Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jan 1905, p. 8

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JanV'ARY 12 1905 The Markets. CarcliiilY CorrclUa Kach Week 0.iU. «'0'« 30 P«»« 45 to 05 JUil -y . 45 to 4|) llutior 1' •-<^' '7 E^^s frc...li 20 t.i 2<J Oliickui.s 7 lo 7 Ducks a to " Ooe^u "to ^" Hay t" C fi) VotiitMos bair ^'O t" '^^ TurkfV.s 13 to 14 THE F L E S 11 E li T .N ADVANCE Our CSubbingList *AJ'iiiicc, *!lvnil(l I'.inl *'l'()riml(i World,, iljiily $•'' 25 Toronto Diiily Nu»s 1 So \V,.(!l,ly (il..bii 1 80 MiiilEMijiir.! iM I'iihiily U.Tald & Still- 1.80 T..roiit.. Stiir l''"' Furiiicrs Sun ... . , 1 -80 All h1)ovi' prices iiicluilo.Tlio Advance nd Montvi;i.l M.riild, if paid in adviiucc Illy E:irly sulj.-icriliers get best value f their inonoy. Till! Wir.ttr Tirm at tliii Owen S.,,mi,l, Out., hv/im on MONH.^V Janini" '2n'\ VM!S. Kvi ry yomiK iiiuii aiiU woman' fliiruia take a ci.un'O ut this in.stitu tion lhi« wiiitur Jt i» a most BubBtaiitia fouiiilaliiui Inr a, Biiecp-.'l''il life. Four fiillv .â- (piiiad ili.pnrlincntB, â€" 1M;H1N!';!<.S I )K1'.AUTMBNT for general buHipM'K* wuik. „,.,,, •SHOIITHANI) and TYI'KWRITIN*; DErAIC'I'MKNT for I'.if traii.in;; of short- hand wriltis. , , 'I'KI.KiUAPUy DIU'ARTMENT for thoiiu wUi' wish to bfcmiw tel.'yruijliic opor- itors. , ..„ , I'RKr.^ U.VTORY DEPARTMENT for thcsr \VM..ar« far bick and who wishtoim- jirove tUtiroducution. Full particulars will be sent to any address free. C, A. Fleminjc. Frincipal (>".vi;n aOUNU, ONT. Durham Bull for service "KING EDWARD" Inip.. will St 1111(1 fnr i.orvice on lot 29, S.D. li.. tor U'liJ. liins; KdwaiJ i'. a ilaik ri'fl.ijooill cavy ) one iiiidniuHC-lo ami tt"ii li.'Vi.Ioi..,./. He Ir; in Lilly full Bi'i-vleeabli) (.â- nnilltioii ami will lilt llie l.fKui at. iwoulvr-twoiundro.l Iba. ami is yet in iior twii-year.old eliLHH. rKnTdllF.R Kiiif K.Uv^ird r«l. enl-.i^l .^pril lOtii, ibOl.Inv.l liv.) illii 'I'ouilK 'PiU'i^i i '«. Mniveiiltor, Seit- la-il. iiiiiiorio I ill ili'.ni in I'.HiO liy C1iim1.i« ll.iiiliiii. \Vv(il)inlj;ii. III'... H'lt liv So;ii!l.iii I'riiic.iVlj.Hlilani U.iloiiol; lli.'e, imp.. :i«M. I)V Alan Hivniaa C'.Kk'iy, lljil Hiwo liy I'ortlnnd irt Ooi.iy 111172. I'luii! '.'ii'l iiv IJoctor (ioOUi, UnMu liy lac'Mlun.iiiKiiHll, .lilt I7i.li by Allie.rt 6111112, Jilt l.'Jt!! 1) (ir'ireiuml liVIlK, Donsi'lo Claret b. Veinionl !71')l,l 'lai it li't In Duko KU ll'i, Clurot hv hfui l.'t Velv.it Kiilu. Kmliara by Unrivalln i ).l;ri!, I'llii'ila by 'I Im I'l.ulia 7C12. Orncns by '.':iil IJu'i â-  fcf Nor'.b'JlMb.' land »;»'â- , Nora by filleiy ."iiai.bniilv bv l-lll.ivy r>l:tl, Rliza by Yonm: iVi>.''irii Comet IM"), Ija.lv Hut.ty bv Dittiii'iii 1 Vii'.Kutty bv favorite 25(J,by Cliai-|;e'» Uod Hull lull. THUMB Thiroui:l,!ire'l cowii i'>; Rrailoa ?1 .W, Al! liayii.ilii I'-tlaiuiary. I'.i'i.'). Cows sei-vuU bv this animal an-i m>t reinriiuil will bo cuHoeted for wllotUer 111 caif or not. W. ,1. MEADS, Cejlon.Ont. ntsr Goods f7/7 -^la/'ness Supplies. ers Don't try cheap cough medi- cines. Get the best, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, what a record it has, sixty years of herry ectoral a curesi Ask your doctor if y he doesn't use it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. "Iliave found that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral la the bent nrrticliie I ran prescribe for bron- cliltla, iufiupnza. coughs, and hard eoldt." HI. LoliEUAK, M.D., Ithaca. M. Y. p r.-cK)."., SI 00. a All drui.v for J. 0. ATKU CO., Txiw>-ll. Mail I Bronchitis^ Correct any tendency to constipa- tion with small doses of Ayer's Pills. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEJWENJ A cboico Hiio nf Baby Carriages and eio=s:aH$ Just to band. Tlu^ l.ate.st thin;:; intheao goods, and low in price. Corrie arid see TJierq. ioise[umi::g behiisites srcfl AS Nev/ Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H. BUNT Furniture Dealer. Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. Bu.siNE,s,s Cards 'jrCULLOUGH .t YOUXO â- i- ll.mker linrkdale Jo a Roneral banliinK buKiii«KH. Money loanoii a niasonabia rate Call on us. .. RJ SI'UOUMS Postmaster, Kleshorton ooiiiniissiouer in li.C.l., Auetionoer Con- tfp>aneer, Appraiser and Money Lender Ileal Hatate and Insiu'aiiee AKent. Dcnds nortga^es, IcaF.js and wiilw careluUy drawn ::i. and valuatlciis inado f.ii sbonowi nctiee. in«".uey to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col Mitioni attondo.l to witli promiiluess cliart'is low. Auont for Ocean Doniiuioii Ki.-.amsUip Company. A call solielted. Societies If ll..!,lilaiiki!:s,r.obeM, iiiiitalioii I'or.si.iii Ijiiiii^i Coilii for driviip.', Whip.s, LashcH, Coinl'.s, Ibunh- fs, â€" ' u liiioo stock of choice j-ooJa juHt iw Truii'i'S and Vuli.ses for Iravoilnrs. (let J'our hiiriio.ss supplies from â€" \Vm. RflOORE flesherton. 5 U V meets on tlio Ini-l Monday in ea.-.ii month, in tli.= ir ImiKO room. CliiiKtoe's blo.dt. Klesliertoli. at H p.m. M.W., V liirrison ; U'jeorrtnr, .las. Kulsiead ; riiian- ei r, W.J. IK'l.aiuv. VisitiUK brothreu ii-vitod. Seed Urain Distribution By inxtructiiin of the Hon. Minitor of Agticulttiro BDothur distribution will be madu iliis season of sHinplns of tlio iiio-t ; productive sorts of grain t» Oanadinii { firmurs for tlie improvement of need. ] Thu Ktock for di.stribulimi is of the very bi-st and haa been secured mainly fr 'in the excellent crops lecontly Iwid at the branch exjieriinentdl farm i-.t Indian Head, in the Northwest Turritoiies. Tlio diHCnbutiou this spiing will consist of eamplus of oat.s, spring wheat, b'liley, Iridian corn and potatoes. The riimn- tiiy of oals to be sent this year will be 4 lbs., and of wheat or birloy 5 l'*., suflicienl in each ciLse to 87W one-twen- tiutii of an acre. The samples of Indian corn and potat ocs will weiiib 3 lbs. aa heretofore. A quantify of each of the followii.fi varieiies 1ms been secuicd for this distribution. Oats â€" I'anner, Wide Awake, Improved Lii;orvi), Waverly, Goldfindei',Abunditiice and Tliousand Dollar. Wheatâ€" Preston, Red Fife, Percy Stanley; Huron, Laurel and White Fife. l?arley, six rowed â€" Menaury, Odessa, Mansfield, (Jlnude and Koyal. Two rowed â€" Sidney, Invincible, Standwell and Canadian Tliorpo. Potatoes - Carman No. I, Early While Piize, Oaniidian Beamy, Uncle Sam, American Wonder, Boveo, Early Andes and Late Puritan. Every farmer may apply, but only one .sample can bo sent to each applicmt, hence if an individual receives a sample of oats he cannot also receive one of wheat, barley or potatoes, and applica- tions for more tlidn one supply fur one hou.-'ehold cannot be entertained. These samples will bo sent free of charge through the mails. Applications should bo addressed to the Director of Experimental Fririns, Ottawa, and may be sent in any time be- fore March 1, after which the lists will be closed, so that all the .samples asketl for may be sent out in j^ood lime for sowing. Panics writing should niemion the sort or variety they would prefer, with a second sort as an altornalivo, and should the available stock of both these varieties be exhausted, .some other good sort will bo setit instcAd. Those applying for Indian corn or potatoes will ])leasu b.nir in niiud lliat ili.i corn is not available for distribution until March or April, and I hat iiotatoes cannot be mailed from here until danger ftom frost in transit is over. WM. SAUNDERS Director Exporiiuental Farms Cured His Hotiier of Rheumatism "My mother ha» been a anfferer for many years from rheumatism," says W.H. Howard of Husband, Pennsylvania. ".•Vt limes bh« w;u< unable to move at all, while at ti.l t:mes walking waa iiainfnl. I presented her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain iSalm and after a few applications she decided it was the most woiidertul pain iiUevi.r i.lie had tv.fr ti-ied, ill fact, she is never witljiut it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasiotiul application of Pain Balm kfiepiaway th«jj!iiii that tilic was formerly lionUid v. lc!i." ,1'ur tale by W. E. llirli.irdBi.n. Last week .Mr. I) maid McArtlinr lost a hor...e ill a peciili .r Way. Willi his family they were on a visit to his uncle in the Oeii, and while dr.iwing near the house in the cutter the horaa i; ot otf the road and walked over an unuicd well '.','6 feet deep and dry. His bind ie.:s went ihrouj;!) and bis whole body followed. By i;ood luck the cutter and its oocupints were safe, but the hiiso wo presume is there yet. A surious Ims as ir iva-i v^orlli about $150. â€" Durham Rjview. Sniifelins^ and Sneezing Colds Can be Ktoppid in a few minutes ard pernii.nent'y cured in an hour by inhaling frajiant healing Catariliozonc. No leni- I'dy compares wilh Catarrhoz.me for cold in the head and nasal caiarih. It soothes and heals the iollamod mucous inembraiies, prevents sneezing at.d couyhim;, clears away the " stuft'e.l uji " feeling. If you have'nt used Cata: rlio- zone get it to-day and try it on your iiex: cold. You will be Kurpr!S..id at the of this delightfjil inh.iler treatment wliicli pleases everyone becau.se it cures so quickly. Coinplete outtit §1 OJ; trial size iiic I DltlN<d3 AUTHTIl IjODUK, No, :i.1:i. A. " A rJ. nnints in llio Mnsonieball. Straiii's block, l''ro3htrlon. ev.ny Krionv on or bofoio me full mocn. K U W HiekUn,^ W M. Clias Minisliaw, riucrutary. fiOtJliT FliKaHHUTON, I. (). V. meets in J clnistoe's niock tlie laft Friday eveninc eneli inontli. Vi^itiin." Koiostnis boartilv '.l.v-.ui., (I.H.. c. W. li.dlsmy; K. v)., W. Kiidiin ; Km. soe.,I)r 1'.. Mnnny. I I'liy dues to Ur. Murray on or before last clay of I'Holi mouth.. Medical OH CAKTIin M (I P & H Ont. I'liyalelan, SnrReon, oto Oir.eo and resilienceâ€" I'etar st , Kleslierton QR A. V. uoNn (iva-lnftt»> Toronto TTnivcifiitv. Mom- of Ontaiio ("ollt'WO oj rhybioiiaiis »nil Snr- [I^l. Maxwoil, Oir. r*ticcoiiS(»r to Ur. Scott. R. Kinnear & Sons â- d ELL- 1 P OTfl'.'.Vt^l.L ' Voluriiiary Surgeon Craituate of Ontario %'<.terinarjr CoIIokb. residence â€" second door soutli west on .Marv street. This street rails soutli l>.HKlivt«rian (llii.reli fj WILHON, IllnckMuitli ^^' iriubiate oj ilio Voferinary Reioiioo assaelatioii. Iti.sid..iice, Uurliaiu street, op- posite lloyd, Uiulilli.)('s bardware. Liai^L ^* llarristers Sulioitois Conveyancers, etc iifHoesâ€" (htun Koiiii I Ont snd MorkdaloOnt. W H WUIOHT, .McAHllI.K I 11 Lt'CAB Ts n-Flesherton office, MltebeU's Dank •very Haturday. TiiUo t.lii.s opportunity of th!Uikin;if fhoir immertms cns- toin Ts fiivl tlin public in f^on- (!r.il lor their vt^ry lihcral \yaI- roimut! (hfinti; tlio past ypar un«l hope lor )i (.untinuafion of she siune, nu'l ihnt tlitMr con- tidt-n •(! in lis uill Ix; incrciLsed to lilt' tiiHi'st extent. Wi.-iliin',' yon all n happy nnd pi-DspcroiH New Year, h E ADAC H E I VOnr.S VOPy truly, Nturalgu and N.rvouiocM cured qoWkly ty ' A lA Y MAHMLISa HKADACHC AND T? \ K'lWKMl <^ Sn"V '»-''»'> HtUBALQIA CURE. MA y lA/ tr T T r«k«i>oc«bM, locMid 15c. ah dulan »? direct from f-\. y\ VW C l^ L. 1 *>nui*Cu.Siiw>>c,Oai. MofKykackifaolMUilMd Dentistry rvK. n C. MURRAY, I,, n. S. donlal ^urpBon ! l-" honor crailuRto of Toronto loilvMsltv and ! ".ii«l ColleKe of lli-i;l«l ^t,l^C90lls of Ontario. Iomreâ€" Opposite ArmslionK's Jenellary Htore. Will visit ,\l«jwell DiHlasl We liiusdav of ..aeli month and Dandalk Ist and Srd Thmsday o( etiel) ii-.oiilh. Racking Pain in the Joints Also every form of rheumatism, neur.il- gill and sciatica are best cured by NerviliiiO the quickest relief tor nuiscular pain yet discovered. It's bcca\ise Nervdine sirikes in ami penetrates right to the core of tl'.e [lain that it gives such uiiboiitulcd Siititfaction. "I cauidit cold ill my sl'oulders while driving and suf- fered great pain, wri es (5. E. Dempsay, of Berlin. I used Neiviline freely and was Boon (piite well. Nerviliiio is an excellent remedy for rheumatism aiid neuralLiia as well as frr cold on the chest. 1 roeeoniend Nerviliue h-glily and wouldn't ho without it." Price 2fic. Mr. J. .1. Bennett of the suburbs met with a serious accident on Saturday, Dec. 24, which nearly resuliod in a fatality, and be now lies in a precarious condition. While he and a hired man were cuttiiiji down a large culir Irco it splintered and a lar^ro portion of the top of the tree fill back wards, alighting on Mr. Itennett and crushing him to the uround. With dilh- culty bin C'lmpaiiion diow him from under the debris, and when help nriived ho Was taken to his home in an unconscii'us con- dition, lie was severely injured about llie head hut no bones were broken. Ou inquiry this week we learn that he is vo- coveriiig nicely. Accidents of this natuio are of eomiuon occurrence this .leason â€" MarKd.ile Stindard. I he man who Works Hard Porscveraroe and will power he must have, but wh< liter lit has strength and vicor IS anniher considcralion. Hard workini! men nsiiully have inirable nerves anil should fortify Ih.dr svsreins wiih a course nf Feirozone, a toni.- that rebuilds and ie\iiali7,cs b.yi.nd all tellint>. It'a wonderful tbes'remjth that Nerviliue imparts to broken down men. It forma new blooft, Btipplies the sysiiiin with abundant nonrisiimeiit.and where former ly there was tiredness and lassitude Fcrroz ne estHblishes a rencrve of ener-iy and vim. Try Ferrozone, â€" price 50c. per box, Mr. John Pickett of Mark dale, licenne inspector for East Grey, furnished all the hotel keepers in his inapectorale with printed rules and rc|iul»tioni ooDceriiin^; the licenie law, a wiso and necessary precaution. Four Owen Sound hotel keejwrs were recently pulled for non- compliance with the Aot, and »nn out oo j the plea that they had not t>e«D furnished with these instructionsâ€" Banaer, A passenger on a train betiveon Owen Sound is said to hive b.'en 1 diced of a watch by some liaht Gimerod g^nit. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Ab.3o!uteIy Ha^nll^s^. The fault of giving childroa niediciac con- taining injurious subotaucco, is soiiietimes more tiisastrous than the di,sea.se from wliich they are sultoring. Every mother slmulj know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfect- ly safe for chibiren to take'. It cont;iui.s tioth- ing harnifnl and for coug'is, eoldi-aad croup is uiisurpassd. For sale by W. E. Itichardiou. Albert Stewart of Kepj-'l got b!x r..onlhs for burglarizing a pofiotllce in th-it township. Stomach 1 roubles and Constipa- tion. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets am the best thing for stomach troiib!.;s and constipation I hive over sold," says J. U. Cullman, a druggist of IViltcrville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell niy customers to try them and if not sitisfac- tory lo come back and get their money, but have never had a complaint." For sale by W. E. Richardson. Defective Glasses. Glasses S^'^^*"^^ exactly two years HZQ •.._ may be far frcin rlgiit to-day. The eyes change. V/e will examine your eyes free, and will only recommeud a change if absolutely beneficiaL E W S '^ E a A X '"'• O PT : CJ A5d-' Flesherton Livary Stables NEW RIGS ^'?.^«^* \ Good Hcrs3S^Iw^vi>\ r^, .^t , « >(, Walter Taylor - - Proprietor 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE Seventeen inmates of Iha Bruce county house of refuge died during the year 1004. The tiverage ago of those who died was 70 yoar.s. -fi^yo^^ Trade MAriKS Designs Copyrights &c. Anvono Ecndliis a sketch and defcrip'.ion niiiy anlckly ascerniiii our ot>oilua fi-ee whether an liivention is probablr patentable. Cuiiuuniiica- tlons strictly eoiilldeiitlal. HANDBOOK on Patonta sent free. Oldest aueiicy for secartns pater.'s. I'atents tal'.on through Mann & (.0. receive tpeciid notice, wliliout c harg e, to the .^ ;. Sdenrifsc Htnerican; A handsoinolv Illustrated woekly. I.nrirest cir- culatloa o( any scienUUc Journal, 'lerms. ?,i a year: four montUo, tL Sold byall nevrsdenlers. MlJNN&Co.3«'^'°="'*''»' New York Branch Office, 1J25 V St.. 'Wiushlcaton, i). C. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMRR'S FHOTOGRAPii GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We p ty Spe^i.il Attention t;> Copying and Bibies' piccuros. iug a specialty. Pi .'tu ro fram- Try us'for anv kind of pictures and WJ w.U promise r.atisfactii'ii. vdeiihank-ttrci t, Flesherton ^ ^ it;«i'^i-Vi^t«iYXi IMMPARATORS liave macliino cut creais turidno v\> ball bei'titiiss, »li.ei. me are always complitely covered with oil. 'I hey have no Worm throi'ds iir any other contiivance caii.sirg neeilless fiio'ion The gear whee's are of high ^rade steel, pennitiing red uc ion in their siz' h' d wiiiibr. 'I he suspension of the separator b. wl from the spindle saves a a I'lei.t an ount of friction as comp.ired wuh the old fahioned plan. «hieh the bowl is lialaMceil on top of one or more heavy spindles held rniidlv in posiii.n I y two or even moi-e bciirinys. For close skimining the MjsUotte is unexcelled. '' WRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 3 S. 3el)ii B* Heard, Fksftcrten D, McTAVISH m mmm GifiiiiiG[ BiiiiDi^ For First Class Buggies, Cart.s, Ploasnio and Tjumber Wagons, cutlers, Sleiifhs. We koep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOQENERAL BLACKSMITHING and unsranice fir.^r chiKs work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repair.', and also M.assey Hams and Noxon repairs for binders, Mnwera, <»ll kinds "f ina.;hineiy, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olben in town give us a call

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