Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1904, p. 8

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At.Gi'ST 4 l'J04 THE B L E S ii K R t O N ADVANCE J i ^4i*."- R â- ; ^1^ r*?^5!!^ -«da» The Markets. Carcriillv t'orrcrtcd KmU WecU ivhh ^:>'" ''? \Vu„I, cash 1« t" „ J' Hay ,. '" 6 "^ I'oUtous bun '''''' '^ Our Clubbing List »Ailviii]tT, *lli;r:iUl iind »T„i„iit.. \V,,il(I, (liily «3 25 'Icniiilo O.nly Suwa 1 Wo Wwkly <ilul)u . 1 80 Miiil-l'J"'|iii'e l-S^O Fiiiiiily lltniU &Star...,«.. l.«() '['..roiil I Siiir 1-S(I Fiiniiois Sun 1 .80 AU iil)i>vo jirux's iiidiKlo The Ailvanco Mill Muiitri'^i Ilfi-aM, if I"ii<l !" Mlvaiico I'luly I'^.ii-ly hubscnbei-B {,'<-''' ^'^^^ value or iluMi' iiiiinsy. Durham Bull for Service Tlip Hc(-'i»teveil Durham Hull. "KING EDWARD" Imp. will ftiii:.! for KOi-vic.ii fii lot 2'.l, H,D. 1<., ior IIK'I. Kll"« Ki'wiud isadalk rwl.tion(ll.pii.vy lione iuid uiiwcK- I'liil wnll iliivolopuil. Ho in in i.iilv (iiii t^urvici'al/lu coiklitioii niiii will lift lliu biHiii lit twiMi'.v-two ImiuJrocI Iba. aud in yetiu Lui- nvo-yu.xr-ijiii rliias. IMiDlGUKE Kilis Kdwnvd nid, talviil Ainil lOtli. ISOl.brert 1)V .lollii ViMiui; 'rilljocniuii, Miuycnltur, Scnt- liiiKl. iiii|Mili â- ! ill 'laui in I'JtH) l)y Cliarlon Jiankin. Wyi'lin.ik-B, Ont., «ot bv Scottish l-rincoT^)'.):;, ciiiiii Kotlmiok liosii. imp.. :».W7, by Alan G\vviinu(UiO<l'J, Hurt lioKO by Vnrtlanrt (ifCliiav CHT'J. I'omeiinil liy Doctor SdlJlO, liosii) by U.-uli'luait liav.'l, JiltlTtli by Albert 5:Wy2, .Hit Ifitlj bi Cnivi'^Blul .lO-iril, DonsiiU) Claret by Voruiiii.t l71'.Kl,('liirct \sl l>\ Duke l!Sil2, ClarHt by SfiirU't Vulvnt IIWIG. Horbiira by Unrivalb)rt KIli'Jll, Isnbilla by 'Ibu I'ncha 7012. Croruaby iinrt Duko of Nc>r»liumborliinfl !1(M«, Nora by •illory .11:11. Kniily by frillory .li:)!, Kli?.a by Youiit; »\fsie!ni Couiot 1075, l.a'lv liotty bv iniinioiiii vii.i.lietvy by Fftvorite ffiO.by CUargu's l.eu Jiull 1.410. TEUMS ThoroiH!hbi-eil eowK i?5 ; prmloa 31.50, All l>avaljJo iMt.hiiiiiarv. mo.j. Hows aervuri bv tliia 1,1'liiiifl ami not rirturuoa will bo coliooted lor v.liutbu:- in fa;f or not. \V. J. MRADS, CejIon.Ont. FaUing out Hair Tftlli« iK til" caso, call and «eo ns and wo will prevent it doiiiy so by aoplyinu our wouclcr^ lul jeiuutly. Highly Recommend Woh'ivt) ii«'t1 its wonrtorfilll . iiianv in Hurt toivn aii'l aiirromidl d\n on anil "11 w'n.) U.iv.i iindorijono treatin »-etrict lueuJ it vory hinliij. o^- Don't try cheap cough medi- cines. Get the best, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years of Ch ect erry ora 1 curesi Ask your doctor if he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. " I liavo founrt that Ayer'i Cherry Pcctoml Ik the l>«st inedicinu I can proscribe for bron- chlLlH, iufluunza, ctftifchi. and hard cutdi." M. LODKUAS, M.D., Ithaca. N. Y. 2»c.,,'«lc., Sl.OO, 1 AU ilnntglBta. for J. O. ATKK CO., Lowell. Mai». No Cure -No Pay iA. WILSON Barber FLHSHEKTON Fieshcrton Harness Emporium. bronchitis Correct any tendency to constipa- tion with small doses of Ayar's Pills. SPECIAL A clioice liiii5 of Baby S^arriagcr and Cio=€^art$ .iii.st to lianil. The latest thint; intlieso ycjods, aud low in price. Corrie arid seeTliern. EiDSECLEMlHG BEHIISITES iSUC£l AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. BUSINE.SS Cards ^SPECIALTIES tor the Seasonâ€" Fly Nets, Dusters, Stable Stieets, Hoof OiiitiT\er\t, Curry Conibs, Brusi\e^ and Binder Wliips. Gloves for harvesters -and Tl^resl-iers. â- .: Trunks and valises alvi^ays on tiand: â- BINDER TWINS-WcCorrnacK. Fxarqire tnts twine and you â- will buy. MJVKNISSB MANUKACTUI?IXQ ill i\)\ Its t>r«\iiclieH. IRII^, MOORE Must Go All our dry (toodi rcmimento »t 10 cents jier yard to maku roum for full i;ooUa for the iifXt thirty dfiy« we offer you ijrnit vikluen in 'â-  reninunts, ALSO hlTS'S SUITS and UNDERWEAR. \V« will Hell for tho iiHXt two weeks LADIES SKIRTS at $1.00 tu clear out. CulingwxKl Bacon uii haud now. lUkiw, Forku, Scythe», Siiuthn, R|)iulet, Sliuvals, Boot and uihir liiiM of Hard (fur*. I'lymoiiili Binder twine al »h« oaual terint «u feciiro your twine before it advaiiccx in (iric«. f^ man EST IMUOES PAID for 1(1, oil Butter atid eg|(R, at R. Kinnear & Sons ^.-M A X W E L i- */I'(JULljaOOH & YOUNG '•^ Uauker Markdalo Do ti conoral â- iiaiikiiif; buuiuHSs . Sloncy loatieo a roa^ouuble ratu Call ou uh. RJ SI'llOULK Podtuiaator, Floaherton ooiumiasiouer in H. C. J., AuL'tionoor Con- vcyancnr, .\pprai30r and Molioy Louder Uoal lOatato aud luanrauoo A(,'elit. peeda inorttjaKOH, leaaua and willa cavt-fnlly drawn up and vahiatioua inado on pl;ortoHt notice. liioU'^y to loan at lowoat rates of iuteru.-^t. Col Qctiona attondod to with promptnesa cbaifeB low. Ayont (of Ocean Uomiuiou Steainahip Company. A c&ll aolicitcd. SoCIETIIiS A D V' meets 01. the last Monday 1 eacri nioiitb, in their loiifte room, (;iirifito,>'9 block. Fleauortou.at 8 p.m. .M.W., A. Hiirriaon ^ Kucordnr. J»a. t'elstead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Uttbauiy. ViaitiuR brethrctj iLrited. nillNClS AUTHTU LOnUE, No. M33. A. ^ A ?J, uioets in tlie rdtinnnic liall. Strain's block, Fleahkrtou, every Kridav on or before the full uiocu. F H W Hickliug VV W. Cliaa Munehuw, ijeiretary. COUJiT FLESHERTON, I. O. F. mceta in ClirlatoB'a Hlock the last Frida( evpninB each mniilb. Visitlnu Foreatoia heartily Telcoina. C.lt.. (!. W, Jiollauiy ; U. C, W. Bnakiu ; PUbKocDr F.. Murray. (Pay dnea to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each month. Medical DR CAKTPTl M I' * S Ont. Physician, RnrRoon, oto OOIue aud rosideuce T -Peter at., Fleabertoii In Memory Of Win.Parker.who died June 30th, 1904 Day by day we saw him fade And gently nink away: And oltoii in our hoiiuts wo prayed That ho blight longer etay. Yet thus ho died with holy joy And entered into rest To bloom with immortality And lie with Ueaveu'a blest. â€" Eva Parker. D Ora'iuato Toronto Univorsit v. Mem- ber nf OntM'in rdleKe o; riiyslciiiinB onrl Sur- gQ -r.-\ Maxwell, Qn^, riuuc«KHor to pr. Scott. T P OTTRWRLL ' Veterinary Rurceon Qradnato of ODtpirio yetpritiayy rolleM«, reRlileiice â€" nguond dpqr south ytent on Mnrv street. ThU Btreet ruua south PrnHhvteriftn Church. What can it niflttn ? In It au(?ht to him 'I'lial tli>; tii^iitri ure tutif/, and thn clayti arc rliui? ('fill lift \}(3 tuuchf-i by tiio aribta I bear, Which Kuili'.on tl'H ixjart and whit«n the hair? Around iiiM throiin aro oturnal cahiiK Aiiri HlatJ, Btronn luuHir; of hiippy psaiiUB, And blisB unrutllcd uy any btrife, flow can ho caro for Ufo? And vet I i\nnt Him to care for me Wbilo I hv« in tlii^ world v.-lieretbeflorrowR bo; ^Vho:l tlju liiihiu aro down froiu the p'itL I tuktj; \Vln!N htretJMt^i Ts feiblu and friends forsalto; Wlien love and limbic that onco did bloas Jiavu left nie to vilenctj and luni^lineKK; Ancl my life sor)[.'cliaitK -a tOd>>l>bJns prayorfl, Wlieu my hettia ui ieb out for a God who carus. Oil, All that are nad take hbai*t at;aint Wo ELio not ulint) in our hour of pain; 'I'h'j I''ut}ier htoops from HIr throno above To Hooth and comfort us with Ilislovu. lio leavoH UH not wiien tbusiormH boat high, An-l wo have siir'telv, for He in jAiih. inn it bu tronblewlion He doth tharc? Oh rust in peace, for your tforddoea caro. H WILKON, KlnckRmitb 'Jradiinte qf the Veterinary Roience AHAOciation. HtMidanco, Durham itreut, op- punltu llqyd, Hiuklhtg'ti hardvrar*. Legal J, y(. FROST, li h- M, Rarrlstor, Soliullor Coaveyanper, oto oWceâ€" Next to poAtofDce, Sproute'i block F'.jiliertoii, every Thi|ri(l» auil, court daya N 'hâ€" (Jwen Hound ofUpp, Froat • block Poulett atreel esat. LUCAS WRIGHT A McARDLK Harrlatara HoUoitora Coiiveyancera, eto onSoesâ€" 0«»p Sound, Ont andMarkdaleOnt. W H Wbioht, MoAHtiLK 1 1) Ldcas };. R_Flea)iertpn offlee, UitebeU'a Bank arory Haturday. MAOKAV*SAMP«ON ,Harrialera, anllritora, OFFICKR 1â€" Owan Hrunti, Mirchanfn BankHloek.N. of 1'attaraon Houae. Caudalk alu Biraat.svary Saturday. Monav to loan at 4J per rent. A. a. MaCKAV. M.A.. H.R. BAMPHON, r..I,.D Alwava la attsndanee 'ai Fleahsrton and Dandalk Diviaiou Oonrta. Dentistry r>H- B C. MURRAY, L.n, B, rtartal aorgaon i* honor Kradaate of Toronto Dnlveraltv and Raval Collat* at Dental Surieona of Ontario. OlDsaâ€" Onpoatt* Armatrnni'a Jawallerr Store. Will Tliit Maxwal tb* laat WadnMrtav at aMh meatli, »â- Â« Diadalk I and < Thufalay fQaafh BtaHl- ' One cf tlie Vilest Diseases. ia fiiil-irrli which I'lrs:; utt;icka iho n<>\e and throat (mil finally sprc.ids nil ihroii^ih tin; sjfiti-in. 'i ho one «uro cure i.s fi,Tg- raiit lu'iiliiij; ty'itanhozoiie which is sent by the air you In'i^aiho (iiroct U> the root 01" the ii'oublf. Mr T. Y. Mac Vicar uf Vaiinoulh, siiiieicd for years from catiirrh mid Kiiyn, "In my hm;; i-xpenonco \viih this loathsdino di.seasc I nevi^r used any remedy that ruliuved and cured .so |>roni])l- ly ,13 t/'atnrrlir)Ziie. When my lustrils wore so .sUili'ij i up that I couldn't hreaihe I foiinci It fi'W iiihahition!i<if Catarrlioxoiic was siillicunt to clear away the mucous. I am piTfftly ( nrcd liy Catarrhozone and free f 10m the disease entirely." U-eonly L'atarrhozi'iie, Complete ouUit ?1.00 ; trial sij-.o 25c. . > «a». ^ â€" .1S:i\weH The farmers of tliis locality are about throiigli liavinj;, aud sliouhl tlio weather couiimio line an abuuJaiil supply will bt! saved, Tlie jolly young ladies of tliis vil' laj,'e S(.-eni to be enjoying tiiemnelves berry picking. Missljfclla 151akely of Corbettoii is visiting her guuidmotlier, Mrs. Ed. Liinllcy, acconipiiiiied by lier cousin, Miss Jlyrtle Blakely of Fleslieriou. Mis. /"enelon of Collingwood is visiiiiig with her sister, Mrs. iSiini- ruers, at picseiu. Mrs. (Itev.) Frauklin of Oweti Sound, who h-is been visiting friends here, lias returned liome, iMiss Eva yinall of Fieshcrton spent a few days with friends m our village last weeli. •Mrs. Bolton has returned home after a abort visit with friends in Toronto. A number of young people .-irouud here look iu a concert at binghamp- tan Saturday night. Mr and Mrs. Phillips of Toronto are the guests of Mr. J. A. Kerimlian. Mrs. William Heron and her daugh- ter, Ella, have returned to their liome iu Toronto after au extended visit with hienils here. Mr. Neil and Will Gamey of Sing- hamptou visited with their sister, Mrs. Fred Spotford, recently. llev. .Mr. Currie occupied the Meth- opist pulpit on Stinday morning, when an excellonl service was rendered. Misses Allie aud Gertie Kerr of Toronto are visiting With their uncle, Mr. Alex. Hudson. Cuiiciiiii Eugenia lias had a largo number of visitors from the city dining this hol- iday Sfcasoii. The Eugeuia house is full of gtiosts from Torouio. Mr, VV, J. Turvis and two children, Mrs. Thomas ,S'pence aud family , and ilr. W. Piuvis, jr.. were visitors at the lioiue of Mr. Wm- Purvis. As the old gcntlemau is iq Ins bDtli year aotl iu frail Jieallh, his friends palf. the old people a ehort visit. Mr. W. Feqwicl; aud wife aud four ohildren, also of ToioiUo, were yuesls at the pHreutal bottle here. Mr. Ik. Wallace vjsiteJ his parents at Kiig'iiiiit. Other personals ;â€" Mrs. Rusnell and children are at her parents, Air. and Mrs. F. T. Carv's. Jliss Holder- slmw of Chatham is visiting her friend Mrs. Macdonald. Master Hilyard LeGard of the city is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Meldrum, The thunderstorm which passed over this neighborhood on Wednesday night last was very severe. At the residence of Mr. J. H. Duckett the lightning played some strange antics, shattering the chimney aud splinter* inx; the diniogroom door, passing also through other parts of the house, and finally making a bole in the cellar door Tkbere it disappeared after splin- ' ^criiig a nuiiibei- of rafters. TLe house got a bad nliaking up. Miss Maud and her two brothers were sit- tincf at the front door and were br.dly shocked. Altogether it|-.ras a miracu- lous escape. To Prove what Anti-Pill, the Great System Treatment will do for you, Every Reader of this paper may have a SampleBottle sent Free by ft\ail. Deraiigeuieiit of (ho .stomach ia rospoii- (tiblo for much sickntrKn and autrcrin<,;. Every organ of the bod/ <lo|/enda up>>n thestoniaih fur il.s nutriment and streoijth â€" If the stomach is not v.'orkinj; light the blood carries t,( the liver, heart, nerves and kidney tiifsue imperfect nutrition â€" They become weak and uoahjo to perform their work â€" become ch>'.;t'ed, di.ie.Ased, an.l throw oui their dLsntssr^d symptoms. Now you lUi'.y got BtimnI itivc, temp>raiy r-^lief by the takini: of a kidney, liver, nerve or heart »pi-citiif, but the cause re- inaiiixâ€" The stomach ij at faulr, and so loni; as it keeps h^adinii the hi .o,l with im- purity -waste, so loiii; .vill the lilofKl tran- sport and tIepo.sit disease brtactiing ele- ments in the w.iuk placesâ€" when you feci sick, help the stonnch Ursr. A well s'omaoh means a well body. Ai.ti-Piil the Great Sytijiii Tri;,itnii-n', i.s a new dis covery that has u niarvplhius ii.tiuobce iu Correcting the system ailments. A'idress, Wilson-Kyle Co., Niav'ara Falls, Out., for free samjile. itegular size, a month'a Trcalincnt, CO cents ;itdru<r''isi. Farrn for Sale RelniiTxit 193 & UII Nortb Bast of Toronto '& Bydenbarn rood. contairiiiK l:(2 Rcr»;n, Oi) iiii'ler Cl'tltivatiob, in Hplendld conOiflou for crop.fr#»*» of (.ton**, well fcui;ed and watered, fre^ of wibl weedH. li^vint; orchard and limatt fruito. Ooo'i Ijaro with track and other out bnildin:;"^, com- fortable house. :)j miles from Proton, in Taylor settlement. Apply to W. J, ML'LLI.V. Proton Station- Notice to Trespassers All perir.na fonnd trespjn^inc or piekiOQ berries ou niv propcrtv, lor 2'l.cnn 0. Arte.'iei*i*, ".vill be i>io»5cut«d accorciiiii; to la-*, cUo oil town lot. aa well. ISauK J. H. DtrCKETT, Bull for Service Francis J. Bluir, eldest sou of Mr. R. Blair, f.irniorly of I he west back line, Artemesia, died at the rcsid<;nee' of hi.< uncle, Mr. Andrew BoiUfie, Toronto Line,on Saturday la.si. He .sutTered with an infootiQU of the throat and cuuie f torn Aurora, 111., some two ni.mtlii ai;o to re- cuperate, but after some impiovenient at liist an adverse turn set in with above re- sult. Thi;) funeral took phce ou Mmiuny to the Presi^yterian cemetery, Or:'.!ige Valley, and waa largely attended. Rev. Mr. llodwell otiiciatiiig. Deceased was thirty live years of age and unmarried. â€" Standard. Mr. Ivobt. Culliton, gravel ro.t;!, met with a severe acci>lent on Monday morn- iiiK ou his farm, lie had lo.^ded a num- ber of hogs and was holding the team by the heads, when they v;ere frighrened utid jumped, knocking him dovvnand running away. The wheels pas.<i)d over his les^s, but no bones were broken. No daDias;i» was doiiB the team, \v.igon. or load, and they were driven into Duii.Ulk after the accident. â€" Herald. TILLS AND PILES A prolitic cause of Piles is the use of cathartics and pills of drastic, violent nature. Followed by a ri-action on accouut of the resinous, drying properties tht'y con- tain. There are other causes, but no tnatti>r what the cause or what the kind of Piles, Ur. Leonhardt's Hem Iloid can bo relied up<'n to cure â€" to stay cured. It's an internal remedy that removes the causes of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Suiipuratine Piles. A L'uarantee yoes with each package coiit.iimng a month's treatment. it can be obtained for $1.00 at dru'^- gists. Sold by W. E.Richardson. ?;ormao Oonqucror No. S12i.3. P^ciNtore'Tln Dotniriioa whon Horn Heid Hook, with twoirn po,-led cross-s. Will t*e for service dnri'iy the eeason or lOfJt on lot 171). co.'.'J. l-i.T. i: S,road, Al-o areKLntered Tamworth Boa*. TeririH for service ooe d.-*PAr, payable '.Jaa., 1905. I'ediaretson apiiUcitioii. B. ALiLKN, FleaberlOD, P. O, A Local Saif?sman for FLESHERTON and purroundiuJ lerri'ory to rearosent 'â- Canada's Greatest Nurseries" NaWL-st varieties, and soe.-ialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Froits, Slirub.1, <)rnaineiitais,and Ro.ses. A permanent Bituaiion, and lenitory re- served for right man. Pav weekly, Hanu- scmo Outfit fte.'. V.'rlte for particu- lars, aud send i;,") cents for our (.'ocket microscope, just the thing to use in ex- ainii'iiit; trees and plants for insects. Stono & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (oVKKc^'O ACKE.'^) On'iaF'io Toronto The Fall T erm at the will hec;in on, THURSDAY, SEPT. 4th. The large new wing, now being built ro the College will he completed and furni.sh- ed during the holidays and will be opened ou thnt date. The Northern is ths only college in Canada ownins; a College buildinsr. Tho now win'.i will iirovide accnmmodatinn for luO more students. Send for ciiculat de.scr:bin(> our courses of study, which ale, Busines.'" l!/'ourse. Shorthand an.l Typewrit iut; Course, Preparatory Course. Adress: C A. Fleming:. Principal oWK.VSOfNli, ONT. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to t'et the best Photos is at BULMBR'S PHOTOGRAPH UALLERY, heiadache: i Neuralgia ancl Nervousness cured quickly by A I A V HARMLESS HEADACHE AND ' %*J ' » 'X NEURALGIA CURE, No h^art depression. Greatest cure ever discovered. Take no other, locand 250. All dealers or direct from &UST1M & Co. Simcoc, Oac. Money back if not sati&tied SPECIAL ATTENTION " \Vp pay Special Attention to Copvin,g and B.ibies' pictures, Pi.'ture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for anv kind of pictures aud we w-.U promise eatisfuction. Sydenham street, Flesherton »* are easier to clenti than .•«ny other. The thickly enamelled surface of the ^L bowl oa.siiig in sizes 1 to 5 is specially provided as being tlje easiest of all 1^ surfaces to clean. It should be noted also that the Mellotte has neither a ^ number ot sm ill tubes nor any long tubes, nor complicated device os any ^ kind to bo cleaned. The bowl itself io self-emptying, and every part of g^ it is easily accoasible to hand and eloanini: cloth. In sh^rt the Mellotte ^ ia by far the easiest separator to clean, and for cl.ise skimming is uuex::ei- â- Ja W. WRITE FuRlUXiKI.KTNO. 1. g 3obn Jl. Reard, Fksberton fi^fi D. McXiLVISH For First Class Buggies, Carts, I'loasure and Lumber \\ agops, "- cutters. Sleighs. We keep a slock on hand to choose from. ALSO nOkSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITMINQ and guarantee first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs aud Plough repairs, and also Maaeey- Harris and Noxnn repairs for binders, Mowers, ^H kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben in town give US a call

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