THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Juke 9 1S04 Methodist Church Fr.ESIIEMTOM. t.t. i.vithmti, B. i>, II- D Pastor Mr. ^^, K. Itichaidson will conduct both services. Sei'vioii atCev'on nt ."? p. ra. coiiiluctod by Mr. J. A. FuUicad. Vicinity Chips r?i:ir!i«'tcrislics of the Past W«««'U t^ju-cfully Culled for the (iirioiis f Fifievn iu?Ad of young cnitle wanted tn piu>tu;'e. A(iaui£nuth, Euuoniii. County Couuc'l in ia ses-ioa at Owen S»ound thin week. Coy \V«ntedâ€" at once. Apply to Hoyd, Ilicklinj; & Co. FreNh limo al'.vay.s on hand. J. H. Duckftt, Kujotiia- _ Money to loan at '> % en furm property â€" expense Idw. A. S. VanDusisn. Mon'.s «nd boy'.s clotIiinir,mu9t be sold, ifcail ai.d },'el a Vmrgiiin at Shcppiird's. The Foresters of Vandilt'ur will bold e garden j»ljiiy on July 1. Futhtr par- ticulars latijr ODi ^ iJmbrelLi lost m-ar . FletthortoMâ€" has initiiils H. T. in Kilverâ€" lindor plcasu Ixave kt this oflitti'. • >â- For S«ie CliHapâ€" -Lot- 23, en. 7, Osprpy. Would rout. Apply to K J. gprouie, Flushfrtnii. lau;^ We have a lot uf i:ie,e suit, ends to be nmdc up with the tailor to clear out at a ^ b»rv:ain at Shepard's. Durham will held a bi^ domonstntion on July 1. More extended aiinounoo- mt-nt next week. lira. P.Holman, Mrs. John Chsrd and little daufihter are apendinjj a mouth with friends at Udr.oy iind Orillin. Noticeâ€" Any stroet liiiht.i nofcoivir.g fialisfaccion kindly noiif/ the inspecting trnsteo. Office hours 8 a. m. to 8 p, m. The June Seasiois wi 1 open at Owen Sound nyxt week. It is expected that the case of the Flcsherton banU bur<;lar3 will come up at this court . Pi-; came astrayâ€" Came to my premises about May 20, one pi:?. Owner plenso call and take away. Wni Soiners, Vandekur. Several parties have had whips stolen from r^j^s in town recently. It would Ve well fir ijartics owning whips to look after them in future. Mr. S.imuel Kennedy oF Scarbnro and Mr. D. Thompson -f Orillia have 1 een visitini; with the Chard brothers of this townsliip. ,^fr. J. I. G.rhnni, of Vandelour, Ims sold his sh'ii thorn bull, Golden Dnke, to Mr. Wui. Elliot of LeJuc, Alberta, The started its western journey on Tufesday. On and after Monday, May Cth, and rnitil further notice wo will do chopping on Monday and Saturday afternoon only lu we require the power fur other work. T. W. Wilson. Dr. Oeoi-KO Armstrong of Spokane, Washingto!', is this week visitin.' with ilia mother and brothers here. M's. J. D. Claik "if Ottawa is also heje aud Mrs. T. Aikeidiead, of Toronto. Summer Mdlinery Opening, Wednes- day and Thursday, June W avd 1(>, to which Mrs. Sheppard invites all the Udic». At this openin;» wi 1 be fi^und ftchoi.ce iot of pretty dtsi^us at very low prices. Mr. John Kerr, who left hero tor the west some years acjo, is renewing t»nces here. John spent three winters at Dawson Oity in the Yukon. At present ho ih located at Vancojver. Mr. Felstead occupied the pu^^i' of the Mothodiat church Sunday morning &nd .liar. W. Sinclair in the pvcnii g. An odd coincidei'cc occurred here, both ijTOllemen clioosin(? the same sul joct to discuss â€" tlio case of Ziccheus. Wonl his b^oT teauivod fro;n the Do- pvrtinonc thatachang-j hu boei mide in the speakers for the Fanners' Institute picmcat lleitco'e on .Juno 13th, Monday next, by nhich Mr. W. F. Kydd of Sim- coe wi'l replace Mr. D. Andoisoii, wl.o was -uUtrtised to speak. Th's spring Mr. W. Pedlar of tl.e eriivet r<>ftd e»<t hist \ turkey. A iniMilh anil four days afterwan's tho bird was found alive wedgeil in between two stacks, where it had remained for that irerio-) of lime without foo<l or wnter. The bird's hones were no* worth picking when it was found, but ii soon recnvered its meat and is now busily laying with a view to raisin)? a largs family this sum- mer. Her vitality and "initiaive" ftie so great that they will ciW her JapJSy. Mr. Jiihn Hudron, reeve of Osprey, was iiikeu suddenly and dangerously ill on Monday of last week. We under- stand there is an improromeut in bis oondiiion. The Sydeulinm Mutual Fire Insurance Co. has the Inrfiest surplus of any purely mutual fire insurance company in Canada; has a large membership, ia managed by men of experience in the insurance business, rates as low as is consistent with security, has a premium note one third less than any other company. Before â- 'nsuring cjill on or write to their agent, W. J. Bowes, Markdalo. Masonic Reunion Niagara Lodge No. 2, A.F, and A.M., will hold their anuu;il ehuroh parade on Sunday, June 19- It is the iiitontiou to make this a grand reunion of Masons in the old historic town of Niagara, which is the birthplace of Freemasonry in west- ern On'ario. Litut.-Col. Campbell lias received an invitation for all oitlcers, imn oom. officers and men of tho Slat, who are members of the craft", to join and take part in the ceremonies. He is not abusive. He did not hurt the feelinKs of a sin^rle Liberal, and only at- tacked those hi){h men in public life who were dulwiuini; the Liberal paity and its traditions. From a poor boy born in Grey county, the member of a large fam- ily which hud a hard >i{i;hl for existence, Mr. Gainey has risen to a conspicuous place in public life. That he should draw immoiiBO crowds at both meetings, and that hundreds should bo turned away from the hall last night is a tribute to the esteem in which he is held as a public man. The scene at the hall last night was an inspiraiioii, and the ovation which Mr, Ganioy received as ho accepted tho bouquet frcmi the little daughter of Lieu. Col. N^ F. Patterson, K. C, which he re- ceived with a kiss was of a kind to make the blood run faster. Isaac BjUerby'of Oraigleith Iwd up- wards of 180 fruit trees destroyed by mice lUiriiig the putt winter. NOTICE Toownots of cows rnuuing at laree : Cows muBt. 1)0 closorl in, accoi-clliit; to liy-law. Hours 7 p. in. until 6a. tn. Any ptjrsoti or par- sons not cnniplyinq witli tills uoticu will Ilud thtiir cows in pomni. llv ortlnr Qf tln^ Mnaril of trustopw, ANDUEW WILSON Inspootiiig Trusto-. Bull for Service Child Injured. A little daughter of Prof. Joseph Staf- ford of Monrroid, (! years of age, who has betn visiting with her grandma on the 4th lino for some tune, mot with a very painful and severe accident on Monday of this week by an attack from a vicious dog. The little thing attempted to brush sime water cB" the dog's back when it sprang at her face and fastened its teeth iu her cheek, tearing tho muscles from the cheek bono and almost toarinsi th„ whole cheek nway. The child was brought out to Dr, Carter, wdio dressed tho wounds and put in thirteen stitches to clofe them. The wounds were vory painful and it is feared the little girl will be mar»i«d life. Football Games Saturday Ceylon football team went to K/inber- ley to play a return match. A large crowd of people witnessed the gamer Thrt score was 1 to in favor of Ceylon. Monday of last week Kiuiberley played at Ceylon, the score being 1 to 1. Rockvalo and Orage Valley jtuiiors playeu a match Saturday evening on Mr, Fred Brown's farm, resulting in a victory for Orange Valley. The score wa.s 2 to 0. Fleslieiton Junii'r.'i want to Markdtilo Saturday aftuninnn to play tho juniors here and were badly boaten, tho score b ^ing 5 to iu favor of Markdalo. The little fellows say they â- wore outclassed and had to play young men with whisk- ers. Korraan Conqnoror No .'»1043. Rpgistored in Doniinion Sliort Horn Ilord Book, with two laiporteflCcroBses. Will be for service tUirinethu season of IflOt of lot 170, con. '2 ' B. T. ,\: B. road. ;ilso a rcKistereit Tamsworth lioav. Terms for Borvico ono dollar, payable Jan., 1905. Podigrees on application. II. ALLUN, FleBltmton.P. O. Bull for Service ^ Ceaving Tlesberton 60 days more of a ClCapittfl SuH- Our stock, which was a heavy one, is still complete in most lines so you can depend on gettius what you want from us at a much lower price than elsewhere. We are determined not to take anything with us to ^^ Toronto Jet, if the price price will chase it out here '^â- Ready to Wear Clothing We have 250 suit to clear at very low price. We find it no trouble to sell them every time a man wants one, so don't forget when you want a suit to call and get a bargain. i !ti s, umnier ^UlL 0, r/ Tlie thoroughbred lUii-ham bull "LovtlDnr*- ham" will stiinil for sorvico on lot 11, con. li N. L). R. Artemosia. Terms §1.00 paycblo Jst of Fobrimrv. Any cow not roturaed will be charge ed wbother iu calf or not. Pcligree ou apiilicatioii. DAVID HINK. Prof. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Of Registered Shorthorn Cattle On Wednesday, June 22 '04 â€" ATâ€" 'Stock Bull' (bred in Scotland) in- cluded in sale. Catalogues rqailed on applic- ation, i,: . ' â- "'â- â- â- ' . : H. PARKER Durham OnU \ CEALRD TKNDKHS a.hlnissoa to tho nmlor- *^ siKtioil, ant'l ciulorBod " Tender for Meaford Hnmkwater," will bu reooivcd at thin oillco ULtil MonHay, Juno *29, 1004, incIUBivoly, for tho construction of a lireakwntor (it Mtuit'ovd, County of Urev. Out., according to a plan and spRcilicut.iou t'obo Po n at tbo ollloo of H. A. Gray, Ksq., Knt^iimer in cbivrgo of Jiarl&our works, Ontiiriu. Confederation Lifo Ihiiiiiinij, Toronto, on apnlication to tlio postoiniJtcr at Muaford, Ont., andat tbuDepaitniunb of Public Worki;, 0-t-aKa. Tt'nders will not bo considered unless mado on tliu printcdforni hupjdiod, and aignud witb thoaotiial siRuaturosof tondorcrs. An aecoptiid chotpio ou a chartered bank, payablo to the ordt-r of tlie Honourablo tlio MiiiiKtcr of Public WoiUp, for nix thoupaml di.'IlHrs (?rtt,(iOU.r.O),nnifit accompany cacli ttntdor. Tlio ih< quo will bo foifoitod if tbo party ten- dcii'it* decline thecontract or fail to couiploco tho W01 k C'litractod for, and will bo rotiu'iiud in cnsn of non-acceptiinco ut tundor. 'Iho rtopartnunit (jOHS not bind itself to ac- cc-pt thu iuwoBt or Hiiy tender. ]iv order. FliED. GELINA«. Secretary, Department of Public WorkP, Jtttvwa, May 27, 1904. Nnwspapors int^orting this advertisPUien.' witliont authority from the Dopaittuont^ will not bo paid for i^, Iiiflriiii§llir6!l Diirliaiii Ball CrFSY LAD - - NO. 38916 Will statiil for tho sovvioo of cowsforitlio yonr !!'U4. Tl'.RllSâ€" Sl'-'O P"V cow, pavnblo on tbo Ist ot Fulinmrv, 1U05. Tliorniu;lil)' oil cows 61- No ciiws til ken nftur liciiig sufvtd with another bujl duriuy tho bear.on. WILLIAM I'ATON, I'rop. unerif yjpenin^. We have been so rushed in the millinery department |^| that our milliners could not keep up with the demand p>, so this week we have engaged atlOtb^I* IHinilK^r and have decided to hold a ^iid Summc Opening on ^edtiesdav and Cbtsrsday June B and 1^ and following days when Mrs. Sbeppard invites all the ladies to call and inspect the stock, iu this display will be found a choice lot of protty,cheap hats for summer wear. A chance for everybotly wanting a nice hat at a bargain. Waterproofs ^t a 3Surgain Last week we purchased 25 Ladies Waterproofs, We did not intend to buy anything like this before leaving but the price caught us anil we could not re- sist the temptation so bought and now you will get the benefit of our buying. They are a lot of samples and odd lines, extra good goods at very low price a chance for any lady wanting a waterproof. Wool/ Wool/ Wool/ As we will be here for the wool season we will be prepared to buy your wool for either cash or trade at ._,.,. ,,,. good prices. I '- ti i i I'M T. i. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block . Flesiierton I When You Need Physic Get n bo.\ of the old reliable Dr. Hani- ilt'iii's I'ilis of Mandi'Hko tiiid Buttornuf, which Idosetis the boiwls withinil civusiii<{ ;;iippiii}< piiins. No rouiedy is half so p.-ilisfaclory aa Dr. biaiiiiltuii'a Pills. Price 25o. Rcgiinentai Order.:^ Ill C'inii)litince'.vitli Goneraltind Di.strict Oider.s -he Companies if tho 31s': Ke'ji- iiieiit will a.ssoiiiblx ill Coinpuiy Heiid- (lUiitteiH nil Tu.sddy June 1-lth iiinl pro- ci ed to Divisional Oaiiip ab Niagiira for I'J dtiys antiu-d Iriuti ng. Oibcor.s toiiitiiajjdiiig coniptuiies wiil |jr.>Vide the nece.ijitify oooMig u^ensil.s fur iho iiiBo's tiie«.s and abo ensure that each in-in iiroi.les hiniNe f with the necessary aitielea of kit for their uao in oatnp. Uliioers will wcnr tho fcnrUt Rorge pittol j.-ieket. swords. sword and Cross P.elb. Non Coin Officers and men wijl bo in heavy matcliiii!; order All ranks will wear wbilo bebiiets. Ah ad anc! party cnn-isiing of liie Qaarti« r, (J. M. Sergeant and throe moil per Coini.iaity (including a cuok) troni No.') 1, 'A, 5 and 8 (-•'m|)aniu8 will pro- eced one lUy in advance of the Regiment to tike orer military storen, iVse. All ref(iiii4«)tal b e/jjago, including the men's kit, ba:,;», will if pos>^i le ba piicked niedivm sii:e eusvs iu order to handle easily and rapidly. The Uei;itneiital Hind will accompany the UeLMincnt to emiip. Non-Ciin Olheer.s.anil men men will ptovide thpuiKuKcs wiih one day's cooked ration, By Order, Cnpt. C. J. Sproule. M.^^**.'^ R. R Oamoy uddresaed a vory l.irge crowd in Owen Smtnd on Thurs iay la.'it Ilispitii:; the atfiir Tho| Tioies says : No man ^lould express bis doubU con- cernins; Mr. Gatney uiilil ho has listeiud to bis addrcs-". Hois one of tho ni< st liiiinbed speaker? in public lifo. H-s diction is faultless, bin pronunciation KOircely do'ective. lh« consecutivu ar- mnj.oinenfcid his m»ltor, his rounded per- iods, timely emphaaias and ready wit ,..„„„ ,.„ ., ., , - m»kn h^m » debater timfc evorv man on ' and aaoffeotaotabiiiworoxces.sp»: Oiooxcossiv« tn»KO a oenaiorumi, every man on ^ j tMhicco, Ovi'm or SUmutnnis, Mrnlai i W.J.Douglass I MEDICAL HALL ^m. Flesiierton S Makes the following prices good at the store or by letter until JuneJ 1 Itli, 1 904 : RED CLOVER, new lot, from MAMMOTH CLOVER from TIMOTHY SEED from $"> 40 5 65 1 40 These are all well cleaned and extra values. Fdirni for Sale Point T,ot 103 ft 104 N'nith Ear.t o( Toronto ft Sviltniliaoi i-oiiil. ooiitnlfiiiR l.!2 noros, '.to uiidor ci'iltivatioii, ill sploniliil coiniitioii lor ciop, frnn of Btoiio, woll fouceil Mill Wfttorml. froo of wilil weiviB, linvini; orclmiilanil sinali fruits. Gooil Imni witli traeU ami othor ont buililiiiss. ooiu- fortntilc liousii, :ij mi^ta from I'roloa, in Tayior BBttlenient, Apply to ,„,.,„. „, .. W. J. MUIiLIrJ, Proton BUitiou- WflLlTPHPWS r. Tryon.Trioevilln, has T'lit i" a complete slocll of Ktast pilttorna in wnllimpi'i'-i. Tho llnonlttsriortiiiontuvor bioush'' i". Will siili- iiiit paui|>I«B to proRpootive purchii^cvs. Hang- ing piomplly aiiJ satisfaotorily (itiiio. â- WooU's St/or* and Afltr, PhospliotHni©, The Orcal Tosthh Rcfncdfi iu an old, woU oatalv U»ho<l anil r.'liBblo prftpamtion. Has bi»cn proscribtnl and used ovpfW jcnrs. jUl ilrug- Sists ill tho Doiniuion of Canada sell and recommoud na boiiiff tho only meiUriim ol itskinti thatcnreaand All kinds of Roots, viz., Mangel, Carrots, etc., at the very lowest prices. W We have the stock and we make tl\ii price: Inspection invitedâ€" Seeing insures your rnlcr. the Go>irn3ient beiichpa "'eurs to rno. t in cxi.tlict. Mr. Gaiuoy's position in piditics is uniquo, if indeed it has its parallel in history. Hia speech was a tilling denun- ciation of the goTornmont's mining policy followed by the s^^ory of the tjreat bribery cane of wh'ch ha was thu centnl figure. riyea nnivenal laHiifaotion. It proinptlj and permanently cnros nil forms of ^'ii;'"* ""''>• nfm, KmUtion; .liirrmitttrrhim, Imvotcnc}/, all offeota ot abiiiwor» : tho oxcessiv« u-oof T'^Kicm, Oviumotmrnulnnls, Mrntal andPrain irorn/.Rllof which Icmil o Inflnmt*. Ijjtanity, Consnuiption and .an Early Oraj*- .,, Prioe »1 per imcltngo or six for ». One wui pUase, fix wilt .loc. M.iilwl Ii'VV"'"'4"i2J[?l â- UDto(l>rioe. Semi for fr«opamplil(''- Addrosa "^* '^ The Wood Company, _ WlBdaor. Ont', Caaad% Wood's rhcsphoilin* i» «old in I'loshtirton by Douglaa* A Co,, and W KUicbmirdt<]n,Urugeists â- VlV w ^S •»!% 'Of %â- • ,jt'. %* •if* :5!'i -W Of, "^1^ W^i? W W?1V'^1?*4?^1?^? W''')?" W W-ytJ" •W'^S' •JlS'-W W •VifT.Jii.:^*. '/ft- vh- vP^ JUST RECEIVED AT- :»»6 â- 7it- :?•!& Richardson & Son's | in? "'' 'â- 'â- ^<?l Oilcake, Calf Meal, Corn, * - Garden Seeds, Best Clover & Timothy Seed tr^ni SUtU* Brians Company %^ •sit •ft? 9-