Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1904, p. 1

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sb^rt0tt "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXIv, f 1178 Fleslierton, Ont., Xliursday. April 2i IQO-i W. H THURSTON, FS^T-S?, I PBorillETOB I Stop a rioment i But tiiar is not wimt our Watches doâ€" they '• no i-n f r- evLT," li^ri 'fciiiiy^on's Briii'k â€" with 'In i.>,;c;isi(nn! ck-iiiiiiig. Ve iiiivo Hie btsfc value in WhCrhi's 111 la- fiiiiiul ill Ou^Jiri'. Tl'iit i.s a Mj; sti.leuient, kihI if ynu d'li't Vielit-Vf <t cini' ill :ind let us Vi-i-ij'y it. W^,- 111:1k « a specialty uf the i);.puiiir and perfect HAMiLTOlS MOVEMENT A hiii stock of this movement ju3t to hand. clocks;;; iinmstise van- â- ty and at all prices. Our repairing dejiartmont is thoroughly ei)i!ippuil and good \vor!iin:insliip guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweller, Flesherton \ Vr'ritii'ii for Th: Advance. â- y. Tommy Atkins in Priscn ^Continued froai last week) When .stationed at Preston I had an »i)iporunity of tiiiniiig a more accurate UiM>Ot'd.;e of the soldier's life in priion, «s 1 «â- Â«â€¢( det:ulcd 10 relieve the provo.st seigeanti.f the i^iiiiiueiital prison durina; his annual course (f niuskttry iii- fctiucti'H and tarj^ei pr:ic;ico, whicii yeiifiaDy- occupied from two to threa weik.<. ccoordiim to the wcaiher. In a <U^trk't prisi n iho occupation of the pris- on-.rs v.':is more varied, owing to the •iri'.'.tar iiuuibir of pri.soncrs usually found tiicre, as it was conipiised of all the {uiaouors from the ditforent corps from oich >.iiitU'n ttiih:u the military district. 1 .shill ihereforc coi.tine myself to the usu;il uiscipliiiC of a niili;aiy prison. \Vh>n a pri.soner was handed over to the provo.-t fertenit he is first r'gidly s-.;u-ched ta a certain ihat he h^isrfiothint; c-oiitrah.ind in his posses.-ion, mch a3 tobacco, pipes, uiatclios, pocket knives, etc. He Was then seated on a stool and the sergeau! cut all t!io hair iff Lis head el »â- ! to the scalp, witliout the aid of a coiiili or legaid to neatness, the man's head, after the opcrntion, having much ihe •appciinsnco of a shetp that hid lieen shorn liy the haii.l of a c'umsy operator. A sotdiur with his huir thus cut was always known to be a bad chiracter, or, to Uie a military phras^', a cell bird. The prisi'ii j;rintuils toiisisteil <<f about two acres adjacent to the bariai.ks and en- closed by a btick wall. The prison Wfis a loi.(> one-story biick buildiiiy. Down the middle, was a broad passai;e or hall- way wiih two long tables and benches in the centre. At the cDtranee and to the light was the .seryi ant's qnnrteis, to the l«tt » room for bis f^ur assistants, private sildiers Si beted and struck oil all otber duty for that put pose. Extending alonii vaeli i*ide of the ballway was a row of cells about CxU fee'', a snail hanod «iu now in the far end and a hi'avy door, iron bar atid lock in the front end. At the fur lud of each cell \v.-U5 a low iilatfoim 0.\2 feet, with a low step (pllow) at the head â€" this pljtform was the ptisoner'n noc- turnal ro-iin^ place. Above it wjis a metal shelf for his kn»psack. He had no arms or accoutrenienis ; they were depos- ited in the coiiip.inv's arm chest until his return to duty. In oavh cell was a long haimled soiubber, a 'broom and a bucket. Tlie entriince to the [iri.son yard was by I wo l-rire, heavy c!o"rs in the wall, with a isnia'l diKir in one of them for ii'g;e»a or «-grt!H on foot Tho doors were k«-pt cbised, and ft stnlry stationed on the out- hide duriiiii tho ilav. Al sunset tho sen- try »ai posted inside, iho doora locked and the key s'^en int'p tho custody of the Rontiy. The gas lights in the hallway bumed all nighr. CiB.lttU.SL ROUTINE Sumnnr â€" At C a.m. the cell doors were opened. Those of tho pri.isoners having bjd.s (they were only provided with a rug iir (piilt the first seven nighs) madH ihem up neat'y, placMog them at the head of tlio couch. Each prisoner scrubbed and »w»pl his coll. They were then formed up ill tlie hallway in their sliirt sleeves, towel and soap in Jmnd and nmrche^l under e.scoit of tho four assistant.i to the ablation roimi, where they thoroughly washed thanisilvca. Returning to their cellH, they cleaned and bru-hed their cloth-s., polished their boots, put tlioT full kit into their knansick, strapi cd tho koapHKck on their bRck, and at 9.30 turned out for kn.spsack ir, as it was ealK'd, p.ick drill, which consiKtcd in matvKing »round the yard ucdcr th6 ser- ccant or one or two of his aiisistanls until 7.30. Thfy dare not speak a word to each other or either look to right or left. At 7-30 ihey were ni.archcd back to their celU,.raok off tlioir knapsacks and placed tlioini'oii the shelf, again cleaned their boots, etc. At 7. •4.") they v/ere fmined up in the hallway, each man on that side on which wa.s his cell. Uiglit and left face, quick march, halt, front, take your seats, says the sergeanr. Tliey take their seats, each opposite hia breakfast, sitting -erect and pl.-icing both hands on ihtir knees until they receive word from the sergeant to c::ratiicnco. Gre-it is the onslaught. The breakfast, consisting of ei;;ht ounces of dry and three-quarters of a pint of weak coffeeâ€" some, indt^ed, did not yt cnfTt-e, being under sentence of bread and wa'er. This suiiiptuoas meal, as all othars, is consumed in silence and with- out turning the head to riglit or left. The meal finished, down again goes the hands on tho knees. Attention, roars tlie ser- geant. Up spring the linlf-famished criiiiitials. Uiiiht and left face, quick march, and the poor fillows are niarcliod back to their culls and locked up, whilu the sergeant and his uiyriuidons regale theinsi-lves ou a more sumptuous repast. i At 8.45 they »gnin tarn rur, cleatied and I o'ished â€" their liair needtd neitiiercou.b nor brushâ€" f'lr two hours breaking stoi.e, (ir pinhap.i rep.iiring gravel walks in the I hospital groutuls or about the otljcers' iqiiuriets, ie-in.acadainizing a poition of ; the parade uround, or digging up tuftis of I iiiass » liich may have sprung up bore and I there, or such ijthir work a-i iliu sergeant may from time to time receive orders to have pi rfonned. At 11 o'clock ho aga^n turns out as before for one hour of bis mostaiOuoiis and .senseless tusks, " .shot â-  drill," which is performed in tba following ! inaniiei : l^ib'S of four 24-poun;lers are . pbiced ill a ;i;cle in tho prison y.ird. 1 Three of tl e shots are placed trgether on Ithcgrouidto form a base, tl.o fourth , re-ts on them, the piles being about ten paces distant fiom each other, and one , pile for la-h prisoner. Shor.ld there be ^ too iiany prisoners, the surplus tire sent ' to some other employment under two of ^the altoodants. They do not, however, , c,5C!!|io tho shot drill â€" they gvt theirshare the next time Tho nreo lor drill are iiiarclied to the ciic'cand lialteil, each 1 one heh:nd his pile, the serneaut taking I up his poiition in the centre, the men standing like posts awaiting the wo:d (o 1 move. Take tip shot â€" each man bonds : over, and, without bendinif t'le kuef», I lifts t!ie top sliot, r.iises himself to an j erect position with the shot resting in 1 both hands, in front and cb-se to the body, at the b ngth of the lu-ins. Quick I march, says iho s-.'igoant. and the shot- laden prisoiieis move oa, currying their j shot to the ne.\t pile, where, without further word of ci>uiiuai)d, thy lay their j shot on the empty base Viefore thein, rise, i move to the next pile, lake up tho shot j as bcfnre, and move off. This piece of I bidicnnis clockwork is C(nitii.ucd «ith I clocklike precision for one hour, and wiis I worse on the constitution than all other piinishinoiit drills put together. Cor- p ual punishniout and sh"t drol have iiappily been abolished in iheanny. ' To be Cuiitinued week acted upon the advice given by Uorace Greely, years agi, viz., " Go west, young man, 00 n-est." Harry Patton of the lillago, ltibiirt"5IcLau-.;blin North Lit.e, Hector .McD'an, Alex. Mc- INliibm and Archie Mc.^IiUan, South Line, took train on the 11th for tho pr.iirie province. I Mi.ss .Jennie .Tames, who has been ' invalided forsouie time with inflaii inatory iheumatisin, was removed to the hospittil at Fergus. Uer lai-ge circle of warm frieiids here are pleased to bear thai the doctors entertain strong hopes of etfeeliug a complete cure. BlcLeod's chopper Iiaa been doing a Ug business lately, often running until near midnight. Coniiiiissioner J. MoArthiir, repre.sent- ! ing' the county council, attended the j Educational convention in Toronto week ! before last. ! Mr. Dave Hii.cks shot three foxes a I short time ago within 50 yards of his barn. Mr. J. A. McLeod, who has been attending the university, is home for a 1 short liiue. j Mr.. Alfred Hincks moved from the 1 farm to his residence in the village Inst j iMonday. I William Conkey has leased 50 acres fiom Sam HiMider?on,;0 D.R. , "NValter.Nichol, who has been a student ^ at Toronto university, won a scliolaisliip ! at his recent exams. I The class at the piiblic school preparins; '. for Entrance exam, are^ putting in full : lime at their studies since Easter, ':} ,Mr. Colin McLean of the suburbs sold five st'-ers to Kobert Porter of Proton last week for neatly ?50 per head. I'c.vi Lmv R/lcFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store MA.EJKDALE, ONXAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST antl CHEAPEST STORE- Stern winter still lingers in the lap of ' spriii-,'. j Sirs. Hemp!. ill lias been very ill for some time pa-t. Mr Jamts Wilson bad t-he misfortune to cut I. is foot Severely, wbiie split- ting woo.l. â-  Mr. and Mrs. .TjuacpkE. McKee, visit- â- ed recently at tho latrer's pacunts. Rose- ] iiiont. I Messrs. Etlward â- Tamicson, Thomas 1 Koyce and .lohu Winters, little John, left bist week for the L'olden west. j The li'lle live-year-ild dtiugliter of Mr. Fiaiieis Shires fell on tho ed;;e of a sharp axe and had Tier liand very baldy cut. I Mr. (Jeorgy Becroft is removing to iho •itli line Usprey. Mr. B. is reluctant to Iciive his ol.t neightM)rs ;ind the}- are just as sorry to ptirt wiili him. I A meoi ing was held last week of those ; interested in Su.-iday t5choid work on the fourth lino with the result ihit it was decided to re-. pen school on the second Sunday ill May. The folliwing eliicient btaft' of oOioers and teachers weio elected ! for the current term : Superinlendant, F. W. Nteholsoii : asistant, Mr. J. A, llutchiiisoii ; Librarian, Mr. Hi-rinan Dyson ; Seeretitrits, Messrs. Jiseph K. McKee and Tlionius Cli«i:d ; teacher of Bible chnss. Mr. IJ. Down ; olliei teach- ersâ€"Mrs. Nicholson M;bs Laura Holuian and Mr. II. Hoiman. Mis. D. Taylor, who has visi cd the past two weeks with friends here,returned home to Owen Sound Tuesday. Uisiibcrlcy Wood bees ai-e the 01 dor of the day. Miss .\rlcita Johnston of Tlionibury spent Siiturday and Sunday with old j acqua ntaiice«. Miss Johnston taught the junior form of our school last year. j Miss Lizzie Weiier i.i opening up a dresstiiaking shop above W, (J. Harris'' store. I Mr. T. Bnidbury, who has been on lh« sick list, is able to be around ugiin. Mr. T. Abercroiiiliie was called to the bed.dde of bis mother, who has been ill, ] but we are glad to learn is in a much , improved coiulitioii. Messrs. William and John Fa'vcett attended tho funeinl of their inulher, Mrs. John Fawcett, Clarksburg. Mr. James Anstin and daughter of Thoriibury spent Sunday al the Travel- hir's Home hero. j Mr. Irwin Fawco't of Hoathcote took charge of tho service iu the l"uiou cliuruh ' bore oil Sunday. 1 Mr Hugh Ui-ojmond is running two ) f,irms this year. Hotter htch up, Hugh. Miss T. Soul and Miss Louj^'iead of riuncau visited friends here recently. l J. W. Furd has engaged Ernest Buck- ' ingliam of Feversham to lake charge of I the Hour milb"! for the Ci.ming year. 1 Mr. Jaines Stuart Inula wood liee on Wtdnesilay which wound up iu a leap i year party. j »4»« Prlcevllle Old King Frn.st dies hard. We had a decidedly cold snap last week. Tlio thunderstorm on the 9th that causc-l cnnsideiable damage in tho west part of our county, jn^t came within sight of the vilUgc and p».s.sed by. Soveml young men of this vicinity last Marvwcll Winter has set in again this (Tuesday) morning. Mr. .Albert Long loft recently for Dol- lar Bay, Mich. .Mr. and Mr^". Andrews spent Easter holiilays at the f^ruier's hontu near Stayner. Mrs. Chnilea Brownridge has returned from Arc da, N. VV. T., and taken up rosidyiico on her f.inn north of the village. We were pleased to see Mr. Josiah Gamoy able to bo out to church on Sun- day last. Mi-s. .4. N. Brownridge is setiously ill at time of writing. Tho sacrament of the Loid's supper will bo aduiinisterod in the Methoiimt church here uext Sund.iy morning, April -ilh. Mr. Henry Hudson of tho 10th h.us been bedftvst with a sptatutd hip. He is IJO years of age and wc are ^Inil that he is now in a lair way t > recovery. We congiatulate Mr. Fied Uttcwoll of the lythoii successfully passing iho V. S. exainin.itioii in T'oionto recently and « inh him iho succes* ho Jeservts iu the prac- tice of hts profession. The sap Season I. or.' prom ses to be a long one, contrary to Uie anticipations of some people. A strange auima! with a yell between that of a wildcat mid au owl w.ii heard going north from the corner lasn Thurs- day uixht. Would it be worth uapturinx f One Cause of Ans;mia Is well known to beconstipaSbm which can be avoided if Dr. Haniillon's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut are uied ocean- ionally. I'nequalletl for the stomach, liver acd buweta. Use only Dr. ilamil- ton's Pills ; price 26o° he News is Newsy, ..t" : ^ / . -The Goods are Good Ladies' White and Colored Waists Over 400 new Waists just placed in stock, all of wliich are new styles that will suii the most fastidious tastesâ€" the prices the most economical. 50c for new Waists if fancy cambric in assorted colors, self collai a and nicely made, sizes from 32 to 42 inch buat. "oc for new Waists, fine Cambric, assorted co!o.-3. ie a handsome style, 4 cUisti-r.s of wide tucks down front, se'f collar, a complete range of siz-s. 1.00 for new Waists of line ChanibiTay in a large range of shades, made with yoke ell'eot, large, round buttons to match, tab Collar of self. Visit the New Dress Goods Display If yi'U are desirous of having what is new and most p..pul.r in Drtss Fabrics we have them ns follows : Flake Voiles in a l.-iriie range of shades, at per yd 50e, o,")c, 58c and up to gl.OO Flako Canvass Cloch, in grey, fawn, blue and black at per yd. ^ 45c i?like Canva.'^s C'oth and Etaniines in hlue and black nnl.V, at per yard 75c Flake Tweed in 1 ght and medium gray, light blue and green, per yard (jSc ' 1.75 for new waists of fine flaked Chatn- bory in nice shades of blue, grav, fawi and pmk'i. very daintily desiiined. self collar. Tliis iiniko liai white pipiua around yoke and down front, also sleeves and cuffs. Sizes 32 to 12 inch bust. COc to .?3,75 for new White Lawn W'ai.st.s in a Iat\^e a-sortiutMit of styles. W.> Ciuld not attempt giving a description of each line. The showing is wonder fully impics-sive at lirst sigh'. Thj ladies can .-pcnd Inurs and Inuis in tbisdepaituunt of tho store -iiid s'ill find something new and charmiig. Wo corJiiliy piviti.- you to spend whatever time you wisli and esamir.e for joui-- selves â€" it will pay you Men's i\lew Suiiings iVlade to Order We have just pi 'ced in stock several new Suit leii::fchs ill E glish an! Cat;adiaix Worsteds and Tweeds, all of whicli arj new patterns and 10 two alike. We put in best quality trimmings and guarantee lit and workmanship or no sale. Th > prices range from $9.50 up to §10.50. Don't fail to have a look through thia magnilicent range of tuitings before plac- ing your order. ien's and Boys" New Spring Suits We tire now fully prepi'.fed for S,a-i!iL' wants in 5Ien's and Boy;,' Rea.!y-to-v>ear Chithiui/. Of course for sprin,' you're lo-'king for something out of the ordinary linn â€" something very stylishâ€" well madoand finished cl .thing, with an air of qutility and smartness about it. You could not get bet: er made, better looking or hotter tittin; clo'hiiig thin in our seleutiuii. It vvould be useless for us to attempt describing ail 'ho ditleieiit cloths and patterns that we have placeU in stocK. In BOYS' SUITS the prices are ^l.fi,"). 1.90, 2.-?5. 2 75, 3.00, and tip to 5.90 In MEN'S SUITS the prices are §3.00, 4.50, 5.00, 5.00, 6.'M), 7 50, 8.50, 8 00, 10,00. and 12.00 ..... .^ . .. McFAKLAND, STAFFOI^r:) & CO Special Inducements For Current Trade . . 10 Men's all-woiil Tweed Suits $7 and $8 for 5-00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, *7.S0 and $0.00, for 5.00 .\ large a-ssortnieut of carpels, iirrHnying in price from 25c. to $.125 per yd -\n extra good stock of Horse B'an'iict.s on hand.Hiid we ate selling ihvin at ihe io-.vesl living prices kin^wn. .Also u full ranxc of Men's Heavy Footwear, such ns Felt Boot.*, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Leg« gtn<», etc. 20 Men's Heavy Ulsters.good valve at S9 12 only Men's Pea Jaeket8,ou sain »t3.9t) 20 all wool Men's Sweaters, WorlJk 9X-00 for 65o. 60yds. crash toweling, worth Sj.yd. for 7 6 pr.gray wool Blankets, to clear out a6 §1.90 pait 12 Men's Cardisjan Jackc's, reg. §1.50, for 1.1'.» Men's Kid Gloves, regular price 90c. and #1.00, f..r OOc. per patr A Reduction in Groceries lbs good Japan lea for SI. CO 5 lbs Ceylon Black tea 1.00 13 lbs. best sulettoJ raisins 1 00 26 lbs. bet Tapoica l.CO 25 IW fresh Figs l.CO 20 larg« Kirswap, rc^. 12^^ forDxpr.bar A nice assortment of Faucy (ila; sware fo Chocse for Xmas Qiftt. . . . W.HOCKLEY Highest prices pild Fcwl and Dulter.. . . Proton StatioiJ

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