Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1905, p. 5

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TiTE FLESHERTON ADVANCE January 12 1905 . I : f - f^ Methodist Church Sunday, .J»n. Ij Morning: â€" -'Spir;!!!*! Gr>>wtli'' Eveniou: â€" 'The Ten Cummaodmeats" (First in x wxie».) f,9. I.VnI.SOX, B. A., B. D FftStOT Vicinity Chips fSiiiracteri-ities of the Past Wrok tarifullj Called for tJie t-urinus m i Mr. H. Kadley of Toronto is in town this w«ek. fli^H-st j*<hpri;e pviil for hidtfs.slieep- skitks, tallow, ar.il afi kinJs of fur. B-:ef Sold hy th8<|uartcr ir hilf quarter at low" est price. Mark VVi!s/jD, Fltsheiton. Mr. L. C. Karstt'lt, uf Mcorlie'd.Sixiui S uuJay with his brother, F. G. T. J. Shf-ppard, Toronto ,Iunc!ii>n. wa-s ill to^rn tliU ' week Betllia^ up some Guaaiiat matters. Koticeâ€" Havini; fut in a first c'a»3 Kriiiiiin^ oijtSt iii ccnntction with tbt- electrii; plant, »ni prepa-etl to acc^ inmo- d vie >he putlic iu tUo cliOj'ping businese. Fred Di'sglL', £Lg«i>i3. T. J. £h»{paril Lr-s s<M hi* lot and residence in lowti to Mr. JeiT Thisile- «9litt!. Fiesh Sim« al^ajd on haiiJ. J. H. Dticielt, Eugan:a. TliB aiina:»i bu-staoss mjettaa of Cnal- tuurs Prc'sbytetia:i church will b3 held on T;<ii:sUay vi next week. Messrs. J. C. Brown and George Wal- lace of Woodbndge piid a flying visit to R. .F. Spioule on Monday of this week. Choppiiv^ done every day â€" Thompson Wiliou, Fiesht-rtoii. The tw'> caadidatfes in South Grey have arranged a serits of joint meetings. An atrceable uiovt-ment of the bowefa wiihout ai!y aiipleai?.nt effect is proiluced an Haniilrun paper* pnblished. Hand or leave in your »uh3cripili)n or in.^truc(iona fur renewal and nave cfll of msiliai;. Op.-ned t!)i< week .it Sproule, CroAiIey & Go's, Fl-^ht-rton, a full line finest cou- factionery of tha Tory beat 'jaalitT, and selling at lowest price). News ha.? been reci-ired here of the death of .John Kin^hom at Brooks hos- pital, Dunkirk, N. Y Mr Kinstshorn had Ilia back broken by fallio^ frnm a *;atfo!d. He lived n-'ar Flesherton unci! a few years a.-o. Fie learea a wif..- two Suns and two daughters. Farm to rentâ€" Lots 184 and 185, 2ntl Back From His Wanderings The Advance had an inc^reating fiaii:or OTer Sunday nisjht in thf: p«nion of Mr. Fr^iiik Irwin, anu of Mr. Vf. Irwin i)f the Dutliam Chronicle. Seven yeara a'»o Frank left home and went to Pennsrl- vaui.i. Whea the .Spanish-American war br-.ke out he enlisted and went to the Fbiliipines, where he pat in the full term of three years. After dUcharge he tisitcd [ Japan, fjoni! Koa;;, Cantuii, Indi.i. Au-i- Itraiia, and a number of the South Sea iaiaiids. A ct>ap'e of year* ago l^e arrived 1 at Sau Franciico, went to L>3 Ani<eli>u, j.>:aed acirctu and tra«elled through all career in many ways, and in the d iachar-^e of bbs judicial ka well a.i parliaaientary duties, during a iuas period, fumiMhe» an admirable example to younj men. No one i* likely to lay of him, "superflooas la^i the veserau on rhe »'a;»e,'' and a host of friends will wish him luany happy re- tarn.i. â€" Ei. FARM FOR SALE Proton Station PortabJe Mill concesMioM Eikst of T.^ron'o k Sydenham ! the southern states and into Mexico. John B. Moffat, C3 yi'ars of ago, dr-p- j pcd dead on the street, Durham on Tues- day of kit week. Apprentice wanted to leam'biaeksmith" i^g. Apply to John Heard, FUsherton. | A j;o--d work ivrse for sale. Apply to^ ilrs. Wui. G. Parker, west back line. Boroâ€" -it ladiana polls, Ind., Dec. 31,' 1804, to Mr. and 5!rs. Frank Dafci", a S'-n. S:raycd â€" White sox. medium size, sttaysd from my pruoiises alout Jan. o. A. Bjattie. M,irkda!e P. O. The proposed visit of the Euworth League t> Dundtlk was postponed until next Monday evening, owicg to the pastor's indisposition. For Sidnion trout and herring by the j half barrel or lib., also finest salt by the bbl., try Sproule, Crossley & Co. .According to our house of refuge cor- resptmceat, the old man, Boyle, wh^ jumped m>m a t'ain between Ccrkli'y and Maikdale, died at tha house last week. The Artemesia L O. L. dist:iot meet- ing whch was ti> have bee:i held at Ceylon this week h.is been p<Tsr(ioaed until Tu'.'sday ot next week, Jan. 17. Do:; Strayedâ€" From Jaraes Radley's, Collitigwcid liiavei, sjil>Ie and white collie, .-•.uswers to u.tme Mack. Kitidly return to Mrs. U Kadley, Ftesberton, and receive reward. The heavy sni>« storm of Monday night driaed thf ro ids so badly that no country mails came through. As a con- sequence our iiewi bnd;;el« frvnn outside poiuts are lackii>^. Ori'iics. lemms, »pple.«, cranberries, jTT.j-tatid at Sproule. Cr-.Wey A Co , F'esherton. A r.»using p<'Iitical meeting was \\A<\ at Eugmia oi' Sa-urday evening in the iiiteresr of Mr. Lucas. A nuuberof Flei«her'i ncentbmen were pre.'<tnt. J'r. UiUie.s the U foru land'datd was also present and addiessei the audience. Two siO'd heatioii and one ,stK>d cook- iatt stove for sa'e cKeap and tenn«. U. J S.>r«iule. Fle.-ihertoii. Rian, 1 mile froiu P. 0. »nd .school, ni-ar church. IW aores, 75 c'e;»r"d, eooil brick house with cisrem, so^d frame l>arn con)pletep4aiaII orchard. JaazULiH Taylor, P.jrtUw. Dr Murray returned fr m Toronto on Friday U.<t, sccumiaried by Mrs Murray, who has been in a prirate hot^pit.tl for some time' nndersoing kreat- meiit for stomach truble. .Mrs. Murray i.i much improved in health and strr.ng hopes are entert^iined -hat she »il! fully recover her former vitality^ One Miii=soy Harri.s combined .seed drill, CO' d as new, and in perfect work- ing o ndi'io:), for s:ile very cheap and on easy term.s. It. J. Sproali;, Fleahertan- â- Â« The Salvation Army is briniring; out a lirize niiiuber of inimisrants early in tha spring, b'>tn married and sirgle, to work on f trms. These are a desirable cla.ss of men, and iarjiers and others wmtint! I help during tlie comius iensi'o would d. well to cimmunicate with Briga-lier â-  r u .u .i - v j .... ^^ ... â„¢, , i CISCO, Fr:ink threw the aog overboard Howell, 20 Albert street, Torottto, who ^ ; .-. â-  . ' and jump^nT alter it swam aohure, a distance of three miles. He there sold the do'^ for §65, smuj^Ied hitn-seif tack on board ship and went into quarantine with the rest iu order to I<>3k after his bagsiaste. He says that Ai^uinaldo, the leader of tlia Pbiliipine rebellion. Is at; of M.inii!a with his hands in his pocket* at .t, salary oi $V2'yj a year. Frank left on Mondiy momirg to visit his father and sister at Durham. Se;.a'.or J. R. Gowan, of Bsrtie, Lajt summer he was taken doxn with typhoid fever tii Kentucky. Frank s^ys he ha.s been rhrou^h epidemics of Astatic cholera, email pni and half a dozen other di;<e:iie.s but never joc floored until tie r-rturUfd to the United States. He h.is hi.-i robust ciiO-sficutioo to ihnnk fijr that. He is not yet quite fully recovered fr m the fever. Frank is only 23 ye^rs of aae and was Iti when he left home. Of course he has Slathered tusjether a fund of kn. >w- led.je of the world and its iohahitaiiCs which is probaMy unique in so yourii» * man, and he i» exceedin'.ily ecteriainin^ in his dcscnpti'in of places anj events- Frank Li one who always inAkea friend* wherever he goes, which probably par- tially acci^un's for the way in which he came thnjuirfa his experiences uninjured. To show the enterprise ar.d daring of this youpiJ gl'be-trotcer we give one iilustra- ii:ii : When coming home he brou»Iit with h;m a Chinese chow chow doj;. As nothing with hair on, except human beings, is alio wed to land at San Fran- J.ISBTT acrai*. I j milen frnm Fl«afaercon, Vi acrtm &t Co nia fjtrrii iniplenwat*, r<*-sC itjci pna^'ij-e lari^i; 3&tndg..o«'l cedar; \v.;il feacetl, w«U wM«r*<l; two acres orchaxd; Uailinijs coTufom- atk: S acres fill whe»s. -J) icrei eiover tod I plowed riown msu'.-i tnr 3e«ili> acrna caamnioch CfOTcr, seeiied i^G y«aj-. Owing to coacuma<i Ulness will i:II cheap. Applfx A. BOTD, Hestertoi:. BUiilNE-SS MEN KNOW that tile Wi.rk of the famou.s jO ELLIOTT y^T/^ TOEONTO. ONT. "-^ I.S of the HioaE.sT Gside and tLat is the re.a-soo our aradu.a"e» ire stepping into sjool p.js;tioas a-s faat as we ci.j ict them roAf'y. Our college is open the entire y::ar. Enter iio-v. Ma^niScenr: â- .•ataloorije free 1 Having set my mill here at Proton 1 Station. I am prepanid to chi;p 2rain, ' saw lumber, shin-^les and larh. When stock and cuMocn is out I will move to i old stand on South Line, then W Portlaw. j lam open f-r contract-s where suitabla ' stock can te supplied. \ ' G. A. WaTSOS, Proprietor Siiiesni*;a to represent 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Xsweaf vari .-ties, and spd'.-ialties in Hirdy Fruits, Siuall Fniir.s, Shrubs, Orn.iraentals,and R.ii«e3. .\. permanent situ uioa. and territory re- served for n:»hc luiia . Pay *f-ekly. Band- some O'ltfi- frer-. Vv'n;* tor jjvr'.icu- lars, and lenl 'Vt cents tor our pocket micro*;ope, luar "he thin» t-> use in ex- araii'ina trees and piant* for insects. Mr. Richard Allan is local ii^ent for Flesherton" Stone & V/oHington F'onthill Nurseries Coraer W. J. ELLIi/TT. Principa:. LOngo and Ale:S3ji'ii;r 5tr?«w. ('yrza. iCO icaES,. Toronto Ontario will supply cecessary information, appli- oeli >n foruis, etc. Fares [aid fr<^m To- ronto to farmer's addresses by the ^or- crnment. Rev. Arthur Browning a Methodist ojiuister well known in Fleshert'>n, was by Chaiuberlain's Stom.ich and Liver j stt'-'l'en with ajKjplexy while walking on j present walking the stre tablets. For sale by W. E Richardson, \ fl=« »'";«' '" Toronto and died in a few | Mr. Browning wjs stationed â-  ^^ ^ -XI a -^ ... .4 .i -^ ^-.<i Ti .4 :4 -^ .^ .«i -<i -4 -^ -<a ^ 4^^ 1 Boots. Shoes. Rubbers ! I s? Clayton's have j'ist received a i 'C of Men's an I Ladies" Felt Boots and Fei: Slippers. *? Men's hetivy Sna:? Pro.ic Rcb'iecs. Also i lar-^o variety of Mens, JC Ladies and ChilJretis' li^ht: rubbers. *? .\ I';t of O'jod Trunks and Te'esaopes and thi best 'iice.s of Men's S? Mitts ever oSered. V\*Live also a rari^ty of Shoe Folj^h and shoe Dressings. r F-.r ih- se wearing Hand-Made Shxis â€" We are makina genuits.^' od M) wearin;» boots, of first class materialâ€" warm and ccmfortahie. Try i ^,J tuiou'es. Sir. tsrowning wjs i at Fleshertoii iu ISOS.aud afterward* ea- i j.iged in missiiiu work in Bri-ish CoIu^l- J bsa. On several Otcjisions since hiarctura • he has preached to consrtgitions hero ' and held st-tcial services a lew years ! ago. I The .Advance office ii Abided these 'days with toLgratuIikCious ou the unpar- alleled «»!ue we are giving in ciinib^nin^ the iljutreal Herald with our own paper. The putlic is only n>)W bexintji;!!; to celebtated lately hii 89^ h birthday. Heisi-neof th'S picturesijue Siures it: the pulhc lifa of she D iminion. a Sue rrpresfentativo c^f the lasB Eeaeration of politician', whoso reiish for service is keen, and whc.^e principals are firmly Tip. We havi i isit mirs Liii^s' Dor'ol:i Oxfords md D- >::.5 â€" jize 3 \nj gZ 4. -i'ilo'i at oOc. and 7Jc. p ;. per fKiu- a: mm TT:;-;:rt?!i. % ^5--: ^.r-'oc- *,-!&? ^:-ifcr a: v*--'''^ ^"-K^ V-^'*- "^v^^*^*-" ^~.^, â- >; jfAi he'd. Sit.ce 1S37, almost seventy awaken to the fact that we ate giving ti.e years, he hr.s been in the public service greatest value ever seen in newspapers â-  j„ so„;e capacity, and has always cUcd in this district. In order to set the , the positions ha held with credit cu Herald all you have to do is to ^»ay your subscription to this p=iper one year iu advance. The Herald is a 22-pa-^ua,^aper hiiiiseif and advantage to the country. Senator Gowan has hid a reniarkafcla and The Adv.iuce S pai;esâ€" 3(> pages of j >"» 5^ iV'TO f^ {^ D PV readiig matter each week, coverii'g the | Wlâ€" <l^ I IX l_< vJ rv L< I ' Medical Hai The Leading" Drut,f Store' rg while world of new*, for only one aoliar '. By a new arransement, comaiencio>; with the new year, the Church of Eng- land parish, including St Miry'* church. Maxwell, and other cona^re^ati ns, will, 'or the future, have regular services at a st itsvl hour every Sunday. Thu.s, Max- well will have a service every Sunday at 11 a. in , Eugenia at 3 p m. and Ce/loo at 7 p.m. Tlie cha! ge is nude to allow a n-guhir Stiniiay service for the E'lg'uia c«igr*«afi'n, which has recently b*>eD orannized with .Messrs. J. H. Du.kef. an I W H. Siwyor as pn-visional war- dens, and Charles H. Stanley as vestry clerk Tha new ti nire-^aium is arrang- ing for a choir and organi-st, ahd the attonJauoe is decidedly encouraiii'g. What is !ike!y to prove a fatal tree- follii'g acci.ent occurred at the house of .Mr. John Stewart, west back line, on Wtdncsilay foreooi'n of i:»5' wt-*k. Mr. Stewart and his* fatber-iii-la*-, Mr. Ci!->». Neil, undertook to saw do«n « c->up!i» of maple trees which stC'd in the field not far fi-< m the house. Befote the first tne fell ^ wetlge was insetted u;on which a heavy blow was struck with an aX'?. Thi- h-id the tifec? of separating the crunk iroiu Its stun'p and causiii^> it to jump al>ouv fifteen fee"* down a grade. faMng oa ea»y ; backward up<in th« two men, and also upon Mr. Roderick Stewart, who w-as a'aiKlinst near by. Mr. John Stewart . uiKt v.i. i..r.. -^<^ .-..»>. pinned to the Re will ! ground by limbs, and Roderick Stewart The latter »uc- Politica.1 Meetings Mr. I. I>. Lucas, Ex-M. P., Cmserva- tivo candidate for Centre Grey, and oth.-rs, will' address public meeticijs as follows I Rocklyu, MoD.iay. Jan. 2 H-ar.lic te, Tuesdiv, Jan. 3 R'»veun.i(Tw'p h:d.)''Vtdte*iay, Jan. -t itaxweii, Thurs-iay, Jan. 5 Sin^hatnp'oii. FruUj, Jao. 6 E;:-.;ei.ia, S.»tuiday, J.^n. 7 Th- rnbury. Monday. Jan. !.* Walrers Fa! s, Tue.sdiy. Jan. 10 Desboro. \V<:dnfS<.liy, .lao. H Chatswor'h. Thursil 'V, Jai> . X'2 Markdaie, Friday. J-vn X'i H-lLiud Cei.tr-.'Saturd.iy, Jan. U K»eryb<Kty welcome. S.^at3 re-served for Isdivf. Op'HiMticn candidates or rcprescDta ivts iuvit-vi. Metiings c-iu n»e:«ce at 7.3^P->n. Italian pipers will ptav St all mert:n.:.«. JOHN A.SCOTT. Pi-esideat L.C..A., Centre Grey g Prescriptions | S Caretuily g i Comvounded S I W. J. Douglass | o^v.. jv, v'"«. JSe. see- ^, AV> -•!«. -ste- -<'-ii*'. •>?% :J"i>^'2>'*^^.-*f;^*#i^i^'Ls"<;i?i ^'t-'Ht-^ =<i-?'?i'? w^? ^5sf^,^=w ^-i^ w" -u.' •«>? '.w 'â- >*.•'â-  '.<*• •«^ •:-.!• ?i<" ''!•• ^.." %f â- !«<• •SF^v â- ?.â- .- -/,«• '/â- .- •sj-J- Mr. Will Hcarvi has purch-is'd the old Alf W.ard firm i\b-.ut four miles tourh of [ a„^l Mr. Neil «ere Kith t'lis vdl-tge on rho v;ravcl roa*l drop the pniot f-rush an-^ grasp the plow i l^kd h««fac» scratched bandlt-n. We underst.^nd the consldera- i crede^l in reU-vio^ hi* unfortunate com tion was $4(VX), ! pani.ms and »uionu>ned Dr. Cutter, wl>o Now is th.^ time to renew your sub- : f"und that ioh men were liadly injure.1. •criptioos to Tour paper*. R. J, S;>roule, ! ^'f- J"*"' Stewart had his bM:k and postmaaler, i< aaeut for the Globe and ^ breast hurt and wa« cut on the he*d. but Mai) and Kmpir^, Daily and weekly ; abo j •'" •i"ubtles» recover. Mr. Neil U the the Nsws, Star. Sun, World, Family "»'** »«rioosly injared, hi* back being Herald. Witne*.. Farmers' Adv'x^ate and bioken, and hi* case U cousidered to be •U otner Toronto, Moutreel, Loodoa and i l><^P«i««*- Notice to Creditors In the 5urrogate Court of the County of Qrey n the W.atter .f the Estate of JOSEPH McCXiKMICJv.Kteof the Vitra«.-..( Fleoh rtoii. ill he County of Grey. Coi-per. deCtMSed. Mcti'.-R !•» he»i*' «'Vt70 pors-'S^* to th» Ite- vi««.t St»jHt<«o<Otrt*r-io ISOT, CtiifK kS. that all i>re-i;5'>t* iul otlie.-* ha»ing -.-."kiul^ *£«ip..t tl'f K9»"%5»o( tb« sbove «tiu«tl J'ltti^'rn JIc- l-i>KMICK. ^ho'?*-?.* '>»â-º or alv,^t *>,_ -;:»^,h Ss» ol C-- ' " ' â-  ' ^f 1K»*'. t-i- - â-  . Fle-h- er'. •'â- p.>in6«* A. -i^lt t lit » *<»!«- :'.ars i^Sii •If :-tii'.' -i cj"? scvuriw • ,w or l>e(ore t&« Sih day Vr- iif .1 of .* ^ â-  \S;i =.•-.!< v tiM> «h iav v tiator pi-oce-l MUvt deccaM.1 ' •-Ih.T givtn that after it), th« Mftul aJinirts ^i. Wh%t a stTan;e word Ti> think somcthiug that has nev.:r bapien^.1 in these davsof prosre<s*»id genenl adranceniet;! is surely u.fficult. Yet It i« » f»c« that there never hAs been I S^eii In f iesl)ertofi :« Ui» e«tate of to* ;i.-* crttlitoTS «xititl«d tti»r« to. havinc rmrvir.1 oMv to the etaitssof which be shall tbeo hav« uoslc«' and tbat th - Sttid <\iil=uiiistr»Sar wilt not be tiabi* for tb* estiLS*, or any p«rt Iberecf to an v ).-«r jod or Mfecn* o) vhoee claim or claiu-x b* •hsitl not bar* had nosic* >t tb« time q( distri- bntioB. DATBU lt.isl«th dav ot r>«c«mb«r. \3H. R. J. SPROVLB. Fl. J. W. ntOST, FInbertou. SolKilor fox Admiaistrmtoit Such a choice asw^rtni-nt of good's for ih« Cbrrst-nas trad.- a'* is to iv seon at U'chards<<n's Pru:; Store. Pr«sent.s f> r the idJe.'.r, l*rv5<«f' ts f r the youn.:est. and presr-»>ts foi all ai^vs K'twecn. Sl--e!i«. Ma;-hine Neetlif*. Wasi»n«. WVtche*. Whi.'elKirrow!'. Jackk'nves, D its from one im-h t.t forty-t*e inches IVills dressed and D-lI-t the r>tb9' way. Tea Sets, T"ys -'f every de«cripti n. Wiies* Oompa!iion.>«, G-ntV C m|.Mnior;«, thil wth care will \^^t for life ; Fancy Ni.rfoirtp:r *tid Envel iie*. P»p;-f«.>a, PilU and Powd-^r*. PIa«-r- a'>d FERS-VMESâ€" not ihe -Uw t^rfu ne.but lovely perfume which xiv.-!. deliijht to all an'utid. Picturvs. Ph.)to .\lbuni!«. -Auto A!f>u"'!i. Xmss C.»rd!>. Book*. Bible*. Ganie^ and in fisct everythtnif. Gun.t. Pi->tois, Patent .Medicines, DRl'CS, Ooaditica Pow- ^1^ ders â€" in fact evrrythini^ can be ^>t at I RICHARDSONS' DRUG STORE s § 4

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