Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1904, p. 4

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SKPi'EMm n 15 1904 THE FLESHEIITON ADVANCE 'mii^^imi\ wvvwWWW I F, T. HILL & CO. Hdi^atice Sbipments Of new styles in Tall and (Uinter 6ood$ Ladies, this vireelcfor your new Fall Gloves Any'df tlu'RO filoves may be filt«d »t tho counter. Ladim" Hiack KiJ Uloves, 2 dome fiiKtncr, over sown se«ii)S, niiide by n leadinu French iiiBiiufHCturcr, sizes C to 7^. Ue^ubir prico was (iue. Very ^(^f> rpecikl nt tJ\J\J Ladies' Fine French Suede Gb'ves, I'ewny's nuilic. This lino in all the luadinp shud. s, auch as iiK^des, bi'iivfic, fiiwi.s, creyH, pearls niid black. A very f.isliionabla imd an excel tional K'""* T OO wcirer, sizes (i to 7^. Very .special nt J-.V-'V/ Ladica' extra (iu:di(y French Kid Olores, Porrins reliable make, in black oidy, oversown seams, Gua- (â- ett lini;er«, 2 dome fasteners, all sizes. QQr» KoL'uIar values H 25. Very fpecialut «-'»JO I^a^dLies, this vu^eelc for* your nevo Fall Skirts 2.50 new Fall Skirts to make your solection from, is fho atory wo have to lull, consisting of such populur cloths as all-wool broadclotlis. box cloths, worsted Venetians, Heather tweeds, fancy tweeds, homespuns and friezes, combined with the \i\'4 as.soitment of styles we are showing. Special prices predominate as follows : Ladiua'-FiliB Broadcloth Skirls, latest Fall ttjlns, beautifully cut and tiimmed, all sizes. Specially !'"."'.!'.v.v..;.v.v.v.:4.00 Sc 5.25 Ladies' Fancy Tweed Skirts, also plain and^fancy homesput.r, inaiie wiih fancy stitched scains, pleated pore', aNo fancy tabs and covered tiuttims, very unique atyl.*, all si^os. Specially priiod y1_ f^O at 83.D0, e;J.75 and *±. «JVj Sti/lis/t (Breations in L.aelies' ^all and yVinter jackets. We lire p.ipularly pricei showing an early sliipmont of Now .Jackets in the up-to-date styles, specially bought need as follows : ?3.50, 3.75, 4.60, C.50, 7.75, 8.50, 10 and 11. nO. It will prorit jou for early buyers to see them. OF SI>ECIAL INTEREST TO IVIEN IN TAILOR.nADE CLOIMING. .. ' A savini; of ii2.50 to $4.00 on your new Fall Suit Owing to tho Finlay Smith fire in Montreal we were alJo to secure froln the Insurance C'>mp*nies a very large stock of Fancy Worsteds, Scot<:Ii Tweeds, Clay Worsteds, A'eiict'ana and Serines at » ver/ low rate on the dollar, hence the reason we are able to save you from $2.50 to f4 on your new Fall Suit. The following partially tolls the tale : In extra fine qualities cf fine Worsted Scotch and Irish In fancy Worsteds and f5lue Worsted Sorei|BWa are otTering a suit that would cost you 1 O Vp^ ?lu.rjO to $lfi in the ordinary way for . J-^J' • *^ In Scotch Tweeds, Fine Worsteds and Clay Twills WB are ollering you a suit that would T A_ P\/^ be reasonably (iriced at $17.50 to 18 for J-TT-Ovy Twill, colors black, blue and dark urey, we are offering a suit regularly priced at 820 to 824 at 17.o0 to. .i(lll» Remember, we specially invite inspection, no neod to buy. Best of Triinmitigs, always a nuanvnteed tit with choice of tailors. wmm MARKDALE mm] The Value of Agricultural Fairs, tn.iy learn just what crops and what ra While en<:agi>d in thresliio".' gra'n on rietiea are best adapted to their farms, Jl •;.• a self-evidtnt proposition that as- 1 thus bringing homo to particular condi- ricultural fairs whxh receive Rrants oflt^onaof soil and climate tho general con- public money should jjive tho public elusions arrived at by the expe.imental something o( value therefor. It ii not the province of governmonis in these days to assin in providin.! amujemont for th farms. In all kinds of farm crops the yield por aero n ay be materially increas- ed ai.d the (piality puVi.stantially improved le people. A Rood many agricultural j I'y tl»8 "»" "f st'ed which has been graded socieli.'s are now maUin'/an earnest effort I'y caf'-^f"! growing and systomatio, Intel- tn improve their fairs by the introduction! ''^J'"" selection, continued without inter of educational features, and their example '"Pt'on from year to year is lieinn; fullo-ved by the large exhibitions which do not ordinarily receive legiala tivc ({'""'-''â-  There are still some fairs from year to year. Thi-i f ict cannot be too ac.on brought home to the farmers of Canada, and one of the best waya of doing so would be to have on the farm of Alexander Bad our, in Goder- ich township, Fletcher McCartney was burned to deaih. MoCartney wa« the owner of the nia,;hine, nnd was trying to hiiul it out of the barn, -when tha fl<raos rushed in, envelopinj^ him and tha machine. The larn was coniplucely do- atroyed. McCartney was warriud, and had a good -sized fami'y. Mr. Patrick McConvey one our most osti'en)t!d oiiiziiis, has this week recover- ed fioin the painful reiuU of a mishap which op.curcd in a rather peculiar man- ner. Mr. McConvey purchased a, ijuan- C'.nlndl-d lan-oly \)y the business men of } view at the fairs reprr.sentative exhibits^ tity of oirb )bo acid for mo in dootori the towns which seem to bo held for the "f tl'C ureit work bein;^ done by members purpo.se of attracting; visitors who will|"f '"'e Canadian Seed Growers' A.ssocia- prov* f!"">l customers, but tho number is ''^'"• fortunately becou.im; few. It is now| Inteukcti.n.! the Womkn and Chij,- t;..nenil'y recoy.iized that shows exist r-^f-N'-Di'monKtrntions of agricultural inimar.ly for the purpose of improvingh'i'"'=««''«s aro mtoresting to everyone, but 'the operation of h model kitchen and dining room, with exhibitions of cookiiij; Th- uptodato f.iir Bccures the service.'^l ''''"l'''"^'*''^'''' """^ addresses mi domestic of expert judges, who explain tho reasons «"='-'"'-'''. «iil appeal especially to the for Ihoir decisions in the .ing a:id give f"'"""' «'^''« "'"' 'l""li''t"''- That the addresses on the best types of horse.^ "'"I'^'''" '""y ^'" 1«J '« 'aka an intcUi raltl- sheep and swine. In this way th J ii'^"' '"t'-'e^t in tho fair, pnaes miKhl iud-iog may be m:ide an education fea-) «"-•" ^^^ ""''>'•'=<• f'"" «hil j-s by sch..,d turl instead of merely an allotment of cl'iU"'" <'f cut flowers, grains, clovers premiumH by men who are often inoom- ""'^ grasses, roots and v.pet.ibles, fruit., pjtei.t or biased in their judgment. The l""'**»'''l "'"' i""i"il->'J «'il<l (lowers, weedn •iwarlin- of piizia a', a fair is a compara- ""^ "'^'"1 «""''»• I'^ncficial and injurions lively unimpoitant matter as compared i>'8<-'ets and native w( ods. These exhibits jiotioultiiral condition'. Tkaciino MAnKKT Reqiikemenw Tli could be supploniented by essays for which prize.-; might bo ofTored. Wher- i>n with other considerations. What is ruil ly desiralile is that fairs should be the ,„eana of dia.eminating information and j '-•*'"' "•'"'* ''''M'l"» has proved eflectiv.t of tixiim correct ideas iu the minds „f | i" "'Jucing .hildr.n to be^in tho fasci- tl.o.se who are produning food.sluffs and j ""''"« "'"'"j""' ""t"''''- Every precau, whom tho prosperity (,f Oanada de- """ '''""''^ '""^^«" ^" ''"*«'» «"od cle.in ds. D.siiablo nnd nmleairable types f""'- *''''*''''' "" "'" '"*>'« '""' K''-l« ""»y K" of fowls may bo shown, wiih lectures „i, '""l"""* » l'le«"">t and instructive day , he fattening of chickens for the British j ""'"'"'- <=â- '»'•"« '" """""l "Hli a«y ii; Hnd domestic markets and exhibitions of jj"'""* influences, lilling, pluikii.ir and packing for export. I ' ^»<«>«^ A model poultry hou.se, nith incubators, j Wliy Braiii VVorl<$rs Qroak Down broodi'-r-, fsileniiifj crates and other ap- ' Man is not a machino that keeps going pliinces, interested Ihonsanda of viaitorsl '»« 1""K "" t''" »•'•"â- " i" ••pphed. He l« » Ht the Toronto fair thi. year. Practical! ?X"^VV, IT''' "'m'*'' "";' ',''••"'•â- Â»'?'' "' ^ 1 na'anced or^gnnism. Rlany don i realize dtmoiiHtiBtions of the proper packing of, iiii.,^ l,„t, t,verwoik their brains and fruit for export should be given in fruii | l>reak down. lirain wriki-m need « diMrictB by oxiicrt packers, nnd the m<)it| '"'""K. bracinn tonic (iku Ferrozono t. , " , t I .. 1 \.\. fortify their nerves and keep their blood «nproved styles of fruit ixnkagea exhib- ,„,„'.„ , ,,,. ,, , ""l''""" uiooti '• •' ' " , pure anil ticli. Take Punozine snd ited. 1 you'll do Uioio Work beCftusp your system To I.vi'RovK Faiim PnoSPKiTS. â€" An- 'wilt bo in Brat eliiaa ordpr. F..r your other feature worthy of adoption by alii I'""'"' *i>d stienglJi i)»ko Ferronouo r^gu agricullur.l Kociotiea, but which only aj''"-'j'- I*"'"' Wc. "t druggi.ta. few have yet 'iikon up, ia tho growinx "M " • ' illurtratioii phit« on the fair groundt, At Reginald Widiaiiis fell into the cylinder a aniall e<pen«a a very iiitei eating and uf a thrashing nmchine near P«lhi, nnd inatructive exhibit of the best rariatiii! «'•" inatantly killed. (,f sraaaa*, rlofer*, millera, aorijhum,' Thomai Pnltci.dcn of CllinjiwcHtd at- • ('.II n, f.iddor ,ftnd y »»i uro plan's, lurnif a, tamptxd to aitcli a grca<y pig in the town ' ^ngoIJa ami sugar baeli can be proviti- aport<. He fill ai(iiinat a w^grm, brokn tjl. I«| atudjfiog iheae plots farmer* Wi-rnl rjbj and - the pjgjpt awajr. a horse, ami put the bottlo cotitanm the s:ime in the hip pocket of his tnaueis. After a time the cork canio out of the bot- tlo a^d tha buiniog liijuij ran ov.;r hii hip and down his le^ to his foot, and thj result Wjrs un exoeedin^iy b.id burn Th» sutfeier wn.M coiitiiiod to bed foi soma liuu' and ho was indeed called U))on to bear miipli pain.- Clritsworth Banner. Flesherlon Sash, Door and Planing Mills AFTKIJ much labor and X - pciKso we have reop- ened our actory and _.^Jiave just Jt; n'ected a kiln, wliitli puts us in a position to fill all orders "for J5a.sli, Doors, Frames, Mould ing.s, liase, .stair materinls and machine work such as plan- int,' and matchinj.;, .scroll and band .sawing and turninj^ of every description. Our stock of north .shore Avhite pine is complete. We ajho carry a good stock of panel doors and .sash and can fill all orders promptly and will guarantee satisfaction to our customers in all lines of ouv business and our prices will be found as reasonable as any. Our ('hopping Department .shall have our best attention. I I BOYD, HICKLING & CO., â- FLESHERION, ONT. Ready i^':-'-^'"':-":-^-!.^:.;,^^'^ Tor FALL BUSINESS Every day sees the arrival and unpacking of of some new lines of goods purchased for fall selling â€" when our orders are completely executed we shall have the most complete and comprehensive assort- ment, in every department, we have ever shown, and notwithstanding the general advances in both woolen and cotton goods our prices will bo fomid RIGHT in every instance. >JVew >,yirriuals : New Fall Suitings -• ' New Pantings Fall Underwear Fall Caps Fall Hosiery New Wrapperettes New Cloth Skirts New Underskirts : ; Now Mantles Lustre & Silk Blouses Hardware Department THRESHERS SUPPLIES :^X..«* Belting Luce I>eathor Belt Punches Machine Oil Cylinder Oil Threshers Oil Cans J^icking Threshers Mitts Eye Goggles Lanterns Have you all the dishes you need for threshing time? Our China stock is fidl and complete in all houseluld lines. rirs. A. Wilson 1 W. WiUon. Maiwger Slightly nearsighted to-day. More so to-morrow. Progress of near sight Is the forerunner of blindness. The smallest amount of neai sight should not be neglected. Examination free, W. A. Armstrong, 4CWKLCR AND OPTiOlAN FLCSHERTON. C. E. Noble. DUNDALK Dealer Tn General Hardware. Hea(L quarters for best goods at bottom prices, Locks, Knobs, Double Diamond Ghuss and all House aniJ Barn Furnish- ing.s. Best Portland Cement always on hand. Eavctrough and Furnace Work a specialty. Also Roofing ami Metal Work C. E. Noble. SOUNPAhK

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