Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1904, p. 1

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T yUsb^rlitn ^ftliatta. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"" PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XX!v, NO I# FlestLerton, Ont., Tlitarsday. June 23 lGO-4: W. H. THURSTON, peopkietce ^3 • : stop a rioment ! T.iit, that ia not what our \Vjirohe3 do â€" they '" Eo i-n f'r- eviT," like Temijsoii's Brook â€" wi:b an occiisional cleiiuiug. We have the bi-st valae in Wntchcs to lie foinirt in Oatari". Tl.at is a 1 ig stjilcnK'nt, and if you ilnu't believe it cmie in and let us verify it. We raakt; a specialty of the popular and porftfct HAMiLTON MOVEMENT A hii; stock of this movement just to hand. fecLOGKSL", ter, was united m marriiiee lo Mr. Ren- to leave, accompanied by hia father, in a ben Loughead of ihe 10th line, Dsprey. ,i^ewday3. Rev. T. Scdtt tied the nup^ia! knot. ; We regret to announce the serious Saiiilford immense van- ety and at all prices. Our repairing department is tiioroughly equipped ard gO'jd Workmanship guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, Jaweller, Flesherton istoae Settlement j Rev. H. E. \V. Kemp of S^inilford is : exchanging circuits with Rev. T. Scott of . j Maxwell. The (uuviuf; will take place' next week. | \ On B'ridiiy cvetiing a meeting of the â-  ladies coiinecied with the conareij.itioH of â-  St. Mnry'si church. Maxwell, was held, I when a \Voiu;iu's Guild was organized. I After coiisiiierina and adopting a set of; ! rules ilie fuUowins were seUcted as clU- ccrs : Honorary Pres. , Mrs. G. M. | Franklin; Fre3.. Mrs. James Claik ; Treas., Mrs. J. Buik ; Secretary, Mis.s E. Hamblin. Regular meotings will bo , held on the last Wednesday of each | ui'inth, and the Guild s'arts out with grand prospects of Juiag g'lod work for the church. exten- illness of Mrs. Joseph Badijerow. W. R."Sininion8 is building an eive addition to hia barn. Mis, L. Cadgerow ia visiting friends at Creemoro. Thoni'ia .Sherwood left for Toronto last week, where he exi)ect3 to remain for son e time. Mr. R. Ueniphill is laid up with rheu- raatisui , It wa,3 Mrs. Harry Woud of this place , not Mrs. J. L. Wood, who recited at the rficent Woman's Institute in your town. McFaHand, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store CcyloH The young people connected with the Church uf England at Ceylon have £l><'eilia organized a branch of th>.' Anglican Y. P. '^ A. The first ineerinss have been well attended and a larsie »ninunt of eiithusi- Farmera arc happy over the grand I ^sm manifested. Tliis society is a gen- M.-^CJKDALE, 0?CXA1<I0 Mr. Editor, I regret that several items of interest referring to this section have not lately been given to your readers, but the omission has been occasioned by the return if a very painful attack of sick- ness which your correspondent has not experienced for the last twenty years. Although for 28 years a confirmed iuva- lid, yet Qve out of the six doctors who attended me during the tirst eight years of my Kiukness have passed uwav, and though I may be Iteming on the ropes, I intend lo remain ia the rinf; as lonft an posaililo. Miss Millie Fletcher, sister of our hishly esteemed neighbor, Mr. Wm. Fletcher, was jnarried on Wednesday of last week of Mr. James Beattie of the Orange Valley. Congratulations. Ur. John McLeod has all the material on the ground for brick veneerinc; his â- pacious reaidence. When compluted it will be the fiouat re«ideuce in this neigh- borhood, and we trust that the wort-hy old couple will live many years to enjoy in comfort the well-merited fruits of Uard labor. We are also infurmed that Mr. David Harrow has the material on the ground for the erection of a new brick house thia 50.13'. n. We are heartily glad to hoar it. Mr. Harrow's indomitable c<iur«no and perseverance bas prove 1 a succcsg whcrs his predeeossora failed. May you live long to enjoy it, friend Harrow. Mr. John Bojce <t Co. have invo.'sted ill a bran new traction engine and up to- date threshing outfit, one of those new machines which pt-rform most of the work connected with thri'shing, except asking the hands John & Co. have now to Bcilvo tlio problem how to divi.le them selves so as to a'^comodate the many pat rons wh.) are likely to require their â- orvices. Of all the farmora in this locality we inow of iirtue more thoroughly equipped with modern agricultural implements than Mr. George Iloyce. tMH>rtf9 surely in^ns businejis. More {Mjwer to his cllxiw. The old English g^nieof football seoni.H to have taken deep root in this section tht' pust two seasons. The yells of the enthusiastic ompctitora in the exciting g'kmo may bo heard a long distance from » he south-east corner of this line, where the game is playod thre« or four even- ings i-.ch week. Could we but see the <dd ijrcy sti>no building, the chapel, close and stately <dd elms, wimt a Hi>oil of plea.<uuit rpniiniscHucoa might Ih) presented to some of us but alas ! alas I Wanted â€" A correspondent lo report to the outside world the interesting eveiita of the Storie settlement. prospects of a bountiful harvest. All crops are looking Kne. Hay will bo a' very heavy crop. j The iiLMiy friends of Mr. Walton Wil- | Hams of Toronto were pleased to hwe : him visit them for a few days recently. ; his two little gii Is accompanied him. I Mr. and Mrs. Bosworth of Chatham ; paid a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Mac- ' Donald uf the Post Offic-j. Mr. Bos- worth wiy remain for a mouth or so. ^lirfw''- T. Carr was visiting with C'lllingwbod. he Misses Mag>;io and Mildred Wil- ' son are home from the ci*y for a short time visiting their mother, Mrs. Wil;iam Wilson. The numerous friends of Miss Ada Williams mot at her home the evening bofore her fleparture for Orange, N. J., I when a most enjoyable evening was spent I by all present. The best wishes oi a large circle of friends accompanies her ! »n<l Miss .\lico Gordon to Uncle Sam's ' domains. All hope they will soon return I to I heir homos here, whore they are greatly missed. Mr. and Mrs S. Pe-Uar of Summer Hill. Eugenia, are visiting at Mr. J. W. Uoath's, Elsinore, near Allenford. Mr. R. .J Hogg spent a few days last week visiting friends ia Toronto. The Piesbyterians intend holding a earden parry ou the picnic grounds here Dominion Day. A (jooJ time is expect- ed. Tea served from 5 to 7 o'clock. Birn â€" June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Maiiil, a son. Born â€" June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Trueman, a son. Miss Ettie Thompson of Flesherton was the guest of Mrs. Woodburu for a few days the past week. Mr, Latimer, «r , visited with his friends iu the city for a couple of weeks, tie haa returned greatly improved iu hualtb. Mrs .\d(in\ Hi-slop, sr. , on going home from church a week ago Sunday was pitched out of the democrat and badly hurt. .\ WHshed-away culvert was the cause of tho accident. That song, "The great Canadian West," coinpoji.d by .Mr. F, T. Carr, our highly respected townsman, promises to be all the raue in a short time. Both words and music are arand. . â- â-  I It I ^ eral one, and all young people are wel- come a^ there is no religious test required fur membership. The following are the utiice bearers for this year : Patron, Rev. J. M. Franklin ; President, Dr. F. T Bibhy ; Vice-President, Miss^ Jean Collin.son ; Sec.-Trcas , Miss E. M. SuihU. There is an executive committee and otHcers have been chosen for a num- ber of chapters. Tho games chapter has decided to start with basket ball and croquet. Other games will probably be added. The society has a pretty badge boating the letters A. Y P. -A. and a motto upon it. A Present For The Old Folks, For The Stomach's sake. An eminent physician says, "human life should last live times the years it takes to mature " â€" thus if twenty-one is m.iturity we should live over a hundred years, but there are not many reach the century mark. A great deal more longe- vity would exist if the stomach did mt get crippled and play out â€" That organ gets plenty of abuse, and is deserving of attentionâ€" It is starting point of most ailments, and it needs the Brst attention when symptoms of sickness appear. If an elderly stomach can be kept working right, you may be sure of a rip« and con tented old me, comparatively free from physical burdens. The great new discov- ery, AXTI-PILL, the Great System Treatment, has a great effect in helping old and deranged stomacli. Any aged person who will address a Postal to Wil- Ron-Fyle Co., Niagara Falls, Onr., will get a free trial bottle by return mail, Kiinberley Miss Soul of Duncan i« visiting with her sister, Mrs. R. Carruthera at present. Miss Mabel Plowea of Kirkevdle is visiting here at present. Mr. Dayman of Walters Falls was in town on business la^t week. Mr. and Mrs. S. Huti of Meaford visit- ed friends here on Sunday las-t. Rev. Mr. Hurlburlt of Flesh-rt took charge of the .service in tl'e Union church here on Sundav evening last. A meeting i f Contie Grey l.atlies Insti- tuo was held in the Union Hall here ou Saturday last. The first ses-^ion being held :n the afiern-on crmmencing wih the elccrioii of officers; the meermg was Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE" Low Prices - - - Olood Values Both Sides_r- There are two sides to the Buying question. On one side is Qualitif ; on the other side SVee. We aim to combine, as far IS possible, the good of each for the benefit of the appreciat- ive. It's because we make this combination- that our adver- tisements ahvays interest the intelligent buyer. Many Money - Saving Opportunities This week we have gathered together some of the best values we have h.id to offer this season. Read every item carefully. The qualitiis and values are descri'oed as accurately as possible, and the money-saving chances perhaps the besB vou will sue here or any place else this season. ALL PERFECT GOODS. S3. 50 to ^0.90 Siik Waists for ^f.98 15 L.idies' Siik Waists, sizes 32, 3-t and 36 only, made from rich heavy Taffeta and Eolipse Silk, nicely trimmed with medallions, tucking, ham s. itching, et^:. Rich shades in pinks, blues, old rose, greens, tuscau, white, cream and black. Not a waist in tho lot but what is good va!ua at S.5.50, and several of them S4.50 and $5 goods. Tbia is the biggest snap in Silk Waists we have ever had to offer, but we want ti> turn them iut-o money quick â€" jour choice §1.93 ^5.00 Cadles diacn. Coats fo^ $2.9S 20 only Ladies' Fine Rain Coats, in navy blue sad black, nicely made with deep fancy collar, perforated eyelet holes under arms, doubla breast style with lar^e pearl buttons, lengths 52, 54, oC and 58. Regular §5 cotits, ou sale this week for. . §2.93 Two Big Drives in Dress Goods Neuralgic Headache is Uaaally Attended with blinding pain, but re- lief comes quickly when ^•erviline is ap- ;;ij.: .T^,;, ^y mU^ Shuttlcwor.h and M,s. pl,e.i, for It IS the strongest pain rei.ev.r ''^^;^^:^l^^Xx which a sumptuous luucb- eon was provided for dl. The evening session was pr«sided over hv .Mr U D.CHrriithprs. p'-csi-ient of ihe Centrt> Grey F«rm»rs' Listitute, and ngaiu MisiiSliuttleworth ai>d Mrs. Tor- ranoe d-'.ivtred address -8 also a program, oonsis'ing "t recitarioiis and instrument- al music, was retidered. .A minilier o' people from here alfendcd tlio tfnrniur.s' losiitute pionic held at Hewgil's grove ni-ar Heatlicote on Mim- day last. Miss Aimic Sc-'ti vis'ted at the paren- tal home here on Sum'ay l.w»r. Tho F.uplirnsia Township S. S. Con- vention wil bu bcld in the Methodist church here oo .tune 28th. Wt^Ming B'dU are faintly tolling, wc believe. Eli! Jonh? in the world. "I consider }<erviline a most magical remedy for neuralg a. lam sul'ject Ui violent aitiicks, writes Mrs. E. G. Harris of Baltimore, but niver worjy if Nervilinc i-i in the house. The prompt relivf than Norviliue brings makes it pric- lo.'«? to mo. A few appli -ation never y t failed to kll tlie pain I cao a.'O recom- mend Nerviiine for stiOFue.ss lu the j-ints and rheumarisni." 'iry Xerviiiue your- self. Price 25c. n» a lii Port Law Maxwell M»»ried â€" At th« residence of Mr. Jas. fJordon, 3rd line, Osprey, on Wednesday, ^une 15, U«£!gie, their > oun jsst daui(li- We we'-e nii.tinforra. d regarding the date of the Dalcsido (4th line) S.hb.ath schiKil picnic. It will be Thursdav of next week in Mr. StHtf.irit's gn^vo. A 8}don- did lime in expected. A large company of friends g.ithered at I pjjgjjj^Qnjjl |s FillillS the HoS- the home of Mr. ai.d Mis James Gordon nitals. on Wednesday evening of last week to ' witness the m.ai rag" ..f their dau-ghter. Everyday we bear of gonieono heing Man-is and Mr. He>d>eu Lough, ad, all , taken wi-h pneumonia. The only pi e- of the township of Osprey. Mr. John venrion is to got strong and keep your Gordon, brother of tho bride, was , bcdy heaUhy. T.,ke Ferr.-«--ne wh-cli i/ronms-nan, while Mis,s Nellie Anderson makes the rich red kind of bbuKl Ih^.t performed the dutiea of bridesmaid. : nouri.shes and cumulates the citne sy»- After the ceremony and weddini; feast tem." I was all run down and an apt suh- the company indulged in a social time, i iect for pneumonia writes .A B, Charters T. T. Irving, Es<i., ex-aldennan of of Burliniiton.when I t-u-d Ferrozon.-. 1 Stratford, ia visiting with his daughter, i didn't believe it was lossih'e tor fcrro- Mrs 11 Wood. |ione to buildniBupsMiuickly. In a â-ºew While plaving footKnIl lait aumraer, days my appetite improved, co'or c»me Sdwaitl, thoeMcst .son of J. H. Watson, i into my cheeks .•^nd 1 felt .stronger. I had Ihe misfortune to n.jur • his ankle (taimd eight jn.unda and regained my old (,oc.il treatment proving unav.vling, ho time vii-W thr.)ugh using ferreitotje has been advisetl to no to Toronto to Try Fetrozoue, it assures ^;^^der^,c a surgical operation, andexp«:i« 60c. 35 CENT DRESS GOODS FOR 15cts. 12 pieces Dress Goods, compri|pfg wool tartans, wool serges, zebibne. etc, -40 and 32 inches wide, riclj, handiiojne, styl- ish Dress Fabrics, and well worth 25c- and 35c each yard. V\'e secured them at a bargain aud turn them over to our pat- rons the same wav. Un sal« Thursday morning at your choice per yard. ... 15 About 15 patterns in handsome wool covert cloth, fine series, cashmeres, tweeds crepoluse, etc., rich, fashionable shades in pure all wool fabriis, suit,able for dresses, skirts or full costumes. These are no doubt the b«»t dress cloths we ever otferel at this popuUr price. On sjile Thursday morning. Regular 40c., 50c. and 60c. qualities for . . 25 25c SILK GLOVES for 5c 200 pairs Ladies' and Children's Silk, Lisle and Cashmere Gloves, all sizes, in black, tans, greys, etc, not many of each sb.ade or quality, leguUr values 15 to 50c a pair, your choice only 6c 60c LACE MITTS 25c 78 pair Women's Heavy Silk L«c« Mitts (or half gloves) rich, heavy pure silk lace ;n bl.ick only, as.sorted sizes. These are cool, comfortable and fashionable for hot weather, regular COc qualities, our price 'J5 LINEX TOWKLING FOR 5c 1 pieces, 50 yards. Linen Crash Towel- ing, 10 inch wide, good heavy cream cloth with wide border, good valae iii- the regular way at 7c per yard, our price . 5 35c LADIES' FANCY COLLARS 19c CO Ladies' F.ancy Collars, made in the latest styles, ^rom ths most -fishionHble fabrics, ox bliJ»Kl. blue, linen and white, canvas cloths with fancy trimmings and tabs, washing goods, regular 25c and 'i'w values. Your choice Thursday mjrning at 19o IMcFj^KLAXD, STAFFOI^r) c-^ Co special Inducements For Current Trade . . ,.(â-  \ 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits $7 and $S for 6.00 12 L.idiea' Fino Coats, S7.50 and $9.00, for 6.00 .A large .assortment of carpets, arranging in price fnrni 25c. lo ?.1'25 per yd .\n extra gi-od stock of Horse Blankets on hand .and we are selling them at the lowest living nrices known. Also a full range i-f Mom's H.-'ivy Footwear, such as KelB B.iots, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Ltg- •-â- ing«, etc. 20 Men's Heavy Ulster8,good valve at Sfi 12 only Men's Pea Jackets, on sale at 3 i'O 20 all wixil Men's Sweaters, worth gl.OO for (15c. 50 yds. crash toweling, worth Si.yU. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Blankets, to cle.\r out at S1.90 iwt 12 .Hen's Cardigan Jackets, reg. Sl.iiO. for ". ....i.i;> Men's Kid Coves, regular pnce 90c. anil #1.00, for 60c. per p-i=,. A Reduction in Groceries 5 Ihs good Japan lea for $1.C0 i T, lbs Ceyh'U Klack tea 1.00 j 13 lbs. best sclectoil tsi-dus 100 i 25 Ihs. best Tapoica l.i.Hi 25 Iks. fresh Figa l.CO no larg. b..r!» suap, rc^. IS^cfor O.'.pr.bar A nice aA5ortment of Faucy Ola.«sware fo Chocse for Xmas Qiftt. . . . •alth. Price W.HOCKLEY k Highest prices paid Fowl and Butter.. . . Proton iStutiot* P ?-T*.r-. tw-in. ». 2,

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