear it cmn- nieiiled upon as a blemi^li and n mark of wickedne.sR, and if the eastern man would consider for ai nimneut that a horse r.inclie could not bo conducted wiihout branding, he niiulit lo'k upon it widi less disfavor. In reoiird to hardiness, endur- anei' and bi'iie, tho western boise is eipi.'il to the eastern, and once broken he will be a.< gentle as any. In our reoenS ship- lU'.iit of western hoisei to, poojile came to the .stitWes and puked the horses with nmbrxlhis, and etc., and wlide not CI irticfsHnu the rea.soniibleiiess of such I actions, the fact rcmaiu.H that the horses took the Lrealnieiit with equaiiiniity. Theiiuostion of whether or not tho hor8e.s slp'uld bo broken brings up a number of p^iint^. In Manitoln and the Teriilories some peop'e are suspicious of broken lioi.^es as they know that the liorfe ranulier as a nil.' breaks few horses, and they think there iiniy be somi lliinu wrong with anything bioken that is oti'er- ed for sale. A fiU brse will .sell much bitter than tmo (lift of condition. If the bor.ies are to be broken it be .seen to tint when they C'ine to be shipped tbey are in good coiidiiion, as they may easily mean a dilfiirenco ot S30 per head In handling n bunch of horses it is necessary, in onler lo keep down expenses and lo present loss of condition, to put them on the m,ir kot as ipiiek)y ns possible from the time tlioy leave their p^siure, as every cxtrn day means loss of money. Tile accunimodation on tho C. P. K. is n-iiiu too L'uod, the condition of Home uf the yards along the line being bad, and tho sorvio! west of Oalgaiy slow. East of Cak'ary stork tiainu make good time Hitd are Irmdled well, and quiukly as a rule. Ti.e C. 1*. R. authorities have al»a\s shown a disiiosiiion to asi-ist the live "tiiek iiieti ill every way, and suitable piovision willnodiiubt be made imiuedialely to handle lliis new line of triido. Cln-aper liay idioiiM be provided at nio.'-t of tho b'ailing p'diils. 81K lo $.'0 p r tun is too much III chaige for hay and in CiUi Keipieni e the laiuur deuh-rs purclinsu tlieir own. There is every reas..n to expect th^it the trade in hordes uiil eioitmuu and grow The West can raise huisea cheaper the Kant and of as go,id (pmll'y. VtiT this reason the Wl!^t can look lor- waid to the prohtable uxpoit of liorseH,iia Well as bief, but it IS piohnble that the E.tslerii denlei will do the breakniit and ediientiini and he Hill liiid the piotilabju markets for the best of these Iptsi s.wIu'U tliiironuhly broken, in t!i« eitiea of ih>i East nnd of the OM Cdniiry Tliia will leave to ihe ram her llie liusiness of rai>- iiiu liii'Rea,Miipp|ying his local iinirkei and I iiiaking ruxulnr slnpmeiiis to somu reli- Ahlo HUCtionuer in the Kiut In iliu Wi<iit the niiii ah'iuld bii t^i |{Mw a butler and '; li.'Bvier class of horsoa. The draft lire-ds I Mi> the siifuai, tliu Clydes and IShlrca, i startinii wiih n 151)0 U>. tire aud uoii.K a lieavi«r niiiiual as ill.) bucd u ini[iiovt4. â- filBb in order to avoid too violent crosses. Tlio foals should he weaned and fed the tirft wilder, as ihis wdl improve their size and will make thorn quieter snd easier to handle. It n ill altio pay to l.»Iier break them the (irsi winter. In short mkiig into considorstii n pre- sent prices, horse raising should justify the adoption of busini'-is methods. Good hoi scs will ulway.s sell in preference to poor ones imd good om-s co-;t but little more to raise, practically only the diflbr- ence in the service fee of the sire. F.W.HOD.S0N. Live Stock Commissioner. 9m Bylaws were carried by Owen Sound ratepayers to purchase tho electric light and gas plants, and to exempt tlie linseed oil establishment from taxa tioQ for ttn .iin 1 1 MAXWELL Altho Sugar his advanced we still con- tinue to sell the best Granulated Sugar at 22 pounds for $1.00 Other -Sugiirs at low prices. Wo have added to our line of Boot and Shoes â- . ROBINSUV AND LINDSAY RUBBER CO.'s KANT KRAOK RUBBER AND OVERSHOES, which you can't surpass in nny town in Ontario for q-aality and prioo, for we sell at such » low ninrgiu that it is a wonder to the trade. , , momen*s and men's underwear. Pants* jackets and Overalls from 60 cents to $1.50* Those are a few things that you can get at I Che Flesberton , , liarness , , Emporium ? ? ? IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HARNESS All kinds and prices Whips nnd lashes f runks and Vulicos, combs and bru.shos, Swcatpads and collar pads. Axle Grease. Hoof Ointment and Gall Cure, Bitts nnd Snajip, Buggy Dusters and all styles and prices. Rubber Ru^s. Woollen Rugs Harness Poliwh and Met.d Polish and Everything in our line. Uf. nioore = Flesherton \ FOR Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Flooring U'e have just pdaced in fiosiiion a new planer nnd matcher and are prepared tu furiiLsh huihiiiig matcrini in hU the above lines. Got our (juotatiuna when you want anything;. Hickling Bros. 8ih oin., Arteiuesiaâ€" M»s«r*ll P. O. 10 July, '02 Eugenia Planing; Mills (xot your Sash, Dooi-s ]<'loorinj^, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ball listers, Cor- ner lilocks.Hand Itjiiling, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR THRILLING EXPERIENCE or Motcrman Waldan, In th« emplojr of TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. DID NOT WANT TO QIVE UP WORK BUT WAS POROKD TO DO SO-TELLS HOW POIT BIQHTCEN MONTHS HE HOVeRKO BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH, TREATED BY THE BEST PHYSICIANS IN TORONTO AND HIS CASE PRONOUNCED SO SERIOUS THAT HE WAS ADVISED, AS A LAST RESORT, TO USE THE DR. 8L.OCUM TREATMENT-IS NOW IN GOOD HEALTH AND BLESSES THE DAY HE HEARD OF THIS MARVELLOUS REMEDY. Mr. Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, who has been in the employ of the Street Railway Com- pany for a number of years aa motorman, informs us that ho had an attack of la grippe, followed by typhoid fever, and after many weeks of sutVcrinff tt resulted in acomplicationof throat and lungtrouhles. During this illness he waa under the care of one of the best physicians in this city* who pronounced it, a very serious case and adviued him to stop work» which he was finally compelled to do. Mr. Walden heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies and commenced their use and after using them but for a few weeks be noticed a great improvement. After using this valuable treatment for some little" time, the cough stopp=d, pain in left lung ceased, appetite improved and night sweats were checked? and in abouC three months he was able to go back to- work, f«;;;ling as well as ever. When interviewed, Mr. Walden seemed to be in the best of spirits and expressed himself in the most grateful terms, as be considcis himL;v.-!f completely cured and ia the enjoyment uf good health. What the Dr. Slocum Remedies have done for Mr. Walden has also been accomplished in thou.sands^ of other hopeless cases, which testimonials we have on file. A New Discovery that Cures Consumption. The Dr. Slocum System Presenta a Positive Cure for Humanity's Greatest Foor Pour Marvellous Free Remedies for all sufFerers reading: Ihis paper. New Curw for Tuberculosis) Consumption, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, and a rundown systemr Do you cough ? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache ? Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh ? Are you pale and thin ? Do you lack stamina ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous malady that has ever devastated the earth â€" consumption. You are invited to test what this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and the Four Free Preparations wHl be forwarded you at once, with_ complete directions for use; The Slocum System is a positive cure for Consumption, that most insidious disease, and for all Lung' Troubles and Disorders^, cocnpKcatcd by Loss of rlesb, Coughs, Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and Heart Troublesw Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited, 179 King Street West. Toronto, giving post omce and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) wilfbe promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Slocum's free offer in American papers will please send for sample* ta Toronto. Mentioa this papers D. McTAVISH llllEfimiliiililii F..r Fust Oliiss Bug/io», Cuts, Plo.-.snru an.l Lumior \^ i^^^.iiis, "-^ cunois, Sleijjiia. VVx kivp tv sti>uk on hand tu clioiwe ironi. ALSO MORSE SHOEING ANOOENERAL BLACKSftUTIilNG >^a aiiil L'Uiir.iiileo fir.Hf cIjss work. ((V)j We keep dh hand Ploii;4hs iui'l Pli>ugli repairs, nnd Mn^ssty- p«^ flvirris iiiifl Ni.xou leimiis for liimlers, Mi-wci.';, -I'l kiiuls uf ^ \fij\ ma hiuoiy, a'so Bimlir Twinn i.n Land. ,ht » mbeti in town give us a call « ^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . ^ ^ s^ ^ â€" (iO TO â€" •£ Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cutters, SIcighs.Buggies.Waj^'gons and Carts Kleury, Dyiuent Buttorfiokl ami Wilkinson plougli.s ^ Shareb and repaii's of the best qiuility. Spring tooth ^ aud Iron hanxiws. Also first class handmade harness. V f^orse Shoeing and General Blaek$miti)ing. ? TREES! TREES! TREES! That's our business. We want men to sell TREES of all varieties, fruit and orna- mental. We are looking: for a few bustlers. Are you one ? If so, get our terms. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY Noraeryman. OOLBORMB, • ONT. Xarnworth Boar for Service. Alvln ( No. 7213 ) Tho untleraigiie<l hnM n t^honmuhhred Tiimw'irth. Hour hrud l>y .Tolin Bull, of Aniht-r, Ont., for Rurvioe on li>t 170 con. a B. T. .« S. II. Termx f 1.00. Sop.lyr. lUohnrd Allen, Kl<Mhetiu.i, Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2906$. The utiderslRnod hafl ft flne aKod UarbAlu Hull lor Hervlcv ou lot Ul, T. A S. K. Teriti9 â€" #1 for Hi-^de cows, S:i fur thoroQHb* br*dt Pedigree uii apidiciili. ii JACUU bKVElt Fl*>>)9r(«« r.O, r