Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1904, p. 4

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' • * 4- June 23 1904 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE >CBDBB ^mmtmm \ f, T. hill & CO. w^mi^v^ REDUCED PRICES I -ON- BRIGHT NEW GOODS Tlic followiii;,' with many other lines of seasonable summer goods we place on SPECIAL .SALE this week. j\I ANUFACTUEEKS and WHOLESALEUS invariably let us know when they have CLEAliINC LINES at SMALL PIUCES which they want to convert into cash. That's the whole story regarding these, excepting that to appreciate the values you'll require to see the goods. /2lc. tTancij •^ius/ins \2500 t/arf/s) far 6c, 2500 yard« Fancy Miifilir.s, in nil llio m?weKt colmings anil patterns. Wo consiiler this tlio beat Muslin Vftluo we h.ive seen or licnrcl of, aud coming now just at ilie heginniiin of iho season it in «ur8 to lie iiickod up i)uickly. Kvory yard of it wiw nuidu this seuson for this seaaon's acllini;,lhe width is 20 no 32 inches and the price in only (5 75c, ^aieens 9c. 750 yarfls of beautiful, fino, silk-finialied sateens, in lilues, cardinals, sarniit, pile blue, hliiok, etc. The in- filnite use to wliijli one c;in put these very Bervicoable goods, and the hi.;h f|uility of this linn is aure to make sellinibrisk while the lot lusts. Your choice, any color, per yard 9 "Jons 7;^c, 75c, If unci/ ifitbbc Wo have about 2i) piecoi of these Fancy Ribbons, in a very fjood assortment of widths, coloring's and patterns. Every yard must be .sold during the next few days and the price at which we have marked them will make thorn po in a liurry. Any quantity you wan t at exactly half price,or pir yard 7.V 35c. to 50c. Fancy Blousingsfor 35 cents. We hare still on hand about 50 of this season's New Blouse Le:ii{th) that must be soM at once. The lot consists l.ui^.'ly of fine, puru, all-woid DeLainos, Lustres and Bedford Cords. The prices until this week have been 37i, 40,"54, and 60e., but we reduce all to ono price. Pet yard for your chsico 2o 15, 20 and 25c. Veilings 7 1-2 c. About .^^ pieces of C"loiued Silk Veilingsâ€" the final cloaniu'.; up of our Si)iin.» and Summer stock. You can have your cho'co of anythin;; in this lot for 7^^ W. 25, 35c. Ladies Fancy Collars 19 have prcibalily or 7 dozcii of Ladies F.incy 0*i SE Stock CoUari in a partioul vrly nio assortment of colouriiiijs. Most of these have washable ailk tub and are decidedly pretty, YoUf choice o iily 19 c ' 5c. flannelette Qiinbroi denies 2c, 25 pieces Flannelette Embroideries, asserted cob rinys, clearing at per jard ac. W^mN'K MARKDALE Bank Robbers Convicted G. and W. F. Dunti (Durham) for the ! accused. The jury returu'td a ver.lict of 1,'uilty â€" seiitcncoil to »\\ niruiths. I at Untfibation cam; ».vifc and sure to the V.^'hli Tt'):! bauK robb'-'ri. At the .Sessions in O.ron Sound last week the two man, John Muridiy nn 1 \Vllliani iN'au^^hton, wcra placed on trial. Wlun the case was inobably bnlt finished tlio <rinrn;ih throw up the sponge and ])!eadod guil'.y. Tlio judge senten- ced '.he men to hi \ yoars each in the jieni'.cntiury. Mr. Mitchell has recovered S18.r3.20 oatof the »21G0sl..lon. Th^s case can co ou record as one of the clevert'st cap'.ures and convictions extant. A large degree of credit belon;^'S to rostiniiPtor Sproule of this placo for the lapUiro of thesi) crooks. Mr. Sproulj ppent ctniHidorable time in limiting up i-videnoo and tlir.iuRb hU instrumonlaliiy they waro identified as the iir.'U who left incri^ninatint; pap>rs in a bam near Dnndalk, while the men were acciJintly di-Ci'Vorcil by a littl.i yiil. The public would have been bettor satisfied had the senttnco been ten years. Un ler thu circumstnuces th>>y wore la off light. Other c.isoi before the court ware: M;Intyra vs M;.\i thiirâ€" An action for d.-ningea (trisinc: out of a tiinlier traiisac- lion which occupied the wlmlo of Tuos day afternoon and Wod. foiouofm, the cano beiii'.i keenly coiKested at every point. ,lu;!.;iiiaMit in f.av.ir of Ihe plain- lifT for €1JI» and full coiia of suit, dis- nii'>sii>(; ill'! (Ufi'iiibint's couaivr e'aim without costs. A. (i. MiicKay, K. (J. nn 1 W V. Dunn, (Durham) for plaintiff. ,). I'. Telford, (U.nliani) tor fh;i'i.ndanr. Ivi'X. vs. Clifford (iiahani, â€" whs c'larijil wltli having stolen S'nno 845 00 from John Winn, at the lliss lloii«u Owen Soon I, on ,'l(tlh .\pril 1 >.m, Soveial witiieisji w.irj cilled to e.i'B'ilish n, chain if ovidenco .•igain.it the accunod. Ho him- self went into iho liox, daidiiiltlio charg.- and atloniplo'l 10 ahow that the money on hi^ pjrson wa» hii own and wlierc he liad i-arneil it. The jury aficr lomo two houi* consideration brouaht in a verdict of (zudty wi'h a «)ronn r.icoimnenda'.ion fi>r ineroy, John .Armstr ini; for the crown Mill M.iclvay, Suinpnon & Tellord for th,! accuse 1. II )X. VS. Mrs. Duncan Meln'yro. â€" Tint Win llij n-'Xt cas- eiitereil into. Mr<. Mclutyie re.-idi'H at Moaf ird and is char^ '1 wiifi h^^in'.^ enlcavo-e I to ex- tort troin Wdliiiii Dickio.i of W-ictlford 11 â- â€¢^â- v itod.T iliriatu (if n iMo<ocn ion under the T/qmr Liccnio At. f.>r the Ml* of liijiiur on Sun lay T o j iry t>,t/iiuht III a vui'diet <it i;uilty with a Htrong rpoi.nim iiidaticui for iii'Tcy- His Hoii'.r ,lu'lgo Hittou 1..1 the prisoner oil oiiMis|H)iid>'il smilenoH. ,Iohii Anustrong f ir lliu Or iwn. McICay Sampson A Tel- lOi'd for tllU HROUKUd Rex. T». ChHrloi Hoy, â€" The cai»« was t-iU«ii up Thnr-<|.iy, The prisoner residon at th.i township of K^rciiii.nt and i« char,(ud wilh having in Dnecniber last tiv<«od a Worthiest coiifodnrale 810 bill upon ono Jamoi Va^aio. Jnhn Arm- ^ong fur the t'ruwD, A Q. MuKajr. Iv. Corns Grow Between the Tose But cnn bo ciireil without jmiu in one day by I'uliinin'H Corn and Wart Kxl.rac tor. This siHiiilard remedy never liiirns the fleh,â€" it w eiitii'o'y vegetable in onni- p"Kiti(in and does not destroy the llesli. Use only I'.itiiam'.s it's the best. Forgery at Owen Sound Headache. ,.y. ^.-.,..'^, Eyestrain . - /^- â- .^?5'^s=^ causes %:.. both. ^^^:'M 4€^ relieve only temp or ar- ., ^-^^ni^ jjy^ Pro. perly adjusted glasses remove the cause and effect a - perraaneut cure. Leonard Harrison, a younj English- niai who, during a short lesidenoo in Owen Sound has moved in a very sebct cirele of Hoeie'v, wis arrested Sitiirday ni<.dit on two chatgis of fdrirery. Harri- son was employed by Dr. Milton Cavn- nairh. A iininhcr of aecouiits were s.^nt >, ., j, ^, 1 j out, and it is alleuod th,d, tim youn^; man SatlSfaCtlOIl gUarantCCd. torged a,i order p.-.rmi..in2 him to sign; COnSUltatiOIl frCe. for all ivi.'cstpred letters received. .Amony the leU.'is wa.s one cont'iinin'; a check for lift.y doll.irs. This ho tender. id at Iho Merchant':! bank, but wis refuiod pay- men'. At the Mnlxon's bank ho sie- eeedeil in g.:tliiii.' it cashed Tlieeircnm- ftaiie.is be lime kiioun to Dr. ('acanacli, and ho in'urnied lb" police. .As Harri- son came out of nn ice cream parlor on 1^0 A. Aif;.instf03i«5. •CWSLEa AiV3 OPT2C1AS^ lady, Iiowai arrested. Thirty-four dol- lars of tlio money was found under his collir. The balaiico hid been pdl In his landlady for b.iard. The Sydenham IMiitnal Fire lusurnnc? Co. has th" largest surjiliH of any purely miitu 1 fire insiiranci" eom|ianv in Caiiatli-; has a largo meiiibeiship, is miinaued ly men of experience in the insuniiiee Inisimss, ratesaslow ns is qonsiiti iit with security, 1.1s a preniiiim note oni- third li'«K lliiiii any other comimny. Before insulin;! call on or write lo their agent, \V. .1. Bowes, Mark dale. At the ir.oeting of ih-i Simeon County Ooiineil last Week the (pie.iiion of Kidlingi the. sJoek lieM by the ceiinly in the (irand Trunk Railway Company wa» discii-sed ac length. It has been the subject of several discuiisions and of serious coiisi'leral ion by the ooniity snl- ioilors. In llie Kinanco Committee a iiMJmity of the members concluded that it WIS Ik^'I to dispose of ihu stock nt IKJc nn the diillar, ami a recoinm"iidaii(>u to this ell'ect was preseiiti'd (1 the Council. Mr. Fiiiser, chairman ot the comniilloo, disaL'r-'ed wilh the rccnmmendatioii Flesherton Sash, Door and Plariing ll"i!!s AFTER much labor a n d e X - pcnso Ave !H!ve reop- ened our actory and Lj.^j|liave just dry kiln, wliifli put.s u.s in a position to iill all orders for Sash, Door.-i, Fi-ames, I\Iould- ing.s, Ba:30, stair materials ami machine work such as plan- in<c nnd matching, scroll and i)aiid .sawing and turning of every description. Our stock of north shore white ]»ne is lieiini^ihat a b-ltnr sate could bo I COUlJllct 0. Wc also Cari'V a ' He accordingly was d..puli.od to ^,,,,,j, ^j^^j^ ^^,. j^.^,,^., ^j^^^^^.^ '.^j^^, sash and can fill all ordiMs promptly and will guaranttH^ sati.staction to our customeis mi-de vidt To-onto, Willi ili.> to'iilt that he snoceded in seenriii-i an offer of 141c. which will net the county botweoii $20,000 Slid SJ">,000. This sale is ronsiderol a windfall, and it is said that ic is | it is the intention of the Council to np- 1 in all linOS of Olir husinCSS aiul ply the amount reeoifed to the t'"'*' r >ada fund. HEADACHE J Ncuralci.! and Nfrrouincsi cilTcJ quickly by A I A y HARMLia* HEADACHE AND '\J i\ f\ NcunALQiA cunc. Nn hrart dfpmston. Greatest cnre ever discovered. Take n»» other, inc lind tjc. All dealer* of direct froea AWTiM&Co. S>iacoe,Oiu. Money tack it noliatiified our prices will In; found as rensonahlo as any. Our Chopping Department shall havn our l)est attention. Hrs. A. Wilson 1 W. WIlMO. Manager ^H-a ^r^^^'^^}^^. r BOYD, HICKLING & CO. -FLESHERTON, ONT.-^^-- â€" ^ JUNE MILLINERY Every few days .sec the addition of some millinery novelties tu our stock, so that it is always complete â€" a lot of very pretty new straw shapes just ari'ived. We pay special attention to orders for June weddings. 3"i s 24 pairs Ladies White Cotton Drawers trimmed thi'co rows tucking and deep lace frill â€" fidl sizes â€" nicely made â€" strong and fine quality cotton. CfZeqular SOc. lines L^learinff at 2^c. tjlne Kjieadij ^iak L^lotfilno ^Ve are justly proud of our lieady Made Clothing for men â€" for we are showing a range which cannot bo beaten for style, good workmanship and wearing cloths. Every suit represents extra valueâ€" they were bought right and are marked close to sell quickly. Our Suitsll r^'"^ °"^" leaders-they include the !v latest patterns m i weeds aiitl rancy ( Avorstedsâ€" showing the new stripe and ( llakc eii'ccts â€" perfectly tailored â€" c(iu:il 1 in fit and appearance to ordered cloth- ( ing. All sizes from 30 to 42. . ., ^<?/ 5 Suits for p. CO and St.SO ]ioy's o piece Sailor Blouse Siiitsâ€" sizes fiom G to 7 years â€" nice navy blue serge â€" trinnned white braid â€" deep washing collar of navy duck â€" white flannel vcstee. ....;..- , B:PE20Ii5.I^ ^I.OO Boys 3 piece Sailor Blouse Suits â€" sizes from 3 to 7 years â€" heavy navy serge â€" deep sailor collar trimmed with gold l)raid â€" embioideivd v.hite llannel vr^tce B s,White Vests, Fancy Shirts, Summer Suits, Summer neck- wear, Canvas Footwear, Light Under%Year, Straw Hats, Felt Hats. C//ia ^y^'ewest. â- cfoods at C>\iff/it y, rices. *««*s Good Paints & Good Varnishes for All Parts of Buildings^ T»E ShehwiN-WILUANS Co. make good painte and good varnishes for all parts of buildings inside and outside, and for all household uses. They make special paints for special purposes, each one the best of Its kind. No matter what you want to paint or varnish, you'U get best results, fuU measure, and save most money if yon use TH£ SHERWIN-WILUAHS PAINTS AND THE SHERWIN-WILUAMS VARNISHES. Color cards and full information upon request. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. are the largest paint makers in the world. They have built up their busi- ness on good quality. ^ SOLO BY yL wmsamm

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