Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1904, p. 4

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Jan 21 IfiOS THE FLESHERTON AUVANCX 1/ I .iijj ^^vwvw^wy F, T. HULL & CO. I mUi^iiii4\ > i: A TRAIN LOAD OF GRANITEWARE 1 1 boyd, hickling & co. ^ ^ ?^ ! ~ â€" On October I7tli l:ist wo reci'ivcd urid plauod in stock, from ono of Iha largest and best nianufiictiiferg in Anioricn, two catloiul.s mid 11 chjck of Ornniuwftri' of mcry concoivnblo kind/ Tliia lut opened out bo «i\tisfnctorily timt wo iiiinifdiutflv I'ou^'lit six CRilonds inori', wliich niiclied UH on Deci'inlior 7lli, tlio tolul wIiuIchhIo Yalnu of wliicli uXcucdH ?'.i8,(XH.I, and ovt-ry dollar's wortl: paid for with SPOT CASH. It is noodl.^SM to 8tale tho incidents leiul- iiig up li> lliis uu»rn)(ius giunili; dtnl â€" suliiceto fay that tlio nianufacturera preferred ready money to ciiriyinj< in Ktofk this trenitindoiis ijuantity. lU'presoiitalivo cases of this tniiro lot arc now on H.ile at tlie emalleHt prices vi.'u've ever known di'pondable (jraniteware sold nt^liardly as larue aa the averago hardware store price of C'lniinnn tinware. Were wo diaposiid we inijilit tuin over tlii.4 entire lot to outside dealers at hi^lior prices tlian we are asking retail, but wo pri'for to f^ive our tlioumnds of cuatoiiiers all over the county of Grey an opportunity of reaping the benelits of tho bigj(oat yranitewiiro il.siil you or we have over ho.ird of. C'mie prepared for great Biirpriioa, and cuino oa £K<uu aa you can. Here iaa partial list â€" rejid it through carefully. Prosotvin!? iCottles No. 10, rog. price 206 our price 13 No. 22 85j tt 25 No. 24 40c »l 28 No 2C 45o *i 30 No. 28 65c t( 33 No. 30 OOo tl 43 Sauscpans lipped No. 12,rcg. price 15c our price 10 Nn. 10 " 20c •• 14 No. 17 " 25c " 17 No. 22 ". 40o " 25 " No. 2.H '• 650 " 38 Sausrians, covered No. 20 roR. price 25c our price 15 •' No. 3» " 85c '• 25 " No. CO " 60o " 35 . Convex Seamless Sauscpau No. S, reg. price oOc for 15 " " " No. C. " 75c for 43 Teapots, No. 10, regular price uO«. o ar price 25c. •' No. 20. " Cue " 33o Cod'ee Pots No. 10, reg. price 50c. our prico ii'io No. 20, " 55o " 33c Tea Stocpers Nos. 10 & 11, rug. price 25o our prico 15 Soap Dish, regular price loo., our price 10 FuiinolR, larpo sizo, ref,'ular price 15c. our piico 10c Funnels, small size, regular price 10c our price 7 Pie Plates No. 9, reu'ular prico lOj our price. 7c " No. 10, regular prico 12\ our price 8c *' No, 11, regular price I'ii our prico l)c Pitchers No. 13, regular price 45c., our price 30c. " No. 15, " COo., " 40o " No. 17, " 75c., " 60c Milk Juas, No 7 " 35o " 20 Cream Pitchers No. 8 " 20c " 15 Spiders, No. 00, regular prico 25c., No No. No. 30c. 35c. Pudding Pans, li fit. reg price 15c. our price 2 (It. " 8e -♦200 3 qt 4 ({t 6 qt 25c 85o our price 15o 18 " 20 •' 22 lie 13 15 13 22 Milk Pans 1 qt regular prico 10c our prico . . , 7 Milk pans 2 qt, regular prico 15 our price. . . . .^. . . .10 Milk Pans 8<|t. regular price 30c our price. ...... .17 Milk Pann, 10 <|t, ro^^ular prico 30o, our price 19 Double Uico fioiler.covcred, regular SI. CO cur price 75 Water paibs, covered, 1 qt, rejj; 20i-, our price 14 AVater pails, covered, 2 qt, reg 25c,our prico 18 Water paiLs, covered, 3 qt, reg 40c, our price 25 Water p«rl», covered qt, reg 60c, our price 33 Water p.iils, Beanilesa, 12 qt, reg !)0c, our price. . . .60 Water pails, seamless, 14 qt, reg 1.25, o*ur price.. 75 Puckets, scam covered, 10 qt reg 75c our price. . . .48 Bueketq, seam covered, 20 t|t reg 1.50 our price.. 98 Tea Kettles, regular prico 81. WJ, our price 08 Slop pails, reviibir prico §1.40 our priuo 85 Cake Diah, No 15, regular price 25c, our price. . . .15 pinner paiU, 4 qt, regular price 70c. our price 48 • Pudding pans, oblong, No.28, regular 20c our price 13 Pudding pans, oblong, No.32, regular 25o, " 18 Ptidiliag jwus, obloiiij, No, 30, reg 35o., our price 22 Foot bath, regular price 1.00 our price 68 Dish pans, 14 qt, rogCilar prico 85c, our jTriec .48 Dish puns, 17 qt, regular price, 03c oiir price 58 Dish pans, 21 qt, regular prico 1.25,our price 08 Meat Boiler. No. 10, regular prico 1.85,our price 1.00 Kneading Pan, 17 qf. rug prico 1.50 our price ....98 Sink Strainers, regular price 25c, our price 15 Mugs, l«rg« size, regular prico lOc, our price 7c Wash Baisins, No. 28, regular price 25c, our prico 15 " V No 30, rog price 30c our price ,18 " No 32, regular price 35e, onr price 20 Sinks, 18x24, regular prico 2.50, our prico 1.50 " 18x30. regular price 3.00, om- prico 2.C0 " 18x35, reg prico 3.5^ our price 2.25 â- FLESHERTON, ONT. January ' -â- â- .• Reductions Cliainbers, No. 22, regular prico 40o, our price . Chambers, No- 24, regular prico ICc, our price. ..29 Spitoons, large .sizo, rea price 45o our price ,TO Cup and Saucer, ro.! price 10c our price 7c Cup and Saucer, rog value l&c, our prico. . . '. 10 Tho ibove bo sold out quick'y with many other lines are now on .sale and while woasyrthave abunJaiico, some lines are t quick'y. In view <f this fa:t n.i.ke >i i.r fchc(i(ns.arly. It wiM pay you to buy now, ev you, may not actually require the goods for mouths MARKDALE bound ti en though aÂ¥A^^ The Eugenia Falls Power We have rccoivod tho pru.spoctus of the EugtMiia falls water power and electric COM. piny, whose organizition we roferrod t') last week. Tho phuuijilul contains a report of Engineer Brunei and embodios hia rocooiiiieiidatioii w'th regard to the b ui.Ci.iini;! f ihis power. Tlii,s reoominond iil,ioM is tbn,l the river bo dammed above the falls a>id a channel cut about 300 feet toutli, frimj tho end of which bo would • Xciivnte a trench on a slope of 1 to 1 to I lie foot of the falls, wide enough for a font pipe lo bo laid in concrete, from '.vlienco the pipe would bo carried down ilie vr.l'.oy on iron trestles, nvasoary or toi. Crete piers to tho power house. This pipe would bo about 1530 feel in length. iMi. Biuiiel goes on to say : "Xbe water power on llio property (iwn>.-d by your company consists of about niuo foot head above the main falls, thence a pii]iendicu;»r fall of s'xtyniiio foot to the foot of the main fall, below which (liuie i,"> a s'jcctiasion of small cascades i.iid swift rai ids coverin.; a descent of 1:02 ft to the western limit (if your prop- city, making in all a total head of 280 ft. in a di,itinco of 1,730 ft. From caiefol calciditiou] inado by md from data ol.tiirncd in tho month of August when tho water, 1 bolievd, was at its lowest, I fouii 1 that your 280 ft. head n>pri'a«ntod 4,oV5 II. P. I bolievo that during eleven l..o;i In of thoyear tho yield of power v.o-ild irtti very cuuaidorably over that am unt." 'i'lio fiigiiioer's reaioiiinj may be all i:.{!itâ€" llio watarijower is a good ono -but burroundin;; towns should nut drop their or.tr.vels with other ooncorns until tl\ey lire assured that the power is all that i', iselHiuicd to bo. Thuro are lliogo who bobev.-.iiotn'ilhstandiiig ihn au'lioritalive K-.nti'iiioiits of ?'ngin<'ur I'.i'uno', that a llireefiMit pipe woa!d carry all tho water, and inuru, at ooitain aeaaon* of {he ya.it It is not our desire to throw any cold w-»',er on iha tclieine, however. W'x! would rather asofct in its promotion, Tiie pow.-r, AS wu hare a.iid, it a good one ^"[â- â- '4 to wM*.i',and if it pruduciis own one half of tho horsepower olain.cd the year round, will no doubt pay well for its dovelopcment. istonc Settlement Mr. David Harrow was re-elected for the third sucoe3sivetorm,as bchool trustee. Tbo latepiuers know his value as a trustee. Wo liav* a siiperabund.anco of snow and a dearth in news. A thrilling atteiiqit at suicide w^s made Again it becomes the painful duly of yourcorre.spon.lent, to record the dcilh of ^^ Sl.oll.urno Thursday morning last another ok and respcct.d resident of this p^^.,, ^^ ^^,^^, deliberately tlirew hi.ii' vicinity. Mrs. CatliHrmo Mclviunim, re-' .-. - - - - - •» . v lict of tho late Iluuh Mcl'her.son, died at her roiiideiice, lot 10, con. 2, N. D. R.,on Monday, thp4ih inst. For the past three years tho deceased lady had been in del- icate heallli, but bad not howo. er, until Conductor Walker had just stepped oi tho last three or four months been conlined ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^j., ,^.,,.^^ ^..s moving ahead to her bed, although the last year of her • • "â- â-  life had been a year of great s^uflering. 7 felf ill front of tho driving wheels of tho C. P. H expre.ss. That Amos ever came out from under tho big locomotive alive Im a miraolo, tiiat he escaped almost with- out a scratch seems alnio.^t beyond belief. borne with christian fjrtitude and meok when ho saw a man who was standing on the siding walk U]) to the engine and de- iberately throw himself between tho bii paiionco. By birth she was a Canadian, ,j,.:^.j, , ^^.,,^.^,^ ^,,j ,,,^ ^^^^^^ j,„. bornof bcolcli parenls at Ccngarry, , ^^j^j^^^. j;^^.,,,,^^ appiu.) , he brakes and L.>werCanad.i m Ibol .consequently being ,,„ . •„ „„,, , „,. ,„..,. ,.n„ n.,„.l„..h,„. iiuently '.•}. ^'^f.^.\l''.^lV'l'''.^L'''ul^"'^tpTerâ-  1 '^'""'"''^ ''''' impulse was to telephone boy?. In 1870 she came »iih her hueband anil eight children, a daughter having previously died, to .\rtcinosia, settling on tho homestead which had been previously purcha.sed, and wliero she continued '" , Jj'h^,ut "t reside tho remaindor of her life. SliB was pre-deceaRod by her husband twelve years ago, and a few ye.ira later by her son, Donald, whosuccuinbod to lung disease,contracted wbllo working in tho Montana mines; and twoyoarsiago her son, Alexander, sue cunibed to the naino disease, contracted in tbo sanio manner. Two years aao her brother, Mr. Duncan McKinnon of Avon- nioro, Sionnont Co.. died at tbo ripo ago of 80 years. The deceased lady wag of a very quieu and kindly dispo.iijtiim, an clTectioiiatii mother, a good and highly eaieamed neigblmr. She left live daught'irs and ono aon to nioutn her Urns. They are :â€". Mrs, A. McLeod, Ceylon; MiH. Uunoiin Muir, this township; Mrs. Bltindin, (.'liicuKo ; Misj Annie, at homo ; 1 Mrs Jlolly, t^nult ale. Mariw, and Mr. Hugh Mcf'iierBoii, at homo. Tho remains wore laid by the aide of (hose of her hus- band in the I'rieovilleceni-'tcry on tho 0th in.st. An appiopriato and touching ser- tlio train pulled upinstnntly. Conductor In 'l8iJ8 ,sbe nuirried Mr Hugh McPher- j j,,^ ^ e,,,^,,^^. He walked forward io tho aon ot tilc.igariy. lo this niarriago wore -y ^,^^.„ engineer Newman remarked horn iimo children, six girls and three j ^,^.^,_ ,.^^ ^^^^_, throw himself under." Ho then got down to assist in pulling tho man's mangled roinains from under tlio wheels. The sand pipe ha.i rolled him over and over, and had dragged him I about ton foot before the locomotive stopped. They stood the tnau on his feet and assisted him to the depot. His boots wero rouiovod and he was sounded for broken bones. But Paul Amos had no bones broken. Tho only remark of this man who had been snatched from tho brink of the grave was, " You have been good ciiouah to take olT my boots, would you iiiiiid putting llieni on again," Tlie victim, who is a Shclburne ahoomaker, had been drinkiuj;. "Wooa-e PhoiBtphocllne, Tha Qrut Fa|ill->h Vtmtif, in nn oM. well estalv llshwl nud riJialila preparatiou. Hnsl>pca prowribod ntid used ovor4U>oars. AlldruS" gists in ttio Dominion ot Cannila sell and roooiiunoial fts tx*iofl Kftnrn nnil After. *'"» ""'j" meilicino ol It i>romi)tly ai»d A Clearance in Boys' ^ - Three Piece Suits... . 18 Boy'.s 3 Piece Suits, .some single, some double breasted, m neat dark tweed.s &nd sere;esâ€" .sizes from 28-38. Prices ranged from $3.y{> to }?4.50 . . Saamary E^Searance Price $2,7^ in-sr. rtnapp up;.»..o...« .ouu„. ,.«„..- „„,„„„! „atl«fartion. It ,.romi>tly aiMj mon wait preached by her pastor, Kov. Jer^aa.'iiUy curon all forms of /^Otoi" Hen*- Mr, Malheson, at tho hoU.se, previous to ne.M. /;m..-ioMi, ^â- )>rrmr.^.rr/.<ra. i".).o<â„¢r« the tinsl t.inoval of Iho body. The tier- Ji|o of jv(,a..„. Omionor ,v(ii'ii.liiii/«. Mcntnl eavcd family have thoRynipathy of a liirg circle of friend*. and Hrain H'urru. all of which lead tolnltnnitj, iliisanlty. Consumption and an I'-arly G.t»ia~ I Prico $1 per pnckaco or six for ».. (^MeunM Miss Small, our new lea. Iior, was -(^-ojip, sir i,ii« eurc Mailed i'r"',"Pt5'.''" "- proini tly on lime on opening day. She iaipt ol price. »^i^y°^X'^'oIImiiS»yf iia* already nmdo a {«\orablo iinpro-ision VliuUor. Ont , Viuuida, •i>d will doul-tli'is br upon tho pupil coino very popular In this ioqt'ou. Wooil's rhosphclino l« >oM lo '-loehi rto'i l>y Pouelus ^ Uo., and W U Hl«tiardsoD, l>rugi;U(^ $1.50 Overshoes for §1,25 Men's Overshoes â€" red fleece lined â€" medium width, neat, shapely la.st, perfect goods. Sizes 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Eegular price $1.50. 3an!iary gkaraace Price $!.25 5OC. Wool Tarns for 25c. 18 wool Tarns in wliite, black, navy and ._ plaid designsâ€" just the thing for girl's win- •! ter wear â€" new goods. Ivegulur 40c.aud 50c. quality. â-  â-  Sanuary €;ua?ance Price 2Se A Snap in Black Dress Goods I I 1 ^ - 200 yards Figured Black Dress Goodsâ€" including six good designs, good durable blackâ€" 38 and 40 inches wide. These sold in the regular Avay from 25 to 40c. per yartl. Samsary S^8sa?ance Price 20c lERY. All Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats now in stock will be sold at Special Clearance Prices before stock caking. HARDWARE DEPARTM'T. B.\11GATNS IN SECOND COOKING AND HEATING STOVES .... We have several Cooking and Heating stoves taken in exchange for new ones that we offer exceptionally cheap. They are all in good condition antl much below their actual valno â€" You shoulil sec them. i Car Windsor Salt Just Arrived. \ * Get your .'supply of Fine Salt now â€" quality ^ ^ is good and the salt is free from discoloration ' ?^iL:ix:^A^^i^2i>::A:il^^^^l^^k^^^^&£^^^Ai^^ll»^^&^^^ • ; « • ;â-  • \..' ' : â-  i' r •^*

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