Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 3

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NAMING A •'CHILD f*. . . ., Sug^estiona to Help the Father and Mother. Bu^ In â- omo {or<»ii<n lauds the baby's nainujs t^scii in atranjju,. wa.vH. The poor little Chint-se girls are thought of sdf little iuipoi-tanco that they rarcljr. net a name at all as infants, but are called No. 1, 2. 3, or what- ever Their place in the list of daugh- ter s may be. C'hinese boys are given a name by ' which they are call.ij till they at- tain the age of 20; then their father g'vcs them a new name Japanese girls have pretty names, iisi;aOy those of some flower, "Mi- tno.<«i," "Chrysanthemum," "Cher.-y l'Io-3om.' and in some parts of the. loiini.-/ the little Japs do not ro (.. reive u. niiipe till thc-y arc five yeai.i • Did. Vflitii their fathiir chooses oqc '. lor (hem < . t HitH)o<. babiOK arc named wfion-tloy' Bre atom twelve days old, and it ls usually the mother who chooses t.he aamo. They, too, are fond of pr.^t'.y .7 (lower- nanus for their little jT'tIs. The Eg.vptians have an odd way . of chposing a baby's name. They light three candles, giving a name ..to each, but they always call , , one after .some deified or exalted par- ton. .The baby i.<5 called by the name i borne by the candle which burns | longest. Mohammedans sometimes write tab- i '-â-  lo names »n separate slips of paper, | which they insert between the of the Koran Those whom oeglected coughs have killed were once as healthy and robust as you. Don't follow in their path« of iieglecL Taka Consumption Cure TS'ic"""'^ right now. It is guaranteed to cure. It has cured many thousands. Prices 26c., 60c. and St.OO S. C WELLS & CO. â-  Toronto, Can. LtRoy, N.Y. • A little Sunlight Soap will clean cul glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than dothes. ** to hound game. In the early hunt- to sight ft a long way off. but' all were expected te be able to run the game down. Consequently, while the naimo of hound, or hund in the ancient Saxon, was first used for , pages ,^11 iciuda of dogs, it finally came The hrst Blip drawn: to denote hunting dogs only; that is out gives the name to the baby. L^hy wc call our running dogs hou^fids 4 j to-day. such as greyhounds, rabbit- hounds, bloodhounds. wolfhoimds, 4r. Perhaps no monarch has a more curious hobby than the Shah of Persia, who is a veritable enthusiast at cat collecting. He has a spec-i- nien of every kind of cat of every country â€" cats of all sizes, all colors and alf shapes. There are many scores of them, and some of the best spocinu-ns arc always taken with the Persian ruler on his travels. If ever ing day9 of Kngland every dog that i ^''S Majesty sees a kind of cat which was used to accompany the hunt was ' he does not possessâ€" a very rare selected mainly for his speed and j occurrenceâ€" he gives orders for it to ciKlurance. There were hounds that '^ bo ght for hira at once, even if were supposed to- follow the game by \ '•'"' i""''^'= ^^ $5,000. There are speci- .scent. and others who were supposed { ^^ ^^*^ highly-remunerat<id attend- ' ants to look after these favored fel- ines. I,, - â-  ^- * jin(y i^^u^ iuSSirri/, '^/J'M^'^Lofc k^^TiiJb ^ CJi>^ ^e£4y How's This! OAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c Any Flr«t-Claas Crocor C«n Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'& CAN WALK THE f SLACK WIRE NOW EXPERIENCE OF FEANK CEOM- WELL, OF GALT, WITH DODD'S KIDNEY PII.I.S. beartounds, decrhounds. _ ^ He Had Kidney Troubles KEEPING WAJtiia. Breathe Well, Both Deeply Eapidly. ^RECOGNIZKD IT. "This,"- smiled the fond voung We ofTer Ono Hundred DolUrs Kcwar.* wife, as she passed a plate of des.sort /or anv cu.-ie of Uatarrli that cannot o« ... . , .... *^ u> ;^->..i i, cured by Halls (Jatarrh Cure I to her husband, is cottage pudding. V. J. CHENt"..Y A Co.. Toledo. O. IJ made it mvself." t .H ' We. Uie uoderoigned. have known f. j q.^ fastoii it J. Cheney for th. last 15 years. an« ^5".® "i""^ tasted it- ,,j b«lcevo him perfeetly honorable in al! I Id nave known it was eottagc business trausa.ction3 and Unanciaiij ^ p^idding, " he asserted abl« to farry out any obligations mad., ..y^^ would'?" she asked Many persons who suffer from eold extremities accept the discomfort as That '•' condition which is natural, and I therefore beyond their control. The by their Una V, Ksr &' '1KII.\X. Wbolesala Druggists Toledo, O. WALDING, KIN NAN J M.\KV1N. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, and; O. i Hall's Catarrh t'uro is taken inter- I nally. •ftlns directly upon the blood ' ' ' and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free, frice 75c. pei bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family I'llls are ino beat. THreatened to Disable Him i-er- „ . ,, ,. .,. .,. ., _, „ „ ,. [remedy really lies with themselves manentlyâ€" The Great Canadian ^nd does not Kidney Remedy Cured Completely. Gait, Ont., Jan. 11â€" (Special).â€" Mr. Frank Cromwell, the well-known slack wire performer who left here consist in hugging the Him stove or staying indoors, j other artificial protection. The reason one feels cold first in the extremities is not alone because they arc the remotest points reached by the blood in its circulation, but Professor â€" "If you were called in a case wh^re a man had fallen head or in any j foremost down a fifty-foot mining I shaft, what would you advi.se?" Medical fStudi-nt â€" "I should advise his frionf's to lill up the hole. and save funeral expenses." recently to fill an important theatri- ! ^•,3^ i,^.^^,^^^ ^^ ^^^^^.^ ^ „^.^^„^^ cal engagement in t^hicago at one ,„, ^^e minute blood-vessc-ls known as stage of his career had few hopes in- eapiUaries. in which the blood cur- deed of over again api>earing on the ,.^,^4 ^^^^^^ ^^ stagnate. When this wire. In relating that experience, he happens, the nerves, unwarmed ,.T . . t, i t-i J -^i: T^.j liresh blood, ache in consenuencc. I had been trotibled with Kidneys, | ^he small boy who leaves a warm I had a severe backache and my !,,,,„„ 11 » ,. . ,, ^ , •, i house on a cold winter morning usu- limbs were swollen. I used several 1^1, tarts on the run, or romps medicines but none did nte any good, ^^^,^^ ,.^, ^ ,,,,^^, ;„ j,^ ^^^^ ^,4 and I had given up all hope of act- '„^:..-,.. ;. „ , . .. .. " ' Kb .activity gr. es .such an impetus to iiig wei . jj^jg circulation by the rapid breath- ^"^^jing which it necessitates that the ;boy is soon in a glow. Not every ono can imitate the boy's activity or enjoy his fun, but all can imitate his breathing. Hreathing completes the circulation. The heart pumps the blood out through tl;e arteries, which become | smaller and smaller until they arf m cros'.opic. This may be in the 's LiiiiiSiii cures coiiisi fii coa , Motherâ€" "When the boy in the other oy J house threw stones at you. why didn't you come and leU me?" Bob- by â€" "aecause, m.amnia, I can throw them hack better than you. He's more likely to get hit." delighted. •'Yes. I can taste the plaster and the wall-paper. What did you do with the shindies and the bricks for the chimney?" There is no man so friendle.ss as the one who has lost his political pull. For Over Sixty Years Miu>, WlshloWsSoothiso Stbup hu botn ii»il b» milUoniar mothers lor thaic children while Icelhing. Ictocthei the chUd. rolltat th- guina. id.>;i|>*in, cur«i windi-olic. reg\ilaUMlheitom«»ch and liow«l«, and is tha b<»t ronodj for DUnlioci. Tweatr-S" o""* " MUU Sold bf drugiist* lhn,ii;hout th» world. B« aur» Mil uk for" Mat!. W1N8LOW8S00THISO SvRirr." Any man who works only for p_ay seldom does his best. ;, I Customer â€" "How !s it beef is higher I than mutton?" Butcher â€" "A cow is taller than a sheep, you know." An admirable food of tlia EPPS'S I Finest quality and flavour. COCOA Nutritiotis and Economical. 4(iâ€" 21 Bifiiard Tables Th* Bast at th* Lowest Write for T*rma Prico RE ID BROS.. M'f's Co.'y j TSS Kins tt. t>. i 32-31 'One day a Dodd's Magazine left at my house and I read it care- fully and my ca.se was there. I bought Dodd's Kidne.v I'ills and be- i gan to use them. Before t had fin- ished ono box I got relief and four bo-\e.s of Podd's Kidney Pills cured me completely." That Mr. Cromwell's cure wa.s com- plete and permanent is shown by his return to a profession that reiuires strength and steadiness. But if the disease is of the Kidneys, or from the Kidneys, 'Hodd's Kidney PilU never fail to root it out entirely. Mbari': Liftiiiisst Cursi Mmiti JeftiOUS Rivals cannot tnrn back the tide. Ths demand for Dr. Agnew's Jittla Pills is a marvel. Cheap to buy, but diamonds in quality- banish nausea. coataJ tongue, water brash, pain after eating, lick headache, never gripe, operate pleasantly. 10 cents. â€" 37 Dyeing I Cleaning I Vor th« v«r7 but tsnd joMt work to tka " BRITISH AMERICAN OYEINQ CO." Look for ac*Bt la roar iowb, or Mad AiTMt, Montreal.Toronto, Ottawa, Qoebca â- toâ€" 04: "Why, however did that little boy come to get into the water?" "He j didn't come 10 get into the water â€" Magistrate â€" "So you admit having he cane to fish." been engaged in making counterfeit n-.onoy? " Prisoner â€" "Yes, your wor- ship; \ ou .see, the supply of the gen- uine article is so very, very short." BASTEDO'S 77 m»a «T., EAST, TOKCNTO. heart itsell or in the wall of the great toe, but wherever it is the blood current there becomes almost stagnant. It is as if a river had div bouched into a broad lake. On the other side of the lake are the venous capillaries with which the arterial capillaries connect, and which carr.v the blood back to the heart. The question whether the blood shall I stagnate here or he frequently re- The spaniel is so called because the 'newed is. then, a matter of provid- origiual breed of this beautiful »nd.|ing for its sreetty entrance itito^ftio venous capillaries and its subsequent THE •WABASH RAILROAD Is. the great winter tourist route ORIGIN OF NAarES OF DOGS. Oerivation of Appellations Various Breeds. Given C. C. RICHARDS & CO. Dear Sirs.-Your MINARD'S LINI- to MENT is our remedy for sore throat, the south and west, including Texas, i colds and all ordinary ailments Old Mexico and California, the lands ! It n»ver fails to relieve and curij of- sun-shino and flowers. Through j promptl,v. SPKIAL SALE or Eend for catalog. Weg.Yo ex»ra ralue. â- aw Fura mnti QsnMne, SobA for pries list 1 1â€" 01 PATENTS intelligent typo came froai Spain, and the first arrivals in Kngland were called Spanish dogs. The Spitz dog got its name from its sharp pointed nose. "Spitz " means "sharp point" in German, and the Spitz, was a favorite (Jerman breed before ho became known in moveuiont through the larger veins ' to the heart. This in turn is a mat- ter of breathing, because breathing, | by its suction-like action.â€" the so- called espiration nf the thorax, â€" ac- ' celerates the speed of the blood on 1 ita return to the heart. . A deep Engtnnd and America. The Spitz .breath thus makes its innuencc felt I ^""^ Motherâ€" "WoU, Harold is known also as Dalmatian dog, be- ^t tho.se distant points where blood i"'"® J'"" succeeding at school?" standard aud tourist sleeping cars ' are now run via this great southern route. The new and _elegaut trains on the Wabash, arc hauled by the most powerful engines ever built. Every comfort is provided equal to the best hotels, or the most Ui.\uri- ous homes. Nothing is war.ting to complete oue'.s happiness. The days and nights pass only too quickly, while travelling on the great Wabash line. for information as to rates, routes, etc., address any ticket agent or J. A. Richardson. Dist. Pass. Agt., N. E. corner King aud Vougo Sts., Toronto. CHARLES WHOOTEN. Fort mijlgravo. t-f "How long are you in for. nuin?" Pri.sonerâ€" â-  â-  Llun no . Visitor â€" â- â€¢How can that Prisoner â€" "It's a life sen- Visitor- n^y poor ma'am." be? " tcncn IN ALL COONTRISai RIDOUT&SfSlfJ.^ MAYBEE ""^ pATiirr uriaariOM. •aa« far NaaMaal lOX Bay ••«TaR«NT« an pattat^te. cause his native home is in Dalniftr tia. The dachSluiund is another German breed, and his funny name â€" almost na long "and ^unny as the dog him.sellâ€" is a'ClortiuMi name, meaning "badger dog." The orfgihnl dachshund wiiS^ used tor drawing badgers, and the dORSstlU are great favorites among Gorman hunters, although tlie breed has become a little too delicate for fighting such a gray old warru>r as the badger. Tho Jo-x terrier earned his name, jOt from any fancied re.semblance to the fox, but because long ago, in the days of "mi'riy Etiglanil, " these ter- riers, much larger and stronger then, were q.seil exery where by sportsmen lor drawing apd killing the fox. they biMng sent 'Vlown into his burrow. It Is .said that no good fox terrier over backed out of a burrow without hi.t fox. If he came out he had the dead fox gripped. If he didn't get the fox he di<?n't come out. but died there. The bulldog used to lirive cattle, and U9 he was trained lo nuvt the riish.'s of the bull by seizing him by his most sensitive point â€" the nose â€" the sturdy, bravo dog came to be knownWn time as bulldog; In some roiintries he ts known as bull biter. Tho beautiful I'lenheim spaniel is naineil nitrr lUenheiiu Castle, where this (?og lir^it was made fn.shionRMe In the 'liije of the great Marltwr- ptigh.v«,Tli." Kii'l; (hml.s iT-i; ow.^s Its name to the ^Mei ry Moiiai>h. . The Vftrlowii brwla of hoiutds of >-<lay are called hounds lK'>cause they are tho pre.sent survivors of the timo when all hunting dogs were u.si>d how llai- well - "lu- is halting and nerves are tingliflg. j old-MIa.ster says I'm getting The rule for keeping warm is thore-^' "!' '" ''eii'"''^" '''o"'' Mother- fore, first to clear the no.se and then j «'^®*?"" Haroldâ€" "Yes: I used to be to breithe well, both deeply and seventh in my class, and now I'm rapidly. â€" Youth's Companion. Mioard's Liniment Cares Olplitherla, 'VVhat have you got, waiter?" â- 'I've' got sheet's liver, calf's brains, pig's T^-t " "I o'on't want a de- scription of .your physical peculiari- ties. What .-you .have got to eut is what I want to know." " Ono Foot In tho Qravo."â€" II the thousands ot people who rush to ae worthy a remedy as South Ami^rican Ner vina as a last resort would get it as a first rcscrt, how m-jch misery and sufferini would be spared. If you have any aem disorder you needn't suffer a minute longer. A thousand testimonies to prove it. â€" 36 TIIKUK ARK OTHfiRS. Old Grimâ€" "Remember, young man, there is always room at the top." Young Sprawle.râ€" â- 'Oh; t knuvK that I^n waiting for the elevator now.' sixteenth. Oh, I'm pushing on! Stronff words by a N*w York SpOCialist.-" After years of testing and comparison I have 00 hesitation in saying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart is th* quickest, safest, and surest known to medi- cal science. I use it in my own practice. It ralieves the most acute forms o( heart ailment inside of thirty minutes and never fajh."â€" 35 Use Lever's Dry Soap (a powder) to w'a.'ih woolens and liannels, â€" you'll like it. "How iiitense are the fires of love!" ejaculated the poet. â- 'Yes." answeretl the father of six marriage- jable daughters: â- 'but they do take a i lot of coal. " ';Mlii2[ii's Llniiiieot Cure's Celiis, etc. Oominion L!n« Steamships Montr«al to Liverpool Beaton to Liverpool Lftrj9 and yiwtSt«ftnu)h-i)a. Superior accAniaioil»tiOT« 'or alt jlkAsii of DB -sensor*. SiIimqa auJ St»i«r>ocm^ Kn amJtiKltip*. Sii»c!»i >tt«ntioD has iMk n KtT«a lo ih« S«on(i Saloon *n*i Thinl-CI»f^ KocantmooaltOD. For -afcciiof l>aa^aj{4 ami a;l pariictilarA. apply to an/ ftC«oti jflht) Compunr. or to paMto|9r iicenL 9-&t DOMINION LIJJS OKFICBi; ALL KINDS FRUITS or so the I'tOUtiHEIi â- rn ROUGH IVGS. HEKU- \n cxtraoidinary c.xpeiienee bcfel tlioniail steamer Nord, of tho Calais and l><iver service, while crossing the English Chanuel recently. The searchlight of the steamer was be- ing used, when tho man on wutch in the bows noticotl a peculiar agita- tion of the sea just ahead. Tho cause proved to bo an immonse shoal of herrings swarming down Channel. The mail steamer ploughed her way right through the shoal, churning up and killing thousands of the fish with her great paddle wheels. The shoal was so thick that It affected the progress of the steamer. THE UKASON FOR IT. Husband^^' You're asking for much 1 wonder that you have nerve to call it 'pin motie.v." AVife (deteriiiipedly) â€" â- I'robdbly 1 call it that b'causo I'm suri» yo'u'U come up to the scratch." Poultry, Butter, ERgs, Honey, Apples, THE Dawson Commission Co., XOKONTO. uwra* T. t\ And Farm Pro- dues g^enerallya cortsign it to us as J we will f;et you good pric«a> FOR SALE AT ALL BOOXSTORES. The Daintiest Book of I lie Year. Don't Snuffle! "WAIFS â- ^ ^ â-  â-  • ^^ â-  â-  ^" â-  â-  â-  -^ â-  ipnu TUB usnect aMn uinHwai 33 You niak» p»opl« •lok â€" you k«3p roursalf sMX Saojra relief In 18 mlnutas from Coldt, CatarrH, HMUlaohe or tntluonza. Cure that cold, .vou can do it if .vou ixoroise common seuse onil us« only L'r jiivw's Catarrhol Fowd»r. It reli colli* mid Cttlanli aijd FROM THE HEDGES AND HIGHWAYS. Ueautiluily beund in green le.->tlier, »t.tinped in geld. PRICE tl.OO I Tho Anon rublishing Co., ot Can- i ada are issuing a series of Aolumea I compiled from tho Newspapers and : Magazines of the da.v. The First Volun-.e is now ready, ai>d will b« Aiiivw's Catarrhol Fowd»r. It reliovco ur*8 heaUaohe 111 _ (ew moinaiils. R«v L. Ucl"l»cr»on, BuHalo. NY, says 'Dr AjneWj Ca- . sent for One 'Dollar with privilege ot tdiihar Powder r.-lie%od "le In. ' min- | ^^y^^j^ j( „j,^ salisfactorv. utcfi and is a Mc.*sinff to mankind. IJ , , , . .. 1 , *. uvea aiiu .3 » V , I i„ .,,,i„,. (o gecui-c articles for tli« volumes the publishers In order â- r. mnaWa Itwr Pi H ar» b»tt»r than atlMis [ ,ubsequent and shtanar, lOo. PAGE FENCES Wear Bast It U Ux teaoe that haa iMad th* TH8 PAGB VnrtB PtMOK OO. UMITmS. tima rtanda the baariat atruio-wiarcr Wl "iractftomua. WalkervtBik •>*• â- <i*«r»al, «ae. St. Jaka. R.B. WtaatBfC Ilaat the akmdaid tha world am. Oraer thnagh dux local acaet or diract fttcn oa. are olTeiini: TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS GASH tor Newspai'>er, periodical and Ma.-ja- eine Clippings from which to mak« their ."ieiections. For Copy of Book. Prospectus, and Premium List, write P. O. Pr'awa^ 2183, Montreal. Canada. Issue No. 3â€"04 ^; • - * â-  V ^ it-.'. u

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