Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1904, p. 7

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I THE I5CURABLE GUB.ED AGAIN J. J. PEEKINS OWES HIS LIFE TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Manitoba IVEan Helpless from Kid- ney Disease Made Strong^ and Hearty by the Great Canadian Kidney Hemedy. Tyndall, :Man.. April 18.â€" (Special) â€" Among the many in tho great West who confldently state that they owe their lives to Dodd'a Kidney Pills is Mr. .J. J, Perkins, a well known resi- dent of this place. "For two years I was troubled with nay Kidney.s," Mr. Perkins states, "and at last became so bad that tho doctor gave me up and said I was incurable. â- "I. at times, had such severe pains in my back and kidneys that I thought I nould have to give up all hope and die. I was unable to work and was becoming destitute. "While in this condition a friend persuaded me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I had little faith in them, and ^„ , , . , ;it was more to please him than any- 8"^^= and making tea thing else I gave them a trial. â-  "To my surprise the first box did me so much good that I felt like a new man. Five bo.vos cured me com- ^xceprthe' guest 'chambe''r pletely. "Tiodd'5 Kidney Pills saved my life and I cannot praise them too much." Thousands of cases similar to that of Mr. Perkins are the proof that any Kidney Disease from Baclcache to Bright'a Disease yields readily to Dodd's Kidnev Pills. STBENGTH OF THE JAPANESE Most XTnique Among the Peoples of the World. A Japanese house is one of tho simplest things ever built, for it consists of little more than four posts and a roof. But such "im- permiinence. " which is also .seen in other things, is a part of the strength of the nation, writes Mr. Douglas Sladen in "(iueer Things About Japan," for no people in the World have so few wants. The Japane.se have no bread, no beds, no flres. no boots or shoes, no trousers for the men, no petti- coats foi- the womenâ€" for both sexes wear several dressing-gowns, one over the other. In their houses they have no windows, no doors, no walls but paper shutters fixed in grooves, no ceilings, no chests of drawers, not even a washstand. In the kitchen they have no range no pots, no pans, no flour-bins, no kitchen tables. But then they have no tables or chairs in the drawing- toom. and in the real native house the drawing-room itself is only a lot of bedrooms with the paper shutters taken down. There is no reason why you .should lind" anything in a Japanese house except mats and a charcoal stove for warming your lin- Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap off woolen.i nor the surface off linens. RXOUCES Ask for Ike OctasKk Bar. Qiu£tJy ^ ^I^f-fo&O aA/^iuy^ Se^ <^ {;U^ £t£^ ^^€^0//- ^Me^ ^^-T^ti^Jt^ Its HUMAN COPYRIGHT. Infringment Has Sometimes Led to War. These and a cushion or two, and a quilt to sleep on, with an elaborate conventional politeness, constitute the furniture of a Japane.se house, And the articles in the guest-chamlicr consist of a screen, a kakemono and a flow- er-vase. Along with his magnificent want of wants, so to speak, the Japanese combines a capacity to get huge pleasure out of what we should re- gard as trifles, and after labors and sacrifices that we should think in- tolerable. This extraordinary pa- tience and whole-hearted enjoyment under all the niggardliness of his lot marks the Japanese as unique among the peoples of tho world. ; One special feature of many of the | lie lives on next to nothing and tribes inhabiting New Guinea is tlie , thrives on it. Ho always has a ; unwritten law of copyright in the i smile. He works whenever he can designs with which they tattoo their : get any work to do. They are all bodies. Each tribe has its own par- | weok-tl'ai s to him. Instead of a ticular system of ornamenting the : seventh da.v, Sunday, he has his and should a member of any jfesta. a national holiday or a tem- t is ) pie festival. In cither case he goes a-faring to some temple, and takes The Irish are scarcely less noted for their gallantry than for their wit. and ,an example of this virtue is found in tho case of an Irish judge who presided at a trial in which the plaititifts were a lady and her daughter. In summing up the case, the judge thus gallantly be- gan : â€" "Crentlemcn of the jury, everything in this case seems plain â€" except Mrs. O'Toolo and her charm- ing daughter." One way to dodge the divorce courts is to stay single. State or Omo, Crrr or Tolbdo, ) LoUia COUNTT. f**- Frnnk J. Cheney makes oath that ha is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Clieiiry 4 Co.. doing business In tha City of Toledo, County and State uforesaid and that naid Arm will pay the sum of (JNE HUNDRED DOLI-AUS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bv the use of Hall's t:utarr!i Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed Is my pre.sence. this 6th day of December, A. D. 1888. A. W. GLEASOS, Notary Pnblfe bod.v other tribe imitate the pattern regarded as quite a sulhcient reason for a declaration of war between the two tribes. ' A traveller who has lately given to the world his impressions of this part of the globe, confirms this statement, and emphasises it by ;mentioning an instance in which war actually broke out owing to an in- .fringcmeul of this human copyright. : A joung warrior fell in love with ia girl of a neighboring tribe; the girl favored his suit, but there was a rival in her own tribe. This rival ! wished to know why the girl did not look upon htm with equal favor, and ;\vhy she went outside tho tribe for a husband. ; The girl hesitated, and then re- plied â€" either as a subterfuge or as a statement of ivctual fact, but pro- babl,v the former â€" that the rival was not so well ornamented as was the suitor from the neighboring tribe. Tiio home rival watched for the suc- cessful suitor, took note of the pat- torn, and copied it. The other tribe re.sented this infringement, and declared war, in the course of which both suitors were killed. his children or a friend. He is nev- er too poor to have money to treat them. He only gives himself a holiday when he is out of work, and his hol- idays are inexpensive. He jjist Walks a hundred miles to see some famous garden in its glorj-; he car- ries his luggage in a box. wrapped : SEAI. : v;.,;!, .,h;-, Hall'e Catarrh C'jre is taken Internal- ly, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials freo. F. J. CHENIOY & CO.. Toledo. O. Soid by all Druggtsta. 75c. Take Hall's Family Fills tor eonatl- patioQ. ft-f A man is never more glad to see his wife than upon her return from a shopping tour during which he re- mained at home to amuse the baby. â€" 3 C !! X «sw«e < »» a» i> 9ee«e9«q»»as ATLANTIC CITY, HE WJERSEY in oiled I'aper, and gets a bed at an llum.bia. inn for a halfpenny. His food is ] almost as cheap; and when the last I turn in the road shows him the I irises of llorikari. or the house and I cherry-trees of Yoshino. on the day ! of all the year, he would not change places with the King of England. CHF'AP ONE WAY RATES TO THE \Vi:ST VIA GREAT NORTH- ERN RAILWAY. Eflcctive daily during March and April, cheap one way Colonist tick- ets W'ill be issued from all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the Stales of Mon- tana. Idaho, Washington, and Ore- gon, also all jioints in British Col- Thero's something radically wrong about a woman who isn't fond of Klress parade. Heart-Sick Peopleâ€" Dr. Agnew's Cine for the Heart ij a heart tonic that never fails to cure â€" is swift io its effects â€" goes closer to the " border land " and snatches from death's grip more sufferers (h.ui any other remedy for any family of 'Jioeases and ailments in the citEgory cf human sufferings. Gives relief in 30 minutes. â€" 75 Few men can argue about religion and keep cool. licver's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. ARMY TPvIALS. An Infantryman's Long' Siege. This soldier's talc ot food is inter- esting. During liis term of service in the 17th Infantry in CUiba and Philip- pines, an Ohio soldier boy contracted a di.siM.se of the stomach and bowels which all army doctors who treated him [ironounced incurable, but which â- GralH^Nuts food alone cured: "In October, 1899, when my en- listment expired, I was discharged from the Army at Calulute. Philij)- pines. and returned to the States on the lirst available steamer that left Manila. When I got home I was a total wreck physically and my doctor put nie to bed saying he co'isidered mo the worst broten-down man of m.v age he ever saw and after treat- ing me months he considered my cneo be.vond medical aid. "During the fall and winter of I90tl and '01 T was admitted to tbo Barnes Hospital in Washington. H. C. for treatment for chronic inllanimation of tho stomach and bowels, but after 5 months- returned home as bad as ever. "I continued taking medicine until February, 191)2. Tvhen rending a news- paper one da.v I read about Grape- Nuts aiul was so impressed I sent out for a package right awa.v. "The result is quickly told for I have used Grai»o-Nuts continually ev- pr since with the best results, my health i.s so I can do a fair da.v'8 hard work, stomach and bowols are in ^ood condition, have gained 40 pounds in weight and I feel like a new man altogether. "I owe m.v present good health to Or.ai>e-N'uts beyond all doubt for medical science was exhausted." Name given by Postum Co.. Hattlc Cre<>k. Mich. Had he consulted any one of .sever- al thousand physicians we know of thoy would have prescribed (3 rape- Nuts immediately. Look in each p.arkage for the fani- . No true Kentuckian will fake his ous little book, "Tho Itoad to Well- jmoniing rye iu the form of break- rtUc. " 'last food. GA\E UP THE CASE. An old lawyer tells a good story about a ca.se ho" had, but which ho .didn't keep. An Irishwoman sent for him in great haste one day. She wanted him to .meet her in court, and he hastened thither with all speed. The woman's son was about to bo plac- ed on trial for burglary. When the lawyer entered the court the old woman rushed up to him, and in an excited voice said : â€" "Mr. B. , Oi want ye to git a remand for me b'y Jia\uiie." "Very well, madam," replied the law.yer. "I will do so if I can. but it will necessary to [ireseut to tho Court some grounds for a remand. What shall 1 say '?" ".Shure. ye can jist tell the Coort that Oi want a romnnd till Oi can git a better lawyer to spake for the b'y." After telling the woman that she would have to g<;t another law.ver to take up the case, he hurried back to his oflicc a very angry man. Sai'castic Father : â€" "Julia, that young man Smily has V,en\ here •jtiree nights in succession, and it has been nearly midnight when he left. Hadn't you better invite him to bring his trunk and make his home with us ?" Innoe*'nt Daugh- ter : â€" "Oh. papa ! may I ? It is just what he wanted, but he was too bashful to ask you. He'll bo d&- lighted when I tell him this even- ing." "How long has the minister been preaching*?" whispered the stranger, who had wandered into the church and sat down away back. "About thirty years. I believe." replied tho other occupant of the pew. "That being I he case." rcjoing tho stran- ger, "I'll staj'. lie must be nearly done." On March 1st. 8th. 15. 22nd and 29th. and April olh, 12th. 19th, 26th, one way second cla.ss tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Pull information as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleep- er, also literature on any of the above Slates on application to Chas. W. Graves, District Pa.ssenger Agent, 6 King St. West. Iloom 12, Toronto, or F. I. Whitney. General Passenger Agent. St. Paul, Minn. PUTTINC: IT MILDLY. A traveller tells of a trip on a jaunting-car in Ireland where he had as a fellow passenger an ugly- looking man whom he was not sorry to leave behind at an inn. "That was a (|Ucer-looking follow, Pat," I remarked to the waggish driver as we proceeded on our way. "Faith, yer honor, and he's as quare as he looks. Tie's a villain. He's done fifteen years for laving his woife without visible manes of sup- port." "Oh. get out, Pat ! A man can't get fifteen years' penal .servitude for 'leaving his wife without visible, means of support.' " "Shure. and can't he. sir ?" said Pat. with a twinkle in his rog^uish eyes. "He did. though. .And, be- dad ! isn't it leaving yer woife 'without visible nu^iios of support' when ye throw her out of a window on tho third floor •.'" Rheumatism will Succumb t. South American Khc.un.i'.ic Cure because it goes right to the scat cf ilio tronbla .-ir:c removes the cause. Many so-callciicuit'sbe deaden pain temporarily ouly, to have it rt turn ag-iin wila doubled violence Not f with this great remeily. It eiajicafcs iror.. the system the la t vcstiso cf tho dissAs.-. ar.d its cures :.r3pr-''--'^i.-ni. â€" 71 It's a case of love's" tabor lost when a woman is compelled to take in washing in order to support a worthless husband. 'T'HE mild and bracing climate makes Atlantic City especially uttractivo as a winter resort. Tiie Tniyraoro is beautifully locatad on the most desirable section of the Boardwalk, and commands a raagnificer.t Ocean View. The House is thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the gue.sts, and no expense has been spared in perfcctin^' the detail.s of the appointments. The rooms are handsomely furnished, and the commun- icating baths are supplied with both fresh and salt water. Tho Atlantic City Golf Links are acknowledged 10 be the finest in tho United States. Traymorc Book- lets will be mailed on request, and correspondence rela- tive to rates and accominodatiansi.s respecttiiUy solicited TRAYMORE HOTEL COMPANY A D. 3. WHITB, Prosidont and Muni^ser A M993eS«eeoe«d<S@S®«SS99e^»«^999€CC9d99903<SS<>d9«CS'£S 9^W WHAT UAIHL'II CAN' PO. It is stated that a snuill fraction of an ounce of radium, properly om- ployed. would provide light for any large building, and would not rc- ([Uire renewal tor a century. It has been calculated that in a single gramme of radium there is surticient energy stored up to rai.so .'itiQ tons weight a mile high. .\n ounce would suffice to drive a 50 h.p. motor-car. at the rate of thirty miles an h;nir j round the world. Dyeing ! Gleaning I ForLharerj boetaeadyoar vork bo W% >« BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIHC 00." Look for aiflQt Io ruar tovo, or leod dir««*. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec Gatarrii, Hsadasiie 7 Agaevv's It Relievos Are Banished by Dr Catarrhal Pov.-der. in 10 Minutes. l-'. A. Uottom. rtrugsji.st. Cooksbiro. Que. savs: For '20 years 1 sul"ien.-il iiom Catarrh. My brt-ath wa.s very olTi.ii.sive L-vcii to myself. 1 tru-il every- thing which promised mo a L-urc. In almost all instaiicc.-i t had to proclaim Ihuin no sooil lit all. 1 was inUucud to trv Pr. Auiiow'.i Catarrhal Ponrtler I Kol relief instantly after lirst applica- tion. It curt-d me auU I aiu free from all the clTccts of it." 25 Cr Agnew' J 0:ntmsntr3l:ove3 iKuatna in \ day. 33o Butter, Eggs, Honey, All KINDS FBUiTS Off Aad Farm Pro- duc« ^enerally^ consign it to ua aa.l we will s;et you good pricaSi 7NB Dawson Commission Co., T. J»\ For Ov«r Slity Years Mrm. Winhi.oWh .Sootihno Syp rp bM t'e-m n«e.l by piilltoiifl or mothfrp* for their children while leeUiiDS ItAoothcstJie chilli, ^orten..i th'^fpiiiifl. al^nynpiiin. euro* wlndc.ilic, regtilatcH tbcHtoinich anil imwclji. and is the b*Bt remedy for Di.ird)>oa. Twcnty^ite c^'It^,^ & bottl-» Sold If druggistji thrarifihonl th« world. Do nure i%n 1 i»kfor"Mus. WixsLow'sSooxiiiNO Svltiip." 3J-01 HEK COOD I'OINT. Even tho most impulsive women have their good traits. .Vn Irishman, mourning his late wife, tearfully remarked : â€" "Faith, and she wa.s a good wo- man. She always hit me wid do soft end av the broom." Tha PoJ33ti3^ Sp.'ina^. â€" As In la'.ui-e so jr. in.-in. poUate tho sprinn and .liscv-se and «.a'«ts are boun'l to followâ€" the ito-nach and nerAcs oiit <l kilter tncies poison in the spring. South American Ner- vine is a great puriiier, cures Indigestion, D'.spepsia. and tores the nerves. The best «videacc of its rl?';c»cy is the unsolicited testimony of ihouiiands of cured oDca.â€" 7O â-²11; admirabls Tood oi th* Finest quality aud .flavour. COCOA Nutritious and Ecvuoniical. 48â€"81 FOR SALE. 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 4, upright discharge, 9 inch outlet. 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 5, horizon- tal discharge, \0\ in. outlet. 1 "Earl"' Steam Blower. S W FKANK WILSON, 73 Adelaide St. Toronto. AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car \^ appre- ciated hy the best itoforracd because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in ftill ju.sticc to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit a.s is the I90i Wiaton, we become " automobile underwriters" â€" insuring you against riak or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carrla<<e Co Clevalaad, O.. l'. S. A. Kcprasentcd la tha DomlBlon of Caaado by THE Al'TOMOBILE & .Sl'PPlY CO 7S Kind St.. G.. ToronlQ. Oat. Sub Ajenclen !â-  Chief D;>mluioa Clttc.i ISSUE NO. 16â€" 04

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