Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1904, p. 4

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Apr 21 1H04 THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE ^â- d^w^mw^ I F. T. HILL & CO. I VWVVt/WVVW^ Exceptional - Values = m - Ready-Mades From tlio best stock of ready-to-wear Suitn f'lr Men nii'l Boys we linve ever liiid we eeloct f'lr Kpociiil iiHiiiinn only a fow lilies. Every Suit in the lot is beautifully t.iilnred, puifeot (ittlii;; and nhsoluto |)«rfectioii in every di:t«il 25 iMi-n's four bmtoii Snque Suits, sizes M to 4'2, mad« of Hue nllwool iliirk tnocdn, with wliite fl.iko and HJight inixluri s of j;rctn iirid n-d. 'i'iiese su'ls are excellently linislnid and tailored, liavo deep French faeii g and niak ) a paiticnlaily dtessy and good wcariii}; tuit. Each only 7.5) 25 Men's Faupy worsted Suits four buttoti sacijuo coats, Itiiliin lined, Frencli faolM<>, ami iiiadedf extra lino nil- Wool nialeiiaU. For dres.sy appearance and ^cod hard wear tiiii e,uit will jjive unbounded Kalisfacti jn. Each 10 CO No nialtor wlnt you wuit in a Ri-aily-tuwearor Ordered Suit, or w!int price y.u want to piy, we luive tho bist value at that price you'll find in Urcy County. We invite inspection and coni;):Mison of values. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' SUIIS IN ABUNDANCH. Over 1,000 New Suit Lengths AT A SAVING OF $3 TO $4.50 A SUIT We focuroil from llio Finl.iy Smith Oonipany of Moiitreal a slock of hi'^h cIhss SuilioyR fro timos c'reater than we have ever had at any tinio in the |iii->t. This stock, which totalled nearly J.'iUO.OOO, was s dd a few weeks a"o by the lire uiiderwriieis, and included ihe IiiHhe.it class and nio.st up-lo-d.ite Suuimi^.s we have ever Keen â€" all perfect go ids. li, the lot aro all kinds of fancy Worsteds, Scotch, En^li.^^h and lii.sh Wcirsteds and Tweed;;, Ei'{,'Iish Vic- unas, Serges, Venelian and Clay Worstedn, liro.dcloth.s. Fancy TiouserinijH, etc V\'u want eve.ry j;entloinaii hereabouts, youn^ and old, to see this EXCIil'TlONALLY SUPEUB CULLECTION. Below is tiie actual sav- injj we can olfect you and the iiialei iais arc by a wide inarijiii tlio best we have over accured. Men's Suits wnrth §14 00 made to your order for §10 75. Moil's Suits woitli 815.00 uindu In your order for 811.75. ftlcn's Suits woith Slfi.OO made to your older for 812.50 ; Men's Suits worth §17.00 made to your order for §1.*$ 75 Men's Suits worth §18.00 made to your order fnr 814.50 Men's Suits w.tiih g20 (K) made to your Order for 815.75 Men's Suits worth §21.00 made to your Older for §17.50 Men's Suits worih $25.00 made to your ardor for §i;0.50 25 Suit Leiif,'ih3 in various qualities, fine all-woid (joods, worth up to $14.60 per suit. These will make up to your measure for your choice only §9.75 In every case we give you your choice of tailorn, use first class triniuiing.s throughout and guarantee a perfect fit. IN OUR HARDWARE DEPARTMENT •t' ^ ^ PLOUGH ROPES SHOVELS SNAPS CHAINS HORSE CLIPPERS GARDEN RAKES WHITEWASH BRUSHES PAINTS (all kinds) VARNISHES and The Best Graniteware Values ^fWM ' " â- ' '' MARK DALE in Ontario g Government Holdups Tbo Farmers Sun has fnr some time Ijeeii making a strenuous light againat goveniinoiit railway subsidies, guaranty of private bonds, and favoring a more criuit able railway taxation. Against tho preteiil positi(ni of the f-toss government, ho'vever, the Sun and ivory oilier goi d iiillueoce seems utterly impotent. A government in the position in which Mr. Rots finds himself is simply at the beck hud call of corporations to do with as to then seems good. It is aiiiiply astound- ing tho demands that hsvo been made on the Legislature this session, and appar- ently with complete 8ucce.<8. These de- mands, as pointed out by tho Suu, ore as follows : 1. To guarantee the bonds of the Sault industiiis to the extent of J2,000,000. 2. To guarantee '.l.ebondiof the James Bay railway to the rxtent of §5,000,000. ;{. To grant the Huntsvillo and Luke of Bayi rail.vay a dulisiiiy of $10,000. 4. Tosubiidizna branch of railway 200 miles long, extending from tho main line of the Grand Trunk transcontinontjil line to Port Arthur, to the extent of §400,000 in cash and 1,200,000 acr^ s of land. And iliere are more to f.illnw. Is the jjituaiion not a serious one I House of Refuge Supplies The house of refuge couiiniitoo have awarded t'le fidlo«ing c mlracts, accord- in;; lo tlie (J.ven ^o iiid Adv;iitiser : Jno. McQuiker& Co., Owen S amd, grocer- ie-i and dry g od* ; Kiiott Bros., M irk- dile, a,'iicut uril i.iipieiiiBois ; Western Foundry Co., Wing'mm, laigo co.>kini; lauge ; R, L. Adolph. 0*eii Sound, for lu'.lsand spr.n'.;s ; F. Sirgijant, MarUdale, meat. Oil Wednesday Warden Pringh' .til I M'jMN. On-J>in aiil MjArthir vii- it 1 1 ibo iiiti'ituti »i> a III inado Hiraiige- nn; lis I'ov Ihe faiuiuf' .lud other j.reiiara- tions f.ir Bi)rin:4 work. The interior Wotk of the building it is espeotod will be c uupleted within tun dayi^, Itut a c i; si lenible atnount of lliu oxtoiior tuiii'lii: Wits of Nuo!i a nature that the ilispe 'tor refuse I to issue ceililica'es fnr (hn wmk until if was leiM.ded. Mr. rde.MpiiiK, ayeiit of tlio Outiiio Wind 1' ginu nuA Pump Co. is now cu.!aged in litiinu up ikd iMiiiiping n|iptin>iis wlii^li it is ii'so rxpittid will be in opeiation In It Wiek. Al^ cnmp.ired wilh olie pu>np ini( t.>w>'r (in tliH eVMt hi I ihu p1a.it foi Oil) house of relug* Is oil a larger scale, ilicre being two lowun of the rcMpuctiv,- lld(,lit» of CO and 05 feet, >iiMtru(to<l of «i)(hl iiioh iio.n. Tlioro are 1!>B^ <•«> of iron piping in coixnaetioii ni^h the uump- iiig pLiut. The C. P. II. will have inotliar well i«K «M<vr t!kcir |Hr<>Mi»t Uok 4 D«ii<Ulk Ri=h Color and 5jft Skin May be imitated, but beauiy is umro than skin deep, â€" it is hidden in the blood. Kliiniiiate the pui.soiious pniducls of in- digestion by Fonozone and coiiipleximi rapidly impioves. Incieaso the rid coloriiii; matter in the blood, give ii more nutrition and more vedcelh. do this and cosiiierics iviiiTt li« noedi'd. Give up cosii.etiiv-i, tliey wither Ino i|ui':kly. Use Ferrozone and have your complexion firmly e.ilablishid. Tlieru isn't a case of bloti bed skill, piMir coiiiplc.vion that can't be i]iiiokly ruiiieditd liy Feirozony. Try il. I'rice 25o. The Dominion Government will epdnd §50,000 on impiovenients lo Collingwood harbor. Owing to ill health, Geo. Nixon of Dui.dalk has decided to seek a milder climate. Orillia township has abolished statute labor. Money for roads will henceforth be rai.sed by a general levy the same as nther taxoB instoid of by commuting tlio stilute labor, as has been • no for tho [list fow years Tho chaiigo will effect a more enuilaWo adjustment of taxati<in Ihe road tax fallinij propoilmnatoly heav- ic-it on the man with the lowoati assess- ment at present. A general rate of 2 3 10 mills woidd have raise 1 llie amount spent nil roads last ye ir. At tliia rata a man asuisdod for ilOO would have a road lax of only 23 eeiils, whereas under tho com- mutation rysli-m be pai 1 on the basis of one day's lilii.r, 50 eonts. On the â- â€¢iher liaiid a man asin-is d f. .r C'"'100 WmuIiI pay 84 (50 on tile tax levy and §3.50 in c nn- niiitalion. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing IVIills AFTEK luucli labor I n (1 ex- pense we ivill reopen )ur factory )n Monday .Vpril 251 h x\l\\ Mr. Uco. xjuvmrui 5/VV t odstock in charge, when we will be in a po.sition to till ,all onJers for iSash, Doors, Frames, Mould- ings, Fia.se, .stair materials and nuicliine work .such as plan- ing and matching, scroll and band sawing and turning of every description. Our stock of north shore white pine is complete. We also carry a good stock of panel doors and sa.sh Jiiid can fill all orders promptly and will guarantee satisfaction to our customeis in all linos of our business and our prices will be found as rea.sonable as any. Our ('hopping Department shall have our Ifcst attention. N hi 1 Loo:;cns up Colds O.I the ell St and i.dievts lliit liuhl feeliij^ and hard c oigh like Ni'rviline, wrisiis E. P. I\i-ii.s1.hI1 of Siilt»ii. 'I never ii.sonny othor remedy hut Nerviline and fl.id it serves as ii gnnual hoiisoh'ild liniment ta'st of all. (/'liiMiens co|<l< ami liillaniiiiit'iry pains nro ipiiukly curol by Nirvitiiio, and its a.;'i.ui mi colds, coughs and ftore tliroal i.i uni'ipndled by anything 1 over us-il. Nerviline is both powerful, ploasint Hill reliable." Evt-y mother should iini N.niiliiie. Price 25a. 11 rs. A. Wilson T. W. Wilion, Manager Cook's Cotton Root Compound. "* I.adlcs* FavorKe, Is tho only eafc, rellabla refjulator on which woman can <loi>erkl "In the hour an.I tliiw> of need." I'rciiared In two deKTeos oC Streuijth. No. 1 anif No. 2. No. 1. â€" For ordinary casea Is by far the best dollar niofllrino known. Na i2 â€" For «i>erl«l ra<raâ€" 10 degrees ttronger â€" three dollarti por Ikii. I/ndlonâ€" auk your <1ru»«tlat for Cook'* C'nUon Root r«ini>onnd. Take no other M all pills, mixtures and Imltationa are danserous. No. 1 end No. I «r« aold and recammondtd by all druntstt bi tha !)<»• Bilnlon of Canaoa. Mallad to any addrtM »n i«c«lpt •fvrlcc and four t-ctnt »oata»» â- UBAMt IM 0*1 M OMMvaar, WU«a*i', No I and t«s art wM la KtMlicrtnn br W I RIcUardava aal W t OaagUlt, Ut^MlM*. School CMMren's Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. At Armstrong, JKWKLKR AND O^TieiAN FlaESHERTOm, •4? ^ BOYD, HICICLING & CO.. ^ -FLESHERTOPJ, ^\\1.- Hoyse Foroisliiiigs April and Hou.se elcaning are always closely as.sociated â€" after the house cleaning comes the thought of the new House Furnishini's required to make the home attractive and beautful. We have prepared in good time for you and can shew you a .splendid new as.sort- ment of House Furnishings. New Carpets ^s^j,,:^ Tapestry Carpets 35c. to 85c yard Union Carpets 25c. toDOe yard Hemp Carpets 12^c. to 35c. yard Wool Carpets 75 to $1.00 yard Tapestry Carpetes Squares \ 3x3 $S.OO some lovely designs ) 3x4$11.00 lleversiblc Rugs 60c. to $2.75 each NEW F LO OR CO VERINGS Oilcloths, new designs, all widths, 25, 30 and 35c., per sq. yard. Scotch Linoleums, floral and block patterns 50c per sq. yard Japanese mattings, all new patterns, yard wide 25 and 30c. Two Carpet Specials -^ â- ^X ^/.OO JOrussela fof SSc. An all wool English Body Brussels Carpet, handsome floral pattern in fawn and olive shades, durable and lasting colors that do not show dust. Regular $1.00 quality â€" Special at 85c. A 60c. Jute BrusseIsfor35c. A Jute Brussels Carpet in a pretty floral design in fawn shading's, gives splendid wear and satisfiiction. A special purchase gives us a chance to otter this regular GOc. quality for the Special Price of 35c. -^ Curtains and Muslins New Art Mu.slins,pretty designs,5 tolSc.yard. New Lace curtains, new patterns, 35c.to $5.00 pair. Frilled Curtain Mu.slia, plain and colors 25c. to 35c. yard. , Chenille Curtains, all shades, $3.25 pair. New Wal! Papers Welmvc providod ti p;ood range to soil at tho I.iweat price3 )'ot qnntud, lint call your special .-itteiilion to our selection of rich luid beiiuliful pin>oi's suitable for every decorative purpose in tlio tlomo, Store. Chnioh or Hall. 1 lie cost of bftii.ijini; a really luiidsome popor is practioally no moip il'un tliiit of u cheap ono but think of the difforoaco in dur- ability iiiid lutisfaclicui. ("o.i)e and 8P0 us snoti, wo believe jvo can siti-tfyyonr wants and riir objiet this season will be to make the pncjs of our papers aii atlraclive as theiuselvcs. On/' Si rices range frntn S to 50 c. psnnolt. Yf HEN you PAINT If you desire the very best results at the least expense^ you will use"Vj3 $HERWIN'WlLUAMS SOLD BY Boyd»llicklind$€o« |

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