1^ July 21 1904 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i^^yvwvMyw^;"^ wwtfywwvv I F, T. HILL & CO. Big Ckaring Sale JULY and AUGUST Weliavojust completed preparations for an iminoiiao dealing sale of "all broken lines", and lines of goods that have not been selling as quickly as we would like. We also secured from a largo wliolesalo house the other day a big cousigniuent of specials previous to their stock-taking operations. These are all on special sale now, have been given final niarcliing orders and presents a money saving opportunity thai will not be duplicated anywhere this season. Eead carefully the partial list that follows and remember that scores of other lines will be on sale that will not appear iu print, simply because tho ^ quantities are too small. 3.00 SKIRTS CLEARING AT 148 25 Ladies Dr.?«s Skirts, tnado of tine inedium-Wfciglit wuturproof clolli, silk Ktilelied, an.1 jmrfect fitting. The9<i we liavj ill u goud asiiorUueiit of Bizos uiiU everyone is BUielo be sold veiy quickly. Yuurchoiuu for only 1 48 .^5 v.-'r UP TO 4.50 LADIES HKIUTS 2.25 28 Lvlies Dross Skirt» in ITimiespnns, Tweeds, Flakes, etc., all nicely tri'niiiud and ,ibsolute!y perfect-fittinir. This is a gi-iieial (d.-aii-iip of luft-ovpr.s frmii sprin'^'iiiid summer selling and all are (;oing at actually leas than tlio liaro coat of iiiulfnaU. Skills worth up to 4.00 clearing now for only . ., " - 2.2;) LADIES BLACK KID GLOVES (;8 pairs Ladies lilack Kid Gloves, sizes ii\ to Tj. TliusB are all bniflil new floods, pcefecc in every re- upect and sold evorywhorB ot 85c per pair. You can have your clioico while they las*, pei- pair only 48 BOY'S AND MEN'S SWEATEP.S 10 doz. Boy's and Men's fine all-wool Sweaters in a good acsortinont of colors that are jjerfectly fast and dependable. The.io aie by far tins best sweater value we have over run across and are sure to be picked up quickly. 70c and 80c Sweaters for 48 Sl.25 MEN'S TWEED PANTS FOR 87c. 75 pairs Men's solid Tv»eo.1 Pants, well made and tailored and excellent woarerj". This is one of the best cIolhinR values y<. Trousers for only 3i3c. LADIES VESTS FOR 19 values you Have ever seen. We have a good assorlnieut of sizes and will gi .« your choice of these regular §1.25 87 I 5 doz. Ladies' Extra Fine Vests, some are pure silk, others are nieicorized finish, white and colored and all nicely linishcd. Y'uur choice for I'Jc CHEAP WINDOW SHADES " ' 10 dozen Cream Window Shades with laoe and inser tion to match, rosiular price 85c, olearinu at 58 10 dozen Cream Winilow shades with lace to match, regular price 55c clearing at 10 dozen tjreeri and Oeam Window Shades, j regular price Hoc, clearing at 1.00 & 1.25 WHITE BLOUSES 68e. lain, 23c. (5 dozen Ladies White Blouses, made of tine muslins and vesting cloths, and all nicely trimmed and iierfect lilting. We have these in all sizes, your choice only G8 A STRAW HAT OPPORTUNITY Wo have about 10 dozen Men's Fine Straw H.its that we cleared ihe other day at a very small price from a manufacturer. All fashionable blocks in i|Uiilities that 'n tho usual way sell for 70c. to 1.25. We place these on special sale ihii week at for yotfr choice only 48 BOYD, HICKILNG & CO., 1 -FLESHERTON, ONT. MARKDALE MWW^ A Voice From the House of Refuge To The Editou of The Advance: Deak Sirâ€" Will you kindly give nia space in the colums of your va pa[>er, to express a few remarks in con- nection with this admirable institution, for lln! information of your many readers. U would have been a dillicult matter to lind a mure depressed in spirit, or tad boaited person than the writer, when tlie expected hour arrived in which ho w.is unavoidably necessilnted to take his de- when visitors are courteously shown tlirough th') building, but wo are inclined to think that a person would not bo de- nied the privilege of seeint; a friend on any olher da/ â€" liiiwevor, on this point I uablol"'" ""' positive, having made no iii'iuir- ies. A largo number of ladies visited us last Thursday and appeared to be Tavor- ably impressed with iho nistitu'iim. It is expected that arrangements will be made in the near future for holding divine service each Sabbath for the benelit of those who are unable to attend outside I churches. There arelut present nine parlure from the neighboihiKxl in which i lie had spent so uiany ytars among so Many friends, tu speid the rest ef his days iii a |Iouse of Refuge. i n mates, five iu,en and four women, and it is pleasing to note that each one i." willing to do wliat he can for tho insiitu- Law aawcrcl '''^" '*'"^ "^ helping Ihuse who ave unable tlMl^pi,ilsVd'sadas",v-a"sLho heart, j.^.; t» help themselves. Wo trust that our il, IS not matter of womb.-r tfmt only „; worthy governor will soon ho able to re- lev. hours, should sulUce to dispel .hej «"'"" hjs duties, feeling confident that his 1 . ,„• .1 ] 1 J , pleasant con 111 enance and kindly words gluoin, to drive away the darketicd cloud ' . , . , 1 ... ,1 ] , 1 1- will be efticaeious in gladdening the hearts •<nd restore the depresRcd one to his I " , I . . t 1 r , rii c 1 ! of thfso under his cliaigc. wunleu state of cliuerfulness. lo find . ^ . , II. c . I I 1 1 To providu chis uiagniliceiit lioino for welcome in a bright, comfortable and "^ ., , • L 1 • I • .^ the poor has, uiKiuestionaliiy, hern an neatly furnisiiea room, with lis twocom-l , , , , . , , , , , 1 •. /• • 1 1 expensive undertaking, but it ri Meets un- lortable beds and sno^y wlnte furnish- 1 ' , B[ieakablu creclit on the county, and how grateful should each of us ftil that the days are past when the aged, respectable Bno*y ;ngs; lo be greeted with the kindly coun- 1 t.enance and 'cheery word.ii by the! o.-iiimuble matron, as slic deposits a , , ,. .. .1 , â- but homeless poor are thrust into a coni- ji.le of reading mailer uii the urejising i , . , , â- , , , , , 11 L . .• 1 ji ' mon lail to spend their last days on earth lable ; to be served wuh a substantial ana i . •' . •'^ ... ... uniting dinner, and a little later, to re- ceive n moat cordial welcome from, and a pleasant conversation with the eqiially cRiiinablo governor, was sufficient to raise. Uid spirits of the most depressed, :i|id. anyone who cannot be cheered by Sight Restored Science points out the way to the restoration of sight If your vision is defective we can by scientific method? measure the defec-t and supply the necessary glasses to restore it. ^EWELEn ANO OPTiC^AN FLESHERTON. Fiesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills j feid it their bouiiden dniy to civinply wiih the rules ot the house, and do all in their {power to n-ainiipn in the future the [ credit of its inception. As school chil- dren, by attention and idicdience, mater- ially assist their teacher, even so tan the under tho same roof with criminals and murderers. Let us hope . that tho lookup for refiaritory inmatvoH, which, wi- uudeistand, is built in colnieciioii »ilh this instilutioti, will never need to be put tu a Worse use than tl>« custody of . , .. .11," ' .,'! spades, hues and yarden rakes. Let us such reception niusl indeed bu irieci>ncil- ' ,, , " ,, A .1 â- . • II . 1 1 hope that all whose inisfcu-lunes compel able. As the writer is unable to leave I ' ' ,. , . â- • J . 1 .1 I Ir.eiu 1 1 seek a home under this roof will his room,' lie cannot give in detail the , Working of the institution but, being j p'.eartantly situated with n fair view of bis surrounditigs, he is fivorably iin priissed that everything is coiniilete and by far exceeding his e.xpoct.ati.iivs. Tho food IS e.xcellent, abundant, inviting, well , . , , â- , ...I _ .1 1 1 .1 1 iniiiates of tlii» liouiie lo^sist the governor and regularly served;! he rooms arc clean, , • '' , ,,., II I 11 ,-1.1 , :«nd matron in making thi.H iiistiliition cmnforiable and well ventilated as well i i ,â- .. 1. .1 . ...1 I -till .1 I I .• i not only n creilil to the county, Imt •iR light ana cheerful Inokihgitbe abluti'Ui I ... , . ., ipatler.i for the nruvmco loouis aru complete, llie inmales are i "^ ' iui|jiredl9 lake a bath every .Saturday I afiuriHwn. Those who are unable to Cujfes Colds in One Hour leave tliuir rooms »r« pr.ivided with neat' Msny coJd cures are dangerous because toilet service and drcssiinf lable, their ' '^'i";l".""'4 '^ deadening opiates. But li.eoU are brought to thein. the meal* are frnyraiil healing C<if;»rrliozono cures colds aerved to tho inniates .in two separate i "'"""'"''"â- '""^ •'''"''> hariuless and de- diiiing rooms ill the biisemen', males and i l'«hlful to use. Kven tho worst colds, luniales by theniHClvos. The medical â- ""''''•'"S' ""'"'"'B colds with running eyts Hontleman in atdendance it almost n daily i"""^ stopped very ipiie' visitor. Hi* genial countenance is inndi- »ft">'0 vapor of Oaiarrhozona is inhaled cine itself. Tlie e!ocli-ic lights in the ' ^'''"'''''""•'''"' •'''â- '''''"'* '^barni on colds, hadway have a pleasant effect after dark. I '''"* '''*"' eutr'U'ht, prevents their return We understand that each room will be * '*"* hours l.>icr. For colds, catarrh providtHl with a lamp in .he near future, i","!'^."'"'"""!''" "'!""'': ^-tarr h.^.one. ,,. , , , .... ]< oniphitd outht fl.OO, iiial size 26c. at tU, ' '" *â- "" Weak i» \isitori d.«y, ^.U r iggista. Al''Tl<Jt imicliliil)or a n tl e X - pciiao we huve reop- ened , our iiftory and have Just (wectetl a dry Kiiii, wliicli puts ii.s in a po.sitioii to liil all ordt'i'.s for Sash, Doors, Frames, Mould- in|xs, Ba.so, stiiir mafeiinl.s and niaehiiie work such as ph\n- hv^ and matching, scroll and band .sawiiii,' and turning of INMATE *^'\'f^'"y de.scriptii>n. Our .stock I of north shore white pine is complete. We also carry a good .stock of panel doors and .sash find can fill all orders promptly and will guarantee sitisfaction to oiw customers ill all lines of our bn.sinesa and s with running evts \ ,.,,„,,„•.„ , . mi i n i ., , „â- , , jo'^'^P"^**^ ^^'" '»i' found as kly when the bal- / i i .i,..,..„.. :. ;..i,..i.... ' reasonable as any. Uuc Chopping Department shall Jkave our best attention. Hrs. A. Wilson T , W. Wllaon, Manairer >yYLlllLneru tyVeductLon Special values tlys month in Ladle's Straw Sailors and ready to wear Hats. Sale of Muslins ' - â- lOc., l*2ic. and 15c. qualities for 7ic. Twenty patterns Fancy Colored Muslin.s â€" pinks, blues, greens and heliotropes in fancy and floral de- signs â€" all this sea.son's goodsâ€" fresh and neu'. Itegnlar 10, 12lc. and Inequalities Special T'c Yard liaufliiiii We have just placed in stock 100 New Cloth Skirts, fresh from the manufacturer's hands to our special order. They comprise Cheviots, Tweeds ami Ladies Cloths and come in black, fawn, grey, blue and fancy tweed effects. The workmanship, style, fit and hang of these skirts are all that can be desired and the values are the best we have ever shown. Waist sizes 23 to 28. \ .' â- / Lengths from 39 to 43. POPULAR PllICES $2..-)0 to $5.72. Come ifl and see Them To-day! Just in â€" a large shipment of Ladies' Ivain Coats in three quarter and full lerigtliâ€" some military styl e â€"some without collar â€" some with shoulder capes â€" all new style sleeves and cnttsâ€" all colorsâ€" fawn, blue, grey,blaek and tweed effects in cravenette and water- proof clothsâ€" every garment quite new and up- to - date in every respect. All sizes. Special values in every grade from $3.00 to 10.00. Half Dollar Ties for 35c. i") dozen Men's flowing end ties â€" all silk, in light, medium and dark shadesâ€" stripe, spot and fancy pat- terns â€" allnew goods in perfectcomlition. Kegular .JOc ,- V ;,v Your* Choice foi? 35c. Grocery Special Pint Bottle Tomato Catsup, guaran teod flue quality, hig'hly spiced anil flavored. Equal to anything sold at 20c. 2 BOTTLES FOll 25c. Hardware Department J U LY GO ODS Scythes Snaths Machine Oil Scythe Stones Grind Stones Oilers Hav Rakes Forks' Hayfork Pul eys Manilla Ilopo â€" all sizes. If it's anything in Hardware, we hH it 4 â- 4i