Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1904, p. 6

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SCHOOL OF SELF-DEFENCE AND ALSO FOR ti'KTECTIVES, JUGGLERS AMD OTHERS. Ifvot. Tomlinson Instructa â-  Sis Fupils in all Sorts of House- wifely Duties.' AH good citizens will rejoice to ^Icftrn that ii iii-w ami elTicaciouM method of abolishing those |>arts of the streets, known us HooliganK, has been (iiKcgvored and j)ut into prac- licul application by a I'Vonch gen- lloniau nuiiicd Jl. I'iurro Vigny. Some years ago the idea occurred to M. Vigny, who. it may be nien- tloned, has l)een fencing nin.ster to A French crack cavalry -rcKiuicrrt. that it would be i)ossil)lo to discov- er a Kystem by which pc'ople could guard themselves against the cow- ardly methods of assault j)ractiKed by the bloclcguards of the streets. M. Vigny accordingly purchased a stout wolltirifi-stick, and, armed with it, proceedbid to study tlie methods of Ifoiiligans in the slums of London ftnd l.i-'erpool. When he acrpiircd first-hand know- ledge of their ways, he repairod to Paris, where he sought wisdom from the Thugs and ;\i)acheH, ruflians who assualt pede.strians with sand-bags and lil'e-pre.server.s, and then, for the purpose of (inishiivg his education, he spent some sonsiderablc time amongst the ruffians of Home and Naples, who are proficient in the use of the murderous stiletto, and comi)letcd his curriculum in the riowery of Kow York and the slums of Chicago. He thufi became conversant with ovciy device of the street ruffian, and, wliat is of more importance, he disco veiod how to protect hinl-scli cfTectiveiy. from eveiy weapon, with the exception of firearms, they use, including loaded hells, sund-bags, bludgeons, knivtts, and daggers, with 'he instrumentality of a HUMBLE AVALKING-STIOK ! For the )nirpose of imparting this art he has estaljlished a •'.School of Self-])i-fencc" in a street near Ox- ford Street, London, which is large- ly patronLwd by young nris'tocruts, city men, aclois, and others, who.se J)ursuils necessitate! tlicir being out late. Ladies also receive instruction at this unique school in large num- bers, and M. Vigny niaintains that anyone who has mastereil the sys- tem of self-defence with a wulking- litick or undjrellu, which he has in- augural ed, is a match for at leusl, half a dozen street rulfians armed with lielts or knives-. The newly-wedded men who dis- cover that the pastry maile by their ^hotter halves i.s more suljslanlial '"than digestible, and that their col- lars and ciifls luck liistie will bo de- lighted to hear that a ".School for Wives" exists at CheUe.i, whicli is presided over liy I'l-oiessor Tomlin- lion, who iiiiili-uctf! his pupils in all (iorts of housev. ifel.v dutie.";, from dear starching to the higher flights of dome.stic economy. Large num- bers of murri(!d and single ladies at- tend this t.chool for Ihi; puipose of hccoming pr.>licient in variou.T dom- fstic arts, and lectures followed by practical demonstrations are given pn every imaginable subject conncct- fd with the household. (ilieiit and St. I'l.tersburg boast of iuii(|Uo schools for detectives and policemen. flhent's police force eni- |ilo.\f; large numbers of dogs to pa- Irol the streets at night and these uniiiials ore taught to obey the com- liinnd of any iinin in uniform and to follow any person, and if necessary fly nt him, when instructc^d by the ijendarme. UTKSSIAN' rOMCEMEN i\i-o taught everything that is lively to be uKel'ul to thi^m in the course of their duties at an academj- at St. I'etersburg. 'I'ln^ students are taught the gentle arts of burgling and pock- et ;)ickiiig, and tliey are nnide pro- llcienl in the nielbods of all sorts of criniinnls, as the authorities hold that they can onl.v become ellicient policemen througli nuistering the devices of thieves. The more ad- vanced pu|>lls are instructed in shad- owing suspected persons, and inuig- Inary crimes are committed, and prizes given to those who solve Ihem by deduction. One <)f the most inlerestinp; schoeds In London to visit is that for r.cro- huts and "strong" men at Kenning- tbn. Thi'i'e you will see pupils in- Btrucled in the art of throwing dou- hle sonuM-saults and weii.thl lilting, .luggling is also endiiaced in the ruiriruluni, and the Inillal efforl.'t of would-lie-jugglers to perform tricks with eggs and plates are both inler- fHting and amusing. ViM-y few are iiware that several schools for barbers and three finish- ing ncndeinieR for hnlrdressi'rs exist in London. At the hairdressers' dcndeinies tourses of instructions are (llvou by competent professors in the inricale art of the coilfure, and ela- borate styles of liea(hlrcs.seK are con- It met ed on models selected for their profession from histiuiciil pictures pnd engravings. The West Knd llnirdressers' Academy, it may be ptentioned, has sonic six hundred K-holars, and twelve models are con- llnntl.v employed. Despite the vigilance of the pollen quite a number of schools for the IrnHiiing of young criminals exist, • nforlunately, in England. One of Jhes<> was recently discovered in Me- Ihnnl (Jreen, which was rondiirted by in alien of nil unsavory but familiar l.VP<'- TUT. MOST EAMOrs SCITOOT. lor young pickpockets, however, Hn|>- prefsed in rcceiit yoBfH. was the one liqi>t by thu woman known %s '"llie FOUND WHAT HE WAS LOOfflG FOR A COMPLETE CURE FOR BLAD- DER TROUBLES IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. James Atwell Tried Other Medi- cines and Bandages, but they Failedâ€" Dodd's Kidney Pills Didn't. ;V T T Comphellford, Ont., Moy 22â€" (.Special)â€" "I had Limibajjo and lllad- der Trouble for years. I could get no relief till 1 tried Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured nie." This is the statement of James Af^ well of this place, and all his neigli- bors know it to be true. .Speaking fujther of his cure Mr. Atwell says: â€" "I'or five niontl'.s of- the time the pains in my bladder were very severe and in piissing my urine would hurt me so as to almost cause tears to come to my eye.i. "I used other j)ills nnd got no re- lief. 1 iifx<l ii banclngi; and got no relief. IJodd's Kidney I'llls cured mo completely and permanently." All bladder dis.iases are caused by di.'sordercd kidneys. There Is just on.? natural way to cure thuin â€" by curing the kidneys with Dodd's Kid- ney Pills. Queen of the Forties," who nt one time sat to the late Sir Frederick Loighton os model for several of his famous pictures. She instructed a number of boys and girls in pocket. j)icUing, and "Kved In considerable affluence from the proceeds of her pupils' dishonesty, whom, it is only fair to state, she treated with great kindness, so far us their physical well-being was concerned, until she was discovesed and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. The most e.Miaordinary school, however, that exists in tiie IVIetro- polis is the .lapanesi; School of Self- Defence, where Ju-.Iit-Su, or "Weakness against Strength," is taught by Pi-ofessur Vyenlshi. .lu- .Jit-Su is a »y.stem based on a pro- found knowledge of anatomy nnd ilynamies, and anyone who is profi- cient in this curious method can overthrow un ndvcr.s.iry v.ho is three time.'; as strong. President Roo.st^- velt is an adept at .Ju-.Tit-Su. and (]Uite a largo number of officers in the Urillsli Army are practising this .s.\stcm. It is said that no strong man or athlete has over succeeded in defeat- ing a Ju-.)it-Ku player, and certain- ly none of the famous wrestU^rs at present before the jiublic have ever accepted the challenges of the .lap- :inese champions who are performing in Kngland. â€" Peaison's Weekly. Sunlight Soap will not fnjure your blankets or harden them. It will make them soft, white and Heecy. jg A MUTUAL MISTAKE. Two ladies stood on the doorstep of a friend's house waiting for admis- sion, and they became very impati- ent at the delay. "It's very odd to be kept waiting at Jlrs. f)arley's," said one "The door is u.sually o|)ened so promptly." ".So it is. I'm getting very tired." "I wonder if there is absolutely no one in the house?" "Of course there arc people in. We'll ring again." "You rang before, didn't you?" "Why. no. I thought you rang?" "Well, I was sure you rang. IIow ridiculous!'"' "Yob, isn't it?" Then one of them rang, and the door was opened. MORE USEFUL. At a certain school a boy was re- gularly absent during the hour in which Latin was taught, and the teacher called upon the boy's father, at whose instructions it had been learnt the lad kept away. 'Pho teacher asked for an exjilainition, and the father said, "It is all right, liuring the Latin hour I um leaching Jiniiny something that he will find f.ir more useful than Latin In his progress through lire." The teacher was interested, and asked what what this subject might be. 'J'he father re|>iied, "1 am teaching my son luiw to shave without a looking-glass." Bowara of Gintments for Caiarrh that Contalii Heroury. r.s iTicrcurv will surely destroy the scnso of t^incU and coiiiplutely dcran-rc the whole systL-ni when enlerinK it throUL^lj the mucou.s surfaces. .Such articles fhould never bo xjiicd except on pre- scriptions from reputable physicians, as tile danuij^o they will do is ten (old 10 the g-oud you can iiossihly derive fro.-n them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, man- ufactured hy 1''. J, Cheney &. Co.. To- lC(io. O.. curitaitia no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the hlood and mucous vurfarcs of *ho fcyBtem. In l>uying Itall's Catarrh Cure ho bure ytui ^ct the genuine. It is tak- en intoriiully and made in Toledo, Oiiio, by 1'. J. Cheney &. Co. Testi- moniuiti free. .Sold by Druggists. I'ricc, 75o per bottle. 'J'ako Hall's Family Tills for consti- putioii. A CHANGE OF OPINION. "Pa. have â€" havn you seen Harold since you told me he was too poor to think ofâ€" of marrying me?" "Ves. I rnn across him at the club l.isl evenin;:. We got into conversa- tion, and ho struck meâ€" er- â€" â€" " "Struck you! Ch, papa!" "Struck lue as oulte .nn agreeable .voun.g man. I under.sttanil his ui\cle has left him a bundreii thousand dol- lars. " Worry wont cure a cough. When you find a cough holding on â€" •when everything else has failedâ€" tiy ;,â-  The Lung Tonic It is jjuaranteed to cure. I£ it doesn't, vro'U refund your money. Prices: S. C. V/ells & Co. 30-4 ] 25o. 50c. CI. LoRoy.N.y., Toronto. Can. 1â€"28 Sheâ€" "Your little wife made that cake with her own dear little hands" lie. â€" "Well, now, if my little wil'e will eat that cake with her own dear lit- tle niiiulh I will be sati.sfiod." DESPONDENT WOMEN. Find New Iloalth in the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. .•\ few years ago Mrs. James U. Stuart, of 1'horold, Ont., who is well known to most of the •e^Mâ- lentH of that town, found her health sev- erely shaltored as the result of an atla<'k of anaemia. As told practi- cally In her own words, Mrs. .Sliuiit says : "My blood was turned almost to water; I suffered from neive rack- ing headaches, and the least exei- tion would cause my heart to palpi- tate so vii)lenlly as to render me al- most breathless. I wasted away in fle.sh and often was so weak that T could not walk about. I was under I he care of a good doctor, but as I was not getting better, I grew mcl- atudioly ,\nfl despondent, nnd felt 1 was licconiing a hopeless invalid. At Ibis singe 1 was advi.sed to u.so Pr. WillimuH' Pink Pills nnd 1 began taking Ihem, thinkiup it would be a miracle it they ever helpeil me. To my great gratification when I had been using the pills less then n mont!\ 1 f(nind my liealth improving. I used aboiil a <lo/en IiciM.'! in all nnd foiUKl myself enjoyiug once more I be blessing of good health. I had been reduced to almost a skelton in appearance, njid while taking the pills gained over twenty pounds in weight. I gratefully rocommnnd the pills to other ailing women." l>r. Williams' Pink IMUs nrc the greatest blood builder ond nerve tonic known to medical science. Through their use palo cheeks are made rosy, didl eyes made bright, and thin wasted figures made plump. JC\T>ry dose makes new, rich rod blond that drives out disease and strengthens every organ In the hod.y. Vou can get these pills from any denier in ineriiriiie, or by mall post- paid, at nt) cents n liox or six boxes for »a.«0 by writing the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., BrockTUle, Ont. The Cook â€" "Would ye mind giving nio a recommendation, ma'am?" The JIistn'>;s â€" "Why, you have only just come." "Ihit ye may not want to give me wan when 1 am leaving." Minaffl's Lioimcnt Oeiieyes lieuraloio nooksellei-â€" "f^ow this, madam, is the most popular book of the day; Bverybody is reading it." Airs. Nur- itch â€" "I don't want nothin' that everybody reads. Show me somt>- thin' more exclusive." f/iioufff's LiniiTiEnt Cuies Buffis, etc. "There's one thii'K *''"•- 1 ''"'' say about mv 'Uiighter," said Mrs. Haw- kins, -ishe has a lino disposition." 'Have you known her to meet any severe tests?" "Yes, the way sl.e can sit down and listen to herself l)laying the piano shows that she nrnst have extraordinary patience." Rhouinatiom â€" What's the Cause?â€" Whcro '8 tho Cure?â€" The active irritating cause of this most painful ol diseases is poisonous uric acid in the blood. South .\m?rican Rheumatic Cure ncutra- liE»r. the atid poison. Relieves in 6 houri a:ii cures In i to 3 days.â€" 90 AN ISLAND OF IILACK CATS. One of the quoerost corners of the earth is Chatham Island, ofl the coast of Ecuador. This islond lies six hundred miles west of (iunyaciull. and tho equator runs directly through it. Captain llcinman, who sent to the Galapagos group of is- lands to inquire into the proper grounding of a deep-sea cable, stop- ped at Chatham Island, nnd says It ftboundn In cats, every one of which is black. These animals live in the crevices of the lava foundation near the coast, and subsist by catching flsh and crabs instead of rats nnd mice. Oihar animals found on this Island are horses, cattlo, dogs, goats and clilckens, all of which are per- toctl^ wUd. ^'CUUUru ^ Jm^hUyUO Oy&AHyU^ ^ 'Mt/' 'H'fTiJiA^l' Vv -(not/ ci, uca.'^ â- i</-£'Ocn/ Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of those articles and wo will get you good prices. THE DAWSON COiVIMISSION CO, Limited Cor. Wast Market and ColborneSta, TORONTO. WORLD'S FAIR, .ST. LOUIS, MO. From April 2."jth to Dec. 1st, in- clusive, tho Wabash Railroad will sell round trip tickets to the Great World's Fair, St. Louis, at the,^ low- est one-way first-class fare, good for fifteen days, faro and a third; good for thirty days, good cither via Wa- bash direct lino or via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing to this, tho greatest of all Kx- positions, should remember tho groat Wabash lino is the shortest, quickest and best route. The only lino that owns and controls Its own rails di- rect to tile World's Fair gates. For time-tables and descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, or J. A. Richardson, Pistrict Pas- senger Agent, North-east corner King nnd Yonge Streets, 'i'oronto. Clara â€" "Fa, that nice young fellow Mr. Reed, is awfully fond of kiss- ing." Piv â€" "ITow do you Icnow that, you good-for-nothing girl?" Claea â€" I had it from his own lips, pa." For Over Sixty Years Mi:!'. WiNsioWfl SooTliiNO Svi UP has henn nsu I hj milhonR of miithers fur the:'* chiMren while ti»e»hini It soothes the cliild, hoften* th"Bum;*. a|.«5*.'»pvn. carej wind CO ic n'i;ulalc8 thostoiiiuL-h ami bowels, and is thJ bi Rt remedy for Piarrhiui. Tw«utj-tiv«. eenu a hotit- Solii bldni^giats ihroushout the world, lie sure an 1 Bektor"Mus. V/inslovv hSuotiiisu Svi'.iif." 2i-(H "Life to me," said tho vei-y young man, "was but a desert until I met you." "Ah, that's why you dance like n camel," said his fair partner in tho waltz. Alfred A. Taylor, of TMargarce, says: "One bottle of MINARD'S LINIMFNT cured a swelling of the gandile joint, and saved a horse worth $140. t)0." Thos. W. Payne, of Pathurst saved tho life of a valuable horse that the Vet. had given up, with a few bottles of lUNAP.D'.S LINI- MKNT. Clerkâ€" "Please, sir, can I have a â- week's vacation?" Employer â€" "What's wrong with you bow? " Clerk â€" "I'm going to got married." Em- ployerâ€" "Now, you were away a weefc with influenza and ten days with a sprained ankle. I declare there's ail- ways something going w-rong with you, Jones." Sudden deaths on the In- crease. â€"Peoplj apjiaranily well and h.ippy to-day, to-mcrtow are Etrikcti down, and i.T ninety-nini cases out of every hund- red ths h-.-art is tlie cause. The king of h -art remedies. Dr. Agnow's Cure for tho Hoart, i^ v.iihjn reach uf all. It relieves in 30 minutjs, and cures aiost chronic ca.sts.â€" 91 Suitorâ€" ''Sir, you are, undoubtedltr, aware of the object of my visit?" Father â€" "I believe you desire to make my daughter happy. Do you really mean it?" "Tlnqucstionably." "Well, don't marry her. then." Mioafd's WmA Cures Daoilfolf. Jlary â€" "1 would iil^ er .â- srpiir.'/c my feet, nut of shai)e." .lane â€" "Oh, yes, vou would, it vou wero in my hoots!" â-  laf Kai|ii« .'L ., time to start house cleaning." Husbandâ€" "What a nuis- ance! Let it go this year, can't you?" "Impossible." "Well. I'll tell you how to arrange it. Don't do any cleaning â€" we'll move." Lever's \-7. (Wise TTend> Disinfect- ant .Soap Powder i.i a boon to any home. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. Lawyerâ€" "What was the thing that led to your financial downfall? You .sjeemed to be doing a good business." Bankrupt â€" "I was; but one day I started out to see if I could borrow some money. I found it so easy that 1 kept on borrowing." Eighty Years Old â€" Catarrh Fi'fty Years. Dr. Agucw's Catarrhal Powder cures bim. Want any stronger cvi- Jeace of tho power of lliia wcrdcrful remedy uvsr this universal di'euso ? Want the truth of the caso cenfirmed ? Write GeorRO Lewis, ?haniokin, Pa. Unsays: â€" "I look upon ny cure as a miracle." It relieves in te.a minutes.â€" Sg CAN YOU NAMK 1IIM? ' There is n man in our town who thinks he's wondrous wise, and when there is an argument, he's right thero to ndvise. Hut when there's lobor to l>o done, this man with smile so bliuui, looks wiser vet and shakes his head- hi; niiver lends \\ hand Minafd's Liniment foi sale im'^m "You used to sing "h'vory morn I .send you violets' before we were nmr- ried," said Juliet, with a sigh. "Yes," answered Romeo; "but my devotion has now taken a more prac- tical form. Kvery month 1 ]>ay the meat bill!" IT MEANS OSTRACISM. FomI er«alh Dt^guatlng DlioharKes, Dui to Ct.*iirrh. Make tnoiisnntls of People Objaota of Avt>>lm. !:r. Agnow's Oalnrrhal Pawiter Re llevok It 10 minute*. lion, (.'corjjo .tunics, ol Scranton, Pa., naysr "1 have been a martyr to Ca- tarrh (or twunty years, constant hawk- ing ntitl dropping in the throat and Fain In the head, very olTennive breath, tried Dr. A«naw'« Catarrhal rowrter. The first application gave Instant re- lief After iieing a few bottle-s I wan cured. 30 Um Br. AKiMw'e Hoart Ouro far Mart •temaoh and ntrvea. Aa ediolrabla 'Food ol tlM nutritious and £.coiiomical. FEATHER DYEING Cleanlna nr.il Curling and Kid GIotcs cleaned Thu* c&u be teat by post, Ic p«r oe. the best {tl»c« u BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIHG CO. AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed becau.-e built on correct uiechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materiai.i. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take cliauces on un inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904 Winton, we become "automobile underwriters" â€" insuring you against risk or lo.ss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carriai^e Co CUvclanJ.O., U.S.A. Repre.4eDte(l In fho Domtalon of Canada by THE AlTOMtinilE K SUPPLY CO 79 Kla;! .St., V.., luronta. Out. SuH Aiaacles In Chief DomlntoQ Cities ISSUK NO. 21â€"04.

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