} FFiOM THE SPIRIT f UED SOME OF JOHN LOBB'S LATE EXPEREENCES. The English Scientist is a Recent Convert to Spiritu- - alism. HIS GRAVEL WAS SURELY CURED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MOVED THE STONES. EE- And Now Reuben Draper is Well and Strong Alter His Long Suf- fering. Bri.-,lol, tiut'.. M. John Lobb. IMi.G.S.. whovo conversion to spiiilnalisiu has caiisfc* Sirpri.se in .Vonc-oniorni,-,i cin-les in 1-nglanJ whi-n- I'or yars lie ha.s been a bright and sliinint; ijvlit, 'la.s (liv- en a London •• l^vpre-^ii" ' eprosema- Bri.-,lol, »4ue.. Sept. 5 â€" (Special;.â€" tive lui-ther details oi his invo.-^ti','.!- Keuben D.>-iiper. a well-known lesi- *'"ns. dent hrre, kef-p.s ihi! prooi' right with "1 fear," he said, 'that iny friends him that [locUls Kidney Pills will will attribute my connection with surely rare the miifh rlreadcd Gravel, f spiritualism to the fact I'hat for a Thu proOi con.sists of two stones, one i period of live years I was chairman the si/e of a small beati and the i Of the Lunatic Visiting Coium.ittoe of otlier as bi? a.s a t;rain of barley. He the City of Lonxlon Union and a !pus«ied these vtoncs and wu.s relieved Diember of the Parenth A.syluni Com- of all the terrible puin.s I'ney caused piittee, 'huvinj? charge of upwards of ^affor usinjj; Hodd's Kidney fills for 3,00o idiots and imbecile.^. a .short time. Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best Auk for tlie OcUeau Bar. -^ •If b.inK happv is madness, than ^r- Draper is confident that Dodd's I am mad, for .sihce 1 became a spir- ''-laney .^'ills and noUiinfj else causetl Itualist I have never had a moment's i^'s cure, as he tried two doctors I'atiem-c â€" "You say Ihcv (luarrrll- ed?" FatricB â€" "Ves; and she return- ed all his gills. And whut do you suppo.se he didV" Patienceâ€" "Cunt guess." I'atrice â€" "Sent her half-a- doi^en boxea of face-jiowder. with a note e.xplaining that he thought he hud taken at least thai much hoiui- on his coat since he lirst knew lier. ' â- unhappinews. '-My life has been one of gladness, 'or is it not glorious to be able to alk with loved ones who are dead'.'" Asked to desi'ribe some of the ghostly l)plngs with whom hi- has lately conversed. Mr. Lobb readil.v cOESpnte<l to do so. stating that quite recently he has had long con- versations with his relations and friends, some of whom have been dead for more than thirty years. SPIPaTUAL HAMKSIIAKK. "It is not usual to shake hands with a spirit," he said, "but T .have fie(|Utiitly done so. ".'Spirit hands are cold and flabby (but human. I hehl one without getting help, and was fast getting wraU and despondent he slopped ail other treatment and started to take Podd'.s Kidney Pills. In a week he pa.ssed the large .stone and four days later the siiialler oni;. This cure causes a feeling of relief over OHople in tijicse parts as it shows those ti-rrible operations, long thought to be una\ oidahle in case oi Cira\cl. are no longer necessary. Klli\ He â€" "Fitz Sappy Was de.sjjcr- j ately in love with Priscilla. \Vh\ , j he used to .send her the most expen- when Hjvij flowers and presents nearly ev.-ry ^ ^^^^ USE '^ISLAND CITY" ^^^yP^ir HOUSE AND FLOOR l^P^ PAINTS ^^^ Will Dry in 8 Hours. on Sale at all Hardwars Oaalsr} Toronto, V^anooiiver. p. D. DODS & CO., Monticnl, i clay far nearly three iears. j "Did he liiiully win her'.'-' "Xo: ha earne<l her." Ferdie â€" E thy He- Preachers who mai-ry for uionev are the only ones who get as much as they expected. 'nHSACCO .\ND BALDXESS. A medical man is responsible for the theory that the smoking of to- bacco tends to develop baldness. For some reason or other every myster- ious diseasf is attributed, sooner or of these i later, to tooacco. But there W(!re brave men before Agameiiinun, and there was dise-ase before the days of I Sir Walti-r Kaleigh. .Julius Ce;is.ir, 1 who light.'d neither church-warden i nor ha\atia, was wont to comb his [ thiniring locks forward o\ lu- his brow I in order to cloak his baldness, and j Klisha certainly could not have pre- served his hair at the period when he I was insulted b.v ribald ijoys. From earth's e-ailiest ages there ha\e sure- ! ly been men walking under the ever- lasti^ig tirmanieut with smooth and shiii\" heads, und we altogether pro- and they so wear the.jtest! therefore, against the addition hti.ds once lor more than two min- utes, and was convinced that. al- though not of llesh and blood, it was luy hand in his ,inst as if I met ,Vou in the street and we had shaken hands. "As a rule spirits I'oiiie straight in (lont of my face, and in appearance th.-y are exactly like what they were when on this earth, except that they look more relinc'd, their features being finel.v chiselled. "Their clothes aie a kind of ethcr- fali/ed uui.sliii HO-^I'ITAL FLOWKHS A(l thi; iicspilals and ahnshou.ses in Ueiliu are regularly supplied wi!i fresh Howes from the public gar- dens, while twice a week each of tl .• national schools receives from !<lo ic 1511 specimens of four ililTerent Kiials of plants for u.se at botany lessons Potatoes Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these article* and wa will get you good prices. THE DAW? ON COM MISSION CO, Umltod Cor. Wast Market and Oaltoorna Sta , TORONTO. costumes as to resemble garments |o( baldness to the cumulative charges Ihey wore when in the llesh. I brought against tobacco. It is one "T have made a strong point of | of the saddefit evidences of morlal- Hsking them ques-tioiis, and they tell rae that they have complete power over all matter. Passing through brick walls is to them like jra-ssing thiough an open door. They are al- so highly concerned at the material- ^ ism that has spriitiir up among the j i-htirch life of the world, and urge \ atue to bring to the thoughts of con- gregations the triie nieaning of a ispiritiial life. MKETS LOim ."-^IIAI'IKHBUUY. "I was at a unH'ting a short timi? i ago when someone said, Lord Shal- : lesl>i:ry is coming.' and. s'lre enough that greatest of all [ihilanthropists 01 the last i-entury appeared in our midst, and came to me and said. â- liob bless vou. .John Lobb.' "1 looked careiully at the great ; man, but particularly at his long. refined fme. He was smiling witih a holv iov. Then he suddeuly vanish- ed.' "This hapiieuetl at the I'sychologi- '.al .Society: and Lord .^hafte.'^bury was siuii by nineteen other people besides iiiyseli'. At the .sanie meet- ing 1 asked the siiirit control to perniit me to see my nu>ther â- ' 'Vou can see her in two min- utes' time,' was his reply; and in two min. lies' time in.v mother arriv- ed, and we had a very long conver- sation .she spoke (piietly. but her voice was the same as of yore." Mr Lobb. in rej>ly to t.he fpiesti.m as to whether or not evil .spirits were ever permitted to enter the circle of uiiod spirits, replied: E^il, SPIRITS UF.FUSKD. "lince .in evil .spirit tried to joia our circle, but was driven .;way by Booil spirits \\ho guard t h^^ circle fioii. hariu." ".s'piiitualism, " he continued, "links you with those who have gone beyond, and it roli.s death of its ter- tX>PS . "Jn ever,v gi'ade of snciety there are hundreds of svirituolists. hut . ihp,v are afraid to own up. bcH'ause v^thcy thijik the.v will be lauglHtl at ''•by their :rien(ls. I don't mind being . •lui^ii'd at, wh.v should 1, when I Hn|lj,o ha|>p,\^'.' "â- You will see that before long spir- itualism will supersode the ihurches â- What is the reason of tieneral <ioi>th's success? I'll tell you. He is si'li itualist. although lie does not Jotiss to be one Perhaps he .loes krow it. but thai mftgn"tie f)i>r- lily of his is only the out- thing of the Spirit." ity's inherent and incurable baseness that tobacco, which is certainly one of mankind's chiel'est blessings, should 1)0 forced to bear out into the wiliieruess of medical theories nearly every sickness and ev il which, so far, the saei'etl weed has been unabla to ivmove. MEDICAL CONVF.NTION. Ueiejiates to the iledical As-socia- tlon at \ ancoiiver can return through ban Fiiincisco, Los .Vngeles, Salt Lake City, Denver and the "World's Fair" St. Louis, b> purchasing tick- ets sold to Sun !â- laiicisco, account Knights Templar meeting. Tickets on sale from .Vugiist 15th to September ytli, good for return until Uclober 23rd, with stopover privileges in each direction. This is au open rale to the public, as tici^- ets are not sold on the certificate plan. The rate from Toronto will be $70.25. Correspondingly low rates from other points. Tickets can be purchased going via Vancou- ver, returning through above cities. or vice versa. i By writing If. I". Carter. Traveling Passenger .\gent. Union Pacific Rail- road, 14 Janes Building. Toronto. tOut., he vvill give you full informa- tion. There is more t'aturrli in this section of the country than all other fli.s..'.L-;*'s put together, and until tlio last. i.;\v years was .supposed to be iiiourabl. j For a great many .years doctors :-: - nouiict'd it a local disease and prfsr,-,i>- I ed local remedies, and by const.Lnil\ ; laiUng to cure Willi local trealm.'nt. j pronounced il incurable. .Sience â- .- proven eatarrh to be a consiitutrHi.' ! 1 disea.su and therefore requires eons'.i: i- tional lr'?atnient. Hall's Catarrh fur--, niannfactured by V. J. Cheney & l.'-i . Tilled*), Ohio, is the onl.v coirstitutittn- al cure on tlie market. It is taken in- ternally in doses iruin 10 drops to a tfastMjoni'ul. It acts direi'tly .jn tile tdood and mucous surfaces of the * ys- Leiu. They olTer one hundred .Ljiuifs for any case it fails to cure. Send for Circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY &. CO.. Toledo, o .Sold by Druirgists. T3c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- patiua. GAN BE MAD Palis, Wash Basins, IMilk Pans, &c Any Flrat-Claas Qrooor Can Supply Vou. INSIST ON QETTINQ EDDY'S- Dominion Line Steamships §| Margartlt'S College, Toronto. Pon't fiirgel can smell fried roast tiirkc'V. that voiir neighbors onions further than MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL IS- Moderate Rate Service. "«» Set oml rit'iiii pii^ci';;t-|-s bertln^J in l-es: atTonnno. d.licii o;i Uli' liUamt-r at lUt; l>\v race of *W lo Liveriioid ,»r ^2.50 to Loniion. Tliird clii.^ to I.ITeriiooI. Loruloii. t;la-s;,'->w i-r QHeen^tâ- 'Wllâ- $13.00. For ail liartieillars apply to iotal agents, or tlO.MlXloN l.l.VK OFFICES, 11 KiDtjSt. K., Toruu:o, 17 si. Sacrameut St . Moiitrfu TO F\ li:UMI.\"A TF. ilOFSK FLIF.S. Scientists h;iv ing pro\ed that tlie coinmon house fiy is res|Joiisible for the spread of some of the most dead- ly diseases, it becomes the duty if every bou.sekeeper to assist in exier- iirinating the little pests. Many contrivances have been ii.m.'iI for the purpose, including lly traps of many kinds, sticky |.)aper. atwl dilf.'r- eiit luitkes of poison, lair although all vvill kill some tlies there alvvavs ?«?enis to be us uuiny l(»fl tis evi'i'. There is i>nl,\ one reullv effect uul vvuv t(j kill I hem all, and that is Wilson's Fly Pads, being suie to follow the drrectioiis carefullv . One ten I'iicket ol Wilstuis Fly Pads has been known to kill a Ijushel of fiii's. and a few inids propei'ly u.sed will kill all the flies in an.v room iii a lew hours. SI'".TI"l..i-'l-;.S I.ii'A liAri'S WKXST Via 1 he Cliicago ind N'orlh W.-stern Railwiiv. ev fiy tiay iroiii Sept. l.")ih to Oct. V.">lh, s,.iii..rs one way second cla.ss tickets at very low rates from I hiiat:o lo poiu:s in U'ali, .Montana. Nevada. Iil.ilio. Oic'tjtui. Washington. I'tiliforui.i . tiKii I .> \'itlor-ia. Van- couver, \'ew Westminster, Knsslaml aiitl iitli.-r lu.inis in the Kooteiia.v Histrict. I 'oi r.'spoiidinglv low i-aies from all ipomts in Cantida. Kull parti'ulacs from nearest ticket agent or H. !l. n.'iin.'tt. Ceiieral .Vgeiit. '_' l'"ast King .'-street. Toronto. (Int. While the I'liuaid lini'r 'Tmbria" was in niiil- At lantic. L.Iini utiles cent f,.„„] I-'.ngland. ;i pigeon l)oarded the ves'sel with a message from London. Re-open Sept. I2th, A high-class residential and day school for girls, ilodern etiuipment. Specialists of European training and of the highest academic and profes- sional stan'T.ng in ev erv department of work. I oe booklet apply to MRSk CFOKGE DICKSO.N'. L.tdv Princi- pal; t;ii:t'RGr'; 'dick.'-hin'. m.a., ni- rector 'late Principal Upper C^anada College >. CARPET DYEiNQ ^^ and <;:a»n[ng, Thii is » •pecmlty with the BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ 0<X Seiidp»rtlcuiAi> byn)?L auJ we .iroaura toi AittfrM* Box 16S. MontrtAl. /iB/y Utaxii's Linifnent imi IW^\ (â- 'There is a grave-digger sciiotd in Bru.5Sids and all candidates for the post of se.xtion in Belgium, to be eligible, mu.st have graduated from this school. For the vear ending llti.v ;Jlst last. 001 persons were injured by motor- cars and motor-cycles in the the Lon- ilon Police I'istrict. and si-venieen pei'si>ns were killed. A piece of lancewood sciliare will stand a strain pounds belore breaking. an inch of 23,000 Lever's "V'-'Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant .Soap Powtler dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. HE'S SO CI.FVK.U. vour husbaml take as much in horscp racing as he used "Poes ' interest to?" ' "Yes," answered yoiin.g Mrs. 'Tor- kins. "Charley run alvvn.v s tell the ; ilav before a race which horse ought to win and the ilay after why he I didn't." i nsfliiTs unimeni un mm id eon i C. t'. RICIIAKDS ct t'O. Dear .Sirs. â€" For some .vears I havo had only partial use of :iiy tirui. caused b.y a sudden strain. 1 have used ever.v reuietly without i JYect, until I got il sample bottle of MIN- AHPS LINIAIKN'T. The b.Mi.-.ii I re-' eeived from it c:ti.sed me lo i-oiitinue ' its u,se. i:nd now 1 am happy to su.v ^ III'.' arm is coi'.'letel,v ri*stt»re(l. GUmis, Ont. R. W. H AKI ;l.s< IN". Por Over 5l»ty Vc*r« â- fw Wisni-ownSooTHiNO STBUr baa beao mail '^ DiUliomof mmli.-n for ihei- ohildrto •hils wethini It»ootbe»thf ohild, -(Hli;o> th.^ aiiiiii-. allaj' pain. ouro. wiud colio, reijulatea llieBtoiiiach ami iiowela, aud la t!l« brtlreniedy Icr Diarrhma. Titeia.v :!â- <â- c-nw a hotel. Sold bf dnlttgiat* UirntKhout Uia world. »• tufa au.l aaklor"Mu.'>. Wi.nsi.u» sSooihi.'^u SvRnr. .-â- . jBi^w.v.'ae.'':^**'^ Cut Rates to Southwest and 2J-IU \ beaut iiul ji-t-ldack been added to 1 he cidlei nulls in the .larilin des Paris.' lihick lions are lioiu'ss has â- tion of ani- Flantes in iiuind only m the interior of the Sahara. "How is that little mining .seheine j o( jcutrs gelling along'.' " .\ny moiiev in it?" ".\ny iiionev in it? W.dl. i 1 should say so '. .VU of mine, all i>f j mv wife's ami about thicH' thousand that I got from my friends." ] GUKSS HF.'S HIGUT. ITerâ€"l womli-r wbv haiulsoine wom- en u.siiallv marrj homel.v men? Hiui â€" 1 1 must be due lii the fact that the honiel.v men ask them. '^imh Wm'A Cores Disteniiie:. SOl.PIF.RS" SIPLKSTITIOXS. MWs Uniinent Cuies Celos, elc. linyâ€" "Why tlitl .vim leiuse liim ?" Glad.v.-*â€" "He has a |>ust. " Mayâ€" "But he can blot it out." Clalysâ€" •Perhaps: but he can't usV- me for a blotter! " Floselistâ€" "WilliiUii niost hoiieful vDung llardcnsh â€" "What m: so?" Clo.setistâ€" "He row niouev from me.' Hunt is the man I know." ik.'S vou ;hink tried to bor- When lirst taken fnun mines, opals are s<i tender Hiat they nia.v bf pick- ed to pieces with the linger-iiail. iVHIMiF. ME LOST HIS XOSK. i. A' private soldier who had fought .bravely luring the Hoer- War had oc- usioii lo M'ek emplo.vmeiM of a well- Known general. This j)rivale had >niil I he niisftwtiine to lo.se his nosV \sli in iictlon. The general was .so lii/.i.-d with the apl>earame of tho ~ >ie that he burst out into loud iter, lo the iliscomftture of the' private. The genm-al said, when his ' laughter had sul>sided â€" "My good fellow. where did you ; lose .vour nose?" j I "1 lost mj nose, sir," said the net- I ' lleti private. "in the same battle ihttt vou lost yuur he»d." Kt u ytrivat .^ fa light T', Summer IVHooping Cough The rhiJdren »tH»in \o ca'rh wiiovipiii;^ | ruuKt) P't*il> i" 1 1^<' •'iiiniiiPr ' i^no ^v \\v-u It isalWK>«»oiuuvtkbiu-UvrlOKut rid ot. 1 SHiloK's Consuinptioi> Cure To'nic'""* will cur* tliciD quickb. There ia n» iiOurlciio drug In il and it i» )>1chvim: to tikke. At all druKirtaU. Cr>iv . 10c. and tl <«.> a Im" : Among the nunic'ious supei'stitions of the I'o.ssucks iheri- is none strong- er than the belief th.U they will en- ter Heaven in a better stale if they are pi-vsonally clean at the lime they are killed. Conseipiently. before an , e.viWH.t.'d battle they perform their j toilfts with .scrupulous care, dress i thfinselves in clean gannents. and ( ptit on the best they tiave. 'This i I superstition Is not coiilituHl lo the: ' (.'o.s.«<acks alone, but is widely pri»- , \ ivaleni in all branches of the Ku.s.sian ' anny ! I r.xoiK«i TO TiKK o\b:r. Miss Kichgirl â€" Heolly. iw. it > ecuel to a*'^ George to wait untU.^ spring. He says if our marriage is ipostponed. he'll die. I Old C.pntlernanâ€" Oh. woii. I'll len* ! Uiut ai.ough to p«y his bonnl. \ Nome Left To BotKer You After Using Wilson- Fly Pads S&i ! Kvcryrrlirrf yo cents ISStlE NO. 36â€"04 California $ 53 I'liicago to California, one way, ilaily .Sept. l.*") to Oct. 1.". l';ood in 'Tour- ist sleepers, berth rate ex- tra. $ 20 Chicago to Oklahoma. In- dian Ter. tiiid Texas: i-oiind-tiip, -Aug. 211 .Sept. IX and '2~ . lirst-clasa. three weeks return linut. 25 I hicago to Pe<os "Valley of New" .Mi'xico. Same dates as 'he Okhihoni.i rate. For fiir'her information, .isk F. T AGT. HKNDKY. GKN 151 (lilswold .St.. Detroit, Mich. :MZ' Santa Fe 4,