Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1904, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FxVVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEH NOT MEN. VO .IKiI, N) 113) Flesh-erton, Out., Xliurscleiy. Januiary 21 1004: W. H THURSTOil, poophibtob J •ffl- ^IS^fS" vr??,* =5K='5??5M?==^^5F'EP=Ji? '^»''' BEFORE THE MAST foni-th succumboJ lo the di-sea'io .in J was buritfcl lit SL'iion the homo.vard poaiage. I next shipped foe my I'lat voyjigo oil the A â€" --, one of the Allan line, ijenetal citgn, destination Montreal. A rough pissaue, eate'y arrived iu port. I did not wait lo disjharfje citg", but slii>ped my anchor, or, iu other words, took France leave, having rnade »p my mind that, if I had any mme aai'ii^g to do it sinuid bo done on dry land. Thirty-nine years have passed away . Since I came aahnry to stay. Durin;; tho next two years I made several ciuisea flora port to pott â€" soino- liiuej by rail, Fonietinica by stasje, and sometimes on footâ€" in seari-h of a, suug piact lo stow. Tbirty-sevon year3 ayn a s'lft' breeze lilloa my saila and wafted we into Artcmesia sound, wlicre I dropped anchor, and so (irmly did it grip that ii"ithor wiiiillasa nor capstan was ever' I hrau;;ht into requisition again-^t it. There it lay, and for many years I navigritcd round alout it, hopin;^ the . time wouM come that I mny take a peilceful cruise in .smooth waters. That time eventually ciinip, and now I am both captain and owner of a tiuht and trim little craft v.'hieh carries ju.st enouiih sail to cently •rlida my mate and I down the .stream ot time nnfil that never f.iiHng tide shall d"at us over tho bar and into our last hat bor. " And where, we tru?it, you will &nd s 3„fe iiud sure aiiL-horage, old friend." TtIE"'END ' Being Experiences iii tlie Life efMr. Aiex, McRae of Ccvion, Or.t. EY rilEDEKICK CEE â- i^' THE Cap- â- Â«-^"i'>'k.^--si-<i^ Khoro, raking '^Su^fip^iy t he ship's book with hiui and .'aid our C!i;e before 'ho Ci>n.?ul. Af:er jreviu.vini; the cass tho con- sul said that in c-ipt.iia lad no tanj^'ible foundation I n which to base a cha'gd .^gainst us. In (ho lir.st pl;i:e wo hid uxpre.saed our wiliingnes.s to perform tho work in the reoul-ar manner, hy the use of barrows which are e.xpressly for that pur|j<;.se, anil were p'.nfecily justilird in refusing to carry thun in the manner ordered. Secondly, wu had shippid as able socmen ar.d'not as stokers and wore iioi b-jund nniler nny cii oum.'>tance3 t-j hHiidln tlio co.'ds, v.hir-h did i:ot form part of the ship's cargo. However, should any doubt of the nutter o.tist in your mind, ynur b â- ,«! plan w>u!d bo lo icturn tlio mull to duty and make it a test for ;-our future uuidince, on your return t > England. This infortiiatioti was given to Udin confidonct; by the clerk on his return. We were returiic.i to duty and the mate CijJoi Tues- Father Walter w^a.s iu Ceylon on day last. 12;h inst. Miss Mamie Egan of Dundalk visited Ceylon friends List week. Mr. James N'mIsou of Proton Station spent a few days witii his sister, In Ceylon, Mrs McOomild. Messrs Grant and Arthur Whittaker of Purhain spent Sunday ' at the parental home iti CeyK)!!. We are ;;lad to report Mrs. Jobii Mc Faydcii, Mr. .'\lox MoFayden and Post Master Chislect as improving in health since \\:e last wrote and ive hope to see them able to be around .soon iu full enjoy- ment of the best (.rf -Mfe. TiiB therm' 'Uioter registered fifteen degrees below zero on Slonday morning last. Ceylon Council, No. 327, Canadian Order of Chofeii FriendsJ, which meets on the second and la.st Tuesday of every month, his el.'Cted it's oUicers for the year of lOC-1 as follows : Chief Councilor, Thouin.'r -A. Gilchrist ; Vice CounoiUor, Thomas Wilcox; Rec<irder,A. S. Johnson ; As.si»tnit Kecorder, John 15 Ej^au ; Treasurer, J F. Coilin.sun ; Pr^j# tf", Mrs. R. P. Lei-ate ; Marshall, L.,SRTlut!edtre ; Wiirden, George Cairnw; Guird A. B. Collinson ; Sentry, A. W^ Jtines ; Del egat'j to Grand Concert, A. L McAuIy ; Trustee for three years, Andrew Kut'edge. Cures Culds in One Hoar Miiny cold euros aj'e dangerous because .. , - , , , , coii'posed of deadening opiates. But tare ma a hint t . be ou the watch, for tho-^^.aj,,.j„t liclinj; Ca-urrhozone cures colds cuptaiu had soinethiiiL; in his tlirottlw a;;aiust me, nnd wnuld disrate me on iho filiyhtcst provocatirm, "Never fear,mate, 1' I be on the look out as weli as tho cap- tain. ' "The heav'int; of the lead settled yiHirhash." ho chimed in. I don't know, saiil Mr. McRae, but he was umor the Kamo to mo after th«r,, and I could iiev«r think of anythiu^i 1 had done to caUHO his displeasure Only by yiving him a lesson on taking soundings, eh, old follow ? That night we g.ic up anciior and went to the i.sland if P.ulras, io.ided with rur- I'HnosHiid .started for Liverpool. First ni^ht out. Jack at eiitlit bclU wont to tho wheel. At four bells (ten o'clock) I re- I'Bved him. S«ys Jack to me. Watch iho hkipper, for he's bicu wa'ching the ccni- |i»ss and me nearly tho whido of my two liuurs on. All light, Ja"k, I bad not been at the wlioei many luinutus ivheti huie enough, the caiitaio W.1S behind nio l(H>kini{ into tlio binnacle, ai?d I don't A GREEN TAG SALE. 1 ^ TO â- 1 2 QW^ A LEX A N DE R McR A"E . \Tliose memoira areconclutlediu tliij issuo The .\ilvaDC3. WINTER McFarland, GOODS AT Stafford & Co.'s Big Store mae?k:da.e,is, oxxAi^io Too riany Goods We have 29 of this season's mantles h>ft. They are the latest 1903-04 styles. Encli one has a green tag attached which tells the former and reduced price. Wa U^vj made three prices iu the lot, as follows : â€" cut and was a host in himself. His solos !• ... â- â€¢ â-  were enjoyed, ai.d the chorsiis and other That's what's the tnuble now. The continued storms .ind lad roadg- have played pieces rendered by the as8i>tance of a havoc with our sales of Winter Goods.and we .admit the- fact we've too m.any. Thtire'.-i number of his late music scliolars were a way to get rid of them, but only one way to do it quickly, and that's the way wd'ro good Pastor Roach lilleil the position as goin:; to do it. We've put the knife away deep into prices.ana i.i many cases noG chairman. ' loiily plunged deep but taken od'aii extra slice to make a sure thing. We've made up Dearh lias removerl some of the aged our minds to take a stitfloss ou many lines to mdve ilidn out in a hurry. We taku from our niid.st lately. Mrs MoPhcrsnn, stock next month and want the tables and shelves ail cleared of wiutor'goods. LOOlv relict of tho late Hugh McPherson, passed FOR THE GREEN' TA(S it tells the storyâ€" and remembar the first here gets tho away on the 4th. The a«ed lady lived best selection. on the homesteiid with her son. Hugh and ^ ^ diiughn-r, Annie, and had been iu frail i â€" • health for some months, Ou the Och a larire number of friends .iiid neighbors attended her funeral a. id laid her in the cemetery in town beside her husbunJ, who preceded h-r â- loveral years ai.'o. To-day (Monday) we heiirof ilio demise of Mrs. McArthur, -who resideil with her son, Mr Alex McArthur in this villaje. This .aged laily has been in bed for over 3 years. We will try to give more par- ticulars next week. Mr H McDonald, who has boon out West in the mining recion of Montana tor a number of yearfe, has been visiting old friends on the () i> R, for tliB pastj â€" â€" ____ few weeks. Hac+oivfooks as though the • .^. pURS ->o TO 2= PFR CFNT DPP- â- ' '' West agreed with htm. . ....--â- . t-«JK» 20 IU 35 Pt« CtiN 1 tihb. - Mr Gihson, sn oraanizcr for the Sons I ^^"6 â- ire dctermitied to reduce tiie FUR STOCK uow whi^n everyone needs furs. of Scot la>id, hi'.s been working here for '"king 20 per cent, and 25 per cent, otf the price you know just what a bargain I LOT 1 7 Ladies' Mantles, regular 3.50 green tag price only to G.OO, L90 ' I LdT 2 5 Ladies' Mantles, 45 inch curl cloth, lined all through, box back, rnglau style, our ; leader tliis winter at §5.b0, greeu tag price 3 90 LOT 3 17 Ladles' Mantles, the choicest styles and cloths wo have had this season. Beavers, Frioaes, Curls, etc., iu fawns, greys and blacks, regular prices were §3, S10,and §12 each. Green Tag price '5.90 S22.,50 Ladies Astrachan Jackets gilU.OO 30.00 " " " 24,50 32.60 " " " 26.00 These Jackets are all bright glossy even curl in one houi; and is both harmless and deligKtinl tons-'. Even the worst colds, sneezing, snifi'eling colds with running eyes are ^tâ- â- llâ- ped Very q-rickly when the bal&imic vnpor of Cat.arrhozone is inhaled. Catanhozone acts like a charm <m colds, kills tliciii outright, prevents their return a few himrs l»t-,-t. For colds, catarrh and throat trouble use only Calarrhozonu. Coinple'e oui fit §1.00 ; trial size 25c. at all d;uggi.sts. itome time nud' the result of his labors is the addition (.f a large number of new mo'-ibers to said society. The second appearance of i;he Aber- deen's concert troupe, w.as well patroniz- ed at their entertainment in the Presby- terian chiir;;li on tho 9rh. Bells 1 yes, weddina bells. A certain batehlor fatnn-r, who b.<wi had extensive aciiuatntanco iiiiM.)n;:st the fair sex of this . ^„ ,, , ,, , ., , , ^, . sec'ion of ci.ntrv. will become a bene- : $f â- ^''-'" » l""',« «!' ^^""' ''''''-^cd Shirts, and diet 0:1 the 20th." Young ladies, what j V"'T"-? ,'" ''f'^'.y weight, st.amped nn- I siirinkable and sold ir. reu'ular way at r.-jc- can secure. This discount in Ladies Astracliaii Jackets means : By' yoa S35 00 Ladies Astrachan Jackets S28 00 40.00 '• •• " 32..'i!l 4.5.00 " " " 37.50 strong pelts, hi^h storm collar, and all guaranteed to give entire satisfaction 85c. 31 EN'S SHIRT AND DRAWERS FOR 08c. have you b 20th. •st ? :3la\well .^i.-v. Priccvillc The cheap snow pile is growing larger and thedo.ir wood pile ia getting sinuUer every day. S.'ine of ili-j natives, who have bs-en receiving thnir we.ther bulletirvs from Dr. Ayer and 111 her almanac men, fully ex- ptfCied a "thaw" nt end of last week, but uh, fiilse piopheey, the cistcin is still lliiuk hir. oyvj were oft" the coinfwss live , eu'l'ty and the weli is going dry . niiiiut.es until he Iffl luj at sovon belU 1 'I'he postponed oyster supper iti con- (11 30 j'clock). Not a word hid passed â-  nectioii with the Methodist church, came between u-» In due time we arr.ved in olT on the nih. The oys'era were A-1, ]M)rt and the mats had t;i«'d to persuade . but the living receptacles .so necessary to us to KO and »(Kdogixe to the captain and place the dsHr little bi-vnlves in, wore K<{Uire thinga. Of courtio wo refused, scarce that evening. Theprogiaiii after adding th-it if ho could do anything with supper was g>KKl. The speakers were tis it would have been dorio before now. ! Rev. Mi. Sinclair of Eiitenia, Mr. D. The case was again broUiibt up, the Ivg McLean and Rev. Mr. Mail. esoii t-f tow u, l>ook read in evidence against us, and the "nd each speaker held the close attention (Wins desision given that had been given of the audience and each address seemed by tho consul at Zante. VVe di.schaiijed to ^be duly apprecuitcd by youn< and •.argo, ducked, were paid off, sud away old. Miss Eunna MoLeaa, with Miss M. with iny.nelf to Glasgow. E. Arthur at the organ, ^ave two tiiie VV«11, I thii.k there remain but two »(do«. The people of this vicinity are more voyages for me to ttll of, and a« pleuse<l to see thnse two young ladiea on there is nothing of iinpiu-tauce attached the plfttfiirm again, after their 5 mouths to them it will not take long to relate tour in our wejtem pi-aine land. Miss thcai. My n>-xt trip was to the West Ann* James, always a favorite in this Indie*â€" to the isl.«i.d of Deiiierara, or, as vicinity, gave* solo and apjieured sevend it w«<» called, "the sailor's gravoyird." times iu duots, chorusus, etc. 0*i..g to We discliarved our cargo and reloaded bivd roads, siohne.sa, and certain atcidents, sugar for Greenock. »Vhile there thre« the Uroiuore choir could not appear, but of our crew died of yellow jack, aud • their loader, Mr. Wm. Ranlt^,'e,was pres- Osprcy Couucil met in Maxwell on the. 11th. Mr. Richard Preston, C.P. R. -Atuditur, spent Sunday, with his jiarents. We are having a continuation of severe weather at the time ot wiiiiog. The •hermometer rejist«rod20 below zero last night, (Mor.day ) Revival meetings are continued in the Methodist church this week. Rev. T. G. Scott of Siniihampton pre-iched an aljle sermon at the- rcviv.d last Thursday night. Miss Saigeon of Raveuna is viaiting Ir. town. Mr. Norihgrare is doing a big business iu life insurance. He represents the London and Lancashire Co. The annual inoeting of Maxwell and i in price irom Feversliam Public Liorary was held in the Orauge Hdl hero last Thursday. and S5c. each. W'e will sell tho lot whde they last at each 58 COc. SI1IRT3 OR DRAW'ERS FOR -.V.) 78 Men's Sanitary Wool Fleec<-d Shirts and Drawers in Jill sizes, ribbed cuiT on sleeves and splendid wetiring goodi, extra heavy ; sold in reuular way at 50c. and OOc, to clear tho lot wa hava pat them on â-  ' 3^ KIcFAKLAND, the bargain counter at each STAFFOI^D & CO SPECIAL INDUCEHENTS FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. more 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits S7 and ?8 for 5.00 13 Ladies' Fine Coats, §7.50 and 39.00, for 5.00 A largo assortment of carpets, arranging "5c. to 8.125 per yd An extra good stock of Horse Blankets on hand.and weare selling them at the lowest living prices known. Also a full range of Men's Heavy Footwear, such as Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Ltg- pings, etc. The librarians report showed that books had been read thiiu previous year. About twe-hundred dol- lars were spent in new books during the year. The nieinbei-s fee was lixed at fifty cents for diet member in the family, and twenty-five cents for additional niembFr or for part of a year not txcocdin:^ half. Tho following were elected to the bo.^rd management for the eiiRuingyeur : Joieph 5 lbs good Japan lea for $1.C0 Fergu.so,. Prei. ; Rev. T. Scot t, Sec- ! ^ j^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^qq livas. ; Dr. Scott, U. Kmni'ar, for Ma.x- | ' well. W. PridJIe, J. J. Knitting and 13 lbs. best selected raisins 100 John Kenmhaii for Feveisliaui. C, M. | Field for Maxnel! and Eli UnbinRou for Kevei sham, were appointed libriirians. AH wiio have not done !<o should join the lib- raries at rmce and secure access to BXcclleUt selection of books. 20 Men'.s Heavy Ulsters.grod vidvear Sii 12 only Men's Pea Jackets, on sale at 3 SO 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $1 00 f"' 65c. 50 yds. crash toweling, worth Ss.yd. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Blankets, to clear out a-. S1.90 pail- 13 Meu's Caidigan Jackets, reg. JH.SO for 11) Men's Kid Gloves, regular pnco OOc. nn I *1.00, for 60c. per tail- A Reduction in Groceries 25 lbs. best Tapoica i,<yi) 25 IWi. fresh Figs 1.0.3 CO large bars soap, reg. 12.lc forflj.pr.bar , I A nice assortment of Faucy Cila.csware an to Chocse for Xmas Qiftt. . . . A Man Hates Hitnselt | When he wakes up with he;idaelie and a l>«d tas'e ill the mouth, ifoniething is 1 needed to Settle the stomach, dear a»:!yl tho dull heavy feeling and oriate a iilllj ' appetite. Just get a tumbler ot water, some suitnr, and pour in a stilf dose of NervUiue. You'll p'ck up iiumediatrly and feel tiptop iu a few inniute«. Ner- vilino hasu't an equal for a cnnditioii of this kind. It stimulate,*, cures the head- ache, redevcs the sick fectluig and tit^ yoa for » h«rildi«y"s work. Try Nei»ihiic. Large bottles ee^t 1}5c. \\r HOCKLEY Highest prices pnid for Fowl and Butter.. . . Proton Statioia Mr. John Lait.g, in thu latter part of Inst Week, bad an experience with a C.P. R. train, near Arkell, which he will ni)t fornct so long ».i he live«. John is gather ing milk for the O. A. C. Creamery. In attenipliiig to get over fclie cro(.,smg at .\rkell, his horses stuck in a snow drift, leaving the sleigh on the track . He saw the tmia coming and jumped out to clear the sli>ijk fiuia the track. Uo nas so intent on hi.i work 'hat ho forg>r a' out the trail), until it rushed past hiin,tea'in ; two butrons froui the sleeve of his over- coat. The dog was caught by the fender and lotlgvd in a stiovi-lrii't thirty or forty feet awa/, with a broken hind leg. Th 1 dog niannged to limp home, and Mr. Laing's father. Dr. Laintr. took the animal iu charge and reduced the fracture. Mr. Laing had a very narrow escsp« indeedi t M mi tfBi

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