.Tani-ary 12 lOOf) THE FLESttEHTON wwwvwwy F, T. HILL & CO. ^^wwvwvwy^ JANUARY CLEARING SALE Wii start tlic month of January and the year 15)05 with some maf^nificont vahies. Wo've hi\i\ IX ])h^ season's business â€" by far the best in our history and yet that is only an incentive to go on and do still better in the futnre. And as our sales increase and business expands, we can thus ailbrd to do with snullei profits and in cases whore wo have SPEOIAL CLEAJMNG LINES dispense with profits altogether. A^i for instance: MEN'S WINTER CAPS WORTH 35, 40, 50, 75o CLEARING AT 25c. Wo do thi.H ovory yenr â€" clear out nil oiu- Cloth Peak CapH nt a quiirter. in this vrny we koop our stock froah nnJ (•U'liii. Thin Hcasdii wo hiiv« ahoul J 3 or 15 dozon â€" all now (funds, meat of which h«H boeii selling riu'lil along nt nOcti) 75c-. Of oiiiirHo wo lose on tlium, yut every cap must bo Bold. All sizes in the lot thi(Uf;h not nil size.H i'l liny one line. Junuiity wile piico, each 25 ADVANCE BOYD, HICKLING & CO., â- FLESHERTON, ONT. ome Honey Savers or jaiiiiary 1 . ? S-'i .00 LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS for 1.75 -I Ladies Dress Skirts, dark coloi.s, a good asBortnient of sizes, all made from good heavy cloths and beautifully liiiislicd. Till! iii;iti!rial alone cuuld not be bought for soliule money. January sale price 1.75 60«., GOc. and Coo. FULLED CLOTHS, a yard 43c. In all we liavc al)"Ut 500 yards of tliis .s()k'ndirt cloth, made frcnn pure, donieftio wools and NOTHING ELSE. Fur farLii.-rs wo'ir ihirin^; a ('.iiia'liaii winter tlicre is nothing we know of that surpasses for conifnri and durabili'/ a suit in ult! of thi< <,'eiuiiiiu Cuiiadiaii-inuJu lulled cloth. In iiiediuni or dark shadet, plain grounds. January .sale jin.'o per yard . - 43 V>\c .ind 15c. CHILDREN'S VESTS, 2 for 15c. \Vt have ai)nul 10 dozen of tliese usuful little narinontsâ€" all perfect, without stain or flawâ€" all in winter weights. J all nary sale price, 2 for 15 LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S OVERSHOES. Worth 90c., 1.25 and 1.50, Clearing at 50c. In theso wo have ahout fifty pairs and at the bc'innina of tliis .snU almost all sizes. Wc need not emphasize the values â€" they'll not remain Inn^ at this price and will not bo duplicated this season. If you need a pair buy 50 In theso wo have about fifty pairs and at the b^'innina of this snirt almost all sizes. Wc need not emphasize the values- they'll not remain hnvj, at this price and will not bo duplicated this season. If you need a pair buy early. January sale price per pair "0 wimm MARKDALE ^ Ladies' $1.50 and .$1,75 Boots FOR ONE DOLLAR •â- -.- -^^ - '' " â- 'â- 'â- ':' â- *" -â- "•â- .. " ' â- . "-^-^ ... ::,,.:-' â- %- â- '-''-.-»'â- '-'â- â- 'â- "•â- - . . -* . ';â- .â- '-".â- f ] . 35 pairs Ladies' Fine Boots â€" .some hicc â€" some buttonâ€" in dongohi and box calf â€" new lastsâ€" nicd= ium and wide â€" patent and self toesâ€" broken sizes, but 2J-, 3, ^, 4, 5 and 7 are included. Piegular $1.50 and $1.75 lines. One Dollar Arlemesia Council The newly elected C.'ouiioil met in the town hall on Monday, Jan. i). Present, .lohn \. Uojd, Keuvo ; John A. Carson, Robert Ib.ft, liolert D. Purvis, and Thomas P, McKenzie, cuuncillor.s. Each i;f the above memlierB snbicribed and made tlie leipiired deelaratioii of qualiti- cation and of otllce and took their seats hi the council board. Tlu' niiiuUes of tlio session of Dec. 15, 11)04, wero read and conliriued. The followini^ coinniuni- CJilitiia were read, viz. : .1. Ross Rob- «3rtsoii, askiiii; a don.ition on behalf of the .sick cliiMren's hospital ; J. S. Rob- crlNon, askini; a dor..iiion on behalf of the N.itioiial S'inii.aiiunr; J. li. Thibi du.ui und others, peiition ask in;: the council to appoint an arbitrator in the matter of forming a union ncliotd section with pari of (ileneli;. the part proposed of Aitenie.iia heinj; lots 111 to 118 in- clusive ill the iJnd ant' 3rd ian;:c8 S W, T and S. road. The clerk's account for election expcnseH h» follows : Uiv. 1 S8 00, Div. 2 $8, Div. 3 '.S-uO, Div. -1 .â- ?0.50, Div. 5 ^8.50, Div. (I $8.50, Div. 7 §8.5(1, Div. 8 S8.50, delivering ballot bo.xes £'2.5(); HCi:t. W. H. Tliinston, elec- tion stationery and blank forms for Cleik und rreasuroT, 828.17. Uylawa 044, appoint inn loi'al bo.-vid of hcd'h ; (i45, appointiiif; Joseph Blnck- buinnnilR. J. Sproule auditors, and 010, appoinliiiK John Whitti-n assu.isor, weie introduced and passed and ordered to bu entered ni Ihu bylaw hook. Mclveiizie- Cars.in â€" That Iho follow- ing eleetimi eipciisea lie paid; W, J. PinviiifS.no, W. J DtllaniySiS, T. »L JJaniioii Â¥8.50. D. McLoo.i JS.50, D. U McL.an *3 5t). S. Oilbert 88.50, Janios Wi li.inis *!8.50, !'•. II. Tlii.mp-.n 88.5!>. W. Iluiiu'li, di'livcriiij biillot boxis, |J.5(J. Carii.d. Carbon â€" IJesi- Tliat W, II. ThiirKtoii's Hecoun', $28 17, for eleduiii H:a,ioiiuiy. poll l),'okH. luillotH aiiil bUliK* be paid. Can od. Purvi,--Hest-Tlint ihm council urani (f) to ihe Hick cldtdriMi's ho.-pnal aiul the treaaiirer i>(i iiiKiiiicted to forward thin Kmo 'lit. C'ltuied. ."\1, K. iir.0â€" IJesl-Tb»t ih- leevo is liortby insipufliod '«»ri-in;>' for ihw te- (n VHi iif Ml - and Mb Thomas Mnntleis to he c> ui>i> 1. ilustrial bou.n, .hey â- •-!• 14 in iiidi^i-ni iircuiii»t»i)c h Onrrietl. p iiV'» â€" I'eitâ€" T «t in c>n»i'ijueiii;i- of Mr It. M« 'ill funvini; from th lowns-ii , M>. Jonatlian Lt'inii-i >n hen hy Hi'|> drl- •d overseer in road div siini No t6. Cnrni'd. .VlrKrnsio -Hm! â€" Tlott ihn petition of J. li. TliilHMlekU «nd <>ih- ni. pnyinft f<.r -4bv-- foimition of • miiua Mhool with p«rt of G lonely township, be received and th it the matter bo laid over for consider- ation tj the next oieetiii^ of the omincil. Carried. McKenzieâ€" Purvis â€" That tho clerk order six copies of the Jlunicipiil World for ^Ile use of the inenibcrs of ihij coun- cil and th.> cleik. Cairied. Purvis â€" Best â€" That this counei! meet in reyular sessions on the tiisi Saturday of each month duiir.g 1!H)5, excepi, the nioiith of Oecumber, whieli nieutins; is fixed by statute on tho 15tti of the said month, driied. Couiied adjourno.l. Stoves! Btove^! | ^ Special in Dress Goods at 25c Abercrombieâ€" Stewart One of the iireltiest wedJinus of the season, took place on Tucsilav, Dec 27, at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. James Stuart, ot Pruneveau. DeUiiont township, when their f.iurth' daughter, Edith S., was uniied in inarriai;e to Mr. J. T. Aliercroni ie of Kinil>erlev, Out. Prompt ly at 12 o'clock, wliilo the WeduiiU' March was beiiiij pdajed by Miss Maggie A. IV'oples, the bride enierei\_ Ihu draw- \.\i room leaning on the arm of Inr broth, r, W.- J. Stewart, and to ik her pliee under an arch of everyreeiis and liolley, where tho grooin was awaiting Inr. The Rev. Mr. Camp, pastor of the Presbyieiiaii church at I'avolock, se- curoly tied tho nu|)li»l knot in the pres- ence of about thirty friends and relatives â- if the biide. The (â- ride looked very he.mr.ful and pi'rfeeil? hapi'V, art ind in a ilai.wy j'own of white organilie, iriinnied «ith lace and insertion and wore a lovely wreath of oinnge blossoms in her hair. After the nuptnil knot had been tod anil rong-.itiilaiiona had been reC'-ived, the newly in irried couple l.d the way to tho iliiiiiiK ro"in, where a sumptUiH." weddii e dinner awaited thoin. The prcscn's to th-' b iile were puiiier«uR and very hnnd- toiiii-, (tliowing the logh eslciiu in wloch she IS li«-ld l>y a hi'ge cirile of friends Iho liriile was attired for hvr j',urory hoiiK' ill a beautiful tiavelliu'.; suit of L'lciy ladies' eloib and Vi Ivet bat to nintch wito wbto velvet and fur trimmings. IliH liii|M>y eoui lu 1 ft on the 4.30 p m. tram from Hav. 1, ek Minid showers of rce anil ui od vislnsflom then niiniei- ou!. fii. tills who weio pimeni I" sen th>iii ••art for th^ir Ir mo at Kinihoiloy. â€" Nor- w o I Ki'gister. Tho cold w.'ather is fast approaching, you want to provide yoiiiself with one of our stoves. We have on liand a full lino of cooking ra' ges, base hurnera and all kinds of heaters. Horse blankets, robes leather and rope halter.'', axes and ciossciit S'.ws, a largH variety to select from, washing macbiiics and wrineers. Large st'ck of tinware and graniteware, nails, locks and hinges. Stock Food.s INTEltNATI(>NAL STOCK FOOD Fait. n« stock In .30 days less time. In- creases the (luality of milk 15 to 25 {>er cent. S.ives corn or oats. Your money refunfleil in .any case of f.iilurc. You ar« to be the user aud also tho judge" Penidino oil â€" every gallrm siunrantecd. Highest cash price for all kieds of raw furs â€" mink, fix, coon, etc. THE CENTRAL HARIViVAaE- C. E. Noble, £/)UNDALK Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing WlWls KtaloiiieiitR of iho elecliun oxpensesot Dr. John Harr, M. P.. i»nd John Park, It cnndulatei in DufTorin mi the D' ni:n i in floctinn on Nov. 3rd, have b. en pub- Imlied. Dr. lt»rr's bill caiuu to #1JU, mil Mr. Pnrk's to $256.50. Mr. IVik's heavy itvni wns tho t200 he foifrited through not having |)o!|>;d half m nianj =JI TLnJ l it^ VVe have leco ved -x liii>;>' o.ir of best Ntnlli Shove \Viiit(> Pill' . " I' ties ex ptctiniT t.i bnild a bonst^ next summer wo ihl do well to call and sec us and nrraiigo to huv. tlieir Sash Door and Frames maile during the winter and gel them home on tiie aleigii . Wc furnish cverytliing needed for building a house. ^Vc will nialio prices and terms interesting. Wo w»nt your trade and will guarantee first olabS workmanship and ma- terial. Planing and matching done promptly. T. W. WILSON MaiMtger Chopping every day A selection of 25 patterns of Fancy Dress Goods â€"double width â€" 40 to 45 inclics wideâ€" in wool, silk and wool, and fancy mixturesâ€" good colors.including rcd.s, greens, greys, fawns raid blues in two tone elibctsj- suitable for any purpose, but particularly for children's dressesâ€" any desired length cut. These goods sold in the regular way from -ioc to 75c vard. -/T// at one G/earin(j ^/\ ice, 25 c CaDO.=; Special Prices in Furs Bai'gains in â€" ^ .,' . -..-•"'.'. • â- ;./:,^\ Men's Fur Coats 'y^'-. :".- â- >.:: ,- . .. Ladies' Fur Mantles, .;-;'^'"' Caperines ICutVs Stoles '^1^??^rl''^'f^'^^'^'*^'*"^'^*' To be Sure of Good Bread use Good Flcur The celol>r.ited "Five Roses" Flour is made from No. 1 Hard Manitoba Wheat by the Lake of tho "Woods Milling Co. at Kcewatin. M-ui. It always gives satisfactionâ€" once used, always used. TRY SOME I Put up in 1 2, 1-4, and 1-8 Bbl. sacks. Also in stock Manitoba Bran and IShorts in 100 lb. Bags. Boyd, I>ickliti9 $ C^o.