Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1904, p. 8

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Apr 21 1904 rnt JLE8HKBT0K ADVANCE I 'r The Markets. UirefuUv Vorrertcd Each ITcelt 0«t* P«ta8 <••• ISmliiy • iiutter Ki^Hu f resli I'oik Chickoiis jiiT lb Ducks per lb Tuckoyn pur lb (leusu wirhoiU heads.. Hay VuUitoea bau 29 li (i(J to 45 to 14 t» 12 ia 25 to 8 10 7 to 12 tc 8 to CO to 'Jo to 29 0-2 45 16 12 25 10 7 la I) 6 tiO Our Clubbing List *AJviince, * Herald mid ♦Torontc. \V,)ild, diily $3 25 Toronto D.iily News 1 85 Weokly Gl.)!)u 1 80 Miid-liii>|)ire ISO Family Uor;Od & Star 1.80 T,.ruiit.. Star l.«0 l'';irmci « Sun 1 .80 All libovo ))ric(!s indudo I'liu Advanco mid Moiitri",;.! Herald, if paid li udviiiico only. Eiiily sub.sciibers get est vuiue for tluir iiniiii'y. Durham Bull for Service TUo KPHlstcrert Dinliam Bull, "KING EDWARD" Imp., will stand f jr service on lot 29, S.I). I(.. for I'JOI. Kioi! Ktlwurd ir, it diiiU red.Konill.eavy bono and nuisck; and wfid ilovcloiiud. Ho is in only fair Kur\ icuablc coiulition and will lift tlui bi-a'ui at twootv twohniiUroa lbs. ami is >utin bor t\v j-)uai'-ol(l class. iMomanicR Kins IMwaril inil, calvud April lOtli.lOOl.bred bv J'jlu) YoiniK TilbniirieH. Marycultor, So it- â- (idd. iuiiioitut in dam iu 1000 by Cliailos Kaukin. Wvi^biidu'o, Out., uot by Scottisli l'rini;r7:l.v.i:i;.laMi Itotlinick Ko90, imp.. â- Miti7, bv Alan (iwvnn« fi('iCO:i, Kcil Itosii by fortlaml of Olu'r.v l'.i;7ii. Hosiu -Jnd liv Doctor COOIO, Uosio b\ ^i.Matn.int (i^i:i, .lilt 17tli by All"-.i; bHx'.n, .lilt LMli 1). <;nivorfKnd JliWl, Dor.oioB Olarut by V,iinionl.|7IOH.("l8rut 1st b\ Dnko'iSJ4'i, Olarut bv S.urlct Vi-hct Ki'.llfi. Harb.-ira by Ihinvailo.l liitiiO, Isabi lla by '1 bo I'ac-lm 7012, Croi n» l»y 2iid Ur.ksi ol Kor'lninlboi land :iC)4t5, Nora by ^ illerv .'â- )i:ii:b.niil.- by Hilloi-y 5131, Eliza by YomiK iVc.stnrn Cornet l.J7.'>, L,ady Botty bv Uianr.'i.d •.'(!;"), liut'y by Favorilo 230,by Charyo's Ittd lJniri.4:o. TEIiMS Tlioroiiidibrod cowB *:, ; Rridos $1 .'iO, All payaoiu Ut.lannaiy. 1805. Cows survud by tins nnlpial and not- rulnrncd will bo collettud for uhutlicr ill eatfornot. \V. .!. MEADS, Ceylon, Cnt. Falling out iiair If tliij is l,li(! casu, ci'.U anil neo iia and w.i vlllprcvriit ii doin,; so by ain.ilyins our wouJur^ Jul-leiucdy» "^,"; . Highly Recommend W«,havo nfiofl it9 wond-jrfnll many ill inu town an 1 sano.rid! din on ami all wli.i liavo nndotiioiio troatm »ri-*r.rict -lUtfOcl it. Vtn-y lii^hl>. coui- No Cure- No Pay A. V/1L50M FLESnEllTON Barber BiQ . . 5T0CK Wo liRvo ju.it roc'oivod In etooh one of tllO lllH-fit aRHOltUK'ntH of BLANKCT3 AND ROBES in tlio inarki;t an.l can favor you witb any roiialruiuouta you will ooed In tbat Alioa larao consignment of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS, W(i Imvo a. fine coUoctloa of oo.\tB to to Bolcot from. All Sold at Lowct Living Prices USI TSii. IWI O O RL E Watch This Space Next Week R. Kinnear & Sons Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nery- ousness, depression. If the jSarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. "notnmlnn from tlie Cuban war, I w«« a perfoct wreck. My blood wa« bad, and my health wai gone. Hut a fow bottles of Ayer'n SarsapartlU comoletely cured me." 11. C. DoEULER, Bcranton, Pa. Igl.OO a bottle, [ill dnigglnts. for J. O. AVSK CO., LowoU, Mass. KfSBeskseTssast Aid the Sarsaparllla by keeping tho bowels regular with Ayer^s pills. I ^ I=]$s1)jrtan Furniture | Wuare cirryiii^' tlio newest styles of Boasonabk' gowis in all lints of FuriiiUure, consi.stin;.; of: Parlor and budronm suits, louiigt-.s, sidoUoanU, cxti-tision iind centre tallies, clmirs, window shades and curtain imU:», picture<, easels, etc., Whicli we otter at LOWSET PRICES Picture Fianiiiio nnd General iJo- pairing. ITndertakini/ in all it.s liranohea. Satisfaction guuraiitecrl. I W. rt. Cunt, - - Prop. ^ Business Cards »,r0ULb:3UOII & YOUKR â- U lianUiT Markdalo .)o a Ronoral bankinii bosinobn. Money loauon a roai;oLiabliJ ratu Ci.ll on us. J Sl'ltDUliK Ct Poiitinastor, Flebborton ^onimlssionor in H. C. .1., Auctioaoor Con vovancpr, Appraist-r and Monoy l.i'udci K.a KHtato aud Insurance Afiont. Dcod.. "o'l-axes, leases an I wills cavefuUy drawn UP an I valuations niado on pliortosi ncicH n on^^y to loan at l.iwost rates oi interest t ol ,,,tions lUtendod to wltli l"',''"'!' 'f"^ chaiTCH low. A«ent for Ocean Domlmou Si.'.am.hip Company. A call Bolicitod. Societies « O U â- Â«â-  inniits on tho laat Monday fl in oacn mouth, in tlielr loduo rooin, Cinisto.ra blook.FloslUMton.atap.nl- >l»-. \ Harris. ,n ; llccordor, -las. Kclstead ; I'uiau- cior, \V.,). itol.ainy. VisitiuK bitlbreu ii-viled PUIN'CR ATirHTll LODOK, No. :ia.1. A. 'a M, nioots in the Masonic ball. Strain'. Klesb^rton. evfry Kriday on or Iwlore I W lllcklpig WAl. Cliaa block,, tliu (nil luocn. I' .MiiUAhaw, bocrutary. flOUhr KIiKSnEBTON, I. O. P. niootd In U cbriRtne's liioik tlio last h'rlday ovenin^ eac'.i luontli. Vi^itini! Korostoia boarti y ri>le..inn. C.K., C. W. Uollumy ; 11. «-.. ". IliM.liin ; Pln.f'cc.nr M. Mnrrav. ( I'av dnca to Dr. Murray on or baforo last da> of each montb.l Medical DU CAUTr.U M O P A R Out. rbysirlan. flnrqeon, etc Oaka and rosidonccâ€" I'oter Bt , Flosbcrton DR. BOOTT, M.ll,, MaxwoU, Ont. U. M. IlKIl), M.D.C.M,, l'byslelan,\fiuri,'uon and Aceoucbonr. lato of N Y.t'oslurad. Medical School, N. Y. T.fl.iul" llosiiltal aud Bt. Lukii'u <»oneral Hospital, Jttawi. T P OTTRWULL. ' Votorlnary BurRoon Qraduatn of Ontario Voterlnary CollcK«. renidonoo â€" aicoud door south woat on Mary atroul. ThU Btroct rima south i*reshvtorlan <?burch. H WILSON, Illnoki'mlth • Iradiiate ol the Votorlnary Hcloncc Association. Uiisideiieu. Durham itroot, op- poxltu lloyd, liicklli.K'< bardwaro. Legal ,T. W. FnOST, t. Ii. V. HarrUtor, Solicitor t'onveyancar, eto ofnoiiâ€" Next to postolllco, Kproulo'a block Kl r diioton. wvorv 'riinisda and, court day« N Itâ€" Owou Kouiid olUcu, Krost' block roulett htroul ea.^t. LUIJArt, WIIIOIIT ,«: McAIlRI.R Harrlstors Solicitor* Convejanoora. etc omcoaâ€" Owun Sound. Ont and MarkdalnOiit. W H WnuiiiT, MeAnin.K I II I.iu-ad N ll'-ricHbnrton offloa, MItcholl'i ISaiik •very Saturday. M A X W K L li JlACKAVftSAMPSON Harrlitcrs. »otl, itors. iVl oTKICKH : -Owen Hpunrt, MKrchint's Bankllloek, N. if I'atl.irson llouso. tnndalk alii Street. overy Ht.tnrday. Monnv to loi.n at ^} percent. A.fl.M.-iCKAY.M A , UK MAMI'SON, Ii L.D Alwavs in nttindnncn at PIraborton and Dundalk l>l«lHlonConrta. Dentistry DS. p. C. MI:KRAV.1.,I> S. dental •ntcetm honor tfradiiHte of Toronto I'nlvfrsltv and Hoval Collepp of llentnl Snrceini. of CVtitatio. i>(n^»i-Oppo.ltA ^rniHtronq'* .tewellorr Store. Will ♦l.lt Marwidl tli* laat Wedimsdaj if aitah inonti'., and Caiidclk 1 auA S TbuiaJaj â- rark uvu. Honor BoUii Mntcb report for S. 0. No. 6, Arte- mebia. Class Vâ€" Sadie Fletclior, Hunter Har- row, Ethel Harrow, Katie Fletcher. Cliiss IVâ€" Willio Fletcher, Tom Dul- ler, Janet Fletcher, Veronica Butler. Ckbnlll Sr â€" Johnio Mc<^rthur, Spur- geoii Wliittaker. Claai HI Jr- Kuby Stone, Bert Whit- taker, Aiij^ie U.irrow, Mag'^io XJoyCB. Class II Sr â€" Toininy McArthur, Willie McArthur, CoverdaU: Patterson, Johnuy Irwin. Class II Jrâ€" Emma Whittaker, Frost Purdy, Tommy Spicer, Edna Fletcher. Pi. IIâ€" Willie Spicer, Rita lioyce,Bert Irwii, Harry Hagg.ard. Pt. I Srâ€" Cold will Patlersoti. Vt. I Jr-I. ii. Wliifaker. E. M. Small, Teacher. Easter Examinations S. S. No. 8, Artc- incHia : IV -Herbert Tlioinpsnu 08, Fred Taylor 55, Alice Holmaii 32, R. Kerr 40. Sr. Illâ€" Elbeit Cornfield 73, Ray Pedlar 07, Lena Walker 65, Robert \Vat.son 57. Jr. Illâ€" Frank Iloliiian 78, Lynmn Jackson 70, Sadie Tlmmp.son C8, Delia P,;d!ar 01, Harry Meldruiii 51. IIâ€" Gertie Thompson 80, Harry Coutts 78, George Fisher 77, Pearl Jackson 74, Wilfrid -McNally 63, May Corolield 53, Frank Taylor 42. Part II â€" Ilia Lyons, Lawrence Lyons, Viola Cornfield, Harry Fisher. '^ F'OISONED Ilaiik Pui.siiii is created v.hen Food does not digest, and that is when Sickness Coiiinience.s. If the iiiiin or wonian'wlio 'does 'not feel liiilit.wijl at once lo.ik to puttiiii; tlio stomach light they will striko tlin |'r ght key â€" Every (iclie and every pain i^ a cry nf poi.ton, too much of which h.is [ been iiiado iu the proce.s.s of converting fond into mitrinioiit. It may ue the t>iek,-iclio or .sidiacho of ilie kidneys ; telling tliey are* overtaxed ^ and cTiniot filter, ilie poison â€" It may be wei'.dit,paiii or distress 111 thcsioinaeli that t^•lU^lf, fcrment.itioii nbd deconiposii ion instead <if di:jifitioii -â-  It may be hendacho, dull, deprusce.l, which tell p'li.soii has reiicUcd 'thn Uiiiil which surrounds the brain cells. The tirst cause is the Runo-rrjack of oaatric juice to pioperly di.;aHt. AXTI-l'IU., ihe Great System Treaiincnt, is anew liifccovery winch ho jiicbs on the inuoims nioiiibiaiK' of the stonmch, a n^tui d sii| ply of g.'vstric juice i.s acsuri-d. To proio the womleiful action of .VNTI- PlLL.you niiiy have a free Irial^boUle by iiddies-iiig Wiluon-Fyle C> , Niagaia Fails, Ont. The Body of Joseph Fanning of Owen Sound was found by tho section men ..n the railway track a short diitanoo west of Thornhury. It i.s snpp'sod that lie h.-id been walking from Meafonl to TlKirnbiiry afier dark and had fallen into a culvert of«hiehhe wa.s unaware, ttrikini; lii-i head against the tiinbt<ri or the steel tail with such force a.s to cause instant death, us tho ci;;ar ho had been snn kii'g was still in his ninulh when found. Deceased wa.s about. 27 years of ago. Coroner Hurlburlis of opinion that the youiii; man had been dead for a couple of days as the body was fiuzcn stiff when foiind. Tho tirst lire of the season in th.s iieiglilmrhood from lightning oocuired Saturday afturnooii when '.he electric thud struck and sot tiro to tho barn on the Trayiior houicstcad, O. S. U. near ()r- cliar.'.villo, and losed by John McEweii and his sons. The building was entirely destroyed with part of its coniei ta, i - eluding two horses, CO w,c«lf,t wo pig<, 1,500 bushels of oa>i>, :i ijuantily of hay i>nd other ft'ol. There was an insurance rf 95U0 on the contents in the Howick Co. â€"Rep. Why Catarrh Poisons the System The Catairhnl germ ex'.'ite.s iiitlamaiion, oireiisivo secretions are thrown otT and pa-s into the cireulntioii, coiitainmai'ii g the river of life and thus wreck the wliole body. Every eatunh victim sli ai'd usu fragrant heiilliig Cut»*ihozono, the surest cure fid' every type of eatairh yi t dis- covered. Catnrrlucoiio can't fail to euro t>ecHUSo it.s vapor kills the germs uiij le- nioves the rauhit of ilie trouble. Then it nooths and heals, stops the cough and r.o li-ives the s'utfed IK> condition ot the nose and throat. Tens of lh<disan<U have li.n'ii cured hv Cnlarrhozono whieli is guiinnleed, ITsi< only Catanhiizoiie. O.'inplets outlit 91 00 ; trial size 25c. if tbry get the clutrter of llie Humn aud Ontario company. It waa found by tbo H. & 0. ooii])>anjr that their optiuu to Mr. May had not yet expired, and ua that gentleman was present anU eipresseU confidence in Ida ability to go on with tho Work, a comproiiii>e waa effected by which Mr May lias until July to com- [dete his arrangemeiils If iiothiijj is then done, Col. McU.diald's proposal will bo dealt irith. Some d<>uht wa-=« and is felt as Ur the C. P. R. being really be- liiud the Coluiiel'a acheme. But thera ia biipo of souiuthiii:{ being doi;o before long, an 1 ill the uieanlime it islceit.iin that the railway po.saibilitics of thi.s pait of llie country are attrac'ing at'eiuiou in ii.fliiential ijuaiter.s.- Uiuce Herald, Frank Hallaiu, who had just Kii'shed s.'rviiig three nionthi in Orangeviile iail, was commit fed for tri^d at Hamilti n la.st week on a charg." of a.ss.iuM;.ii4 a boy named Smith last September and robbing biui of 930. The corpoiation of Orangeviile hai m;id< ftn agreement to lo-in ^l.j.OOO to R. J. Dinsey and Christian Ilirtel, of Han. over, who propose ti start a furniture lactur/ in Orangeviile. aigaaBBSBâ„¢gB<w»w j>.- ii â-  ii A onn to represent "Casada's GrbiT. EKr NvKSEBlEii" In the biwn of FJLESHBI^TpN" and the surrounding c<'untry, and take orders for Our f)drdy Specialists In Fni'iT Tkees. Shall Fkcit.-!, ()KXAME.NT.*U), SUKt;il3, RoSBH. Vines, Seek l'(/r.\ToEs, elc. S'ock true to na-ne and free fomSaa Jo.so Scale. A pern anent posiuuii for â-  h« risiht ttian on e!th<;r salary or coiS- nii.s.tiuii . Stoned Wellington The V.'orst Kind .\fter Piles have existed for a I m time and p.issr.d tliron'gh different stages, the sMffirin'? is intense â€" piill, aehiiiLr, ihroliliiii'..', uiniors foriii, tillcil to burstint; with black blood. Syinplouis indicating other troubles may appmr tt> a thoroughly Pile-sick person. Tlia is when Hom-Roid, tho or.ly in- ternal, the on'y absi'lute Pile cure, brinns the results th'it baa made it* fame. It will cU!;; the :no:si, stubborn case in existence and a Hondid guianteeto tbat effect goes with each jaokMao. It is to be hnd at tho dru^ store. S.ild by \V. E. Riol-.ar.ison. FONTHILL NLRStRlCS i/vei SOP acres Toronto OntarJo Transacting Business . . . Jr i« iin[>o'.»il>!e trr go through life witlioUt s 'ill-; liil-iiie.v-' TlML'.sav:lioni5, To siin;d?y such mstitrs r.nd make them profitable v< u should have a Rusiness Education such as is givcu at the C A Fleming, 1901 U â- A Principal OWEN SOUND, OST. Spring Term be^iins Afiril -Ith, gg^JJ^ael^ CUnSD VilTddm COIIinO, Piilf! 01? LC53 GPIIMi No taatter yo'r}m^ ycti V.aTeouScrcd or Jiowbarbaroostyyoa haf ot)cos treated br surireo.n?. 1/ ciuti-.:?, strfcbirriar.cl burnicf, wocr.U yoj to ir.vcel'.j-at-s rer 1.EV7 MnraOD cfcmiajlt. C-.irt.oatniertU otijLnatT.itbiosrselvr), nL-d !•: ttior-'full ^^-^ of Mycara'cTf-crlcnca la tbcsosptcialdiieascs. Thootricture t-ssc-jinlUcrnnal la Bv rainlcsslT aboorbcj a^d bctco r-nioTcd foreicr. Auv disc^iarrjc, wblcU cfteniic- \^, ccmpjaiiisctricturoidiianreirj.tho iEr.arjcdBjrfaca ishtalcd i:T<,c'.l3ca:d!ajsnd mj bnrnlnsrsernatiouacts.-e; tho KiJncj-aaad lUaldcr bccoira Urcnj.iadrortnp.l, tho ~- eexnal orjraaa rcain vi-or rtid TitalitT ar.4 the patic:it feels &3 tiocjhlâ€" a yrere ^ worth Uvin;;. All cists iro tr=;tc<S tuidcr a possrms au^i^nmz^ en a'o pj^Yo fi?3 OUH rJi:W MBTnon Tr;E.\TBJi:?»T Trill crro Toa, anc2 ruaieataaa )>^ lA? ofyoa. Undcritjlatlacncotiabnla bjcomca aciivo.tUe blood par.Lec rotbit .ill i. fcS pimplca, blotches aad nlccrs heal tip; tha nerves becorie stroHg as steel, so that fi -^ nsrvonsnOMi, bashlulnesaanddespcudeacTdisappe.-.r; tha eyes lx^co2lO bright, tha i'i; {â-º=d« lace fall and clear, cacri^y litiriisto tho body, and tho moral, jhjsicalnad sexual •'" 'Vc i^TStenis pro invlg-oratcd; ail drains cear-c â€" no core Thai tvaste from the system. Ihevaricnsoruaiubfcornonateraland tnaalr. You feel yourself a mi>:!'ad know r^:^ marriai;ocA3;u<.tb-3af:ilu-c. Waiivitcanthaaillicted iofous-jltn3 ccoSdent'.allT R^ and Jroo < f charec. lies'* li-* qr-u-ks ncd faUra rob yoa of yoar htJd-earced fcj,: ?.*a dollars. â- S\E Wlllj CUi'.E YOt) OS KO PAY. _ ^,.,„ ra fe^ Wativit aidc.re NE-IVOLM TEaiLITY, ST5XTTAT, WEAKKE«;S. F.MI8- ,5*^ i?Si SIONS. SVPUIT.IS, CLIUiT. STKlCTbRF, VARICOCELE, KIDN re-.-, -iv-.,.^ ....„..,..^ -- KIDNfiY cad Z.% BIi/LCDEi* DlbEA^Ea. and all diseases peculiar to mea and women. IJuaablitocill, â- wrllofcir£Jccci.=30 Dlssi! iot P~ca:-o Tif^JietsseiT. ^4S S^^is^f S^«, ^ET^&iT, ^J#.Â¥. SS Tesra In DoSc-olt. 2S0,000 Cared. E3s::tti Ssattrliy. ^iif-,-**---*â€"-^-^ a' 'r «iF-' ' -'â- - • ^'"^ i-r-T â-  ^ â- * -*- VfiVn >.:x'>.jt.v5..\'<t.' YOU ARE LOSING MONEY Wittioxit a MELLOTTE'- ^ 1.. gWpite for Catalog to. CREAM SEPARATOR CO.OOO 111 Dai'y usr. The only Separutni fitted with Heautifully En.-mi '- led Bowl Caslni;. The Lightest Runnina itiid Most Dutablt) Srparatur yet produced. S.HVes Time, Labor, Siwce, Utonsda, loo and Wa'or, Fleslxerton. tfli^iB^^p\k^' A meetinv of the diroctnrti of tho Eire I trie r.diway wns bold in Toroiit.i on Thursday htkt, at which a projoaal wai , in.tde by Col. McDotmUl of Guolph to hand over their charter to a company which ia now applying at Ottawa for « charter to build a roail from Hanover to Lucknow. Host«ted thtt the C. 1". R, are at the back of his eonipaiiy, and that Ihoy are prep.iteil ti«!bui1d from Ilaiioror to Li oki.uw, and possibly other Mvtions, For Fust flltisi I'uggio', Cart.o, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutlers, Sleijths. Wo keep a stock on hand to choose frtmi. ALSO ttORSE SHOEING ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and iiuaraiiteo firat class woik. Wo kiH^p on hand Ploughs and Phnigh repairs, and also Massey- Harns and Noxon rei'siis for bimlcrs. Mowers, hU kinds '..f ma. hinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » OPhcn in town give us a call

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