Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Sep 1904, p. 1

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â- ^ .^"^ ^rt0n TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRIXCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL XXIy, KO 1186 Flestierton, Ont., Xliursday. S(>ptember 1 1004: W. H THURSTON, ^"'""'^ PEOPUIETCn , 4 . â-  â- > â-  a •>- » ':â- â- * 'S^ . *'# M. 4 **,'7* Stop a rioment ! But that is not what out Watches doâ€" they " yo on for- ever," like Tennys^on's Brook â€" »i:h »!i occHsionu! citaiiiiij^. We have the h^st vnlje in Wiitohfs lobe found in Uu'iiri.>. Thiit is a bi^ stute;uent, ;intl if you tlon't helif ve it come inanJ let us verity it. We make ;i specialty of the popular and perfect HAMILTON MOVEiVlENT A his; stock of this movement jiHt to baud. PI nPS^Q ^" iiiini9H.se viiri- 1/ LU U 5\0 ety find at all prices. Our repairing department ia thoroa;;hly eipiipptil and gO'jd workmausliip'jjuarauteed. . W. A. Armstrong, </evv'e//er, Fiesherton &Ionday last. Mr. Ernest Buckinyhani, who his ' l.;)|A cnartje of Kimberlcy toller ti"ur mill for the p».»t few months.is now ho!i- i iliiyitit; fur a few weeks after which he I will return to takfi charge of the abov e I m«uUoned niiil. Industrial Home Notes : The harvest on this farm is n^w well • under way and would, most probably, I R.Jr. .n â-  have been (ioi-<hed by this time had not a cargo of coal arrived, which Ciused a delay ia commeucin^ the harvest. The ' oils are in sti'ok, and a yood part nf the : riea crop is hou-^^ed and in good condition. â-  The upper pair, of the barn ia tiiii.<hed and presents a line appearance, now that it it is painted. Th« under part will prob- . ably bo finished in a faw days. ' Mr. Ritchie, the electric li^ht man, was lately eii^a^ed finishiii;^ the hou.se with lamps. Eich room is now furnish- ' ed with a lamp and the Home, at aight, ' looks extra cheerful. Carter has the little fellow now in a lair way to recovery. Mr. .lacob Longhead fell -from a Iwa: I his barn and had .an arm broken. Nlr. lead has fceen the victmi <•£ a chain "f niisi I tunes within the jja^t j-ear. aiu-m^- which wxs I the death of his wife, and the loss of hi- I bai-n bv tire. I Mrs.' Dr. .Sproule, Mar!<c'_:il-. Mr. H.-.vir.i t Spr«-i:!e. Wiimipeg. Mrs. \V. .Ion*-*, and Mi.-> JHull -if Boston were the ^'Uests la:eiy oi Mr. land Mrs. K. W. Ntcholsrui. I At time of writluir the iraiuework of }.rr. iR. McMaster's new bani is beuinniiig :o c iv. jsr :d.'ft. ' ^liss Annie Sheardnwn returned las* w.^ek J fn^in a two months' sojourn with friends near Mr. iTames Coutts l^s receiv.,-!! h--* n-:v thre.-'hing machine, and given it a trial. IIurv«tiug is pretty well imder way, and ; should tine Nveather c<'Utiaue a shore time i would rele^te it into the past. r;i McFarland. Stafford & Co.'s Big Store M.-^i^ivDALE. ox-r.\i<ro Gfcy Countv's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STOEEj- J' Catarrh of The Head Is very co;nmon, but .'iwtuUy danger- imx hecau.se it causes deafi.ess and le:ois lo constipation Cure is ^isceiTaiu to fol lUidsumttier Bargains â€" â€" . m i, lOc DRES.S MUSLI^'SFORoc ; oOc SHTRT W.\ISTS FOR-25c One tiibie, ab.ut i')0 yards, Fancy Dress I Onrt tahlr, !*.>ut 50. Women's Print Muslitis. a bi-^ viriety U uncy desi-jns in \ Shirt Wiisfs^jn ass-^rted stripe p.itt-crns rich coloruias. plain weaves, diiuity | and c<)loriji;^%al.S(j a fe* wLite Musiiii >tripcs, ^wi<s spor. etc. Many of ;hem i WmisCs, siZes-SSto 4'). Tkese weie coo- euoiii;h l''T d>.-ess lengths, others shorter . sidercd e]i,ir:i values a* 50 cents each. eiiils. Tlve re'^ular values were 10 tu Ijc On .«ale this wiijk. Ycu am have per jard. \our choice no* for 5 choice fur' ^^ Waroh:im l'>>v the use of Catarrhozone as day is to follow nieht. You simply breathe the ^ „»„ . -. » fra-rant ~he«li.i- Catarrh, zone which I . L.\DIE5, 5?I.W KID GLOVE.S F'. 11316 spreads tbrouuh the ua«al pivssai!es, fhroat j ^\ e put on sale I'hursJ.iy nioi nin<: another lot nf Ladies Kid Ghn-es, about 10*3 pair Hi.d lunus, driviui; out every vesti-^e of ; in the bni.ch. These ire in sizes Si ..i - -. -. -. . - . I catarrh. "I wa.s cured of cbrotiic catarrh i f^'i'S. mode-i. browns, ox-bloi'ds and I of the nose and throat" writes Ernest M. »U i-"""! v^'lue m res^ukr way a: .'51.00 per j Wilkinson of Laurenceton "af'er tnanv 1 Your choice only _ An inmate humorou.sly suzsests that year* of miser;,' 'by Catarrbozvir.e which is ' henceforth this institution be desiennfed iS splendid reiuedy to free th-j air passages j j^ .-i-j ];j\{.-\- SKIKT.? FoR SUc your •lo ti^, 7, 7^, 7.*, 74. Tills ;.>: is assorted shades in revs, ais«i a few whites and blacks. fhey are pair, out we wane to sell them quickly. is The weather here hiw beon exceedingly fine this ):vn few days. The to\nL«hii) has hp-en iu a hnm with tradesmeiru tools darini; the whole summer. Miss Br..«d!ey, of the public school here. has returned from a visit to her home and 'friends, and has re-iumeil teaching. Uarvesting is about iu full swioz ar >und here now, but the farmers are complaining that the crops are badly d.am.ajjed with rust. Mr. Riiome, [loslTOan, has just received a very large supply of wheat Hour, which .â- 'eems to lie a little up iu price compared withtHat of last iiionth. Mr. J. lukster, late of the old covmtry, has sent a very large order t> Toronto for T»hotographic gt>,ids, whic'a he intends follow- ing up. lie is still n-ith hii oousia, W. S, Inkstcr. Mr. J. Grtimniot and othex-s seem to h.ave fail- ed in their i1ropos.1l to have the scho<il movet.1, ns no sight of the tormur has been seen sinca • ihe BiVird of Health visited the grounds, and 'vile brickwork is in full swing. Mr. W. S. lukster is I'rcparing to lay a Large cement fleor under his barn, wbich. lie h.-w recently raised. Ke also intends to •l>uild a large addition to his barn this fall or x-omiug spring, which will pi-ohiihly ueake -it the laigest barn in the township. â- "The Orphanai'e," as all its inmates are both fatherless and motherless. Po.)r children ! They have our sympathy, Bven though some o£ chem are grand- fathers. Rev. Mr. Simpson of Toronto, and Rev.SIr. McNab of Kilsyth, were among ifroiii inuci'US. Catarrhozone relieved ji|uickly and my cure has been periuan lent." Price SI 00 for two luoutlis" treat ment ; trial size 25c. i We have just ei.;ht Ladies Sl.25 Linen \ Skircji left. These are made from tiood \il:i!iry Liuen Crash in a.ssorted lenoths, tl'.e adjustable waist baiKl. e:ich with \V. J. McReath, who lives iu the sub- ' They are washing ^. •^iJs and very comfort urbs of Cheslev, had a much clo.ser ac- I ^'^^'^ 'â- 'â- " '^^'^ weather. Re-ular 1 ' [ualiries umcli closer ac- i(uaintKnce than he desired with nn elec- , . ., , r> .1 1 I trio bolt dunni: the storm bust Wcanesaav I liuiis the vsitors ct last week. UoUi gentle- • . . nio jevenins;. Hh and his wire and sisier were js'andiiiy iu the doorway watching; the All .-iiier Suiiimer Skirts at, bi-j reduc- 1 25 WHITE 't(.iW\S FiiR I'.'ic One lot ubout 24> Women'* White Cot- E<in Nioht Gowns, in assorted ipiaiities and styles, all made from j;o^>d nuality cotton, nicely trimmed with lace, eni'tjroi- ucry tucking, etc., len^jiths bi t-i (30 inch, regulai' va'ues l.CO to 1 2j eajh, ail 00 Siiie, your choice f _'C t;;) â- - Kinibt'rtcy :,.- ' l[nteuiled for last week Miss Pansy Pe{>per, of Toronto June- tioii,is visitiUi; in our vil'ai^e and is the -i;uest of Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart* Miss Jean Bole if Sault Ste. Mario â- and Miss E.s.sie Sparling vif Union spent t^unduy with tbe Misses Cdtnack. Mr. «nd Mrs. Thoa. BriKiks t.f Clarks- \>ure, spent Sunday with friends here. liev. Mr. and Mrs. Hurl hurt, of Flesh - oriAiu are visiting at Mr. R. Hammond's 4it presont. Mrs. k, McLean and .ion Harold, of «>f Rockvaie.are visitino with the former's Bister,Mr8. Georsje Proctor. Dr. T. S. Spr.iule, M. P. of Markdalo was ill town on Monday last. Mr.Samuel(Tillespie of Uraigleith spent Sunday with his brothers John un.t David of this place. , i .Messrs William Walters, 0. H.Walter and George McConntiU, jr., have gone West. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ford, jr., of Marltdale.were in town on Sunday last. Mr. Reginald Fawcett. of the Leader «nd Reconler staff, Woodbridpa, was the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and .Mia. J, R. Fawoett, Reg. i» a member of the DOle<' C. L, A. Lacross learn of that town who have nvvar met defeat this year. Mr. and Mm. Collett of Parry Sound •r« viaiiinK friends iu this vicinity at )>re»unt and are the sue^ts of the latler's •later, Mrs. I}. H. Mat^ee. Mr. and Mre. W. L. Goldsmith, of CUrk»bur«,accomi»nii(il by their niece^ Mis* Lottie Fawcett,spent Sunday with the4»lt»r'«j«rent», here, Mr, Joasph Craig of the Toronto polie* /ore* pMsed throuih our Tillage 00 men e.xpressed their pleasure at the at tractive appearance 01 the home, outsiile and a stil! gicater dejcrce of pleasure at comfort provided for the inmates inside. J. Boyle of Holland township and D. Henderson, ot Martdale, ware adniittcti to the home last week, the former as an indigent, the latter a.s a private boaiiicr. JCuiuber of inmatea at present time of writinff, males IB, femftles 3. Numlier pf visiiors registered since last report, 9."). Mr. Harness conducted divine service in the men's day room on Sunilay after- noon takinsf for his discourse 3rd chapter St. Johji's wospel, 16lh verse. » » «» n » • maxwell On Tuesday, Aug. 23., â-  the Auxiliary of the W. M. S., of Maxwell, held an At Homo at the parsouiige. Refreshments were served, after which a short pr-igi-am was given, par, of wliich was a very interesting and instruc- tive address given by Mis. K. Ruckinglaui, of !<tayner,oi-gauizertor Colliugwood district. The Mi-sses Kerr gave a selectii'U I'f instr:- unntid music. The evening was Waiitiiul and everybody seemed to enj-iy theinselws. AlthoUijh the fee Wi« small the results were J12.'Jo. Mrs. liobt. Coutts, ofMuskoka, who has been visiting with trieiibs here for some tiiue, returned to her home this week. MiiS Flossie Cliutoiu-ii Fevershat, is visit- ing with her cousiu, Miss M.aud lleii>n, this Week. Mrs. J.'hn G.-uney started for her homo in .\rcol.i, N. W. T., last Thursday, her sister. Miss Maude Spotford. accomt>auied her. Mr. Frank Kertoii returned to the West last week lUi the harvest excui-sion. Frank Ke.nns to be much t&ken up with the West. Mr. diaries Fergn.si>u has also tjikeu a trip out West. Miss Seimuler of Toronto is the guest of .Miss Annie McCallum. SAMPLE LACE CL'RTAINS AT tji'o A PAIR We put on sile th.s week ICO p.iir manufacturer's Sample Lace Curtains. These are only two yards loiio 1 each curtain') but they are perfi-ccly niatclied.and were they full length, 3andoivards, the regular price would be from 1.50 'o o.iJ<) a ua'.r. W., ],ave not assorted them, but niide one price on the 'jt. Your price per pair ijj l.iX) BLACK SATEEN SKIRTS FOR 6!'c 2-t Weunen's Black Sateen Underskirts, nicely made with tour small frills ami dus^ iiil:.i;i>«>d wiUeswee;., ni-cebr"i^bt mercerized tinish, lengths 37 to -t-l inch, 400J valu-s his less seemed paralyzed. They thouaht | j,, reuuiar way at 1 OO.oii -sale this weeli only ti'.j at first be WBs^ killed, but he suoii rallied, ! was able to stanCK For a couple of days 1 Aerwardbewas piite deafin otiecar i^j-jj^yfrn-noi- BargaiHS III Groccries storm when ihe electric fluid struck the chimney, cime down the stove-pipe, and hiltiiiK the zinc under the stove, tlew over , the floor, one bolt goiiis out the door. ! Mr, McBeath was knocked off his feet I and his wife thrown back ayainst the wall- The twii Women carried him outside .-is It «as a close call fur boch -Mr, and Mrs. McBeath. â€" Chesley Enterprise. ( " What is Dyspepsia? ' Qmdms, nausea, l<ni;inir for food yet | dreadini; to eat. You may have the real j i'hioi:, bur Feriozone wil! cure you like it (4 p-ickaaes Akron Gloss Starch (10c. 20 lbs. best Keiipath White Susjar for §1. t) U)s. ui'CkI Cevlon Bljck Tea for 1 i."J 4 lbs. extra choioe Japan or Ceylon Green Tea 10<J id S. U. Hunruigiloii I says "I frequently was ^ Hamilton, ttaoktd -.vith i heart disease. I used FcrroZiuieami cured. My difjeslion is lu perfect order It who I lind) for -loi. *"f'' I 4 tins Canned Corn 1 10c kinti) for 2oc. acute dvspepsia that I rtunight It must be • ,* . , ,,•,•,, • ^' - â€" => . Lan;e 2U ounce bottles Mixed pickles. I special. '2 for 25c. and I can eat anythiui; to-day. Nothing \ Heiutz Sweet Pickles (in quilt seal- ^_ , IS as g.ioel as Fenozcne for dyspepsia and j ers) 00c. I those botiiereil with weak stomachs. 1 Tniiato Catsup (quart bottles) reiru- [ Price 50c. at druggists. 1 1^,- ^Oc kind 12 jc I Large size "Piyet Nfartin's" Univer- j sal En^li«h Sliie Polish (14 ounce) Fall Term Opens Sept. 6. j )^ ELLIOTT . TOBONTO, ONT. jV High Grade Cominetcial School, j Strictly Hrst-diss in all aepartments. j Mugniticeut catalogue free. Write ferl one. \ W. J. ELLU>TT, Principal. Comer \ougo and .Vlexaaaer streets. ] Tenlet Soap.as.sertcei. round or o'oioiig shaped cakes, .'i 'I't- 5c. Larve 2} pound bar Lai;ndry Soap special 10c. Dish Cloth Soap (4 pounds) wrapped in white cotton towell size iJioO inch Regular 25c value, n^w for 20c. j Freeh Lemon Biscuit, 3 pounds for 250. Fresh Fruit Biscuit, 3 pounds for 25c. Fresh Fruit Gir.ger Bread, 3 lbs. for 2.5c- . Fresh Gin'.;er Cookiis auc Snaps, 4 pounds for 2oc. Sewing Machine Oil, large bottle 25c. Litue Fruit Cordial, pint boctles.spec- iai R-ispberry Vinegar Cordial, pint bot- tlee, special lOe regular 15c. for 1 pound package Bird Seed(Reniiie's or Cottani'») lOo kind for McKJ^RLAXD, ST^A^FFOI^D c't CO lOc. Special Inducements For Current Trade . . Reports from Tara say that on Suturday evening of hist week, the same night that a meteor struck earth near Shelburtie â- â- *iT )^e ,,.-,,,,, . , J • 1 I, 1 , , , „. T I I'l Mett's «!lw^")lTwe«dSuita$7 and $8 j JO'^en'a Heavy Ulsters.gootl valvoat t« Miss Malie! liuv spent a few (lavs with her ,i .imiiar visitor lande^l near Tara. It ,- . "i iKl i .o i n ij i i < . •< n.\ ,,• ' , ,, t" I (h snni ai vis.tor liiiue^i oe.ir xaia. i" lor JAiu I J* ^„ily Men » Pea Jackets,on sale at 3.90 fprandmother, Mrs (,ray of .Mclntyre. { j^n ^^^ ^ ,4^,^^^ ^jj^. ,j,j |,ujut 4,,^ „j,npg I I Mrs. Kin^, of Buffalo, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Tom Madden. Miss Gray, of CoUingwoiid, is spending a few days with her uncles Mr. (;et>. Pal lister. The e.xecucive and memlx-rspip of the W. M. 9., of Maxwell, desiro to extend iheir sincere thanks and appreciation to 'lielr many friends, with res|>ec« to the great success of their At Home, held at the (>aniona^e on the eve of the 33rd, inst.. which, let me add, bespeaks machon twhalf of the (.Je-dwaril tendency of a christian community Port Law As a number ol items in last week's budget did not apvwar in TTis Adv«ac«, aMi helievinj: that their omission w«« wet intMtional by the ediiofc V«it tl>»* • *••* ^"^ ***" '•'"^ auide, werepeat the»« vet.«««>«al>l». Clartace. the four-y««r-oM son of Mr. J. H W»t»m. had hi* tag broken lately He hap)>«n«d to come nsar a wafx"" **»'» l>is father wan gTi» *i f it, and twirhinR a loose , wb««l it fell vakiM vUl»tk« abuvertsult. Dr. | into liaie. The meteor weighed 19 pounds and took 17 hours to cool. It ksiked like aranitB. 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, f7.50 and $9.00, 1 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth jl.OO foi.. 5.00 I for Coc. 50 yd«. crash towelinsc. worth S.:.yd. fur 7 Farm for Sale By TENDER Tender* will b« received bv the undeniRned on acaeh basis uv toSepttouber 1st, ItHH, for the luurohaseof lx>t»M!o *». inoluaive. ron ! N. D. K. Arlemesia, ne»r Vort !.«» P.^ O Frame barn am! frame Iwel liuK 00 the )>femls es; a larKe clearioK ; clooe to •cbool, cbarch and PoetjOnoe. The lowe<t or auv touJer not nec«M»rlly acvepted. W. .1. BRLLAMY, FlMbanou. .\ Urge .assortment of carpets, arranging iu price from 25c. to S.l'io per yd .\n extra good itock of Horse Blankets oB hand.and weareselliuir 'hern at the lowest living prices known. Also a full range <'f Men's Heavy Fi'otwear, such as Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers, .Mex-casins, Ltg- gmgs, etc. 6 pr. gray wool Blankets, to clear out at gl.yOpair 13 Men's Cardigan Jackets, rey. SI. 50, for l.ltf Meii'.H Kid Gloves, regular pnce UOc. ami ♦1.00, for «0c. per pair Tr«Mur« valued »t 9l.3.V).0O0, which wa« rcHoved from Pietoria b«ft>re Lord Roberta entered, waa diacvvered in tbe northern Tmniv^l. The gOTMBiiMnt takM half, . A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan tea for tl.CO 5 lb* Ceylon Black tea 1.00 13 Iba. b«st selected raisin* l.OO 25 lbs. heat Tapoie* l.VO 25 IW. fresh Fixa. . ..« 1,00 00 larft baratoap, r»{. 12^e ici 9c.pr.har A nice assortment ol FaiKy aia5«w«r« to Ch«>»e trom. . . \Y. HOCKLEY m Hlfc^est prices p«id Fowl and Butter.. . Proton StatioiK ,â- â- â™¦.â-  1

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