Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1904, p. 1

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.H^ -*3*,„ htrtjun mn "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEh NOT MEN." \' \ \ VOL XXlv, NO 1180 Flesherton, Ont., Tliu.rsci£iy, July 21 lOO-i W. H THDRSTON, UilV/uir^n Stop a rioment ! But that is not wlmt our â-  WiitchoM iloâ€" they " <_'o â- â- u f^r- tiver,' liUe Teiiii.\>i'')'s Bniuk â€" with ail occaaional ckaiiiut;. Wo have the hfst viilue in Wutchea to lie fomul in Outiiiio. TI'mU is .1 Vii; .s'ii.tciiiont, iiml if yuu ihm't lieiieveit cmiie iniiiid let us verify it. VVu iniilce a eptci/ilty of t)ie popular and perlcjct HAMILTON MOVEMENT A \iiir stock of this movement just to hand. CLOCKS,^;; iinmer.se van- ety and !»t all prices. Our repairin;; department is thi>roni;li)y rj.juipped and good workmanship guaranteud. W. A. Armstrong, JeweJler, F lesherton Vandclcur aud Hay is an imtnense crop beitis harvested rapidly. Mr. John Bolaud is visiting friends in Caledou. Mr. H. McMullen and daughter, Nolly, of Collingwood, visited the ! i^t^h of July in Maxwell ! T7a3 largely attended last Friday. Mr Jas Inkster met with an accident, ' tailing from the biulcling. i Mr Alex Heron of Chicago is visit • ing with friends here at present. i Mr .John Kinnear, \v ho is holiday- ing with his parents in Friversham, i was a caller in our village Sunday ! evening. j Mr Bonnie Scott, who hng been at- '. tending high school in iL.'aford, is I now holidaying with his parents. \ Miss Hazleton is the guest of her ' si.ster, Mrs .John Lawler, on the 4th line. I A. large number of people from our village attended the funeral of Mr I Richard Hawtou on Saturday. Rev. I Mr. Kemp conducted the fimeral ' services at Buckingham church. I Mr and Mrs Alf Inkstet of Ravenna ; spent Sunday with Mr. Jim Inkster on I the 8th line . j Miss Minnie Robinson is home I from Toronto on a visit. Mr Jack Coutts of Toronto spent a j few days with friends in this locality I this week. Mrs baker of Hamilton rs visiting I witli her imcle, Mr. Robert Kinnear, ' j this week. Owing to the death of our reeve, I Mr. Hudson, there will be an election next INIouday. In spite of the terrific storm during the early morning of Tuesday, a few of the lodges aud a record crowd fi-om every direction celebrated the glorious THE ENTRANCE EXAMS. former's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson, last week. Mrs. Jake Holley is visiting friends at Schoiuburg. Mr, McQiiarry of PriceviUe aud daughter. Mrs. John Gilbert of Tor- onto, spent- Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Ed. Holley is very ill Kt, pres- ent. Messis. Lundy Johnston and Ben Buchanan took in the Zion picnic week bffore last. It is reported that they saw two dears near Traverstou. The Vaudeleur division Sous The concert given in aid of i the Presbyterian church in the evenihg was well attended, and the program greatly enjoyed by those present. Mr Albert Long, who has been working in Dollar Bay, has ret urned home owing to ill health. â- â- â-  ff "»-ii^ Iiiinl>crley A fatal shooting accident occurred on Saturday evening last about a mile and a half north of the village, ;f i when a farm laboier, Mr. Leashman, Temi^)eraiii!e picnicked at Bell's lake on July lil aud report a good time. Port Law H.tying is now the order of the day. The crop is a very good. Mr. J. A. Hutchinson is spending his holidays at his father's home in Brechin. Mr. James Blakey, sr., has been contined to-iiis house lately owing to illness. Messrs. Robert Henderson aud Fred' Pedlar left on Friday for the prairie, west. Mr. Wesley Jamieson is Lome from Toronto on a visit. Mrs. George Goiidle and family of Toronto arc visiting the former's â- pare.its, Mr. and Mrs. Mcbennan. Mr. Arnott of Bay City, Michigan, while visiting his son, Mr Francis Arnott, of this neighborhood, was called home on Saturday by a telegram announcing the sudden death of his wife. Mr. Poster Heron, 4th line, had employed at Mr. James Walker's, ac- eidtntly shot himself with fatal re- sults. Having se3n a hawk in the tield he went into tlic house to got a gun, aud while hastily removing it from behind a barrel it accidentally discharged, the contciUs entering the side of his head, coming out at the top. Medical aid was quickly sum- moned but proved of no avail, a-s the unfortunate young man passed away at 7 o'clock on. tiie following Monday evening. Deceased was in the British army seven years and served during the Boer war. Sad and patnetic it seems, indeed, that one who faced death unflichiugly on the battlefield and helped to carry the British tlag to victory o'er the veldt at Pretoria, should meet such a tragic death. MissYbbie Mjilullen, ot T.jrouto, accompanied by her sister. Norma, visited friends here the past week. Mr. Wm. Fawoetlof Redwiug and Master Roy Fawcett of Heatbcote visited the former's parental home here last week. iliss Willa Wright of Flesherton, who has been visiting friends in this FoUijwiiig is the result of the recen Hi<'h Sehiicil Riitraiice exnniiiianons held in the centres named. .^aO irark.s bi'sidea one third of the iiiark.s "u each auliject were rtciuired to pas.'i. Tile ceriiticatea of those who passed will bu sent tc the teachers alxiui tlie time tlio schooU re- open. The school.-: and teachers of the successful candidates are nivt^u, as ro- queslod by a hirije nuuiber of those in- terested. FLESHEKTON. Forty-six wrote at this centra and the following [lasiert : I Flesherton P. S.â€" N C Man.sell, teach- ] er.â€" E BeatHo, 689; L Boyd, 55;i; M Boyd, 6?6; L DiuIh, liHO ; B Hales, â- ')iM; K Let'ard, o.'j.'J; R Trinible, 624; E Karatadt, (50:5 ; Vanduaon, 55G ; U U hitten, 570. No. 12, Artemesia and Glenelg. â€" C E Stua;-t, teacher : â€" D McKiniion, 634 ; B Watson, OOOjiL Watson, 550. No. 9, Osprcyâ€" T Andrews, teacher: - S Hudson 0.57. No. 7, Artemeaia â€" Miss M Bate, teacher :â€" A McPhail, 550; A Dingwall, 5.')0; J Oliver, 658. No. 17, Artemefia â€" Miss H Stafford, teacher: â€" B Russell, 551; V McLean, 593. No. 6, Artemesiaâ€" Mi.ss E M Small, teacher : â€" W Fletcher, 079; E Wliittuker, 655; J Fletcher, 583. .i No. 13, Artemesia : â€"Mi.ss A E Sc(Jt, teacher : â€" A Fiaher, (;75. W No 7, O.sprey â€" E H Morrison, teaclA ; S Heron, 550; T Spencer, 550. f â- l:jNo 5, t)spreyâ€" IVliss E M Hudfcn, teucher:â€" R Cooper, 6C6. « No 9, Artemesiaâ€" iMiss N Moldften, teachm': â€" X Wal ers, 611 J No 3, Artemesiaâ€" A Reed, teacher : â€" A Orr, 637; WG Wyatt. 552. Jj No 8, (Jsprey â€" Miss M Adair, tepcher â€"V Sprott, 589. M.\R£DjU.E. Thirty five wrote at this centre pi<\ the foll'Jwina passed : MarUdale P -S. â€" I S Rowo, teacher : â€" Emma Bradley, 000: H Ivnott, 6.30; E Leslie, 700; M Leslie, 712; L Moore, 034; M O'Heiiley, .570; I Sinitli, 550; C Brown 572; J Dowdmu, 855; r; Hnskettt 647 ; H A Henry, 652; R Howard, (),'J0; L Irvini;, 609; M Kelly, 570; K McCi»,Ui>U!»Ii, 026 ; C iVfercer. 622; W Neshiit.VyoO; 11 E Tucker, 738. \ No 0, Holland â€" IMiss .McClocklin, teacher: â€" E Bradley. 5(52; M Reid, i)76. Se|iarato School, No 5, Olonelg â€" Miss N E .McA.sey, teacher: â€" K Fnyaity, 550 ; M iM.g.irty, 081; A Meaiiher, 592; N Meagher, ij35; M Morri.snii, 032. No 11, Ar'eniesia â€" Miss M E Hunt, i teacher:â€" M Weher, 552. I No 18, Euphrasia â€" Miss J R Oliver, j teacher:â€" W Walker, 553. 1 No 2, Artemesia â€" Miss H Irwin, : teacher:â€" G Hill. 5o<). No 1, Holland and Euphrasia â€" E Marshall, teacher:â€" E Iving, 588. DU.VD.VLK. wrote aud the followinc; J McFarland, Stafford & Co. 's Big Store MARICnAI^K, ON-T.M>;IO Grey Cuunty's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE PRICES IN CLOTHING 1.25 tJioijs J'uiO'piece \^uits for> <4>/.25 25 Small Boys' Suits, two pinces (coat am) pants) sizes 22, 2.3, 24 and 25 only. These are' mostly suits nut of our own stock that are odd.s, that is r.lieir mates hav. been sold. They are nicely made, pleated, braid truumed, etc. Cmits and knickpr well lined and the most of thorn have the W. E. Sanford triide mark. The re^u values were §1.75 to S3. CO each suit. All on sale Saturday morning at yuut choice for SBoijs ^S.OO Suits for ^2.S0 20 Small Boys' Suits (2, 3 and 1-piece) in .sizes 22 to 28. These are made from fine Tweeds, W(jrsteds and Ser<;es, some made in Brownie styles .some Vestee and Rome Norfolk â€" the Norfolks have two pieces, the cuat havii.i; a belt. TheBrownii- and Vestee styles are four piece, having a little double breii.st vest and vee. Tli') regular values of this lot are S3.00, 3.50, 4.00,4.50 and 5.00. AU on Q P^/^ .sale Saturday morniui; at your choice for. ^.t-Zv-f tJioi/s' 3'plece Suits fan •S2.95 25 Boys' two and three piece Suits in sizes 28 to .'53. These are forhiiieer hoyH, aged from 11 to 16 years. The two piece are the large hoys Norfolk, striiiyht cur coat with with pleats and belt, short pants (no vest) made from fine Scotch Tweeds. The three piece suits aie made from tweeds, worsteds luid serines in a large variety of patterns, beat of trimmings, and as they nearly all have the W. E. .Sanford lid)el yoir can depend upon the workmanship and tit beiii'^ all right. The resiula;' v,-ilm'". were -84.00, 4.50. 4 75, 5 00, 5.25, .5.50 and 6.00. O;; sale Saturday " Q Q ^^k morning your choice for <-!• <-} ^~} ^ot/s ^7. SO Suits for -H.OO 15 Boys' 2 and 3 piece .Suits in sizes 29 to 33. This lot is ImiiAsonie Scotch T.veeth; and Wortsteds in Norfolk and 3 piece stylo, some snigle, some douole- bre^isted coals, regulai values §0.1)0 to 7.50. Vll on .sale at one price for 4,90 S.OO Glen's Qfld Coats fan 2.50 20 only Men'.s Odd Ci^ats, sizes 36 to 44. This lot wo picked out of ahout 100 odd sample coats and all have the W. E. Sanford trade mark. In the lot are tweeds, fancy worsteds and a few pl.un black worsteds, and ahiiost every one worth twice the price asked. They r,-inge from $4.00 to SO.oOeaoli. Yuur choice O f^/^ Oriel Vests for S9 cents. .'50 to 44. This lot are assorted tweeds, serjes and 89c wav the values would he 1.25 to liis barn raised on Friday last. Dur ing the work J\lr. James Inkster was | locality, returned home last week, struck on the head with a pike pole] Mr .J E Hammond of Toronto, which knocked him off the floor to ' formerly of Kimberley, passed his in- lIic grcund, where he fell on his ' teriaediate examination for chartered liead. He stistained severe injuries I accountant i-econi'y. We predict a iiecessitatiiig the attendance of a doc- I bright future for this clever young tor. Last accounts indicate an im- man. Thirty-seven passed : Duudalk P Sâ€" W J Blakeston, teacher â€" B Bowler, 057; W Oowan, olS; y Wer- rv, OIL; V Claridiie, 593; U Sander, 500 ; E Nehtercutt, 617. ] No. 13, Pro'oiiâ€" T K Baton, taacher- E Pinawall, 551. No 14, Proton- Miss M Agar, teacher; â€" L A Andersiin, 60O; C L .Moody, 550, N.) 13, Melancih.oi â€" Mi.ss C Clark, teacher; â€" M Buleo, 56t'; M Wuods, 550; N Martin, .590. No 2, O.preyâ€" Miss B OldfielJ, teacher â€" W Scott, 683. No4, Ospreyâ€" Miss L BraJlej-, teach- erâ€" E Gray, 550. No 15, Artemesia aud I'rotor. â€" O G Brooks, teacher;â€" A E .McLean, 551; I M Parks, i)56. School not known â€" M McDougall, 551. Saturday muriiing only. •^'Len s i 20 only Men's Odd Vests, sizes •fancy worsteds. If sold in' the reuular 1..50 eanh, All on Saturd:iy at Clorhina made by a firm with the reputation of the W. E. Sanford Mannfae- turiiiK Co., Limited, wiuild he con.sidered a bargain at a discount of 10 to 15 per cent, but when J'lu can buy f^ood.s'like these at 30 to .50 per cent less than regular values it means SENS.VTIONAL PRICE.S lien's 70.00 So its for 6. SO 30 Men's Tweed Suits ranyinw iu .size from 3l) to 42. These all hear the W. E. .San- ford trade mark â€" a fiuarantee of ijood honest '^ooils, jjootl trnnmioi;s, perfect wnrl; • man.sliip and perfect lit. The majority of them are re>;u!;U' ,'?10 .suits, Init thei'c .-ue values ran'.:ing from $8 to .SIO. A'e wain, to turn tliein into inoiiev in a hurry, so you can take your choice Saturday morning at ^iien's 6.00 Suits for 2.9<S 12 only Men's Tweed Suits. These are odd .sizes and <Hld suits from our clotliinir ii,'- partment, but in the lot is every size from 3(5 to 40. Thoy are well ma<le, well trim- med .iiid- tiood filters. Regular prices were ^4 50, ?5.00 and iJO.OO a suit f) We .vant to clear them all out on Saturday. Your choice for ^->' I Kemember, th-st here jjets first choice and tlie best thia.;sa'-o li.-ible to be I'i :I<'1 i up first. Ready f.ir yo.i S-itiirday morning at 8 o'clock. While clot hini,' h is ili,- j prominence this week ilon't forget thitt, every other deparrnieiit in our hiij store is of- I ferine the usual quota of bargains. AU summer go " i LJtdn prices. 650 .98 i>ods ;iru now beiiij' otl'ireii at bar- McFAKLAND, STAFFOI^D c& Co Special Inducements For Current Trade . , provemcnt. Mrs. J. H. .fttmier,on of Engenia and Mir. Walker of Kiinberley visited friends iu this part last week. Maxwell Farmers are happy over the grand prospects of a beautiful harvest. All «5rop8 are looking tiue. Hay is a very heavy crop. Mr Henry Down of Port Law, vis- ited friends here on b.mday. Haying is m full swing hero now ; some have already iiuishcd. Tom Livingstone is what the boys call a cracker jack. He has three children in his family, »nd the liist was born .July 2iid, celebrated that year as Dominion Day. The next was born the 14th of b'ebruary, St. Valentine's Day, and the Mrs. (Dr.) Kerr aud her daughter third came on Tuesday last, the 12th of Alice, of Toronto, are visiting with July. KmK William's D.iy. Now we are friends here at present. i filing to fix the 17th of March for the (Rev.) Mrs. Currie is visiting her l "ext birthday in Mr. Livingston's family, patents, Mr aud Mrs D K Preston, ' »"'* 'f t*"* ''•'«» i»n't ri«ht we'll miw our Mi£9 Lillie Gamey of Bufialo and /""»••'"'"'â- ''"•- '^"'•""" ChronicW. Mr James Field of Toronto, visited How It Spreads I The first jjaclcage of ILmu R"i.l (thein- (falllible Pile cure) ihat was put i.itt went to a small town in the State of Nebraska. It made the cure of a case f)f Piles thar was con.^idered hopidess. The LOWS spread and although this was only two years ago t!ie deniKiid porompred Dr. .J. S. Le.'nhart of Lincohi Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for Uenerul use. Now it i» being sent to all parts of the world. It will cur-i any case of Piles. There is a months Irtiitmeiit in each box. Sold for *1. 00, with ab.solule guarantee. It is for s»!e by drufigists. S!\t\i Miss Lizzie Guy recently. Mr £d Pliillips of Toronto was k welcome visitor among bis many friends last week. >lr. Foster Herou's barn raising Every Physician Knows About the great merits of Dr. Humil- ton'a PilU of Msndrake and Butternut which clenose the system, care oonstipai- ioB aud pile*- Vm only Dr. HamiltoQ's Pills. Pries 25«, The Sydenham Mutnal Fire Insumnce Co. has the lar«c«t surplus . ;>f any purely mutual fire insurance cruimiiy in Cannd'i ; has a larije menruership, is manai/eil by mefi of experience in the insumice 'msi- neas, r»te« as low a.s is co.iwt tent with security, has a premium uotu oiifl third leas than any other company. Before in- surini( call on or write to their agent \J, Bf>wes, B(ar|f<iale, 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits 87 and S.S for 5.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, 87.50 and gn.OO, for J-0'> .-V lariSH a.ssortment of carpets, arrnnainij in price from 25c. to 8.125 per yd An extra eood stock of Horso Blankets on hand.aiifl weare .selling ihetii at the lowest living prices known. Also a full ranee of Men's Heavy Kootwe.ar, such as Kelt Boots, Heavy Uubbers, Moccasins, Ltg- j.'iiiX», etc. 20 Men's Heavy Ulsters. gocMl valve at .?f> 12 only Men's Pea Jackets.on sale at 3.!lil 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth Sl.Oil for (i."». 60 yds. crash toweliiis. worth 8;. yd. for 7 6 [ir.jiray wool Blaiiketa, to elesr out at SI. 00 pair 12 Men's Cardigan Jackets, rest. S1..">0, for l.l'.t Men'<> Kid G'.oves, regular price Wc. an. I *1.00, fur 60o. per pair A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan lea for Jl.CO u lbs Ceylon Black tea 1.00 13 lbs. best select^ rai-sins 1.00 W. A nice aMortment of Faucy Cila.<swar« to Choose front. . • \V. HOCKl^^Y '1 ^. 26 Ihs. best Tapoica l.tK) i;.5 Ills, frwh FiKs l.OD OQ lar;(t bsrs sonp, reg. 12ic for!)c.pr.l>iir Highest prices p«id Fowl end Butter., . . Proton irStatioi* U Mt^J^'. ' i^tt-'/jWtkL^i^jikj,

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