Deo I7i903 THE tLfc6HK»tOH AbVAJ^d ? Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks,Hand Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- •ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR t Tlesberton Furniture # Oiareroomf* Wo are carryiog the newest ityles of â- OMunnble goods in all lines of Furnttture, consisting of : Parlor' and bedroom 8uit», lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, chairti, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, oaiels, etc.. Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertakinif in all its branches. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. ri. Bunt, - - Prop. A IWerry Christmas and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. WFj tako thia oppo-tuiiity o( thank iiig the public for thejr liber&l patroD^ ai^o durititi tlio iiast year, and hope for a coutfnuatton of tbeBamo during 1001. You will find our Htock of Grouorios complete and fresh aa the market will allow. We importourJapan Tea, whicli 1b a loader of all teas. Just try it t aud bo couviocod. We will take all kinds of Farm Produce for Qoods For which we will pay the hliibeet market I'ruoei. Bring your produce early in tb« day aud RAt the best attendance. Take your time and examine nur Koods aud you will be con- vinced that it is your iuterost to buy in Max- well. Either in Dry Ooods or Groceriea for new and up-to-dato. We cannot enumerate but JuHt oomo and noo for yourself. Wu have a larcu stock of the famous K.^NT-KKACK rub- bers, also other lines of rubber i{oods. We also have a nice line of Xmas Goods AHKBM'S BOOTS- and BKUB8 always on hand and don't forget our Bardwara Line OUR COMPLIMENTS TO THE I. . PUBLIC . . R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWELL .... •• Looking back»I see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of utisfied customers. We have fitted successfuHy stubborn cases that others have failed io. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, #IWeLKII AND OPTI6IAM rLCSHERTON. II Preparation is neo«s«tr]r if you wish to tao<:evd. If you intad In transact business â- id aiiT kind you would ba sadly handicap- «J without a busiuMS cduoaliim. The â- MS* thuroDgb ti aiiiing of this kind san b« obtained at the UWailaOUIID, OUT.' Winter Ifrm oimme -ess Jan. 4t)i. alugae frwe by addrsMing ^ A. FLEMIN« Cat Amrs BaklP Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured Hair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opponunity. Improve it. " Z have nsed kawiT* Balr Vlnr for orar 40 jmn. lainnowlIjeaMol<Iandh»T»ah««Ty Kwth ef rlcb brown balr, dm, I think, en- It to BaU yUor.'' Mas. M. A. KaiTB, B«1I«tUI«. HL fi40a»ottl•. IdraMlsts. for a. O. ATXB CO., Lowell, llAii. Good Hair Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord Itlinto, 2906$. The nndersignad has 'a fine aged Durham Bull for service on lot 141, T. and 8. B. Termsâ€" $1 for srade cows, «3 lorthoreugh- breds. Pedigree on application JACOB LbVER Flsihertoo P.O BUSINE.SS Cards mf •CUIiliOUGH it. YOUNG !f* Banker MarkdaU Da a general banking business. Money loaned a reasouabie rate Call on us. D J 8PBOULE " Postmaster, Flesherton uommissiouer in H. C. J., .Anctloneer Con- veyancer, Appraiser aud Money Lender Real Eistate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawn DP aud valuations made on shortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col eotioua attouded to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamsbip Company. A call solicited. Societies * O D M" meets on tho last Monday " in eacu mouth, in their iooge room, Chdstoe's block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Itobert Best ; Becorder, f Jas. Felstead ; FiaaD- cier, Wm. liel.amy. Visiting brethren invited. PBINCB ARTHTB LODOE, No. !133, A. A M, meets in the Masonicball. Strain's block, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full mocn. F H W Hlckling W M. Chas Munahaw, Seiretary. COUBT FLE8HEBT0N. I. O. F. meets in Obrlstoe's Block the last Frida; evening •aoh month. Visiting Foresters hoartilv Teloomo. C.B., C. W, Bellamy; B.C., W. Buskin ; Fln.Kec.,Dr B. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr.Hnmty on or before last day of each month.) Medical rVB OABTRR V M C P A 8 Ont, Physielan, Sargeon, etc Offloe and residenoeâ€" Peter at., Flesherton DB. 8COTT, M. B., Maxwell, Ont B. M. BEID. M.D.O.M,, Physician, Burgaou and Aecouchcur, late of v. T. Postgrad. Medical Hchuol, N. Y. Hospital and 8t. Luke's (laneral BospUal Ottawa t P OTTEWELL • Veterinary Bnrgeon Oraduata of Ontario Veterinary Celltfa, residsuce â€" ssoood door south wast on Prasbytarlan Church. n WILSON **• 'Iraduata oftha Valarlnary Belanea Association. Itesidanee, Durham straat, op- poslU Boyd, Riekllug's hardwar*. Legal J. W. FROST. L li. B. Barrlstar, Bolloltor Uouvayanoar, ata offleaâ€" Next to postoffloa, Bproule's block Fwihertoii, every Thorsda and court days N Itâ€" Uwan Hound oaiea, Frost'* block Poulatt atraat east. LDCAR. WRIORT A UcARDLB Barristers Holioiton Uonvsyanoera. el« Offlcesâ€" Owao Sound. Ont and Uarkdale Ont. W H WmoHT, MoAiii>i.ii I H Lrris N Bâ€" Flesherton olBaa, MltcbcU's Bank •very Saturday. MACKAVA5AMPS4N .Barristers, aolloltor*. OFKIOKB !-Ow«n Hrund, Merchant's Bank Hlook, N. of Patt'rson IIouss. Lnodalk ain Htraat, every Bkturday. Money to loan at <i per cant. A.O. MACKaV.M.A , H.R.HAMI-HON.L.L.D Always In atlandanea at Flrsberton and Duadalk DlTlalon Conrts. Dentistry D« â- C. MUKRAV.L.D. fl. dental aorflaon honor graduate of Toronto Volverslty and Rev al Collefe of Dental Hurceous of Ootarle. Omne~Oppo«ite Armstrong's Jewellery Btora. Will visit Maiwsll the last Wednasday K.__i.,.., e( aach moiitl., and Onsdalk 1 and I Tbarsdar rnnCI^I la «ach uantii. RlilactioRS on A Nathra (With apologias' to the pubUs) Bome native o' this toot»hip Wad gac us Hurns's clasb. If ye canna niak it f raa t) a lip Ye'd better uo ta« faab. If that's the first attempt at mUM For giidesake try uae ither, For you liae sooered a' oor moos Aud left us iu a switber. He misc's oor reeves both sue aud a' For being unco lavish. And centres a' bis (re on auvils aud McTavisb, My certie but ye are gae ctats Tae name the leaving no6, Wha miuht track ys ta yer aln.SBtiite Aud raise an unca roo. But no sae elate tae name the deed Wbae's laug beuu gaeu awa, Aud gar him' gau skirling ower tho roods U|Tou the reevos tae ca't Ye talk aboot gude brithers. Aye, aud their auldest sou. ''' - If ye'd learned the Scotch Irae fflitber Ye'd scarcely cu,' hint one. . . â€" SCOTTT : «.4«. ~ Quarter ^Sessions -'w . At the Quarter- Sessiwis held in Owen Sound a number of cases of interost to this section were tried. Rex vs.Loweâ€" The accused was charged with having wounded one Myles at Thorn- bury about a year ago. The case was tried at the June Sessions when »he jury dissKreed. The accused at tlds court pleaded guilty to common assault and was fined ^ffi. Rex vs. Hallâ€" The prisoner was a farmer residing in the township of Proton and was chareed with having stabbed a companion in a hotel row. It appears that the case came up before one of the justices of the peace at Dundalk and was settled by the complainant withdrawiiig the information, he having been paid something by way of damaees by the prisoner. Appareutly some of the parties concerned were not satisfied with this and a new informstion was laid and the pris- oner committed for trial, The prisoner pleaded guilty before this court and under the circumstances, and the crown not insisting upon a sentence now being imppsed, and a large petition from the residents of the township of Proton being presented on bt half of the prisoner, he was let out on suspended sentence. Rex vs. Goodmauâ€"The prisoner was charged with having secured one Chailes Willoughby of the township of Proton to endorse a promissory note which /was dis- counted at the bank of Hamilton, the proceeds thereof, about 8125, being re- ceived by the prisoner, th-} cliarge being that- in order tosecurn suph .indorsement by Willouuhby the prisoner had falsely represented that he had cei^Ain real estate in Toronio. The ease Was' not a very strong cue and the dofeijse did not call any evideaco. Owing to' an 'irregularity in the proceedings the ca-sp' was with- drawn from the jury aiM'ihe prisoner will have to stand his trialTn June next but was let out on bail. Rex V. Shandâ€" The prisoner lives in Proton. Some time ago he bought a machine from an implement agent, giving a lien note. He full iiito arrears in payments. The company's agent went with several constables from Dundalk to retake the machine. The prisoner re fused to surrender it and threatened the officers. Finally he was overpowered and taken to the lockup at Dundalk. The defense was that the constables had no authority to retake the machine and that a civil action should have been brought. TTie jury found a verdict a- gainst the prisoner, but sentence has been deferred, the judge taking time to con- sider • legal objection raised on behalf of the prisoner. A Study of Old Age Reveals the fact that the blood is nanal. ly thin and lacking in the atrengtheninir properties of young folks' blood. If you want to 611 your blood with the fire of youth, build up your strength, restore your nerves, just uae Ferrosone, It's the roost potent tonic known and will rensw flickering flams of aced life by imparting ;iourishinent to enfeebled or^rans. Fvr- rnxnne fortifies weak system, feedi the blood, brain and nerves with n«w life. Try Ferrosone. Price 60c. per box. Saxwcii ReT. Fleming left with family for Man- itoba last week. Rot. Thorn it furnishing the Presbyterian pulpi's with a supply for each Sunday. Many from Maxwell attended the opening service* of the new ehnrch at Providence, on Sunday and Monday of last week. The Kerton Bros, have engaged Mr. Lawrence of Kimbarly t<i carry on tho blacksmithine business in the old corner stand. Mr. Lawrence is* good mechanic There was nn service in the Methodist Church owing »o the severe ilorm on Sunday iiivht last. It If Hlfhly Injurtoaa To use a cheap draatio phvsic. Safety remedy for cons' ipittioii and torpid liver is Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which loo»eo the bowels with- 3ut griping p«ins. Price 26o. LIFTING THE BURDEN With a Gentle Haad â€" ANTf.PILL* Wosnaa'a Ufa la • bstUa with n^tves that say a O wu g Hs •imI aaarsy. Bkattarad aarvea â- CK'^vate aad promot* obronle troubles, Thcra la no time In a waasuua'a lite AnU-FUl Calls to do (ood. When the sleep is restless, food causes distress, head- ache or dizzIccsi'.paiDs In the side or back, iiidi^estlon, paU pitation, appetite poor, con- stipated, all tired out, dc pressed â€" just one trial of I)r, Leonbardt's Anti-Pili. will "llchten Ihe' burden" that is draf;giDg you down. It begtus its work in the Btomiich from which the blood is fed and the nerves controlled. Ahti-Pilx embraces a new prlacfple. Its effects txi dilTerent from anytbing else, aad there Is no mistaking its wonderful Influence. Dr. Leon hardt has prepared the formula entirely irce from the Injurious toeredienti rommon to present day Pills, etc. It is the ideal system treatment. Price, 50 cents .per boT of dealers, or by addressing W I L s o N-T TLB Co., Niagara, FallSj Ontarlcl, who will also mail free Sam- ple to any addreu. two frei<;htfl, one following the other, col- lided. T'he result was thnt a ralioose and two freif>ht cars were burned to the ground. Fort'jiiately no one was h'irt. Farmers who have been in want of salt for the past few months will lie glad to know of the arrival of a CJir load for John Kgan oil Thursduy of lust wevk. Mrs. J. £. VVIiiitsiket- and little daugh- teri who have been visiting in Ceylon, have returned to their home in Durham Mrs. Eva Senly, sister of the postmas- ter here, is reported seriously ill. Bishop Dowling of Huiuilron dedicated the new parish church at Kenilworth on Sunday, Dec. 6. He was asaist«d by Rev. Dean O'Connell of Mt. Forest and Father Kehoe, the pastor. "Not it it Cost Ten Dollars A bottle would I be without Poison 'a Netvitine, writes J. A. Ruth, a farmer living near Trenton, Ont. Nerviline vt the best household liniment I know. We use it for stomach troubles, indiges- tion, headache and summer complaint. I know of nothing better to take in hot water to break up a cold, or to rub on for rheumatism or neuralgia." Every farmer should keep a few bottles of Nerviline handy and have smaller doctor bills. Large bottle 2oc. at druggists. Our Clubbing List In addition to ofir marvellous ofler of The Advance and Montreal fieraid,a first cla^s'wcekly newspaper, one year for one. dollar, with balance of this year free to. new subscril>er8, we have the following.: to offer. Papers with stdr give balance of this yekr free. ♦Advance, *Hcr,ild and •Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Dsily News 185 Weekly Globe 180 Mail-Empire 1.80 Family Herald & Star. 1.80 Toronto Star 1.8 ) Fanners Sun 1.80 All above prices indmle The Advance and Montreht Herald, if paid in advance only. Early subscribers get best value for tbeir money. . The Hastings Star learns from the officers of the Onuodo cheese factory that during the past season; up to Nov. 14th, 318,040 pounds of cheese Were manufactured in that factory, for which $33,458 was received. Nitioty-scven cents i>er cwt. of milk was paid in Sep- tember, and 93 cents in October. ^!^tK^Y^^^Km6^mmm:Jikjk hi - k^-k-^j^ & Yk\-^^K, Xt yen ever contracted any Blood Disease yop. are Bever safe traless the vims or pcieoa has been eradicated from the system. At times you see alarming symptoms, out U'To in hopes no serious results will follow. Have yon acy of tlie following Gymptoms? Sore thr3.xt, ulcers on the tongue or la the mouth, hair falling out, ach- ing' pains itchiness of tlie skin, sores or blotches ou the body, eyes rM and smart, dyspeptic stomach, sexual wcakuess â€" ladicatious of the secondary sta^e. Don't trust to laclc. Dou't mia your system with tho old foiry treatmecC-=^nerirnry aufl rotash-wblch only 9uppre£cc3 the symptonisfof a time only tobfcak fHit a^inwhea happ3r in domestic life. Don't 1st quacks cxperim«stsn you. Our NEW METHOD XK^AXMENT is guaranteed to caie y;oa. Our ffuuracteas ars bocUa^ by baalc bonda that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients haTB been already cored b? oarNEAV METHOD TREATMENT for over JO years, and no return of the disease. No expex imeat, mo riskâ€" not a "patch up," hot a posi- tive coio. The wcret cases solicited. NekÂ¥@us Debility OCB NB1V liSKTHOD TRBATMRKT wTU core roa, and make a mau of yoo. Under its influence the brain t>ecomes active, tbe blood purifiad so that all pimples, blotches aud ulcers disappear; tho nt rrea become strong as steel, so that nerroasness bashf nlaesn and despondency; the eye" becoms bright, the face full and clear, energy returns to the body. aud. the moral, physical and sex- aal By-STtems areinviL'orzted; alldraius cease â€" no more vital w-'^stexrom the system. Thw various ortrans become natnral and manly. You feet yourself a man and know narrlac* cannot bo a failure. W* Invite all the atHictedto consnit us confidenti.-iUy and free of charge. DouH let qaacks and fidiira rob yon of yoni hard-eaiaco dollars. WE Wll^ CURE YCVD OR NO PAY. W« treat and cure Nt^RVOUS DBBIIiITT, SSXTJAI, WEAKNESS, XMIS- SION% SYPHILIS, GLEKT, STRICTORR. VARICOCELE, KIDNEY and BLiADOBK DISSASKS, aod all diseases ptmllsr to men aad woman. Cues goAraa. teed. Are Ton a victim? Have t«« lost bop*? Are yon ceatcasplatlay marriage? Has yoar blood t>eea dieaaaed? Bava yon any weak- ness? Our New Method Treatment will care yon. Cosaoltaliea who bas treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Chararea reaaonable. BeolisFra«.-fTheGold*n Monitor" (â- ItastratedlanDlseaaaaol men »Ok«eaiM ol Womea'* *mi« Wages Of Sla." '*Vailoocatek Stridio* awl tilaat.* All Mnt Frs« sealed. N« iM4leh* sent e. OL Dl No nmn w Imm ar MMtoyas. twrjIMiif I I eoall4Mtial. Qyestlon lltt awl Cwl of TiwImM. FREE, far Mama Can. DR&KEI3NEDY&KER6AH pDEB! 'i irea. No matter wl t4S SHELBY ST. OCTROIT MICH» . . FOR FIR5T CLA5S CARRIAQES AND HL0UQH5 . . â€" GO TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cutters, Sleighs,Buggies, Waggons and CJarts Fleury, Dyment Butterfield and Wilkinson Ploughs Q Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade haraoss. Dors« Shoeing and a«neral Blacksmitbinfl* D. McXAVISH III [llSHlRIOli MRRIJIlif BUIlli Cvjrtoa. The auntial rleetiu'n of offioen of Ceylon Council Canadian . Order of OJKXen Friends will be htii in the Oninge ball on the laat Tureday. <>( Daoomber. All meflibara are rvquealod'to be p r ea e nt. What raiiiht have hf^n a serious acei- deatoocurted at the lake on Htinda/ when j pea, Carta, Pleaaure aod Lumbar Wagoua, a keep a atoek on hand to ehooea from. Fur First Clasa Bui cutlers, 81eit(hs. ^ AL50 HORSe SHOEINQ ANOQBNERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and aaarantee first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Mawey- Harna and Nuxon repaira for binders, Mewaia, ail kinds of â- aaebinary, alao Binder Twina on hand. »CUI)tn in town fliot US a call «