;-^; 1 I » ! F. F L F: S II E R T N ADVANCE Si:i>TEMnER 1 1904 •^wfe, ?•! J, lU. '-;â- ;»» '' •1 Methodist Church Sunday, Sept. 4tli. Morning- -Tho r.iator's suKJPct ; "Tho C si'cnitod Hiind." Eveniiin-Mrs. .7. C!. Wilson, mother i.f till! I'usri.r, will deliv"! an ad dri'ss on "Woniuii'^ Worl- for Wiiijieu." V'Service at Ctj^lon at -i p.m. .'•J. 6 i.wrr.soN, I) A.,B. D Pastor â- â- Vicinity Chips rU:!r:«<'torilstifs «f the Past Wei'k <:!i-<liiHy Culled for the t.'iirioiis â- «»«» Fresh iiine always on hand. .I.H. Duckett, Euj;ynia. The d.iy.s of c'leni r;iilway faros, px- hibitiuiis and latu mail train? are with iin. JIis. (K-.-v.) D. llolniau of Freoport, Mich., is the guost uf frit'iids lioro this iveuk. Mrs. E. J.S-'.'i't and elrild, of Toronto, are Siuests of Mrs. .Andruv,- Benihani. Mr. W. .7. Dooa'ass and family, who Inue resided here duiinsr the .summer r"- '.urned to their home iu ColUnL'wood lust week. A nice brick hou.so with a ijood garden } and tarn. x\pijly to T.J. Slieppard. Mr. and ?.Irs. .A.reli. C^irnih i:i of 5[ea- ord vihiied with Mr. and Mr.«. John Sheppat^l and other friends here this week iii>st XXIv white wine vinegar for '})iclilin^ and tahio use, Sproule, CroK.s- ey & Co., Flesherton. Miss "Vina Littl.\iohn of Markdalo was ]a guest of tho Misses Sullivan for a cou- ple of d;iy3. A yood cutter, new pulp^r, .sfit heivy I sinsjle harness g.iod as new, lii-'ht sintjle * way^ion. All for sale at T. J. Shep- pard's. Miss llatrie Cole who h.as bnen sp'^nd- insj her holidays at the piarental home, here, returned to the city on Friday l.wt. Mi.'ses Gertie and Rita Yanzant and Mr. E. \V. Holmes, of Toronto were iruests of Mr. and Mrs. .7. P. tlttewell for a couple of days this week. Suh.scripti.ins taken for Weekly Globe and .Mad to eml ot ll)iU for 250 at R. J. Sproido's or P.O., also Family Herald ann Weekly Star 20e. ( A.9 we have been delayed in fn'tting / our new promises ready as soon as we / expected we are goini; to make Sep- i, rember the red leltcv month of our sale. ; Thi.s is the month for barf^iius at T. J. ' Sheppard's. A yavden party was held on the Methodist church lawn ou Wednesday evening of last week, under tho auspices of the Ladies' Aid. There was oidy a medium turnout of people. A prngrani of sinuiog and a shhrt speech by Rev. Ilurlburt was i;iven in (he basement of the chureli. Proceeds amounted to about g20. Rev, John tlunter, Pr^-sbytorian pastor at Markdale for ten years past, has ten- dered his re.-i;4nation and accepted a call to liis native country. Mr. Hunter .ind fatnil,' wil: leave for Scotland in about two weeks. Mr. M. K. Richard-wn returned on S.iturday from a pleasure trip to Ilidifax, thnusih the Annapolis valley and the land of Evar.geline. He priluounces it one of the most enjoyable holiday trips lie has ever experienced. Mr. George Carruthors of Grey towi\- ship, Huron count}', and daui;hter Delia, are guests of his nephews, Messrs, T. Vi. and R. D. Carruthers, It is oO years ••nice Mr, Carruthers visited this part. About i'lC year.s ago he was a resident of Osprey for a short time. Eighty five per cent of the candidates that wrote at the recent examination in Owen Sound were suceeasfiil. The only candidate which wrote from this section , was Myrtle Thurston, who also was among the successful candidates ill the _ Junior Leaving. The Elliott Business College, Toronto, opens for the Fall Term on Sept. 6th, and the prospects ai'c exceedingly bright for a very successful year. Thoroughne.is is the key note of this institution. Write to the principal, W. J. Elliott, for a cat- idiig if you are interested in a tilst-class hu»ines.s education. Mr. David Dow got his hand bsdly cut last week in a peculiar manner. He slip- ped on a root and fell on an axe, llie blade of w-hich (wnotrated his hand for Home dintanco between the thumb and forefinger. Ttie wouud bled profusely and Dr. Carter had to insert several stitch- %iLto .close the wound. For school 8 ipplies â€" ink, pens, pencils scribblers, »1 iti-3. ers.sers, and all kind.s of writin'.i inateri.il ;;i) to tjproule, Cross- ley & Co., Flesherton. Mr. Wni. Strain nf Ann .\rbcir, Mich- igan, paid a vi.sit to old friends here dur- ing; liie past weekâ€" and the n:i:ne of his friends is legion. Died â€" .-^t the home of her mnther, Td- ronto line, after a few week's illness, iMar^aret Mathewson, aged 20 years, Doceiised was a dau'.;lirer of the late H. Mathcrt'son. The funeral took plajc Momlay ]j. ni. to Irwin's buritd ;;roun<-J. The keen syuipiithy of the vilage is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomp- son ill t!ie h<.ss of their infant Son and only boy,. Iv.aii^ aged live nioiitlis. who dieil, on Tuesday, of cliidei'a infantum alter a few liuurs ilhies. Ivan was an uii- usu:illy hull SDiue little babe and Isia loss is keenly felt by theparsnts and relatives, .•\iiioiig tliose from a distance who at- tended tile funeral of the late Margaret Abitliewaoo on Monday were U. Math- ew.sonaoj wife of Newmarket ;Mr. Jaii.e.s .Mi:Le;uy, Tlmrulon; Mrs. Sarah Nixon, AihmJide ; Mrs. David Wilson and Miss Maggie Wilson of Arthur. All unuvdly fine lit of stock was ship- ped from this station on MonJay, the shippers being Sterriirt brothers ot Kim- berelyand Boyd & Seheil of this pl.ice . The lot shipped by the 'latter tirni were pure li-.'sed in Proton, out Cedaiville way, and were soioetliiiig extra. Mr. Gordni MoMullen, formerly of this place, iiHVe us a plea.-sar.t call on S-it- urday night. Gordon left on Tuesday for Maple Creek, .-Vssa., where liis uncles, the Kelts brothers, reside. That is his present intended destination. His as- pirations and ambitions, however, may lead him farther westward, ar.d if so. he will proceed to Vancouver. His many friends in town will he pleased to hear of it if abundant success atti^iids hiiu in that land of promise, and th.ifc this be tho re- sult of bis trek is the sincere wish if all. Gordon i,5 a son of Mr. Jaiees MclMullen of Ceylon. â€" Markdale Standard. The Sydenham ffUKiial Fire Insuiaiioe Co. has the laryent surplus ,if any [;nrely mutual tire insurance coicuany in Canada ; has a large iiiem'uership, is managed by men of experience in the insura'iee busi- ness, rates as low .is is coiisistent with security, has a premium note one third less thiin any othei coinp.-inv. Before in- suriiu; call on or write to tluir agent, vV. J. liowes. Markdale. Istpt Mrs. Thompson's bake ehoji and resi- dence had a uurrow escape from destruc- ti m Ijy lire on Monday afternoon, ihe roof havin>; caught lire with a spark from the chimney. Foitunately it wa.s noticed by iieiijbbors in time and a few pads of water put it out, but not before nearly oue-third of the shingles on one side of the roof were burned oil'. Mr. Walter LouclJs of the little mill had * narrow escape from instantaneous death one day last week While working in the bush near his home tho top of a dead tree broke off and in fading struck him on tiw head, rendering him ancon- sciou.s, in which condition h« remained for half an hour. Ilis prtdoiiged absen-;e caused his fatl:«r to search for him. The ratter arrived en the scene jusc as bin sou WHS regaining coiisciun.iness. Had the- tree top struck more evenly than it d;d the result woidd have I>een fatal. As it WHS the call wai a close one, and Wal- ter felt the eii'ects for several day-s. The folloiving may hive some local value and is published for what it is worth ; Cobdon Village Council h.as been investigating the cost of sidowidks. ' In Pembroke, board walks cost S)c a sipiare foot, and enduie six to ten years ; while cement" walki cost ITfc a -square foot and last, it is supposed, at least sixty years. Tho Sun says : I'he members of tlie<'oun- eil did some tigurint' and no litt^- sur- prise was noticeable on the faces of .some of theni when it was discovered that p'.ank walks in Cobdcn cost at leant 30c. per running f-iot this year. jVssuniiiig that the life of the plank wslk be eight veatJ, it meant that ir would hive to be renewed eight times before the iiiininuiHi life of a concrete walk h.ad expired. At 30o a foot a board walk in 1)4 years would cost ?2.-lO, while one foot of concrete walkduriiiii the siune period would ;o8t, at the rate Peiiihroke paid for its pave- ments, 8.")o. .\lready this year So2.t h,ad been spent in town in buildiuK and re- jiairiiig plank walks. .. » 111 ii« H. E. Glendinning Dead. (From the Duucjalk Ller&U.I A tdegrMn from Swan River, Man., on Tuesday morning hroiiijht the ssd intelli- aenco of the death there of H. K. Glen- dinning, who<e serious illness the Herald J inQntioiied same weeks ago. Mr, Glen- inPORTANT Fall Announcement In buying Footwear come where you can save money. We be^' to remuid our fii"iids that we keep a (,'oii{l sicoek of l'i/iit.s uiid Sluu-s iroiii the be.'^t. makers jiTui coiistantiy i, akiiij^ adiiirfnns. l:ii!sid.;s selling' factory bi.nrs, ilcu't over- look the fact that «e tiiiike a .••peeialty of hand-made Hoots and Sluuv-i, made cmt i.l tlit^ b..'st maturial that ca i begot., biiuL' inylJur onltâ- l•. Jiepairiiig promntly attendi-d to. W,' hiui- iiUo a stoeli of I'mnks, Xali-^e.-* .'old Suit Ua.sea ."filing cheap. Also a v;ii-i..ty .if ,'<li,j,/ Dressing; of the eest that; can be Lad. liive US a c:'.!). C IL. J5. Y T O M p^ •t'' ~^ "yr ^^' -r -rr^ -^r- "^ "â-¼â- ^^r -^ -^^ -w- -^r- 7T- v^r ..--v .-â-¼* "v :r^r\r^\^y^^,29\jyr^^t y dinning died Mombiy eveiiiiv: at .j o'clock after a lingering illness from cancer of the stoniacll. He had sutl'ered extreme pain, and as there was no hope for his recovery death came as a welcome nies senger. He wms a man of stroif^ Chris- tian character and possesse*! that faith- ful trustfulness in the Saviour which en- ables one to meet the grim messenger uniiincliingly, looking forward to the blc-sed resnrrceiion. Mr. Glendimiiiig was principal of tne pulilic school here for s<jnie yrtirs and af- tewards proprietor of the Heial.i for .some time. He ."old out and went to Swan River about live yeaiSMgo, where he es- tablished The Siar newspaper and also an extensive real estalo busin^'ss. His widow anil only son Will, who are both woU known here, have the deepest .sympathy af this conininnity in tl'.is sad bereavement. His loss in the home-, where his affjctionate dis|)osition w:is seen at its-best, will be sorrowfully felt. Outside of the homo cuxle bi-i iiiduence was for good, p irticularly in church woik. He WMfi a member of ihe session of the Swan River Ppestyterian church. t One IVIore â€" i: â- . a '< 1 nine thou.santl vlolh'tr.-, worth hbaqache: I r^WlXG to the STRIKE iu all lahor lines \.- ^^ ill Toronto â- we have been delarotl in getting our new premise.-? reaily ami a.s ili;T we will be here tor the month of Septen we will try and maki^ ir the rc;d letter liiciith 1 of iiiir .^ale. AVe h,'.\e at present abi.'Ht ^ ol u'outt.s tu y sacrince in •nrn;iiia nn. Nervousness curud iiuickly by /k \ HARMLESS HEADACHE AND â- *-^ NEURALGIA CURE. No \\<--i\n ttcpression. Greatest cure ever discovered. â- Talci^ no oilier, loc and 25c. ^4.il dc.ilers or Jirecl from &Li'i'iN <^ Cu. Simcoe^ Ont. Money back if noi satislicd Tesaoiers Wanted V\)\o Septomber Unh the uijam-sit^fed will roct'ivL' temiurs foe the buildiuy of tiio stonu- wt'ikff tliu n"iw Mutliodist church atCuylun. Work to brt uuiiiplated tliisiiUL IMiLin and s[ji.'uifiuq.tioiJtj uaay be ba<3 by ap- I'lviiJ!,' to S. Ht'DiohUl, Ceyli>u. Tiio ioweBt or auy tt.uJur uot. iiueessarily aoceptrd. T. CHiSLKTT. r >-'â- â- '4 Boots and Shoes. Groceries. Dry- Goods. Ready -to-W ear- Clothing. A.s the time i.s getting short forustobe in Flesherton a Avord to the wi-sc i.s sulhcienr. to have them call and pick up some bai-gaiiis. Everybody knows now that prices its :i!l lines are going to be much higher this fall, so to save money is to bay now at greatly^ re- duced prices. AVe will be allie to save you from thirtv to â- forty per cent on mo.st lines IVoiu v hat vnu will pay this fall. Ytui can depend ou getting a barii'ain if voii call as we mii.st clear all the \'A •4001 Is out. T. J. SH Sproule's Block Flesh i-KTo-V L'^ , "' tr; â- ' <r n w . ' -\ w _ 't • , '^ , w tj r w . ^ w j? ;'* jiV wt 9 ,\\ w ,4 <*^ ' v g ' -^i^ ^ i .V * -v^ '* "- '"^ y. '' ^ '^' r'* . ' \ '^ - '^ '' ' ^"^ ^^^ OWEN SOUND C o lle^ la te tJn s ti tn te RE.OPE.MNO Thursday, Sept. 1. ' C4. The Ow«n Sonn'l Col't-'uiate Instituto will ij- opou lor the Fall Terni &u Ttuirsilav. f*W|tt. 1st. lit. '.) H.m., whun pupils will bu cnroDod iind cl'i^riiliol, and classes ur;»aahjod for tho 'Jeiierul Conrsu; tho Coiniuoroinl Com so : itji all ^lades orri'iicbeid" certiftcates ; for Vass and llonoi- .Inniur aud beuior ^Jatvlciilation, and for uu- tluiiC'i into all the icarnud professions. Stati aud Equipmentâ€" Thn staff consists of nine teachers, Ai,t. bi'Kci r*t.i.srs and xenof the hiiihest professional standing. The oqui)itnoi)t is tlH'roughly modern and uJlicicnt, an J anujg tho bo.-it ill o"i)tario. Termsâ€" The fuus aro : For pupils from the Comi!ii;s o'' Grey, liruce, WeilinHton. Dnffcrin and-Sinicoo. Ten Dollars : frua) uthor couiiti.s, Iwulve to bifteeu Doll ir^. For Annual Anuountiuuiout or other informa- tion, apply to '• hos iMurra y. riincipal, Jno. i/utherii-rd, rtocy-Treas. THE OF xnK ^^Yieaford ^iif/i School WILL TAKn I'L.VCE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1904 AU 'parents havnj;.' ci'iidroti to oihu^^te fire askeil toCA«EFL!LLr'C0N5IDER tb.. ftdlow- inu points ut cunnucttou with this wull-kuowu scni*oi,' 1. A buildinf. *jyn)nasiinii and Rionndt* that for beautv, eiiuipincnt or couifort cannot bo surpassed in tho province. 2. A RtRif of to^chiirs t;f long and SMcoesafnl expoi'ieuco especially qvniUUed to tench their lespeotivy departinoi ts. 'i, A record of 53 JTn>iorTit'avM?« and 21 Senior l^avh'K certittcaU-'*'. besides several n'atiicn- innts and Couiui«roiaI Uipli^mrts in the last '.\ yiiai's. Klcven ot tho -lunior L,eavin.s students Who were siiect!i(*fai hpont only one year of their school life :u a Hi;'h School and that Meaford, and tomo of them at tlu i'" entrance know notbin|? of l-atin. Freiieb, (turniau, Al^te-* bra or Mueiid. t>vor W i;er eont. of those re commended in lOO'J and h.HW piuised, and in ad- dition Bdveral passed who wore not rvcoui- mended. 4. This school is doing auccopsfBhy every form of work done by the largest Coile'^iiatt* In- stitutes in tho province. I'ersonftl Att**nUon is giveu tiO each pnpil. HenutifuL niedais and priy,os aro '>peu fo.- couipotition tn each form, i^iblic spiakiug, dcbatinit.siHfjinKauiiatldetioH are!iti:0iiKJv enc<»nra*;«'h '>. Tho hi^h scand taken by araduafes of tlio Meaford High Suhoul at tlie Soruinl aud the I'uivorsitios ann the ex-eilent reteorti niftuy ol its [,'tAduates aro making in the tvachiiiK pro- fesBiou, prove tho efflcieucy of the work dou*\. FeeAâ€" $10 per auuuiu. Boiiid.e3.00 to $a.M iu pi{VAt>e.homeH. Send for a beautifully illustrated proFpectn«», a compendinm of information resi'0''tiiig the scho«>I, the town aud tbe latest re^ulAtious is- sued this summer. A. McK. Camkbcn, J. L. ConNWBu., Secieto^y r,riucipal. I DOU G L AS S' I S F.\R-F.\.1ED O g l-|udson (Condition Oovvder § when used with :«ry surt ef stock will ii'wnys pffulucu FOH SAU; .IT I ilEDICAL HALL % (T> 25c. per pound or $1.00 for .'> pi!uiuic<. g;^ 1 Mc. ^t«. â- !"-• -'"'-• S'*" •"«• •>'''' •*''• '*'*' •^'«' •*'<" •*' •*.'*• ^''' ^'^ •*"•â- i?'"-: '^''' >%^'i •-% ;^"i;^'&.•5'fc:J?fe "Sfi ^1% . â- ^^%«'^?''*i*' "SiJ^ii? vS^i^W '/if '/i? i<i? 1(1?^,? ui^'<g- â- •/,> "iii" •Of -Ji*" '/it' ->.«• w •/!<• -w v«^ '/lo '/i> â- '/fS» fl We are just receiving a nsw supply of || •TUt- # # School Books. for the pern ng The NEW PRIMER part i and I! 3. Everything in school wants. X i I Richardson & Son | 8 DRUGGISTS g V i f^