TilE FLESIlEETON ADVANCE FSBRcABY 9 1905 kti Methodist Church Siin<1».v. F«I> 12 Morning; â€" Tlie Pa»t"r. Evening: â€" Se'Vicn WiihUmwn. I a. l.wajKoH, B. A., B. D Vtator V" ^~^J~ ' CI-.ar:ict<Ti»tic9 nf the Pnat W«^k Caiefully Culleti for the uuHm-.a. i^ hai.rl. .1. H Flesh lime Hl>ay8 on Diiol-ett, Kugifnia Faf CiiJkt f 1U.1 1 i'l t.r.vn â€".V pply at this a'M:3. Col'i« dog cum.' to my iireinises â€" Mnik Wilsni), Fleslmit'-n. Ni'SM Lizzie VValit-r is visiiini; frieiiUa «t °&luD<> Cent I e. Mis. W. J. Bellamy is ri^iLt^^ will frienJs ill Ni>tt.iw.isaga. App' entice wanted to learn blacksmith ling. Apply t" .luhn Heard, Flfsherton. Dr. 'Hess's St.)ck toed for gale at W. Mo' res. Mr. Jiibn Irwin ai d sls-er of Midland «ra visiting «ith thfir uncle, Mr. John O in'on. M iss Sophia Johnston of Kolapore ii â- â- pending a vtcek with her cnuain, &Irs Oeo. Stewart. Dr. Murray has been serinualy ill duriitj? the paxc week, but at time of wiiiiiig is somewhat unproved. Mr. Slid Mrs. Wiu. Johnson of Thorn- bury spent a c:iup-'e nf diys this week With their dauj;hter, Mrs. Geo Stewart. Special pii.es for balance of stock in blankets, brlls, robes, and all ninter goods, W. Moure, harnessmaker. Just as we go to piess we loam of the death I'f Mr. John Clinton, who fell and Iroke his leg recently Tha funeral will •lake place to Mitxwoll on Friday. -Melotto Cream Separators in ex- â- clvaii^e for cow* cr horses. Apply to W. H. Heard, Flesherton. Pair dog<ikiii mitts lost in town about four weeks ag". Finder please leave at •this oOice. Slock f'>r sale â€" Two Durham buUa.one 18 months old, g'lt by Lord Laverick, the other coming 3; also a number of Yorkshire p'gs, all aues. W. U, Guy, Mux well. The ladies of Kimberlcy Women's Institute will give »n oystir supper on the evening of Friday, Feb. iO. Admis- sion 25 and 15 cents. Two villaae lots for sale on Durham fltrcet, next F. G. Karbtedt. also a lot in rear of Presbyterian church. Apply to W. H.Beard, Flesheit-.n. Lost â€" A morocco gilt cd^cd Bible, on Jan. 8, between 10th of Aiteinesia and iieeiian's mills on Keenan's road. Finder jilciisc leave at this ofbce. Two youn;; thoroughbred Durham bulls for sale. Apply to Joseph Bu- •chanan, Vandeleur. Remember the Presbyterian special thanksgiving services on Sund:iy next, uiorniajt and evening, and the tea Mon- day eveniiij; foUuwinfj. For full particu- lars see posters. All the tickets are sold for the Scotch Concert at Priceville on Frid.iy night next and none hut th'ise who havs already sec- ured seats will be admi'ted. The tickets sold represent $148.50. Farm to rent â€" Lots 184 and 185, 2nd concession East of Toronto ib Sydenham Uoad, 1 mile from P. O. and 8choul,near church. 100 acres, 75 cleared, eood biick house with ci.stem, ijood frame liarnco:npIeie;s:nall orchard. Jkrejuah TaVLOK, Portlaw. Noticeâ€" Hiving put in a first class Krindiiig outlit in connection with the electric plant, am prepared to acci-mrao- da'e rhe public in the chopping busiaeas. Fred D«-«gle, Gugeiiia. Highest cash price paid for biduo.sliocp- akiiiit. tidlow, and all kinds of fur. Bt-ef S'dd by thei|Uarteror half quarter at low OAt price. Mark Wilson, Flesherton. Ri'T, C. T. C>>ckin)( nave his illuminat- ad lecture on Japan in tne Methodist chnr '.h to s large audience Monday even- ing. His views wari »e'yfc fine and the •iitertainnieut was higMy appreciated by all present. The oldest perMoa Kviog in S^ayner, Mis. Munn, relict of the htu John Munn is dead, in her ttoab year. Deaea!>ad w»a b>>rii ill S&>tland' Sh« lived atPiicevitV fur many years. For about Kfteen yaarii â- the bad eiijiyed "ai-eond s uht," and un % I about two months before her death the i|(«« «ble to thread tb* fitiest needle, Mr. R Hoy wishes aa to state that the quarr>-l which was aired before Mr. A, S. V'aiiDuseu, J. P , last week, and luen- tion<-d ia last weeks .Advmce, did not oc- ur at Ilia place, but ou tlie property of Mr. T. Betta, nwailiy. Word has b -en received of the death â- of J. S. Tayio'^, who a short time ago, I r.in the Htrron wo •lieu mills at Ma.xwell. j His Ucuth was caused ty a i<:is extjlirsion. The HCuidttiii occurred somewhere in the Sta:es- ja.st whew: we have nut iearued Mr. James L'liiij, wh>> his served hi" u|>p>enlicesliip with D McTaviah as tihick»n)Mh. left last w-ik to open up hus- ine.'^ lor himiilf at VIa^well in he Kert- nn Brim stand. James is » steady young man who a'tends siriutly to business and ia likrly to prosper. May it be so. Mr. Henry Parker of Durham died on Wi diieadiiy i>f Ust week, just one week after the iieath of h>a wife. Deceased «ii8 TJ years of age an 1 a brother of the C^iunty Treasurer. 3.) has conduced a d>ii!< liuaineaa m Dai ham since the year 1860 Of late years he was also inter- estid ia thoionglilired stock raising. Get sottie of those â- aouvenir postcaids friiin A. Thurs on, Flesheiti.n. They consist of variiius views of Flesherton â€" >>eiiuine photograulisâ€" and also include the latea' view of Eugeiiia falls. Call and see them. Six fur 25c, by mail [xistHge exri«, Sc. Hurrah far Valsntine d.iy, Feb. 14 '. A jjranii concert and social will be held i« the Oraniie Hall, at Eugenia, under the aiisoices of Church of England. Good tall nt has been .securid, Mr. and Miss Fraiiklia, of Owen Sound, and many others will take part in the pro- ceedings A giiid time is expected. Refrei>hmen'8 will bo served during the pvtning, Boys bring your girls and have a jjood time.ad nission 25;. a couple, single tickets 15c. to bo had at the door. W. H. Duckett and W. H. Sawyer, Churchwardens. The public library board has been for- tunate in securing for a concert the celebrated Indian poetess and ftuth'^r. Miss Pauline Johnson (Tekahiouwake) and Mr. Walter McRae, humorist and pourtrayer of character. The date is set for Tuesday, Feb. 21, au'i the event will nti doubt attract an immense aud- ience, as Mi-s Johnson's fame is now world v.ide A m )re exti nded notice of this iiiipor ant visit will be uiven next week. In the meantime decide that you cannot aff ird to miss this rare treat. Matters vitally affecting tlta interests of the Agricultural .-iocieties of ihe Prov- ince will bo discutjsed at tlie annual con- ventiop of the Fairs and E.\hibitiiins Association, which will be held in Toron- to February 14 to IGlh. A areat major- ity of the societies have appointed dele- gates to this convention in order that they mny have an opportunity of ex pressing their views on the su'^jects under di-scussion. The most important subjects which will c>>me up f»r discua- siun are: â€" ''Should Hoiticultural societ- ies be scpararo in the AgriculiurU and Arts Act fiom Agricultural societies?" " ShouM the number of Aerioultural societies be reduced ?" " How many fall exhibitions should be allowed in each County?" "The best method of reduc- ing the number of f.Jl exhibitions. " "Should the distinction between town- ship and district societies lie abi lished and the societies receive their grants in pri'portion to the amounts they expend for agiiculturai purpo3,-s ?" "Should the Guvernra-?iit giant be withheld from societies that permit games of chance at their exhibitions? " Should the legisla- ture be asked to vote a special approptia- tion to assist in stan.pi.ig out i<amc« of chance tt Agricultural exhibitions?" Other subjects of a general nature which wdl be considered include " Ownership of s'l'ck by Agr cultural societies." "Spiing SuiLion shows. " Supt H. B. I^uwan «i 1 present bis repuituf fail's wutk in the Province during the year. Owing to the iuipoitance of the subjecs the couveniioii this year will la»t throe days instead I'f two days as uru.iI. Re- duced rates have been secured over all the railways. Blackburnâ€"Thompson A very pretty but quiet weddrn to>'k place at the reaideiice of the bride's {Mr- eiits, Mr. and .Mrs. Jerry Thouipstin. 6(h street, C-d^ingwoo>l, wlien their eldest d-tu^kter, Eleanor Levina, was uuited in luarnage to Mr J. Albert BUckbiira. The c<-rtinony w»» p«< formed by Rev. Mr Gran', puiior of the bride. Tlie bride waa must becomingly dr«K««d in fawn vo lie trimmed with white satio. and silk chiffon and all over lace. >h« was assisted by her sinwr. Miss Louinty who wore pai* blue voiUe trimnxsd witU white Mtin and over lace. The gro<^ui »sa sasu^cd by bis brother, Mr. Ueorga R. Blackburn. The brids entered Ihe parlor to the ntrnina of the Wedding March, which was played by Misa May blaukburn, sis terof the sroom. Only a few of the ne ir relatives were present. The bride was the recipient of miny useful and costly presenta. Mr. and Mi's. Blackburn will re<<ide un the gravel road near MaxwuU They will be at hoiuH to their many friends after Feb. 20. [The above weddmu took phice on Wed- nesday, Feb. 1. The L'room is the third Hun of Mr. John blackburn, 2nd con , AriemCBia. The .\dvai)ce tenders hearty congratulations â€" Ed.] You May Have Kidnay Trouble If your hack aches and you suffctr from dragging pains it is an evidence of dis- eased kidneys. Get FerTOZOoe at once and fake it regularly. Fen ozone makes kidney sufferers feel better at once. "I was iHithered a great deal with my kid- neys last year" writes S. G. Deiit.rn of Eierett "but got quick relief from Ferro- zone. My trouble manifested iiself by [lain in the liack, dull heavy feeling and constant headache. I quite i'ecovere<l altgr usini; a few boxes of Fir uzune which has given me more stren-jth and better health than I ever had before. I can reccomoi.d Ferrosone as a positive cure," Price 50c. at all druggists. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the MATTER of the ESTATE of FRANCIS EMERSON, late ..f the Township of O.-^jrey ii» the Cuuuty of Grey, fanner, deceased. NOTICK is hereby givon pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario" 18D7, chapter 1*29. that atl creditors and orbors having clnitns agftinst tba estate of the said t'B.VNClS EMEK30N. who died ou or about tho fifth day of Octobflr 190'^. are required or before the Kighteeuth day of February. 1905, to send by po;.it pr-'paid or deliver to ilesKri*. Lucas, WriKht Jk McArdle of the village of Markdale, solicitors for Ann Bmersou, the Aduiinistiatrix of the estate of th« said dececsed, their chris- tian and suroaiUfS,addresses and descriptiuua, the full particulars of their claims, the wtatd" ment of their accoutiis and the nature ofbheir sccureties, if any, hold by them. AND further takt» notice that after such 'a-st mentioned date the »aid adniioistratrix will proceed co distribute tbe assets of thedeceas- ed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard otiiy to the claims of which thuy shall tberihavo notice, and that the said administra- trix will ni't be liable for the said assets or anv pait thereof to any person or persous of wi'ose claims notice shall not have beeureceiv- Ly them ut the timeof such distribution. DATED the thirtieth day of January, 19D\ LU'"AS. WRIGHT & McARDLE, Solicitors for Ann Emerson, Administratrix of the estate of ITrancis Gme7-soD, deceased. Notice to Creditors In the Mal*-er of the EsUte of JOolAH GAMEY hite of the Township of 0-prey in thd Cuunty of Grey, farm- er, deceased. Notica i-* hertsbv piven pursuant to the Re* vised Statutes of Ontario 1897, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims aguin^^t the Estate of tbe siid JOSIAH GAitEY '.rbo died uuor about the Kichtoenth day of November, 1904, are required, on or hnfur** the Tweutv-chird oayof Fooinaiv, 1905. to seni tv post prepaid or dtlivor to JO jlif H W. G vM EY, o; Maxwel), Outario, one of the executors of tile lust will and tastani Mit of the said deceas- ed, iheir christian and suruam'S. adares^es and descriptions, the full particulars of their ctaims the statement of thuir accounts and the nature of the securitiett, if any held by lb cm. AND further take notice that after such last mentioned date the executors of th*: said e*-'tAte will proceed to distiibute tne assets of the said deceased amoo^; tbu partitas untitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have uotiv'e.aud tiiat th 'isaid tSxjonS-vrs wiiln)C b> Uv'tj for the said assets or aay part thereof to auy per- son or persons ot whose claims notice sb dl not h ave been received by thorn at the time of such time of distributlo:-*. LUCAS, WRIGHT A WcARDLK. Solicitors fjr Joseph w. 'lamoy a ud Samuel F. Roheit?. ex^icutors of the La^t Will and testament of JoAiah Gamey. deceasod. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tonders will be received up t) Thursday, 23rd inst., fur the erection of a brick school house in Section No. 3, Artc- mesia. For plans and Rpifciticatiaim applv to M. ThistlewaJte, lot IJti. W.T. & S.R., Artc- muiia. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted JOHN CHARD, Fub. G, 1905 Seci-etacy. FARM FOR SALE A first ola99 53 aore farm for salo, 1^ miles from Klesbertou ; solid briekhon^e, bauK barn, good plum and apple oixhard, good tewce^, ;i acien faJt wheat, *2U acres newtv sot-'ded, 30 acres ploughed, alt fit for machinery ; :i acres bard- wood. Possession at oiM'e. \p\*iy to CLAUDii AKtNS, FIoBhortoa Farm For Sale BY TENDER THE farm owDod by tfte late Joaiab Gam«y, near Maxwell, lot 15, con. C, .Ispre^, lOU a4.rea, more or l«8», as oloareci, go)0'.' buil liiii{!i. will fiell bv tou.lar up to th*9 3n>lttay of Kab.'iiw^rv. 19U5. Tbo luweNt or any teniler oot nece^Marily accepted. Arfdn-ftsteinJorft 3r for auv informa- tion to <i.KO»ICKTS, CoTersbani, or JOSttfU W.GAMmi', Maxw«ll. Farms for Sale 300 acres in Ospri-y, eoo<] farm, price low tenrii aaay. Lou ) ann t in the IKh con. ItlS Acras in tillable coitilition, ft) acraa Kood tim- ber. Also 'i54 acres, lot 7, con. :), Ruptirasia, 100 acres iniyrov.d. Tbese farms will b« <iol(l at a Rreat ba-Rain aa I am liviDK in Ar-siuiboia and Gave no ns* for lliaiii. For tb« n> xt two montlu apply to J. t>. OBHURNR, KnAoDia. FARH FOR SALE ISO acres, lot 1S9, 160 aurl 161, E. T. ft 8. B . A temeaia, over lUO acres eluared and under oultivaiinintwo acri. ynuog orcharri;falr butiL'. '"(!», (:<'0d barn. Wall watered. For particu- lars apply to A. it B. McMULLRN Flesherton P. O, ^ !^E•!^!e::lK•^Ufe:'<:^^^Vk^ :Sfe jlfe^^fe <\^ ' Flour and Feed We have mi hand all the t'me J. W. Ford's "Morniiiff Glory" flour. Try some, .\lsf> u low grade fluurfnr Bale cheap. ThiB ia an excellent feed for hogs or cattle. We al waya keep bran ami shorts. Groceries if ^^^' JInnual ineetitia Notice is beraby eiv-n that tba aiinoal mMt- iiiRof tbu liloctoral District Agrienltural Soei* ecvof Kast Crray, w<ll b« held in tba Town Hall. Flesherton, on FRIDAY, FEB. 10, 1905 At 1 o'clock p.m,. for receiving and pa^slog tha directorn' and auditon' acnouuts huiI reports fur tbe pa&t year, 'tiectiiig offic rs fur the year lUU^aiid huohbuaioeas as may be considered ia the interei^td of the Society. As uone but members for 1005 are eligible to office or have a vote at such lueetin^. kiudly send one dollar to tbe Secretary before the day of uieeting or hand saiuu to him that day knd become a meoiber and l>o prepared to take part in the aie-tiog. K. J. Sl'UoL'LE, Alex. Muir, Pres. Secretary K.Ituthvan, Ist Vice Pros. W. H, Bunt, 2ud Vice Pros. Blue Ribbon, mixed and Wach tea also Red Rose tea, also the Irest luand of coffee at the lowest possible price. Comfort, Sunlight, Lifebuoy and Pearlino soaps. McLaucMans and Christies soda biscuits. • "Pratt's Astral" coal oilâ€" tbe liest on the market. Vinegar â€" both cider and "White Wine " at very reasonable prices. We always keep on hand a good stock of candies, nuts, oranges, lemons, etc. W. L. V^rigrlit, Flesherton :-: Ont. 1^ BUSINESS MEN KNOW that the work . of tliu fa:uou» 1^ Is of the Highest Gb\dk and that ia ihe reason our uraduates are ateppinj into good pos.tiiins as fast as we can i{>'t tliem roac'y. Our college is open tha entire yjar. Magnificent catalogue free. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. Coiner \'onge and Alexander streets. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers! ^^ Clayton's have just received a l"t of Men's and Ladies' Felt Boots Q^ and Felt Slippeiv. B&' Men's heavy Snag Proof Rubbers. Alao a large variety of Men's, ^ Ladies and Children.s' light rubbers. ^ A lilt of Good Trunks and Telescopes and the best lines of Men's g^- Mitts ever offered. ^1 V\'e have also a variety of Shoe Polish and shoe DressiiiRS. ^^ Fur those wearing Hand-Made Shoos â€" We are making genuine, good ^ ^hg wcarini» boots, of first class materialâ€" warm and comfortable. Try a ^ pair. ^K We hare a few pairs La'lies' Dongola Oxfords and Boots â€" size 3 and gjij g^ 4, guin^; at 50c. and 75c. per pair at Clayton's Tks",«rtoit« I Medical Hall S "The Lcadingf Drug Storf>." '^â- Â¥f Prescriptions Carefully â- -' â- ;:', i â- â- â- . ;- '? " Compounded ^ Wa J. Douglass fii^'f^^W^ W •*«•*«' •»!?• ^ â- * -fiS-^iF ^^ w7i/ W^1I?W •jK^'W' â- »!»- '/,? W- ^ For Your Stock & #Herha){cum, International Stock Food, Culumbian Re^fulator. ~j^ Tick Destioyer f-ir the sherp. , ^ m -a FARW FOR SAUE NiKBTT »cr«!«, IJ mill** from Fl^«hf>rtoo. fiO aorts fit to run fftroi tmplriueiitn, r««t k'mj.I pKM^iire Imk): «om6 r^kxI cwaiiir; «r«1l feiie«<l, wtill «ftt«r»<l; two ftcre* orchid- builuign comfort- ablo; (t acr«a f«ll wheAt. w Acrui clover boJ plowod <iown raftdy for neAdUAftcreo m&niiuoth ooTttr. »e»i»d ifcMt vf«i-. 0%iiiK to eoDtlna«d U^aaM wil* «-!> cb«&p. Apply m A.lk»TD,>Wab»itot). J For Yourself ^ ^ Patent Medicine* â€" all tho popular niakea. Pipes and tobacc", ^ I For Your Wife I 2E Spioea for ciH>kiDg â€" Allspice, Cinnamini, Mixed apicet, «tc. ^vF ^ff Perfumes. CoriicfllaSiik. a^ # For Your Baby H 4P Soothing Syrup. Suckioit Boit'es, and Te«thing Ring*. ^ ^ ^ * s i Richardson & Son | H DRUOOXSTS 1^ ^-^ Flesherton :-: :-: - Ontario # ♦ "" ^