Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1904, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. '«â-  i \ > • VOL XXlv, NO 1182 FIcstLerton, Ont., Tljursday, Mlay IQ 190-4 * W. H. THURSTON. KS?e UIETOB Stop a rioment I But that in not wh«t our Watclien di>â€" «hey '• <;o im f'-r- ever," like Toiinyyon's Bnxjk â€" wi:h au uccAsioaal cleaning. We have the bfst value in Wntuhes to be found in Ontarin. That is a Mj; st«tement, and if yiiu dim't belieyo it wnue in and let us verify it. Wo make a specialty uf the pi'pular and perfect HAMILTON MOVEMENT , A big stock of this niovement just to hand. .: PI npifC In immense Tari- ULUVIXO ety and at all price-. Our repairing d«i)artment ia thoroughly eiiuippod and good workmanship guarantead. W. A. Armstrong, tJo-welter, Flesherton PriccTlIIe day last week to see his mother, who wa« between Kimberley and Heathcota teams, very poorly, but is improving a little we The game resulted in ueit her side scur- un'iers'and. \Vi) had a heavy frost Monday night, iitone Settlement in^ a goal. Mr. David Thompson is visiting fith hia suiter, Mrs. John Piewea. EascDia Seeding in this locality is well on to a finish. Vegetation ia far advanced con- I Spring took a relapse. Sheep that were shorn during tho6e tew warm diya on account of their panting with the heat , would uaed both pants aad overcoats 'to sldering the late, cold spring. keep them from shivering during the cold Diedâ€" At Eugeuia, May 7, the baky I days and nights which followed. daughtir of Mr. and Mrs. James Wil- j The fall wheat in this locality indicates liams, aged »ix months. at present a smaller yield than in former Bornâ€" At Eugenia, May 12, to Mr. years. In on« or two cases it has been and Mrs. Thos. Betta, a daughter. plowed under. | The many friends of Mr. and Mrs J. I We are pleased to hear that Mr. Jarvit R. Hogg are delighted to hare them Hazard is able to be out again. Jarvis again become residents of Eugenia. They left last week to work in the lire-ruined have purchased Fern Villa, the handsome ' district of Toronto. Guess there will be residence of Mr. H. M. Rjwerman. Mr. plenty of work there this summer, even Hxgg will be manager here of the Eu- Councillor house in geoia Power and Electric Company, which Etarts nparationa very soon. Ail regret the continued ill health uf Mr. and Mrs. Boweruian, which compels them to retire from farmine . They pur- fur non-union men. I Harry Spicer ia assisting , Gibson to build his new i Markdale. I The poetical abilities of oar former I school teacher. Miss I. B., are worthy pose living in Toronto. All join in hop- I the admiration of her many friends, ing they will soon regain their health. '] Write on, yoimg lady, you ar« a poetess, | They will be much missed in church snd 1 and before you die the world will know . Sabbath school where for so long Mr . ^ â- â-  -â-  it. Tea, who knows hut Byron, Burns Boweruian has been a most faithful The majority of people do not seem to or Mix)re their fijrst rhymes chalked upon worker. It will be difficult to find one bein K>ve with the sudden changes of the kitchen floor? Write on, young to fill his place. emperature, to opposite extremes. I lady, and let us hope that you'll dwarf aj Mr. Thomas Betts ia erecting a fine Inspector Campbell yiaited our schools MUton, Cuwper, Pope ; of talents rare bam. Mr. Jiiho Whitien is contractor. last week. Arbor day was observed by teachers •nd scholars of the public school. I Death again viwted this locality and ' ^^y be the case that you'll be took away Mary Cameron, wife of Donald ;„ rhymer's race. Miss Annie Harrow was home last week on her holidays, not having taken Mc.\rthar, north line, on the 8th, after a lung illness borne with clirisiian patien- C*. Deceased came with other members of her family to this vicinity 52yeais ago, a little girl of 7. She was a kind and amiable lady much respected by all who were acquainted with her. She leaves to njuurn her loss a husband, four sons, a 'tis you may boast, unaided e'en by I Mr. R. Hoy is putting up a handsome Shakespeare's ^host. Write on, young brick residence on the site of the old lady, give up never, the general verdicii Morey House. is, you're clever. \NWe on, then ; such Miss Alice Gordon of Urange, N.J„ a winner is at preseut visiting her father. Ear many frieuds are pleased to welcome her McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store M.^tJKDALE, ONTAKrO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES The stocks 61 merchandise in each department of this big store- was never better assorted. The values were never better ; our large staff" of salespeople never moie eager to do buiiiness and the whole organization ready and prepared for the biggest kind of spring and summer trade. '^e tuant and kaoe faeilitiem fof kanclllng 50,000 pounJx Wool at the highest cash of titiBe p/'iees, ^ ^. Exceptional Values in Ordered Clothing '^^ We have been making a change in the Woolen department, the new manager says we have too many suit length* and has thrown on the counter about 25 suit lengths that he says he wants sold at once. We know of one way to get them out quickâ€" here goes : 10 Suit lengths of Wool tweed, coronation pattern, very suitable for business wear, made to your order with best linings and trimmings, regular value $15.00, sate price 10.90 10 Suit Lengths, (Seven Towers Serge) imported direct from Balleymena, Ireland, good heavy weight in pure worsted wool, either navy blue or bkck. You can't beat this Irish Serge for wear and makes a very dressy salt, with best of trimmings and workmanship, regular §17 suit made ti> order for 12,50 10 snit Lengths, Tweeds and Worsteds, good honest goods, but colorings or pat- terns that we have too many of. Tho regular price* made to order (with besc trimmings and workmanship) were §15.00 • to f 10.00 a suit. We have them marked for quick selling 11.90 the regular Easter holiday. Kaxwell Seeding is the order nf the day and the ' co-jl weather favors its progress. Only a daughter, a brother, Mr. Malcolm Cam- few farmers have finished with cereals. home. Mr. Andrew Graham of the Valley has a tine barn in course of erection. Keeuan Bros, of the 7th line have a large force of men at wark at their mill and are cutting something over 10,000 ft. of lumber per day. Rockvale Mills are also rushing busi- ness with a large force of men. Their eroii, now <>f Toronto, and a sister, Mrs. | Miss Elizabeth Sterling is spending » large sapply of logs is being manufac- McDonald, O.D R. A large number of few weeks in Toronto. people escorted the remains to the cemet- ery here on the tenth. Rev. Mr. Math- ei:on oQiciated at the house and grave. A children's service was held in the Methodist church last Sunday. The iSanday Schools of Stonos' Settlement and that of the villaj;e were seated on either side uf the church. A quantity of housa plants and early wild Howers were collec- ted by the children on Saturday for decoration purposes. * Our resident clergymen exchanged pulpits on the evening of the 9tb, Rev. Mr. Mathcson taking Ebenezer,Methodist, anil Mr. Roach taking the Presbyterian church here. j tured into all sorts of material very fast. CapUin Bemrose has received bis order I Mr. Adam Smith of our Eugenia saw- to come at once to Uke charge ot the ; ^-^^ ^as been busy cutting out his yard King Edwartl at the Sault. This is the j ^f i^,gg ^^^ jjr. Osburn is cutting up his boat which the captain mastered last â-  g^jngig ,tuff at a great rate of speed. No year. It plies between Sault Ste Marie | j^j^ jj,g„ ^]^•^ spring, except those who and Toledo. Mr. George Long is also ^^ j^^, ^j^g^ j^, ^^^y. shipping with the Captaia as mate. The Eckard family, bell ringers, are to give their popular entertainn-.eut at Fe- versham ou Friday night next under the auspices of the public library, be a rare treat to hear them. Mr. VV. Williams.in, who ha.s been for Bulsy People Need Health. What a rush modern life i^ push, drive, get there somehow. It's hard ou It will the nerves, hard on di^jestion, hard on sleep. Your blood gets thin and strength ones down hill. Busy people must Mr. D. Winters of the 4th and 018 gang; ^,i„(ji„,,e,,tjj_ must build up. Take of masons are now at work in Feversham Ferrozone, â€" ib sharpens the appetite, building the foundation of a stable for forms rich blood, develops strength as if \tr lohn S.mnin *»y magic. Ferrozoae is a nerve and vu L. ,^? • u • , â-  « T u brain tonic that keep, a rebuilding going W. Puddle IS now bricking Mr. John I „ jm^^ system and brings vigor snd Keruahan's house. ! energy to those who need it. Try Ferro- «..m8 years in the mining regions ofi At the annual meeting of the Maxwell ' zone and see how quickly you'll improve. Montana, camo home to visit his father Auxiliary ot the W. M.S., hold in the P^'ce oOc, at druggi.sts. who lies very ill. Will has some exciting ' Methodist church recently, the following tales to toll of western life. Minin;; life in officers wern elected for the e.isuing the Rockies cannot be monotonous when y«»r : President, Mrs. (Rev) Scott ; Ist intei8porsed.wifhstrike8,riot8,destruction|"Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Clinton; 2nd Vice t.f smelters and other properly with dy- } P'o*. *'•â- Â»â€¢ ^^'n Scut t ; Cor. Sec., Mrs. namite, hundreds of employees arrested ^"^^ Pa"i«t«r ; Rec. Sec, Mrs. U. M. ami placed in the bull pen or prison and JPiel'f : Treasurer, Mrs. Uobt. Heroi. ; KUtrded by soldiers and boarded at Prpsident of Systematic Giving, Mrs. Robert Morrison. Port Law Uncle Sam's exporse Mr Jo.s. Switzer, of Korval, visited friends here on Monday last. We under- stand he ia p;oing west at an early date. J. Brander's mare got out of the stable Sunday afternoon and struck out probab- ly fjr her forrovrhome at Brniklyn, a< she was seen going through Ventry at nine o'clock Sundsy niKht. ILlnberley Law- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Watson's youngest child, a boy of eight months, hiis been so ill that his lite waa despaired of; but g'>od hojies are now entertained of his recovery. Bornâ€" On Friday 13th iust. to Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher, a daughter. Born-On Tuesday, 10th inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherwood, a sou. Mo-jnt Zion Sundy School ro-openetl last Sunday with a good attendance. Mr. VVm. H. All«n is the Superintendent, Charles .1. Stafford and Noble rence have gou» to New Ontario. Mr. Charles Stuart of Pr.ceville 'P*"* ' ^Jj, ^i.^^d^by .^^ sUff of teachers, iiiday at his home here. j , James Murdoch, Esa-. inspector of «ight« and measure*, gave the Pott a during the past week, but U improving! Miss Annie Scott of Eugenia .pent P"'^""'*""' "*" '*'*'' »lowly now. i Sunday at the parental home here. ''"^- •'• ^- ^y*"" / Sunday i Mr. W. L. Young of Markdalo was in { Mr. 'Dugald McLean has been very ill '. town last week. •lowly Viss Maggie McDonald, of the Dur- liau Ri>ad, was visiting friends tnToron- <to lately and whiU there became qnita 111. loas in rho death Sunday at ttia parei Hiss Norma McMullen of Eugenia spent Sunday at Mr. R. J. Sluails. j >»»*^ *"•''• Mr. Taylor of St. Vincsut viaited bis i sustained a severe of his entire horse Building operations this season pro- «.t brother Archi«.w«it to the city and daughter, Mrs. Jo«ph McCullough, re- ' n»i«i to be more than iisually bri.k- ...... ^ Among those who will build bams are aeeompanied her booie, she is now tome- oently. j..»»>~» /â€" . d u n l u what better we areRlad to hear. I Messrs. A. B. Armstrong and Albert ! Me-rs. Wm Chard. R. H Beo,ph.ll Dr. DixonhMltke ple~.ur«of a ^iwt ' Mills took charge of the service in the|Rob«'» McMaater. Robert White, and horn hU father snd mother, who re- Union church here Sunday sreninR last. | Wm. U.ve. Messrs. R. D. M.Idnim.nd |nainedaf.wday.withhiBUstw««k. I A very inter... in.{ football match wm J*"*" ^^^ "* ••<?'» «•«="'»« °«* J. A. Fergo«« ws. in Shelbome on. P"*/^ «»«" «» Saturday evoing hrt'dweUings. Women's Wrappers for $1.50 Wo put in stock this spring 10 dozen '.Vomen's Print Wrappers, made by one of the best manufacturers in Canada. These goods are all made from the best quality Eng- lisli print in light, medium and dark shados. They are made with extra wide sweep in skirt, deep flounce and perfect in everv way. Quality and workmanship consider- " 1.50 ed they are a bargain at 2.E0 CHARCOAL IRONS FOR 1.00 We put ou sale this week 20 Charcoa' Irons at 1.00. Every housekeeper should have one of these irons, they S4ve time, they save fuel, thoy save liino, they save heating the house and roasting "the wrimau at the iron" on a hot day. Reg- ular 2.50 each, sale price l.OO FOOT STOOLS 69c. Ask to see the latest American novelty in Foot stools. Every housekeeper will want one at houne-cleaning time, 15 or 20 differont designs in rich plush top, brass legs, cheap at 1,00 etch. Our prioe Ot) - fl.OO TABLE CLOTHS 59c. 20 Linen Table Cloths, 2 A yaids long plain white or fancy red or blue borler, with fringe edge, regular §1.00 quality for 59 NEW VOILE DRESS GOODS 50c 18 pieces new Voile Dress Goods, in all the latest tinta, new gre«ns,blues,browns, champagne, navy cream and black, S'una plain some tiaked, very dainty and fashion- able, no store can show better values a" these prices, 50c and 5S. NEW CHA.MBRAYS IS^c. 24 pieces New Scotch Chainbrays, finw rioh linen finish, we h<avo all the popular shades of pink, blues, greens, champii:;nt'. etc. in stripes, checks, fancy dakad or plain self colors. These goods wo import direct aud they are extra values at 12; 40o S-\L.\D DISH FOR 15c. 50 Fancy Decorated China Salad Di?he,< in assorted tints and colorings, nice &no French china, usually sold at 50c each our prico 1<> Carpets, Curtains and Wall papers. IVIcFAKLA^4D, STAFFORD & Cq Special Inducements For Current Trade . . 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits f 7 and f8 for 6W 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, $7.50 and $f).0O. fur B.Ot) A Urge assortment of carpets, arranging in price from 2oc. to 3125 per yd An extra good stock of Horse Blankets on hand, and we are selling ihnui at the lowest living prices known. Also a full range i.f Men's Heavy Koutwear, such as Felt B')ots, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Ltg- liugs, etc. A Reduction 5 lbs good Japan lea for $1.C0 5 lbs CsyloM blaek tea 1.00 13 lbs. bsst selected raisins 1.00 20 Men's Heavy Ulsters,good valvo ,it Sfi 12 only Men's Pea Jackets,on sale ai 3,',ht 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth Sl.tK) for Boc 50 yds. crash toweling, worth 8;. yd. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Blankets, to clear out at. SH.9U pair 12 Men's'.Cardigan Jackets, reg. $1.00. for l.l» Men's Kid Q'.oves, tegular price 9<K-. and *1.00, for 60c. per pair in Groceries 25 lbs. best Tapoica l.Ot* ib Ika. fweh Figs l.CO 00 l*n(* ^'^'f* >oap, rej. 13)c fur 9c ^r.bar A nice asMtrtment of Faucy UlaMwar* to Choose for Xmat Qiftt. . . . VW^. HOCKLEY Highest prices p«ld Fowl and Butter.. . . Proton Sttition, X

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