Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1903, p. 8

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r jt)EcSl 1903 THE FLESlTERroK ADVANCE ^ >. kV. [â- Â» ' ^ ii <an f kshertdit Furniture Olarerddms. Woft're cartying the newest •tylea of BeaaunAble goods in all lines of FurniUure, cunsiitiDg of : Parlor and bodroora suitn, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, chairb, wiiidowshades and curtain poles, picturoi, eaiets, etc., Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing nnd General Re- iiikiring. Undertnkinji; in all its branches. Sntiafaction guaranteed. W, H. Bunt, - - Prop. Falling out Hair If this la the case, call and seo ua and we will proviiut it doiug 80 Ijy applying our wonder-, ioriemedy. Highly Recommend We have DSed it> wonderful! powers on many In this town and Burrounding district and all who have undergone treatment recom- lueud it very highly. N o Cufeâ€" NoPy 'A. WILSON FLE8HEBT0M Barber Preparation U necessary If you wish to â- ncceed. If you inted to transact business 0/ any kind you would be sadly handicap- ad without a business education. Tlie aoit thorough training of this kind 3an be obtained at the owBXsotrxs, OK*. M^ter tcriii commeaees Jan. 4th, alogae free by addressing C A. FLEMINC Oat- Prineipal BIG . . 3T0CK We have just received In stock one of the finest assortments of BLANKETS AND ROBES in the market and can favor yon with any requirements you will need in that line. Aj/ers You can hardly And a home vlthout Its Aycr's Cherry Pe(5toral. Parents know what It does for children: breaks Cherry Pectoral up a cold In • single night, wards off bronchitis, prevents pneumonia. Physicians ad- vise parents to keep it on hand. "Tb* beat cooib ae^ldae money can feny Is Avar's Oherry Pectoral. Vor tbe coach* ol •hlldrsD aatfalas coDld po««ibly b« better." ^AOOB Bhull, Saratoga, Ind. Ue..ne..ftM. All draKylats. for J. o. Am CO., I towel I, Mm Throat, Lungs I Ayer's PUte sraatly aid th* Cherry PActoral In DrMiKlnc up • cold. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mitito» 2^06$. The undersigned has a fine aged Durham Bull for eervice on lot HI, T. ond 8. B. Termsâ€" «1 for grade cows, $3 for thorough- breds. Pedigree on application JACOB liBVEK Flesherton P.O Business Cards llJ'0Ur<XiOOGH & YOUNG ~* Danker Markdale Do a general banking bnainesa . Money loansfi a reasonable rate Call on ns, RJ SPBOUIjB \ Postmaster, Flesherton uommissiouer in H.C.J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Real Estate and InsiKanee Agent. Deeds mortgagen, leases and wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on sborteat nctice. money to loau at lowest rates of interest. Col eotions attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaauiship Company. A call solicited. Societies Also a large conelgnmont of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS, We have a fine collection of ooata to to select from. All Sold at l.owet Living Prices IHT m:. Ba: O O R £2 A Merry Christmas and A HAPPY NEWYEAr! WB take this opportunity of thank luR the public for tliidr hboial pntion- iiiju during the pant v«o,r. aiirl hope for a eontiiumtion of thexamo durin); lUOl. You will fl:i'i Dur stock of Orneorlos ooiii|>lnlu and frush hs th'j umrkut will allow. Wu itnpoitour Japan Tiia, wlitcli inaleailor of all leao. Just try it it aud be coiiviucod. We will take all kiu'lsof • Farm Produce for Qoods For which wo will pay the higlicwt market lireoflii. Hriiig your prnduou nailv In the day and KHt thii best attondanci. T.-vko your time and -fXainhM our Riioils and you will lie con- Tlncftd that It is youilntorem to hi.v In Max- well, Uiihor In Dry Uooila or (iibcerioa for now and up-to-date. Wo cannot enumerate hut Just ooino and se« for yonranU. Wo have a largo st..ck of th« fauiouB KVNT-KRACK rub- bers, n'Ho other linou of rubbsr Koods. Wo also have a »iee line of Xnins (looda ABKKN'B BOOTS and BH0R8 nlwajn on hand aud don't forget our Hardware Idne OUR COMPLIMENTS TO THE . . PUBLIC . . R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWELL ... The Markets. Curt-fiillT t5ori-««' cd Enoli \\\-t^ii Oiifk i;« ••) 20 ycKx fis f.8 Wh-,.:. 7" ;.. 7-2 flarlcy 4i< 1 > 4't Uat'.r Ill I. IB 1<',jl^ \iciU 2l) f- iiO I'liik « 00 tr, G 00 4illi,'l:...-. |mr lb •• 8 " ^ lUl.i^ prrlb ?. 'J 7 Tuc'mvs per lb 14 t<. 14 licr.-H wi"hiiul hetJs. . fl o 7 Hav « 00 to C 00 Cutauifis hAn 3ij :'< 35 A D W meets on the last Uonday " in eaon mouth. In their lodge room. Ohrlstoo'B block. Flesberton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Uobert Rest ; Kecorder, :Jas. Felstead ; Finan- cier, Wm. Behamy. Visiting brethren Invited. pKINOB ABTHTB LODGE, No. W3. A. I^ AM, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, Flesherton, every Friday 00 or before the full mocn. F H W Hlokling^W M. Chas Uunshaw, Secretary. COURT FLKSHBKTON, I. O. P. meets in Oliristoo's Block the last Friday eveuing eaoh month. Visiting Foresteia heartily relcomo. C. R., O. W, Bellamy ; K. O., W. Buskin ; Fln.Boo.,Dr E. Murrav. (I'ay duos to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each mouth.) Medical , r\R CARTER y M C P A S Ont. Physician, Stirgcon, etc omce aud roaidoncoâ€" Potor St., Flesherton DR. 800TT, M. B., Maxwell, Ont. K. M. RF.ID, M.D.C.M,, Physician, Surceon and Accoucheur, late of- N. Y. Postgrad. Medical School, N. T. Lyl.iB-iu Hospital and Bt. Luke's General Hospitai Ottawa T P OTTKWRLI) •' Votorlnary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" second door south west on Mary strflet. This street runs south fresbytorian Chnroh. • . 0«pity Council Stormstayed l^t week. The council of Oaprey met it Maxw'ell on Dec lDtb,as its lirial meeting .for 1003. The maiiibers present were Mesepi. John Hudson, E. W. Norman, D W. Clinton, D. B. Winter*, and F. W. Lrowijlee. Minutes of las^ rr.erting reatl and' coli- tirined. / Communications, accounts, potitiofif, etc., wera. road from clerk bilU $1?05, collector's supplies; Municipal World bill, 91.'29 bl%|jk forms ; petition <|f Geo. Conn aud others asking tbe council to cause G. Hillock to remove his fence -from 20th Kideroad, con. 3, N. D.U. ; Lucas, Wright â- St McArdle, bill' 05.75, legal advice re Peel street and snialf (iox.case^; Ireas'jrer'^ statement of accounts from Jan. 1st to date; Uu]!h T. Koboitf, bill $2.05, re- pairing scrapers; B.Patterson, pathmaster, certifyini; that Jas. Wilkinson had per- formed the Blatute labor in^arrears for lot 41, con. 3 S. D.R.- ; J.paraey, biU^S 65, expenses paying county rate and discOulit; petition of M. Morrison and others asking exemption of taxes for Jacob Lcughead on account of his loss by fire ; orders were issued on the treasurer to pay Hugh T. KoberM $2.00, rcpairinc; road* scrapers ; J . Gamey, $5.65, expenses paying county rate aud discount ; Lucas, Wright <t,Mc- Ardlu, $5 75, legal advice ; Jas. Wilkin- son, $2, refund of statute cfiarged in 1002 on lot 41, con. 3, S. D. It; Municipal World, «1.29,blank forms ; Thos. Sett, 91.05, fcoUeclor's supplier,; reeve, clferk and'&aseHSbr, ?4, each service selecting jurors ; John Hudson, $8. attondiitg tax s.ile ; Dr. ScCtt 83, A. T. Hutchinson, $2, Neil McLean $2. Tj^ps. Scott >.$1, It. Weir$i, use, of balls used as 'cout^Tcil' meetings; E. W. Norman, -$5/ *8ervice surveyiuit and selling tiuAicr on 60th side- road ; Tlios. Scott, 81, timber sale agree- ment ; Philip Ottewell. $8, charily ; T*; SooU and RobtrHe^on, $2, each assistibV treas. tv prepare Dec. Idth statement ; Mrs. Gibso.i, t5, charity. Normaft' â€" Winters â€" That the clerk notify Ge<). Hillock o^ the complaint , to this council, nn^ardiug hia fence being upon the 20th lideroad and, request Jiim •to remove said fence. •* »t Clintonâ€" Wintersâ€" That the jtreasurer, receive from E. W, Norman $lp.2.%" amount realized fur tiroKec sold on oOtb' sidordttd, con. 1 and 2, S. D. R. Clintonâ€" Wintor^That Jacob Loiug- liead be exempted ms tax^ for 1903, amounting to $20 81, on accouut 'of his loss kby lira. vV inters â€" Normnn-.That the^ commis- sioner of div. No. 1, issue his (Jrdet in favor of Qoo. Whiteogk for $29.72, beiij'g" a road contract let by. tho* corainiseioner of said div. in 19,02*. being for^ arrears di texes on loU 33 and 34, con'l N. D. R. Clinton â€" Brownleeâ€" That the treasurer receive $29.72 from Geo. 'Whiteoak, lis arrears of taxes on'lots 83 aud 34, con. 1, N. D. R. # • .* . Clinton â€" Brownleeâ€" That the clerk notify the county treasurer to erase the taxes on lots 33 and 34, con. 1, N^D.R.", charued to Gep. Whiteoak in 1902,' the amount having been paid to the tof nship treasurer. ' , . "â-  "^ â-  . Bylaw No. 433, appointing R;^ Brown, J. Gamey. Ira Perigo, John Lindsay, T. Soutt and Thos'. S. Freethy, deputy re- turning officers and fixing pTiices^or polling places, and bylaw Nof 434, paying town- ship oHicers were each read the neceesaiy iiumbei of times aud pas.<;od. THOS. SCOTT Hurried And Worried All Day. Ana ihe worst of it is you -are a little run down and h Ave mighty little chance to catch up, Everything seems like a grinflstone wearing down your neives. You arc irritrtbla and get leas sleep thun is absolutely neceSHary, Bettor slop be- fore things get worse. Y'.iur best plan is to use ForrozcJhe for a while rtn'd give your nurses and brain a chance to pick uj), Ferrozono is the finest toi^ic a busy man cnn lake' It makes new^ood, nourishes the body, '*8tr ngtheng the nerves, iufproves the appetite antV rehabits the tlio wluilo system. Try f'errozoue. Pi ice oOo. HALF CURE DANGEROUS. IS -â- XVU* you gt$ a Cold, .L«Gtlppe,lDSuenza,dooat bfi sstifZlcJ wilb something to check It ^ , The greatest danger t* in the Ilnjerlnj fefolti of a Kalf (jure. . » ' iixajallU Jjistory wonld read flifTersut . to-<lay if that severer aUack 0/ Coj i and La Grippe had f;'.'On properly baodled. 'A b^nl ccld v.-i;i Mtlle .'a lUo weak- est jart. ArcTi-Piu, acts oO Ibd eutlre macoiu membrane of tliebcay â€" relSerciCca- g»Uoa â€" CQicS Ccc£flp»- tlcn, SRitnuiMM. astt Dyf' jepsJa â€" f**ry large glaa-.i cf the bodr Is brought under Its tDliaescc as'-l a ricar-cut care estcbMiUp-l wflh « meilicioe j.erfuc*..'7 harmless to laan, winntlt, or child. CO con:* cf dealers, or liy aJiiresalEjJ Wilsos-Ftle Co., NiaRsra Falls, Ontario. Free saaj- plc to any address. friends ot Bvirn'a^'rvs'oyterian church. NETrii Titosipso.f , . ' Eli RobixsuS' JB^!<I£ Halb Then aU sat down ^nd llsfri'sliments wrte served and afrtr supper moie games were indulged in. Liter ona'l a<!jiuiu(.d 10 the parle<',Where a short liinc w>t.s spent in singint;. Miss Gardiner ;)rc.!idiiiu nt tbe'orgaa. After'tein^ing "God bg. With yT»u till we Met-t A«.iin,"and "Auld Lang Syne,' .the visitors diaporsrd, fe^Oing that it had certainly beeti a very pln-isant even- iqg and regretting tbat the ci'iiuounity Was soon lu sufTiir tho less of auch a pop- ular family.''^ For some time pa.lt |t h.-is been known in this neighborhood tliut lliu us'eemrd' proprietor of tjie only stojiping pl.ice en *w^-h tills pro.«porou.s little l»u,i»Tc-t' cin boastf is about to lake his dt-p^rturx for the sunpy south. His many friends join in best wishes for his future prosperity and hajiiji.iies*. '. * It's WhaTiTLeads To That makes Ciit.irrh such a droadi-d dis- ease. If you have Ca'airh taint, dropp- iug^l yiur throat, if you hawk j>i>d spit and h^'e a sluffed uu feeliuj^m your !^i<s- trils you should usejfragraut healing Cat- nrrhozone.»t ohce ami get crirod. 'Thou- sands l)ave beeii saved fiomConsuuiptiou' and completely cured by C»tarrhozonn, no thyre IS no rcHsniT why you shouHn't stanipout jour Calnrrh also. Catarrbi'Z- one will really care you and prevent the disease from returning. It is very pleas- aiit just balsamic iii«dios!cJ vajx)r,-n(| nauseous diui^s. Ab.solute cure guaran- teed to Uftfra of C;itarrhoz'>iiB ; it ciu'c fail, try it. Comple.c outfit $1.00; siamplosiz! 25c. Cook's CoiUm Root Coinpoatid. "* lAdle^ Favorite, la the only safe, re'.iabW regulator on â- w^hlcli woman can depeai "In. the iiour and time of nee^" Prepared la two degrees ot BtreagtlL No. 1 and No. 2. No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases is by far the l>est doUa? medicine known. No. 2 â€" For special cases â€" 10 i3egTi:C3 Btroager â€" tbfea dollars per bos, Le.di^â€" eak your drugsist for CooU'a " Cotton Root Compoand. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations ar9 dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all drugglsta In tho Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt ofprlce and four 2-eent postage Btompe^ Xbe COOic Company, "wuuxmot, Oku No. 1 ami Xo. 2 are sold In KWsharton by \V . K.^tichiu-d60u auU Douglass & Co., Din^Li s. ;^-,#;'a'.^:^fadki n WILSON ''~' «> "• •Jvailnato of tho Votorlnary Bclsuoe Assoclstion. Kosideuoe, Durham tlreet, ou- poslto Hoyd, Hiukllbii's hardware. , â-  Legal J. W. PBOST, L Ij. H. " nanistor, Holioitor Couvejaocer, eto onioeâ€" Next to postbfflce, Bpronte's blook F'.jiliuvtoiK, Bvarv Tbursda anil court days N Hâ€" Owen Bound otUce, Prost * blook Poulett street east. LUCAS. wiuqutJa mparALr HiirrUtcrs Solicitors Conveyancers, <fte Ononsâ€" Owan Hound, Ont andMarlnlaloOot. W II WlttOHl', MO^WLIt 1 H LCOAS N IIâ€" Klesh,irioif' ofBoe, Mitetaell'a Hank •very Haturday. , MACKAYA.4A.MPS0N .(Isrrlsters. (olleltors. i)F^I(;KR :â€" Owon Hcuntf, Uercliutt's lls'ik Hlook, N. -if PattoraoD Ilonse. DaHRalk all) Htreat, every Bkturday. Money to loan at 4)poraant. A. (1. M .<1K.\V.M A., H.K HAMJ'riON.L.I.D .Un-As III Btti<n<1anre at Klcsberton and Dnn.liiU: PItIsIou Cdurt*. 4 Dentistry DR. ^ C. AIURRAY, L. D. 8. dectaTlknrReSA* bo--0' Rirt'limie of Toronto University end Reva' rollcsio of Dnntal HurcrpDS of On'tkrlo. HIUcpâ€" C|>i>u>itr AruistrniiK'a Jewellery Store. Will visit tUiwell tbe lest Wednesday of each mouth, and Oamdalk 1 aod } Tharsaay in easb mrntn. Presentation ^nd Address' £.. â- â€¢ The Temperance House, Feversham, was, on Tuosdav evening of hist week the ^oiie of aevcry pteasaqt evening's enter- lainm^t. About {prty of the friends and ocquaintances of the proprietor's family assrinblMl early In tho evening' at ' "their residence for the purpose of giving them a littk surprise ')K\rty. The young people amused themselves for soiqe time 'with the innst poput^r gimes, ad& before supper was served all assfimbloa in 'the «'Hiting room. -^ There tho following ad dress was rend by Mif48 Hale and the pres- entatioh of it handsome Udy's c.mipauion and Iw'uuliiTul folding iiiirror wm made by Mr. EllKobiiison. To Slui ik/rUe (tardiner \Wthe members' of tHe Fevershara PresbytM-ian church have Msembled bero this evening for the purpose of showing our appreciation of your services amongst ua. For sum'e time we have been aware of your iiitoiitinn to remove from this vic- inity, lint, it it hard for us to become re- conciled to tbetUought of no lunger seeing you in our midst. We cannot then lose this i>pp<irtuiitty of tenderini^ our heart- felt Kratiiude to one who for the past two yOars, has, to ably and faithfully 611ed tlio |Hiaili<>ii of organil* in our church. We would tbur»fore Mk of you to aooopt these gifts, which, -«e trust you will prim) not for their iiitriiiaio worth hut aa metn- MiitoM of our Oeei^ •iMig»ti<<n and eeteem. In coiKlusion we^ trust that in your fkvi home the poaoe and IJeaeing of Uod may attend you, and thai jroa may be nparod to enjoy ^nany year* uf ooalluyrd happincst and prosperity. Signed in b«hal( ff tbe iaeinb«T* and Tlie majority of men have varicocele In the tirtt, second or third sta^ e. In the early itfaErea it ihay cause many eymptctna which tbe patient may not rtco|r* Bize as arlsiajr from thisdLs«a&e. In fact, we have have toaad oa examioatica, 'varicoc«Io. preecnt in handreda of cases where the patient did cot kcow he bad itatall. lutimeit will prodncesnchsyin:)toms BsthefoUowliiy: Kervcnsne^s, wea.kne«s la tho back, unsteady llrabs, tUcd aud exhausted feeling, pains in the loius, irritation of the bladder and kidneys, sediment aod l<i&s in nrloe, eoilssloaa at niffbtwilh lewd d^ims, sexual weakness and decline of snaniv powerâ€" the^e symptoms KradBaUy develop Into KERJonS DEBILITY and JMPOTBNCY. On« NEW llErTBOD T«EA.TMENT VlL,h POSITIVKLT COHS TOU AND IT IS GUAKAMTKED TO CUKB YOU WITHOUT OPKKATIOK. Through its witalixln^ iaflnence the wormy veins i-*.r':ira to their normal caliber, the eir- enicon of blood Improves so the otvans are jiroperly Dottrtshed, and ars^ irstored to strength and vipor; tlia neCTea become atroni;, ambltioa and energy replace lassitude anddaapondancyi all drains c^ase, the eyes become brif bt, the bczia active, and yon Xe«l as a man oo^ht to feel in pacf ect sezsal and menta l cooditioa. ^ ; Wa GtiaraBstoe io Gub^ or Mo Pi^m All case* we accejit for treatnsest are taken nader a positive ^aranteethat they are curable or no pay, Wa refer yon to several banks as to our f^iianri.-|| > responsibility, so yon may know we are good for any contracts we make. jau»j»^«»»»» Are yon a victim? Bare yon lost hope? iire 'Von contemplating WW^SWdr^ S3arria;e7 Has yonr Blood been diseased? Have you any weak- ocse? Onc*Jew Method Treatment will CO reyon. What it has done for others It windoforyoa. CONSUliTATlON FREE. Ko matter who has treated you, wsUc for an hooest opiniun Free of Charge. Charges reasonable. BOOSa t'itEEâ€" "The Gi>ldeo Monllot" (illustrated), oa Diseases of Men. Everything confidential. Question lift aad net of TreatmanfTrRSS. for Eotce Treatment. t48 Shsib^ Sic, OETRQST, §y§iGH. mssa^^^^^sm^:^^^^ ^^ '^:^^^^' ^ â-  m. 5^. . FOR FiR5T CLASS CARRIAGES AND l'L0L'QH5 . . ^^ 8 • -.'go 16â€"- ' S g Heard's Works, Flesherton 5^ We have Cutters, Sleighs.Buggies, Waggons and Carts ^ ^ Kleury; Dymeut Butterfield and Wilkinson Plougbs « ^ Shares and repairs of the best quah'ty. Spring tooth ^ ^ aud Iron harrows. Also first dass handmade harness, jg" ^ Iforse Sboeina and General Blacftsmtthittfl* â- '^- -^>«*/^^^ X). McTAVISH m mmm mm BiiiR For First ClBa« Buggio*. Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \\ agonj, cutters. Sleighs. \Ve keep a stock on hand tu clioose frcn,. AL.SOHOkSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ Budsdirantee Qrst oUsa work. We keep ou hand Ploughs an.l Plough repair*, and also Maaaej- Harris and Noxon repairs for hin''er«, Mowara, x;l kiuds of machinery, also Binder Twin« on hand. • Wb«n in town 8io« US a calf « . /

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