^UMK 23 1904 THE FLESHKRTOM ADVANCE The Markets. (^refully Correrted Each Week tJakU. 29 to 29 Paaa 60 to 82 B»rley 46 to 46 Butter 13 tu 13 KsJKS fr«»l> 1^ '» 1* Woiil, CMh IC to 17 Hay to 6 55 Potatooj bag 76 to -76 Pork 26 to 6 ?F Our Clubbing List 'v. ' . . ,â€" *Advance(*Hernld and ^ITOTOnto World, (Uily . ...'!.. .$3 25 Tlirontp Daily I\'e«E ... . 1 85 ; \V.-ckly (Jlobo......;; 1-80 iMuil-Eiiipiie 1.80 Family Herald & St»r 1.80 Toronto Star 1-80 FarmerH Sun 1.80 AU above pricoH incluilo The Advance WoiitriKil lli'iiild, if liaid n t.dr,inco y. Eiirly Bub.scriljcrs gi;t cat value their moiioy. Durham Bull for Service Tho KcKliitoreil Durbani Hull, "KING EDV/ARD" Imp., will ptand for Bcrvice en lot M, S.D. h.. for laoi. KiiiK Kilwaril laiidarkic(l,(;oodtBftyy bonu ai:d niustlb nini wnll dovelopuci. Ho is in ouly fair sorviteiLlilu coiiilitiou aiirl will lift the boani at Ivsmty- twoliuudnjcJ lbs. and 18 yet iD her two-yoar-old claaa. I'laUOniOE Kiua F.dwartl ml. calvod April lOth.lOOl.bred by Jolin Vounn Tilboiuius, .Mm vcnltur, Scot- laud, huimitu 1 iu dam in K-W by Cbarlas Kuubin, WyobridRo, Ont., not by Scotlish i'riiice7:if«), daiu Kcitliiiick Uote. imp., aH287, bv Alan Owvmiu tlXTO, Hod Koso by I'oitland o! Cliiny M'.K. HoBio i!nd bv Doctor GOCIG, Kosie by Lieuti'liant 61.>Si;l, Jilt I7tb by Alboit 5aoU2, JUt IStli \i\ Craviisfud 10401, Doiiairle Cliuut by VerLQOl]t471!«,tlnrut let b) Dnku'Xm. Clarot b7 Kcai-lotVi'lvot lO'.lie, liarbara by Unrivallod laOJe, iBiibella bv 'J bi< I'aclia Tela, Ciotu» by S;ud Duko o( Noitbuuiborland :KM, Noia by l-lllury SlSl.hinily by Blllory 5131, Bliia by youny Westurii Comet 1675. Lady Hetty bv IHamoiMl SOS.Hotly by Fuvoiitc IJSO.by Cbargo b lioa iiuiiibio. TERMS Tliorouslibrod cowH *5 ; Rrades 81.M, All I>oyabIc lilt Jan uaiy.l'JUJ. Cowh served by tins â- luluial mid not returned will bo collected for irlietbor iu calf or not. W.J. MEADS, CejIon.Ont. Ai/ers Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of coucse you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor hot be pleased? Ayct'sHaIr Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. " I have tiMd Ayer's IlaJr Vlnor for a lonn I tlmfl. It U. indeed, a -woiidorful lialr toiil^^ reitorlnn liealth to the hair and sonli', and. .jt tlu> aairu^ tlmo, nrovinff a onlondld drossinc. Uu. J. W. TATUil, Madia, Ind. T. J. 0. AYEn CO.. Weak Falling out Hair If this i« tlie case, call and aoo na and wo Wjll i>revout it doiuf! so by applyiug our wonder., iiil remedy, Highly Recommend Wo have used its woodorfHll mamy in tliia town a'ld aurroundi' di« on Mid all wboliavu uiidorgoao troatm retrict moid tt very highly. ooa- No Cure -No Pay &.. WILSON FXiUBHEBTOH Barber Flesherton Harness Emporium. SF'ECIALTIES for the . Season â€" Fly Nets, Dusters, Stable Slieets, Hoof Ointirierit, Curry CorT\bs, Brusl:\es and Birjder Wt^ips, Gloves for liarvesters ar\d Tl^resliers. Trunks arid valises alv^ays on l\a]\d: BINDER TWINe-WLcCormacK. Fxaniire tl^is twine arid you vitU bay. HA.J5XrCH=5 MANUFACTtJIJINQ liieill llB Ijratiolaee. ISl M. IM O O II E SPECIAL AjmiNCEMENT A choice line of Baby Carriages and Just t) hand. The latest thi ng int)ieae goods, and low in price. Corrie ar|d see T^ierri. gODSEClEyiHIi HEQIiSlTES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H. B U N T Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESHERTON ONT. BusiNE-ss Cards lUT'CULl^QUGH & YOUNQ "» Hanker Markdalo flOB goaerttJ banking baaineHB. Money loanod a roaaonabia rata Call on ub. D J 8I'KOUI,8 " PoatiuMtor, Flesherton uonimiBBJoner in H.C.J., Auctioneer Con- tayancor, Appralaor and Mouoy Louder Uoal Katate and Inauranoo Agent. Deeds mortsatieB, leaaee ani willB carefully drawn op and valuationi mado on aliorteBt notice money to Ioad at loweat rates of iutoroat. Col •otioua attended to witli promntnpBB ohariies low. Agent for Ocean DoiiinloD Htaamabip Oouipany. A oall soJlcited. Societies » O W nieota ou tho laat Monday a ,n oaon mouth, in their lodge room, l/nrlatooa block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M W '*i"V.!''?°I' ' Mocordor, -Jaa. Folstoad ; Fiuao- cier, W.J. Hu l.aaiy. ViaitinR brutbron iLvitod. pKINCB ABTHTll LODGE, No.Tl^A • 1 1 ^ M- •noeta in the Masonic ball. Striiln'i block, Ploahv.rton, ovary Frldav on or before the full uoocn. K II W Hlckliiig W M. Cbaa Mumlittw, BaLrotary. R. Kinnear & Sons -MAXWELL- I-. â- , A few of thenr.any tilings in Block. Ill our drygoods lino we hnvo, apeciiil: DresH Prints, W'rniijieroito, Gingh«in»i lUack Hiid Whito Muslin, Tuhle Linen uiid h'ii|ikiiiH, Tablo Oilclotlin and ypioada, I! 1.11H08 and Skirts, also Grey • pd lileached Colttir. from oo.. up, Men'a bu ts and odd Pauis, Under- wear fur thu wami weather. We Will not bo Undersold by any Mercl\ant nortli of Toronto in our DRY GOODS. Cume and nee for yourselves for our prioaa urea wonder. In uui Uardirare lino w« have : Axe«, Masoii Hammcrii, Trnwol8,Linoa and Mortnr Hoes, Rakeii, Forica, 8l>ov*la, Sptfles Scythos Siiallia and Cradle fin.,{ers. Nails Ttitty, QIaaa, UinKts, Huoka, Btsplea and Locks. Our GROCERIES nee no Iterq- Izing. Wehiavea FULL STOCK. /Utveriiiing draws trade but it takM llir dealtng to hold it. nOUUT FLKSHRRTON. I. O. P. meet. In « Chriatoo b Hlook the laat Friday evciiini! OBoli month. Visiting Forenteia hoartilv T.lcoino. C.H., (!. \v. Hellamyj U. c., W Buskm : Fin. Hi,e.,Dr E. Murray ^ • "• of'eacV montl.f' """"^ °" "^ '«'<'" »?»' '"'y Medical rvn CATITRR nm ,„ .."i'^ '".'i' " °'"- I'hysfc-ian. RnrBoon.eto Ollleo and resMonoo-Poter at., Plealiorton Address and Presentation The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Win. McKee, who recently nioir«d into the TillaRo from the 4th line, was invaded on Sditurday evening last with the object set forth below. To Mr. nt\d Mrs. McKee: â€" Though our intended invasion of yoitr homo this spring Was frustrftted b^ your removal to Flesherton sooner than we expected, we are not to ba outdo ni', so wo have again assumed the aggressive with better prospects, we ice, of a de- cisive in'ga^emont. We feel that you will pardon our following up your retre.il and inflictint; upon you a brief invest- ment, when our peaceful object linsi been divulged. Your loii^ sojourn on the Fourth Line, your gonial dispositions, honorable lives.genorous and sympathetic hi'Uits, have endtared you, as ntinhbois, to UB, Tho assistance, Mr. McKee, « hich you ever and readily g*ve in our Sunday School, llie lielpful counsel we recdved, and your liberal spirit, promot- ive of the unbroken harmony wo enjoyed in our Union Sohonl, wo regret to losu. .\s a tangible expres.sion of our o.steeui and gratitude, and as a memento of your long connection with the Fourth Line Sunday School, we ask yi'U to accept thia Bible. To you, Mrs. McKee, whose work has been less direct nnd palpable, though none thu less effective, we feel deeply indebted, loo, knowiii;,' that we ever h'ld your sympathy and your help rendered through silent endeavors and sacritices, to enable your esteemed husband to tike the move active and prominent jiart. We auk you to kindly accept this cruet, as a token of our iove and a souvenir of our p'easnnt relations duiing your residence on tho Fourth Line, Artemesia. Signed in behalf of tho ofScers and teachers of Daleside S. S. F. W. Nichidson, Supfc. J. A. Hutchison Ast^ist. Supt. Jos. E. McKoo, Sec'y. DR. SCOTT. U. I)„ Maxwoll.Ont. II. M. HKin, M.D.O.M,, NI. loBtdiad, Modlfiiil School. N. y. l,vl.iD.hi Ottaii '"' "'•'"'^<'"« f'one.»rH^.,pTtai! TILLS AND riLES A prolific cause of Pile.? is tho use of cathartics and pills of drastic, viulelil nature. Followed by a reaction on account of the resinous, drying properties they con tain. There are other causes, but no matter what the caupc or what the kind of Piles, Dr. Leonliardt's Hem Roid can be relied Upop to cure â€" to stay cure<l. It's 6n internal reinedy that remove, thu causes of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Sujipuratin^' Piles. A euarantec goes with each package containing a niimtli's tn-atmont. It can be obtained for SLOG at dtug- giuts. Sold by \V. E.Richardeon. Vanttelcnr The fields Iiavo a beautiful and are givini; promise of an abundant harvest. The Women's Institute held their an- nual nieetitig in the Foresters' Hull he>e on Friday afternjon and eveninu. Th« neighborhood was well represented and a social rime was spent. Mr. Oeo. Wurling is in Toronto thia week attending the C. (). F. High Court as delegate frimi Court hero. Mr. .lames Lackey of Owon Sound is visiting friends in this vicinity. .*, Mrs. Sheppard of Sault Sto. Mario who has been visiting her Daren'.<i, Mr. and Mrs. Beard, returned home last week, accompanied by her father. Mr. Schylor Douglass of Epping spewt Sunday with hia parents. Mr. .las. Horton of Gananoquo is visiting with J, M. Davii. Mrs. Alex. Carson of Pricovillo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. 11. O. Warling and family, of Priceville, visited frio'ids here, la'ely. Mi.^.^ Lizzie Walkor of Wodehouse spout a few days last week with friends here. JPOTTBWRLL ' Vwtoriiiary Surceon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary CoIIoro, re»ido„M - aacond door aoutl/ west on Pr!,I.. "â- 'â- "•"''•. T,'''« «''-«ot ruua south I riiBbvtonaii <!huroli. R WIL80.V', niaokMiiith xL^., .1 â- *>adnato oftho Veterinary Bclonco ABKoclat on. HeBidonoo, Unrhain stieot. op- posite Ho>d.Hickliug'» hardware. ' Legal J. W. FI108T. L L. B. narrlater. Hnlioilor Oonveyanoar, ets omon-Next to poBtofnce, Hproulii'a block F^iliorton. evijrv Tliurada and, court daya N IIâ€" Owen Bound ofUoe, Frost* block I'oulutt Btroot uaat. LUCAR WUIOFT ft MrAKDLR llarrintovs Solicltorn Conveyancers, etc OfflcoBâ€" Owan Round. Ont and Markdalo Ont. W II Wbioht, McAriilk 1 II LrcAB N Il-Flaalierton offloe, MItobell'a Bank •very Haturday. Focls Use Washes and snuffs. Thinking peihaps tluy wi'l euro Cat- nrih, â€" but no one ever heaid of a genn- ino cute following such seni.ele.s8 treat- ments. There ia just oi.o prompt and thoroimh cure for catarrh and it is frag- rant healing Catarrhozone which gors ri^ilit to the root of the trouble. It de- stroys tho germs, heals tho inflamed membranes and cures any ease no matt»r how obstinate or long standing. "I experJJ iinontrd for years uiili Uutarth roinedios but found Cntunhiaone t'lo most rational and Ratisfactory" wiites W, J. MacEach- »rn of Waiervitlj. "It cured me for all time." For ft sure ciiio use only Catarrh- ozone. Complete outfit, §1.00 ; trial si*e 25o. b]r it. If a man wars to depoait filth in/ front of your preinisea or on the public' higbwayjhe would b« promptly brought to time. Why should thetf, l>(nr,ts wtw defila and p<dute your.pflicQ i)T,p\ut<) wi(r their vile talk ^bo allowed to do so wit|i impunityt There is neither excuse nor palliation for profariity. It serves no pur^iosa in expresaiveneu or anything else.. Fortunately, public sentiment is growing against swearing as well as at-ainst booZing and other low habits. Still there seemi to be plenty of young men who think it smart to reel off a siriiiL' of ab-' uiiiinable oaths uflder the slijjhtest provo- j cation. The man who habitually swoarsj will do wor^o. Put that down! The fel- low who roguards his M.iker's nani^ as a | common thing and who makes his mouth i a vehicle for tilth can't have a huge regard | f"r Ilia own honor and thu feelings j of others. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BUf,MRRS PHOTOGRAPH OALLEHY. Hereford bull for Service SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention tn Copying and Babies' picturea. Picture fram- ing a specially. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise rat isf.iction. Sydenham street, Fle.nherton Transacting Business . , . It is impossible to go throuab life without sjmo Bu'ino.ss Tranaiiations. To siuiiilfy such matters and make them proti table you should have a Bu'tineia EJacatio;i such as is given at the C A. Fleming. Principal OWENBOl'ND, OKI. Spring Term begins April 4th, 1901 Theoad^ralgned haaa thoronehbred Hereford bull for aorvictton lot ICi, 3rri wsatT. d: if. K.) .Irteuiefia. Terma one dollar. IJiie Wealoy Duakin THE WORLD'S FAIR PREMlUliU CARRIAGE STALLIOM Prince Arthur NO. 1853, R.C H.Si Imported. I uly, 1892. Winner at tho W^'.'rl.l a Fair in Chicago, Ne« York and Occawa, and â- 'inner on five occasionii â- J. iiiM i.iizeaiiu sweeping stakes at To- ronto shows, and many other valuablo prizes, a record niioipjjlled by any car- riigo or coach stallioii ia Caiiaoa. Prince Arthur is not oily a very succHssful pria> ivinncr himself, but his stock has won » Urge pereeiitage of all the piizea off<ired fir carriage clashes at the Toronto Induw- iriiil and other large sliows during th* last few years. They linve al80 won al- most every prize offered in tho carriage cliss in Grey county, and wherever ex-' hibited. ROUTE FOR 1C04 : MONDAYâ€" At 8 o'e'o.'^k a.m. «-iil leave his own stable, lot IS, con. 10, Euphra-sia, and proceed to R .cklyn far noon, night, Ravenna. TUESDAYâ€" No m and night, CoUing- wood. Cook's liot'-l. V»'EUNE.SD.\Y â€" Noon, Duntroo-i, Wednesday ni.dit Singhampton. THURSDAYâ€" Noon and night, Mis- well. FRIDAYâ€" Noon, Flesherton ; Frid ly night, Markdale house, Markd.iie. SATURDAYâ€" M.irkd.>le until tj p.m. Stturday night, his own stable until Monday at 8 o'clock a.m. TERMS : To insure, 811,00, payable Januiry Ist, 1905. All mares must be retura^xl [weekly to the horse or th'.-y will hj ! charged full insurance, in foal or not. j Parties disposing of their mares b9for>J collecting time will be re^ponsibls foe insurance. All acciileiits to nirir^ at j ri.sk of owners. Persons tryiui; mare.* I and not returning them must tiay fall 1 insurance Groom's fee 50o, which mii^ j be paid in all cases. \j. W. MANARY. . Coring P. O. â- ,? -â- Important to Horsemen. Parties interested \n horses should see the celebrated young French Coach Stallion Gauthier, 3383, and the superior young Clydesdale, Good Luck, 8956, at Munshaw's hotel every Friday night: , GAUTHIER'S ROUTE Monday noon â€" A. Paitcrs>m'8, Blantyro Monday night â€" Royal hotel, Meaford. Tuesday noon â€" Wni. Dean's, Grietsville. Tuesday night â€" Rocklyn hotel. Wednesday noon â€" J. Loughead's, Wode- house. Wednesday nicht â€" At his own stable until Friday night. Friday night â€" Fleaherton for 2 hour* aturday â€" U*rkJcilj boiso, Markdale. GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wedne.sday night â€" Kimberley Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thursday nightâ€" Maxwell Friday noon â€" Portlaw Frilay night â€" Flashertun Saturday â€" Revere hotel, Mtrkdal^ Wm. Manary is Manager for both horses with the exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when he will-, be under the caie of H. M. Douglas, proprietor, Vandeleur MACKAV A SAMPSON .Ilarrlatera, aolleltora. OFFIOISS:-Owon Sound, Morchanta ilanklllnck. N. of Pattaraon IIoDie. Cnndalk aiii Mtroet, every Rkturday. MoHAV to loan at 41 per nfnt. A. O. MACKAY, MA., H.E. SAMPSON. L.r, D Alwava In attendanen at Fleaheiton and Dnndalk Dlvlalon Courts. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY. T,, D. 8. rtantal snrRoon honor (jraduate nl Toronto Unlveraity and Roval ('ollnew of Oental S;irceon« of Ontario. Ofrtfpâ€" Oppoalta Armatronii'a Jewallnrv Store. Will Tialt Maival thn laat Wodnoailay •r aaeh month, and Duudalk I aud I Tburndaj Ofaaoli IcoBt)^ The W'inghaiTi Times says : Mr. Wil- liam Anderson, who resides in the Town- ship ».f Tutnbuiy, about two miles from Winithani, and who has passed his 77ih mileatono in life, rooen'ly clippetl twenty sheep in half s day. This is coitainly pretty good work for one wh.i has attain, cd such an a«o. Ma. Aiiderson is a Scotchman, ami has been a resident of of this locality for many yeara. having been preaent at tho raising of tho fiiat house built li> Winghain. An exchange says : "Tho most sense- less of fools is tho one who mixes Ida language with cuises to rover his ideaa. Tho man who can't talk expieasitely without drsgifii-.g into hia conversation references to his maker or viler referen- ces to his fellows is not fit to asaociate «ith swine. It is all very well to say Uiat these people (.o not mean anyihing increase tho quantity of cream 20 per een., improve the (|Uidity of butter, save ice, save time in wa.shing a multitude/ of pans and provide sweet and still warm separated milk,]|^ winch, with a little corn meal added makes a -ar more val-^? uat'le, though less expensive, food for young stuck ihan^W stale Kkimnicd milk. These are facts wliich any user or^^ any dairy cxiiert will cofirin. No charge for trial. &» WRITE FUR BOOKLET NO 10 S. /»5 ^»J01E5I^ A. H[EiLRi:> Fleslaei^ton D. McTAVISH III ([[SUM GIRRll For First Claai Buggies, Cart.s, Pleasure and Lumber \>agons, cullers, Sleigba. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ ANDQENEQAL BLACKSMITillNQ and ffusranteo lirat class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harris and Noxnn repairs for binders, Mowers, *ll kinds of niachinoty, also Binder Twine on hand. « Olben in town give uf a call >i^\'