Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1904, p. 8

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Jan 21 1904 THE FLESHEHTON ADVAKCE !«• { ^^ t ?k$])trton Furniture md?erddm$* Wo BPd carrying lliu >uwt»l iilyliB (if » jaHiiiiiil)U' gi><>UH in nil liiiii) of l''ur!ii:turo, cui>:>i8liiig uf : Piirlor and bwlroom huUh, loiiiiycs, 4i(lt'lii>:ir.l«, cxtuiision hikI ceiitro lalilt)'', clmir.s, window slmJi'S nnd curtain |>i>li!f>, piuHirui, eiiacla, uto., Wliicli wo oir«r lit '^^^â- fW^^'5- "BSik LOWSET PRICES Picture FniniiiiR and Guneral Ro- |i.tiriii);. l'n<luititkiri^ in all its braiiclic's. Stiti-sfituliun {,Hiurantccd. W. n. Bunt, - - Prop. ^ Falling' out Hair If lli!^: ir. Vi-' caeo, crill atiit noo lis and wo â- willjirovt'iit ii liuiufj 80 by appl} jiigour woudor-^ lul icuu-Jy, Highly Recommend WohnvuuKiMl iia womloi-fiill powors on many ill this toivii and HUvrontidhiL: didtrict and jtii who liuv4> ini'lei'^Diiu tri-iitnjunt recom- iLiL'iid il vory liifibl No Cureâ€" Woj Pay A. WILSON I'LKSHKUTON Barbr iiiimiffi Preparation ia nocesHary if you wish to fci;oo«(Ml. If you inliid to ImnHnct Ijii.sinoss of liny liind you would l)u .sndly Imndiciip- ed witlioiit a l)U.sino.ss education. Tlio tuOil tli(ri)Uj;h Iniininu <if tliia kindjan be ol)taiiied at tliu inVKN SOUND, ONT. "Winter turn) c jiiTuiincos Jaiv. 4th. .ilo;;uo fifo liy addresEin^ Cat- C A. FLENiI.MG Principal STOCK â- \Vf)hftvo just rocolveil In stock one of the rluost iiBKortmcuts of BLANKETS AND ROBES ' in lh(! marliet ftiifl can favor yoii with noy rcijuircmeutfl yoii will nocd iu tbat II uo. Al io n Inruo coiisiKiirncut of luiltatiou PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Woljavo a fino coUoctlou of coats to to selbut fi'oni. All Sold at Lowet Living; Prices '^ P.I. Ea O O IF^ E A Merry Christmas and ^s:x:irstsertm Ayers A HAPPY NEW YEAR. WI-; tnkj t'.iis n;);io-tn.iity uf tlianU i(i:i tilt) pul)lic ful* tlieir liliurnl i)Htron- iii:ti durinq the pdst v«ar, and tion^i for a nontirination of tliv surnn dniinK I'.RH Von will ftud our BLiitii of (Iroo^irioa ooiaphae an 1 ti-onh u« tUu niai-Uut will rUuw, Wo iniportonrJfipati Tea, which leii l«adar of all toaa. Just try It It ami bu coL'vlncod. Wo wil) talia 111! kin Is of Farm Produce for Goods For w'.iitli wo will pay the lii,;ho;t niarkot pruceK. Ilriuij your (ir.iduco tavly in the day and f,'ot thii b-jRt attriidiiiico. 'I'akw your timo biid «xii'..iiio our Kuoda and you will bo cou- thioud that it is vonr iulBi-nai. to liny iu Max- woll, I'lltliui' in Dry Gooda or tiroccriea tor now ami np-ui-dntn. Wo cannot onunnnatn >»ut Jiirit onini and huo for yonr^'jtf. Wo hav.j a I iiK.j Kt.wl: nt til 1 t.iiinius KINT-KKACK rub- bai'u, a^tio otlier linou uf rubber Koodu. Wo nlso liiwc a nice lino of Xiiiae Goods AHHn;;.-; BOUTH ana HIIOKB always on hand and don't forijol our liordwaro Line OUR COMPLIMENTS TO THE . . PUBLIC . . R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWKLL .... The Markets. <'4ircriilly €orrc«' cd Knrli 11'ccli « )iiti, 24 -o 25 I'.NiB 58 o B8 >Vh«at ; ... . 70 to 72 I'l.irlry 45 to 45 liutitr 15 lo IB KiKH f rpBh 20 -.o 20 J'oik 00 .19 p OO IJIiickeiiH pnr lb. 8 to 8 ))uek8 |KT lb 7 to 7 TiKkoys p.!r III 12 tc 1.3 ()(•u^o v.'i:huilt lieadH., 8 *0 H.iy 6 00 to C QO l'utttt(>«a htk' 32 10 35 Falling hair means weak hair. Then strengthen your hair; feed It with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor. It checks failing hair, makes th« hair flair Vt grow, completely cures dan- druff. And it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, darlL color of early life. " Mr bbtr mj falling out badlr and I wm • fmld I wonld ln<e It all. Thnii I triad Ayer's Ilair TlRor. It quickly itapp jd tlia (allluK and madoiuy Imlr afl 1 could wlah It to bo," RCDicoo^ E. Al.uu<, Kllxabatb, N. J. ;i.00 a bottla. I AllrtTTjgjljU, for J. O. ATEROO., Lowell, MiiB«. Falling Hair Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Eord HSititd, 2906$* Tho undorslgnod lias a fine aRod Dnrliam Hull for Korvico on lot HI, T. and S. K. Tornii'-tl for ^rade cows, mi for thorouKh- broda. Todigroo on apiilication JACOB LEVKll Flesherton P.O Bttsine.ss Cards f.fT'OULLOUOH & YOUNO I.U Ilankor iMnrkdalo i5o a general banking bnaiuotm. Money loauou a roasouablu rate Call on us. p J SPKOUIiK " Poatmastor, Floshorton uomiuisKionar In H. C. J., Auctioneer Con- VByauour, Appralncr and Monoy Louder Kual Katato and Insuranco Agent. Deeds inovtgagon, loasoa and wills carefully drawn ui) and valuations made on pliortest notice, money to loan at; lo-./est rates of iuterost. Col nctiona attended to with in-omp'.niBs chirceH low. Ayent tor Ocoan Doniiuion Httaiuahip Company. A call solicited. SOCIETIE.S A U \V ineola oi. the last Monday " in eacu nionlli, in timir loiico room, ('hristOH'3 block. Flesherton. at 8 Ji.m. M.W., Itobort liest ; Kecordor, ,Ias. I'ldstead ; J'lnan- cior, Will, liel, amy. Visiting brelbreii invited. pniXCU AltTHTIl IiODGR, No. :<33, A. 'â-  A U, uieuta ill tho Masonic hall. Strain's blucl;, I'lesliwrton, every Friday on or before tho full niocn. F U W Hiokling W M. Chaa Munahaw, tjecrotary. flOUltr KLESHRnTON, I. O. F. meets in " Ohriotoe'H lllock tlio lar.t Fridaj eveuint; eaoli month. VisitiiiK Forestois heartilv rol'-funu. C. It.. C. W, Jiollaniy ; B. O., W. lluKkiu ; I'm. KecDr I;. Miirinv. ( Piiy due? to Or, Murray on or boforo latfc day of each inunth.) )*_ Medical - . It CAllTFTl „». ^\'^ '',â- * ^ °'''' Pliyeician. Snrgoon, etc Ottlco and residuuccâ€" Pctor St., Floshoitou D UIl. SCOTT, M. I)., Jfa.twell, Ous. It. M. KEID, M.D.C.Af,, I'hynicin.u.Rui-Keon and Acconchnur, lata of N. 1. Postgrad. MoOicnl School, N, Y T.yi i"-!!! Hospital and St. Luke's Concral llo^pilal Ottawa J P OTTKWULL \ oterinary Hurgeon Graduate of Ontario Votcriuary College, roMdonce â€" sacond door aoutli west on •n "'^ . "troot. This street ruu3 south Presbyterian Church. n WILSON "* 'Graduate of the Veterinary Science Association. ItoKidenee, Viurhaiii Ureut, op- po»ito Hoyd.Hickllug's hardware. Legal J. W. Fno.ST, L L. Jl. Ilarrlater, Kolloitor Couvoyanoor, eto ofloeâ€" Ni-xt to poatoltico, Spronlo's block Ki^ihe.tou, overy Thiinido «rid, contt days N Hâ€" Owen Kouud oiaoo, Frost " block Poulotl street east. LUCAS, WIIIOHT & McAHDLB ftarrlstors Bollcltors ConveynncorB, etc OlUcesâ€" Owon Bound, Out and MarkdaUOnt. W U Whioht, MoAllDLH I 11 LtC-AS N II -FlpBlierton oince, tlltehell's Uauh •vary Batuvday. MACKAY&SAMPSON .narrlstera. sotlcitorB. OFFICKR ;â€" Owen Bcuurt, Merehanfa Bank llloek, N. st Pattiraou House. LuDdalk ain Street, every Hatiirday. Moiiev to loan ak i\ per cent. A. G.MAOKAY.M.A., ll.F, MAMPHON.L.LD AlwnvB in attenrYanne at FleuUortcn and Dundalk Division Courts. Destistuy DR. G C. I^MJRRAY, V, D. B. denU) nnrgoon honor (fi-hduate of Toronto Unlvrrsitv and Koval Collfltfe of Oeutal Hui'ci-ona of Ontario, 'inlcaâ€" Oppodito Aniifltrniig'a Jewellery Htove. Will visit Maxwell tli« last Woduoiil,iy ol each month, and Oundalk I aud 3 Thuridty ill each uicntu. Osprey Council Tlie niernber8 eluctcd m reevo «nd councillors for tlio township of Osproy for IDOl, mot lit Miixwtill on .lupnuiy 11 :iiid ocvplaly sulwcriliod to tli" sriHunry (ieulaiation of (pialilicatioiiH, viz: â€" Jutiii Hudson, lleevo ; K. W. Noriiinil, D. W. Clniton.D. H. Wiiitfrs,ai;dF.W.ilio»iilec, Cou!icil!or». Minultjs of Inst meeting read and con- liriiied. Order* wore isauod on tho Treas: to piiy Sick Cliildrcn's hoHpitiil ?5, tin n dcMintioii ; A. O. Campbell J-l oO, Clerk's p()Kta;!0 ; Municipal World 8^'i for aiit Niibi-oriptiyiiH for council and clurk ; Os- pruy Agricultiirnl Hociely 825, amount LTaiit Haid Hooiety in I'JO.'J ; Jo»iah Gainey 01041.70, aiii>>uiit of loan and intercut. Norinnn â€" IJrowiilee â€" That this corpor- nlioii purcb.-ise a WeHlfrii road gradur frrdn the Havryer, MiisHey A Co., and tlmt tliB rouvoand clerk Kigii a contract aj^rea- inent on bulifdf ofthia corporutiuu with said company. John IiifjliH, W: Norman and othera putitiooed the council to dividu school section No. 1 into2 feetion."!, and Jainea 8nii(lland and David MacKlcui, trustees of fiiiid Hclnxd aeclion, petilionud against tho action to divide, and after ht-arUi;; the petitions for niid against .such divi>ii-5n Mr. IJronnlee moved and Mr. CUnton Kcconded that tliu iiiattiT be laid over until the March ine>;tiiig of thia council at Molidyre and that the cleik notify tho interested pnriie.s. Itylaw No. 43."i, appointing Jo.sopb Allison, ,i3Pt!.».sor, al a calary of ?80, and bylaw No. 4'Ht, appointing Koht. lltToa and Opor),'U May, nuditora ; and bylaw No. 437, apijointing E. \V. Noruiaa, 1). \V. Clintfdi, and V. W. lirownlee, widi John IIud.^(ai and Tho.s Scott, ex. ofiicio, Monibor.sof the local Hoard uf IJe.ilth were each road the necesijary number of tinu'S and pa.s8od. The council adjourned to meet at Fever- sham on Eeb. 6tll next. THOS. SCOTT If You Don't Sleep Well It's hecau.so your nerves .irtfin a weak irritable condition. Fcrrfizone will nialte thenistroni^ and correC. the trouble cau.i- ini; your iiiKOtnuia. ''I fell in a nervous i'xh«u."it!on list fall," writis Mrs.J.Str'iiil of Doxler. "I was run down, couldn't sleep and felt perfectly Uliselâ- ,^bleâ€" tried Korrozone and wn.i ipiickly benefited. I can reccnninend Ferro/.otie to anyone suflerin;; from over-wrnut;lit nerves and sleeplei^.snees. No tonic in hotter, try Kerrozone. I'lice COc. at drugijists. Mr. W. E. iVI.nyhury, farmer, ncrr Lia- fowel, liiHt bis way and was found frozen to death. It is belived that tho Federal Parlia- ment wid bo suuiiiiaued to meet on March 3. The Telescope says : Ri-inhnrdI Hunt of Ciriickloat two line bead of c.illle as a result of (jiving theiii in niLstRku a doso of Bultpcter in.slead C'f salt. After searehini^ for a whole week over the iieiehburing fainiyards, Mr. John Hoiiney, Chepsiuiie, difcovered a inissiny pi;,' in his own s:riiw s'ack. It .seems the jjiPine jiol into the btaek and v.iis uiiablo to e.xtricati! it.^elf until help arrived. Tho pig isalivo nuj well. Miss Emerson, of Toronto, tho teacher v.-ho sued school i-eetion No. 4, of Mclan cthoii, fur ,S2,rj(.10 diiii'i'^es for loss of lu-:i!th ihruui^b the il.iinp and cold con- Mitioii of iho Helii'ol, has encountered defutt. The suit was tried at the last Dutl'erin fall as.sizes, and on -Monday of bvst week, .ludj^e Street disniiasod the action, but ordered tho parties to pay their own co.sts. Even lawyers w>T«- uiider the iuipre.saion sho would win. Her acli'di ha!i been disniiraed, mainly on tho }<round of contributory negligence. It was proven tbat she attended enterlaiii- ments and walked a contiderahle distance durin^r tho week she cii'racted ihu fatal cold in the school. Tho defendants, how- ever, had disreearded tlieir wtaiutory doty to ciiiph>y a caretaker and to have tire--, lighted an hour bef.re tlie opening of schoid â€" a duty owed to tho teacher, the pupils and their parents â€" and have pro- bably narrowly escaped l)eiiii» made liable to heavy damages by neglecting it. The Hanover Post has this to say of a forn.er resident of Fleshtfrton ; â€" "Air. Walter Uootb, who conducted a barber shop in HanoTor some yimrs a^o, was in town s.iveral days recently, the guest of bis brother Georiro, at the Queoii'H hotel. Uo is just recoverin;.; from an operation performed about the middle of November last, in the Owen Souid Hospital, by which he lost p«rt of his left Ifg. Thd limb was Boverod six inches above the kocc. Mr. Uoolli has figured in ninny laoros.sc coiitesta. and it was principally in coiisuquunco of severe injuries sustain- ed on tho jiridiroii that tho operation w><.s neccK^ilated. It a.'is'ars that ho had both limbs scalded with pi'ch, quite a few years ago. The right becauiu perfectly woll in time, but theleft l(eiiiHiiied weak, and a serious ol accident HUgnieuced the trouble, During a residence in tho Went ill tho last coupio of years a couple of 'operations were perforinod but without any lani{ibla retult, aud ninputiitlon alone was held out to petal the root nf the mat- ter. Such boin>; the cas*, he decided on baring It performed ut the old liunie town, Owoii;Si)und, and accordiuuly journeyed there lie is l<H>kiiig splendid at present, and when he (;ula an artiticial limb will be in conipamtively ii;uud sbapo." livery Physician Knows About the groat merit of Dr. Hamil- ton's PdU of MandrskoL and Uutternat which cleanau the systeni, cure conslipa- ioii and piles. Use uiily Dc. Utmiltou'a PilU. PriiM 25c. CAILLED RHEUMA- TISM. £j- m ihrfli'/f^WlflP/^''^-'l"^ hack. Kidney and lilai HsfeMarc-ii^i^aiKoi^ '^'''<J "-e Anti-Pill .-.nd Tbcre If a eroat deal of pain and ache termed lUieu- maiic â€" scfrnctiinea calls A Kidue^ pain. The back actics, shouUcra, side, and hfpa. .\ â-  cold win cause l>ala and. dietresa Iti tho Bladder this how quickly you will get relief. It acts on oil tlie largo glands of tho liody. Apy ono who doubts sboold' write for a free sample to WiMCN-FrLii Co., Niagara Falls, Gnt. Dr. Lconliardl's Antl-Pl». Is a perfect System TretV- ment. Price, 50 cents. Tho Meaford Mirror says. •â€" "Mr.. \mos] Tflit had a niirneulous escape from sudden' doHth about lO.SOa. m., on Wednesday. ] He was wf.rkiiig in bis h^acksmi'ih sluqi j south of Sykei street oridgo, when, with > out a moini-nt'H warniiii;, the weight of' snmv on the roof caused it to cave in. Mr. i Tail hapjicned at the time to be stinuiiic between tho tire upsHtter and a set of: hairrows, to v. hicli circumstance he pro-' bably owes Ilia life. Two of ihs ratters coiniii'4 ill coiilactwiih these implfinuiit.s piovente<l the accumulation of shiiigb^s, ' bricks and mortar at the .south i-nrA corner of the for{je fioni reicbin-i th" Mo'ic with the same force thst it v.'on'.d ntheiwise; liiive done. Several of the w^'ok-n mill. liiiiidH who witnessed the coll-ip.sc hasien- od to Mr. Tail's a8.sislniic>i. liny found him in a recnnibent att'tu.le. apparently unooiisc'o.13. lie naa assisted io his home, ^ where Dr. Dennot wa.» hastily snininoned. I Exuminaliim revealed the fact ti;at he had received .1 bad cut over the ri^lit eyo, caused, it is thoiifiht, by a hiiirow .tooth.' The doctor was obliged to [ ut seven tir eiaht flitches in the wound. Mr. Taiti wii.i also hurt in thcle^, v.hil.j idher por- tions of his body were nioic or less bruis- ed, (le remained in r.u uncidvei'ms state until five o'clock ye.sterd.iy mnrninL',when he way able to sit up. His p'lys ci;m i.? not yet prepared to say bow Bfii us the injuries he lias sustaijied aro Uiiti' cut.iin develoiiements have taken i<lac(!." A Good Tiie Piece 5i is a FaitMiil Ssmit. ' We make a ^ ^ Specialty i->-rWK. c«« »' *^'ll Rcfcrm'nj ||:'"^ "won't-jo" P'J'^f^ff'^^^ kind. When g^ii^^^ we repair sa-j.'.IJ a watch or a clock we gTiafantee it to go tccurately, ana guarantee it to keep a-goia? accurately. ?i 1 A. Armstr-er^gj â-  JEWl'.lER iKK.y OPTJCJA i. f-vvv>-r.i." j K'.'il K-i--A t'SS'^A ^â- â- 'ffir' V.-if ' â- â-  i tii'.'-iA k--ij*--i Ki'-^V-?! r-.v ii^ PECULIAR It is sad to conteciplata fO MEN AND WOSVlEf^ the unfortunate condition of so maay men of : ocr day and generation. At 30 tiicv feel SO; at 40 they feel 6C\ and at SO when 1>-ev should be ia the verv pri-ne of life, t'uev are slmost teatly lor the rrave. The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vitality is i exh.-1'astcd. Premature old age ! Ko matter vvhat produced it, whether evil habits in youth, later excesses, or business worries, the one thim< foi' y.oi! to do is to get back the yixn, the vi,?or and vivacity of nianhood. f ^ Pon't lose yourprip on life. There are yc-t ni.iny happy, golden years '" for you if youoniv pet help. V.'e can and will net only help you, but cure 3'ou la stay cured. Curing discuses and weakneseeoof the nervous a'ld .•-.ex'.i.il sv5''eta Iv-s l«cn our exclusive business for the past 30 years, d'lrlaK vhich time â- Â«â€¢;; have cured enough fallen men to make a:i tinny. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will restore to yoa -v^rhat yon it piirikca tnd enriches the BLOOD, strengthena the HBUVES, , ,. vitali.-.e!? tlio sexnal organs, chccksall unnatural draiuij cjtid losses aud tn its a man for the active dutiss of life. Wo treat and cure Blood noition, Varleoeole. StcSctare, GlcoO, ^ Crsuas-y Draina. BesisB! Woekt»cs». KWncy and BIccJcJj-i- di.=eascs. Fjr3 C<>:«M'tJB.1'AXI<>?J Fl-tEiS. If uuable to call, write tot a Qaeailon S«^ Dtauti for Uoma Treatiucat. 2 3 'Vi'cro In Detroit. SSO.OOO Cured. Baa:: Soccrlty. YO'J ARE LCSING MONEY ; "iVlthout o. 5 •'MELOTTE"\ CREAM SEPARATOR v 50,000 In Daily u--o ; The only Separator iittcd with noau'ifut Eimnieiled * Bowl Ca'ing. Tho ligheot rmiuinxand m.st durable « Separntor yot proiUiCed. Saves tin.c, labour, space, t Utensils ice and water. . I J. ]iB:. K:E3^MI> & SOI?J, fles»erion : \mm\mmmMmm For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber V\ agous, cutters. Sleighs. Wu ke«p a stock ou hand to chouse from. ALSO HORSE SMOEINQ ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and ifUarantce first class work. We keep on hand Pluui;lu< aud Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harrts and Nuxnn repnirs for binders, Mowers, all kinds of machioory, also Binder Twine on band. « Ulbcn in town git»c US a call «

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