i^-. May 1 6 1004 • mmmm^iMM- i J .uLmJiunâ€" The Markets. "CkrefuUy €orrertcd Each Week t>»U 20 U W peM WJ t* 62 Bftrley ... 46 »o 46 Butter 12 t- 12 Bl'PI fresh 12 ">• 12 Pork 6 26 to 6 26 CJiickuiiB fwr lb 8 «•» 10 Ducks per lb 7 to 7 Tuekoys per lb 11 t« 13 Oecs» without head*. . 8 to l) Hiiy »• fl 61 . PoUtous ban 75 to 76 Our Clubbing List •Ailvance, *Heriild niid '.♦Toronto World, diiily t3 25 f Toronto Daily Now* 185 Weekly Globo 1 80 . f**^ Mail-Empire 1-80 -;. Family Herald & Star 1.80 '"' Torontu Star 1-80 Farmers Suii 1-80 All above prices includo The Ad ranee Montreal Herald, if paid n ad»anco y. Early subscribers get o»t) value their money. THE FLfiSllKHTOll ABVANC£ Hurham Bull for Service The KegUtsred Durban) Bull, "KING EDWARD" Imp., will etnnfl for aerTlce cii lot fl9, S.D. h.. lor lliw. KiDR Edward i« adarkrod^joodteavy bune and muscli. and w«ll dovoloi>8d. „«•'«,"» coly (air aerviceablo condition and will lilt llio b»ain at twoiitv-twohuudrod lb». and 1» yetin faor two-year-old class. PISUIQREE KiDK Edward red, calved April lOth, ISOl.brad ibr.Iohn YouDfiTilbouries, Maryealter, ,8cot. laud, imuortoH iii dam in ISIOO by Cliarlei Kanliiii. WyBbrirtce. Out., Rot by Scottish Priuu<>7359;>. dam Rotbnlck Kose, imp., J(«87, by Alau QwyniiBMOOO, Ited Uoto by Port and crfCluoy 6l<72.Ho»ie2nd by Dootor60618, Itosie by Lieutenant 0BM3, Jilt 17th by Albert 538W, Tilt l.lth hi <ir»vo«»nd 46401, Doasido Claret by Teriuont ITlffl.CUmt lit D) Duke 28342, Clarot by Scarlet Velvet 16016. Harbara by Unrivalled IWX, Isabella by Tb« Pacha 7612. Croeus by lud IJuko ol Northumberland 3648. Nora by J(illory5131.hmily by 8illery Siai. Ellia by TouDi! iVoBtern Comet 1575, Lady Hetty hv Uianiond 205.Uetty by Favorite SM.by Ubarge • Uod Dull 1810. TEBMB Thorougbbrod cows 85 ; gradei •l-M. *'• myabluUt January, 1905. Cows larved by this Vuimal and not returned will be collected lor miotlicr in calf or not. V,. i. MBADS, C»yl»«.0«t. B5- Falling out Hair T' tlilH in the oaao, call and see ni and we wUl prevuiit It doing no by avplylng our wonder^ lul lumody. Highly Recommend Wobavounod its wondorfnll ninuv In this town and surruundl- wid «11 who have undursoiiu troatm uuud it vory hiKhl)'. dii on retrict cm- No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON Barber FLESHEUTON BIG . . 5T0CK Wo have jiiHt rooolvod In i>ook one of the flm^6t asBortroentB of BLANKETS AND ROBES in tlio market and can favor yon with any requiromonts you will need In that llM , r Also a largo coneiKninan* of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. Wo have a fine collection of ooata to to select from. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices Ayers You know the medicine tliat makes pure, rlcli blood- AVer's SarsaparllU. Your mother, trandmotlier, all your folks, used it. They tinisted Sarsaparilla it. Their doctors trtisted it. Your doctor trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is health and strength in it. "I laSereA tarrtMy fron hidi«e«tlon and tbta blood, 1 found no r«nef until 1 to«k Ayat's Sarsaparilla. Fcmr botttaa perma- naaUy cured ta»." _ _ _ Kaa. W. R. auw, Ht. KSmo, V. T. â- UW a bottle. t. c. am oo„ AtMroMrtit^^^ Bf^â€" ^Igjjlljjjjs. Rich Blood AVer's Pills ar* gsrrtly laxattvs. T»My V^otiy stM tfts ••rsapaiWa. SRECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT A choice line of Baby Carriages and 6o»€arts Juat to hand. The latest thintc inthoae goods, aud low in price. Corr\e and see Tlierq. OODSECLEIillC Wmm SUCH AS New Sttades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. w. h.1bunt Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. BUS1NE.SS Cards M'OULLOUaH A YOUNO UL Ranker Markdale Jo a general bauking busiueas. Money loaneo a reasouahle rate Call on us. a J SI'KOULB Poatmaetet, Floshoiton cOuimlsBionor in H. O.J. . Auctioneer Con veyancer. Appraiser and Money Lender Real Estate and Insurance Aeont. Deeds mortKanea, leases and wills carefully drawn np and valuation* raade ou shortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates of lutevost. Lol actions attoudod to with P"â„¢!''"'"'' chargos low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamship Company. A call solicited. Boots Boots Boots â- . ;â- A!irfiiia, Hiimilton and Williams. All Kood umker. I'RINTS.MUSLINS AOINOBAMS All ue# g'>u<U. LADIES BLOUSES AND SKIRTS And Uuiuiiier Uiidurwenr. OUR SrilINO HATS will be in in a Koir daya, alxiut May 5th. All sizoa and Bbapes. Mod's Uviianco OveralN and Bmoclct A full atock of Orocerioi, popular Patant Mudicinaa and Diamond Dyaa. lUkaa. Forka, SbuTalaand Uoea lanill'on Flour ou Hand. 95. i>er bbl. All the ahoTa aud far icora ynu •ill Sod a« the itxra In Maiwall kapt by R. Kinnear & Sons Societies AO U W meets ou the lust Monday in eacu month, in thnir longo room. ChristooB block. FloHherton. at 8 p.m. M.W.. A Harrison : Recorder, Jss. Kolstead ; Y Inan- eier, W.J. Itil.amy. VisitingbrothraD ILVited. muNCB^TnTHTn i.odoe, No. ;««â- *• r A U, meets in the Masonic ball. Htraln • block. Klesbirton. every Friday on or botore the full mocn. F H W Ilicklmg W M. Chas Muushaw, (secretary. COUKT FLESHRllTON, I. 0. F. meets In Christoe's block the last Fridaj ovouiiig oaoh month. VisitinK Forostois hoarti v Telcomo. O.U., t!. W, Dollamy ; B. i.., W. BuHkin; Fin. Sec, Dr H. Murray. (Pay du«» to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each month.) ; Medical .,v . DB CABTRK M CP A SOnt.Pliysician. Surgeon, etc OlUce and rosldonooâ€" Peter St., Fleehertou DR. BCOTT, M. B., Maiwoll.Ont. B. M. null), M.D.C.M,, Phvsiclan.lSurgoou and Acconclinir, late of N Y PoHturad. Medical Bchool, N. Y. I.tLic-Iu Hospital and St. Luke's (leuaral Hospital, Ottawa T P OTTKWELL * Voterluary BurReon Qraduato of Ontario Veterinary Collsge, resiilonoe â€" sjcoiid door south west on Marv street. This street runs south Preshvtertan Church. HWILKON, lilacksniith • iradnat.i of the Volorlnary Bclenco Assooiation. Kesblaiiun, Durhaiu itretit, op- posite lloyd,nioklii.g's hardware. Legal J. W. FllOflT, I. L. M. Barrister, Nnlloitor Uonyeyaucer, «ts oflSoeâ€" Next to poetodlce, Bprouln's block F: --ihertou, every Tliursda and, court days N "Hâ€" Owen Sound odloe, Fro»» • block Poulett street east. Lucas" wKioHT * mcardlk llarristers Holloitori ConTtayaneeri, etc Offleosâ€" Owen Sound, Ont and Markdale Ont. W tl WniuHT, McAniiLi I H Ldc«* N Bâ€" Flesherton onios, Uilahell'i Uank •vary Saturday. MACKAYA5AMPS0N ,narrlsUni, sollnltor*. OKPIORR :â€" Owen Ronnd, Merchant's Bank Block, N. ot Pattarson Iloaaa. Eoudalk aiu fltreet,evary flaturday. Mnnev to loan st 4) per a*nl. A. a. Mack AY. MA , n.B.HAMP80N,L.Ii.D AlwavB in attandancs at FIcabartoa and Daadalk DIvIsIod Courts. Dentistry DR. â- C. MURRAY, L.D. B. dantal sargeon boner crsduste of Toronto ITtilvtirilty tod IU<Tal fnllff • of t>ent«l Sur«rons of Onlsrin. OMrr Oi.poslte Aruiatrnng's JswalUry Blare. Will vlall Maiwal the last Wsda.t^ay •r aaeli raniiik. and Daalalk I aB4 1 Than4ay o( aaak •valik Uonor RallK Beport of S. S. No. 0, Artemesia for April: CIttHs TV â€" Mina Benson. Class III Sr.â€" Willie Millig»n, Mamie Matiee, Fred Trueman. Claas III Jr.â€" Ella M»i{ee. Clastll Sr.â€" Joiipio Carson, Charley Janiieson,EthelTiueman, Ernest Hopper. Class II Jr., b, â€" Elwyn Jamiueon, Newton Benson, Maggie Carson, Ketliu Tiueman. Class II Jr., a,â€" Bella Oeni'e, Willie Wilnon, John Wilson, Charlie Wilkinson. Class Ft. II Sr.- Wilfred Mafee, S. Pedlar, Lydia Truemai.. Cla''S Pt. II. Jr. -^George Benson. Cla«5 Pt. I fer.â€" Edna Wilkinaon, G. CarFon. C'ass Pt. I 'Jr.â€" Edgar Linton, Sadio Pedlar, Ray Oenoe, E. N. KlcMCLLSN, Teacher. Bockvale School report for April. Sr. IVâ€" Bessie Russel, Violet McLean, George English, Joseph Simpson. Jr. IVâ€" Vera Phillips.K, McLean.M. chard. Sr.IIIâ€" Fred Russell, Maggie Fisher, Eddie Chard, Earl Parliament. Jr. HIâ€" Dora Pedlar, Leila Clark, Sam Simpson, Elma Armstrong Walter Akitt, Sr. IIâ€" Ellie Armstrong, Reta Fiaher, Eniio Russel, Maggie Colgan, Carl Atkinson. Jr IIâ€" Edwin Smith, Richie Clark.M. White, Millie Fishsr, George Chard, Sr. Pt. IIâ€" Gertie Fisher, Reta BetU, Walter Fisher. Jr. Pt. IIâ€" Wessie Smith, Myrtle Par- limeiit, ?fiinnie Armstrong, Leila Fisher, Ella Oenoe, Mable Radley. I â€" Florence Parliniont, Ellia BInkey, Robbie Blakey, Annie Peddler, Artie Portejns. Average attendance II . W. Staftobd, teacher. Only One Cure For Catarrh And it's neither a dopy mixture, a troublesome atomizer or an irritating anufT â€" it is fragrant healing Catarrhozone which is recommended by st least twenty-thousand physicians in Unit«d States and Canada. The balsamic vap ir of Catarrhozone goes at once to the source of disease, kills the germs, heals sore spots; it prevent droppinc; of the throat, keeps the nostrils clear and cures foul breath. Cure is complete and per- manent when Catarrhozone is used. It is as certain as eternity to cure, can't fail. Every dollar outfit guaranteed; trial size 25c. Use only Catarrhozone. On Saturday morning. May 6, Joseph Hillis, a well known farmer residing on lot 15, con. 8, Amaranth, got up early in the morninK and asked his wife to hustle around and get breakfast ready as he expected some parties were coming to help him with his work that day. He wont as usual ru the barn to do up his chores nnd after waitini; half au h»ur after breakfast «»a ready Mrs. Hillis went to the barn to look for biin. He had not fed any of the stock and on going into the barn she discovered her husband hanging by the neck, dead. Ho had uaed a logging chain to cuntinit the frightful deed â€"Free Press. A Big Family New names have to be drsigned every year to acommodato the Disease Fam- ily, bat they all revolvo around one cause â€" Th« stomach. The receptjicle of all you eat or drink cannot help but get crippled â€" very few escape. How can thoy ? Just think of what lands in the stonmch during a few hoursâ€" All sorts of things â€" sour, sneet. acid, Rlarchy. lisht, heavy, vegetable and animal; all this raw material is tumbled into the stomach without much thought as to the order of its goioi;, every partule of which has to bo worked over, diijosted and converted inro food for nerves. blo(xl, brain, kidneys, liver and bowels â€" fur every tissue, cell and fibre of the body. Soniatiuios I ho stomach is overloaded, sliockeil and deranged nnd cannot do its work propoily, and right hero begins the starling point of disease, as nnoriran now receives proper nutrimi'nt, and usually the weakest cry out their warnings That's why a well Htomach monna a well b..dy, and that's why ANTI-PILL has such n marked cflect. It soothes the irtitaled linings of the stomach, and so acts (HI the mucous meudirano that the necessary supply of gastric juice to securs digestion is a.S'-ured â€" ANTI-PILL, the Ol eat System Treatment, makes a well atomach. A family of young black foxea were found by a young roan named John Bill- ines in a hollow log on tho farm of Mr. Williiini McNab in Sydnnhain. .)ohn t(H>k his precious find home nnd thoy are thrivir.K nicely. Wo are informed that our townsmai. Mr. P. MoConvey offond 9<')0 a niece for them and take hia chance of raising them; but the ownerfoxpocts to to realize a much larger sum for them later in the s«as<m, or keep them and start a black fox ranch, which ahould be a better paying pro|K>8ition than akunk farming. â€" Chataworth Newa. It may interest some people to know that the oorreet pronunciation of Admiral ToRo's name ia "Tongo' O, in JapaiisMi, ia |>ronnunc*<) like ni>. -n English. Wu have this on the authority .->f that emi- nent Japanese scholar, R«t. Dr. Crothars. Don't run away with the idea that I'jgo ia n. g. Not on your natural. The bi« "B" elavatrar at Fort Wil- liam waa destroyed by fire Thursday morning, togeihsr with ttO.OOO buabsk of grain. When the Liver Qets Torpid You want a mild stimulant like Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mnndrake and But- ternut which cures inaulivs liver, relieves Constipation and siuk headache at once. Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25o. THE WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM CARRIAGE STALLIOM Prince Arthur NO. 1852, R.C H.S. Imported July, l8'J-2. Winner at tho World's Fair, Chicago, New York and Ottawa, and 'inner on 6 ve occasions of liiht |)iize and sweeping stakes at To- ronto shows, and many other valuable prizes, a record une'iualled by any car- riigo or coach stallio" in Canaaa. Prince Arthur is not only a very succHssf u'. prize winner himself, but his stock has won a large percentage of all the priz'S oflnred for carriage classes at the Toronto Indus- trial and other large shows daring the last few years. Tliey hare also won al- inost every prize offered in tho carriage class in Grey county, and wherever ex- hibited. ROUTE FOR 1904 : MONDAYâ€" At 8 o'clock a.m. will leave his own stable, lot 18, con. 10, Euphrasia, and proceed to Rncklyu for Boon, night, Ravenna. TUESDAYâ€" Noon and night, C.Uing- wood. Cook's hoti-l. WEDNESDAY â€" Noon, Duntroou, Wednesday niuht Singhampton. THURSDAYâ€" Noon and night, Max- well. FRIDAYâ€" Noen, Flesherton ; Friday night, Markdale house, Markdale. SATURDAYâ€" .Markdale until 6 p.m. Saturday night, his own stable until Monday at 8 o'clock a.m. TERMS : To insure, $11,00, payable January 1st, 1905. All mares must be returned weekly to the horse or they will be charged full insurance, in foal or not. Parties diR|x>stng of their marea before collecting time will be responsible for insurance. All accidents to marea at risk of owners. Persons trying mares and not returning them must |*ay full insurance Groom's foe 50c, which must lie paid in all cases. J. W. MANARY. . Coring P. O. Phofliphoclliie, Tls OnM Englhk fasMlh Is sn ckl, well eataN lished aud reliable prepamtion. HasbaoB prescribed and nsea ov('r4U ytiars. .Ul drug* gists in tho Dominion of Canada soli and recommend as beioK Btfort and A/Ur. the only medicin. d ' ita kind that enresand fives universal satisfaetiau. It promptly and permaupntly curea all forms of ^eriout Wea)h 1 rust, /;mi»iioiu, Upermatorrhaa, Jmpotenev, and all effecta of abuso or excesses; tho eicenaive nse of Tobacco, Opium or litimulnnlt, Mentai i and Brain Worry, all o' which lead to Iiillrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early (irave. Price St per package or six for «5. OnewtU r>lmte, tix wilt cure. Mailed prpinpty on re- Mint al orioe. Send for free pamphlet. Aoureaa "** *^ The Wood CoiupaB7. If UxdaoT, Out , Uaaada, Wood's Phosphodine is nolU iu I-'lenhertou by Douglass & Co., and W EUicliardson,DruggisM Transacting Business . . . It is impossible to go through life witliollt Some Bu-iinesd Traosaotr</ni>. To siinplfy such mattera and make them protitablu you should have a Bu^tineas Education such as is giveU- at the : A. Fleming, vr Spring OWK? si>ujr», 05T. Term begins April 4th, 1904 HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho place to get the best Photos fs at BULMEBS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. _.f * SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention tti Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fraio- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. IMfrs. SUX^IMESR Sydenham Btreat, Flesherton Important to Horsemen. Parties interested in horses should see the celebrated young French Coach Stallion Gauthier, 3383, and the superior young Clydesdale, Good Luck, 3956, at Munsbaw's hotel every Friday night: GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wedne.'iday night â€" Kimberley Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thursday night- Maxwell Friday noon â€" Partlaw Friday ni^ht â€" Floshorton Saturday â€" Revere hotel, Maikdaie GAUTHIER-S ROUTE Monday noon â€" A. Paiteraon's, BUntyre Monday niglit â€" Royal hotel, Mraford. Tuesday noon â€" Wni. Dean's, Urieraville. Tue-sday nightâ€" Rocklyn hotel. Wednesday noon â€" J. Loughead's, Wode- houiie. Wednesday night â€" At his own stable until Friday night. Friday night â€" Munaliaw hotel, Floalisrton Saturday â€" Markdale bouso, Markda'.o. Wm. Manary is Manager for both horses with the exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when he will be under the care ofH. M. Douglas, proprietor, Vauileleur a YOU ARE LOSING IBONEY ^ without a ^ MELLOTTE"% CREAM SEPARATOR 50,000 111 Daily u.sc. The only Separatoi fitted with Beautifully Enamel- led Bowl Casing. The Lightcnt Runnint! and Mo<t Durable Sejiarator yet produced. Saves Time, Labor, S{)ace, Utensils, Ics aud Water. ^Writc for Catalog to m ^JOMN A. HEARD FlesHerton D. McTAVISH ii[ raiiioi mum num For First Class Buggiaa, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. Wa kesp a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANO GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and Huarantee flrst olaaa work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Maasry- Uarria and Nvxod repaira for binders, Mowers, «ll kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on baud. i» OINn in town give u$ a call • v„.' •• J