Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jan 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE Sam. 7 1903 ' : ' l''^r ' \ h Vicinity Chips Tesm of hornm for a»laâ€" Apptj to J.H. H*M«I, Fleth«rton. FrcMh lima ii{«r»y« oa baud. J. H, Doektttt, Euneiiia- Sheiipsrd'i ittinektakinK sale-is a chanr* Isotaaura Mma guud bargainaâ€" call and Tha lareeatstock of man'* and boy'* raiw Mud oTer coala to be 'old very cheap daring the stocktaking sale at Shepparda' Ror. Mr. Wilson is conlinuing this Wt^ek the special tHrrieaa which were closed daring tbe holiday featirities. Mr. Geo. Mitchell and two lofis Tiiiited tha former's mutber at Allistun Nrw Yeara day. Mr. and Mrs. D. Clayton of Manitoba vinited Mr. and Mrs. W. Claytou dnring the paat wuek. day afternoon to Fleaharton cemetery. Mn. Rydor leaves, I)«sic1(is her huslmn^, two snnn to mourn hwr loss, the eldest •bout 15 yeara of aite. The Women's Dopartment of the Tor- onto News is looked for by thousands. The News daily by mail for one year. Write fur clubbing offers. All healthy people read the sporting news. Tou will 6nd all the latest sport- ins Kosaip in Tha Toronto News. $1 brings The News daily by mail for one year. Write for clubbing offers. Four popular noTels would cost •', least ti.OO. The Toronto News prints more than four good aerials in the course of 12 months. $1.00 brinits rhe News daily by mail for one year. Writ* for clubbing offers. When you subacriba for The Toronto News at ll.OO a year you rrcoire twolvo pages of reading on fire days of every WHek and twenty-four page's i.i >ll,bright, reliable and up t->-date ; 4,.368 psKPS for one dollar. Write for clubbing offers. "B»fore the Mast." is wit hdrawn this week, but will be continued in next issue, â- when we hope to have a photo of Mr. Mc- Rae, the subject of th»8e interesting sketches, to accompany the letter press. Frame house for sale, in Fleaherton, «eht rooms together with three lots, good cellars, eto. For particulars apply to Misa Park, Fleaherton, or R. Park, Eugenia. Wantedâ€" Telegraph polos, peeled all tha way through ; piles. R. R. ties, tan- bark, wood of all kinds ; also all kinds of aawlogs. Bigheat market price for any quantity of above iii cash. R. P. Legate & Co.. Ceylon. • V Kimberley L. O. L. will hold ihoir •nnual soiree to-morrow (Friday^ evening, .-â- ^ec. 8. A great array of talent has been "engaged, including Bert Harvey, the renowned comic of Toronto. A jolly good time is sure to result and our readers will make no mistake in contributing their {presence and their quarters. Pig strayed-On Deo. 20th, strayed from the premises of Mr. W. H. Guy of Max- well, one sow, medium size, Yorkshire white, owned by Edmund Pallister. A party, who will take care of, or give in- formation as to her whereabouts, will be amply rewarded. Bdinand Pallister, Maxwell. Kaat Grey Conservatives will convene in Markdale tomorrow (Friday) for the purpose of nominating a candidate, elect- ing officers, etc. The Advance is not much on weather forecaata, or even on election proanostications, but w« will modestly predict in this instance that Dr. Sproule will be the choice of tha ccnven- tion. All subscribers who renew within three weeks from the time their aabsoriptions expire will be entitled to our 24 page premium paper, the Montreal Herald, free for one year. Those who neglect doing •o may Ket the paper by paying 16 cents extra. The Herald is a cashi in advsuce proposition and the offur holds good for a year to come, or until withdrawn. The many who have already got it pronounce it a uiarvelloua value. The annual school meeting was held in the school housQ on Wednesday of last week, or rather an apolouy for the annual meeting was held, aa there were only two rateiiayera present besides the trustees and caretaker. Mr. Geo. Mitchell, the retiring trustee, was rcappointrd. While the attendance was not at all satisfactory yet it shows that the public hare confid- ence in tha trustees who have been in office. The Flesherton branch of the Bible society annual meeting was held in the WethiKliat church on the 29th Dec., 1903, whim the following -iSicials were elected for the ensuing year : President, Wm. Clayton ; Secretary, Rev. L. W. Thorn ; Treasurer and Depositary, W. H Bunt ; Auditorsâ€" A. S. VanDusen and W.Bam- hruse ; Executive Committee, W. Baru- houso, 0. McMuIlen, W. Wyatt,K.AIIen, H. Holman, A. 8. VanDusen, Jas. Fcl- •tead, Stewart, T. J. 8hepi»rd. The Melhoilist Sabbath cchool enter- tainment on New Year's night, thouxh gotreii up in quick order and under con- siderable difficulty, was still most Suc- re t-sfu^iho proceeds amounlii>g to $63.60. The Rchool is prospering, alihouxh it is deplored that more ititerust is not taken in it hf "grown upa." The treasurer and tibririans' reports were ooiisid«red sstia- factory. The entertainment, including KUf.per, was considered very choice and w«e thoroutrly er, joyed by the large number preneiit. Spa<>e forl^s giving a 9^>>e extended notice this jreaj^i, Mr. Charles Stewart has retur ncd to his studies at the N. B. College. Misaes Mxrtie Thucaton and Ella Barn- house have returned to their atudies at the O. S. Collegiate. Usprsy Agricultural Society will bold ita annual meutinK for general huaiuess in the Orange Hall, Feversham, on Weduei*- day of next week, Jan. 1.3 1904. The thermom<iter has lieen hitting us at the rate of ten to twelve lielow zero for the past week. Considering that along with this there is a.aolid three feet of snow ou the level, and wood soaring away up, a good subject of debate would bit, "u life worth living/" The affirmative would probably win by a few points. Hops were creat in Waahington terri- tory the past year. Mr. Thos. Pearson, late of Artsniesia township, sold 46,153 pounds at 22 cents per lb. Figure it up and you will find what a nice thing Mr. Pearson made out nf his hops. Mr. Pearson has diaposed of his hop ranch, however, and removed to Santa Rosa,Cal. Flesherton had a little election all its own way on Monday for police trustees. There were four in the field â€" Dr.Christoe, Andrew Wilson, W. W. Trimble and F. G. Ksrstedt, 'The first three received the largest number of votes and are there- fore entitled to expend the village funds this year. Died â€" At Kincardine, on Thursday, Dec. 31, Annie,beloved wife of Frederick Ryder, Protot> Station, aged 37 years. Mra.Ryder had been ailing for some time with lung trouble but her immediate death wis not anticipated. She had gone over to Kincardine to visit her parents, where death came to her. The remains were bruugUt to Proton Station, the funeral taking place from there on Bun- Russell, the five years old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bayley of the townline of Sydenham met with a serious accident on 'Tuesday of last week. One of the older brothers had emptied a kettle of boiling water into a pail on the floor near the stove and was refilling tho kettle when the little fellow, who was playing, fell backwards into the pail of scalding water, which upset and scalded him frightfully over the body and limbs. Dr. Oldham dressed the scalded parts, and while the child lives ho is in a precarioua condition. â€" Chatsworth News. Wantedâ€" Soft elm saw logs, 10 ft. and 16 feet long, for which we will pay f 16 per thousand ft,, for good quality delivered at either of our mills ; or will accept de- livery convenient to public highway, at any point within 10 miles of either Markdale or Rock vale, on good road. If you will advise when logs are ready we will go out and measure and pay for them, retaining but a very reasonable rate for trucking. Armstrong Bros., Markdale and Rockvale. The wedding of Mi. Will Thompson is thus referred to by the Stoutfville Pilot : "The home of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien was tho scene of a very pretty but quiet wed- ding Wednesday morning at tt o'clock, when Laura, their second daughter, was united in marriage to Mr. W. J. lliomp- son late of this town. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Aikenhead, under an artistic evergreen arch, in the presence of a few near relations and friends. The brkle lo<-ksd charming gowned in navy blue pebble cloth with cream silk vesting. The Dumt)er of valuable wedding; tokenk testifies to the esteem in which Mrs. Thompson is held by her many frimds. Many gathered at the station tor the 10.48 train and with liberal showers of rice bid a loving farewell and expressed wishes for a prosperous wedded life as the happy young couple left for tbeir new home in Toronto." Previous to the wedding day Miss O'Brien, who was popular in Epworth League, Sunday school and choir work, was presented with a handsome rocker and cnrving set by her yoong friends. The nan Who Works Hard Perseverance and will-power he most have, but whether ha has strength and vigor is another consideration. Hard working men usually have irritable nerves and should fortify their systems with a course of Furrozone, a tonic that rebuilds and revitalizes beyond all telling. It's just wonderful the strength that Ferro- zune imparts to broken-down men. It forms new blood, supplies the system with abundant nourisliment, and where formerly there wa« tiredness and lassitude Feriozoue establishes a reserve of energy and vim. Try Ferrozoneâ€" price 80c. per box. New Years Visitors Mr. Harvey Wilkerson of Manitoba paid a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. Granger latt week. Mr. Wilkerson was east on business and also visited his aunt at Welland before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sullivan and baby of Indian Head, N. W. T., visited with relatives here during the past week . W ill expects to visit New York before return- ing west. Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders, Toronto, spent the holidays with the latter'* par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Whitten. Mr. Arthur Wardrol>e, Toronto, spent New Years with his parents here. Mr. and Mr*. A. D I'hurston. Toronto, attended the funeral of the late Wm. Walker last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompaon and Miss Thompson of Dobbington visited f rieuds in this vicinity for a few days during the pait weel(., The Conserrative oonvmttion held in Durham on Saturday last to aeleot a can- didate resulted iu the withdrawal of Mr. Richardson fmm the field and the seleot- ioaofC. McKinnonaf Duiham as the candidate. Mr. Rtchardsoit was strongly requested to rumaiu with the riding and was offered the oonvention anauimoiuly but declined for reasons which wj believe perfectly justified him in his course. South Grey will be the Itiaer in this tnatter. One ambitious and unscrapuloos man has been kiiowo to work havoc be- fore today. Wo do not refer to the candidi>.4J»ut to tho "man behind the gtto," ^ The Late Walter Ayen B«v. Walter Ajren, whose soddsn dwtl: trom BQ apoplsctie Beianra took plaoa at bis home in IiondoD on the SBth alt-, waa l>ora i> Devon- shlrs, BDglaiid, in IWU, and was, tberefora, TO TMiB of aga, Wban a rouDg man hs oama to Canada and soon aftsr sotarad the nilnistry of tha Bibis Christian oburoh, continuing in the same until tha anion and formation oC the Canada Hethodlst cbarab, in whioh he actively labored until two and a half years ago, when he snperannsted after as years of faithful pastoral work. Thirteen yaars of hia early ministry wars spsnt in the Unttsd Stataa, stationed in Clavaland and other points in Ohio and Wia- coneio. The rsmaining years wars spant in Canada, stationed at Lindsay, BowmanvUIe, Hamilton, Windsor, cMbawa, Kitehall, Fleah- arton, Gorrie, HolmsTilla Aiisa Craig, Woods- lea, and Point Edward, Upon being saperan- natad he settled in abome of bis own in Lon- don and became oonoeetad with the Askiu strast church whsre, says the London Frea Press reporting his death, " he was known and estaamad br everyone. His kindly manner, his evident laal, and bis abundant good spirits caused him to be a general tavorite nith youns and old and his departure will be mourned by a great many here aa well as in other place* He was noted among (he ministry tor his abil- ity OS an organiser, and not a few ohnreh buildings in the land owe much to him for tba fact of their existence." His remains were laid at rest in Monnt Pleaasnt eemetsry, London, on Tboisdar afternoon last. Before Intarmsnt a sarrioe was ha!d in lakln street ohureb oon-> duoted by Bev. C. T- Bcott, chairman at London district. Addresses were also given by Bava. W. a. Howsoo, pastor of the church ; S. J. AlUn of London, and W. Qnaace of I.ami>akb. Among tba beaotifol floral oflarings which aovarad tha eaaket waa a pillow from tba family and a wreath from tha iMtard of Askio street ahoiefa, who also bad the ehuiab appropriately draped for the ooesaion. The sorrowing family of d*. oeasad oompriaea a widow, two sonaâ€" William L. and Fred K. of Chicagoâ€" and four danghtsrs â€" Mrs. W. B. Dyer of Port Hnron, Hts. Joseph Blaokbnm of this place, Urs. W. B. Crawford otBarnia,and Xra. (Dr.) H. H. Henderson of Toronto, all of whom were present at the otwa- qnles and bava had many warsa exprassions of sympathy In their sudden tMreavsment from friends hers and at other plaoos whars the da eeaaad is bald ia affaetioasta remembranoe. .re7ei>Aaai Ur.BoydBnrka of Braogham, Hr, Korton Borka of Baalt ste^ Msrie, and Kiss Hamlla of Bmadala.arethegaettsofKr. and Mrs. B. T. Burks. Ur John Weldriell- ot Owan Baoad spsnt Chriatmaa with bis parents. Miea Lizzie Hail is apsadiag- tba Cbristmas bolidays at the parental home, FeTaiaham L O L, No lOSS,' held its annual •leotion of officara onDaa l.relaItiDg as (ollowa: Jamas Spears, W M ; B Colqaatt, O M ; A Uo- Oirr, Chap; B Colqaette, Bee Sac ; J Ferguson, Fin Bee ; S Park. Tzsas ; J Lawler, D C; A Oonron, Laot ; Oommlttaa-A HolUngbaad, J Barbar, Ottow-U, JOttawaU. 1 Baupls; B Oolqnatt. B B. Moaer B«llii ReiMMrt of 8. S. No. » Artmiesia for December. Claas 4 â€" Gerty Paul, Mina Benson. Class 3 sr.â€" Ruth Paul. Class 3 jr.â€" Mamie Blagee, Willie Milligan, Fred Tiueman. Class i sr. â€" Jennie UaraoD,Blla Mag;e, Ethel Trueman, Charley Jaatie8an,Ernest Hopper. Class 2 jr. â€" Elwyn Jamieaon, Netty Trueman. Pt. 2â€" Wilfred Magee, Lyda Trueman. Pt. .â€" Sdgttr Linton. L. F. Marshall, Teacher. K Report of Rockvale School for Decern ber. Class 4. sr. , â€" Bessie Russel, Jessie Philips, George Eiigliab. Class 4 jr., â€" Vera Philips, Finley Hoy, Mabel Chard. Thornton Ciemis. Class 3 sr.,â€" Freddie Russel, Maggie Fisher, Eddie Chard, Arthur Chard. Class 3 jr., â€" Leila Clark, Sam Simpson, Elma Armstrong, Walter Aikitt, Dora Pedlar. Class 2â€" SIlie Armstrong, Iteta Fisher, Ernie Russel, Edna Fisher. Pt. 2. sr.,- Harley Philips, Nellie Fisher, Mary White, Aliie McDowell, Eidwin Smith. Annie Betts. Pt. 2 jr.,â€" Gertie Fisher, Ret* Betts, Walter Fisher, Myrtle Parliament. Sr 1â€" Sammie Fisher, Minnie Arm- strong, Lila Fisher, Makiel Radley. Jr. 1-Robbie Blakcly, Ellie Blakely, Florence Parliament. Average attendance 43. H. W. Staffobd, Tsachbb. Farm for Sale 13C acres in the Township of Osprey â€" part of lot 8 and all of lot 9, in tho 13th concession. Aboat W acraa undnr anItiTatloD. Tliar* is a large quantity of tinit>ar. A aoo4 frame Imm SOsSO fset, trame stable aaH a enaifartable dwalling, slsa gocxl woll. AppW <>â-  ttia prem> aaagiSe Vf. J BKLLaM'T. FlMb««Dn. ^^V Taking- ^^^ 'yUETAKE STOCK on FEB. 10th and from now until that date we will hold our annual stock-taking sale and during that time we want to clear a good deal of our stock out â€" to do this we will offer a straight discount of 15 per cent, for cash and 10 per cent for trade. Our stock is very com- plete in all lines, and our prices are much below what the same goods can be bought at the present time for. ^ Now Is Your Chance to Secure •♦• •♦• Some Good Barg^ains ♦• ♦• T. J. SHEPPARD ^ Sproule's Block '\l' ' â- 'â- p'^^' I'leshbeton new • • • '' Xmas Goods '' Arrived For The Ladies' We hare tha ftnect Rn« of Xmas Present* tn town for the Ladies. Alboma, Work Boxes and Toilets a specialty. Other articlea too numeirotta to mention We have alao a very select Hoe of Xmas Preoenta for man and chitdraa. All Up-to-date Stock Try «8 before parohaaing ehwwherv. Ws delight in ahowiug goods. aTA* iPleasar* is ourm h/Amm t/ot tail and inmpeet our SCmam StocA. W. J. DOUGLASS & CO. I A Happy New I Year to All. . . '.Si>^'^ We have a few TojSt left that w» .-^ are clearing out at greatly reduced |X jnices and some at half prices. ^ TfK\*^ M^ €* Kichardsoo • Pfetbertoiia Onn ^ -*?<!<- 1 €

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