Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1904, p. 5

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^^p<^ T fl E F L E 8 ir E R T X ADVANCE '!>â- â- â€žâ-  SErTKMnER22 1904 .â- tt;- • I . < Vicinity Chips riiar^rtortstirs of tlie Pnst Wr<-k <'sir4'riill} Culled for the CiiriAiis Fiesli lime ftlvrays on hand. J.H. Piiclett, Kiigenia. O'TenSoim'l Iiup-iinl Cement fur salo J.y V. (i. Kursti'ut. Toun!; pias p'ji^ for a ile, fi>ur week* r.'.tl. \N 111. Patoii, Ci^jl(jii. SilTcr brooch l^at in or near the viUa<,B. Fiidvr V.\ (Uy Itari' ot lliis office. Mrs. D..J.J«niieson (,f Toronto is visit- ing her f«r«r.to,3tfr.anil Mra. J. Whil'en. Tliroffor four i;o.»J >mix s'oves for aulu cb«np. A]>p!y «â- > A. Mun»haw. Mr. Goo. Cooper, Oi-pi«y. niid Mrs R. ISrowii jf FevcrslKini .spent Sunday niih ftliu. .Icy and family. Mr. anil Mrs. R. Beiitliam spent Sun- tiny with the form, r's bruUier in WilHaiiis- foi-d. Cro.s.s'oy mid llunlc, the-cv.nnji'li.'.t', will open ail cv.nnneli.s'.ic caciip.^iyn in Ciilliniwooil on Octobft 2. The weijjh scaloa at tho ]Miin.?li«\v lifiuio h.ive been tlimoimhly overhiiulcd nn 1 corrected. Ouanviileed correct. 'Oiere TTiis a wcJoi.iu' at the m;in'*« here r-n Wednesday of last vrcek. For purtic- ulars sec Eiigetiis corro.'ipoadeiico. T&aioduy, Niix 17, hiia l)t>en nppoihted Ri_Thiinkiigiviiii{ D;iy. B.'trei late than tiiTer, but this is too lite. Tho Canadian JuViiao slncers will be iu F!eshcrl<,'n on Saturtl.-iy, Oct. 8, under ati.spioes of the Ladies Aid of the Mtth- < dirt chuich. Reserve the date. VVftiited to purchase -Good TO or 100 acre farm, from 1 to 'i miles Trom Flesh- ertoii or Mavkdale, spot '.-iish. Apply to K. J. Spioide, real tatalua;4't,Flesherloi>. A niee'fng ot the Women's Institute will he lull »t ihe home of Mrs. Win SamrS en hack line oust on Friday Sop. tenjhcr 23rd. As buiisioss of importmco haa to be transacted a full meeting of nietuhors is requested. A good iiuny of our c'tizens wiil use Ci »1 this wilder. Thri;e car load.H, inr.k- iri; siiT.ty tons, hus berii purchasefl hire. ^Tr. Mi'.nthi!*- is put;ini;iua new lioatipg iioji«ra4i:ji and hus puichnsed tAeuiy tons < f ci'iil for u.s'j theiein. The fdvcrpatienfcs nit'iitioncd last wi'i^k ata all conv.iloscini; nict'ly and no now tii«es have to be clironiclid. There are rumors through tho country that those w«ra typhoid cases, but s icl: Is not tlio £i*et. It WHS a tlo-.v mtirmiitont fever us we stated last week. Master Arnold Tha.rs'oa ajjcideiitally I'psot a pot of boilins; Wiitcr on hia f.;i t (he othor day. Ilo U not Rtteiuiiii;; Si.hi ol this week as a conseiiueneeâ€" .\t- â-  toi:din:i to [ilaitets and poultuxis is a ii; re urs;ont occupatifn ju.st now. Tho usual Harvest Home service ofihe Ci:urch if Etiular.d congrcgilini at Cevliu will Vie held ui-xl Sunday at 7 p,ni. Theie will be no moiriiiis; service. Itov. G. M. Fianklin, tha iricninlniit, will conduct the Set Yi'.-e and the hall will be suitably t'ecorated. Remeiiiber Flesherton .show f.iir Tues- day «nd Wednesday next. Tho secretary li'jd .-stafi ar* ci:cecdiiij;!y busy pniiarii jj uiid p6ifeetiii)4 arrani;eiiieu'9 f. r same, ami should the days s.deced for shmv be {.Avnrable it is cxpecttd to be the best iu the history of the sioioty. .Vduiis'iioii to t'o gc lUtxJj luii U>oii reduced to 20 and 10 cents. Mr. A.' R. Fawo'it, of ihe Tiinmio Ji;;ictiiiu Leader and l!eoo:der, v%h"8e (i ling anay was chruiiicled list, week from lii9 Torouta Wyi 11,1-0 turned to tho June- lion nn Tuesday, of last week, to f.ieo his d Sicnhio.i. A meetin;; of his croditiM hud been called for that d.sy, at which it w« doeided to coiitinuo tho busi- !!• ss under s boiird of management, ono ineni'ier of which is Mr.i. Fawcett herself, Mr. FaiTCtitt'.sniaiiy friemis iu Flesherton er.preR.Stid deep rekjrot at tho circuinsf«ce' fvfaled and cti'inue to hope that lie iiiiy yet come nut on top. A ni9 ting of ratep.-iytrs was called by \\\i Flashcrtoii .u'hool iruateison Wednes. diy evenia.; uf lust week to discu^B tho |iu>iu'4 iu of a steam heating apparatus «: tita •chool. Tlio turueut was aniHll, piol)ably showing that the electors havii f.t tU ill the trusteuii doing what isrixht in ll;o lUAtter. Thoae prrstut wera agrse- a* 1« to putting in the aystvin and aulUir i/..-J the truatoe* by r«auluiioD t<i go aliesd. Coas«<(u*ntl7 the trustees hsfr let a contract ti> F. G. Karstwlt to put in a IfUrney ataatn hekting plant, which will )•• pl*c»l ii-jiaiidiato'ey m reatliutM'fur liie wilder. <5^ Or' ^ IMT^OIIT^VISTT Fall Announcement Til biiyinj^ F o otv/ e a r come where you can .<ave money. We beg to roniintl our frfend.s that we kcL'p a gt'ijd .stock of Boot.s ant! Shoes from the best makers and constantly making ailtiitions. Besides selHng factory boot.s don't overlDok the fact that we make a specialty of liantl-niade Uocts and .Shoes, nuitle out of the best material that can be got. ]3ring in your order. liepairing promptly attended to. We have also a stock of Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases selling cheap. ALso a variety of Shoe J^rcs.sing of the best that can be had. Give us a call. CLA.YTON -- Flesberton ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Mr. W. A. Arinstronjj will hold a un- ique salo of Jowelleiy on fair day, full particulars of which appear in adveitiao- luent on drst ji.iyft. The ladies especially should read it up. Will uU c-thibitors send entiles for FlLshcrton show fair at once, as all en- tries must be made the day before articles are to be exhibited, .'^ud dui't bl.iine theseerutary for refu&iug to make entries on d.iys ot fair, as he has not time to do so. A case of assault and battery was aired before Maji'strate Palmer the other day, Mr, Thos. Stephens beiiic; the plaintiU' :ind Jolin'E. Waiucr the defeiulent. The case was cifnii.s.sed, the plaint ilT being as- sessed with the cusis â€" Duiidalk Herald- McFarUnd & Cu's change of advertiso- ineiit arrived too late to <iet into type for this issue. Their specialties jusl now .ire new dress i;oo Is and ladi_'s' rain coiv'.s. They have .somethin'.; very .s[iei;ial in these. Watch their space next ivouk for descriptiuKS and quotations. Cheap Newspapers â€" Only 23o till the end uf this ye.ir or ?! till the end of l'.)IJ."i for eitlior of the followin:; papers ; W'kly Obibe, Mail and Umpire, Fiiniily HiralO, !\iid Weohly Sun. Subscriptions taken at the F.O., R.â€" .1. Spronle's uftice or at Sproulo, Cro.sliy & Co'ii. Kow is the time to subscribe fur cheap papers. Near- ly si.vteen inonth.s for SI. Toronto Daily News or Star only §1 per year. Spiaking of Mr. Ranlon's lecture, " From bar-room to pulpit," wliicli w:ll 1)0 givtn ill tho Methodist church on Saturday eveninir, Hun. W. W. VN'oud of Camden, N. J., .siiys ; "The writer ha.s licaid yotcd t-emporanee or.itors all over the country in tlu' course of his travels, but never witne.ssjd a more dranatic or thrilliirj incident tiiaii when Mr. Rantii^n, afur deiiioiistratiiif; how a .a''i^t mill lakes •jniin as its ravy material and goovorls it into floui', thus increasing its value, then have .t baud of lioys to aiise and pointiKij to them said : ' There is the raw ma- terial of the gin mill.' " The election ti iiil held in Owen Soundla.st week was not comple'ed owing to the fact that tho judjes had other elecrioii case* to hear this week. The Noith Grey matter «as thcrofuro aiijourucd and iMr. McKay still holds his seat. So.ne crook- ed Work was bri>ught to light hut agency was not established. Tliu Sault ejectinn, where there was .a veritable carni.id of crime, has bet u Vi>iJid, R[r. Smith, tho iiieniber, b.i.iii^ coin|)elled tn pay all co.-ts. Seveiiil individuals will lise their fran- chise and one w.is heavily fined. Mr. Ross's uiajiu'ity is now only one. Tho .special moetiiias beiii-j htrld by Evanu'elist Ranton continue to attract large crowds, the .seating o p.aoity of the churches boin;* lajtod to their fs-Uest e\ rent, and e-nitinually growing. The spirit" ual inteicst is aho woiidirfully inoroasiog a-id lari;o numbers are deciding for the higher life. Mr. Uin'oii will be here this anl nixt week, when he •iOfS to the Cidlier street Methidist church, at r.nrrie. On Saturday eveniag of this week he wiR deliver his lecture, '• From barroom to [Mjlpit, " when adinia- sioii will be by ticket with no admission feeâ€" merely a collection. When a younsj j maw Mr. Rsii»on tended bar two years in ' UarrieaiidOwen Sound. He taysthe man iMhind tho l«r ia juat as good aa the one who atands before the bar and drink«,and ha inteiida (o pror« it. Oti account of sick- iieaa 'near the church vho meatinga for the past week hare be«n held in klM Praeby- teri^n church, but for the baiknc* of this we«k the Methodiat ed^^ft vitl •««( t^e ' crowd. .• . . • A Boy's Costly Freak A young hoy living uoar Feversham had a co.stly experience the other day, which ci.ntaiued a large amount of tho ludicrous, and cost him d.'ar. Th« lad rode his bicyidu to a back tii-ld in tn-der to bring home a coir, but iu order to make the trip homo more pleasant and prevent â-  the necessity of walking and leading both colt and bicycle he attached the halter to the wheel and moun!ed i% lliinking tho coU wouVl lead all riclit. But it didn't. It objected to being led hy anything on two wheels. It liolti'd and tho hoy hadn't lime to untie or cut the halter. Tho colt swung that wheel helter skelter and the straj) hcKf. The colt ran fa.stur and the bicychj tl ip|ied in the wind like a union jack in a cytlune. When the colt got sot through waving that bicycle there was asorry heap of u.selc33 scrap iron and a more 301 ry boy. \V.4;tTKn â€" (^tiicidv: fr«t pfv^oiis to roprrscut loiit' cctublir-Licd w.lioltf ifle liouae oiiioiit- i-etiil iiiiMi-lintits mill iiyoiits. Liioal tairitnrv of few coiiiitios. iSlSsiiiarv aiirti':!i'unsos piiiil weiiUiy. I'lxli.MiBii luonifv HilvHiired. Ci.ininis.sio - fxtra. I^)illlallc'nt eiigit'.^euKMit, liuisint'ss supceniftil. Pri'ViLius cxiiurionce uot I's.-ii.Mitial. ICni-los Kotf Iirlill-ps.. onVt'ln|l|., Art.'.VfSS. Sl'l'KRINTKN- ui:nt TiiAVKi.i,i:us':;2a Dnin-l)o;ii St.. Cliicaj4o. HEADACHE ! Neuralijia and Ntrvousness cured quickly by A 1/4 V HARMLESS HEADACHE AND '»J'»'% NEURALGIA CUBE. No li.-art il^pr^ssion. Greatest ciiri: ever discovcr';d. 'f akmio lUliiir, U).;arid 25.:. Alt de.ilers or direct from (tlUTl.NiicCo. Simcue.Out. Money liickifnolsalisficj SHesp lf3tr'a;^s[?d. Ou to tlio j>reiiiis<isof ttio unilirr-ii^miil. lot 1.*.. fnn a. tiiwnshi]) I'f OKpiu\-, on or lib itt bopt. o I'.K'i 1 Slicop mill 1 Iftii(i)., Owii.L'i- will plensu pr- VI! piupeity pay cxponstti. aud talto thc-ui aw,%y. tlcM! HvtiTi Yoe.so. Warcliani r. O. Calf Can\2 Astray. .'^plill^ calf, ciirao tu uiy premisps tho first WOL-Ii in Sei.ci-iiibur. Owner is icijiiefctod r.o lU'Vii propc-rti, pay e.^penaes aii.l tako tlm aajue a'Aai'. F. M.VTHKW.-^O.V, >lo.ihortof. Notice Notico in hci-tiby civen timt a roiirt will bo lu'Id, [nusnanc to tlio Cnlaiio Voiirs' I.i.>lrt Act, bv liis Honoiuthft .)U'i;iv! cf tli.; ' ou'.t\ Coun, o[ tliu C'uinny yf <iitiv (it tho To.vii Hall l- U-shoi'tOM,cni ;liu 3U6ii 'Uiv of S(i,'ttiiiil>cr, V.h 4. ;it ton o'cl;>cl;, u. iii., l.o li:;iir iin.l d.-toiiiiiof alio scv«:nl colli) laintKfif cituis Midonniiifsioiis in Votui'h' Liot ol thu Miiuicipiilisy ui Avtiii:i;i!iu, for ll)u(. All pursons hr.viii;; bnsinc^s nfc the Com t are re«iuti.stiii Iu rti.tcit I i*t th« eaij tiiue hhU wliicf, W. J. HKLLAM Y, C:(,i U of Aitou>t!>in. Date! Soyt.li 'jjs, yt f^-s^s:'ii^?ir,'2Z'-2'^:z^^^Z'^Z'y-^i^^^ STUDENTS ADMITTLD AT ANY TOSOis^TO, ONT. A High Grade Coinnxcrcinl School. Strictly lirst-ilis.i in all dvpartincnts. Ma;^niHotiit caiido|jue free. Wiite for one. W. J. ELLIOTT, riincipal. Coiucr Voiige aud Aluxau'lur Ktr«ut'4. ft! 1^ Just One l^onth More >s-fc=- IK; |Kj V -â- JL-A- ^i^,^4:^-,t;-i; /^WIXG to the STRIKE in iill labor lines ^^ in Toronto we have been delayed in getting our new premise.? reaily and a.s we will be here for the month of September we will tiy and make it the red letter month of our sale. We have at present about nine thousand dollars worth of goods to sacrifice in Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Dry- Goods, Ready -to-W ear- Clothing. As the time i.s getting short for us to be in I Plcsherton a wonl to the wise is sufficient to have them call and pick up some bargain.s. Everybody knows now that prices in all lines are going to be much higher this fall, so ; to save money is to buy now at greatly re- duced prices. We will be albe to save you from thirty to \ forty per cent on most lines from what you ,; M-ill pay this fall. You can depend on getting . abargainif youcall as we must clear all the i gooil.s out. >) \ >n^ T. J. SHfPPARD Sproule':> Dlock Fle-SHErt^.n I I I I 9. "1.1 I I I Si % k I Ml 1^ HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The plaee to cet the tvst Photos is St BULMKllS PHOTUOUArU GALLERY. i DOUGLASS' I n FAR-FAHED ^A § HH^£^==.C2S£!il2£ powder § \X when usid with nny sort ef stock wiil always product) ^X ^ • ' run SALE ,vx I HEDICAL HALL I g 25c. per pound or $1.00 for 5 pounds. , j^ ^(. vM«. ^it, vV*. -}'«< •^t^â-  it'« M .jft. ;}'«. ^?«. sM^ .jtj. .^.l.^ .jj/, .><«. â- ^v^ -it*, j^t, .jte. ^'e. .tv, &•{. ..««.. • S'S "•?«? -Jl'f ^f W ^/l?~M %' '«!â- ? •*!? ^i? -si? '/I? ^i^^lV '/!«• '/IS- '/I*- â- W ^*if •>!? •St*' W ^iv= ^^ '-tl^ sst. V.i* *t<. We are just receiving a new supply of |:{ School Books for the opening â- JlS" •»i? m SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attenti<mto Coprinn and B.kbi<-a' picturcil. >*ictilte fram- ing a specialty. Try ua for any kind of picture* and we will pTMMiaeaatiefactio'n. ' , 97<eih*W MrMI, Fletl hatton The NEW PRMERpart i and f 2. Everythingin school wants. ^ Richardson & Son DRXJCaiSTS ^t|MBM|««<N$t#^#^ :5^ai \ â-  . -^ A- W^if i;NNN^###^

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