Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1903, p. 5

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TilE FLESUERTON ADVANCE Dec. 31 1903- Vicinity Ciiips Chopping done every arterriooii6e. per lOOibH. T, VV. Wilsou. Mrs. Dr. Murray is viniting frienda in Toronto. Frenh lime Always on hanil. J. H. Ducket', Eugeuia. Mr. Thnmpson WiLson is confined to his bed and is serionsly ill. Bornâ€" Ou Tuesday, 22nd Deo., to Mr. ami Mrs. John Stewart, a sun. >JFull lines of winter foubwear of all kinds at Claytons going cheap. Thanks to our many patrons and friends for piwt patronage, and good wishes for a bright new year. Clayton's. Paul Bokash, an old Frenchman, per- ish I'd in a recentstoim near(^wen Sound. Vihiskey was reapontible for the tragedy. Mr. R Y. Burk, of Osprey, delivered hire on Monday twenty-Bve liogs, which netted hiiu 8^67.50. Hoi;a do pay. A. large quantity of matter is unavoid" sKly held over until next week â€" coreapon- dtnce, addresses, etc. Mr. Wm. Walker of Eugenia dropped dead Tuesday evening while driving lictween this village and the station. Better to day than yesterday â€" The Toronto Newsâ€" daily by mail $1.00 a yam. Write for clubbinp oflfers. Iicmeinhcr the Methodist Sabhath school anniversary on the evonint; of New Year's day. Good tea and program. Come. Mr. W. Burgesn, ichool inspector for N^.rth Grey, and D. D. G. M. of the A. O. U. W., paid tiie lodge here a fraternal visit an M<nd.iy evening. Treasurf r Gamey of Osprey informs The Advance that it is just fifty years thi.H eIe,:tioti since he recorded his first vote iu that township. Sawlogs Wanted â€" All kinds of limber, hut especially soft elm, 10 or 15 ft. long. Other timber iu ordinary lengths. Good prices paid. Armstrong Bros, Markdale and Rockvalo. Frame house fur sale, in Flesherton, eii;ht rooms, together with three lot8,good cellars, etc. For particulars apply to MisB Park, Flesherton, ol R. Park, Eugenia. Parties having Tamarack timVier.sIiould call on R. P. Legate & Co., and get their specifications. All short lengths and prices away up iu G. Wanted â€" Telegraph poles, peeled all tt.e way thiough ; piles, R. R. ties, tan- bnrk, wood of all kinds ; ahso all kinds of sawlogs. Highest market price for any qiianiiy of above in cash. R. P. Legate & Co., Ceylon. . â- ^k Full stock of footwear in men's. Ladle's ahd Children's, boots, shoes rubburs etc. Biiuu in your feet. Claytons have the shoes for you both in quality and jtrice. Call and see them. Mfiruinc papers report yesterday's markets â€" The Toronto News to-day's qu:it;itioi.s. Which is worth more to you? One dollar brings The News daily by mail for one year. Write for clubbing offers. Wliat is the date of the general elec- tion? Few know ; but readers of The Toronto News will get full and fair reports >'f llio campaign. 'The News daily by mail SI, 00 a year. Write for clubbing offers. Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Catliaiiue Moi«ier, wlio w.vt 80 yoats of ."ga on Sunday ta.it. Mrs. Mosier is remarkably vigorous for her age and is stiil able t» do her own washing and house- kecpii g, When your morning paper costs yon 83.00 or $4 00 a year, you are paying pretty heavily for the privilege of reading yesterday's news. You can get the news down to the la~t minute in the Toronto News. 91.00 will bring you The News daily by mail for one year. Write for clubbing offers. O.sprey township elected their council by acclamation this year as follows : For Reeveâ€" John Hud.son. For Councillors â€" E W Norman, D B Winters, D W Clinton, F W Biownlce. This is the first time ill its hi.story that this township has elected its whole council by acclamation. Word was received hero Tuesday morn- ing of I he deach of Rev. Walter Ayers at his homu in London on Monday. Death was sudden and niiexpected. Deceased was pas'or of the Methodist church here Pome years ago and was well known in this district. Mrs. Joseph Blackburn, daughter of the deceased uentleinsn, left on the evening train for Li-udoo. Want*d â€" Soft elm saw logs, 10 ft. and 15 feet long, for which we will piy $15 ptr thousand ft., for g<'od quality, delivered at either of our mills ;. or wilt accept delivery convenient to public high- way,ai any point within 10 miJus of eith<*r Markdule or RockvaW, on gcxxl road. If you will advise us when logs &r« ready we will go out and measure and pay for them, retainiDij but a very reasonable rate for trucking;. Armatrong Bro«., Markdale and Rockvale. Vaustâ€" McKiniion â€" At the residence rif the bride's parents, south line, Arte- iL-e ir, o:i We 'nenday, 23rd inst. , by Rec M»the>t<ii>, Priceville, Mr. John William Vauso. to Miaa Macgie McKinnon, dau h- ler of Mr. Fa^quhar McKinnon. The happy c- U'll.^ Irft. after the cei*mony to visit 'ri«nds k> Cai^lon fur a ahort time At r tht'ir return they will t«ke up rcai- <)• tifi at their home on the Dniham road. T^tt Advan^ tetiden ci iij(ratulatioo8. Mr. VVill J. Tliompson was married at SlouffviUe last week. Particulars next issue. Mr. Robert Bnchanan is the latefct can- diitaie for cimncillor, and he would make atiod one. Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Gili.vfi bothpiastt their cards iu this iaaur. Ths Loyal Orange District lodge of Artemesia will meet on the 12th (twelfth) day of January in L, O. L. room No. Ills, at Eugenia, at 2 p. m. for tnnsac- tion of business and election of officers, F. Sargent, Sec- Mr. Hector McDonald of Granite, Montanna, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. It is twenty years since he went to Montana and took up the mining busineos, and this is his first visit home. Mr. McDonald brought a smile to the editorial countenance by paying his subscription for three years in advance* May he continue to prosper in the west. The I. 0. F. elected the following officers for the ensuing year : â€" Court Deputy, R. Waller; P. C. R., C. W. Bellamy ; C. R., Dr. J. P. Ottowell ; V. C. R., VV. Moad.i; Rec. S , W. Buskin ; Fin. S., Dr. E. C. Murray; O., A. Ben- tnam ; S. W., C. Mosier ; J. W., Joseph Cornfield ; J. B., W. Simmons; S. B., H. Dyson. Cer.tre Grey Farmers' Institute will hold their annual meeting in the town hall, Fle8herton,on .fan 7. The speakers will bo Major James Sheppard of Queen- ston and C. E Shearer of Vittori*. The subjects for the afternoon will be very timely, viz., "Care and improvement of country roads," and "The cream separat- or and home butter making." At the evening meeting the subjects will be''The farm as a home," and "Transportation as it affects the farmers." These are all live and moit important subjects and ought to attract an unusually large gathering of people. Scots Greys Camp, No. 87. Priceville, will i;ive their annual entertainment on Thursday evening of this week. This concert is the event of the seasou and al- ways attracts bumper houses. On this occasion especially choice talent has been engaged, consisting of Miss Teresa Flan- nigan, .soprano ; Will J. White.humorist; Miss McDonald, highland dancer of Ham- ilton ; Mr. Gitjson, of Edinborough, and Mr. Pet«r McArthur, piper. That is an array of talent that ought to draw if any- thiugwill. Tlie price on this occasion has been placed at 35 cents, with all seats re- served at that figure and "absolutely no standing room," say the committee. The Presbyterian Sabbath school ann- iversary on the evening of Christm.i8 day was highly 8ucces.sful from evorv point of view. The attendance was large, the eatables choice and a fine program was rendered by the pupils of the school and others. There are some very promising little singers coming to the front in town and vicinity who piomiss to fully maintain our prestage as a musical centre. On this occasion a iirge amount of this promising material was to the fore, iu the following order : A qu.trtet was beautifully rendered by Mioses Irene Wilson, Hazel 'Thompson, Muriel McTavish and Gladys Cornfield ; a duet by Klisses Hazel Boggs and Lizzie Wilson ; Master John Cairns, who has a fine,otear soprano voice.gave a solo which was much appreciated ; four boy3,Ch»rley Croasley, Willie Wilson, John Sheppard end Herbie Sullivan, gave a brownie song wliioh was loudly encored ; "Star and Crown," a quartet by Lizzie, Wilson Bella Loucks, and Katiu and Rita Legard and a second quaitet by Irene Wilsoa, Hazel Thompson, Muriel McTavish and Gladys Cornfield completed the musical pare as contributed liy the tittle people. During the evening Miss Minnie Joy and Mrs. Fawcett rendered two beautiful solos in their masterly way. According to the statement's.? road by the superintend- ent. Mr. Felsted, this school is in a pros- perous condition, there being an average attendanco of 59. The incone for the year was ?66.74 and exdenditure $61.47. Seventy papers per week werediatributed. The library contains 387 volumes. Rev. L. W. Thorn, p.-.s!or, occupied the chair. The proceeds amounted to about $53. the guest of his aunt, Mrs. Dr. Carter, over Christmas. Mr. Ward Harriason,ir.,of Perrysburg, N. Y., is visiting with relatives here. The Greatest Family Remedy And one weU] known in most Canadian homes is Nerviline, a perfect panacea for all internal and external pain. Mrs. M. Cartwright of Morris says; â€" "I couldn't think of being without Nerviline. When I get tootliache Nerviline stops it. If I get a sick headache, have a trouble with my stomach or bowels, I can rely on Ner viline to cure me promptly. To break up a cold or rub on for rheumatism or neur- algia, Nerviline has no equal. It's price- less in any family. Norviline is king over all pam and costs 25o. â- ^O^e' SHEPPARD Election Cards To the Electbri of f-e Tp. of Ariemetia Ladibs and GPNTLBiotMâ€" Your vote and in- fluBQce is teapectfully solicited for oouncillor at tile Arteiueaia coaucil board, for tlio ensuing year. W. J. HEADS Caylon.Nov. 21, 1903- To the Electon of the Tountahip Artemesia IiADiBSAND Oentlembm-As I bftva decided to oflfer myself for the reeyealiip for 1904, as I am the seulor couucillor of the township, I feel with mj past experience aa though I am in a poBitioa to render the township good service. Thanking you for past favors and hoping for future, I remain respectfully yours Portlaw, Nov. 39th. THOMPSON Lasibs' And Gst(Ti.EHBN,â€" I cordially thank vou for your support in the past, and 1 respect- fully solicit your vote and influence on my be» halt (or the reeveship for 1904. Tours respectfully AlihiX. MUm Ladies' and Gestlemem, -Having bean re- quested by & large number of ratepayers to run for councillor for the township of Artemesia, I hereby offer myself as a candidate and request your vote and influence. Ceylon, Nov. 23, 1903. AliEX. McBAB, jr. To the Electori of Artemesia Ladies and Obntxembn,â€" Having been re- quested by a larce number of ratepave rs to enter the fleld as a candidate for couucillor, I hereby offer my services and request your vote and influence. R. D. Purvis Eugenia, Nov. 30, 1903 To the Baiepayera of the Vp. Artemesia Ladi£s and Gbktlbubn,â€" I am a candidate (or the ofllce of reeve for the ensuing year. I respectfully solicit your support. i thank you kindly (or j^ast favors and hope you will consider my request favorable. X have the honor to bQ Yours Sincerely JOHN BOYD To the Eleetort of i/ie Towmhip of Artemesia: Ladies ahd Gentlbubn,â€" At the request of a large number of ratbpayers to enter the fleld for Councillor for 1904, I hereby solicit your support and influence. Thanking you (or the support you gave me last year in a badly cut up fleld.'I m ucerely yours, W. BUSKIN. To the Elector$ of Tp. of Artemesia Ladies and Gbntlehkn, â€" As I have decided to stand the contest lor the reeveship (or the year of 1904, I respectfully solicit your vote and influence. Thanking you for past favors and hopiug for a coutinuauce of the same. I have the honor to be Yours rospocrfully D. McTavish Flesherton, Doc. 15, 1903 2o the EUcton of Krtemesia LADUiS ABD GBNTLZUBH â€" After oue year as your representative at the council board I again rospec.fully solicit your vote and influence and a renewal o( >cur con- fldenca for the ensuing year. Thanking you heartily tor past favors, lam (aithfulty your servant. THOMAS B MoKENZIG Portlaw, December 15, 1003 To the Electors of A rtemesia Ladibs AND GRNTLEjfBN.â€" I Cordially thank you for your support iu the pAst year and I respectfully solicit your vote and fnllueuca in my bahaK as councillor (or the coming year, 1904, Yours respectloJly, ROBT. BEST To the Elector* of Artemesia Ladibs And Gbntleitenâ€" I cordially thank you for your support in the pa&t and respect^ fully solicit your vote and influence on my be- half as councillor for the eueuing year. Yours Kespoctfully, JoS- GIBSON Orange Valley Christmas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ellison and Mr.and Mrv. Rowe of Crystal City, Manitoba, are visiting with frieudf in this vicinity. Mr. M- K. Richardson and wife and Miss Christeno spent Christinas day with friends in Markdale. Dr.E. K. Richardson, Toronto, visited with friends here for a day last week. The Dr. attended the funeral of the late James Tucker at Owen Sound. Mr. Ern. Armstrong of the Dental College, Toronto, is home for the holi- days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wickens, Toronto, were guests of the former's parents here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Crane, Miss Rita and Mastrr Qeorgie Crane of Uwen Sound s)H>Dt Sunday with frienda in town. Mr. John Boyd, sr., and Mrs. Boyd and Miss Alice Boyd of Conn spent Christmas holidays in towit^ Dr. RA-Thuotonand wife>,of Chicajto, are '<pendiDg ih? present week with We. and Mrs. W. H. ThurstoD. goett Mr. Geo. Sloan of Toronto it the of friends in this vicinitf . MiM Anuis Howard of Listowell sfient Christmas with her mother and ret«rt>«d on Mondajr. Mr. Pr<«fon 0. Coat^ ot. Torout* ww.. To the Electors of the Townthiv Artemesvx Ladibs and (iENTt^UR.sâ€" Having been re- quested at various times bv a number of elec- tors in diflerout parts of the muuicipality to become a candidate as a couucillor (or the township o( Artemesia, I have consented to the same, and 1( ycu fellow electors elect me I will endeavor to conduct the business of the township with economy as far as is consistent with good and substantial progress. 1 have bern in the township since its tirst settlement and am personalty acquainted with its develope- ment fiom the first up to the present time. I think I understand its wants and what it requires to keep iu good state aud condition ; therefore, if 1 am elected I will endeavor to aocomplisb thisos economically as possible. Yours respectfuTy KOBT. BUCHANAN', Vandalanr Annual Meeting Notice Is hereby given that the annual meet- ing of the Electoral District .Agricultural Society o( East Grey will be bald in the Town Hall, Flesherton. on Wednesday, -Jan. SOth, 1904. at 1 o'clock p.m., for receiAing and passing the di- rectors' and auditore' reports for the past year, electing olBcers fo»- the yoao 1904 and such buai- uees as may t>a considered in the interests of the society. .\8 uoue but members for 1904 ore eli- gible to otflce, or have a vote at Buoh meeting, kiBfMy s«nd in oue dollar to the secratary be- fore the day of the meeting, or baud same to him that d'av and l>acoma a member and l>a prepared to take par* in the westing, H. 8 SPBOULR. Senratary. Dated at FlMbsrton Dec 30. 1904. Or nil Hi \A Of w a Oi Oi Of \6 a \A Oil mi it/ 1^ ill \k Hi We Wish Our Many Patrons Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year T. J. SHEPPARD GENERAL MERCHANT FLESHERTON 5a:^.^;5:^a^ ?^:-$-i=$.3^^^ # il# 0^ iif iif it/ \^ m \k/ i» Or i^ i# ii/ r t m m Q new « * • ii Xmas Goods" Arrived For The Ladies' We have the finest line of Xmas Presents in town for the Ladies. Albums, Work Bo-xes and Toilets a specialty. Other articles too numerous to mention We have also a very select line of Xmas Presents for men and children. All Up-to-date Stock Try us before p'jrchatsing elsewhere, iu showiu« goods. Wq jlelight ^Ae Pleasure is oufs when you ca and inspect our UCmas OtocH. a S W, J. DOUGLASS & CO. I A Happy New I Year to All. . . Farm for Sale 19t aercs in lb« Township of Osprejr â€" part of lot 8 and all of Iqt B, m the 13th concession. Abeat M acres nad«r aalMTatlOB. T^«r« ta a larta QDantHy of tiisbar. A awd fc^ma bom 40iOO Taat, frama •ta)>la oaa a We have a few Toys l^ft that we ^^|| are clearing out *t greatly reduced ^ prices and some at half prices. ^k €« Wkliartodii FktNrtoti, Otit dwalllDR, also good well, ApMr aa Mm oran â- MOT to ^J BKLAAMtt #laata«AoB. V I V ? i \

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