Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 May 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE Mat 26 U04 am Methodist Church FLESH EHXOX. J. 8. I. wiLBos, tt A., B. n., Paitor MoriiinL'â€" StTvice in charge of ibc Wnnien's MissionHry Society. Kvoniiigâ€" Rev. \V. A Siiicliiir of Eu KtiiiiH, ill L-xc'li>in<!e wiili the pascur. Seriico at Ceylon 10 30 a.m. Vicinity Chips Characteri.stics «r ili« Past Week 4'arerii{|y Called Tor the Curious â- ! R>y Wiinletlâ€" at once. Apply to fcoyd, Hickling & Co. Me»irs. .Jiiinoa anii Will Hemphill of Torouto were in town'on Tuesday. Fresh lima always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Kui^uiiiii- Moiiey to lonn at .i % i-n farm property â€" expense low, A. S. VaiiDiiseii. Mr. Bert Field of Torouto naa Ttsiting rvUtitas here this week. Mr. Alexander spent a few days of tbo |MSt week with frieuds at Foversham. Where did you get your coru Jâ€" at Richardsons' drug store. If ycu want Paint, Od, or Varnlsli, go to \V. E. Richirdson it Son. A trosh kiln of liuie jusl burned. J. H. Ducketf, Eugenia. Mrs. \V. Burton of Woodhridgo and Mr. Ntil Burton of Toronto were Kuest* thi> week of Mr. and Mra. W. H. Bunt. For Sale Ch«apâ€" Lot ?3, on. 7, Osprey. Would rent. Apply to R J. Sproule, Fleshi-rtoii. laug Potatoes for sale -on lot 36, con. 10, Arteniesia. Solomon Turner, Eugenia P.O. Miss Annie Richardson, whom we «nei»tioned last week as being seriously ill, is now conralescent. Mrs. W.Trimble is in Toronto this week •as delegato to the Branch pleeting of the W. M. S. A number of Flesherton people hav« •Iter.ded tlio Croasley and Hunter meet- ings at 5Iarkdnle. Mr. and Mrs. Switisr of Ayr risited h« laC-.sr's cousin, Mrs W. Heard, Ia»t week. Lc¥»kâ€" Black and white heif«r c»!f, Ye«rlinz. White spot on forehead. Finder notify A. Gfiihain,Vaudeleur,Oat. Diedâ€" At ladianaapoUs ou Thnrsday, May 5th, Eva, beloTod wife of Mr. Earnest Philips, aged 25 years. To the Electors of the ViiUgo of Flesh- ertoD : â€" I hereby tendar luy t««ign»iion AS police trustee for the village for the year 1004. Thanking you for electing ine, I am yours, W. W. Teimbm. Mr. John Bates of Toronto was in town for ft few days during the past week. Mr. Bates was in the furniture buisiiess here about seventeen years ago. He still keeps an eye on his old friends. We neglected last week to mention the f»ct th.'»t Mr. Charley Phillips of the Toronto police is holidtyin;; in this vicin- i y. The occup.-ilion of keeping the Toronto people moving alons; appears to (luito agree with Charley's health. Teacher Reid of the Red School, who lives ill town, tojk a dose of linin.ent on Saturday evenint; in mistake for amither variety of medicine. Dr. Curler was summoned in hut haste. He administer- ed HU emetic and uo serious effects result- ed from the luistako. Dr. Ottewell recived a nasty hurt_ re- cently while doctoring a horse. The animal closed its molars on the end of his digit Bnger with tho rwtlt that the nail was flattened out and will come off. The injury -vas very pa nful until relieved by 3Qr. Carter's lance. Postmaster Sproule anuounces tliat hereafter on all public holidays the office will be open 10.15 a. m. until 11.15 a. ni. and fiora l.M p. ra. until 2.30 p. HI. This is putting tho time forward half an hour from what h^s boe^i the rule in tho past. A horso belonKing to Mr. Fred Brown, who livci near tho village, met with a nasty accident one day last week when an upturned harrow tooth entered it's foot for a distance of over twti inches, making a very Utd wound. Fortunately Mr. Brown had completed seeding before the accident occui red. Died â€" At his late residence, 283 Vic-: toiiaSt., Toronto, on Sunday, May 23, 1904, James Hartley, son-in-law of t'le late Joseph McCurmivk, Fleahertor, sged 47 years- The funeral t-ok pi ice .<>n tbo arrival of the nuon train, Tiiesday, Mxy 24th, to the Methodist church, • heie a short scrrioo WM held, after which the remaiai were interrsd in ^he FlesScrton csmo'ery. The Detroit Tribune chronicles the following: A quiet home weddii g took place Tuesiday evening at the residence of Mrs. OrilU Oliver. The groom was her son, Mr. James Oliver, and the bride Vliss Elenor Lawrence of Ceylon, Out. Owing to the late bortavement in the groom's family the ceremony was wit- nt^ssed imly hy the immediate faintly. Mr and Mrs. Oliver will be ac home after June 1 at No. CO Pitcher street. Dt . Fred Murray of Toronto favored the ctingregation in the Methodist church Sunday evening with a solo â€" " It is well With my soul." Dr. Murray has a rarely fine tenor voice oFgood range and pleas- ing tone. Hi* contribution on this occa- siiiii was much appreciated by those who heard. His voice is not unknown to thn city choirs, he having at one time been a member of the Elm street choir. The Dr. wasviiittng bis brother. Dr. E. C. Murray, here. T!ie Medical Hall is becoming more "up to date" every week. The latest im- provements are shown in the room in the rear of the main shop, which hns been painted, papered, etc., wid is now one of the cosiest Ice Cream and Soda parlors, north lif Toronto. These will be served everyday â€" and from the dainty iitt;iu-;8 we are confident that patrons will be very well pleased. The coolest place in town. • Tho Toronto Junction correspondent of the Toronto Star says: "Mr. A. R. Fawcett has decided to aiAX out his weekly, the Leader and Recorder, as soon as a buyer shows up. Mr. Fawcetw has been in the newspaper business for 24 years. He started first in Grey County. He has been ia business in the Junction for 11 yean, and in that time his paper has absorbed seven different sheets. The Loader was i^tarted whenj he now pub- lishes, and afterward the ReQorder of Moore Park was taken in. Mr. Fawcett will retire from business and live in the JuLctiun." Mr. Fawcutt was the founder of this paper. The Grey Coun'y Old Boys wi I again run their annual excursion from Toronto to Owen Sound this year. Arrangements k ive been completed for a special train ta leave Toronto at eight o'clock on the morning of July 16th, returning to the city at 7.30 the same evening, though the tickets will be goixi for a stop'over up to and including all regular trains on the 18th. Ijist year the Grey Old Boys brojght home five hundred aud ninety eight excursionists, and this year they expect to exceed that number. Arrange- ments for their reception will undoubted- ly be made by the mayor and council. â€" Times. Fishing Notice .*ny rouon fpuntl flshii.K or trsspsMing on tba propoi-tv ot r. Gauoe, lot '.X, coii. 7, wiil bo proauciittiil to tho fulluBt sxtent of tba law. J.\UGB GENOB FleshertoD. Out, Taqders Wanted Tho unilorf>ii:D(d wiU recnivo tonders up to June iHt 1U04 for thu imrchaue of the brokuit duwn shod nt tho OranKo Hall. Maxwell, and total cluarinc of the ground o{ tho eaam. Also to furniBh wire and build a fence around the ceiuebaiy, the pests beiug provided aud eeC in tbegrouiiH, Maxwell &£ay lOtb 1904. Alex Hudson. Joainh Gamer. Williatn Bcutt. Bull for Service FediRTced aborthom bull will stand for aervioe ou lot 31, COD. 8. Artameaia. Terms tl. Fed' igr«a ou application. Wm.C. PEDLAB. Hereford bull for Service Theuodprsigned has a thoroughbred Hereford bull for service on lot !&% 3rdweBtT. <& S. R., Artemesia, Terms one dollar. IJne Wesley Buskin HOUSE fiND LOT FOR SALE Xjot, fbn»>flftU8 of an acre â€" comfortable fraic« boose, kitchen, woodshed, well, etc A good bearing apple and plum orchard. For further particulars apply to Wm. Smith, Flesherton. Fisl]irig Notice AU parties are hereby warned agaiust trespass'- ing on the property of the undersi^ne I through which thii nvof rii i.i.froru Louck's mill to Geo. Graham's proper'yon tho valloy road. Fi^her- meu are eepecmlly warn ed to keep off tliis prop- erty. Trespassers will be promptly prosecuted. W. A. ArmBtroug. Flaahertoa. April 25, 1904. BULL FOR SeRYICE The TliorouRhbred Durham Bull *' Emperor" will too for uorvice on lot 15C, E. L. and B. R., Artemeeia. Torms ^1, Any cow not returnad ^ill be charged fur whether in calf or not. Pedigree ou application. E. McGRUTHBB. Prop. Bull forService They Enjoyed him Rev. J. S.I. Wilson, B. A. B. D., of Flesherton, occupied the pulpit in the Methodist Church hero on Sunday last in tbo interests of tha Educational Fund in connexion with the church. He in a particularly eloquent and impressive preaclier and the services «rero enjoyed very much by those present, â€" I^uedalk Herald. Honey will be scarce and hiuh priced this year, aa fully lifty per ^et^t. of the bees were killed by the severe winter, while not more than ten per ceat.is lost in an ordinary winter. This is the state- ment yi\^\c\i was made at the beekeepers convention held at Loudon a few days ago. Complaints are Iroquently mide as to the amount q{ multilaoed and defaced coins in circulation. The law respecting the passing of such coins is very severe. Anyone proved guilty of stamping names or mu'ks on a coin, whether it lightens it or nit, is subject to one year's inipiison- iiiont. Everyone who im; a'rs, diminishes or lightens any current coin with the in- teation of circulating it, is guilty of fel- ony, and liaWeto 1-i yea'B impri»onuicnt. A person tryin-g to pass a defaced or niuli- lu'.ed coin is liable to a tine nut «x$e^d- ing »10. NO DIFFbRENCB N<> Hi-t.'no'ion i« nmrle as to the kind of l)ilt»« that Hem-Roil* onrps. Thn n-tmea internal. Kxtnrnal.RIeedini; Blind. Tti^hii g. Suppuratini;, etc., are »iinp?T nai»f>s of the diffT'nt st-fna through which every case will pass if it continues Ion? enough. Piles »r« ransed by co"gp«tion or stag- nation of Hnod In thft lower bowel, snd take an internal remedy to remove tho osn^'. Dr Leonkardt's Heiq<;roid ia a tablet taken internally. It ia a permanent cure and no case of Piles ha* ever been found it failed to ctire. M«>ney back if it doM. A |iM^pt(e irith erer^ paek«^. Short Horn Bull, .fobany Canaclc No 39788, ia (or sorfica ou Lot 109 lit con. N. K., T. A S. B., Artemosia. Terms of service 61. Pedigree on spplioatioB. GEOKGB JOHNSON. Farn\ for Sale BaiD£ Lot 193 & 194 North Bast of Torouto <k Sydeoham road. contaiitiUA 132 acres, 90 uoder culCivatioQ, iu spleodid conditiou for crop, (res of stone, well fenced and watered, free of wild weeds, harinft orchard and small fruits. Qood barn with track aud other out buildings, cora- (ortabU house, H miles from Proton, in Taylor settlement. Apply to W, J. UVTjUA, Protoo Station- :â€" - â€" r .^tf- â- â€¢â-  WALL PHPERS C Tryon, Prico^ille, b^ put in a complete stock of latesb^pfttCeras in wsllpapurp. The finest asffortmeat eTor brought In. Will sub- mit samples to prospective purcbaFers. Hang- ing promptly aud satisfactorily done. Notice to Creditors NOTICE is hereby given pnrsu&nt to The BoTLRed Statutes of Ontario 1S<J7, Chap. 120 that all creditors aud others having clairan against the estate of the said John Heury Heard.deceas- ed, "Who died ou, or about the Twouty-flrst day of March A. D. 1904,ar« required on or before the Second day of June A. D. 1904 to send by post prepaid or deliver to John A. Hoard. FloHhertoit P. O.. ouo of the executors of the lagt will aud testament of the said deceased, or Messrs. Liusas Wright AMcArttlo.Oiiren Sound, solicitors for (he exHcutoi-s. their curtstian and surnamcB, addresses aud descripuioD, the fuil,^)Artiuularf>, of their olaiiu.^.tlie starement of their accounts and tbe nature of the securitioo (if auy) bold by them. ANOfurther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executor will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the dece vsed among tho parties enti'led thereto, having regard only to the claims of whichho shall theu have notice and that tho said ox'icutor will not bo liable for the said assets or auy part thereof to auy person or persons of vboae cla^i;i notice shall net hay** i:ieet}r.acfi'Yeii^ lihA at the tiaie ot such distribution. Dato'1 April'2l8tA. D.i.904. LUCAS WIUGHT «fc McARDLK, Cweu Sound. Blicoturs for Execaiors. Ceaving Tksberton And a $15,000.00 stock to be slaughterd T. J. Sheppard having purchased a property iu Tor- onto Junction to open up in the dry goods businetis we have decided to hold a Ninety Day's Sale while the repairs are being done to our building to clear out our present stock, and as we do not want to take any stock with us you can depend on getting a bargain iu anything you want ; we are only going to handle dry goods in the Junction so we must clear out all other lines and to do this the priceg must be cut deep en- ough to make them go. Ourstocof DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING, and CROCKERY is very complete. OUf Sprina Goods having all arrived before we thought uf leaving and now they must be cleared out. So you have a chance to buy aU nice new spring goods at big reductions. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA NOTICIJ ia hnrebv (jiven thst tbo flist tittini; tho Court of Uuvision c it the A>sos9uiuut Roll of 1904 for the Tuwiiahip of Artemesia, will bo held nc the Town Hall, Flnshertoa on Satur- dav tho fourth <!nv of Juue 1904, fcattd ilav IS, 19114. \V. J. bellamv. Clerk. Court of Revision TOIACSNHIP OF OSPREY NOTirE Is hereby uivBU that thn first sitliiii; of keCouitof r.evislon on tho Assassmpnt Uol ol lyol tor the tuwpi^hip of U»l>rey, Will be held in tli9 Oinniis Hall Maxwell 4t 10 a. n;. ou Uiiy JVtb next. UiituJ .May IS 1904. Tho« Bcott Clork. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT which is in better sahpe this spring than ever having enlai^ed the department, our milliners are In better shape to attend to orders than ever before. Butter is Cbeap this spring but we will make it buy as much as ever by S^llitl^ everything else low. /n> take uU kinds **f pj'oduea during tke sale. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton Ȥg isg ! ggjv : :y>^^!^i; ! :^i i ^ ^ W.J.Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton Makes the following prices good at the store or by letter until May 14th, 1904 : RED CLOVER, new lot, from $5 40 MAMMOTH CLOVER from 5 65 TIMOTHY SEED from 1 40 These are all well cleaned and extra values. S All kinds of Roots, viz., Mangel, Carrots, etc., at the ^ very lowest prices. M S^° We have the stock and we make the price: â€" V Inspection invited â€" Seeing insures your order. xJUST RECEIVED Cook's Cottoa Root Compoand. I«4i««> F»worltc, Ts ths oaly a&fe, reUablcT regulator on wAlch womaia J can depend "In tli« houc and tini© of need." Preparad lo two d«Kr»«9 «( I â- treii«ttL No. 1 and No. i. No, 1.â€" For ordinary cases to by far the beat doUac medicine kno^li. i .... _ -.V special caaw â€" IQ deCK«S ! ItroBger â€" Uire« dollars per box. •â-  , Xjadte*â€" ask your druKKtst tor Co**** Cottoa Root Oompoaad. Take no other ' a« all pills, mixtures and Imitations ar4 dangerous. No. 1 and No. S are sold and recommendad by All droicglst* <n th* Do- Dlnlnn ot CanadM. UaUed to tmy addraat on receipt ofvricajuid tour 1-cent poalaapt Metaadtvq ar* sold ia Vlasbarton br W B , UharAsoa a^^ ^ I Desglasa, Dr«a|itt*, Sâ€" For ^ m m # # -AT- Richardson c& Son's Oilcake, Calf Meal, Corn, Garden Seeds, Best Clover & Timothy Seed from * 1 # $tcck, Briggs eompany I ^wP tt###t#tttt«t^H'ttflNi^f«t

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