Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1904, p. 7

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GEMS OF IMPURE SAY. Ladies Bank Their Jewels "and Wear Doubles. A (n.w generations u^o imitation Kcms were unheard of. and tlio taia- ily lioirloojus and costly jewels wore worn by women on all State occas- ioiia in all their real magnificence. To-day, however, in the smartest of the 'smart set" a different statu of alTairs e.xists, suys the Loudon Kx- preaa. , Society women rarely wear tlieir rea) jewels â€" which are usually kept at the Uank of England or other safe deposits, â€" but have them duplicated in such wonderful imitations that only an expert could detect the substitu- 'Vion. A jeweler who makes a specialty of jwhat he terms "jewelry of recon- 'strtietod gems," hus worked up a .â- ^arRc business in copying the famous InecklaCo's, tiaras, ropes of pearls, and Icorsaifc ornaments belonging lo fam- lous b«!auties. grand dumes, and Am- lerican heii-esses. At a stone factoi-y jin Vienna he turns out diamonds, {rubies, and emeralds to order. I In the first jilace, ho sends a man to his customer's home, who makes a. careful drawing of each valuable piece of jewelry, and from this de- sign an exact duplicate af the origin- al is made for, generally, about one- fiftieth of the ijrico of the real gems. The mounting in this liner class of imitation jewelry Is identical with that used in setting the real stones. Often small real diamonds arc used for the cla.sp of a string of pen -Is whicli are made by a manufacturing cheinisL, and somctimos even recon- structed stones nltornato with real I gems At the Royal Courts, the opera, and State dinners a large percentage of the magnificent gems worn are products from the chemist's labora- tory, costing anything from £."50 to £200â€" perfect .imitations of, in many 'instances, priceless goms. A JAPANESE VIVA\. la the course of an interview whicii appears in "Casscl's Saturday Jour- nal." Viscount llayashi, the Japnn- 'oso Minister in London says: ; "There is something solid and dig- nified about the average Briton that never fails to impress me; England is so progressive. As a city I consider London iniquc. In the first place it is so large, yet so orderly and well governed. It is an example of what your laws, the love of justice, and the loyal spirit of a great people towards thiMr country and King can produce. 'As a foreigner from the Far East, I can assure you that London at once arrests attention. T know Par- i.s is a line city; so is Berlin, and, for that matter, St. Petersburg; but as an example of city govornment- ship. it I may use that term, Lon- don is a study." I The veal secret of Britain's posi- tion amongst the nations of the world, in the Viscount's opinion, is ,her lovo of justice and her laws and "Iio sincerity of her citi'/.ens. BRIGflT'S DISEASE BEATEN ABAIN. Mary Malcolm's Life Was Measur- ed by Days and Hours. Dodd'a Kidney Pills Had Able to be Out in a Week. Her $ioo Reward, $ioo. Tho readers of this paper will bo pltiusod to learn that thoit) Is ut least on^ dreaded di.scasu lliat scionco has been .ablo to cm'O In all its utugou, and that i» Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure iH tho only positivo cure now known to the medical fratoniity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, recpiires a conatitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Ciuo is taken internally, acting direct- ly upon tho blood and mucous surfac- OH of tho system, tlicreby dostroyina; tho foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tha con.stitiitlon and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The propriotora hav« so nuich faith in its curative powers thai they oflcr One Hundred Dollars foi any cuso that it fails to euro. .Send foi lisi of testimonials. Address F. J. CHICNKY & CO.. Toledo, O. Nold by all nrugjtists, 7.'')C. Take Hall's Family IMlls for constl- oatiun. "I've come to tell you, sir, that the photographs you took of us the other I day arc not at all satisfactory. Wh.v, U1.V husband looks like an ape!" ."Well. madam, you should have thought of that before you hud hiui taken." Tho Stomach's "Weal or Woo r , ^X ho itomach is the centra from which, : from the standpoint of health, flows " weal or woe." A healthy stomach means perfect ; digestion â€" perfect digestion means strong nod steady nerve centres â€" strong nerve centres mean good circul.ation, rich blood and Rood health. South American Nervine makes and keeps the itomach right.â€" ja Love may l.augh ut locksmiths, but ho who laughs last laughs best. Mr. Kiilder : '.Mi, bow-de-do. doc- tor '.' If you have a few minutes to spare 1 wish you would come over to my hou.se and chloroform my youngest boy." Dr. I'rUe : "What is the matter with the lad ?" Mr. KidOcr : "Oh, bis mother wants to comb his hair." Blood is Worthless UNLESS CIRCULATED. Maalth la assured by tho new process of During clisaa8«. RELIEF IN 30 Ml MUTES. .Sjck hoadncho. indif{C.stion, lost of viffor. falling memory. norvouRness ar« ail infallible sii^ns of weakening nerves and inrlicate that your norvcs lack rich blaod with which to build up their I broken tissues. Pr AgneWs Heart I Cuie heals and strengthens the heart and Rives it the power to sand rich blood coursing through tho veins, when most dtsoascs disajipenr as by magic. It i«iieves heart disease in SO minutes and Is a wonderful euro IX Dr. Atacw'e Olntinant cures piles la »em to tkrss day!, jja. Another Eemarkable Cure Brought Out by the CoUing'wood and Sglington Cases. Toronto, Feb. l.'>.â€" (Special).â€" Tho interest in medical circles hero over the cures of Mrs. Adams, of Colling- wood, and Mrs. Philip, of Kglington. of Urighfs Disease, has been given fresh fuel l\v another and yet more startling cure of that same terrible ailment. This latest case is that of a young girl. Mary Malcolm, who lives with her parents at 199 Masl- borough Avenue, this city. UKATH SEEMKD SURE. This cure is little short of miracul- ous. Miss Malcolm was in tho clut- ches of Bright's Disease from May until September, and had sunk so low that her life was measured by days if not by hours. Hope had given place to a certainty of death, and her friends had turned' to tho sad task of preparing her grave clothes. These last ghastly garments arc now in the house, but Mary Mal- colm is a strong hearty maiden who can look on them without even a shudder of fear. Uodd's Kidney Pills effected the change. Here is tho story as told by the girl's mother, Mrs. W. Malcolm: "My daughter, Mary, who is now fourteen years old. was taken sud- denly ill with Bright's Disease in May. 1902. We had the doctor and contiimed with him till .September, 1902, when he said he could do no- thing more for her. .She was so swollen with Dropsy as to bo al- most unrecognizable. CURE WAS QUICK. "From a book dropped in at the door, we learned of Dodd's Kidney Pills and as a last resort determined t)o try them. They gave her relief from tho vovy beginning, so much so that in one week wo were ablo to take her out to Uunro Park for an afternoon. "After l.iliing four boxes, slio was entirely cured and she has lun-er had the slightest relup.se. We can never say too tnuch for Bodd's Kidney Pills, as they certainl.v .saved my daughter's life." And Mary, the daughter on whom Urighfs Di.sea.se had pronounced the .sentence of death, now a picture of healthy girlhood, smiled a cheerful assent to her mother's statement and chimed in, "If I am ever sick again I will tiikc nothing but Dodd's Kid- ney I'ills." It is hardly necessary to aad that proof piled on proof has convinced the public that Uright's Disea.se is ciu'able and that Dodo's Kidney I'iiis are the euro; that if the di.sense is of tho Kidneys or from the Kidneys (ho one unfailing remedy is Dodd's Kidney Pills. (X)|{K IN FUHOl'K. While Spnin .'•til! .\ iekis .'i2,Sl!0 tons of cork aunuull.v. woith ::i(i,O«(),0O0, Italy's production has decreased to 4.000 tons (8250,000 worth). Italy used to have s^ilendid cork forests, but tlioy have been felled for (har- coa! anil for potash. Sevcniy-livc .vears ago l-'nglnncrs .supply of corks Came alioguLher from Italy. * Pure soap!" You've heard the worcte. In Sunlight Soap you have the fact. SUNUGHT SORP If a girl really and truly loves a man she doesn't try to find out what the ring cost. I'ri.«on Worker : "My man, what is tho cause of your being hero '.'" Con- vict : "Well, my lawyer knew too little, an' 'he jury know too much." "Resular Practltfonorâ€" No Re- sult. "â€"Mrs. AnnioC. Chestuut.ofWhitby, was for months a rhaumttic victim, but South American RbcuniaticCurechani^ed the song from " despair " to "joy." She says: "I sulTercd untold misery from rheumatism â€" doctors' medicine did me no good â€" two bot- tlesofSnutb American Rheumatic Curscurec' mo â€" relief two hours after t he first dose. ' 'â€"50 Caller : "And this is the now biiby ?" Fond Mother ; "Isn't he splendid ?" Caller : "Yes, indee<l." Fond Mother : ".\iui so clover. See how iulelligenlly he breathes." fcd's Liniment for sale evfifywiiefi! -f â€" â€" A TREE THAT GROWS DISHES. There is a tree in tho West Indies that the natives say "grows dishes!" lit looks like an apple tree. They call ! it tho calabash. It bears very queer ; leaves and large white blossoms that j grow right from the trunk and larger j branclu'S. After the (lower conioa tho fruit, just ns our apples or poachos I do. Hut this fruit is in the shnpc of a goard, onl.v stronger and much j larger, sometimcR a. foot in dia- i meter. Now, see what a um the I the people of that country moke of ithis fruit. Tho .shell is so hard that { all .serfs of big ajid little dishes and ' drlnkiug cups con bo cai'ved out of ; it. Even pots and kettles are made I and used over tho Are, but, of courM, I they cannot, laat aa long as our iroA one*, SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. llamp lampblack will ignite from the sun's rays. The same can be .said of cotton-waste moist with lard or other animal oil. Lampblack and a little oil or water will, under cer- tain conditions, ignite sponlaneou.s- ly. Nitric acid and charcoal create spontaneous combustion. New prin- ters' ink on paper, when in contact with a steam-pipo. will ignite quick- ly. Roiled lln.seed oil and tm-pentine in e(|ual parts on cotton-waste will ignite in a fow hours mider a mild lioat. Iron chips, filings, or turnings should not bo stored in a shop in wooden boxes. The oily waste which is not infrequentl.v thrown among them adds to tho danger of lire from this som'ce. The sweepings from tho machine .shop, if kept on hand, should never be placed over iron shavings. This mass of disintegrated iron is enough to incite heat and I was Cured of lame back, after sulToring 1.5 years, by MINARD'H L'.NIMENT. Two Rivers. N.S. ROBERT ROSS. I Was Cured of Diphtheria, after doctors failed, by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Anligonish. .lOIIN A. FOREY. I was Cured of contraction of mus- cles by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. RACUKL. SAUNDERS. Dallhousie t-f Teacher : "All things that can be seen through are called transparent. Fanny, mention someLliing which is transr.aront." Fiinny : "A jiaue of glass." Teacher: "tiuile correct. Now, Fanny, mention .some other ob- ject through which you can see." Fanny : "A ke,\hole." " My Heartwas Thumpinff my '-i-?0 out," IS the way Mrs. K. 11. Wiight, f Brockville, Ont., describes her sulierings :-om smothering, fluttering and palpitation, \fter trying many remedies without benefit, â- ixbottlesof Dr. Agnew's Cure for tho Heart ftstored her to perfect health. Tha first ,lo90 gave almost mstant relief, and in a day I uffering ceased altogether. â€" 51 Tommy : "Manuna, I want lo ask .ou an imiiortant (lueslion." Mam- ma : "Well, what is it, dear ?" 'J'ommy : "If a boy is a lad and has a stepfather, is the lad a slci>- laddei' •.'" Minarii's Liniment Relieves hmliva Littl.! Ethel : "IMamma .said she hoped you would call to-da,v." Mrs. Caller : "That was nice of hoi-. Who:'<^ is your mamma?" Little Ethel : "Oh, slio's si>ending the day in the country." . or Over .Sixty Years Mrs. Winmi.ow'9 .'iooTIIiNu SVFUP liiu heen n»e.! hj nilllioTiH of intilherB for ther children whito uoihinc liionUieti tht) child, uofUns th" Kinu?. al nynpAin. oitrcl wind C'llic. retfuUlea lhe«ionttoli «n>I l»owol». und it tit* b( Bt roinedy for l>iarrhcc4. TneiityUvn i]t.i)l4 n bolUt ISold l)f driitiKi"^* thniughout Iha world, lie nurA Kn<l «Bk for "Mas. Wisacow sHootmish Sranr." 12- 1>* Mr. Braggs : "I saw somelhlng new in dresses to-day." Mrs. Braggs: "Oh, what was it, .lolm '.'" Mr. Uraggs : "Your sister's baby â€" it's just two days old." Lover's Y-'/. (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant .Soap Powder dusted in tho bath, softens tho water and disin- fects. "I punish you, my son," f-aid tlio strenuous mother, as she wielded the slipiior, "to show ni.v love for you." "VVell, mamma," rejoiiieil the incor- rigible youth, "you needn't force your love to work overtime on my account." Nlincfd's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. *â€" â€" NKVER (j'NDI'.R FIRE. The only regiment of regulars in tho British army that hus luiver yet been "blooded," that is, that hus nevop been iiiuler lire, is tho Irish Guards. This regiment was only formed in 1900, as, it will bo lemem- bered, the outcome of Queen Vic- toria's visit to Ireland, and in hon- or of the splendid work performed by Irish regiments at the front. â- When you think you havo cured a cough or cold, but find a, dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take SKiloh's Consumption Cure TSUic""'*' at once. It will strangthvn the lunga and stop the cough. Prioae; S. C. Wnu & Co. Mi 2So»o. «1. L«Re7,M.T.,T«renlo,Cui. R.KDUCS9 Ask far Uie Oetasea Bar, nt I TWENTY-THIRD AIDAL -OF THE- North American Life ri^ Assurance Company HOME OFFICE 112-U8 Kin? Street. West, Toronto, â-  For the Yeap Euded 31st December, \m Dec. 31 1B02.â€" To Nut Ledger Assets 54.773.785 3a KECEIPTS. Dec. ;il. 1«03.â€" To cash for Preniium.s Jl.i;i:i.8)0 Ut â€"To Cash on Invostiuerts '248,7*6 78 $1,381,308 89 $6, 156,149 04 DISBURSEMENTS. Doc. 31, lOO,"!.â€" Hv puynient for Ueatii Claims, Fronts, etc $i:;3.217 80 â€" Dy all other payments 355.7120 13 % 778.938 20 «5, 376,210 7S ASSETS. Dec. 31, 1U03.â€" Uy Mortfuges, etc SI. 003, 001 06 â€" lly .Stocks, lloncls. ami Debentures (market value SI!. 17(1.017.47) 3.118,345 SB â€" Uy Ileal listatc, includin); company's building . 374. 8DB O'J â€" Hv Loans on Policies, olc ."108.969 (>3 â€" Uv Loans on Stocks (iiiiarly all on call) 143.310 34 -lly Cash in Banks anil on hand 42.584 23 95.376.210 75 â€" I!.v rroniiums outstanding, etc. (less cost of col- lection) 208.987 t4 â€" Dy Jnlcie.-it and Rents duo and accrued 40.852 S» $5,025,800 78 LIABILITIES. Dec 31. ]<.>0."i.-'ro iluararitee Fund $ 00,000 00 ^'I'o .'\ssurance aud Annuity lie- Kcrvo I'uml 1,971.197 00 â€" 'I'o Death Losses A waiving Proofs. Contingent Expenses, etc 11.357 02 lf5.075.564 Oa \V:V .SUUl'Lli.S $550,280 7(i A ulited and found correct â€" John N Lalce, Auditor. Wm. T. Standen. l.'oiisulting Actuary. 'New insurance issued during 1903 5 5. 884. 390 BciUR the host vcar in General Branch in tho history of the Coutpany. Mnsuranro in force" at end of H>03 'not) ;•;â- â- â€¢.â- â€¢ â- â-  $aa,45"J.977 •No uioiilhly or Provident policies wore issuedâ€" this branch having beeu discontiiiiiuil. President, JOHN L. ULAIICll'^. Vice-Presidents , JAMK.S TUOUIiUKN. M.D.. HON. .SIR W 11. MEItlCDITH, K.O. Medical Director. Tl i j*fl c t o r 3 IKIN SKNAIOK COWAN. K.C.. LL.D.. O.M.C. K. fJ UriNKY ICSQ. L. W. .-MUii ><j, McCRAIC. KSQ., (lUI'.LIMI. MANAGING OlRKC'l'OR, L. OOLDMAN, A.I.A , I'M'. A. Secretary, Stujcrinteadcnt of Agencies, W n TAYLOR, 11 A . l.L.n. T, O. McfON K K V . Tho i-c.ort. containing Iho proceedings of the Ai.iumI M.-utmg. hclil on .Ian 28th' last, showing nuuke.l proofs oi tho contiiuiud pii.eress and solid OS lion f the Company, will l.o sent to polUy-holdeis. fainphlets explana- tory S tlio al tract ivo iiivnsMnoiK plans of tho i.'ompany and >v copy o tho Annual Report, showing it» unexcelled tinanc.al position, will bo furnmhcd on appdcatio to tho Homo Oflice or any of the Compauy s Agencies. Kred : â- "l^rank in in n terrible lix.' Ccorgio ; ""How so ',>" Kro.l : '^'-'o'- sio'.s father tlireut.-ii.s to disiniic:il lier it' .she marries liiin, and sho .«ays she will si:e liini for broucli of promise if lio doesn't." [/linafd's Linimsnl Cures Oandrulf. "The luHt 1 heard of liiiii lio wai^ climbing Hio lailder of succes.s." •â- Yes; but lie was tr,\iiif{ to go up so fast that lie overlooked a place wlicre tbere wns a rung missing." BASTEDO'S 77 KINQ *T., I!*ST, lOBONTO. SPiCIAL SALE OF Eend for ralalos;, W og.va extra value. â- aw Fur* and QDnslniC, .Send .'or pric:; lU") 11â€" 04, Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to Llvarpool Portland to klverpoof Largo and I'asl .Sloamshipa. ."Superior accoiiiinodatioM lor all classes of pa.s- sengers. Saloons anil yiateroonis .^ra amidships. .Special ultontion has lioeii given to the .Second Saloon aiul 'third- Class Bccoinmodatioii. For rates of passages and nil particulars, apply to any agent of the Company, or to pas- soiigvr agent. DOMINION LIN I'. OFFICV.S. 17 .St. .Sacrnment St., Montreal. YOUK GSOCESIES all Over Ui« Kitchen. Send for one of Our MOySE-PROGF OROGERY CABINETS In Oak, with Metal uack. Sent to any address on receipt of ?1.75. Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, ALL KINDS Of FRUITS And Farm Pr<»> due* ^enerallyg consig^n it to ua aaJ «-e will <;et you good pricM. THI 15>-0« BtWMN Oqmmission Co., X. F. The Bennett Mfg. Co^ PICKEniNC, OKTARIO. "Do not send stamps. Agents wanted An admirable Food of the EPPS'S Finest quality and Havour. COCOA I Nutritious and Economical. 48â€"21 ' YOUR OVERCOATS and fa.Ud BuitK ir,.ul<l Io.i< liw'.l.r .Wi«.I. If ni Kirr«« of ourt in rour Ii,tii, wruo direct .MootrcAl, llox IM BIIITISH *MKRIO«N OYEINQ CO. KOVTKEAI.. lasue No. 8â€"04,

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