> \ TflE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Apk. 14 1904 Methodist Church i.M, I.TriI.80N, B A., B. D., Ftstct Woriiinu: â€" "Jus'ificuliim liv Works." Ev'a Siil>jee»â€" Dreams and Dreamers, First ill series in tlie life of Joseph. Service nt CVyloii 3 p. m. Vicinity Chips <'JiarTtcf eristics of the Past Wt<!k riirt'fully lulled for the fcrious -<â- â€" Frush lirno always ou baud. J. H. Duckett, Eu!<eiiia' Brick lio'ise and d-'uble lot f'>r sila in Flcslieiton. Apply to A. S. VanDusen. Bny Wantedâ€" Apply to Boyd,Hickliiig &Co. SEEDS â€" A large stock just received at W. E. Richardson & Son. Brick house and lai-ge lot for rett in Flesherton. Apply at this otfice. DRUGS â€" New Btock just araired for W. E. Richardson & Son. Money to loan at 5 % en farm property â€" expense low, A. S. VanDusen. Boy wanted to learn blacksniithinff. Apply to U. Wilson, Fleshprton. Good stonemason wanted. Apply to M. Uillespie, Flesherton. Jlisa Alice Holman, 4th fine, is visiting her gninduia, Mrs. P. Holman. Mr. C. and Miss Minnie Munshaware spt'uding a f«w dajs in Toronto. Mr. Trimble has sold out his Durham atage route to W. A. Tucker. Stationery â€" Since the Spring opened. W. E. Richardson & Son. Mr. Henry Richardson is dangerously ill and his recovery is despaired of. Just received â€" International Stoek Food at W. E. Richardson & Son's. Mrs. Kingston has sold her residence «nd lot to Mr. A. McAulay, and will re- move from Flesherton. Rer. G. F. Franklin will, D.V., con- duct divine service in "St. Mary's church, JSIaxnell, next Sunday morning at 11 o'c. Nune of the Flesherton ministers wore able to uidet their country appointments, owing to the condition of the roads. Mr. Jacob Thonipaon asks us to thank the neighbors f(.r tlieir- kindness during the recent fatal iiluess of his mother. The week has been a quiet one in Ijusincss circlia, the general spring break up makiiig the roads impasssble for h>nds. Mi.'s Lou Edmonds of Lyons, Ont , returned to her home on Monday after spending holidays with Miss Ethel Trimble. Horses for Sale â€" One span working horses in gond condition. W-il sell or cXciiaiige for wood delivered next fall. E. M. Wurts, Proton Station Mrs. Sheppard will hold her spring I oniilinery opening Wednesday and Thurs j day, .^pril 20 and 21, and invites the ladies to call and in!<pect her stock. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Mann of Aber- f deen are visiting with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mre, Uenry Richardson. Mr. Mann runs the Darhani electric light l-lftnt at Aberdeen. Claytons hnve a full racge of men's boaA-y footwear sui'able for the spa.son. Also the Ontario shoe no slioddy in them but made of so' id leather just the kind for working shoes. As T. J. Sho{ti)ard has decidetl to open business in Toronto JNnciion and li-ave Flesherton, there is going to be a hi;; ijcliancc to secure bargains, as he wants to Iclear all Ills stock before ho goes. The s.*ile st'.irts nent Monday. Coins for bar- fjainsâ€" you will got them. The Shelbume Free Prcs-s says : Mecsrs. Sfowat A Babe, of Shelburne, sold their im{)orted Clydesdale horso, Overdale, on Monday last to Wni. Bur' nett of Markdale. The price paid, we understand, was $1200. Mr. Wdl Lawrence and family and Leslie Lftwrunoo of Ceylon, and R. Mc- Laclilm of Glcnole, left this week for 2?ant"n, Albert.'i, where thoy have taken np land. Mr. Noble Lawrence intondeil making one of the jmrty but illnesis pre- vented. He will go later if his health permits. Mr Charlie Mo.<iiiT had his "think lox"' considtriibly damaged on Saturday. While »plittir.g wood his axe ciught in a wire ch'ihcs lino and flew backward, striking him on the aide of the forehead with conalderatile firce. Charlie's i.lcn iii.<tchine wa» paralysed for a few momenta, but the Worst result was the raiiiing of a large lump. It might easily hH\ estopped Charley's fi»hin); exploits for kll time to come had the steel struck in a alightly different ihape. Alleged Burglars Caught Two Men Arrested at Hamilton Charged With ttie Crime The buri/larizing of George Mitchel's bank on Monday niaht of la.st week, when f 2,100 was tikert from the safe, h.is been the sensation of the dxy. If, as ia sup- posed, the burglars are behind pr-son bars, a quick and clever pirce of work has been done. There is uUo an element of fatalism about it, and the whole story is as rooiaiiii; as anything iould be in the line of adetecrive story. Tues. morning afier'tho robbery the provincial detective department was ciincraunicated with by wire and that same night Detective Grier was on iheg'ound. Wednesday morning Postmnsfer R. J. Sproule had occasion to go to Duudalk and while there discov- ered a man who said that the previous afternoon two stninge men had been found hidden in his barn. This man was Mr. John Allen of lot 220, con. 3, S. W. T. & S. R., Proton township, about lA miles Twrth of Dundalk and ten from Fleshertnn. His story is as follows : On Tuesday afternoon, the day after the robbery, his little girl, aged 9 years, went into the straw mow to search for eggs. While there she noticed a piece of twine sticking out of the straw. Stooping down she pulled it out and in doing so dis- turbed the straw covering a man's face. The man spi.ke to her, when she screamed and rin to her father who wis near the barn. Allen found there two men and ordered thciu away, but they put on a pitiful air, said they had no money and were very hungry. They were taken to the house and given a dinner, after which they departed. While in the house a good opportunity was given of studying the men. Mr. Sproule communicated with Detective Grier at Flesherton, who went down on a freight. In the mean- time Mr. Sproule hired a livery and drove out to Allen's pLiee, where a min- ute search wa^ made of the straw. This search was rewarded by finding a large quantity of torn papers and envebpes, a stout walking stick and some other things. One of the envelopes contained the firm name of Boyd, Hickling & Co. The torn papers are such as would be found in a bank. E.idently the men who left these things were the mechanics who had been in Flesherton, but how to catch them was the question. They had 24 hours' start. Returning to Dondalk with Mr. Allen, the latter was interviewed by Detective Grier, and the relics handed over to him. A thorough and minute description of the men wanted was wired iu the direction they were supposed to have taken. De- tective Grier returned to Toronto Wed- nesday night. Early Friday morning a detailed de- scription of them was wired to the chief of police at flamiltnn, and within fifteen minutes after receiving that description two men giving the names of Naughton and Murphy, were arrested and behind the bars. Mr. Allen went to Hamilton on the evening train Friday, and when the prisoners were brought up Saturday morning he positively identified them as being the parties found in his barn. A thiri.1 man has since been arrested whom it ia thought has some connection with I ho case, l^ne of the parties had nearly a thousand dollars when arrested. From Allen's place they evidently struck across country to Mt. Forest, whore thoy took train for Hamilton. There are several parties ahmg the route who can describe the men. It appears to be a very strong case, and it is thought there will not be much dirticulty iu securing a conviction. The fatalism lies in the manner in which the men were found hidden iu Mr. Allen's striw by bis little daughter, and the clever capture is largely due to Mr. Sproule's energetic eJibrts. That gentle- man spared ueilhor money nor time in aii effort to run the rogues to earth. Haughton and Murphy were brought to Dundalk Tuesday .nnd had their pre- liuiiiiiK-y htaring before a magistrate. Both were committed to Owen Sound for trial. The police have since unearthed another #900, which makes $1852 now iu pos$e«t>iou of the authorities. Spring and Summer Shoesâ€" Clayton's have made very special effi.rt in sclecsing .spring and »u iiracr .shoos tor this .sea-son and are s:»tisfiod they have as nice liucs as ever shown in Flesherton. Lailies' K>ot8 and shoes, l.ico and button, iu kid, biix calf and Doneola. Also a fine range of oxfords and button strap shoes and a very choice lot of children's shoe*. Phumnerfeldt Guilty Margaret Plnmmerfeldt was oharged with hariog too man; husbMida befoi« Judge Hattou at Owen Sound on Satur- day. Margaret pleaded guilty and was sentenced to eighteen months in the Mercer reformatory. Arthur Tucker at the same time pleaded guilty to bigamy and perj'iry and was given six months in the Ceniral prison, the judge taking into account the motives which prompted the marriage and the position cf the culprits. Two Snaps For the Farmers A few bags of Mammoth Red Clover, clean of wei-d.s, at §6 per bushel ! Also a few bags of clean timothy to be ru.shed oft at $1 60 I Come Quick. W. J. Douglass Cement Bridge Gone The cement bridge over the Sangeen on the Toronto and Sydenham road, three miles southeast of Flesherton, built last summer at a cost of 8220, was carried away bodily last week by the flood. It is said about thirty feet of the roadway, including the bridiie, has been torn out. The wiseacres are all chorusing, " I told you so." Heavily Punished for Plugging The Toronto civic election investigation which has been going on for some time has resulted iu tie conviction for ballot plugging of five ofiicials â€" three deputy returning officers and two poll clerks. Sam Thompson, A. Cahoon and Frank A. Gray, deputy returning officers, were sentenced to two years less one day in the Central prison. Thomas Kerr and Lieut. Ccd. John Gray, poll clerks, were sentenced to one year each in the Central prison. These sentences are severe, but the full penalty allowed is seven years. It-is likely that the sentences imposed will clear the atmosphere and be a strong deterrent to crimes of this nature in future. The scene in court when sen- tence was pronounced is said to have been quite dramatic. ..v;:'-rr ceyion ' â- .*â- ; Miss Caldwell of Durham, teacher at Badgeros, Osprey, spent Sunday here on the way to her school. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Wood, our es- teemed teacher and wife, spent their Easter vacation with relatives at Proton and vicinity. They returned Sunday. George Jones, who was working in To- ronto, is home again. The E:ister vestry meeting of the Church of England congregation Wiis held on Easter Monday in tho hall. Rev. G. F. Franklin presided. The accounts were satisfactory and showed a balance to the giod. The retirmg wardens, Messrs. CoUinson and McGiU, were re-elected. Mr. G. Colliuson was elected lay delegate to Synod and Mr. Frank Colliuson was appointed vestry clerk. Mr. James Ashdown, who has been section foreman bore for some years, has been promoted to the Owen Sound di- vision, Mr. Joseph Cairns, who h.is leased his hotel, will take pcssession of Mr. Ashdown's residence. Farm for Sale Beins Lot 103 A VJ4. North Kast of Toronto <& Sydenham roa«.1. coutiiii*iiif{ i:^ acraB, 90 uuder culttTation. iuisploncticl eDU<:1ition for crop, free of stotie, vraU fenceil And watered, free of wild weeds, bavin;; orchard aud small fruits. Good baru with track and other out biiildiugs, com- fortaUie houHe. 3i mites froui Protou, iu Taylor sutllemeBt. Appiv to W. J. MULLIrf» Protou Station- Bulls for Service redigroeJ Shorthorn bull "Flesherton Chief* for service OD lot 140. con. :t N. E. T. A 3. B.. Arteiuosia. Also a tUoroUKhbred Jerp»n- Bull. Terms *1. JACOB THOMPSON. WALL "papers C. Tryon. Prioovilln. has put in a complete stock of laziest patterns in waUpaperti. Tho tlrioftt assortmuut ever brought in. Will siiXi- uiit samples to prospective purchaners. iieuj^ iug piomptly aud satisfactorily done. Bull for Service Short nv>rn Hull, -/ohnuy Canuok No -TOTftP, is for service on Lot UMJ 1st con. N. R., T. ^^ y. h.. Arteuiortla. Terms of sorvi-rrt :*l. Podii;rcti on application. GtiOUQlS JOHNSON. Tenders Wanted. Teo«i«>r« aro horcbv requested for t'.i9 oroc~ lion o{a brick choi-ch nt Oyion (Fluslior^on ntatiotO, tender*! to bj banduVl to thn under- slyncil up to Ai>ril I.'. 1W4. Tender* for a ynrt ; or «H o( tlie worh wili bo ror^oivcd. I*tanR and ' ^pcciftentiou nifty bo had h? aptilving to S. lienipbiJl, Cevlon. The lowest or any tender net ufcosiftrily accepted. J S.l.WlLsnx, pastor if :< % rl 1)^ n Ceasing f lesiiertofi Having purchased a property ia Toronto Junct- ion for the purpose of starting a large dry goods store, we have decided to leave Fle.sherton, and while the contractors are getting the place ready for us we in tend to hold a thorough £[|car{t!g S&H for the next ninety days. We are start the big sale on getting ready and will ,v; Monday, the 18th of April and you can depend everything must go, we don't Avant to move anything and as we are going to handle nothing but diy goods all our groceries. Boots & Shoes, Crockerj, wall papers and readym ade clothing must be cleared, as we have no further use for them. Not having any idea of leaving, we bought all our spring supply and our stock is very complete in all lines, so that you can depend on buying all the new goods at big reductions. The goods will be sold for cash or produce but no credit can be given . Mrs. Sheppard will hold her millinery opening on lYednese/at/ and CT/tursdai/, •^p nil 20 and 2/, to which we invite all the Ladies of Flesherton and surrounding country, our millinery is far superior to anything we have ever shown so it will pay every Lady to call and inspect. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton U^ j*fc- .^^ .^. .^^ -A.. ^ -^fci. -^. .^k. A. A». ^^ ^W .J^. .A.. -^^ .A^ -Ai- -J^ .^k. -Jh. -J^ *â- .^h. ^ .. â- »- â- I NEW GOODS ARRIVING | § DAILY - g C^ Complete assortment of School Books ami jt^ g School Supplies. Fine Stationery, etc. v^ An extra nice Hue of Confectionery, Chocolates, Bon Bons and McGregor's Butter Scotch. â- Cigars and Cobaceos. W, J. Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton K)^c^^c^otKi^:Q:8:K^c^<^ ^^ =JiP W W '.(? W Vrt-- v»v^ W 'rfo -w? "ft^ v^' '/IS- -aP^i^-TP w â- Sf- •Mfc Railway Opening Farm to Rent. lis acre*, fW acres cleared and n^der eultlra- tioD. Good (TMue lioun.luti barn .well watorvd. Smile* frora F^eeharton. Apply to W, B. BALSS, Vlesliarton P. O. i iao. < Wo fully expect that the blockade is now over antl that fi'cight trains will be runn- ing regularly this week. We Have About a Train Load To come on oompriseii of Drugs, Patent Medicine.'*, Fancy Oood.'*, Stationery. Oil- cake, Feeding Stuffs, Clover Seed, lt> Boxes (lardcn Seeds, Turnip, Mangel, Beet. Rape, canot, and all kinds of field an<i iTivrden .'!ee<ls of the )>ost (piality. eall Early, Olb^n the Stock is Vu\U Any special seed of any kind you may want we will get them for you by i-eturii mail. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON f §1§ .-r'