Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Feb 1904, p. 3

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HATS KNEW CAT WAS ABOUT. I They Never Saw the Cat a'nd War* on Another lioor. "I have observed recently a i<ather curious thins with r4!Hp«el to the re- lationship between cats and rats, uiid it has led to a rather interesting re- flection," said a man who takes much interest in animal life. "For a while the rats overran my place. At night there WRS no such thing as quiet around the house. They would scam- j)er across the floor, bump up and down the steps and cut all kinds of capers. We secured a cat, and from the vei-y time the cat appeared on the place the rats began to get .scarce. "There is nothing curious about this fact in itself. Hut to my pw- Boiial knowledge the rats have never seen the cat. The cat han remained on one floor and the rats on another. There has beei. no chasing and no conflict between ihism. Now, I want to know how the rata know the cat is on the place. "Tlie inquiry has cau.snd me to in- dulge tlio more interesting reflection: ITow far can a rat detect the presence of a cut by the sen.so of smell? Rvi- dently a considerable di.stanco. Else the rats at my place would not have known of the cat's jjresonce under the circumstances. I'm quite; sure that they have never qeen the cat. But they know he is tliere just the same, and they have been awfully cautiotis since his arrival." You will not remark, while a guest, that you do not like the food which has been served to you. TIMELY CALLINO. t -> How the Pastor Saved' a life." A man near Fort t!ay, W. Va., made an entire fuilui'e in getting strength from the kind of food ho ate and nqt knowing that the ,( rou- ble was; jBith ttif (oQd kept pn Jlos- ing health until the doctors gave him up to die. . : It was supposed to be consiimi.tion because he was wa.stijig aJivay strad- lly and slowly dying.' His iiiinlstnV called from "time to liuie iu'd one day brought along a pnckafjo of Grape^Nuts thinking fro.-n wh:it he knew of the famous loo.l tl'.at per- haps it might help him. The sick man took to it at once and from that day began to get well. In writing he enys: . j.: ,j "I walked to' town to-doy 3 miles. Have gained over 40 pounds in about 2 months and my neighbors don't know what to say. I fre- quently am told it was as if I am raised from the dead. Everybody here knows of my case, you can tell people to write to the Postmaster or Rev. L. D. Ilryan. I will make a sworn statement that Grap.e-Nuts Baved my life." Name given by Postum Co^, IJattle Creek, Mich. This is anotlier illustration tlwt where all other fcod fails one can be brought back, to health and strength on Grape-Nuts. "There's a reason." "Lcok in each jjackage for the famous little book, "The Road to I'ellviile." THEI CURE lES AHMOPUTOQ DODD'S KIDNEY P1I,I.S KEEP UP THEIK GOOD WOHK IN NEWFOTIWDLAITD. Christopher Bishop Ttils BCow His Wife and Brother Were Brought Back to Health and Vigor. Clark's Beach, Nfld.â€" Feb. 29.â€" (Special)â€" Among the splendid cures madi! by Dodd's Kidney Pills in New- foundlaiul is that of Mrs. Chri iiv)|)her Uishop, of this place. The story of her sulVering and euro is told by her husband as follows: "My wife sufl'ered tor three years with a weakness in tlic lower part of her back followed by a shivering ca>i- sing weakness. Her legs were swol- len from her knees to the feet and she had a pain in the loft side j.ist under the ribs. "Two doctors attenue-l h^-! , li-it failed to cure lier when she decided to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. The re- sults were wonderful and now after using five bo.xes. ttie swelling and weakness are gone and the pain is gone with them. "Aly brother too sijftcred a hejfivy pain in tiie back and four doctors failed to give him roUef. Eight box- es of "Dodd's Ividnqy Pills made him a new man." If you don't cure the pain in your back by using Dodd's Kidney 1 'ills it will •^row into aoniething worseâ€" Bropsy or Rheumatism or Rrighl'i Disease. {-â- â€¢ You will never remind a cripple of hip deformity, or probe the sore spot.s, of a sen.sitive sou). Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or liarden thenu It will make theci soft, white and fleecy. ,b SHORT AND LONG DAYS. The day is longer or shorter as you go north or south of the Equator. Off Cape lloiui, .50 deg. south lati- tude, the days in mid-winter are a,Uout nine hours long. Tne lonf^st day at luindon is sixteen hours and a half; at Stockholm, eighteen hours and a half; at Hamburg, seventeen hom'B; at St. Petersburg the longest day has eighteen hours and the shortest five; at Tornea, in Finland, the longest day has twenty-one hours and a half and the shortest two hours and a half; at Spitzbergcn the longest day is three months and a half. "It seems an awfully high price to ask for it," said the customer. "It IB alt wool ?" "I should say not," LOWER PRICES USE BETTEH QUALITY Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c OAN BE Any Firat-Olaa* araoar Can Supply Vou. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. OVER THK WABASH. To the groat World's Fair, .St. Louis, Mo., opens April 30th, closes De- cember 1st. Covers 1,240 acres, cost more than 850,000,000. The mofet I "Don't you get dreadfully tired ol jSmithkina' jokesv" "I have naver heard one." "Why, I thought ^gn [know Smithkiris." "I do," ^â- '.- tjeplieil the salesmen, handling the gigantic and colossal undertaking ov- pieco of goods caressijigly. "Why, madam, look at it again. ,lt's more than lialf high-gvadft cotton i" >ta ;$ioo Reward, $too. Doctor (cheerfully)â€" "Oh, I'll find imt what ails you before long." Pa- tient (shuddering)â€" "Say, <loc. am 1 <o nenr aiitfcpp.sy as that ?" nAD A SI'LENDID YEAR. The Independent Order of Foresters apparently had a splendid yoai* dtiring 190.3. The net addition to the mem- bership during the twelve months was 14,12:!. This is consideiabl.v liirger thoU' the net aclditions ^luring 1902. 't\iG Tdbatlv i-ate Was ' also lower being only G.4G against 0.60 in a thousand as compared with 1902. This indi- cates how careful this great Frater- nal Society is in its selection o( its risks. The enormous work which the Order did in helping widows and or- ph,ans may be understood from the fact that it paid to them during last year no lc>s than $1,54.2,639.01. In sick benefits the memhcrs of t>^e Or- der received 8192,103.71, and totally and permanently disabled brethren re- ceived SS-1,710.91. Notwithstanding these large and helj)ful payments to the membership the Order increased its already largo accumulated funds during the year by the enormous sum of $1,234,236.97. The total accumu- lated ftnids of the Order on Februai-y Lst, 1904, amounted to $7, .518,852.- 09. The above is certainl.v a wonder- ful record. Dr. Oronhyateka. the Su- preme Chief Ranger, is certainly to be congratulated upon the results which are flowing from his labors. The total membership of the Order is now over 220,000.â€" Daily Mail and Empire, Totonto. Feb. 16th. Y'o'.i will not have two sets of .man- ners: one for "company" and one for home u.se. 'Si The rondcrs of thie paper will bo .>{)leaa«(l to loarn that there i« at least : onu drcaiied disettso that science lias ; ijeeii able to cure in all its stages, and â- that in Oatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure i is Uic onlv positive cure now known to i the medical Jratornity. Catarrh being wl constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatracnt. Hall's Cntarrh Cuio in taken inteniallv, actingr direct- 4y upon the l)lo6d and mucous BUrfac- -Bs of tho svstom, thereby destroyinc tho touudation" of tho disease, and glvrng the putlont strcngtli by buildlnR up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars toi any ciiso that it fails to cure. Send foi list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. .Sold bv all Drugffists, 75c. 'lako IJaJl's Family Pills for conati- oation. Tho Old Man (before retiring)- "Now, remember my commands, daugh forâ€" lights but at ten o'clock." (And i..)iu ton to twelve she and Cholly sat in tho dork.) ONK-WA,Y RATES. Every day from March 1 to April 1)0, 1904, the Union Pacific will sell One-way Colonist tickets at the fol- lowing rates from the Missouri River: 820.00 to- Ogdeu , and Salt Lake- City. $20.00 to Jiutte, Anaconda and Helena . $22.50 to .'^okano iMd Wenat-clice, Wash. Ts'^a-v ".â- -.â- .:. ;• $25.00 to Everett, Fhirhaven, What- tom, Vancouver and Atjtorla, .via Huntington and Spiokane. 825.00 to Portland and Astoria; or lo Tacoma and .Seattle, via Hunting- Ion nnd Portland or via Huntington and Spokane. $25.00 to. Ashland, Uoscburg, Eu- Rene, Albany and Snliem, via Port- land. S25.00 to Sail .Franci.soo, Los Angc-v Ics, .Sail Dipgo uud many other Cali- 'ornia points. \ From Chicago and .St. Louis pro- poi'tionately low r.ttes are in elToCt !}y lines connecting with the Union Pacific to all nbove points. For full inforinatioiF call on or ad- dress, F. B. Cl^oatei G. A., 120 WToodward Ave., Pctroit, JJich. 'Wlint i!o we Want with gold nni\ precious stonew?" said the proud foucg mother, gazing fondly uppu tRo baby. "This is fortune enough Tor 11.=." "ITuh!" grunted the f.ather. who had boeu walking the floor near- ly all night. "I'm glad Fortune didn't knock twice at our door." "^ain Over the Eyes HE<!^DAGHE AND CATARRH Relieved in 10 Minutes er attempted by man. The groat Wabash line is the only railroad that owns and controls its own rails from Canada, direct to the World's Fair gates. The new superb and magnificxint trains built especially for this traf- fic, places tho Wabash in the very first rank for this business. For full particulars, oddress any railroad agent, or J. A. Richardson, Bist. Pass, agt., N. E. corner King and Yonge Sts., Toronto. . or Over Sixty Years Mri». WlNftio-w'sSnoTHlNo Svrnp has bocn iiiefl bj inillions uf inothets for tlieir children while teetJliox. IlaoothmthD child, toftt'ns titf cninti. allays liktn, ourei wind cnlic. rricutiues thevtomt«cb and bowels, aod is ths brat re'iKidy lor UJiLfrhcDa. Tirecty-fi»e CfiiU a botU* Bold bydruitgist^ thmujthout tho world. Bs surn antl ssk fur"Mjis. Wi;<si.uwstiooTUIN<j Sxuiif." l:iâ€" W Pin-OoB^d wilh nauseous, big purgere, prejudice people against pilla generally. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are revolutionizinn tho pill demandâ€"theyro so pieasant and j easy to take â€" the doses are small and 50 is | cho price, 10 cents for 40 doses. Bilious- ness, Sick Headache, Constipation di*- 1 Delled. Woiks like a charm. â€" 5j Bertie â€" "I don't want to go to bed yot, sis. I Want to boo you nnd Mr. Shepherd play cards." Lucieâ€" "You wicked boy to think we should do such a thing! We never do it!" Bur- tie â€" "Hut I heard mamma toll you to iniiid how you played your cards when Mr. Shepherd came!" Minufd's Liniment Cuf&s Bufns, etc. Aar sdinirablB Food' of tha " EPPS'S Finest quality and /lavotir. COCOA Nutritious and Scoaomical. 48â€"21 BASTEDO'S 77 KiNa St., cMr, TORONTO. SALE OF ' tend for catalog, WegiMexSrn value. Raw Fura and Qinsins, Send for prioe 11(1 11â€"04 "Of course, I will be uglier .some day," she whispered. "Impossible!" ho replied, gallantly. And he won- ders that she scut his presents back. Gilbertâ€" "I went to the asylum yesterday " Noycs â€" "And they let you come away? Peiliajis the places were all t,aken ?" Jinafd's LiniiRsnt Cures Oandfutf. Brisht's Disease â€" Insidious ! deceptive! relentless! has (oiled hundreds of trials by medical science to stem lunatic ^|jg ,jjg jjf „g ravagesâ€" and not until South | American Kidney Cure proved beyond a , doubt its power to turn back tho tide, was there a gleam o£ anything but despair for I the victim of this dread form of kidney 1 disease.â€" 54 j Dominion Line Steamships Montraal to l-lworpQOl Portland to U'vttrpool Lurgti and X<'u&t fstcuiubiupit. Superior accoiiuiioUation for ull c1uu£gh of ptuj> Gcii^ers. £5a]oons anil Staturooins aro aiuitlships. Mpecioi atteution haa beon : iriveii lo the tiecond Suloon and Tliiid- C!luss arcommodntion. For catcs ot pubsagtts and all paj-Liculars, apply U> auy agent o/ tho Company, or to pas- fienger agent. DOAflNlON LINK OFFICES: 17 St. yacramont St., Montreal. YOUR OVEROOATS uid (tiled Suits miiil.l look Ixitter i!r«il. If no •t"» of OUTB ID your to-vn. wrilc dirt^f^ Mv>ntri*al, Boi 1&8 BRITISH aM<?>t)CAM OVEINQ OO. KOm'SEAI.. $33.00 to the Pacific Coast Via the Chicago-Union & North-West- ern Line from Chicago daily during March and April, to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, .Scuttle, Ta- coma, Vancoin'.er and other Pacific Cpa-st points. Very low rales to Jle- lena, Butte, JSpokaiie, Ogdon and j .Salt Lake City.'^-!*-Conesi)onding low rates from aU, Jioints. Dully and per- sonally conducteil cftkCUisions in Ptill- man tourist sliieping cars to Son l''rancisco, Los Angeles and Portltjnd, through witjiout change, doujjle berth only S7.00.' Choice (W, routes. J^or pa|-ticujar9 address 11.' II. l!f»nnettr, 2 Kast King St., Ttoromo, Out. ''â-  "N6w, little one, what'wdurd j'OU say if I Were tor give you , thfe^e 7 AVoi'ltl ^ou sny, thc.-e i.s good apples or those are good nrples?" "IJow ran 1 le'l till I eat 'cm 7" '^ " 1 ' â-  â-  ^ f^" We ueilevo MINAl.ttJ'S UNIM^JNT IS tin; bebt. • ' ; Matthiqs Poley, Oil |;ity, Ont. Joaeph'.Know. Norway, Me, Chas. Whooten, Mulftrave, N. !^. Uev. u; 0. Arm.stroiig, Mulgf&Ve, N; S. â-  â-  -^ Pior.-e Landry, senr., Pokemoucho, N. «. Thoiuaa Wanson. Sheffiela'. N. B. t-I OX A CHAIN OF CORN. A Kleiiiish artist has produced what iis said to be the smallest paJnting I in tho world. It is n picture of a i miller mounting the stairs of his mill and cai-rying a sack of grain on his hack. The mill is depicted as starid- I ing near a terrace. Close at h&nd jaro a horse and cart, with a few groups of peasants idling in the road ndar by. All this is painted on the That (lull, wretched pain in the head •wBl over lli« e.vcs i» <>"" »' tho surest „,iriis Ihnt llie scodB of catarrh hayo ImS.ii Howii. anil Ifs your warniuK to ?;l:i'.;!r,:,^^«N':â„¢vo;i!'thrL.iX.T""i 'smooth side of a gram of ordi„a.y arc'iuteti irniniiv. Or. Agiicw'a Ca.to.rr- U,hite corn. It IE necessary to ex- "" !'"•'" '" jg amino it under a nil.croacqpe, and it is drn^rai with perfect accuracy. It Br A»n«W 3 Ointment »0«Ul«8 SU Sfchl ;,ioeB not cover a half-inch squ»'-e, (IUen::>t 3S Cent?. innd it is in many respects one of the rrr_ j „«,st i#o»arkablo art jpri^ucts ot the Old Gent (to fTnall boy, who is nursing a skinned knee) : "Did you fall down, little chap ?" Small IJoy : "Ycr didn't think I. fell \\\? and dashed agin a cloud, did ycr 7" Lover's Y-Z (.Wise Head) Uislnfect- ant .Son|) Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. •:â- . "z '"' \: Lodger (quarrelling with laniilady)' "I haven't lived in lodgings six years for nothing." Landlady : "No and you're not going to live here for nothing oithtsr." MInafd's Linimenl filieies lleuial|l& Hoâ€" "Mlfs Brightley is qiiilo stun- ning to-eigl-.t. She has no idea how beautiful shs looks." Sheâ€" "Oh, y«« .she has ! But it's an exaggerated one." Baby Humors*â€" Dr. Agnew's Olat- ment soothes, quicu. and effects quick and effective cures in all skin eruptions common to baby during teething time. It is harm- lass to the hair in cases oi Scald Head, and cu»3 Eczema, Salt Rheum and all Skm Diseases of older people. Ji coots.â€" S3 Allt: WOMEN llEALLX STINGY? Are women meaner in giving than men? ft cannot rightly be urged that they arc. Women, after all, in bu^'ins or in giving.^ ore, conmionly making use of money that others have earned. They have been trus- tees of other people's money for 2,- 000 years, and long use has made them careful of their trust. Of course the petty meannesses of a certain kind of woman have aflordod infinite opportunities for men's jests and contempt, but those potty meannesses are nothing in comparison with the great meannesses of really sordid men. Heâ€" "I think I'm. a fool " Slieâ€" "Weli. dear, you told nic it was a wife's duty to agree with her hus- band." Grand Washington. Excursions. Via Lackawanna Railroad. March 18 and April 1.5, SIO from Buffalo. Limit ton days. Through Philadel- phia and Haltimore. Cheap sido trips. Full particulars, A. Ij.'adley. 28 Yonge St., Toronto, or Philij) Fox, llulTalo Don't think because a name look.s attractive on a visiting card that the paying teller of a bank would recog- niz« it at flie bottom of a check. %mh Liniment for sale evefywiiere CTJHEI) RY WILL-POWKR. Mrs. «eorgo Todd, of Stanhope (N.Y.). has been an invalid, unable to wall<, for more than throe years. The other day she was reading nn article stating that by concentrating one's will upon one subject that ob- ject would 1)0 occoinplishcd. She desired very much to wall; just then bi^causc it was dinner-time, and all at once she found she was able to walk. After dinner she walked buck. Billiard Tables The B«3t at the Lowest Price ^ Writo 1"or Torme REIO BROS,, M'f'ff Co.']» 7»S Kln« %%. W. ALL KINDS FRUITS 09 When the UtUe folks take colds. and coughs, don't neglect them and let them strain the tender membranes of their luDfl;}* Give them SMloK's Consumption Tha Lung Tonic It will care them quickly and atreng:then their Itings. It is pleasant to take, Mom, ase., «te., uM $1.60. SM Poultry, Butter, Honey, Apples, THE Dawson GommissiGn Co., And Farm Pro- duce generally* con si gn it to ua itni we will ifTtX you good pric«s> 15â€"04 YOUE, GKOCERIES all Over the Kitchen. Send for one of Otir MOUSE-PROOF GROCERY CABINETS In Oak, with Metal 'oack. Sent to any address on receipt of $1.75 ' The Bennett Mfg, Can PICKERINQ, OKTARIO. Do not send stamps. Agents wanted hal I'ow'ler will stoi m'lMiteo, null curei twrae 3rd. fiMH. iiuisti PAGE METAL S fMk wMe, « r««« htak* hMlsdliHl klafea and tateh....... 10 feet wide. « foet hlclw IneladtiHr klagee and lateh Otker alaae to yreportton. TSB FAOS WIIUE rSNCS CO. Limited, • .«a.75 ,. 5.75 Supplied by a* or lecal dealer. va ^\ Wailwnrm*, MentrMil, WlBBlpa«, St. Johrt >*^

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