ipii "ITf 1 Dec. 17 1005 THE FLESHERTOW ADVANCE ikHii-iiMma I F, T. HILL & CO. I Select Your CHRISTMAS GIFTS EARLY In so far as you can make your selection of Xmas. gifts oarly, knowing; that ntocki in all departmenla are BIGGER and BETl'ER now than they'll ever be again this season. Tfais without a doubt will he a record season for sift- givingâ€" a double reason therefore why you should make your purchaies before the articles you want are picked up by somebody else. We've ipent a grent deal of tinw and care in perfecting the various stocks of our largo store 111 anticipation of our UDparalluJlled Xmax. trade and now have the very best assortment aneP vaities we've ever been able to oflfuy;you. Hundreds of linos of suitable gifts, all priced low, among which are : Ladies' Kid Olovos Luliea' Ringwood Glove* Ladies' Fancy Gloves Ladies' Wool Mittens Ladies' Cloth Gauntlets Toadies' Fur Gauntlets Ladies' Fine flosiery Ladies' Hose Supporters Ladies' Fancy Ha'd'ks, (thousands) Ladies Silk Handkerchiefs Ladien' Silk Belts Lndies's Blouse Sotts Ladies' Fancy Collars J>adies' Fancy Ties Ladies' Fancy Hair Pins Ladies' Felt Slippers Ladies' Carpet Slippers Ladies' Fur Boss Ladies' Cuperines Ladies Fur Caps Ladies' Fur Jackets Ladies' Cloth Jackets Ladies' Ready to- wear Skirts Ladies' Underskirts Gent's Ties (all kinds) Gent's Neck Scarfs Gent's Suspenders Gent's Fine Underwear Gent's Hosiery (ients' Sweaters Gent's Ci.dlar Buttons Gent's CuilFLinks Gent's Collars and Cuffs Gent's Fur Gauntlets Gent's Fur CoaU Gent's Kid Gloves White and Fancy Tableooven White Quilts Comforters Lace Curtains Pillow Shams Sidebnard Runneis Table Napkins Wool Blankets China and Glassware (all kinds) Parlor and Hall Lamps Carpeti and Rugs Liuuleums and Window Shades BOYD, HICKLING & CO. FLESHERTON, ONT. owrx-Y. Men's and Boys' Clothing Our stock in this departma»it i»now unusally attractive, many lines having been bought specially for the Christ- mas season. In nice, natty suits we have exactly what you want and in Dress Overcoats our showing, ct jild not possibly be improved on. Prices too are reasonable as you'll find them anywhere. We want yon to see them before you select soniething elsewhere that does not suit you so well. XMAS GROCERIES Big stock of the freshest and best goods in the market. We pride ourselves in keeping the very choicest goods of all lines in our grocery department thnt any person oonid wish, at prices not beaten by anybody. These among other lines : New Teas New Pickles New Peels New Icings New Raisins New SugArs^ New Spicet New Tapioca New Figs • New Extracts New Coffees Now Choclates New Seasonings New Dates. New Olives Now Currants New Meals, etc. imfm MARKDALE New Candies New Rice New Syrups A Remarkable Offer Wo are makinir an offer, the like of nhich has never heretofore been made by wny Canadian paper. As a result of necotiations with the Montreal Weekly Uerald, and at considerable expense, an HTrangement has been arrived at whereby it' will be possible, for the coming ye«r,to offtir the two papers at the extraordinary Inw price of one dollar. When it is re- ineipberod that the regular subscription prioie of each paperis one doHar per year, it will bo easy to appreciate the sacrifices which have had to made by each pub- lisher in order to ro»k» a joint rate of one 4olUr. The price of the two papers will Itesimpl^ cut in two. As a result,we ex- UOCt to Increase largely the circulation «if The Advance.and it is this expectation whir.h has led us to make this unprece- dented offer. As will be readily under- •UkxI the off.r is open only to those pay- ing ill advance. We have made exclusive juraiigunionts with the pulilishersof The Herald, and no simiUr offer can be made by any other journal in this district. The arrnnvement i* to continue two years. for at least The preacher, who can preach to please every hearer, the school teacher who can pltane every parent, the dressmaker that can please every patron, the merchant who can please every buyer, and the editor who can please all his subsoribeivs, are all dead apfl carrying harp*. Chrittmu Entertainments Bills have been Issued at this office daring the past week for the follow>n8 entertainments. See the posters for full particulars : L. O. L. 244 will hold their annual concert in their hall. Proton Station, on Friday of this week, Dec. 18. A great time is expected. Admission 10 and 15o. The English church, Maxwell, wilt give a unique entertainment on the even- ing of Tuesday, Dec- 22, in which Indian characters will predominate. Tbeprograni will no doubt attract a very largeaudience. The Methodist church, Prioev ille, will hold an oyster supper in Watson's ball on the evening of Tuesday, Deo. 22, begin- ning at 6 p m., after which a choice pio- gram will bo rendered. Admission 25 and 16 cents. Chalmer's church Sabbath school, Flesherton, will hold their annual enter* tainmenton Ih* evening of Christmas day, for which a choice program is being prepared. The usual admission. Owen Sound had a-iiiiAtly fire «n iSun- day, when the MontH^ >lQlhi/jig stori and stock ws»bum«d.'<'^he stock was valued at $13,000 and .oras- insured for $9000. The building owned by the Bouglas eautev -wia<)aa1nUefcd tb'the ex- tent of fflOO. M-v, i; tr. M T^ â- â- ' • ' ^- Cook's COttOQ Root COfflpOOQl Xa the only aaf^, reOsAn MCnlator oa wbleb weoiaa No. Lâ€" For ordtnarr eaasa is fair fan^tbe «est ««llkc _ ^- _ BiealclnofcBOPWa. â- -' era Iâ€" 4K>v special â- tWBwr thus dollan ,. K#ms-«ak rour drug Under the n«.w distribution bill the municipaliti^ of Meaford and St. 'Vin- cent, now represented in the Dominion IQarliamtnt by Dr. Spronle, will form â- tWBwf thus dollan pw bos. -^ K#ms-«ak your druMiat for _ Cattea Ko«t OsmvowM. Take â- « othsc e<MVa aa an pUla. mlstnrea sa4 ladtatioiw atf a are sold sum tettferooa. Mo. 1 and Mo. reoommended by mil dn tnlalon of CanaAk Mali 00 rrcelpt o^nlMand tp> ta tb* O^ toany addresi ^S^CT N a 1 nd No. t ar* told In yieih.rton \>y V K. Ulebsrdson and pouftTan* Co., druggist*. i'he 6. T.'li'. authorities having been i part cf the electoral riding of North askud why the rate of trave' on this line is HO slow asocmpared with what it used if) be, state in explanation that as the lino runs north and south it is thought that K too rapid change of climate might be injiiriqui to the henlth of the passengers. Perlfa'iis this fact accounts for the liaht inortiility this' year. â€"Chesley Enterprise. Mr. Thomas Harness of Derby, who hn/f been a|jpointed manager of the house of 'rffn««, had a very siicoosKful sale on Thursday last. From the stock and im- plRineiits in a 50-Hcre farm ho reali7.a^ $141)0. There wa.s an immense crowd at the sale and bidding « as keen, many ar- t'lrli-n bringing much higher prices than werii expected. Evidently the people of Dor -y were bent on showing thoir appre- ciation of Mr. and Mrs, llamnss, who nvK old and much esteemod residents of t'lo township. â€" O. S. Advertiser. 'â- â€" II I m il. â- Grey. In view of this fact the Conserva' tives of those municipalities tendered Dr. Sproule a banquet as some acknowledge- ment of his devotion to their interests in years gone by. This formal surrender and sundering of relationships took ]>lace at Meaford Tuesday evening, when speeches were delivered by Messrs. P. I Thompson, M. P., I. B. Lucas, M.L.A , andG. M.Boyd, exM.L.A. A bye eloction for county council to elect a member for the soootid division, in liuu of Mr. Harness, resigned, will be hold in conjunction with the municipal election. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photo* is at BULMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay. Special Attehtionto Copying and Babies' pictures. l'i:ture fram- ing a specialty. Try u« for any kind of pictares and we will promise salisfactioa. Sydenham street, Flesherton. BO YEAR& EXPERIENCr; A Itroad Htateininnt Tilts siiiinunoenit-nt \n ni.aa without SDjr qimllflcatlona. iIam>I<oli1 luthosoeprapafstlon Ik tiix will Id tliab giiarantDea it. ilKiii-Iloli) will eiire any eau of FllM. It )â- it, tlio form of s tablet, " It Is tlio only rile romaity nseJ tntornallv. U is iiiipoulb'a t'. our* an esta1)'i«he<1 case nf IMIeii with oiiitinfintt, inppoaUorles, iDjco- tl -fin. or outWAVil aiipUancos. '' ' A'gnarantMitlMiied with svsry paaliaRa ol ]lain-Il«id,«blFH cofttaina a mootti'a trMtiiisnt il'o anil aak your d< nintlit about it. Sold by Mf. R, Biehardaon.Flcsbsrton. BIG . . 5T0CK of Tnadc Mafv^ Designs ConrnisHTs Ac. Anron* atmdlng a akstab and tSMcrlf tlon ma/ irartAlfi our opinion trâ€" whathwr •• - "-' ntabla. romniunlci*- _ . ,_ .landhonkiin I'manta aant frwo. oldaat affonar for aanurlns imtami. ralaou takaa thmash Mann * Co. rMalT* Ifeial Moetea, witlioal •*•>*•. 1° th« Scientific Jimerlcatt A handaomsty msMi'alf* w*ak1r. Vartaal •adatloK c( any aalajiuaa tirnr SatoklT aid . ^. _^ _ Invsntlnn Is probably patantabla. tlnniHirietlr confidantlaL lli laotlia lavrul. Taraa. H a TMr 1 loar nMaUU. tl. SoM kf all MvadaatM^ We have juat rocolTeil lo atook one tlie finest assortmunts ol BLANKETS AND ROBES In tho market aud can favor yon with any reqniramenta yon will need In that line. Aho a Urge oonr iRnroent of tmltatloo PERSIAN LAMB C0AT5. Wctiave a fine collection of oosts to to aeleot from. All Sold at Lowest LIyIiic Prices IV M. MOO R B Otte^Week Till 'XWA8 ?j WHAT ABOUT PRESENTS? This List will help you to make an Appropiate Selection. Xmas Furs Fur Caps $1.50 to $ 8.50 Fur fluffs ...1.50 to Uhm FarOauntlets 3.00 to 6.00 Ca$eiines 3.75 to 16.50 GLild'BBoas 26 to 40 Imitation Gannllets. 50 to 1.50 Fur Mantles 27.50 to 45 00 Fur Coftta 17.60 to ^5.00 »o:i Xtfias Gloves Ladies' Kid Gloves $1.00 to $1.60 Men's Kid Glo/es 60 to 1.50 Wool Gloves. 25 to 50 Children's Mitts 15 to 26 Xmas Linens Linen Side Board Scarf... | 25 to I - 60 Five O'clock Covers 50 to ' 1.00 Tray Cloths Linen 25 lo" 7S Pillow Shams ' 50 to 75 Colored Linen Covers ' 60 to 2.26^ Bordered Damask Cloths.. 1.26 to 2.76> Damask Table Napkins.... 85 to' 8.75 Japanese Silk Novelties Silk Piano or Organ Drapes $.1 .75 to ' ^.60 Jap Silk Cnshion Tops 60 to 1.60 - Jap Silk Table Covers l.fiOto 2.60 Xmas Handkerchiefs Pictured Handkerchiefs 2for5tu Lace Handkerchiefs 6c. to 25e, Hem stitch Silk Hand'obisf 25 to 75 Fsuc9 SilkHandkerohisfs... 10 to 1.00 Xmas Nec^w(?4JC(^ <^--^ i''- ^^'^'i 'beat's Silk MofiBers 20c. to tlrSS Gent's Silk and Satin Ties.. .,26c. to 60 Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars 25c. to 75 Ladies' New Collar Tabs... ..6c to 46 i3adje«'.Irftcie^CoUacSN..w*5,»v*Qp^ilK''4^^ Fancy Slippers (Felt, Caip«t and Lasidier) Children's.. .....JL^..Mte to. 45 Misses '^..86c. to 60 Women's .U^.^Wc. to $1.75 Men's 60c. to 1.50 Fancy Knitted Goods •Wool Shawls BO $1.75 Tartan Shawls $1.00 to 4.75 Wool Toques and Hoods.... 25 to 60 Wool Mitts and Gloves 26 to 60 Ou/- Stock of â- mA/etv SC/naa ^anei/ China, anrl ff/ass' ivafe /uai- opened out Is the ta^rgeat and 6^at eolieetion etfer ahoivn hepe. Jfe Ofant you to ««« (/ / Prices Range From 5c. to $2.75 pr. Piece Berry Setts Epergnes Table Setts Vases Dinner Setts Rose Bowls Tea Setts Jardinieres Water Setts Plaoqiu-s Fancy Pitchers Porridge Setts Salad Bowls Bread and B. Plates Opal Novelties Mustache Cnps Wedgwood ware Children's Mugs Japanese China Paiutcd China Fancy Caps & Saaoers Frnit Nappies Sliaviug Mugs China Novelties Cake Plate a /"ancy Silverwari Tabin Knives F rncrTable Lamps Plated Bpoons.Porks h. Kaives.Carving Setts Hwt and hang'g lamps •..**•