Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1904, p. 4

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ShWkm;u,r 22 1004 t II E F L E S H E H T K A 1; V A ^^ C E \ '> ^ I'- :i / it m^ F, T. HILL & CO. wvwywwv^v^ THE "to (a -s is ~ OF FIRE »Snmc two weeks ago the largo wholesale grocery house of Eby, Blain & Co., Tor- onto, was partially dostroyod by fire. Siiioo then the halaiicc of the stoek has Ijeen sold, and as we were amongst thelargcst buyers, \vc arc in a position to ofibr you uiij)arallL'ile(l bargains in the following lines: 3000 Jioundi rliuico Japan nnd C.-ylun Grcuii Tcis. Thetio l'ixkI:. iiu' of (litfcrein (lualilios, iiicludini; '2'>c, "i)v, ;!5o, .•iiid 40c. leiis. Spucial l''iie Sale jirico, \ii<t pound I'J 100 ili>7.eii jinin'iial quait n!ul Crown ijiinrt Jem Jars, regular pric.i', "oe anJ 85;; per doz. Sjpcciul Firo Sulu price, |»ur duzm 48 700 bnxps Fin:) Toilut Son[i," cakes to ilio box. llo:{- \iliir lO.-. kind. Special tire SrUe prico 7o. ur 4 buxus i'5o, tiOO p.ickagoscf Smihcs Fly Pads.poi.son, the Tickind, iiniju bctlcT. y|)ci,i.il Fiiu Siilu price, 2 packagCH for 5 2.")00 priutulH t)f Dlacli Cc^'lon ;\-id Green Cc)I )n Tivis, the ii-yular 2&c. ijualiiy. Spu'-ial Silo pi ice, per pound : .. • â- , â-  ' ly 100 dozen Pint Juni Jar.s butt niailc Cri>»n IJraii-l, n'Kutar prico 75i!., per d'.z. Special Fire B.ile piic, pur dozen '•'•i 400 pounds chi)icc Blaok Ponper, pure in quulify, regular price per pound 25 Special h'lre Side ^ rice, 2 pounds for H'l ICiOO p'vckigo.i of tbo well kn'iwii Breakfa).!. Fo^.'U Bucti as Korc:', MnliaVita, Ofiiiiue Fruit and Lifo Chips. Special Fire s.ilo price, .1 pk^s fjr 25 fiOO poumU fine Bunelnss C^il Fis'i, the Tc. kinl. Special Firi; S.ilu price, pcnndi fnr 25 700 tins Clioico Canned Tomatoes, ICnit nn^l Aylir.er bra^.d.s. Special Firo Sale price, per tin 'â- ) 5000do7.cn i.f liost quality woo:l Cldllics I'ina. Spjfi:il Sale prico, 84 Clnllie.i I'ins, cjr 7 d /.. tor 5 VVe are also quoting Special Prices on the following lines. Coflee, Currants, Walnut, Jamsjljluc, Black Lead, Cereals of all kiiuls, Tobuccocs, Prunes, Baking I'owders, Soaps, Fish, etc., etc. •• • Customers will kindly note that in every case we guarantee the quality of the^e goods, and also that we will refund money in all cases should you b2 dissatisfied. ^id â€" ''' " ' MARKDALE Mauled by a Bull Mr. and Mr.i. A. E. Ellis, a son. Mrs. W. Li:;htfont, who has Ijccn Mr. Wesley Bi-.'-kin .if the west li.ick ' vitiMiit; frifiuls hero for some time, l;iif> iiie bud an extr. me'y luuro-.v ePcapo ,eturned to ber lumie in Toronto. %a\ a lioriiblu d^-atli liy an tura^od Lull' -«»- i;o day last nuck Rnd an cxpcrienco: Two hui\dr(d dollars was paid by Mr. hich ttiltlist hi.n fora i,ood loii),' life- Ewens to Mr. Clmiiny llonry for a imu. Ho l,a;l taken ihtf animal out for â-  Jrau(;ht colt two yems oM. It wa.s ;ui »xerciKe. holding' it v.iih Ibo usu.il riiif- ' exebi.ngo (.f good price for a l,oi d In-rse. and bull !.tiek, when the bruto suddenly The c..U weiybs 1500 Ihs.â€" Ikinnur. f,howed .igns of ar-jicr and tried to gorej jj j^_ .j,^,^ ,,^^,^ ,,f ^,,„^_^ ,_,^^ ^^,,^^^ ,^ .M owner. Mr. Bu.km h. Id it off f'"' , ]„„;.,. „.,,i! ^n bis p:oi..eny. Mr. Kit- some time, biitiu thesUu^Klo .be -^t'^k ; dicn, «ho drilled the well mentioned riext became (Jc'a;bod and the enrasol ^>ute . ^,,_^j^,^,^^,;^ j., ^^,.â- ,^ .^ ^,.^,| f,,^. jj^^ Oi.herty w»« upon hint in an in.lc^ut. lie >'""v(„f ^,,,, ^^„,^. ,.j„_,^^ „„^, „j ,j,^. ^,^,j,,,, ^,f aKedtograbtherin-inlheanimarHnosel i f,,t a.illed ihrou^b a sound b.w- "â- â€¢Â»>''•;•"' 'I'o waulen. ,yl,., i„ „.,urn |.u.s anaexe>t,dhi«fulU.r.ngl.bt. hold the „.„„j j, .j-,, ,,„,:„ ,,„, „,i„ti,„ X^a^ CVo> :J^{V'^'''''^'''T' 1^ beast at bay. The anin.al tossed bi,n iu!„^. ^.^,^;,^ ^. ^.'^„„^_ ,„„. ^,^ I, „,; ^1- -'; â-  --> t.,e acc-.dent occu.rea -0. cut abouL llie I,im' and otiiei >i>e iiijun d, and Fireniiin Neivoiari had his lull lei; br'(k en at the ankle. Tl.ecais were pil- ed upon the itiick, and the i,i;;lit fX[)rits 'Viis laid up ilii^re until the aiis ilir.ry yot the track oleaiicl Oil Friddiiy im.rjiiti;;, Ihe pa. seiser.H heiJiy cared f..i- wt th.) n. ti-ls by the oonipiiiy. -tji;»nd Vail y .Star. Sidiciti r Uyre of Tbnrnbury ha.s noti- tied C.)r,ntyClirk Builorfoid that, anin;; for a Mr. and i\Iis.s Ijoiigheeil, he clainiud damaijes fnr injuries recciv.d i.n the lleatbcoiu liiid:_'e bolwecn Cdiinywooil i\nd Enpbra.Hia loisusbip-i, as a re."^uit of lo( .se i>laiil(.«. lioth paiiies receivod more or less serirai.s injuries, while llio horse and bl^L•f.^V also .â- ieU'^jred iu the iunuw;)y that rcMilli'd. 'Jliu elerk has rtfeii. d llie ihe air sveral liuie.i and finally yot '''"'iihnre I'.owzi and again a'-teni; tod to ^;i>ro hun, I ono born pasBir.g on each sidu of hi.j N'-blc's nlorp nh Badjeros w.t.s cntcnd breast. Axain ho niaimxed to gtt to hisi ''Y l'»"M^ "n .U.nday nijit: of la»l feet, Btilllioldiuv! Ibo rill,' and all th^ »"'''^'''- The thieves only i-r.t §1,00 in the Time iur.iily calii.g fur he'p. Cr idua'.l>[ '"" "i"'! """'" st'i'i.ps from the post r.fiioo. he w.is Wcked a<;.iii.st Ihi- ban.; uherei '^^'"^'i' 'l'^'" »*-''^ "I' s'":'^ '"to Mr. '.he furious bjaKt oncuni'U- J 2ot its, horns | ^'"'''"^'•'^ '""'" "'"' ''"'^ '''« 1'^"''- coal planted, one on each tide of his body, !»'"' ^'''^f- T'"'y ih-nppcd the parts r,n .e.,-ai,;sttlioboard.s. Hndpu!jhoanatln,U3h!f''" '^'''•" ^'"' '""'^ "^"".^ the coat and It imagined it bad f.a.ml a vit.a! «p,.t. P''-'*^- ^ ""'^ "â- '»'^'' "»^ '» ll'^> vest About tlmtimu Mr. U, Waiter, who „„s! Poi^ket a:,d ih.7 took it wiih them - isaiiiy, heariii^ the cries ru-hod to Mr. Fi Fresfi. Fall Fairs Flei.liurlon Sept. 27-28 0.ven S.nni 1 .. So ,t. 2;; Oran-ievlHc ..Sept. 2!)-yo 0:spr.y, Fevershnm . . . Oc t, fi-7 Artemesi.i, I'licevil: -â-  . . . ( K t. 7 F eshei 'ton Sash , D OOP and Planing [Vliils '^ n isk ill's asuiblHneo and t!ic bea.st wa'j There ia simc misundeifitandij (^Tgaid- ^.leure 1 and il.ic.-d in its stnll. Assia ; ii.g ilie value of eutranoo certiUea'e*. At incc ariivet' iu«l ill 'ho nick of time lusi present the eniiatice ceit''fieatM frantod Mr. Buskins strentrth was about ex-! by tlic bnaid -.if examiners ol n>.y city or liausted. Hi.s clolliinx wsh coiihiderahly • comaiy, are accepted by any hiuli school torn ai.d Iwdy br.lised and be spat Idooii in tliu prnvince as ihe exaininatiiin p.-ip-i.-. for ionui httlo time after the onlcal, hut ! are all hesamu. 'J'he Oei ti'i.nti.s are ab" ifi uV'out fully recovered onco moic. .Mriojun aa otiicial reC'i^jnition that h1- Biiiikin Bays bo in diMio with the aiiiuiui! t' oi^h Rltun(b;n:« at school under four f 'r gf.od and will disjjo.so of it. It Hasa teoii years is c<nllpld^'nry the p â- ste.'-tion nightmare wliiL-Ii lie never \vi.\li>ii to have: of an ciitiaiiCe ceitilicato '.»y a child of ivp-ated, and lii.'S escape -rom an ayoniz- ; earlier a;.'e abs( Ivbh Ir'm fic.ni fuithir iii^ death Was alnio.st a iniraele. TIieCBiiipulfioiy attendance. boArt h.vJ not .hown. .sijjn.s of viciousn. 8» | .,„,,„ w„„a:m,ker .«vs: If there is one Lefure. ll was of the lloreforJ Tajicty j ,,„t,.,-p,ise on eai th thu't a '.piilt.-r' should ,.>.9,,-m h'avc severely nhmi, it is ndvertiH- liimTjvrley !'''K- T" mi-ko a sncccK.s of Rdverti.iiif; - jonu inu»t Uo prepared to htick .0 it like a j illg ami niatchillg, .SCIoll and Quite tnuml>«f from hcrauttmiled tin I""""""''!"" * heat's bi.l torn. He tlioulH hand .sawillg aJ1(l tlimill" of Irii-day incet:ii|{ near Iieat4t:ote on Sun- ;!«•'"" hefore he begins it tli.il bo must ' ' " Uaylas". '.•'[lond moneyâ€" l.ts ef it. S. m< body .Miss I'rfs* of T.irnntn tpr-nt Sunday """'' tell lilm, aI.«o, that lie cannot hope 'mil 1 he Mibkrii Caniack, Shady N. ok U" reap reBulis couiiien'urato with hi i'-trm. lo.xpoiiditurc early ill the gnnic. Adver Wo arc sorry to rcrnrt Mr. J. S. IIi,(I 'ising doetii't jerk ; it pulI.H. ]t bigiiiR prncipal of our ncbool, on tho «irk lisi, ' »»'T contly at (ir.^t, but the pull iseteady. lau bopfl ti, bear of hit spootly rojovcry. i '' 'ncrcascs d»y by day, and year by year. Air. Huirimngfjiio to Iii» homo in M,.a. | until i« nt-itii -.11 irruaiftibla power."â€" '' 'â- ''• |>luilictou« .\drortising Mrs. W. a. B:,hop, wI,o Uiu, bo..n viK I On Tliuisday ni^lu â-  C. P. R. weat- Uinir Ml Toronto the |w,i „„|,^ n.^ ^,„„| Iboui d frti«ht. wbila runniiiK at a hinh of hcr.Lstor. Mr,. F. Surhmy, ban iv '•peed, mil into a herd of oattla at a road AVTIUI iiiuchlal)0i' a n d e X - pensc we liave roop- iMiL'd onr at lory and iiave just t'lectt.Ml a my kihi, winch puts us in a position to fill all orders for Sash, .l)oors, Frames, Mould- ings, Base, slair niatorials and niachino work such as plan tiinoMl to her home hotr. ' Mi»H Mary Thonip.„« of Fleahcrt.m i. »'«:»iiifl friends liere a*, proaent. ero«kin'.( eiabt iiijlea woat of Harriaton, Wi ling and throwinjj thrin in all direct- ii n«. TU* engine Wan turned over into l^»rn -At Kiinbeilny, g„p,. i(j,|, ^.j thediSch. Drircr Miclnerry wai (hmII; every description. Our stock of norhh .shore white pino is complete. Wo also carry a good sto^k of |-Muicl doors and sash f.nd can fill all orders proin}»tly and will guarantee satisfaction to our cu.stomers in all lines of our busincs.s and our prices will bo found as rea.sonable as any. Our Chopping? Department dhall have our best attention. Hrs. A. Wilson 1 W. WilMMi. Mtoaxcr r~- I BOYD, HICKLING & CO., ! I ?r /_^ ntcucDTAM nwT I •«• FLESHERTON, ONT. y Kjpenina ^ KJaeGc/ai^ and nefinesdaij ^G-pioTnlor 2^ and 28 We extend to you a very coi-dial invitation to be present at our Exhibition of Fall Styles iti Trini- wcd Millinerv, Eeadv-towear Hats and Millinery Novelties on the dates named. ' ^ ANTLES We h.ave opened out our ^ fii'st .'shipment of Ladies' ?^ New Fall Mantles. The ^ newest antl riiost stvli.sh "^ cd and we invite the garments designed tor ^ the season aio represent- i^^ 5« inspection of the early ^ biiver. (i) Prices range fcora ia^ <%').00 loftl:J..50. ^ Fit, St vie Vrorkmanship i|i and ^ ;iliie arc correct. ^ i<^l^ We arc showing an elegant new rargc of Beady- P4 to-v.-car waists, including ^; Bhuk ar.d Crtam I,u?tre ;• ^ Black ami Colored Crepe do Chine -^ - |; Bh ck. Cream and Colored Silks ^ ai ll Fancv lancus «S? ,. ' -'•â-  ."â-  vA^ *?* Prices from $1.00 $4.50 | »XA. W«-V<M>*< Defective Glasses. Glasses exactly right two years ago may be far from right to-day. The eyes change. We will examine your eyes free, and will only recommend a change if absolutely beneficial. W. A. Armstrong, iCWCLCR AND OPTIQI^IH FLESHERTON. C E. Noble, DUNDALK Dealer In ^ Cicneral Hardware. Head (luarters for best goods at bottom prices, Bocks, Knobs, Double Diamond Gla.ss and all House and liarn Furni.sh ings. Best Portland Consent always on hand. Eavetrough and Furwco Work a specialty. Also Pioofuig ami Metal Work C. E. Noblef ^UNDflLK M 'â- *.â-  I ' %â- , â- it. : :$ » : • . â- â™¦ '

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