Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1904, p. 4

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:Tr\- ^^ imv^nv i»\ 'K'iJ.-: v/.v;,-;' J..,-.. it' i" :: ,â- ^/'â- ' >â-  - Aou.st41004 THE r L E S II E R T O N ADVANCE F, T. HILL & CO. WWWWyVki MIDSUMMER SALE . Continued Throughout August I MILLINERY Ti;^IMMKI) and. UNTI^IMMKE) HALF PRICE Wu yet have ii very nice assortment of Trimmed and Untrimniod Millinery ; al8i> some vary niceSiiiiiirs, nil goin(; at oXHCtly HALF-I'RICE. 2S and 35c Uics /9c 10 dozoii Gents' Ties, made in knotB, Dorbys. 4-irp-liaiid, bows etc., beautiful fine silk goods, new- est psitterns aud colorings, Thcs** excellent goods are part of a man' ufucturer'a clearing lines and pre- ssnls a buying opportHriity for you n >t likely to be soon repeated- Your choice for 11) /i?2 (inf/ 15c ^Luslina 7 \c We iiave about 500 yards of very fine fast-colored Muslins and l)initii-s that everywhere are Kidd at Vl\a to 15e. We do not want to carry a yard of theae to another Reason and have marked all at this ridiculou.vly suihH price. Your choice per yard fur only 1\ 25c .mALen's %Jj races 12 ^c. By buyini; over 200 dozen ptirs ot Men's Braces from one of the Ifi'iding niHiuifacturers we se'jured by f«r the best Suspender values that have ever come this way niiU makes an otferioc like this possible ; 25 dozL'U Men's Fir.e KbiHtico Suspenderf, strong, dur- able webs, mohair end.s, every pair wurrauled. Kegnh»r 25c pnr [lair, yiinr choice imw only. . . .12i 7 5c to p. 00 ^Men's Colored Shirts U8c 138 Men's Fine Colored Shirt.s, .soft ami hard bosom- Almost all sizes arc represented in this collecli-in. the colors are all fast, the patterns good and the {[Ualities superb. Y<m should make your pele';tion before the bi-st are picked up. Your choice now only 48 !Taf)le SDamas/i 25c. 125 yards beautiful red and white Table Damask. This cloth is full width, fast crdovcd, and will give unbounded satisfaction. Now only 25 G/ii/dren a -^lose. This week we place on SPECIAL SALE About 200 pairs Chi'tlieii's and Misses' fine fast-colored lilack Ciittoii Hose. The.se are the balance of lines that all season have sidd at 8, 10 and 12i cts. Wloit iirc left will not last long but wliile they are here you can have any ijuantity at per pair 5 WAite Quilts 68c. 38 White Quilts, all good, full sizes, hemmed and excelli-iit wi-ari-rs. Tliese we will clear our during the next few weeks at only each . 08 j 2oO doz 3-ruit Jars I (.\11 sizes) R We have now in stock 250 dozen J of the best Glass Fruit Jars made. I These are of extra heavy materi;il, • of uniform thickness â€" without I any exception thn best Jars in the » market. One dozen to the box at * particularly close prices. J Rubber Rin^s for Fruit Jars per 5 dozen o CfVemnants One largo lablo of Kemnants, of kinds. These will at a fraction of cost. ill be sold Crtemnants MARKDALE Sl assivare. ,eh ina In going through our stock we find many odd lines nf tino China and Glassware. Tlijie we place on tables ibis week at discount* of 25 to 3:?^ per cent. There'e sure to be something among these that you re<|uiie and the jirices we promise will be very s:uall. WMWWf^ A Better Method Needed What Scheme is This? Some very inlerestiin,' information i.si A gcntlcnvin named Barrett, ostensibly '1)eiiig gathered by H.l! Cowan, Superin- representing astroug linancialcoriKiratioii, lendeiit of agiicultural societies, who is was in town last week loi>kiiig up w.iter â- making an investiyalion of the work powers. Ho was iliiveii out to .Sinnha-n- beinp done by various aeiicultmal soci- ' pton by Councillors K. Burdelt and 1!. elies of the province. It has been found ; E. Fair, and we believe secured opliona -that as a general ml â-  the exhibitions that j on several properties there. Mr.IJarretr, are paying out the largest sums for special ' we understand, expcc'.s to ntiUizu all Bttraclioiis are giving t'le least for agri- ; the power ob'aiiiable bettween here and •cultural purposes. Many of the town- i Sciirboro fo- the purpose ot operating an ship societies in the province receiving electric road 'hat lii.i comiiany coiitem- araall grants are holding much better [dates liuiiding.â€" CoUingwood Koterprise. exhibitions and doing more for the , . ><^> <;au8e of a''riculMire than a large number' . â-  â-  ..i ... ,,.,/. ^. , . , , ,, f A July Wedding of district societies are doiiii., wliile tlu-ro ! j_ " nre many township societies which hold | ^ pretty home wedding took placo at auch poor exhibitions that they should be the home ..f Mr. and Mrs. Wilhair John ston of Tliornbiiry on Wednesday, Jul;' tlieir eldest closed up or utilize their funds for other liurposes. In ijuite a few counties in the 27, at, 12 o'clock m , when province there are many exhibitions that 1 cUunhtur, Arietta, was united in marria.-e conflict with each other seriously. 1 1, Mr. (George Stewart of Kimberley. Fewer but better exhibitions would be I The wedding party entered the lawn to a great impiovemeiii in rhese counties. j t|m strains of the Wedding March,played It has been found that a township ),y Mjs„ Myrtle White of Collingwood. society paid out in 1!I02 over ?2300 in,'p.ev. Mr. Edwards of Thoviibuiy tied the agricultural prizes, being the largest sum i,,-,,!,,! knot in presence of the iinniediate paid out by any .society eitlier district or ! fHends of the contiaoting parties. The townshii) in the province for that year.' moi.iii was supported by hi': brother, Mr. Of the four .societies which paid out the, Jasper Stuart of Kimberley. while the most for agricultural purposes, two are brido was »upported by Mj.ss Pansy township organizatiima. One township Pepper of Toronto Junction. The bride society receiving a grant of $80. paid out was gowned in while silk organdie trim- over 81000 in agricultural prizes, while a; „„,,i «.iih chillon, and carried a bou.jUet district society receiving; a grant of SHOO, |.,f „.i,i.j rotes. The bridesmaid was paidout only 31128. One district aocie'y j,^„wued in organdie and earned a liou- recoiving a government grant of 8521). ] ,,i,„t of pink rose.s. The (.-room's gift to whose to»ttl receipts were $442!) paid out; tlui bride was s cold watch and to the \ ^%^ than S'JCO for agricultural purposes, j tnidesinaiil a liold chain and locket. The A'lother district society rcceiviiiL' a grant ' y„nng con|)l« left on the :i 20 p m. train nf Jio3(i with total receipts of 95100 paid i Hiniil showers of rice for North Day and ,o It about ?8i)0 in agricultural prize*. ! other poinia in NortherH Ontario, wlieie Another society receiving a grant of ?;t50 they will spend a cou| le of weeks visiting widh total receipts of over ?1200 paid less , friends. We join with the many friends thai) 9250 for agricultural work. in wishim.' the yoniiu couple a long and Among the township Kooietio", one ' ptosporous voyage thruugh life, which received a grant of S121, pail out .only ^2 for agricultund prizes ; another .one receiving f 00 for a yovernment grant with total leceipts of 81200 paid out buti ,$15 for nariculture. A •'â- "â- ' -."lo.!.,' leieiving a grant of J140 .agricultural work. A large <a8e8 of this kind have been discovered San Jose Scale Spreading. thiid paid S'iciel y | l^nporta receiveil by The Canadian Hor $85 for ticuliiirist from tnwiiHliip San Jose Scale minihfr of in»li"ctor8, an account of which will lie ! published in the .\ugiist issue of that f The Huggestiou that has been made that' ii>'>K»!''""i «'">w ''""â-  '" «oine sections the craiit thnll be distributed to socielieai •'* province.'hB San Jose Scale Ir spread- jnproporlionto what thoy actually expend '"«• In a number of townships, growers for aiiricultural purposes, ia being udvo j ai pear to have given up lighting this Asated strongly in many â- ection*. P*" *''•' '*'" '«""'' »•>'*' g""*"*' <l»nmi{e is .,-•.♦. 'being done trees. In other sections ' where spraying has been energetically To quickly Cure BilliousneiS carried on. the .scale is practically under Y^a Dr. Humillon's PilN of Msndako '„„„,,„, -,.,,3 i,.,,,eot..ra report that tlie vtnd liutteinu'. TheTcleHnseiliestoniach ,. , , . . , ., . . and bowels, assist the liTer in rnn. vn/ , '""• ""^ ""'P'"""- 'he crude oil and the hi|«. and cure ihrroughly. I'so only Dr. caustic soda washes are givinj} satisfaotu) fjsiniton'sl'illi. Pric«^6c. results. Eye Rest For Tired Eyes Is obtained by our scientifically fitted glasses. They enable the eyes to do as much work and possibly more without tirin.c; than they ever did. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Eyes tested free. iEWELEi^ AMP OPTJCOAW rj ESHERTON. Flesherton Sash, Daor and Planing Mills AI'TlvK muclilalu)!' <i 11 tl c X - peusc wi; luive roi)})- tMicd our iictory iuul have just (M'ct'toii a <lry kiln, wliirli puts p..s in a position to till all orders for Sasli, Doors, Frames, IMouId- iiig.s, ]iaso, stair materials and maehiuo work .sncli as plan- ing and matching, .scroll and hand .sawing antl turning of every description. Our stock of north shore white pine is complete. We also carry a i good stock of panel doors and sash and can fill all orders promptly and will guarantee satisfaction to our (nistomeis in all lines of our business and our prices will be found as reasonable as any. Our Chopping Department shall have our best attention. rirs. A. Wilson 1 >V. Wilson, Manaffr BOYD, HICKILNG & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. ^yYiLllcneru tyVec/uctlon Special valuers this month in Ladle's Straw Sailors and ready to wear Hats. Sale of Muslins lOc, 12^c. and l.'jc. qualities for 7gC. Twenty patterns Fancy Ct^lorcd Maslin.sâ€" pinks, blues, greens and heliotropes in fancy and floral (le- sions â€" all this season's goods â€" fresh and new. Kegular 10, 12^c. and 15c qualities Special TicYas:**! We have just placed in stock 100 New Cloth Skirts, fresh from the manufacturer's hands to our special order. They cwuprise Cheviots, Tweeds and ]>adies Cloths and cornje ki black, fivwn, grey, blue and fancy tweed effects. The workmansJiip, style, fit and hang of these skirts are all that can be desired and the values are the best we have ever shown. Waist sizes 23 to 28. Lengths from 39 to 43. POPULAR PRICES $2..50 to $5.72. Come in and see Them To-day! fj^ Just in â€" a large shipnieut of Ladies' Itaiii Coats rr in three quarter and full length â€" some military style ;It â€"some without collar â€" st>mewith shoulder capes â€" â- 4^ all new stylo sleeves aud cuffs â€" all colors â€" fawn, blue, ^ grey.black and tweed effects in cravenette and watcr- ?8? proof cloths â€" every garment quit-e new and up-to- ?^ date in every respect. All sizes. kjL Special values in every grade from $3.00 to 10.00. I Half Dollar Ties for 35c. | T 5 dozen Men's flowing end ties â€" all silk, in light, ^ yu medium and dark .shadesâ€" stripe, spot and fancy pat- ^ if^ te''i^s~'^l^^^^^'o'^'^''^ ^'^P^''^"'"^^'^'CO"*^''^'0"- Regular ;')0c ^ "1^ YoijLJf Clnoice Toi? 35c. jp I Grocery Special | •|» Pint r)()ttle Tomato Catsup, guaranteed fine quality, i|^ .T fiighly .spiced and flavored. E(pial to anythini;' soUl ^ % at 20c. 2 POTTLES FOli 2.-)c. J Hardware Department f JULY GOODS Scythes Snaths V Machine Oil Scythe Stones Grind Stones Oilers / Hay Rakes Forks Hayfork Pulleys Manilla Kopeâ€"all sizes. If it's anything in Hardware, we ?ell it. ^

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