THE FLESIIEBTOK ADVANCE Dk. 24 1003 \ Vicinity Chips A merry Christmas to ourmany readers. Fre*h lime n'ways on hand. J. H Duckcct, Eugenia. A car of salt just unloaded. Got your Bupp'y now. Boyd, llickling & Co. Chnj'ping done every afternoon Co. per 100 ll*i. T. W. Wilson. Mi:« Flossie Thurston is home for the holidays. For comfort in fi)'>twear, call at Cliy- toii'a for felt slippers. UeiiiPinhBr the Pri'sbytTian Sabbath f>cliool iinnivovsa-y on the evening of Cliris'maa day. â- Tho Methodist SaMwith school will hold their iinnu:il ent.rtaiiinieiit on New Year's e-veainj;. Mr. J. U. Duokettho-s wiihlrawn his card and will not be in tiie lield for c umcillor. Mr. W. J D.j.f4'a=i hvs di5p')»ed of his d ug in Oilia;»wopil aa.l will devote his time to seeds. Clayt'ni's hai'o the pure .snig proof ginii rtih'ifrH fur Jlen and Biya. Gu'e them a. trial. A full _a>i^-'rtnient of nildi.srg, over- s'loos, ii! ni.-iMj- s'yL"s aiul si/.cs of the Maltose Uro.s.s:iiid Li'in Bsand. Call and see them at Cl-.iytoii's. Mr, David Wiiijhr, who ha.-s for some years heeii toicher in tho Uo'orma'ory 8eh -ol a> Polletanâ- .ini.^henc, haa tiken the position of pniieipal of the Elora public echo <l. rHiicrpil Man^ell and iMi« Martin have gone h â- 111'.- f"r tho holidays, the f.iriierto Gleti M<-yer aud the latter to Preston. Frame hoa^e for sale, ia Fl^'shevton, piijlit rooms,! o^ether with three lois.go od cellars, etc. For pariieuUir.«i apply to Mis.s Park, Fleshcrton, oi K Park, Eii;ieuia. Partiei havino Tamarack tiiiiV)er,?liould c-ill on il. P. Legate & Co., and get their ppnciKc!itioii3.' All shor: lengths and ipricos away up in G. Wantedâ€" Telegraph p des, peelod all the way through ; piles, R. R. ties, tan- bark, wood of all kinds ; all kinds of sawlog-j. Hiiihost market price for any quanity of above in cash. R. -P. Legate it Ci>., Ceyl.n. Mr. n. H. Miller of Hanover was given <he nomination as reform candidate for South Grey in tho coming election at the convention held in Duvhain list week. Mr. Miller is a resi -lent of Hanover. According to J. U. MeKeiiz'e, meteoro- Ing'cal obser.vr, Oveu Soaod, live feet tiireo inches of snow has fallen since win- ter set in. up to Thursday last. Since then considerable more has been added. Tiiis beats the record. All ex'ensive sale of household furni- ture will be held at Feversham onTues lay, D.^c. 2i), the property of Mr. T. J. Gard- iner, who is retittng from business at the Te.iiperance House. J. J. Kailtiug is the amtionecr. Sawlois SVanteil â€" All kinds of limber, but especially soft elm, 10 or lii ft. long. Other timber in ordinary lengths. Goud prices paid. Armstrong Bros., Markdalo and Rockvale. An uincconntable slip of the pen last week made it appear as Ih'iugh Mr.TUoi Brou:;htnn was priiieipal in the horse .stealing oiso, wheri-as he is the chief crowi witnes*. Mr. Brough'on's name should l'"vu been replaced by Duncan Jlc Intos'i. who is the pess;.'U charged wi.h the offence. We will allow all sub.scriber^ three weeks grsce ill which to r-now subscrip- tions. After that tiif.e has cTtpiicd «e cannot give the Monlrea! tlerald ffee,bul to tlwso who d';siro it we will make a marvellously clieap rate. If yu reiin,w uibhin three weeks from tinit y"Ur s>ib- pciiption expires yu will of course gel the Uerald free as a premiiviu. James A. Tucker, aiiistant editor of Tovo:ito Saturday >>ig!it, died in Toronto SaCurdny eveliii c IVlr. Tucker was an U'.ven Soui.d hoy, and one of the bright est youu;- men wlio his ever graduated from tho county town. Fie was 32 years if aye and Icavo.-i a wife and child. The funeral took place at Owen Sound on Tuesday. The North Renfrew bye e'ection takes place on Saturd ly next. Much interest IS cen'red on I his contest is the fate of the two political parlies pructicaV.y hang upon the result. . More strenuous ctTorts prob.alily, have lieeti put forth by both parties in this c>>ntest than in any politi- cal tijbl ill recent years, and party feeling runs very high in tho riding. A very pleasant event occurred on the eveninj of Wednesday, Deo. 1(5 h , at Mount rieivsaiit, Inlstiosje, the resid- ence of Mr. ani .Mrs.i.teorgj Moore, wlien their daughter, Frances, «a< unitetl in inaniage lo .Mr. Claude .Vikeiis of Klesh- eiton, i y Her. N. Wellwood. The bride was attired in' a travelling C''StuoJe.of dark bltie la lies cloth witi wbit.> silk waist and aeeonipanied by her cou-»in,!\Iis3 K. J. Mooie, of ('wen Sound. The gro-im iv-i.s si.ipp)ried by Mr. Wdlinn ISenth.ini of FlvKherion. Afier the iiTcuiouy the guests adjourned to parrakc of A sumptuous repast. Aftorwurds a very pleasant e» was spent in the enjoynient of games and music. Presents Were nuineious and hinesoine, showing ihc extern in wh-eh I'ride and groonj are held by their nmoerous f.i'nds. Paul Bokaflh, an old Frenchman, peje- ished in a recent gtorni near Owen Sound. Whiskey was responiible for the tragedy. Mr. R Y. Burk, of Osprcy, delivered here on Monday twenty-five hogs, which netted him $'267.50. Hogs do pay. Rev. Mr. Mathesnn of Priceville preached the annual Bible Society sermon lu the Presbyterian church on Sunday afternoon. Rev. Thorn took Mr. Mathe- soii'a work at Priceville. Marriedâ€" t)n Tuesday. Dec. 15, 1903, at tiio residence of the bride's mother, Meaford Road, by Rev. Iviaon Wilson, B. D., Mr. S.imuel Dezoll, of Dei-by town- ship, and Misa Emma, daujjhier of the late Uulwell Carson, Esq. At a meeting of those interested on Saturday eveninij it was decided that the Methodist Sui.d^y school will hold their usual Sunday school anil iver.sary on the evening of New Year's day. The time is short and some hustling will have to be done, but those upon whom the work devolves are no doubt prepared, for it. The only new thing to report ia muni- cipal matters here this week is the retire- ment of Mr. Duekett a^id tlie insertion of Mr. Be-st's card. The ballot will be an unusually large one this y^'ar and it ivould be a pretty hard matter to put yourSngor on all the coniini; members of Ariemesia council for next, year, although many are trying the experiment. We liava it s mgniuely a.sserted that at lea^^t throe men wiil he elected to tiie reeve- ship. As this is obviously an impossibil- ity there must bo soma bad guessers somewhere. Liberal Conservative Convention There will be a Convention In Marsh's Hall, .Markd.ale, at one o'clock ou Fri- day, J.iimary S'h, 1U04, to nomiii.-vte a eanuida'.e to congest East (5rey at the coming elections as representatives in the of Coniraoiis. E loh poUin,; sub- division is entitled to send three delegates to vote. The annual meeting tor tho ensuing year will he held immi'diately after tho convention. All members of the party are cnrJialiy invited to the annual meeting. PromineLit speakers will deliver addresfJes. Christmas Visitors Misses Elba Barnliouse, Myrlle Thurs- ton and Miiogie Caswell are home from Owen Sound collegiate. Mr. Will BaruhousB, who. has for sev- eral years been in the Northwest, is spending his Christmas holidays with his I^areuts here . Mr. Charles Ottewoll, who has been attending Woodstock Baptist college, is home for the holidays. Miss Jenny Wilson, who has been attending the high school at Markham, is among the Christmas homeconiers. The Rev. Irl R. Hlol(S 1904 Almanac The Rev. Irl R. Hicks for 100-i is now ready. It wiil be mailed to any address for 30 cents. It is surpris- ing hoiv such an elegant, costly book can be sent prepaid so cheaply. No family or person is prep.ired to study the heaT- ens or the storms ami weather in 1904, without this wonderful Hicks .-Vlmanac and Prof. Ilicks splendid paper, Word and Works. Both are sent for only one poi.L.vR A YE.^R. \Vord and Works is amon:» tho best American magazines. Like the Hicks Almanac, it is too well known lo need further commendation. Few men have labored more faithfully for the public good or found a warmer place in the hearts of tho people. Send orders to Word and Works Publishing Co., 2201 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. Fools Use Washes and Snuffs Thinking perh.ii>s they will cure Cat- arrhâ€" hut no one ever heard of a genuine cure fo!lonin'i such senseless trcntnieut*. There is just one pr-inpt and thorough euro for Catarrh and it is a fcxcrrant heal- ing Oatarrhoznne which goes right to the root of the tmub'e. It destroys the serins, heals the inll.inied iniiHibraiies and cures any case no ina'tcr how obstinate or long slaiidin!;. "I experimented for years with Catarrh remedies but f lund Catarrhozono the mi.-; rntiottal and satisfactory "writes W. J. MacEachorn of Wotervifle. "It cure*l mo for all time." For a sure cure use only l^itarrhczone. Complete outfit, ?1.Q0 ; trial size 25c. A Winidiam paper snys : A short, time ngo it was report.vl that Miss M. Camp- bell, of Brussels, formerly of Winghain. has been bit a largo lefi.acy by a Mr. OoMoseo, of Mexico, a coinp.amtive Rtrrvg-r. We noted abo that Mi.«s Camp- bell bad received ?20:) to pay h-^r ox- penn->8 to Mexico, whither she was called to receive pipers entiiling her to the atnount of t!ie bo<|uest. When Mr. Coldo.seo die<l ho left Mist OanU'''cll ono niillion dollars invested in a mine, F >r three years she receives the ac^-ui>iuhiti'>n of thi-i innti.'n', which i-« payable to h(>ryeiTlyon Aug 1-it, â- At the end of thrive years sho can command the prineiph>,'8l,0OO,00O. Tho story of this inniei'se legacy is a pretty nice of roin aoce. a •tranie feature of it being that; Mr. C'ddow.) seven years a:io was a pior man, but tho discovery of a r>ch iniu'i niade hi* wealthy. A letter, a brief cdl, ainlihenu'i inoro. until reoe-pt of the letter ii.foriiin/ Mis.s l^inipbell tl-«t sh * was a 1 -gi'eo of the rich estate, are Ih • linkT in the chjiin of events tba": liav.' made Mi.?s Cimpbell a inillionairo^ When you gee a catalogue from a big mail order houtie just look it over and see what they will pay for your produce. Al- so invettigate and s>>e what their terms of credit are in case you do have ready cash ; how much they will give to- wards building our new sidewalks - just write and a/^JJ-Hni how much they will contribute towarulhe erection of acliurch; how much they will give to assist tho poor. After you have done this and re- ceive a reply see if your home merchant won't do as well. Election Cards To the Electors of t^'e Tp. of Artemesui Ladies and Gpntlemknâ€" Your vote and iii- flueace is respectfully soUcitod for councillor at the Artauiesia couucil board, for the eusuiiig year. W. J. MEAD8 Ceylon, Nov. 21, 1903- To the Electors ofiJie Tow)\$hip Ariemesia Ladies ant> Gektlemen-As I bavo decided to offer myself for tbu reovoship for 1904, as I am thu senior councillor of tho township, I (eol witb ai) pa^t experitmcti Rs though I aui in a position to rentier the township good service. ThankiDtj you for favors aud hopinij for futura, 1 romaia respectfully vours GEO. THOMPSON P ortlaw, Nov. :;9th. Ladies' And GES*ri.EMEy,â€" I cordially thank vou for your support iu the past, aud I respect- fully solicit your vote and influence on my be- half for the reeveahip for 1904. Yours respectfully AX.h.X. MUIR Ladies' axd Gentleme??, -Having been re- quested by a tart^e iiuujbcr of ratepayers to run for cuiincillor for the township of Artetuesia, I hereby offer myself as a candidate and request vour vote aud iullueuce. ALES. McRAE, jr. Ceylon, Nov. 23, 10C3. To the Elcctois of Arteinesia Ladies and GasTLEiiEN.â€" Havins been re- quested by a large number of ratepave rs to enter the fluid as a caudiduto for councillor. I liuruby offer my services and request your vote aud influence. R. D. Purvis Eugenia, Nov. 30, 1003 To the Ratepayer's of the 'Fp. Artemisia Ladiep and Gentlemen,â€" I am a candidate for the ollice of reeve for tho ensuing year. I respectfully solicit your support. i thank you kiudly'for past favors and hope you will consider my request favorable. I have the honor to be Yours Sincerely JOHK BOYD To the Electors of Ariemesia Ladies AND Gentlemen,â€" For many years I have been pathmasteriu the Eusenia division and my work has given entire satisfaction. I have been requested to stand as couu'jillor iu the coining election au.i after woichiui.; the mat- ter seriously I have decided to offer my ser- vices. Trustiufi that yoa will see your way clear toaiviuc uie your votes, I am yours sincerelv. ^ *" J. H. DUCKETT Eugenia, Dec. 5, 1903 To the Electors of ih^ ToM^tisJup oj Artcmesiu: Ladies ants Gentlkmbn,â€" At the request of a larye number of ratepayers to enter tho field for Councillor for 19C4, I hereby solicit your support and inlluence. Thaukiug you for the support vou ^ave me last year in a badly cut up fiel J,H am ucerely yours, W. BUSKIN. To the Electors of Tp, of Artemesia Ladies and Gentlkmen'â€" As I have decided to stand the contest tor the rocveship for the yearoflOOL 1 rcspiictfully solicit your vote and intlnence. Thiitikiui;; you for past favors andbopiu;^ for a continnanco of the same. I have the honor to be Yours respec' fuHv U.ilcTAVISH Flesherton, Dec. 15. 1903 T(f the Electors of \rtcmesttt After one vear as your i-epreson tativo at the couucil board La;;aiu respecrfully solicit your vote and iiitlncnco and a rouewal of \onr con- fldenco for the ensuing year. Thankiug you heartily for past favora, 1 am faithf uHy your servant. THOMAS R Mckenzie Fortlaw. December 15, lyuj To the Electors of Arteinesia Ladies AND Okntlemen.- I cordially thank you for vour support in tho pift* v«ar and I respDCliully solicit your voto aud intlueuco in my behdU as councillor for the coming yoar, 1904. Yours respectfully, ROUT. BR>T Fen-i-Q Foi- Sale Srlcnilirt f;iriii for sale, oulv SioOO; ?600 to â- ?{^\ balance oa.'iy toruis; 6.1 acres > lit for any inaeiiinory. 10 acres uiost timber off, balance well timtjert'd; ^oovt frame bunt and Uwelliw,'^. well watoied aud cloeo to school. cUnvcbcs, I'. O.. stores, etc. .\pplY to K. .1. SPhOl'LK. Convevauoar, Fleshorton FARM FOR SALE. i^^ T. J. SHEPPARD Al/ Hi Oi Of Hf Of ^i \i \^ («• i6 \A («/ \)/ \b ili •^^â- '^ >»'>vSi _3t .;S'~<.'^.^.'«..^ Lot 110. 2ml NV. T. AS. U„ Artomer.U.coulaiii" iug rt't.v aeros ; fraina, small orcbaril. good frinne barn tvitb sto:iL3 baflouieut and Itt^'se straw Blied ; well watcrc.t. Half ii'ilo Iroui Kloslievton Station. For tonus, etc., api>ly to T. A. Lawrouce, Nanton V. O.. Alberta, or to NOiiLE LAWaESCII.Ceylou P. O We Wish Our Many Patrons A Merry Christinas And a Happy New Year T. J. SHEPPARD GE>"ERAL MERCHANT FLESHERTON â- XM ' 'S-^ -^ -^ .-» rS rs -• .-^ % Of a> Hi/ Hit Hit ^ J» ilir Of \4i> \6 \if \it i^ \fy \if [it iit Or \ii iy o '' Xmas Goods *' Arrived For The Ladies' Wo ii.ive the finest line of Xmas Presents in town for the Ladies. Albums, Work Buxos aud Toilets a specialty. Other artidcs ttio numerous to mention We have also a V017 select line of Presents foe men aud children. All Up=to=date Stock Wo dolisht Farm for Sale 150 acres in the Township of 0;'prey â€" part of Io« S and all of lot 9, in the l.'Wj conce.S!<ion. AbouHO acred undor cultivation. Thovo i^ a laVKe quantity of titobtr. A Kood frame barn 4(i\G0 feet. fra'DO stflblo oiid a conifortablo iwelliiii!, also good well. .\p|<!» on tlio preiii- sea Of to W. J BELL.VJIY, Klofherton. Dec. 13m The Markets. I'arefuilY Corrcr cd Eaich Week Try us before p'jrchasing elsewhere, in showing goods. ^Ae ^ ccasure is ours tuhen i/ou call and inspect oun ^i.mas ^tock. I W. J. DOUGLASS & CO. % »V!. ^ vV«. .jt^ ^.t.v ^«. .^'5. iV's:^ jStv <l^ ^'a ^»5; â- iff, ^ vM{. ^? •- ^y, -tSJC â- Hf' ^fe. J^.', .jf /u .»•«. .si'. ^% •>'! vi? w'^'P^i? ^is- ^i(? '?,? '» iv ifS* '<'!*â- '.i^ ^i? '<â- )«• W WW -Ji? â- n?~iii?'ii? w 'jio'/i? ^S^^j? â- »!? •>! ' Oats Peas Wh-at Barley Uutitr KiTHS fresh I'Mik CliicRciis pT lb Ouiks per lb Tuckcys per lb Oeese without heads. . i Hcty : Futatoos ba^ ........ L'li â- •> oS o 70 to 45 to IU to £0 -.o 6,W to 8 10 7 to U tc 60 7 6 !>0 to C 00 35 ,0 i'li L'C. 7-' 8 14 â- i'tt v»t'. Hi CHRISTMAS I CHRiSTHAS ! Only Two Week's Til! Christmaa Call early and make your selections from n full stock speciittios. Per- fumesâ€" a very large stock â€" nil prices. .Mbuio-s .\uto from tjvecents..and Plioto Albums from twenty five cents. Dressing cases, Lidies and Gent's ' C»iiipfluioa.s, Shaving Sel^, Hru.shas for tho teeth, nails, hair, or clothes f Li'tlicr, or Piiint, or .inythi^g ; Tcv Setts, Cup.-5 .and S.aucers, Dolls, Sleu'w, Toys I't every dtisctiptim, Oamei. Sweets from 7c. per pound, giKv.l ; alsoXuts, Oraiiaes, Shelled Almond.'? and Walnut-i, Oun.s, Pistols. Horses, Trumpet', Whistles, Oi-gHiis, B.dl I'ini; Pon^, Over the Oinieii Wall, Bjoks, Fancy Ni'to Paper and Eovehipes â€" all kinds. Aak for wluit you want aud wc will show it to you. â- / Q;. ^, f^ichardson Fksbirfotit Qnt* i^k^Vi'iii^-jj'i ^ )l^^t##^^^^##0^04M#i^#l^0^