Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1904, p. 8

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Ski'temuku 8 1004 Jll M... .11â€".. I I _._ .UJ_ The Markets. i'lirs'iuMy Coriortcd E:><-:t Week OdtA -'«'" 2|) reus .... ^'' *â- " "2 lJari,7 â- .â- .â- ..".â- .'.â- .". . 45 lo 43 liuti.r 1? '«' l-l Kjkh f^i'-li '" ^'' ^5 \V,..,I, cash Iti '<< ^ !7 Hay ^_ I" 6 ^V' i'oWUius hAi •" 'â- ^' 7" THE FLESIIEllTON ADVANCE ers Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quiets tickling throats, hack- ing coughs, pain in the lungs. It relieves congestion, sub- Our Clubbing List I Cherry *A(Uiiiici', *l!crHKi Mini ♦â- 'ruruiito World, iluily. . . . '.!'nii.!K.j D.iiiy Ntfvr.s Wu-I.ly 01"')" Mii.lKi!i[Miv Kniiiiiv UcniM & Star. . T.ioiit.i Sl:ir Fuimeis Sun All alwvo |iricon iiicliulo Tlia Advanco and Mor,!rf::.l II.-niM, rf I'nid in iwlvRiice only lOiirly suijeciiui;ia tjCl l.cst >!t;u»; or lli-.ir in.iiioy. 83 25 1 85 , 180 1.80 . 1.80 . 1.80 1.80 The F-a!! Term & will l,.-in o;., THURSDAY, SKPT. 4tl;. '.''he ha-^a wuv wii.i?, mtw bi-iii^ Imilt to tlia (,Vi!ics;« mil l;eoi)iiil''''''-'' "'"-' '>â- "'"â- â€¢''''- c.l duriiJL; tlio liuUdiiys aul will bo t'liuiied Tiii; Novtlutrn i-< t'lo â- â- nly collog^? _iii • C:iiimi;i o'.viiinj; ii C>lk!^c liuiluiiin. The new u'iiia; will provide ui'O'iiiiinndut.icm fur K'O nvm s'aidiiiiis. Snid fur ciictilur ito.s.riliiii:; o'.ir coursp-i uf slinly, which «re, Jlvisiiiu.ss (jc.ursi-, .Sliorllmiid Hiid ~Ty [)(.•. vritiMi; Course, I'rt'iKiriitury Course. Ad;eas: C A f-leming. Frincipa! <)WE.N'.S0L'X1), ONT. ectoral dues inflammation. It heals, strengthens. Your doctor will explain this to you. Helinows all about this cough medicine. "We have nteil Ayer'^ Cherry Pectoral lu out (aniCy for J6 years for throat iinii lung trouble!. RU(t we tliliiW ao nicdlduo e^^uu^» It. 2ie..,i^...t}00. I A!l rfrHKEf.U. Hum. a. i'OKSBOV. Ai^yleteu, Mlim for J.C. AYSR 00. Lowell. Ma«i». Weak Throats t>yer'B Pills greatly aid rocovery. Pitrcly vegetable, gently taxativOi /4 SPECIAL A choice line of Baby C^arHages and 0o=0art$ Durham Bull fcr service 7\o Kpristf.iiiil Diulmin Kull, "KING EDWARD" Imp., will stivncl for Bcrvicf rn lot 'J9, S D. h.. <or IWJi. TU'.jfi'Ktlv.-iu-iI irtiuliiik rtd.fioortl'.uavy â-  t'Olie Hliii l!Hl.<cll. oml Wi"l ilnvclopi''. Ii" ia i" only I'liii Hfivieonblu coinUtinn wid -.vill lift llie 'ofu'iii lit twenty- two hiiiulruJ ll).-t. ami is jclin iier twi.-jft'.r.olii ulasR. i'i;i;>iGURH Kins K.lwnrrl ri-il, ciilvral .Vjiril lOtli, IKll.lmid by .J-ilnj Vuulif; 'J'iibotiric!', Mtirvcultyr, Su )t- liulil. iriii>intr 1 io I'.ulii 111 iwi'j by tMiiiil.is ilunlviM. \Vycbilrti.'«. <>nU. i;ot by Suotti-ib riitK';i7..""':;i â- â- i.ii) l.ovhni''k r. it/i, itnii,. :!S-.UJ7. Ijv Al.ii. Gwvuru C^'.'.!'.!, Ki'.l Hi?.- bv I'orMaliH i' ofCIiniy (;i:7-.M'o»;i. vricl bv Ili.citoilM'ili;. Uosiu bv Li.MitiiiuiitKHl;!, Jili !7:li by .-Mbo.t m^'M, ,Jilt \.'.ih In GirviM oii.l Jili.:, PonsiiUi Clarot by Veriiiiiiit 47i'.).:.clcii t Ibt n, DuUn '.«.!«, Claim by S' niiot \'i.|\*tt Ul'.iir., lluil.i.ia by UlliivuUii'i yJHH}, b'lb, il.i by 'I lu Vaclia Tlil'i, (.'loiua by Uiid lli.kti of N>'ilMii:iiibu;)niul :ii:!l), Nora by fillc'H :ii:U. Kniil/ by t-illvry ilill, Kliza bv '"Voiiui; vVi.i.u-111 t'f-ii.o'- l.'.7."i. I.uily Urtly bv Pia lul â- .ii.i.Httly by ruvu.ito i".6,by c:kiarg.j'» l:ni Hull I.-iO. TF/itMS Tbnr'nirlibrijil now- f.'i ; u'^'l'" * 1 .50. A" -)»avabk. l..^I.I'i:r.iai . 130':. ('ir.vr, si'l veil by thin hi'injai and nut rutiii-.U'il will bu colluetuil for wtidtliKr in ca.'f oi' i.ot, \V. J. MEADS, Cejlon.Ont. Fleslierlo.T Hariioss Einporium. Just to hand, Tlie latest ihin^ inLlidso ^'ocla, and low in [irico. Corqe arid see Tlien|, BiBSECLEMlM BEjIISITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. rLE5H0R!0N ONT. BUSINE.SS Cards •^'CLLbOCUlI & YOUNG Jo a iiMiioriil banking buBiijor.s . ^loney loaueo a roiiKouablo vatd Cull on us. n J SI'KOUIiK 'â- '' Poj'.,iiiast.it, Fleshorton >jOiiiini!.<.;iinor in II.O.J., Atictiouuor Cou ?cyaticuc, AiiitraiflLT and Aloiicy Loodto Ileal ^JStattl aii.l Insuraiice A{;fint. DeodF aiortijaituK. loascn au'i willrf oavol'uUy tUawu up ariil valuations mailo on shortoHl notice. iioiU'v to loan at lowofct vuteii ol iuttioHt. Col jotio'U atttjoibvi to Witb proruptnoBu iiliaivoK low. Agiint lor Ocoau Duiuiuiou S'..iiiiuhlii[) Company. A call soliuitetl. Societies SPECIALTIES tor the Season^ Fly Ne s. Du.sters, Stable Slieets, Hoof Oiiitrqerit, Curry CcrTibf:, BrUGt]OG ar\d Binder â- y/qipG. GloVG.T for liarvesters aqd Tl)re3l]GrG. TrunKG and valises always 0T\ l\an; BINDER TWINe-McCorrriack. FxaiTiire ll]is twine and you will buy. U Al« N KSH M AN U KA OTtJ K I >^0 111 all Its L>mnclii-.id. 7iir M. IVI O O R 13 R. Kinnear & Sons -.M A X W KL L- Tiiis i..< ihe iiliieo to hiiy bootd and thoea. â- We have thi. rmtod Ahnii .Shoe of all siz- i»; hU(i \V. H. llHiiiilloii'* lioola mid Shoen, In our dry goods we have; Mbii'h Keiifera niid tuitii, odd I'aiils (iiid .luckots, UverHlls Hiid Swrnters, It.iiii (loats huJ Over- cunts. Our I'riiits need III) mvn- tioa, we aiv sulliiiK kII wu chii liiiiidlii.fiKiy Cotton fiom 6 Ui 10 leiilii, Wall Paper, 5, (i, 7, 8, U and 10 coni8 per double lull. We claim lo gir« tho host valun in Ji|mn Tua iiurlli iifTurouto, Our proi-ery liiifs are full and freah. V'e al«> handU ropoa, naili, hinges putty, lawa, axca, rikoi, forks, ajiaUfs, shovela, o'o, Oh-n Huron Flour •Uajra uii hand. A O U M inonts 01. tlio Inst Montlay ^ in Bajii mouth, iu thoir longa room. f'liiist.ie'fl 1-iook. FleHliortoo. at. P p.m. M.W., V. H.nTisoii ; RHcoriUir, .Jafi. Felt-t*.ad ; I-'inan- cier, W..I. Kubniuy. Viuitiiit; livotUrcti luvitctl PUI.S'fJF, AIITHTH LODOE, Ko. H.S3. A. A ?.[, moots in tlio Mn,soolc ball. Strain's block. KicKhwrton, nvory Friday on or before tho lull luoco. !•• H VV UickUu« \V M. ChttS UuuHhaw, Socrotary. COUltt KLKSIll-'.m'ON, I. O. F. moots rs l.'liriRtoo'R Itlock the lart Friday evening paoh iiionth. Visitiiifj PoroFtoif beartily voli-.niin. <;. If., r. W. ItHllaniy ; It. C, W. Dnnkiii ; Kin. SMc.Dr K. Murrav. (Pay iliioa to Dr. Murray on or boforo last day of uauli uioutb. ]\Ii'I)ICAL DW CAUTIITt M C I' * S Out. Physician^ Snrpoon. oto O.llce and rositjenoe- The Owen Sound Oil V/ell On Tuesday afternoon tho Orin'ston well, drdlud by tho Ony ami Bruce Oil and Gaa Cu , was torpedoed a aecoiid lime. Ouo liunJrud uiid twenty qutrta of iiilro-glycerino were dinchmgcd. Tho cnnipaiiy's olliciAls arc Well pleased with the reBullK, iilthoH;ih they will iml spoiik for publication. 'J'hey are s^itii-fied they arc working on an anticline. It i.s rnre ihut such a good shiwing of oil is found by (Irilliiij! a territory for the first time. Diillin;; will he procooded with at oiico in diflereiit imrls ot the territory now under least, and 8 pump will in all iirobubility be placed at thu Orniiston well at once. From Saturday iiiglit until Monday inoniing 22 feet of line oil flowed into the well, and tho direct irn claim that it is more productive tiiice it wis torpedoed a .'second lime, Thu oil ia said to be ihe lightest in Cunada, and stood 3008 grav- ity test. Other Ontario wells test a* folloWrt : I'etrulen 32, Oil Springs o"), and Le.-iniin^loii 37. â€" 0. S. Sun. The H&rly Vegetable Industry, Tho Fruit irrovver.s in Essex county who Iiave th'3 ye;ir forced vooctables for early auuiiner markets h.ivo had a very pros- perous 'acasMii as will bo announced in the September i«suc of the Canadian Jlorti- culturirt. The .shipments this year have been the largest on record am! have not been equal to the demand. These vcno- tables ore started under glas.s in the late winter, are later transphiited under cot- ton frames and finally grown in the open. This method enables th-) ^rowcr.< to place their produce on the iniuliet unieh earlier than regular crop. Those vej^etaVjlcs are superior to tlio imported ones from the United State.s, which havoin the past prac- tically sui'plied all the demand. Owing to tho satisfactory prices realized this year, it is probaMu that ultiiniitely early Canadian vegetable may largely diii.'laco the United States importation.s. I'otor St , FlOBheitoii V. T. liOND (iiiirlnato Toronto Trnivorflty. Mem- bur of Ontario Collope <ij rhyt.icilanH and Snv- goonj. Muxwull. On', riuocesnor to Dr. Scott. Can Shelljurne Survive This ? It is reported that a meteor fell re- cently near Shelburne. The truth of the matter is it was a projectile from a Jap- anese gun. A .lap gunner who had iiu bibed too freely of captured Uussian li(|nor "vas too coi;fu.scd to dialinuui.sli Port Arthur in Manchuria and Fort Arthur iu Ouiario anil took a shot at the latter place, but fortunately with no worse ic^uh tlian that mentioned. People who have no idea of the inunense power and range of tlie modern ar'illery nriy tind this diflicull of belief. But soriou-sly, is it any more uni easonablo than to be- lieve that anything of a co!e.itial nature would stop near Shdluine.â€" Grand Va'.hy Star. â€" ~ ^-Ma.*-^ T P OTTISWULI, * Votarlnary BurReon Ora/luato of Ontario Veterinary Colleiie. ruKiduiice â€" Bjoonil iloor south woBt on Marv Btroct. Thin Btro« raui south Prosbyterian Church. fi WII.BON, BlaLknullh 'iraJnate of tlio Veterinary Bclenco Aasoclatlnn. Uosidouoe, Durham Itreut, op- poaito Iloyd, Hicklii.s'n harrlwara. Legal LUCAS vvuianT * moahdi.r narrlntera Solicitors ConvByancera, etc Offlcos-Owan Sound, Onb nud MarkilalB Ont. W H WaiuHT, McAroi.k 1 H Lf<;*s H Uâ€" I'loahorton oCloe, Mitcbell'i Ilauk «Tcry Satunlay. ACKAV*SAMPSON .Ilarriatera. »olloltorii, â€" " 'â-  *'?rc>iant'« CDudalk M OKFICKS ; -Owen Soiiort, Mejrchanta i<auk Htock, N. -if Pattomon Ilouae. ain 8lr«et, every Hkturday. Monov to loan at 4 J |>or oml. , , „ A. O. MA(!KAY..M a, U.K. BAMPHO}».Ii.I.D Alwavn In attandanco at Fl»»harton and Dundalk DWiisloii Court*. Dentistry DR. e C. MURRAY, I. D. 8. Cartel inr([«>n honor ir.rto.to of Toronto tlnlrertlty and Roval Oollefii "f \>«nt»l 8nroi>''>i» "' Ontario- omeaâ€" OnPO»lt« Armllroni's Jewellery Htora. Win Tl.lt Maiwel Itie Ust Wednsxl. ^f ,.,1. m<.n«>-. and D«n4alk 1 and I Ttauraday et aach n oath. Danger of Living With Consump- tives Is real danger beeau.sc the sputum of aQ'ected persons dill'ii>-'es it.self through the air ami liiuls lodgment iu tho .systtni (if others. If ixpo.-.ed I) ooii.vump'ion u.so frajjr;int lu-aling Catarrln/.oiK', the iiioivt ettieieiit geiinic'do known, No cn-.o of catarrh can wilhst.tiid Catarrhozosu! hUIcIi cures thi.s Iiatlisuine disessf ihorouglily. Cold in the head is cured in a few minutes, and bronchitis, aslhuia and lung troulilo are oundto st ly cured if Catarrho/.onii is employed. "I don't know any renudy .so g' od fir catarrh ami bronchitis as (^ilarrhozone," wri'es N. T. Eaton of Knowlton. "It cured nio after years of sull'eiing and Haved me from con sinnptioii. Two inonth.s treatment 81.00; trial sizn 25o. . » n # n â-  Mr. George Popper of T.bermury h; s for some time been woikiiiu on a new .system of laying railway rads. His pro- posal ia to make a cein.-nt box 12x12 to hold a cedar block GxO, bedded into this cement l>ox wiih oarlli. To this block the lails aie spiked, and tioii are done away with entirely. After the cement boxes, blocks and rails tire in po.sition, he proposes making a cement roadbed, ex- ifiidinc 14 inches outside the rails tn both s'tloa. Mr. Pepper explains his theory in a convincing w.ay, and when tiet and tho woik of keeping the tracks ill cood order is considered, ho claims it will be clwapei than the present .""ys^em. x\iiyway tho Giiiiid Trunk is going to try it. lloadmastor Davy \»ss here on Fii- day and arranged with Mr. Pepper to put down a aection of line in his way at Shallow Lake, and it n ill be thoroughly tented by tho company. If it is what Mr. Pepper claiuia, tho railways wdl i|uickly adopt it, which will be a good thinfi for him. â€" Wiarton Canadian. Thu excitcinunl over the Kold mine on the farm owned by ,laeol> Silk is increaa- iDg and farm lauds north of Shelt>urne are going up rapidly in price. There are now iiptiuna held on scvaral farms in the vicini'y. An rtjieil has traced the Tain I w Bilrtr or gold acr<«ti twu or three farius ia Mchncthon crossing the town lino into Au.acanth and an option has been taken on part of the west half, lot 31, iu the hrst concession of Amatanth. If tho ex- perts idea.s are correct, Sheiburno will be in the centre of tho niinin)( localities. â€" Froo Press. Wo understand that the tewnships of Minto and Kornianliy are goinj{ to V(e asked lo pay 52000 dainsgea on account of iiijurica sustained by Rlrs. Plant, of Oedarville.two troeks ago. Her injuries have proven Co bQ of a serious nature. Both the ki.ce and hip j'iint.i wore di* located. The bono of the socket of the latter is broken and tlio ball is broken from the thigh bone, while the top of t'.ie pt Ivibis broken. Other circumstances in- crease the seriousness of the accident. There was a high unprotected embank- ment mIibic it took phico and tho road was very narrow. Bein;^on the town line both townships are concerned. The Small-pox Question. Any iiitollii;ent physician will adaiit that you don't catch small-jiox' bec.tu:i'j soiioone , he has it, but because your con- dition favoisit. I.nsv \i!;il:ly ajw.iy^ en- courages sickness and at this season e.-ipec- ia'ly, everyone should take Fcrrozoue ivhich destroy.s distiaje germs and niakos the .system sn strong ;ind hoi'.'thy th:U sickn-jss can't c.\ist. Ferroz.uisis a vit- alizing tonic that makes rich blood, builds up the nerves, cnres ntivou.suoss and diivts away tired languid feelin'js. To get strong and keep strong use For- rozone ; it assures health aud costs but C'Oc. at all dru^'gisls. A girl residing iu a Lake Mchigan town has recovered §500 dain-iges from u steamboat coniiiany for naming a boj'.j after her without asking her permission. An e-^chaiigs sajs she took offence at. a marine slating that "Kitty MarshtU, having been thoroughly scrubbed, paint- ed, rulilted with figure head aud new boilers, wid hereafter serve as mail car- rier, and poke her pretty nose into the lake biibiuess for all she's worth." U Your Doctor Bill Large? Be.st way to keep it Ktiiall Ls not to call the doctor, but use Nerviline in.stead For minor ailments like colds, coughs, chills, craini>?, lieadaolie and atomaoh tiouble Meiviline is just as good as any doctor. It breaks up a co'd in one iiiuht, cures soroiies-i in the ehe.â- ^t, and for lU'Ui'algi.i, tonthaclie and rheumaiism ytiu can't got anything half so oood as Nervi- lino. The fame of Nerviline for cramp."!, i-olic, anil pain in th^ stcmach exu-iui.s far and wide. Good for everything a bnimunt cm be go.d for a;.d costs but 2.0c. for a large bottle. Some time a:;o gas was struck in a well on Mr, O'Liary's farm luar Lorotto at a depth of over one hundred feet. Tho gas vein was lost in drilling deeper in search of water, but considerable quantities; have been following the iron piping into tho old well. For a brief period a few days ago Mr. O'Lea^y forgot about tho itas, hut he will not do so any more, lie was silting on tho boards covering tho well enjoying a niuoke and achat with H neiglil.or wh.n he thoughtlessly drop- peil a lighted match into t be Well. In a, t » iiiklmg 'hero wcs ft teriitie c.Np'osioH and when the smoke had cleared away there was no top on the w» II and Mr. O'Leary and his luiglib'r were some dis- tance away. â€" AUiston Herald. The Banner s-iys potato r'>t has man!- fosted itself ill the vicinity of Chats worth. The Cause of Piles Ij invariably con.stipali<>u which i.>{i|uick- ly remedied by l>r. Hamilton's I'.ils of Maodrako and But'ernut Snro roliet', anil no gripping pains. For a remedy that never laiU useOr. Haiuihon'a PilLs. Price 25c. STUDENTS ADMITTfcDAl ANY TIME. TOEONTO. OJir, A High Grade Cooinnncial School. Strictly tirst-cl.ss in all d«'partineiit.-i. Maguiticent catalogue free. Write for one. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Corner 'Vougu auJ .Mcxaudor &tr<i'>ts. Arvor.o »<•'»''*"? a^rlicich And dJscn:'(»<Ti uift^ qnli'Kiy liSytrtKiii our cpiii'cn freo Trhe(!ir,r a« i'lVMitl'm iti prohal/if p«U?jitA'jie. CL/iiiiritiitirtfc- Uans arrictlyo<«imionr.iit!. TTriiiilbookoii P;M.!mU Ben; f roe. OiJos; aai'iicy for ecairiiu; purpius. epifi;;! noticf, vitbout chara:e, 11. t:i3 scientific: fi A hnn<^somc:y U!r?tratr..J weehlj;. 1 CUiaCUi \%m. )H cf nhy E":itrnt!£in luuriiiil. Tt^rius. %'i a lirautti OIt:os. 6Si F 9t-, WaJi)'*.if;:'m \">'' HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photo.s is at BLTLJIKK'S PUOTOGRAPU GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special .Attention to Copyinsf and B.tbies' pictures, iiig a sptcialty. Picture fraui- Try US for anv'kind of pictures aad. we w:ll promisoGatisfaction. Sydenham street, Fleshorton. WANTED A liocal Salesman for FLESH ERTOM and .-lurri'Uoiliiig terri'^'iy to represent; 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" ^,'ewest varieties, and s|ic:iaUios iu H.irdy Fruits, Sin.dl Fruits, Shrubs, OrnaiueutcilH.a'Kl Uosea. A permauetit situation, and territory re- served for right mill. Pay wi^ekly. Hand- some Outfit fre'. \>'ritB for particu- lars, aud tend 2o cents for our pocket microscope, just tho thing to use in ex- aiiiii'ing trees and plums for insects. Stone El. Wellington Fon L h ill N u r series (uVEtt SyO ACKES) Toronto - - Ontario «>'t)Wi<^ '^i oa CSa li* cvC'vi.-.^^^'dT-^'c^ Jii ^"^^^^^l^s^s^^ ^^ have the separating h-'wl siisponded from a hardened steel spindle, which ^L revolves in a socket tit'eil ivitli ball hearing-!. It hangs i)uite fieely and 0^ thus is not only practie illy frictionb'S, bur cannot possibly «et tut of haU ^^ nnee. The gear wheels turn en Iwill bearings.wbieh are always oomphte- ,iW ly c .veted with oil. For cl'so skiiuming the Melotto is uu excelled. ^ WRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 7 S ^ 3obii JH. Reard, Flcsbcrton ^ ?-5 nitfimiMMBIIiii For First Class Duggioi, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber VNagons, cutlers. Sleighs, \Ve keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINU AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and guarantee ftrst cIhhn work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- llarn-s and Noxon repairs for binders, jVluwets, «ll kinds uf ui-».;hinory, also Hinder Twine on hand. » mben in town give us a call â- %: K. a«WW"»'*'^-'"*^"''

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