Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jul 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE July 21 1904 Methodist Church KLICSUKKTOX. i.e. I. WILIiON, D A., D. t>., Pastor Vicinity Chips rii.'iraotorisUcs of the Past Vit'A'k r;ircriilly Culled for the i'liriitus Money to loiti at 5 ; â€" expenbelow, A. S. i-n firm property VaiiDimeii. â- 3^- 1 1 Mrs. Joa. Blnckliiinie is in Ottiiw:i this wtfck vis.ling with fiieiids. T'-'i sliips cf bees for sale. â€" Walter Luiicks, Fleslieitoii. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson visited Durhr.iu Friends on Sunday. For Sale Cliwpâ€" Lot 23, con. 7, OsprHV. Would rent. Apply tu r>,. J. Sproule, FlesiiertoM. laug Mrs J. M. Thurston, Toronto, i.s the puist nf htr son, ye editor. Fresh li'fie always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eayenia- Mi'»i Maude Riijliiirdson left last week it<j niuke a fortuiuht's visit to OttJiwa. Riitl'lost on S.iturday. between hack lino west and Motlao'iist church. Finder please leave at this otlice. Sirs, J. H. Mills is the anesl ot her pireiits, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Sullivan. Bull for Saleâ€" Pediiirped Shorthorn. For full particulars apply 10 Mrs. W C. P:irker, Flesliertoii. 21jly Mrs. Alfred Tliistlen-aite is visitiiis; with her daughter, Mrs. Hacking, at PnrUdale. t Teach ir Wanted â€" For Rnckvale school. Arteniesia. Duties to commence Auuust 1.'), l!)0-t. Apyly, .stating salary, to K. W. Clark, Fle<hertoii P. O. Mr. and Mrs. H. Uadlcy, of Toronto, visited the former's mother durin'^ the Greyt'ld Boys' excursion to Owen Sound. Wantedâ€" lOCO cords hard wood, 1000 cords S'fr, wood, and 5000 cords cedar. Quo*o prices to The Deacon Co. Ltd., Stratford. Mii=s .feniiie Wilson, who has hern at- tendiuL' high school at Matkham, is home for holiday?. Getyo'ir hay fork track and everything from R. P. Legate & Co Ceylon. • Mrs. Duncan McDonald and two d'\iighters of Toronto are visiting at Mr. Har'iirave's, CoUiug'vood yravel. L,mt â€" Gold w'ttch chain helwecn town «ud W. Baskin's. tleward at this ofKce. Rev. G. F. Ilurlhurt, Baprisr p.istor. will occupy his own pulpit next Sabbath. $l,oOO worth of boots and shoes to be cleared out, and 100 men's and boys' •suits to be slaughtered in the next three »\feeks. Kow is the time to get a bar- gain at Sheppard's. Mr. H. Steeley, clerk in Hohtoin, visit- ed his graiidnioiher, Mrs. Mosier, on {Sunday. Mr. Joseph Manary inserts an adver- lisement in this issue which will be of in- terest to those breeding a 6ae class of liorscs. It will pay you to look it up. Wilson's Poison Fly Pals and langle- foot Sticky Fly puper at Medical Hall. An election will iie held in Osprey on Monday next to liU the otHce of reev^, imw vacant. The camiidates are W. H. Guy and J. .J. Kaitting. . •• ^ ,.~ ' Atjybody wanting wall p.iper8 or crock- «ry will do well to call and .sfo ours, as we must clear tneni out resardleaa of cost .at Sheppard's. Mr. and Mrs. .\. S. VanDnsen of Flesherton rested in the village on Thurs- day, on their way to Owen Scmid and many ohl friends were plea.sed to see them. â€" Chatswiirth ^ews. Men's felt hais, shirts, overnlls, uiider- ireaj', suitings, kdii'>' coats, drefs goods, men's nverconts, all at clearing orices. at Sheppard's. They must be sold it prices will do it. Mr. Thompson Wilson met with a painful H'jcidt^nt nt the factory on Friday. Ha Rccidentaly placed h;s hand loo near the knives on an elger and got the ends of three lingers cut. Dr. Carter dressed the wounds. Mr. Fred Spn.ulo t.f Winnipeg, who is ftudyini.! law in the IVaiiie City, visited fiiendsliire during the past week. He will tuku in the St. Louis exposition be- fore returnioi; home. The Markdule lacrosse club noppars to be a litllo "otl" color" of la'e. On Friday they wero dofer.tod on their own grounds by the Durham club by iv score of 7 to 1. â- The previous week they, were- defeated by Dundalk club by a score of 8 to 2. Thene hot daysâ€" a few niinntc.i sppn^ in the coolnes's of iho Meilical Hall Soda and Ke Crenui Pioh-r, will be found grate- ful -he Cidvl Lemonadeâ€" inndo from lemons, i« the latest addition to the liienu. Watch lost â€"At Maxwell, on JuJy 12th, 13 jewelled gold-filled open fhco watch, 'small pold-tilled chain. Finder will be rewarded by leavii g it at R. Kinuear's •lore. Maxwell. During the psst si^ months there have been 28 births, lOmarriai^e-s anJ 3!> deaths rej5istere<l with the clerk of .â- \rtenie»i». We believe this in the first tinm io the Lv't'^ry 'â- '^ ^^^ towiiship that death.s have exo»e<lcd birth'. Tho mortali'y w»s ^Urtly among old peoplo. Mi.ss Matilda Gamey of Butfalo callnd on Thb Advanck ThurwUy. Mi^g Oamey and her amter Mi-ss Norah, are holid(*yina in this vicinity. They will returil to the Bison city about September the fiifst. '' Mr. .J'jhn Chard of the Toronto line very nearly sutfered a costly tire on Thurs- day idglit la.st from a strange caute. A liirge Gotten biiid«-r cover which was in course of manufacture hid been partly oiled and rolled up and placed in a back room to complete the next day. During the night Mr. Chard siuelled smoke and (in in vest illation discovered the ndl of cotton material in flames. A coneral con thgration was narrowly averred. Spon taoeous ctmibustion was the cause. Th(f police trustees have set apart Thursday, July 28, as a civic holiday for iho viilaiie. An excursion of Sabbath schools of Dutferiii and Grey county to Niagara Falls has been aranged for that diite, and it is expeci<ed that large num- bers will lake advantage i>f the cheap rale â€" 82.05 for adults, half pricu for cliildrun, Nellie Murphy i^ a new poeti-.ss. In an exchanye she writes: "June's rosiest ;;low o'erspreads a burning earth, whose breath comes hot with fever's thirsty pants." We fe:ir that Nellie's pants, in ihis connection, are not a good fir, even by according her the extreme of poetic license 'iVehave heard of men inside of pants reing thirsty, but never before of the pants themselves. The aibitr'iors in the I.saac matter held a scciid session here on Saturday to hear * little addition.al evidence, two of the former witneses, Dr Carter and Mr. Koott, being re-examined. A final tneetiiia of the arbitrators will he held m Clarksburf; on Saturday next, when the award will be made. Those who have travelled somewhat extensively through western Ontario in- form us that nowhere have they seen crops any where approaching those |in this vicinity for luxuriance. Artemesia, Osprey and Euphrasia townships appear to be especially favored, this year. Six hundred Grey Old Boys and Gny Old Girls came up on the excursion Saturday. .4niong the visitors who jimnjed hiisine-<s at this station we noticed the following: Mi.ss M;iy Daiuiide, Dr. and Mrs. R. Henderson, Dr. Fred Mur- lay and wife, Bert Barnhouse, and Mr. and Mis. Thorp Wright. Thete all re maincd until Monday. The three youns men accused of steal- ing a watch from P. Burns, as refered to last week, had a he.'tring before the judge 111 OwK;n Sound on Monday. Washing- ton Irwin received a sentence of two months. The other two young men were discharged. Mr. George Buckingham, student at .Albert college, Belleville, occupied the Methodist pul(nt here on Sunday morn- in:i and eveiiini;, deliveiing two sermons wh ch for depth and originality of though*^, freedom of delivery and general peifec- tion were considered models of excellence from an eclectic point of view. Mr. Buckingham is a fourth yenr man and has passed his senior matriculation. His parenis live near Maxwell and he lefk the farm with only a common school ed- ucation to take up his s'udies for the ministry. There is little doubt but that his success in his calling will be pronourc- ed. We venture this predition, The first train to pa.ss directly khroui.h the village rambled past this office im Fri- day afrernoon last. It coiisifted of an ensjiiio and four cars â€" no, wi.gon.s drawn liy a large tiaction engine. The outtit is a new innovation of tho Arm- strong Bios, and is intended to 1 a'tj lo"« and lumber for their niiUs it Rockv.lo. The coinhination makes a I ig noise in the road, but tho > it c^oi do a ing anio-'ir of will k. Mr. G. Alton was at tk throttle. We beli'Ve the cost of tin-< outfit was ill the neighborhood of S'"tO\ -Rev. D. F. McCIintook, of Fever- shain, has accepted a call from Knox church. Grand Valley, and Lbeieyer chmch. South Luther. The iodu tion took place at Grand Vailevlaat Thursday Centre tlrfy Womans Institute will hold their regular nmnihly moe'ina at ihe home of .Mts H. \V"nod3. east i,a k line, on Tuesday, July 27, at 2 o'clock "n the afternoon. .\ll ladies cordinlK- i ivited to attend, wlitthcr they become members <a' not. We would be pleased to have a number attend these meetings, (hir di.s- cussion will he on canning and preseiving. Mrs. Will. Wilcox, Secretary. Mr. Tucker Phillips has just returned friun a visit to the Manitoulin is and. He says that H. Gamey is the most pop- ular man -n the shiiid. In this connec- tion Mr. i^i'llips says that on the up trip a coiiplo of gentlt^inan were discnsiiia Gaiiioy. One of iheni held that on the ishiiid he did not command any fiiecial enlhusiasm^it was only when he uot away from home that the mult'tiide cheered. A yi un^^ lady who oveihiar.l the c<oiversatioii 1 stened until :»he eoiild stand it no loii'ier. then .she "broke out" on those two uentlemen and made them sorry thev had s| oken. She gave them a calUng down, such as one could imagine Bret Hart's heri>e.s gave that heathen when the heathen Chinee when the extra card-i droppo<l from his sleeve. When Mr. G-^mey has the ladies willing to grapple with antagonistic sctiments he is surely all rii;ht. A nan Hates Himself When he wak^es up with a headache and a bad taste in his mouth. Some- thing is needed, to settle the itomach,' clear away the d<*ll heavy fe«liDg and create a little :^petite. Just get a tuinhl«»r of irat»T, stvne sugar and pour in » stiff ^o^ of ^erf^ilifee. You'll pick up immediately and feel tip top in a few minntes. Kervtiine hasn't an eiiual for a condition of this kind. It stimulates cures the headiichc, relieves the sick feel- ing and fits you for a hard day's work. Try Norviline. Large bottles 25c. Mr. J. W. Leonard, assistant to the President of the C. P. R , recently in- spected the T. L. E. and P. R. R., which runs from Port Burwell to IngTsoll. and which is eipeced to run throuah to'Col- lingwood. The Berlin News says the C. P' R. intend buyins the line to get a coal line into Ontario. â€" Gaud Valley Star. If You Don't Sleep Well It's because your nerves arc in a week irritable cimdition. Ferrozone will make them strong and correct the trouble caus- ing your insomnia. "I fell into a state of nervous exhausticm last fall" writes Mrs. J. Stroud of Dexter. "I was lun down, couldn't sleep and felt perfectly miserable, â€" tried ferrozone and was qiiickly benefitted. I can recommend Ferrozone to any suffering from over- wrought nerves and sleeplessness." No tonic is better, try Ferrozone. Price 50c. at dri'gaists. Notice to Creditors In tho matter of the Estate of J,\.MES JOHNSON. late of the ViUaae of Flesherton in the County of Grey, Farmer deceased. Notice is hevHbv 2ivRn piirs-tant to tho Ke*- vised Statutes of Ontario IfW. Chnn. liS. that all crefiitors and oMievR liavinc claims against the Estate of .I.AMKS .lOHSSON, <Iecoa«p(),who died on or about tho nineteenth ila.v of June in thfl vrar of our r.or<l oijo thousand nine hundroii an.i four, are rfnn=r- don or before the ii7th day fn Anyust.A. D. l(X)4 en .i"ud bv ooar, prepaid or deliver to D\NIEL McT.WISH. Fle!=lierton P. O.or \VILLIA.M .JOHN TALBOTT. Flesherton P. n.. executors of tho last Will and Testairent of the said deLeased, tlieir cliristian ami snr- nMnie!s. addresses and description, the full particulars of their claims, tllo ptateiuent of their accounts and the nature of the securitios 'if anv) held bv their. .^ND further notice that after such last men- tioned date the said executors will proceed :to distribute the aspetets of the deceaseii amont! tl)5 parties entitled there to. havinc reanrd only of tho claims of which thoi- shall then have notiee and that th' said 6Xecutor.s will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to anv ]»ersnn or persons of whose claim notice shall not have Inien received by them Ht the time of snch distribution. D.iTEU Jnlv 10th v, D. I'Wl. LUCAS WniGHT 4 McARPI.F., Owen Sound. Solicitoi s for Executors. Public Nctice Notice is herebv a'ven that I have appointed Thiirsdav. .lulv -2". as a civic holiday for tho VillBL'e of Flesherton, accordini; to request of the buF'PPFP luen. who will close their various I'iacea of bui:inet-9 on that clay. A. WILSflN. Sec. Police Trustees. NOTICE! To the breeders of High Cla.ss Carriage Horses, Hiirh Steppers, etc. : Take notice that the G< Id and Silver Medalist and Sweepstakes Hackney Stallion Hilnwiek Tireaway No. 3Gi)8 E. U. S, B. and 5 C. U. S. B., A. U. S. B.Vol.2 No. 20+ imported from England, will make his second se-asou as follows: Mondays at Rocklyn; Wednes- days and Saturdays at Markdale House, Markdale ; balance of the week at his own stable, lot 18 con. 10,» Euphrasia, near Gorintf. For descrip'ion and pediijree see p isters- Those having good mares will do well to see this horse. To insure Slo. Jos. Manary Manager. Fariri for Sale Peius Lot tM & ISU. North Kast of Toronto i Svilonhnm load.containinR rl2 acres, ml imder cultivation, in splendid condition for crop, free of stone, well fenced and watered, free of wild weeds, ha yiiiK orchard and small fruits. Gooil barn with track and other out bnililinijs, com- fortahle honse. :tt nii'es from Protou, in Taylor aettlenient. Apply to W. J. MULLW, Proton Station' Notice to. Trespassers All persons fonaj trespassing or pickips bervie.s on niv property, lot 'J4,coii P. Artemesia, will be prosTontol accoriliuK to law, also on town lotis as well. „ „„__ ig.um J- H. UUCKETT. . Strayed From lot nS.con. i:>. Arteniesia. on .July Q. lotir voarliiiK cattle: 1 al". i.*i.lieitcr. 1 grey bciter. 1 red and white cteor aid 1 fjiev steer. Any in- ioriaation leailinj; t^". their discovery will bo thcttiJuUy received. ' W.\(.SHMPLF. Lady Ilauk, July 11. 1904. auR4 Notice tQ Tsespassers Parties found trostiBssins on lots 28 and 27, con 11,. \rteuiasia, will be prosecuted to the ful- lest e.\teiit of the law. P.OBIiKT GEKC'K. Engeuip,-hily R'.IOCJ. The Fall Term fM^\^T-:^,':^S:^~r/^^.-^j:>:SrZr::r^Z^;iii:!^^ I I •I » I "< ^irriQ Qetting ^liort Now a.s the time gets shorter for our stay in Flesh- erton we find we have many lines we want to clear out before ^oing and to do thi.s the knife ha.s to go in deeper than ever. MEN'8 and BOY'S SCIT.S cut very deep in price. BOOTS AND SHOES must be cleared Out. LACE CURTAINS at tremendous bargains. WALL P APE RS ! We don't want them. A LOT OF MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS. New is the time for a bargain in them. Men's felt hats a good stock yet to pick from. DRESS GOODS to be .slaughtered Men's winter underwear buy now and save nearly half the prico. We have a lot of Ladies Jackets we must clear. Our stock is in good .shape and we are prepared to give you a good bargain in anything you want. We expect to be here for three weeks yet and during that time we want to clear our stock very low. We don t want to move anything. In Millinery we have about fifty hats to clear out and if you want a hat now is the time to buy. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Fleshertox vr.;^5 ^ <^",jv » ^^ i . » j^y.^ '» ^v ' .^ ' j^^ & ^< The Prescription Department at the will becinon, THUUSD.W, SEPT. Uh, The lars^e new wii.j{, now heinu; hnilt to the C(dle^ will be completed .iiul furnish- ed during the holidays and will be opened on that date. The Northern i« tho only college in Canada owninsj a College buildinu. The new w'ini! will pravide accommodation for 160 mora studeiws. Send for ciicular dcf^cribin^ our r ^rscs of study,, which are. Business i>rtinie. Shorthand and Typewriting, Course, Preparatory Course. Adress: C A. Fleming:. Princip;^! OWKKiiOVSD, OUT. â€" at- Cbe medical l^all S js now thoroughly equipped with NEW, FRESH ^ DRUGS^ â€" the best obtainable â€" and every I'rescrip- W tion or Kecjpe is filled exactly as ordered, while the ^ prices are as low as possible. W W.J.Douglass I S MEDICAL HALL "''• Fie.shcrtoa O i'fe .}!«. ,}!«. ^ifejtjfr •tff'^'i^le' ^fe *!«. .*«& ;5J&^ ^ <i!&:?'!:;:5!4 :5!ft ;5!% Mft -St'- ^i'!- ;Â¥<• -t^u l^^'Sl* ^i?W •>i«'-S><" '^l'" ''<*â-  W W â- ^'^«'^? vk "iiV^ •>!«•â- Â»Â«â€¢â€¢!» W Lubricating Oil; * Paint Oil ' r: * Machine OiT '- Turpentine i "^ Vamishi 1 " nf:/eif J our Supplies fromy Richardson & Son m m e- *'«. ^"(? *5rt» ^m^mmpmrn^t^m^^mmm^m^^m-mPm

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