Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1904, p. 1

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U-.^ ana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXlf , RO U72 Flestierton, Ont., Xliursday, IVIarcli lO iOO-i W. H THURSTON, ^g^PK^ETOB ,^;jll£i^g,^^i«.;34s.^!&ja&d&:J!& ^^ Barg^ains For Next n ont h tw. A, Armstrong, ^ „ JEWELLER £ ^ Flesherton, Strain's Block '4 • Tnteniled for last wei-t Mr. Robert Cook is a<»^iitl s'nck in the «niiw, nr rather prevente<l fiom takirii; tivncrtr lna'ls ot atiKlt to Toronto, which nre liulil hero uiiJor graut upenso since list Mo::day, owing Id iho Ijlockiido. S'liHri Bros, of Kimberley aru »lao via- tiiiis in this rispect. Mr. Archie McMuilen hasbeon laid up witli neiii;i!gi;». Mrs. Kl;iiii and dnuRhter of Duntlullj are s[iendiiii/ a few Jiiys with rulutikes at CVylon a:>J ['"U'sliertm. Price I'illo is in a bad cmul-tioii for wi>od an 1 o>al oil- \\eh.ivo the people coniing in telliiit; .<=ouio terrible .s'ories of liar<i- slii;AS which th.'y have had to endure be- cause of the blockade. K5!u!)erley Jl'ss Cro-<ar of Mm k dale spent Sunday villi her sister Mi« Cjcsar of this [iliic-. Mr. iitid Mr.i. Jiimes Cox und Mrs. .lohii riowns of Ciilliui^HTOiU spoilt a few ibvvs ill tovÂ¥n lust week. â- VliMs N"i-inA McMuUeii spent Suad»y wi^Ii friends heie. Misur W.ston Carr of Eugenia .spent a kw dnys with friends h<-rt», Mis-s A .Tolitistiin of Thurnbury spent Suhdty »irh friends her«. Mrs. Robert F^ivrcett who has been v'aiiiiis; frietds here for foine time and who is on her way to vi-»it herdnughter is Jit presjn'; reiioivlu^ acquiint.Ances in Flesherton. Miss Helen Ilurd of Roma spent Sun- divy st tlif pareiilHl home here. Mr. J. mien Curry of Fatrmount was in towuou Monday last. I Mr. and Mr?. Butler are most estimable people, industrious, careful, thrifty, in jconifortal le circunwiaiicis, thfir chiMten always neatly and *armly clothed and the ! picture of health. It would be difficult I X.I find a happier home or a more har- monious family nnder the same ciicum- 1 stai.ces th:«u Mr. Butler'a. We hope j that Mr. and -Mrs. B. may have many ' years "f happiness before them and that \ tliey iray live t" see their nunierou.s fam- ; ily ho a. blessiua and comfort tcthem in a I green old auo, and become as estimable ! men and women as their honorable I parents. Stone Settlement Iritondod Uir l«8t week In no C'liuinunity waa the news of the death of the lute llev. Air. Hnsbaiid re- ceived with deeper regret than in this flettlumont. rt'hile on tJiis circuit his niitiriiij! d«?*otioii to the work coninuited to hia charge, his kind words and ohe^r- fiil ooiinteiiance, the fre'^uoiicainl kindly visits of himself and hLs estimable l.tdy to the several n.emlwi-s of his tlock, en- deared them to all, and the syiiii«thy of all iu this reiffhDorhutxl is eiteiided to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. James Fletcher of ^fark.- dalvsptnta few days at Mr and Mr*. John Mcl>ebd's, Mrs. F's parents, and paying a farewell visit to relative* and frien .son tliia line pri vii'us to their de- (Miriurefor Bniish Oolurahia, where they intend to nialje their future home. They l«lt OS Friday last carryintt with them the lx>at ttijhea <>f a lanie circle of friends. Mrs. K. Md'htttcr of 0«eii Sound rpsiit a ci'uple of weeks with herinolher, Aim. Win. \Vvi;;ht. Mr. J. R. MeMilUn of Mrlita, Am*., s|>ent a few days vith h.a cousins, Mr. J. | and the Miaae* Jane and Uachel Lyiiesa, { and PatterB- ns. Mr. McMillan wa» j tnnnsrly of Normanhy. where hitparant* •till reaide, but it now a pioaperoua far- mer of the prairie pt<ivince, ttie o»-ner of MO acre* of laml well au>cked and equip { p«d with all the neco«««ry and mtxlern larining inipUmsnt*. Ho reports good ^ rsturii* for taut v«»r"H crop.s. haviiiK re- 1 h,-mvm1 the a jra of JMOO for h«y alone off a l«wacr*M. He had a wvek'a threshing. We und.>r«t«nd that Mr. Thomas Rutlw of th« IWsh lake was recently pre- aenteil with his twentieth chihl(a daush- »«), seventeeM of whom are living, thir- to«n beini( born to hi* second niarriitjie. Eugenia On Wednesday evening of la.ll week a very pretty home weddinij took place at the rcttderrco of Mr. Henry Fenwick when his son, .Mr. T. E. Fenwick, wai united in the bonds of m.itrioiony to Miss Gertrude Parliainent of Paisley. The stately bride lonked very handsome in a dress of blue ladies cloth trimmed with white satin lace. Rev. Mr. Sinclair tied the knot in Im usual graceful mmner. The bride's cousin, M;.ss Ethel Parlia mcnt of Rockvale, acted as bridesmiid. Mr. E. D. Graham of the va'ley as.<isted the groom. Own g to the receut de.nth ill the family none buc the immediate friends were present. Suite very hand- some presents Here received, which shows the esteem in which the yonnj couple are hell. A larsiB circle ''f I'riends tenders them tiioir conoratuUtions, wishing them prosperity and bappine.ss whcrover tkey may ho. J[r. Albert Geiioo, who recently re- turi!c<l from New .Jersey, wlu-ie he Had resided for some yeirs, has purchased a lina firm near Thornbiiry, a? h-; prefers Canada to Uncle Sam's dmna'ns. His lunny friends svi-h him and lii.s esimable « ire prosperity and happiness in ilieir Uew home. At last, the prospect for the I0112 looked fortbiw is i;o.id. .At time of writing the snow is uoiiis; fist. Mr. .J rttixes Williams is very ill with honimorii.iao I't the lungs. Mr. Sam Howies i>f the va'ley had his team and sleigh fall over a stoeti proM'iiice ou the va ley road. O:io uf his liorses died *fter beiog drawn up. " I suppose this is HHotlior hill f'lr our council to pay. II the mon-y .-ip' nt on the sink ho'es in the vallf y Di id had Iven ap'-nt on the puhlic highway cnitiin; diwii smnf! of the hills there woulil now !-o sninething ti show for the monoy spcnr. lluiulreds of d"ll«rs have been .sjiont cutthig diiwu trees and Slliiignp holes with the boujhs that wi^rc cut off. [Wo believe our corre.sponpont is mis- taken in statiuij that Mr. Bowles' horse is dead, in fact wo are informed that rho horse w.as not eveu injured â€" EJ. Advance.] the ice on the Sau^een to his home on the south line. Companies "f men wiih lan- eriis and other tackle proceeded up t!» » river to search the pools of open water, where ice had been cat out,and up througll the beaveriueadows and through the woods. At a late h"ur word came back tiiat the boy was found. K neighbor met the lad i»hen nearing the river and took hi-n in hissleijjh round by the road. He stayed some time at the neighbor's house to get warmed and etc., henco was late gett ins home. .A young lady, who taught School out in Bruce, where numerous funny Scotch- men are supposed to reside, often used to ! amuse h«r friends by relating the sayincs j and d'>i«2Sof people that she came in con- I tact with. She was taking tea at the farm 1 house of one of her trustees, who was a big »«date,proud Highlander, and an.tious that his yoong son and heir should conduct himself with propriety when the teacher was present. Among other advice the following instruction on table etinuotte was given, â€" '-NowFinlay, Donilt, eat all you's sups out off you's cups, before you ax fir more." McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MAE^KDALE. ONTTAlflO n«nor fioIl.«i Report of S.S. No. (J, Attemesia, for February : Class v.â€" Sadie Fletcher, Ed. Whit- taker, Kitio Fletcher, Hunter Harrow. Class IV. â€" Wiibo Fletcher, Janet Fletcher, Toui Butler, Veronica Butler. Class III. .sr.â€" .Johnny McArthur, Spurgeon Whittalur. C ass 111. jr.â€" lUiby Stone, Bert Whit- take-, Mag.io Boyce, Willie -McArthur. Class II. â€" Suima Whittaker, Tanmy Spicer, Tommy Mo.Arthur, .John Irwin. Part !.-«â€" Willie Spicer, Bert Irwin, R-ta Bnyoo. Put 1. sr.â€" Golden Patters-n. Part I. ir â€"I. B. W^bitt.iker. The tiamas of th.-se who attended school every day during the month are: i^d. Wluttaker, Wiilie Fletcher, Th.iuias Baller,Bcrt Whittakor.B urn v Whittakcr. E. Al. Small, Teacher Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE. New ... â-  ;' â- â- ...â- *!' Ready -to- Wear Skirts. Previous to the blocked railways we recoived a large shipment of L..adies and Misses Dress Skirts for spring. We did not put them in stock, having had th.'m placed ia stockroom until this week. We now have them on display. Our skinsare made to stand the clo.-est criticism, from waist band t.i hem they have that tone that marks 'hem as models of the Cailoring art. Comeâ€" we will be pleased to have your opinion. Over 17o netv skirts to select from. The followina list does not illustrate all the new lines, but will give you an idea what the assortment is like : with 7-inch flounce. Price villc flic south wind and li;;lit ahowers of rain thi.s week has condensed the sn-iw banks so much that the tipsof ijate posts, fence stakes, etc., are observed occasion- ally. Thn Lulies' -Vid of the Mcthodsit church, held another sucial on the even- ing of the -tth at the parsonage, and a!- thouuh presentid to the public on short notice, yet received the best attendance of the season. In fact the increased at tendance was a little surprise to the laclies, consequently ths fragments gil beted up after the repaat,did not till many baskets. The nest sociil will probably bo held on the 4th cim., (Stonr Si>ttleuient)and will no doubt be a Kood one. Mr. Alex. Ulchaidson brooght an im- mense sleigh load of youii;{ pe"jdo from ihe^lem ap^>oiiitmr!nt to the sucial un the evening of the 4th. Mr. A \V. Watson, an old Priccville boy, who has been fur the past 12 years ill Michigan, is now again in ihe land of the inavde. and has bought nut the Dur- ham liakery in the town I'f Ourh on. His family will come over in the sprini. We rejoice to see good Canadiaua r..'tarni> g home. And hundreds more are on the road. That's mvnl news, that's gmxl nnws. Mr. and .Mrs. J. H«lcs of Klo«herton vi>ited the f'rmei's »i-<-er, Mrs. L. Mc Arthur, on Wednesday of li.st week. Mr. Laughlin McArthur h*s split and drawn » la'ge ([uantity of oodar raila to his recently purch«Re»l addition to his farm, for fence budding in the *pring,and ia now rushing his next year* firewiKid acrois the Saugeeii, anticipating an early break up of the ice on the river. Some oTour citiiein had to reaort to the manufacture of I hnidd tallow candles last week in onler to light their homea. Our vitlageragot >]uitea «caro on the nijthtof the29th Feb., when the alarm was raised in town that little Wdburt Mc- Ijran wa* lost in the storm that raged that evening. It wasthen discovered on com- ing out of si'htHd he did nil BO with the neighbor children p>u»d bjr the road, but aunouuced bis intebti.'O tt> go a!o-|« « j Eugenia .school for February : Jr. HI â€" .Aioett Sloin, Selena Ilaw- liiiis, I{ul\v Gral-.an!, Clara Latimer. Fred Graham, Kltie Thompson, Jennie Roy, George llislop. Sr.'Uf.-Elwood Purvis, Bertha Wil liams, C^rl Walker, .Annie N.apier, Stan- ley Caiapbi.ll. Jr. IV. â€" Barbara Thompson. Sr. IF. â€" .Ale.K. Fisher, Mary Danlop, 'A'oston Carr, Mabol C.irr, Viraie Mc- MulloM, Annie Uslop, Teua Willi.nns, .Ada Turner. V. â€" Fred Saiiih, Daisy Smiih, Millie Mc.MuIkn. .A. E. Scott, Piinci^ml. ,)LMO:l DEF.tKTMSNT Sr. II -Herbert Fi.sher, .lakio Sloan, riarol.l Wallace, IJu.ssel Parks, Kitie Janiieson, Mary Jamie.so:i, Wi.frod Plantt, Wesley Piantt. Jr. It.â€" Alboi-t. Wiliiami, Zaidee Law- ler, Mary Turner, Rnssel Mc.Mullun. Part 11.â€" Liufie Fisher, May I'arks, Geori^e WiUiaiis. Sr. 1. â€" .AUio Wd iams. Jr. I, â€" Uavid Jaiaieson, Chas. Fisher, Charles Paiks. Report of schojl No. 7, Arteniesia, for February, 1904. Class Vâ€" EJiih Dingwall, Willie Ding- wall. Class IV â€" Robbie Paton, Louisa Ding- wall, Jennie Whyte, Mary Paton, Willie Whyie, Emily Uendersoo, Joseph Whyte. -)ohn Oliter, Ella .Meads, Joseph Oliver, Mary ilu'v, .Allie Muir. C^lass HIâ€" Jennie Muir, (superior) Rohort Oliver. Fred Vau.se, Wm. Meads, Harry Jones, John Meads. Hugh .McIMiait. Class II seiii"r â€" Maggie Henderson, Johnoio Whyte, Kinina Meads, .A. Muir. Claas II junior- Pearl Uendarsun, Willie Oliver. Cass I B-Ira Whyte Gir6eld '.Vhyte. Class I Aâ€" Stcrlimj Whyte. Pioidotiuns â€" From se<|ucl c!a.ss to class II jr. â€" Pearl Hendersim, Widie Oliver. MaRY Batb, Teachsr LADIES' DRE.SS SKIRTS FOR $2.25 14on!^y Ladies' Dres.s Skirts in medium weight frieze, color black and oxford grey. .... L - .... u j.^;^ ^|.^j^ ^^^j q^uaUty is suitable f,« any season, our l«ader"oiiK' 2 2.) LADIES DRESS SKIRTS FOR S2.75 ' black, in cheviot cloth, Uidined, nndo with fi-ir" pleats, trimmed with s-rappings of self, also button ornaments, a beautiful han skirt, ouly MISSES WALKING SKIRTS FOR §t.S9 10 only Mii^ses Walking Skirts iu Flacked Tweed, iolor navv blue or brovn from 26 to 40 inches, each " " ' aiii:; 2 7.-. Iens*:h^ 1.8:1 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS FOR S3 £0 16 only L.-ulies Dress Skirts in black or o-xford gri-y fritze, handsomely made wiih cording and satiu strapping, larije sweep, sijecial at 3..^0 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS for ?3.90 12 only Laclies Dress Skirts in fine ijuaiity blick Ladies Cloth, made in the 1 itust of panned front, .several rows of narrow saiiu strapping and curding, extra value ••»t ' 3.80 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS for 83.73 6 Ladies' Fancy Flaked Ures! Skirts in 'ari,'e sweep with tlare,s«(ams r.ictly piped 01- tl>. with s.atiu, fancy white stitching 'ly O |0 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS for fJ.Oi 16 Ladies' Dr ss Skirt-< in black, jrey new navy, very line .all wool ladies cb i"-. one of ihe very latest styles, seann .-i!! nicely piped with silk and button trim- med, making ir a hanJ.so:ne dress skirt. In the lot we have all sizes in waist band and lengths, noUiing ue:ter f ir o.Oi! LADIES' COSTUMES for $14 00 Ladies' Costumes ia the new n%vy b!uo tine all wool ladios cloth, tailor mado in the latest style, best <if workmanship, jackets size 06 and 3S bu'^t, 'and tho skirts in prop irtioil to jackets. Theso c.-vstuiuesaro very neatly m.ide with satin p-piiig and ornament trimmings. Tho jacket has rho new skirl etlee':. Costume complete ready to wc^ir 11. (k* New English and Canadian PRINTS OvcrCOCO yards new Knglish ard Canadian Prints in fancy fioial, figure, dot a-l spray patterns, coh.rs too numerous to raentbin, warrinteil to we.ir and wash tielL These g.H>ds were bought prcviotii to the big advance iu cotton ffood.s. 73 patterns Crunis "gn.aranteed" English Prin's full 32 inch wide, fast colors, all of which are new designs, e.xtra value at per yard 12^ 40 pieces Heavy Canadian Prints, full 3J inches wide, in light, medium and dartc sha.les, worth to day 12io., yard our price pec li> Buy your Prints while the .selection is largo an.l varied CO Special Inducements For Current Trade . . 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits $7 and $8 for 5.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, 17.50 and ti>r |!>.0O, . . 5.00 An old wom^n named Cochrane waa ; found d-»<l recently in a shanty at . Oliphant, Bruce county. She hid money but was too miserly to provide hers-lf 1 with nece<sit'es. She was frozen still when found. .A NrgB assortment of carpets, srranjiliig in price from 2oc. to $.125 i)«ryd The Smail-pox Question Any intelligent physician will admit that you don't catch smallpox because someone else has it, but because your j condition favora i'. Low vitality always enci>urHg>-s 8 cki>ea4 and at this season especially, everyone should take Ferro- lone whichdestroysdisea.se germs and makes the systeni so srrong and hea'thy that sickness can't ex'st. Ferrorone is • j vitalising tonic that makes rich, red blood, I buihis up the nerves, cures nervousiess and drives away tired Uiguiil feelings. Ton«t strong and keep strong use Ferro lone ; it a«*ure« health and Gt>sts but 50c. M ttll drufoiisU, I An extra g.-o<l stock of Horse Blankets on hand. anil wf are selling 'htni .at ih«r lowest I living iTices known. Also a f«ll niifre of I M^^Htjavy Footwear, sucK as F«il6 ' Bto^t)tf*Heavy Rubbers, Mocautiits, Ltg- 20 Men's Heavy ristera.grwl valve at $R 12 only Men's Pea Jackets.on sale at 3 IHi 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $1.00 '"«• 66.-. 50 yds. crash toweling, worth 8j.yd. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Bjmkets, to clear oiik rt '" ^^n^ $1.90 pnir 1'3 .Wens. Cardigan ^WsW, ng. $1.60, j.ior , , 1 . 1'l Men's Kid G'oves, r^gukr pnceat'c. ami »1.0(), for. ••â- Â»v' â-  yieduction in G^ceries 6 Ihs good Japan lea f^.^^rT f l.CO 5 lbs Ceytou Black tea 1.00 13 lbs. best selectetl raisiu* 1 00 â-  ^«^^-: 23 r-8. be»t Tajxiica 1.00 «5 IVs. frenh Fig* 1.00 oO'»'X» bars soap, re^. 124c for 9e.pr. bar A nice assortment of Faucy (Jia5S^ar« to Choose for Xmas Qiftt. . . . Fowl and Butter.. tot \V. MOCKUEY 4r roton Station

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